Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 18, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 202.
First National Bank
Vice President.
Exchange on Portland, San Francisco,
New York, London and Hong Kong
bought and sold. State, County and City
warrants bought. Farmers are cordially
Invited to deposit und transact business
with us. Liberal advances made on
wheat, wool, hops and other property at
rcasonaDie rates. Insurance on such se
curity can be obtained at the bank in
most reliable companies.
Capital Paid up, - - - - 575,000
Surplus, --.-.- 10,000
R. S. WALLACE, - lresldcnt.
W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President.
J. H. AL11ERT, r - - Cashier.
W. T. Gray, W. V. Martin,
J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace,
Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. II. Albert,
T. McF. Patton.
To farmers on wheat and other market
able produco, consigned or in store.
either In private granaries or
ipublio warehouses.
State and County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts
drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin,
Hong Kong and Calcutta.
Importers and Dealers in;
General Agents for Oregon of
W. B. Forsytes Infallible Corn Cure.
243 Commercial Street,
(Geo. E. Good's old stand.)
SALEM, : : : : : OREGON.
General House
Work promptly done at reasonable rates.
Orders lea at Capital Joubnai. office
will receive attention. O-ll-tr
Take Note of Thl.
-r-inn m& ttnn -wv wtt.t. RV.rT. OO acre
.Dwell Improved garden land, within 8
muesoi eaiem. uooa roau "'"---year
around, Buildings good. FINE YOUNG
ADPUinn .. all.n( arraSS IfinlL I til
is a bargain, and will be held.onljr a short
nine ui inese ngurea. wu, " "
how you the property. ..,.
Opera House, Salem, Or.
IL delivery. Wm. Rennle having bought
the express business of Walter Xawe, li
prepared to deliver trunks. vllses, pack
ages, and auytblnsr else thai he can i g et in
Ms wagon to any part of the city. qnTcker,
safer, Better, and neater, than ft can be
done by any body else. Leavo orders at
Mlnto'a stable.
Vlre and Ma
rine. JOS. ALBEltT, Agent, - - Balem. Oregon.
A per year. Independent. TbeAPPBAI.
C circuited In Marion, Linn andj Ctoefc
nas counties; has been tbll;b5i
years and U an excellent ?TertJlBg
fom. For term addre the puWbber
11. Q. OuUd,UUvenon,0r.
I 1 AT I IT! 1
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded first premium at the Oregon
State Fair 18S.W8-,8.,S7 and at the Cali
fornia Stale Fair, 1837, and Ban Joaquin
County Fair, 1887.
Manufactured in slxlsizcs. For circular
ana price list aaaress
P. O. Box 280. Salem, Oregon
y-Dryer Furnaces furnished flvo Blzei
jLilngton Ter. or California real estate. For
information address us at either of tho fol
lowing effices: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City,
Mo.; balem, Or.; Portland, Or. Salem office
at Bellinger's machinery depot, near tho
clly hall, Liberty street; Portland office In
the rooms of the State Immigration Board,
corner of Front and Ash streets. 173tf
L. S. SKIFF & CO.,
EOfllco near tho
Opera IIouso.;siSJ
Teeth extracted
by tho painless pro
Constantly on hand the best quality of
Fresli aid Salt Meals !
And all kinds of
j3-The CLEANEST kept markets the
city. Call and see for yourself.
D. C. Howard, Proprietor.
a ii 1. 1. ..to Af rViuh nnrl ntirtA ITIPJltM
always on hand, full weight nud a square
ueai an anunu.
tP?fA. . ?.c.rJW? coughs
fAti JzrMh,QteHS,
jmy m)c.Q.mmiiL:
tfl HiiTWWtuij'
6 U&rMm
J8 B53 gi- HB H9jT3,;8fcLV''-i
SMELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Deoot
Proposals for Stationery.
Salem, Or., Sep 27th lsw. f
Sealed proposals will bo received at this
offlco until noon Novcmbo" 27th, ISSS, to
furnish the following articles for the state
of Oregen:
SO reams legal cap, 14 lb, No. 8 ruling,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
SO reams letter paper, 12 lb, No. 8 ruling,
wmie iaia, ijarcw, unarier uaK or scoicu
30 reams flrst-class Coniress noto, 7 B
pu-miBra, jo. o ruling, wiiuo mm.
15 M No. 5 white envelopes, 60 lb, No. 1 rag,
15 M No. 9 white envelopes, 60 lb, No. I
rag XXX.
12 gross railroad steel pens No 14!).
15 gross Glllott's steel pens, No. 401.
3 gms Easterbrook "J" pens,
fi cross Faber'fi ndn hnlilem. Nn. 1R7A.
f 4 dozen Tower Manufacturing Co', bar-
uiueicrana uniss uacKea inrfsiunas.
12 doien lvo.y folders, f Inch, Standard.
3 dozen Ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's
1 dozen mucilage stands, reservoir, No.
6, Morgan's patent,
3 reams Parker's treasury blotting pnpor,
140 lb, assorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eagle Recorder lead pencils,
styfo 08J.
4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts.
2 dozen David A Sons writing fluid,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Sauford's premium fluid, quarts.
15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips.
12 dozen Faber's rubber rulers, 14 inch,
12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 181 10, 11.
3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18140, K.
20 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bands, as
sorted sizes.
4 gross Faber's lead pencils, Nos. 2 mid .1,
hoxagon, gilt.
10 gross Faber's lead pencils, round, gilt,
No. 2.
6 dozen Faber's patent Ink and pencil
rubber erarers, small.
IOOOMcQIU's patent paper fasteners, No. 2.
10C3 McGlll's patent paper fasteners, No. 4.
IS dozon gummed stub flies, No. 21, 11x15
in., pages.
12 dozen tablo pads for paper, 10x21.
10 dozen waste paper baskets, cross bar,
No. 4.
20 lbs hemp twine, No. 12.
At tho same tlinn separate bids will bo
received fnrl2dozcn Wostenliolincon'i.'cts
knives to bo described by tnido Nos. Mini
pies to be exhibited.
Bids should bo marked "Frowxals for
Stationery." None but best quality of
goous receivca.
Tho right to reject any or all bids Is re
served. All goods to bo delivered before January
1st. 18SI). Payment to bo nuide by warrant
on stato treasury. ,
UUl, Vt. .Ml'lllWlH'.,
0-23-td Secretary ofStuto.
Real Estate Bargains.
Sl.HOO KM acres, 0 miles from O A C de
pot, flood house, barn and
orchard. Fenced, and In cul
tivation. J2.000 80 acre-.. 4 miles from Salem.
Good road to town. Improve
ments mir. mo iruii lanu.
fo,490 8b nces 2V miles from Salem,
No buildings. Hnlcndld land,
all fenced. Mako a desirable
8200. 60 aces 4 miles from Salem. Im
provement good. Flue young
orcnaru, ana garuen luna.
H.180 UK) acres, 7 miles from Salem.
Hill land, finely watered. Hell
In lots of 40-acru tracts at 825 per
J10.800 075 acres, 8 miles from Salem.
Excellent grass nnd fruit land,
adjoining Willamette river.
Will solUn tracts.
?1,375 51acres,4 miles ofSalem. House,
barn nud orchard. Largesprlng
at tho door. Good soil, and
plonty of timber.
$2,400. 120acrcs, 6 miles of Salem; good
road; well Improved; stream
running through tho place.
00,00 .400 acres (4 miles west side O
OUR) good house, barn and
orchard, 120 In cultivation, bal
ance oak grub pasture land.
$800 ..10 acres, I milo from Salem, ad
Joining fair ground. Good land;
no Improvements.
$1,200. 40 ncrcs, 5 miles Salem; all In
cultivation; uu uuuumgB, ucm
school house. Excellent fruit
$1,000..... .370 acres, 0 miles from OiCIl II;
llll ivuwu, nii niiicitu, .....ir...
barn, and small orchard; 100
acres In cultivation.
$2,750. 3 lots, with good house and bam,
Wo have besides this a largo list of city
rnd farm property, lluycrs would do well
to call nnd examine our holdings before
making their purchases.
Opera House, Court St..
D-20tf Salem, Or.
Land of Discoveries.
Those who have used it "ffi
dies are giving tuitlbfuctlon, and a cus
tomer with HmnchltW says it Is Uie only
remedy that gives Instant .relief.
SKUUKLL A CoVKii. DrugulHta,
Riverside, Cul."
II " tho pleasure to Inform
HaVe you that your Prepuratloniiare
meeting with large kuIbs. We hear
Nothing but Praise &"
caslon to use them.
Nakscawrx a Co., IJruggUU,
VUalUi, Cul."
Thntit will occompllnh the end desired
In all affections of the Throat and Lungs
U,. 'II and you not only will not be
W without It yourhelf. but will
recommend It to others, us thousands
have done, who have tried everything
else In vain. Money Is no object where
SatanVanalL'S Convince You
trifling sum of one dollar can purchase
u, remedy that will stand between you
and one of the most dreaded of human
Circulars sent fre, containing detailed
Is prepared only by the ABIETINE
MEDICAL CO., Orovllle, CaL
Aprominont English woman savs
tho American women all lmvo high,
shrill, nasal voices and falso teeth.
Ameticans don't like tho constant
twitting thev cet about this nasal
twan, and yet it is a fact caused by our
dry stimulating atmosphoro, and tho
universal presonco of catarrhal diffi
culties. But why should so many of our
women havo falso tooth T
That is mora of a poser to tho Eng
lish. It is quite impossiblo to account
for it except on tho theory of doranged
stomach action caused by imprudonco
in eating and by want of regular
Both conditions are unnatural.
Catarrhal troubles ovorywhore
prevail and end in cough nnd con
sumption, which aro promoted by
malnutrition induced by deranged
Btomach action. Tho condition is a
modern ono, ono unknown to our an
cestors who prevented tho catarrh,
cold, cough and consumption by
abundant and regular ubo of what is
now known as Warner's Log Cabin
cough and consumption romody and
Log Cabin Barsaparilla, two old
fashioned standard remedies handed
down from our ancestors, and now
exclusively put forth under tho
strongest guarantees of purity and
efficacy by tho world-famed makers
of Warner's safe euro. Theso two
romodios plentifully UBcd as tho fall
and winter seasons advanco, to
gether witli an occasional uho of
Warner's Log Cabin rose cream, to
strengthen and protect tho nasal
membranes givo a iwsitlvo assur
ance of freedom, both from catarrh
and those dreadful and if neglcctod,
inovitablo consequences, pneumonia,
lung troubles and consumption, which
bo gon orally and fatally provail among
our peoplo.
Comrndo Eli Fisher, of Salem,
Honry Co., Iowa, served four yoors
in tho Into war and contracted a
disease called consumption by tho
doctors. Ho hnd frequent hemor
rhages. After using Warner's Log
Cabin cough and consumption
remedy, ho biivb, under dnto of Jan.
10th, 1888: "I do not blood at the
lungs any more, my cough does not
bother mo, and I do not havo any
more smothering spoils." Warner's
Log Cabin roso cream curod his wifo
of catarrh and Bho is "sound and
Of courso wo do not liko to havo
our women called noso talkers and
falso teeth owners, but thoso condi
tions can bo readily ovcrcqaio in tho
manner indicated.
Baeklcn'i Amies stlre.
Tho best salvo in tho world foi
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,
fever sores, totter, chapped hand",
chilblains, corns, and all skin erup
tions, und positively cures piles, or
no pay required. It Is guaranteed
to givo perfect satisfaction, or iuom
refunded. Price 25 centa per box
i-'or aalo u- Dr. H. W. Cox.
An AbMlntt Core.
OINTMENT la only put up In larp
two-ounce lln boxes, uud in nu
iliKoluto euro for old sores, burux.
wounds, chapped hands, nud uP
kiu eruptions. Will positively
emu nil kinds of piles. Ask for jthV
Mi;NT. Sola byD. W. Matthew
A ( .., 100 Stato street, Balem, U 'S
fiiiH per box by mail 80 ceaU.
National Surgical Inilllulf.
Tworinoro sunceons rcprescntlni? this
Initltutu will bo nt the Chomeketa hotel,"
Halem, November 10th 1" "i
They come fully prepured with nil the
apparatus inH-h-Jiry mr tho succomiu
treatmeut of their speelaltle, curviiture of
the spine, discuses of tho hip and knee
Joint, crooked limbs, club feet and all
bodily deformities. Their surcwui In treat
lng II"" troubles at well.") nil chronlo
and sesual dUeutea has made lor the In
stitute a national reputation.
UlKinBPplieatlnn.refeteiiKtMi will l lur
nlsbed Irom patleiil in all iwrts of the
United Huiles,
All persons who nre suirrliiic from any
or these poirplnlnts, should not fall to taku
udvantni;eorthtso)Kjrtunliy furrllf.
A Doable lltlp fsr.tkc Dlllasi.
In addition to that chief remedial meas
urethe um of Hosteller's Htomach lilt
tent ponton (UfTurlnK from an aeute bll
loui uttiMik, will fnellltute recovery by the
une at flnt of milk and lima water und
tbln cruel, anil by a very gradual return
to the ue of mitld food. Koty uImuiiu
hould be exciudtd from the diet, lime
pill Ub remedy of doubtful afety, irtle
iilarlX )f t'tero be naiuwn and vomllliiif,
frwiiitnt euiwomlutiiU of liver trouble.
The JHlter. provldwl IU reformatory i
tlon binot retarded and inarrect by gr
ndlretion In diet, will aoon retore the
Mallibiium or und action of the liver,
kkrinu-h and bowel, all three dinordered
by bilkxMnea. In all form of malarial
dWw, wbtahln every one of iupluu
umuU ludtwtton of liver trouble, II
KM7! HtutiMttli Hitter H the forcmoot of
ipaeiAe. Tlie 1luht of over thirty year
4iperIneaUo how ll U) lm a Hue mutdy
luftUmumuUi, kidney trouWw, dyil
tta, rvonM and daUMty ,
Falntew dental operetiona at Dr.
. C SinJth'a, 02 BUto street.
Imporlaot Events of too
for Twenty-four Heur:
Death by Lntid and Sea Starving
To Steal Across Dispatches.
A Tunnel Cave In. ,
New York, Oct. 17. A dispatch
from Nowburg, N. Y., pays that
while tho north bound fast express
on tho west shore was passing
through a tunnel half a milo west
of West Point, tho whole structure,
which was undergoing repairs, sud
denly collapsed. Tho baggage and
express cars were totally wrecked
by tho shower of boulders.
The Yellow Kever.
Jacksonvim.k, Oct. 17. Follow
ing Is tho otllclal bulletin for tho
twenty-four hours ended at 0 o'clock
this evening: New eases, 30; deaths
3. Total nunioer of cases to date,
3003 ; total number of deaths, 321.
Advices from Fcmandlnn say there
wero 32 new cases and 2 deaths there
on October 15th and on tho Kith 37
now cases nnd 3 deaths.
Many aro Duatltutu.
Minnkai'olis, Oct. 17. Seventy
families aro absolutely destitute of
food and fuel, and somothlng must
be done immediately. Tho condi
tion of the peoplo Is beyond des
cription, men, women nnd children
are in rags and have not a cent of
money in tho world. Their crops
wero totally destroyed by frost In
August, aud their land, stock and
farming implements aro mortgaged!
Absolutely distress prevails every
where. Thoy will bo given aid at
ltxplnnlun on a Steamer.
Caimb, Oct. 17. The force of an
explosion of petroleum yesterday on
board the steamer, J), A. Collins,
from Philadelphia, tore oil' tho
deck and partly carried away tho
sides, but only tho forward portion
sank. A llro raged fiercely In the
portion abovo tho water. Tho othor
ships lying in tho vicinity wero
niuuli damaged by tho explosion.
It Is feared that the loss of life is
great, l'ortloim of a dozen dead
bodies have been found lying on tho
quay. Arms, legs aud hands are
scattered about In shocking con
fusion. On the I'luld or Tlppo,
Lafaykttk, Intl., Oct. 17. The
day for tho great republican demon
stration at tho Tippecanoe battle
ground was bright and warm. Tho
city, is crowded with peoplo, while
many thousands have already gone
to tho battle giound. Tho local re
publicans gave n street parade, with
log cabins, coons, etc. This morn
ing Mr. Illalno left for tho battle
ground. Ifo was accompanied by
Gjii. Algor. As the Maine states
man drovo to the station 10,000 peo
ple surrounded tho carriages and
tendered him an enthusiastic ova
tion. An Oregon 8t'a Herpeut,
San Fkancihco. Oct, 17. Capt.
I'M gar Averu, or tho bark Kstclla,
descried tho neti monster when the
bark was passing tho Uinpquu. rlvor,
Oregon, Thohorpuut, fomucli thu
captain Jioletimly declared It to be,
was swimming on the surtaco of thu
water. When tho captain first
noticed the reptile It wus about 200
yards off. Ah it was early In the
morning and the sun was shining
brightly, the startled captain had a
good view of tho serient. He sprang
fxilow aud got his rlllo. It appeared
to bo about eighty feet long, and as
blffnround oh a barrel and rode over
tins waves with his head and about
tou feet of his body elevated abovo
water. Itahead was flat or "dished,"
oh tho captain described It, and lib)
body appeared to bo covered with
scale. About ten feet, what might
projwrly lw called tho neck, wai cov
ered with courw) hair, resembling a
After viewing the monster for n
time, the captain rulsed his rlllo aud
fired several shots at It, but the
bulletx fall ehort. Tho nea borpont
puld no attention to the shots, but
kept on In the even tenor of his way.
Lafayette will booh rulso tho
quarantine agaiiutMoMlnnvlllo and
other Infected district.
Little Joseph Hollmau has re
covered his health and will appear
In New York In November.
In a rush at Columbia College, a
sophomore had the muscle cords of
his right arm torn apart, Tho fresh
men nfterward. passed a resolution
to do uo further rushing.
Thomas llreuan of Belleville, N.
J,, received last week $S,700 by be
quest from a relative. He quit work
and went to spending and giving
away his money, succeeding so well
that ho has only (7 loft.
Oeorgo Mnhloy was arrested yes
terday and taken to Albany for
running a saloon without a llconso
on tho Oregon Paclllo railroad at
Kock creek. Tho trial occurred before
Judge Humphrey to-day.
It Is stated that tho Canadian
Pttoltlo has acquired tho chartor so
cured at tho last session by Alna
worth & Co., for a railway connect-
lug Kootenai lake with the Colum
bia river, it is expected that work
will bo commenced very soon.
Vlllla m "Williams, amarketgard
nerof llralnard, Minn., has fallen
heir to 2.r,000, tho value ofhlssharo
In tho family homestead In Powell's
Valley, Pa., found to contain a coal
bed, aud recently bought by a syn
dicate. "Williams was separated
from his brothers by tho war and
supposed to bo dead.
A man's body was found lloatlng
in tho Yamhill liver, a half mile
ubbvo MoMlnnvlllo yesterday morn
ing. Tho coroner summoned a Jury
and held an inquest when tho re
mains wero taken from the water.
It is supposed by Home to bo tho
body of James Cain of Sheridan, It
had been In the v'ater about two
Not fioinir iioiiui.
Victoiua, Oct. 17. Fifty-two
Chinese passengers of thu Duke of
Westminster were to Ik land-jd at
Vancouver, their respective com
panlea having Hont K to each, or
(2,000 In all, to pay tho head tax
exacted by tho llrltlsh Columbia
authorities to entitle them to laud.
Tho master of the vessel said that
tho Chinese would bo lauded at
Vancouver in pursuance of this
liri'Hiigemout. These Chlueso In
tend to enter thu United States by
surreptitiously crossing tho border,
thus evading the operation of thu
exclusion act, and suggests that
steps be taken to prevent them from
ho doing.
Talk of Adjournment,
"Wahuinoton, Oct. 17. Tho ad
journment question came up again
In thu House this afternoon, KIN
gore, of Texan nukud a questlou of
privilege and oll'ered a resolution for
an adjournment sine dlo on the 20th
Inst. On motion of Itlchardson, of
Tonncssco, after some debate, tho
resolution was referred to tho Wuyt
und moans Committee.
Tim Wheat Illnckuiln.
St. Paul, Oct. 17. Tho wheat
blockade continued to grow 'worse
ami hi causing considerable anxiety
among millers, ax well iih inconven
ience to bhlpjHjrs at Interior points.
Over 2200 earn of wheat aro on tho
track. Ii) this city waiting to be un
loaded. In uddltlon to this tho
Manitoba Hue has about 000 cars
Work to Jleglu Hoou,
Han Fhanoikco, Oct. 17. Ah soon
as the funds aro available tho nuw
llfo.NVvliig stations will bo erected ut
Yaqulnii bay, Umpqua river, Qray'n
Harbor nud at Looms' place on the
Washington Territory coast.
Elteirle Bitter.
This remedy In becoming ho wo"
known and ho popular ax to need lto
special mention. All who have Uhoil
Kleotrlo Hitters slug the same song
of nralso. A iurur medluluo doeti not
exist and It Is guaranteed to do all
that Is outlined. Klectrlo Hitters will
euro all dbteOHCHof tho liver and kid
neys, will remove pimples, bolb, wilt
rheum and other ulleetlons caused
by Impure blood,, Will drive mala
ria from the Hvatcm and prevent as
well ax euro all malarial fevero. For
oure of headache, constipation aud
ludltrestlou try Klectrlo HlttentEu
tiro satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price CO ets. aud
II per bottle ut II, W. Coa's drug