I& n? EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY. OCT. 15, 18S8. Overland to California VIA Southern Pacific Company's Lines. MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Tine between Salem and San Francisco-Thirty-six Hour. CALIFORNIA KXPKBW TKAIN DAII.1 "Boutli." I I "North. 4TM p. III. bin p. m. 7:10 n.m. I.V. Ar. I'ortlunil Bui em Run Fnin. Ar. JjV. IiV. I'AHMISNdKH TltAIN -CEITlStTNHAY). 10: 10 u. in. 8:T0 ii. m. 0:.1O p. in. T"daii.y kx- KEPl'BLICAX PLATFORM. Declaration of tion Principles and Asscr of Popular Rtelit. 8.-00 n. in. l.-Oi n. in. IMP p. in. lYv. I.V. Ar. J'ortlnnd Hiilcm Kugcno Ar. I.v. I.v. T"37r p. in. f 125'.! p. in. V.UU II. Ill, PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, for nccommocliitlon of second chin puss uonircn attached to express triilim. Tho O. A U. Itallroiia ferry makes con nnctlon with all tho regulnr trains on the Want Hldo Division from foot ot K street, I'ortland. West Side Divisioo, Between Portland and Cervallis: HAII.Y EXCKIT HWNDAT). v.r. I (1:15 p. iVll:TU ! "7210 n. in. lifcZi p. m. TTv. Ar. "Portland" Corvnlll in. in. i'MI.N.NVIM.K KXVHKHH rltAIN (HAII.Y KXCKIT HUNTIAT). Z&ffpTm. 18.-00 p. in. TTv'. Portland Ar. A r. M cM I n nvHlel.v. TWTaTm" fi: II a. in. At Albany and ("orvallln ronnect with trains of Oregon l'uclllu Italliond. Tor full Information regarding rates, imp, etc., applyito tho Company' nirunt, Haleni, OrcViri. K. I1. MHIKKS. It KUKlIIjKIt, Asst. G. V. and 1'iikh. Ag't. Miiiingcr. Oregon Railway and Navigation ICOMPANY. "Columbia River Route.' TmliiH for tho east lenvo l'ortlnnd at 10.11 n m and 1! p in dally. Tlckctx to nnd from principal point In tho United .Slates, Can ndaand Europe. ELEGANT PULMANN PALACE CARS Kml-runt Hleoplni;ilt'ars run throiiKhon express trains to OMAHA council ami ST. I'AUL Free of I'lmrgo nml Without Cliiinj,'o. Connect loin at l'oi Hand forHiin l'nin 2eliiiiiinill'iiKi't Hound points, for further particulars Imiulro of I. A. Mniinlii;r. iigi lit of tho company, 2I" Conimorclnl street, Halem, Oioiion, or A. U .Minuull, CI. 1. A T. A., iVsitlunri, Glutton. A. L. MAXWELL . 1. AT. A. II HOLCOMB.Illonl.l.Maiiasor. THE YAnUINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development eonipimy'i Hlminxhtp line. -Si miles xhorter, L) hours Iimm time than by any other route. First cIonm through pusseiiifor mid freight Hue from I'ortland and all points In the Wil lamette valley lo and liom Han Kiiinclsco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Incept Hundays): livn Albiiny 100 ! M lavel'oiviillts 1:10 I'M Arrive Yiuiulim IKW ! M l.ouvo Vaiiuliui ...... (1:11 AM Iaivo Coi'MiIlls lftMA.M Arrive Allmny 11:10 A. At ). A O. trains connect at Albiiny and Uorvallls. TIiouIhivo trains connect at YAQl'INA with tho Oregon Development Cos l.luu arHtciriiHhljw between iuiutiiit and San KnuicUoo. SVIU.NU IIVTKS. KrKAMKIlS, I'RUMHW KUANCINOO Willamette Valley, Monday, October Mli Wlllaiiietto Valley, Haturday, October JOth HTKAMHIIH. KltOM YAQIUNA. Wlllaiiietto Valley, Tuesday, October Sd Willamette V-illey, Sunday, October llth Wlllamettit Vtillej, l'ilda, October '.lith This cotuiau iiwerxes the right to Imnxo Hallliu; dates lthoul notice. N. II. liiKcni-eiN from IVulliuid nnd all Willamette Vullev iMillits can miike eluo mutiivtlmi Willi iho trains of Ihe YAUt'lNA UOlTKiit Albany orOomillls, unit If itixstllH'd to San KninclHco, hliould iirntiitfc tanrilvcut Yiuiuliiii the evening lHnire ditto of niiIIIiii", ' I'aentrer ant r'rrlght Hates AUais the lwrt, t'orluforiiiutlonniipl) to ,Misrs HIM-MAN A Co.. I'n'lKlit and Ticket AkoiiIm ao and iXU Front at., lSirllund.Or. CO. HOdUK. Ae't tlenl 1'rt. A faux. ARt., Ortmon lliellicu. 11. u., IVrvallls.Or. t) II. llASWKM.,Jr. OenM Frt; A I-umi. Aut. Oiiwiin Dovelopment Co., SOI Muiittfouiery at.; San FnnclM, Cai; STOCJC FARU FOR SALE or RENT ! The Republicans ol the Unjtecl States, aasembled by their delegates in Natioual convention, pause on the theshold of their proceedings to honor the memory of their first great leader, the immortal champion of liberty and the riulits of the people Abiaham Lincoln; and to cover also with wiealhi ofimperishahle remembrance and gratitude tho heroic names of later leaders, who havo more recontly been called away from our councils Grant, Oartield, Arthur, Logan and ConkliiiR. May their memories be faithfully cher ished. We also recall with our greetings and with nraver for his recovery the name ol one of our living heroes whoso memory will be treasured in the history both of Republicans and of the Republic the name of that noble soldier and favorite on of victory, Philip II Shetidan. In tho spirit of those great leaders, and of our own devotion to human liberty, and with that hostility to all forms ol despot ism and oppression which is the funda mental idea of the Republican party, we send fraternal congratulations to our fel low Americans of Uraiil upon their great act ol emancipation, which completed the abolition of slavery throughout the two American continents. Vo earnestly hope that we may soon congratulate our fellow- citizens of Irish birth upon tho peaceful recovery of home rule for Ireland. We alhrm our uuswervinc devotion to the National Constitution and to the in dissoluble Union of the slates : to the au tonomy reserved the states under the Con stitution : to the personal lights and liber ties of citizens in all the States and Terri tories in the Union, and especially to tho supreme ami sovereign right of every lawlul citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign born, white or black, to cast ono freo ballot It. public elections, utid to have that ballot duly counted. We hold the freo and honest popular ballot, and the just anil equal representation of all thd people, to be the foundation of our republican government, and demand ef fective legislation to securn the integrity and purity of elections, which are tho fuuiitnms of all public authority. We charge that the present administration and tho Democratic majority in Congress owe their cxisteno; to the suppression of the ballot by a criminal nullification of the Constitution and laws of tho United States. Wo are uncompromisingly in favor ol the American system of protection. We trotost against its destruction proposed iiy tho president and his party. They servo the intetests of Europe; we will sepport tho interests of America. We ac cept tho issues and conhdently appeal to the people lor their judgment. The pro tective system must be mainta'ned, Its abandonment has always been followed by general disaster to all interests, except those of the usurer and the sheriff. We denounce uic .miiis iiiii an uestriiauve to tho guncr.il business, tho labor and the fanning intuiests of the country, and' we htartily endorfo tho consistent and patriotic actions ol the Republican Rep resentatives in Congress in opposing its passage Wo condemn the proposition of the Democratic parly to place wool on the free list, and we insist (hat the duties thereon shall bo adjusted and maintained so as to furnish full and adequate protection to that industry. The Republican party would effect a'l needed reduction of the National revenue by ropeahng tho taxes on tobacco, which are an annoyance and burden to agriculture, and the tax upon spirits Used in the arts mid for mechanical purposes; and by such icision of the tariff .is will lend to check imports of such nrticlos as ara produced by our people, tho production of which gives employment lo our labor, and release Irom import duties those nrliclcsof foieign pro cluotiun (except luxuries) the like of which can not uo pioduccd at home. If there 530 ACRES Well wntertxt and plenty ol timber. Two imximwi ami two iKirns, (Jood orutmnl, Meadow and lfO uertvi plow laud. Fifty limit of cattle with the plnHi If wanted, mul lionuM eunuch to run It. Within live mllm of depot on tho O.AC, It. 1U A bargain for wuivlHdy, Enouiro at Office nf Caoltal Journal. OTh-t J1UYEES' QniDB li ImusJ M.rch mil Sept., ash year, Ititta nor olopodU of useful infor mation for ail who pur ohu th luxuries or tha uoeeutUei of 1U. W can clothe you and furnish you with all tho nooassaxy and unnaoaatary appllanoe to rida, walk, danoe, aleap, eat, flab, hunt, work, to to church, or stay at homo, and In various alias, atjlat and quantities. Just figure out what le required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fall eettmate of the value of the llUYJCUU' aUXDK, which will bo tent upon receipt of 10 cents W pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 1U-114 Uiohbjau A venae, Chioo,ilL shall still romaiii a larger revenue that is requisite foi the wants ol tho government we fuvor tho entire repeal of internal taxes rather than the surrender of any part of our protective s)stem at thu joint behest of the whisky tntila and the agents of foreign manufacturers. We declare our hostility to the introduc tion into this country of foreign contract labor, and of Chinese labor, alien to our civilization and our Constitution, and we demand the rigid enforcement of the ex. isting laws against it, and favor such Im mediate legislation as will exclude such labor from our shores. We declare our opposition to all combin ations of capital organized in trustB or nO'cr wine, to control arbitrarily the condition of trade among our citizens, and we com mend to Cougress and to Iho State Lrgis attires, in their respective jurisdictions, such legislation as will prevent the execu tion of all schemes to oppress the people by undue charges on their supplies, or by un just rates fur the tianspoitation of their product? to market. We approve the leg islation by Congress to prevent alike un just burden and unfair discriminations be tween the Status. Wc reaflliiii the policy of appropriating the publio lands of the Uuited Status to ho homc4tcdk for American citizens and set tlers, not aliens, which the Republican parly established in I $63, against the jiersisteiit opposition of the Democrats in Congress, and which has brought our great Western domain into such magnificent development. The restoration of unearn ed laud grants to the public domain for the uso of actual settlors, which was begun under the administration of President Ar thur, should be continued. We deny that the democratic paity has eer restored one acrtt to the people, but declare that by the joint action ol repuimcaus and democrats, about fifty milliuus ot acres of unearned lands originally granted for the construe, tion of railnads have been restored to the public domatu, in punuauci of tho condi tion inserted by the republican party tu tho original greiits. We charge the dem ocratic admintstiatlou with fallutc to exe cute the laws scouring lo settlers titles to their homesteads, and with using appro rUtlons made for that purpose to harass inuocent settlers with spie-s ami proseou ttous uuder false prettuco of oxposing frauds and viudiUAliug the law. The government by Comireas of the Territories is lcd upon necessity only, to the eud that they may become States tn the Unioujlhereforc, whenever the con ditions of population, material lesouroee, public intelligence aud morally ate tuoh at to tcoure a stable leoal government therein, tha people of such Territories should be permitted, as nkht inherent J' them, to form for themselves a constitution and State government, and be admitted into the Union. Pending the prepara tion for Statehood, all officers .hereof should be selected from the bona fide residents and citizens ot the Territory wherein they are to serve. South Dakota should of right be immediately admitted as a State in the Union, under the con stitution framed and adopted by the people, and we heartily indoisc the action of the Republican Senate in twice passing bills for her admission. The refusal of the Democratic House of Representatives, for partisau purposes, to favorably consider these bills, s a willful violation of the sacred American principle of local self-government, and merits the condemnation of all just men. The pending bills in the Senate for acts to enable the people of Washington, North Dakota and Montana Territories to form constitutions should be passed without unnecessary delay. The republican party pledges Itself to no all in its power to fa cilitate the admission of the territories of New Mexico, Wyomiug, Idaho and Ari zona to the enjoyment of telf-govcrnment as states, such of them as are now quali fied, as soon as possible, and the others as soon as they may become so. The political power of tho Mormon church in tho territories, as experienced in the past, is a menace to free institutions too dangerous to be long suffered. There fore wo pledge the republican party to ap propriate legislation asserting the sover eignty of the nation in all territories where tho same is questioned, and in furtherance of that end to place upon the statute books legislation stringent enough to divorce the political from the ecclesias tical power, and thus stamp out the attendant wickedness nf polygamy. The republican party is in favor of the use of both gold and silver as money, and condemns the policy of tho democratic administration in its efforts to demonetize silver. We domand the reduction of letter postage to I cent per ounco. In a republic like ours, where the citizen is the sovereign and the official the servant, where no power is exercised except by the will ol the people, it is important that the sovereign the people should possess intelligence. The freo school is the promoter of that intelligence which is to preserve us a free nation; therefore, the state or nation, or both combined, should support freo institutions of learning, sufficient to afford to every child growing up in the land the oppor tunity of a good common school edu cation. We earnestly recommend that prompt action be taken by Congress in the en actment of such legislation as will bet secure the rehabilitation of our American merchant marine, aud we protest against the passage by Congress of a free ship lull, as calculated to work injustice to labor by lessening the wages of those euunged in preparing materials, as well as those directly employed in our ship yards. We demand appropriations for the early .elmilding ofnuruav); f. r the construction of coast fortifications and model n ordnance, and other approved modern uieuns of defense for the piotec tion of our defenseless harbors and cities; tor the payment of just pensions to our soldiers; for necessary works of National importance in the improvement of harbors aud the channels of internal coastwise, and foreign commerce; for the encouragement nf tho shipping interests of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Stales, as well as for the payment ol the maturing public debt. This policy will gue em ployment to our labor, activity to our va rious industries, luorease the security of our country, promote trade, open new and direct markets for our produce, and cheapen the cost of transportation. We .illirm this In be fnr better for out country than the democratic policy of loaning the government money without interest to "pet banks." The conduit nf foreign affairs by the present administration lias been distin guished by its inefficiency and us coward ice. Hiving withdrawn from the Senate all pouding treaties effected by republican grades of the service to which it is applic able. The spirit and purpose of the re form should be observed In all executive appointments, and all laws at variance with the object of existing reform legisla tion should be repealed, to the end that the danger to free institutions which lurks in the power of official patronage may be wisely and effectively avoided." The gratitude of the nation to the de fenders of the union can not be measured by laws. The legislation of Congress should conform to the pledges made by a loyal people, and be so enlarged and ex tended as lo provido against the possibility that any man who honorably wore tho federal uniform shall become the inmate of an almshouse, or dependent upon private charity. In the presence of an overflowing treasury it would be a public scandal to do less for thosu whose valor ous service preserved the government. We denounce the hostile spirit shown by President Cleveland in his numerous vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the action of the democratic house of representatives in refusing even a consid eration of general pension legislation. In support of the principles herewith enunciated we invite the co-operation of patriotic men of all parties, and especially of all workmgmen whose prosperity is seriously threatened by the free trade policy of the present administration. Additional plank submitted by Mr. Boutelle of Maine, and adopted by an almost uuanimous vote; The first con cern ot all good Government is the virtue and sobriety of the people and the putity of the home. The republican party cordially sympathizes with all wise and well directed efforts for the promotion of temperance and morality. -FOR Till HOMELESS!!! administration for the removal of fqreign burdens and restrictions upon our com merce und fnr its extension into better markets, it has neither effected nor pro posed any others in their stead. Profess ing adherence to thu Monroe dncrine, it has seen with idle complacency the exten sion of foreign influence in Central America, aud of foreign traJe everywhere among our neighbors. It has tefused to charier, sanction or encourage any Amer ican organization for constructing the Nicaragua canal, a work ot vital import ance to the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine, und of our national influence in Central and South America, and neces ary for the development ol trade with our Pacific territory, with South America and with tho islands aud further coasts of the Pacific Ocean. We arraign the present democratic ad ministration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment ol the nsneries question, aud its pusillanimous surrender of the essen tial privileges to which our fishing vessels ure entitled in Canadian ports uuder the treaty of iSlS, the reciprocal ii.antime legislation of IS30, and the oo.uity of nations, and wnicn Canadian hstung ves sels receive in the ports of thu United States, We condemn the policy of the piescnt administration and the democratic majority in Congress toward our fisheries as unfriendly and couspiuuously unpatri otic, and as tending to destroy a valuable national industry, aud a.i indispensable resource ot deteuse against a foreign euemy. The name of America applies alike to all cititeus of the republic, and imposes upon all alike the same obligitious of obedience to Ihe laws. At the same time that citizenship is and must be the pan oply and safeguard of him who wears it. and protect Mm. whether high or low, rich or poor, in his civil rights. It should and mutt afford him protection at home, and follow and protect him abroad in whatever land he may be on a lawful errand, ihe men who abandoned the republican patty in 1SS4, and continue to aJhere to the democratic party, have deserted not only the cause of honest government, of sound finances, of freedom and purity of the ballot, Iwt especially have deserted the cause of reform in the civil service. We will not fait to keep our pledges be cause they have broken theirs', or because their candidate has broken his. We, therefore, repeat our declaration of 1SS4, to-wit; "The reform of the civil service, auspiciowly begun under the republican administration' should be completed by the further extension of the reform system already established by law, to all the 12oo ACRES -OF- VARIED LAND HOOTS AND SHOES. WM. BROWN 4 CO, ' DEALER IN b o I o prjl O Cl H S HQB S Leather aid Findings! ..'.". wf CASH PAID FOR WB Wool, Hides, Pelts and Furs. yk No. 231 Commercial Street, f jm - ''igfi&ksjjSK SALEM, - - OREGON. UasaH Weekly Capital Journal!! -FOR- Sale or Rent. Quantity ami Quality to Suit Purchaser. The Cheapest Newspaper ill Oregon! THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY. Lands near- R. R. Facilities. A GOOD CHANCE -FOR A- Renter or Purchaser TEAMS AND STOCK ON THE FARM- WILL BE SOLD To those buying homes. If desired. Read Our Reduced Terms! . "WEEKLY, one year, $1.60. WEEKLY, six months, S0.75J Now Read Our Discount for Cash WEEKLY, oneTyear, $1.00. WEEKLY, sii months, $0.60. WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ONE-HIRD OFF FOR CASH. For Particulars call at This Office. Our Old Subscribers Now in arrears are urped to take advantage of our big discount, by eet tliupf old accounts and joining tho grand throng of one dollar subscribers. TO ONE AND ALL Wc say, send us your names. If you want to take advantage of our "one third otr for cash," and are not -vvhero you can got postal notes or other convenient method of remitting, sond us your name and state that ypu will remit at first opportunity. This will ensure your being placed on tho dollar list. THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER But a solid, permanent reduction. We havo come to stay.