Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 31, 1888, Image 3

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Complete Recital of the Day's Deeds
and Doings.
Senator Dolph Here Ihto a Trestle
A Pardon Criminal
River Insane.
He Drove Into a Trestle.
Last night John McQee, one of
Polk county's old farmers, a littlo
the worse for tangle-foot, started to
drive homo with his team. The
big bridge was hlsobjectlvepointjbut
lucklessly he lost his bearings and
instead of following the road, drove
his team upon the railroad track.
He followed along the high grade
until his progress was impeded by
the animals stepping into a trestle.
He left them there and came Upon
the street, when he was taken ih
tow by an officer, while a body of
men went to the relief of the horses,
which, after some time were ex
tricated from their unhappy fasten
Almost a Conflagration.
Last night some one carelessly
placed a quantity of cloth goods in
the gallery near the stove pipe in
the Armory building, and this
morning when a firo was started in
the stove the heat was sufticient to
ignito them. They smouldered for
perhaps a long time, and about ten
o'clock burst forth in a great flame,
which leaped to the celling anxious
to lick the tinder. A few buckets
of water promptly applied averted
great damage. There was no loss,
save a small hole burned through
the roof.
Both Berries And Blossoms.
We have before Us a cluster of
raspberries, taken from the garden
of H. VV. Savage, near this city, on
which are ripe berries, blossoms and
berries in the different stages. The
llavor of the fruit is as delicate and
sweet as any berries we have ever
tasted. Just think of it to have
raspberries on the last day of Octo
ber. This is not all, Mr. Savage
still has green beans and peas in Ills
garden, besides many other summer
vegetables. Truly Oregon is a great
Senator llolph To-night.
Hon. John N. Dolph will to-night
deliver one of his riuging addresses
at the opera house. Since the
benator's return from Washington
he has been speaking in Southern
OreKon and is animated and eu-
eouraged over the great prospects
for success of the republioan party
next Tuesday when will bo waged
the fierce battle of ballots. It is ex
pected the opera house will be
crowded to overflowing to hear the
greatest speech of the campaign.
The Harvest Home Festival.
A pleasant occasion was the har
vest greeting at the Cbngregatioual
church last night. The building
was comfortably filled with an
audience which greatly enjoyed the
choice numbers of a splendid literary
and musical program that had
been prepared for the event. A
repast was discussed in the parlors
of the church immediately following
the exercises.
It Will Stir Them Up.
Our Salem exchanges are full of
items about the proposed Astoria
and Valley railroad, and it is a sub
ject that demands attention. Rail
road building In Oregon in the next
few years is going to be of a character
to stir up localities. Albany witli
the splendid start it has secured is
not going to be slow in increasing
its advantages. Albany Democrat.
State of the Itiver.
Tho Occident on her return trip
arrived in this city yesterday after
noon and proceeded to take on 125
tons of wheat and bran. She made
the trip to Albany all right and re
ports plenty of water as far up as the
mouth of the Santiam. At Salem
there is four feet of Water. She left
early this morning for Tortland.
Yonng Osburn Here in Jill
Marshal Ross this morning
brought tho mistaken Osborn boy
from Junction City and placed
him here in jail. His examination
will not bo conducted until to-morrow,
as his father, who is attending
U. S. court in Portland, is needed
as a witness.
Sonth Salem EnthuiM.
At the South Salem church last
night the republicans enthused in
a highly satisfactory raannor. Dr.
Gilbert, Win. Armstrongand others,
addressed tho people and expounded
wnie of the good sound doctrines of
republicanism- The meeting was
an enthusiastic one gonerally.
Bomtr ob Will Aaimal.
Marion county pays a bounty of J
ior cayoto scants, ior """i
for panther, and f 2 for wild cat.
A Texan Who Wants to Marry
Us Some Questions.
The following batch of Inquiries
from Francis D. Johnson of Deni
son, Texas, camo to baud a few
days ago and requires our nromnt
attention. The nature of his request
admonishes us to uso all haste, lest
his silly little heart break its cruel
fetters and hurry to that bourne
where tho mouru-doodle whangeth
and there is eternal rest. Hero U
his epistolary correspendencv:
DEn Hin:- Oct. 22, lS.K.-From" Denlson.
thnrfor remove to Whltewrlght, Texas
. .: "v fti
is uecnus
an bdoui inai vnllyx i
sensible barefooted tosnvethotrouble Sow
air tnnre enny of Ijirge wlmans out tharo
tlmt I enn cit for a rvkmtvintnn n ..t
widow of somo means it farm or city prop
erty one tbat has a Reed starts In this
world say about worth 1000 $& go no sir
please tel mo of one of those young mndes
of marmzable aeothat will take mo in nnrt
have a talk with worlds afares and life of
iuc iv iH.-ruup3 rejoineu icvo tnv lather
and mother to walk Into marrage I tel my
description I am 5 feet 5 Inch and rood
looking tolerably! I uses no smoking to
baccos nor do not Ut.e no whisky still I love
little grape wlno but I haven had no wine
sins last chrlsmus I have a nice cottage
house & 2 lots In WhltcwrlKhtTcxasI have
a renting It out for &S per year what Is a
house can be built for nt In Oregon 14 ft by
23 long and story & half hlght. Can I ever
get a well of woman one tbat hase got sum
mony to help by a Htlo farm to rase all
kinds of stuf on & be slds nil this Subgleks
supposen a good honlsthartcdcleuverlady
of eny menes or stock wish to put it woolen
factory that was to suit her calkllatton but
I do ncd a nice made
Sir If you will rcflekt up on this and And
out what good wldo lady or a made of 20
to 30 yr old I am -10 last dec 10 good dUpo
slshun and my wile lost Into Iudlanv I
want to come to orlgon and prosper In the
salam valy I am a penshuner of 24a mouth
got little cash of 100 & 72.00 will bopenshun
due next december I hope you will tak
puires to neip me along haplly
trouble I want quick reply to all I h
wrmcu yours rcspecuviy
I do meen mo mr Francis D
Johnson by wrltln Is If you do no of an
guuu wiuiL-ns wno oo navo n goon nome ,
enought of 1000 doll this Is alii car abouto
p. s. silpposen thar Is enny lady In enny
plase In Oregon or In Calaforny or In wash
Ingtcr I gest you will ask mo notthlng for
the talklus to enny lady whom might bo
ouley worth about something over 1000 1
hope you will show this to Bum houlst
good friendly ladys knowing that they
wont fool me. F. D. J.
p. s. vt hen you see a rite good well of
ladys widow of 1 child or 2 and being well
of In good houso of her one tel her 1 am In
marklt for her choice tel her to sit down
and rite mo n non tend I garrantle I will
come it do good accorden to laws abidlngs
1 am yours obedlcnl servants; Francis,
N IJ I am sure I w!l move out tharo as
6iino ns you gtv me good nuso of things 1
make In quirrles of In this leter my above
Francis 1). Johnson, Whltewrlght, Texas.
Well, Francis, your frankness par
alyzes us, so to speak, and our brain
throbs to tho excited beating of our
sympathetic heart. We are yours
for the time being at least. Our
pulse beats iu harmonious response
to your burning passion. Our eyes
are turned toward tho favored,
though weaker, vessel and tho sizo
of her pile. As yet, we are grieved
to narrate, the damsel is unseen, but
surely she will hasten to tear from
her beautiful face tho veil which
has so long hidden her from this
world of woo and fortune seekers
when you arrive upon tho scene.
Haste tho day when the princo may
como riding by and gather to him
self and sho to herself. Let each
flock together in glorious pcaco and
"rejoined love" as you tersely call
it. Oh, what a useless implement n
starved heart is, Francis. Wo feel
for you, and were it not for tho many
miles of cage brush and cactus that
Ho between us wo would feel for you
with a stuffed club. Pardon the di
gression. But don't let anything
deter you from placing your placid
form In tills propitious vale. There
is room for you. Please consult the
superintendent of your ward and
gain a leave of absence. Como to
us Immediately if not sooner and wo
will take pleasure in showing you
around, as wo have our optics on a
bargain that cannot fall to suit your
iuio iancy.
The UoTsrnsr I'ardons.
W. S. Johns, sentenced in Nov
ember. 1880. in Lane county, to a
term of three years for burglary,
was yesterday granted a full pardon
by Governor Pennoyer. 'I no re
leased man, who is better known as
"Warm Springs Johnny, " wascon-
victed of burglarizing the safe of
Lane county's treasurer, and was
pardoned because of his services to
the government during uno inuian
outbreaks, when ho acted as inter
preter. Another mfortanite.
t ft. Ward of this city was ex
amined vesterday evening and com
,irt,i tn tho nsvlum. This is his
second attack, having otico before
been in tho asylum. Holspossessed
with the idea that ho has discovered
n rich nuarrv of granite and Is
anxious to develop It. His actions
i... ixvon im muse of much uu-
eosinoss among his frionds for some
Go4 Xtws From BatterlUe.
W. H. White of Butteville ar
rival In the eitv this afternoon and
say tho rumors in circulation about
there being smallpox at Buttevllle
nrAwIId. He thinks iiuu uwre i"
beon no roal oate, as Miss
Baker, theonlyoneaflliotl,hadnot
in axnosed to Ji. but was vaewii
atetl and he ililnbB she had only a
severe attack of klne pox.
M. N. Chapman is moving to
East Portlaud.
Wheat is reposing at the "o-eent
per bushel notch.
W. II. Byars was called to Port
land again this morning.
E. B. Piper departed this morning
for Seattle, his new field of labor
This is tho much talked of and
generally celebrated Hallow E'en.
Plenty of clean, fresh, Oregon
raised clover seed for sale at the
Grange store.
L. B. Fullerton is at Portland at
tending U. S. district court, being
one of the graud jurors.
A son and heir arrived at the
home of Morris Brown and wife of
this city Monday evening.
Saml. Dimick of Palouso City,
W. T., is tho guest of his niece, Mrs.
Wm. Dumurs, of this city.
The Sittings libel suit in the Linn
county circuit court was vesterday
continued until next term.
B. S. Cooke will shortly move in
to the Johnson house, having
leased the property for a tlaie.
Llpmnn Levy of Cincinncli, Ohio,
was to-day appointed a commissioner
of deeds for Oregon, by Governor
The snag-puller Corvallls is slowly
working her way up tho river to
Harrisburg. Sho left here yester
day afternoon.
W. H. Cottlo has purchased tho
Raymond property near Marion
Square, and will build a lino resi
dence thereon.
To-morrow marks the chango in
tho management of the Chcmckcto
hotel, at which time Messrs. Bell &
Monroe assume charge.
Senator Dolph arrived In tho city
by tho Eugene Express to-day. He
spoke last night at Eugene to a large
assembly and will to-night speak at
the opera house here.
Arrangements have been made to
engage the services of Miss Laura
Goltra, the well known music
teacher of this city, to give instruc
tions In music at the Albany college.
Messrs. John B. Waldo, E. J.
Huniiison and Harry Minto of
Salem and F. E. Ihhcrwood of Port
land returned yesterday from a four
months' outing in tho Cascade
mountains, which they explored
thoroughly as far south as Mouut
G. W. Dimick of Hubbard has
this week threshed forty bushels of
clover seed perhaps tho flrst to be
threshed in Marion county this sea
son. Ho has also just purchased
tho celebrated Flske herd of ilfty
four short horn cattlo which ho has
added to his own excellent herd.
Considerable exciteniont was
created this morning by the an
nouncment that tho wlfo of a well
known Salem business man had
eloped, with her husband's clerk,
but Investigations revealed tho fact
sho had only gonohurrldly to Squire
Farrar & Co's to catch somo of
those splendid bargains in groceries,
Do you feel dragging sensations In the
back and loins, uro you troubled with
wakefulness, falntnchH nt tho pit of the
stomach? Are you nervous or Irritable?
If so we would advlM) you to try Oregon
Kidney Ten, (puroly vegetable,) It never
falls tocirectn permanent euro of kidney
and urinary complaints.
Bold by 1). W. Mntthows & Co.
Balem, Oregon, April 10.
I havolust been cured of nulla u sovcro
attack or catarrh of tho bladder and stric
ture of the urethra, mainly by tho uso of a
couple of boxes of the Oregon Kidney Ten,
ana can therefore) recommend tho ten
as a valuable remedy for diseases of tho
kidney und urinary organs. I WII.I.IH.
Bold by I). W. Matthews & Co.
Artie Irt of Incorporation.
To-day tho following articles of
Incorporation were tiled with tho
Secretary of State :
The Pendleton Hardware and Im
plement company, W. J. Keren,
Frank Frazer aud R. Sargent in
corporators, with principal oftlces in
Pendleton. Tho capital stock Is
f 20,000, and the business will bo that
of dealing in goneral hardware.
A Cfliilct from Mnn.
Sheriff John Smallmon of Linn
county brought to rtio penitentiary
Julius Graft, who Was Bentonced ut
Albany Monday to a term of one
year. Ills crime Tftaa larceny. Ho
pload for morcy from the court,
hence the short sentence.
Salwi, Oct. 31, 1868.
J. B. Parker, reHji, yh. Mary A.
Newltt uud J. II. Newitt, apps. ;
appeal from Multnomah county;
argued and submitted. C. W. Idle
man, attorney for reep. E. B.
William, attorney for app.
Bunlwra. Uu. I
gbBM uf UK) ktB mmi
4mtm we prwni
it MUM I
Utui UU klB
News And Notes of a General In
terest to the Westerner.
Tillamook county Is to start a new
town In a day or so. Let 'or boom!
A Baker City woman has just been
sued for $S on subscription to a
paper and had to nay tho full
amount and costs.
An article appears In a recent
issue of t he Xew York Sun on Yn-
' qulna Buy whieh Miys tliot nothing
can prevent Yaqulna from belugone
of the largest cities on the coast.
Diphtheria has broken out In tho
family of Dcluiati Gorshen, n farmer
living between Lincoln and Wheat
land. Four of his children are
down with the disease and the
chances for their recovery are
Elleusburg Is on the boom, in the
anticipation of bccuriug tho capital
when Washington territory la made
n state. Two hundred foundations
for new buildings of every character
have been laid this summer, most of
which buildings have already been
The Oregon Pacific railroad is
now pushing its extension rapidly
toward Boise City, Idaho, and upon
its completion there and Its con
nection with tho transcontinental
lines now rapidly building to meet
It, Yaqulna harbor will develop an
enormous business. This Is a great
country, full of possibilities. N. Y.
Citizens of Houthcrn Grant county
have Issued a call for a convention
to bo held on Nov. li.'th, at Harney,
for the purpose of ascertaining the
sentiments of tho people with
reference to county division. Grant
county covers an immense territory,
and as tltere is a considerable Kettle
ment In the southern part of tho
county, for tho convenience of Its
citizens it ought to be divided.
Tho raising of cranberries Is being
mado an industry in some parts of
W. T. An oxcliange says that tho
California company that owns tho
largo canberry marshes near Long
Beach, W. T., will ship 800 bushels
of lino berries to San Francisco this
season. About sixty hands uro now
employed in picking and boxing
tho berries, which will yield $4 per
bushel at the marshes. Tho owners
say that tho no.vt year's crop will
exceed C000 bushels. This company
now has out 80 acres of vines which
have cost over $50,000.
Klghty Years 0IJ ami Insane.
Sheriff W. H. Samson of Clack
umas county this morning brought
to the asylum Francis S. Johnson,
an old man of eighty years, who Is
Insane through domestic trouble and
old age. Ho professes to know a
"Dutchman" who makes periodical
visits to him aud delivers good ad
vice. His conversation Is Incoher
George Bcnden, another old man
of olglity years, who has been for
some time confined in tho Marlon
county Infirmary, was thlsufternoon
adjudged insane by a commiHsIon
beforo Judge Shaw and committed
to the asylum. Ho is a British
subject. His hallucination causes
him to wander about aimlessly.
Old ago Is unsigned us thu cause of
his insanity.
Why will you go about with that listless
air und iwilu face? Have j ou no life, no
ambition 7 You K'cm to euro nothing for
what transpires around you. Thu beuutieti
of nature, do not Interest you, aud you
feel that Ilfu Is a burden. If you would
liavo tho vigor and elaMlclty of youth re
turn, enjoy u goou nearly meal, anil ieei
like nn altogether dlllerent person, then
lane ur. iieniey-H iianneuou nunc
talnly produces remarkable renultx.
hold hy I), w. Jlatthews A Co,
New Notaries Commissioned.
Tho following named persons woro
to-duy commissioned notaries publio
by Gov. Penneyer:
II. C. Raymond, Gaston; J. It.
Criter, Union; M. 8. Woodcock,
Corvallis; H. 8. Allon, H. II. Parker,
B. I. Cohn, Portland; E. L. Thorp,
East Portland.
Arizona's Vt ltourc.U
C. M. Zullck, Governor ot Arizona, In
hit annual report to the Secretary of llio
Interior, itates thit during the year there
bin ben a steady progress in tho growth
and development of the Territory. The
population hai largely increased. Indian
depredations are things of the past and
life and property are now safe. Law and
order Is supreme. During the year 29V
841 acres of public land were entered by
settlors, 2OO miles of oanil for Irritfitlon
are in operation and 100 miles additional
are to be built during the present year.
The importance of Congress aathoriiing a
hydrography survey of the Territory to
demonstrate the feasibility of artesian
welts awl water storage reservoirs, is
dwelt upon at length. The yield f aM
and silver last year was $5,771,555. The
Governor renews the reeommemlallen i(
kst year, for te survey t.( ptibiie !a4
in ,Uw Territory, and urge as early v4.
tlect cf private land graou.
Direct from tho Knit, every garment having been made to order for u.
Dress Goods .mil Trimmings, Flannels, Rlankcts; New Stock of Carpels,
Rugs, Porlicrs, Shades and Lace Curtains.
Tho public nro cordially Invited, to lupeetoiir mammoth stoek.
"White Corner.
II. K. nullum.
Jok Dulloiw.
Dubois bros.,
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
Krom tl to 8.1 per day.
For Said
A Reed Iron frame. Horo Power. Oood
for all uses, from one to full capaelty.
All for tho low prlro ot .. Call nt thu Pa
cific Cider, Vlncuur A Fruit Prexervlnn
Comimny'H office. Halein, Oickoii.
For tho treatment of all dlseascH of men
and women
DllS. G1L1.E11T k W12JIP
Medicated vnpor batliH, oxygen Inhala.
t Ions, electro maiMictlHtn. medicated
HiirayH, etc. Ulllceaud Kaultarlum In tliti
liuiiK block. Consultation free. HKldw
Mo. JK1.1 Commercial Htreet,
Plumbing, Gas anil Steam Filling.
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Specialty
7r-Agent for the lUCIIAItOHON
taulUhcd In 1810
(10 TO
102 Court Street, Silem, Oregon
Having hotiiiht out tho rcmaludorol trie
chair factory' stock, wo aro prepared to
nell chair lower than any hoimo In Oregon
Filing' Saws a Specialty,
fihopon tho alley, oppoulta Mlnto'a 1,1 t;
cry H table, Halcm, Or.
.Tinnrn nnnici ,
- DJM1 UW17I3. C
Goods on the installment
Sniitli s
oaks !
71 Nfim
II ,11
VIiss Knox
Will continue Her School for tho en
suing year nt the LITTLE CENTRAL
SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and
Marion Sts.. beginning
SKl'TEMHKll 10.
Boys incl Girls.
Tho bcIiooI will open on tho "Ith
of September. 'lliomiiKli lntrnf
lion In the prlmaiy and
English Branches.
-In coiii-mv
TKHMHaud further Information may bo
had nn application In
11KV. T. II. POST,
Cor, I'hemelieta and HlatuHl.
lVIlIninutlu University.
M(lt KUCCCHHflll HCllOol (if IUIIhIo Oil tllU
linrtliwoHlcoaHt. About
Course In
Pluno, Orfznn Sliiutnui Violin,
Harmony, unit Counter
point. Diplomat) on completion ol onue.
Teaeherx: Z. M. 1'arvlii, Kranklo 1.
Joncw, Kval'ox. Anxixtnnt. I.ulil M, Hinllli.
Kind term IickIiih Monday, Heptumiiur
ild, 1HHH. Mend for cataloiiuo. Korlurtliur
iiartlcularH addrcHH
X. rvt. I'AKVIN,
.Mnxlnil Director, Halein. Or.
(IradnatcH Htudcnts In
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
UU thooldent, lament and lmmt oxpen
slvo Iiutltutlon of iHirnlng In the Nerth-
Hchool operu rlmt Monday In Hepteinber
Hcnil for catalogue to
17: Halcm, Oreicou.
How in pOMftulon nt nuw dUeivenriu
rnedlalUe, whlsh U purely u leeal outurt
le,uoilada ulinost liitanUiiejuly on tlw
unrrodiidlaic tlwiuas or thu Uttt. U Uln
n wy liUurluuM or uiiplMUAiit to ttto
tiuUu The manufacturers of It chilin Uust.
IU wjual luw never been known Uufore, and
by Mpplylnif It U the oeriltlve ur aora
teeth, tliny can ha eleaued and nUwt
without Mlu. Ho ul) thOfco tlutt wut all
klutU of df ntal work .lUtno wlllunit nutii.
would better jll on Dr. II, HmltU. TtU
extnteted for 60 eenta.
-Cull una Sue-
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
laenU) and Ciiaet(rti Unf 'Oltf