Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 18, 1888, Image 3

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!r the Reporters on Their Round of
Lr Factories-Hotel Cliange Social
Notes City News.
Thf MsrqulsofQnetnsberry.
..nnopiisberrv. Scotland," was the
Lxlest signature and country name
(vbich appeared on the Esmond
register at Portland yesterday. It
was John SLoto Douglas, or as he
is more familiarly known, mo iiar
nuis of Queensberry, for whom the
Lniirp stood. Ho had just arrived
I from vinuu-ei """i
he lias a large cattle ranch and was
en route to San Francisco.
tt nncanil thromrh Salem yes-
winv evening. He is described
L. those who saw him as a middle
"j ... , ,
(red and medium sizeu man, oi
florid complexion, broad and
prominent forehead, and heavy
black eyenrows. xio to amu
whiskers, closely cropped, and was
attired in a check suit.
Another Boy for the Ten.
Yesterday before- the criminal
court at Portland, a shivering,
friendless lad of seventeen, took the
stand in front of Judge Stearns for
sentence. He was the convicted
leader of the quartette of youths
who robbed the safe of G. Aurata &
Co. In sentencing tho stockingless
Unv to the rjenltentiary for one year
the judge expressed regret that he
should be compelled to associate
with such hardened criminals as he
will find in the penitentiary : still,
1 lie said that Wallace was old enough
tn know the penalty of yiolatlng tne
I law and he could do nothing in the
premises but perform nis tiuty.
The II. E.-Soclsl.
There was quite a ilattering at
tendance last night at the literary
social at the M. E. church. The
numbers of the musical and literary
program were rendered in an artistic
and entertaining manner while the
latter part of the exercises (icecream,
etc.) was discussed in an interesting
and hearty manner. Particularly
do the elocutionary exercises deserve
, tl,nl niaalncr mention. Tho
ropitntinns of Misses Scriber and
Shuart were executed in n manner
o captivate the listeners.
The Chemckete t Change.
Yesterday evening negotiations
were completed by which' the
Chemekete hotel of this city, for so
many years under the management
of the Messrs. DuBols, is leased to J.
It. N. Bell and C. H. Monroe. The
new managers are to assume control
on November 1st. Mr. Monroe is
tho popular and well known land
lord of the Monroe house of this
p.itv. nnd Mr. Bell is tho clerk of the
railroad commission. His residence
is in Boscburg.
. -
A New Cement Walk.
A new stone sidewalk is at once
to be laid on State street from near
Bush's bank to tho Hughes grocery.
Work will begin almost immedi
ately, as contracts have been let and
all arrangements completed. The
walk will bo twelvo feet wide and
plihin inches deep and will add
much to the value of tho property
in front of which it is to be con
structed. Xo More Use for Winter.
Capital has been organized at
Salem for tho construction of an
artificial ice manufactory. The
refrigerating machines are getting
to bo quite frequent in Oregon and
Washington, and render winter so
entirelv unnecessary that whatllttlo
we have of it could easily bo dis
pensed with, says the Oregonian.
The MirrUge Honda.
Last evening at the residence of
thobrido'8ather, K. M. Wade, In
East Portland, Mr. W. B. Glafke
and Miss May Wade were united in
tho holy bonds of wedlock, by Eev.
Clapp. A chosen few, special friends
were in attendance, and many beau,
tiful gifts were tendered the happy
The Agricultural Works, Recently
Dumeu, 10 oe mnu Anew.
In earlv snrine Salem sustained n.
severe loss in the destruction by fire
of tho agricultural works buildings
which had been constructed at a
cost of over $70,000. It. is now
learned that they aro to be re-built
as Soon us tho work ran lw ilnnp.
The foundation was not injured by
me recent are and tne new uuiiuiug
will be built on the same and will
bo 105x60 feet.
Mr. Holmau Is now busy In the
construction of tho boiler house
'which is being built with special
care and will bo fire proof. Work
will bo pushed rapidly forward and
if weather permits and all goes
smootniy tne structure will be ready
for occupalicy early in January,
when it will be occupied by 'the
fanning mills of Mr. Holmau, the
door und sash factory of Churchill &
Cooke and the Brush wire cloth
Circuit Court.
Cohn Bros. vs. M. Pvscr.
chance of venue: jury return verdict
in favor of N. W. Insurance com
pany. State vs. Geo. W. Taylor,
indicted for selling liquor to minors;
verdict of not guilty. Winnie Gra
ham vs. Mary Greenwood; motion
to strike out part of amended answer
overruled. State vs. Nichols, dis
turbing religious meeting; on trial.
News And Notes of a General In
terest to the Westerner.
The story as Told by the Sailor to
the Marines.
Salem, Oct. 18, '88.
Aaron Meier, appellant vs. the
Portlaud Cable Railway company,
respondent, appeal from Mult
nomah county. Argued and sub
mitted. A. H. Tanner appeared for
appellant. Joseph Simon and H.
H. Northrup appeared for respon
dent. A Presidential Pardon.
The telegraph to-day announces
that Robert Maher, a private in
company D, Second Infantry, now in
the penitentiary here, who has been
confined four years, was pardoned
K. lv Aivalf1nnf.vrutnriliiv.nlll Ml or-
der for his release has been lssucuYHo
is granted full and unconditional par
don for the unexpired portion of his
At The Skating Wale.
Last night a large crowd was
nroBiint tn witness and participate
in the opening excrckes of the
skating rink. A pleasant time
apparently had by an anu u. v
bo remarked that after so long a
rest tho skating was quite nicely ex
ecuted. This promises much
... . ...i.. n.icrd.
1BC i(uruii.v ,
At MoMInnville the smallpox has
all disappeared, except two con
valescing cases at the post house.
All the towns lu tho couutry have
raised their quarantine against the
county seat and tho public school
will begin there next Monday.
Rev. John Small will preach in
Albany Sunday.
The October number of tho full
moon Is out.
Circuit court convenes Monday at
Albany. The docket is a full one.
The Salem llouring mills have this
full received nearly 200,000 bushels
of wheat.
Hop shipments continue immense.
Herren & Co. Tuesday purchased
nearly five hundred bales.
Remember the W. C. T. U. enter
tainment Wednesday, Oct. 24.
Program will appear soon.
Frank Shoap and wife of South
Salem are pleased over tho arrival
of n son in their household.
Treniirations are making for a
nleaslnir entertainment to bo given
on the 24th, by tho W. C. T. U.
J. K. Mount, a well-known young
mnn In Linn county, is lying very
ill in Salem with tho typhoid fovcr.
The Journal force "take tho
cake" and extend hearty thanks to
the ladles of tho M. E. church, for
their kind remembcrance.
Tho nuptials of Miss Hattio E.
m t nf Rdlnin. and R. F. Wells
of Independence, were celebrated at
Independence yesterday. .
R. Murgatroyd penormeu hwwic-
Her many friends will be pained
im thnt Mrs. J. B. Tichenor of
Salem has just suffered the loss by
death of her mothor, Mrs. itcueccu
England, at Roseburg. Her death
occurred on Wednesday.
Considerable excitement was
created this morning by the an
nouncment that tho wife of a well
known Balem business man had
i..i itii her husband's clerk,
but investigations revealed the fact
she had only gonehurnuiyioDiu
Farrar & Co'u to catch somo or
those splendid bargains In groceries,
Mr. C. W. Fulton of Astoria, a
director of tho Astoria & South
Coast railroad, was in the city yes
torday afternoon. He says he Is
pleased to see Balem moviug
:.... nr BMtiirint' additional rail
way facilities, and thinks it not 1m-
practicable to gain " """"!" "
i .i.. ,m, th Orecon Pacific.
He tells us tho Astorlana are awake
to their Interests, and are bound to
Bee the line pubedtbrougb.
Alaska Is tho rou chest nnd wildest
country, and the most Interesting on
God's green earth. At Sitka the mer
cury never gets down to zero In win
ter, and in summer never above
Tho work of repairing the Lafay
ette bridge is progressing favorably.
In making the excavation timbers
were unearthed that havo been
buried for 38 years, and they are In
a good state of preservation.
Tho rains that have fallen ill tho
Willamette valley of late have ren
dered seeding operations not only
possible but really in the finest con
dition possible, nud the sowing of
fall grain upon the fallowed land
has been pushed forward with com
mendable energy and rapidity.
The Corvallls Times says that the
steam schooner being built at Ya
quiua City is almost completed and
will be launched Friday. She is a
trim built little voscl with a carry
ing capacity of about 140 tons and
will do crood service over at tho bay.
LHcr twin sister is not to .far ad
As soon as their general building
in San Francisco is completed tho
general office of the Oregon fc Cali
fornia in Portland will be closed and
the entire force of clerks, etc., re
moved to that city. All reports
will be sent there and the entire
business of the road will be con
ducted there.
In East Portland the encino on
tho Vancouver Railway struck the
shaft of a wood-saw near the track
and knocked It out of tho frame
while running at full speed. The
saw struck Daniel Saiidburn, cut
ting his Jeg oil" abovo tho aukle.
It was a clean cut, tne severed pan
remaining in his boot. Another
man's arm was broken in tho
Tho $15 a bushel wheat swindlers
have again bobbed up with their
notex, obtained from Linn county
farmer!", on which they demand
payment. Thcso notes given by
about a do.en substantial farmers of
the county who wero swindled ng
irreirate about W.000. It is under
stood that these men will employ
able counsel and vigorously defend
tho case.
The petitions prepared by tho
Alniuo Club for a law preventing
tho indiscriminate slaughter of deer
for their hides have been very
generally sent out and are being
numerously signed throughout the
state. It is expected that the entire
membership of tho club, somo 220,
willalllx their names to tho petition
of tho club proper. TIio remaining
netitlons are scattored out over the
country and will be gathered up in
time for presentation to tne stato
At tho Lucky Boy mine of tho
Calapooias tho low tunnel Is in now
129 feet and is about ninety feet
deep below tho cropping of tho
ledge, and as tho casing has been
struck they look for tho lead soon,
but tho rock Is so hard that only six
Ini-lies ner dav of twenty-four hours,
with six men can bo made, and tho
progtess is very slow. Several scams
of quartz havo been found showlug
free gold in abuudanco and lots oi
water Is coming in at tho face of tho
tunnel, and all these things aro
very favorable to expect a rich ledge
not far away.
Drifting In tho China Sen Couimnmlctt
by u 1o,j ami Vnrrot
A (ihnstly SIrM.
A Terdlet Eeiehed at Ut.
Thcjuryintho case of Cohn &
Bros, of Portland vs. M. Pyser, In
change of venue from Linn county,
returned a verdict this morning in
fuvor of the Northwest fire and
Marine Insurance company. The
suit is a rather complicated ono aim
has excited quite nil interest. Cohn
& Bros, sued to recover 1,800 which
they allege was duo them from
Pyser December 27th, last, when his
saloon in Albany was burned.
Peyser had his saloon Insured, they
said, for $1,500 and sought to recover
this, but tho insurance company
held that the lnueDicuuea wim,
fictitious and that Pyser had him
self been Instrumental lu having the
saloon destroyed. After n tedious
trial the iury returned a venuei m
favor of the Insurance company.
Xe .Neurit CommlwUned.
The following named persons were
to-day oominlsslonod notaries public
by Gov. Penneyer:
D. 8. Tuthlll, Portland; J. J.
McGee, Hardman; Walter Sinclair,
JUrrUxe Umh.
mi. v...,tr u.rk to-dv toueu
license to wed te: Beitf- Y. Smith
and Lillian S. Conlnbur; Cb". K
Heln and Mary Addleman.
"Yon sec. messmate." says th old
quartermaster, as ho seats himtelf com
fortably aun, "in a seafaring life we
mz with many rouh johs that h out of
nil orihuary calkill.it ion, nrul what them
ashmen't been (o sen wouldn't linrillv
believe. There wa that ship wo fell in
within the China sea 'hat was an odd
thine, that was.
"Itwainnly just after da!ight in the
morrin watch as fomc one ung out,
'ball nhi'ad.' It wasn't much ol a sail, for
there was only oue mast the foremast
standing, hue a big ship going steady be
fore the wind, with het fotctopsail set,
but not hauled taut, but all Mapping like.
Well, we see ai theto was no ono aboard,
or, il so bo thero was. theV didn't kuov
how to manai;o her. So w lien we'd run
down a ltlle ahead of her we lowered .
boat and I was one of the boat's crew as
went aboard; and uv we pulled up to her
wo could see nobody on deck, but only
heard a dag barking; and when we went
up Ihe side sure enough there was ft half
starved dot; sittiu' upon the body of a
man: and when ho seen m ho set up a
dreadful howling, but still he didn't seem
displeased to see us, but threw back his
ears, though ho looked dow n ui tho mouth
Hut the curious thine was to see the num
ber of rats that ai running about tho
decks, for tho ship was water-loRiiod, and
the rats was dnv up from bolnw an I
obliged to shift lor themseUes.
"Well, thue wero three moro dead
bodies lying about; and wnen we coino to
look at them the rats had eat most ui
their faces and necks, and ripped open
llieir jackets to get at their flesh, but ihe
oornse as tho ilou was sitting on they
hadn't been able ot touch; for. ou see,
tho rats, they lived upon tho dead bodies,
and the dog he lived upon tho rata. And
such rats a they wctu I never see -i' mokt
as big as half-giown rabbits, and so lame
thai they didn't make no account ot us.
You Lee. thev had becu so familiar with
the bodies aboard that thoy looked upon
us as so iuan klicep or crttle, or wlml
not, a wan como aboard for their live
"Well, we tried to get to the cabin,
hut th.it was full of water, and o was
evcryUii"K below decks; and there was no
name upon the stern, or wooouiun i ini.e
it out where tho ship was from, or whero
bound; and wc soarched the captain'
Dockets, but couldn't find uo momuran.
dum nor name, only a love letter sewed up
in a pioce of oil-ikin inside hii jacket, and
signed 'Saruh,' And when wo was uuuk.
iny what was best to bo done, wlietner to
throw the bodies overboard or what, a
voice, as seemed closo to us, sung out in n
curious low tono, moro like a fomale's
than a man's, 'Ship ahoy, there! what
ship is that?"
"Well, that startlod us a'most out ot
our senses; for we couldn't sec nothing,
ami tho bodies on deck was dead we know
by reason thoir faoes was eat; and says
nn(-of tho men. It must Do tho do,;,' says
he, 'he'ey been a thinkiug over to hisself
.llhe'ev hiereil. and he'ev been anu
taught liusolf to speak; and says ho to tne
iliy, answoring his hail like, 'Tho Zenodia.,
600 tons, John Shum master, of and from
London, bound for Singapore, with a gen-
eral cargo.' But tho dotf mado no answer
to that; and while wo as a wondering
what it could be the same kind of a voice
sung out again, 'Steward, glass of urogl
Well, wo know as thiscoudn't be the dog,
because they don't tako no f.tog. Then
sa)s another, 'I'm much deceived If that
ere voice don't come out of tho mainmast;'
so we goes to tho mainmastthat i, the
stump ol it and out of the middle of the
rjiies and halyards that was hanging
about thejpini tho voice comes out sgain
aud savsi 'O, sweet polv n0 higher keep
her rap full."'
VV..II nuinnncut off Ul0 rODOS. Slid
what sliou'cl we see but a fine K'y Prr,ot
a setting in a kind of nest shed made,
and locking as If thero wasn't nothing the
matter with her I
'Well, we hove over me aeau ixn
and left the rats to feed upon themselves,
but v. o brought off the parrot and dog,
though be wouldn't leave tho body till
we'd taken the iacket offand laid it down
in the boat for him. and "hen he came
wilba enough; and Captain Suura took
ihe dog and bird snd brought them home
ot his old woman, and perhai they re
both alive now."
Direct from tho Knot, every garment having boon iniide loonier for u.
Press (iooils and Trimmings, Flannels, Blankets; New Stock of Carpels,
Hugs, Poriiers, Shades and Laec Curtains.
The public- nro cordially ln Ited to lmpect our mammoth stock. , .
Wnite Corner.
11. K. llullois.
JUK inillOlH.
Dubois bros.,
Ghomokcto llofc
Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers.
Kroin SI to S.1 per day.
Miss Knox
Will continue Her School for tho en
suing year at Ihe LITTLE CENTRAL
SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and
Marion Sts.. beginning
StilTEMllEU 10.
' lOt-klJW
For Sale.
- tl.iHn IN.xvni. flrMtll
Tor all use, from ono I" $. "x&'
dflc i Cl.ler. VlncKiir .t Krult l'ieervlii
Company's otllec. Snlein, Oregon.
For tho treatment of nil iIIhw.hch of men
mm Miiiiiv-ii
1)RS. GIliMKllT k WBMU
Medlcnteil vnpor ImthH, oxyuen 'V1"!1');
tlimi. electro miiKHellHin, nieilleiil eil
"pram ete. Ollleo iiml mniuir urn In t ho
llank block. Coiisultntlon fieo. KMilw
No. '.m Commercial Htreot,
numbing, Gas and Strain Filling.
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Specialty.
WAcent for tlm 1UCIIA1UHON A
tAullshitl In 1HI0
Boys and Girls.
Tho xehool will open on the -Its
or September. 'llinrnilKlt InMnuv
lion In the primary mill
English Branches.
-In eoiin-o,-
Norice of Final Settlement.
whom lliimyeoneenitlml tlio iiiiilur
umI mliiilnlstriitrlx or tho m nt r
new) nil in iiiu.iiiini". "-;";." y,,.;, ......
eminty, Ktnto or Oregon, iiml that tho Ui o
for l" rlnit objections thereto 11 ml Mjtlhj.
enlthi'rwir Iiun lieen llxei! by "J'":, ;
Hhiw. JmlKO of niilil court, for tho 10th iluy
. Novemhor, ilAftlACK.
October", W.
Filing Saws a Specialty.
Ul.nnnn llin MleV. ODIMWlt MlntO'S 1.1 !
cry HUible, Hiilem, Or.
TKUMH nnil fnrllier Infoi iiiiitlon limy
Cor. CheineUelii iiml HtnteHiti.
WillniiioUu University.
Most HiieeeKKftil Helinol of iniiulo on the
northwiwteoiiit. About
CournoH In
Hluno, Ornr iltiKlntr, Violin.
Mnrmuny, unci Countur-
DIploniiiHon iiimpletlon ol eoursn.
.. I.......I.U
TenuliiTHI Jl. 1-nrviii. rniiuu .
Jomw, KvnCox. AMiKtiiiil.l.illilM.HiiiHIw
KhHt term Im-kIiih Moiulny, Heptemwr
Stl, 1WW. Henil lor enliiloKiui. I'orlnrthur
.Muxlrnl Director, Hiilem, Or.
... ..in n mi
l nnm'nn I itnilniltr
jmm, unci an,
Nornml, Business, Law,
It Is tho olilest, lnnet nnil Iwwt !'''
slva Institution of IwirnliiK In the Nortb-
WHeVioot ojH.n first Monduy In Hcpteinler
J7, Hiilem. Oreiron.
AVooflur ono hundred dollain re-
.,ir,.fi.i' mum nf cutiirrli tliitt
can not bo cured by tuklng Ilnll'H
ruitnrrh mm.
K. J. Cheney & Co., Irow.,
Toledo, O. We, the undorwlKiied,
Imve known F. J. ('honey for the
liwt 16 yearn, nnd believe him per
fectly honorublo In nil buHlnotw
tmniwotloiiH, unil flnnnolitlly nble to
carry out any oblltrutioiiH nmdo by
their Ann. . . .
West & Trunx, tvholeeale drug
gfets, Toledo, Ohio.
B Wnldlng, Klnnan & ,Mn-lii,
wholesale drugjjlate, Tolwlo, Ohio.
iS. it. vim iiowii, ww " !
Tollo iiKtloiml lnk, Totwlo, Ohio.
Hall' OHtarrh oure U taken in
ternally, aellng directly uiwn the
Mood and niuotw mirfaoet or Ui"
ayatfin. I'rtoe, 7c ier Uittie.
u by all druggist.
UhWKKAi. oirrwrriMwiv
Goods on llio installment
Now In irfMMNwinn ol a new dlsouvunrja
inwdltni.whlfili Upurelyu I.mwI nilMwtlU
l,umluii uliiio.t iiiiuiiiuUrtyonOi
snrroutidliiif tiwHiw of the ltli. It wi
no way InJurTous or unpleasant to Ui
lAsta, The riwmifaetiirers of It latiu thai
iuitHl is nerl)en known before, anA
by Hpplylmj It sensitive or now
teeth, tuer be elwuned unit flHn
wltltuHt iwin. Houll th that wnnl a
ktuits of Jwiml work ilone wltlHit .ili,
w'mld belter anil on Dr. II. Hmlth. TcetH
ttxtrueied forCOeents,
lull und SBui
Salem's Popular Job Printer,
Hhtte Insumuee llulldlnv, Cor. i'tmt
ruercuil ami Chemekete street. MM"
aJ J. -