Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 04, 1888, Image 3

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fjy the Reporters on Their Round of
the Town.
Smallpox Near Lafayette State Notes
County and City Summary.
Catching Driftwood.
All the year round one man makes
a good living here by catching drift
wood as it tloats down tho river.
In the winter season when the
water is high there are several
engaged in this business; but high
or low water, wet or dry, this one
man may be found watching for a
catch. Some days he makes bi
Oar Board of Trade.
The 5,000 edition of pamphlets of
Salem and Marion and Polk counties
has all been distributed by the Sa
lem board of trade to parties in the
east. Many letters are daily received
inquiring of the country and tliej
eflieacy of this judicious advertis
ing is already being illustrated. The
second edition of pamphlets will
soon be ready.
Perseverance Rewarded.
Gilbert McGinn, one of the young
lawyers who was examined and ad
mitted to the bar yesterday by the
supreme court, is totally blind. Ho
has experienced much difficulty in
making himself familiar with
Jllackstouc and the other authorities,
but by dint of hard work and
perseverance has reached the goal.
Having a retentive memory as all
blind have he has been able to gain
a liberal knowledge of tho law and
lias passed a most creditable ex
amination. His manner of gaining
a knowledge of the law was by hav
ing friends rend aloud to him.
He Was Suited at Last.
One of Salem's most prominent
citizens told us that for twenty-live
years ho traveled over nearly every
part of the U. S., Canada and Mexico
looking for a place to locate. Ho
found nothing to suit until he reach
ed tho Willamette valley. Ho stop
ped in Salem, and has lived here
continuously for twenty years. Now
he says ho would not bo contented
to give up residence hero for any
spot on earth.
That is what so many peoplo tell
us that wo begin to believe there
must be something in this country.
The old residents could not bo in
duced to return to tho eastern states
whence they came. Everybody, af
ter they become acclimated, likes the
country and why shouldn't they?
Smallpox Near Lafayette.
Mr. F. C. lloyal has just returned
from a trip to Lafayette, and from
him it is learned that the smallpox
is thought to have about run Its
course. Three miles south of Lafay
ette, on the Salem and Lafayette
road, under strict quarantine there
are four cases in tho Morgago family.
Mm. Morgage and three children
have the pestileucc In a most violent
form and are pronounced by the
attending doctors to bo in a very
critical condition. Their recovery
is pronounced doubtful.
At Lafayette and Sheridan there
are no cases, neither are there any
new ones at McMlnnville. Tho
doctors think they have tho better
of the dreadful atlllctlon and say
there need be no further outbreaks
Willamette Valler Krnlt.
Farrar & Co. of this city last night
loaded three cars with Willamette
valley apples and pears forshipmont
to Minneapolis and points in Mon
tana. Tho cars loft this morning
over the O. & C. for Portland and
will be hurried through to their
destination. Jt seems incrediblo
that it should pay to ship fruit from
Oregou to Minnesota and points east,
but sueli seems to be tho case. East
ern peoplo know good fruit when
they seo it and seem determined to
have it, evon if it does have to bo
hlpied several thousand miles.
Thl shows one of tho many great
inducements now oflored by Oregon
to thooe looking for locations. In u
very few years Willamette valley
fruit will bo as widely known and
greatly sought as tlw orangw of the
feinoua Riverside. Come to Oregon
-ouyasnwll tract and put it in
fruit and in a very few y y
taaU T IW KmmsU.
The recent deekton by Uw su
preme court in Ute ew of Soveru
v Yorun, in Appeal ttoux Lwi
vuuuty, revives iut excitement that
t rumautie in the extreme. Year
eo new Eugeue there lived kii old
J.v niuiMMl Goodohild. Viom her
'aili svt-rn was appointed adinln
tr,t..r ufiho otutf. 11 tr Mild lli-
in. j,U,v to Yuma, vrlu !
" ' u-r, in plawng about tin
barn, unearthed two cans of gold,
one containing ?035, and tho othor
51,000. The Mud was advertised as
lost property, but no claimant ap
peared and the money was distrib
uted perstatue half to the finder
and half to tho county. Then
comes the administrator who brings
suit for recovery of the gold, claim
ing it not tohavo been "lost" prop
erty but as belonging to the estate.
In the circuit court tho decision
was against him. He appealed to
the supreme court where the ruling
of the lower court was sustained,
and was afterwards granted a rehear
ing with same result.
Io Sore Assesnient.
The county assessor of Clatsop
county has ilnished the assessment
for 1SS3 and it is found that the
county has 0S.136 acres land, worth
$404,700; town lots, $1,001,712; im
provements, G.jO,59S; merchandise
$507,739; money, notes and accounts
$432,707; household furniture, 91,
059; horses and mules, 545, value
$1S,SG1; cattle 3,043, valuation, $55,-
642; sheep, 1,707, worth $1,727;
swine, 573, valued at $1,358. Gross
value of all property, $3,202,243; in
debtedness, $704,816; exemption,
$G8,0S9, taxable property $2,49,33S.
Columbia county has acres land
180,972; total value, $476,789; value
town lots, $35,676; improvements,
$33,545; merchandise and imple
ments, $230,238; money, notes, ac
counts, shares of stock, etc., $91,702;
household furniture, carriages,
watches, etc., $2S,610; number horses
and mules, 973; value, $40,587; num
ber cattle, 5,440; value, $110,4G2;
number sheep, 1,220; value, $2,092;
number swine, 1,217; value, $2,282;
gross value property, $1,051,983; In
debtedness, $240,871; exemptions,
$111,657; total taxable property,
$099,555; number of polls, 457.
Ex-SherrifTGroes of Polk county
is in town.
S. W. 'hurch Is up In the Sound
country looking around,
Secretary of State McBrido has
returned from a trip to Portland.
M. M. Hawkins of Grant's Pass,
is taking in the capital city to-day.
Miss Jcnnio Brown, of Eugene, is
visiting her many Salem friends.
E. W. Starr and wife leavo to
night for Mcdford to spend tho
Geo. Shirley has gono to Gervais
where he is keeping books for M.
W. W. Martin leaves to-morrow
for Indianapolis, where he will re
main a few weeks.
C. F. Prickctt of Carbondale, and
E. Small of Rockford, Ills., are here
looking at the country.
They Would lae us.
Tuesday six men and boys were
landed in thojail fora ten days term.
They had been taken up and sen
tenced under tho vagrant act, and
were of different ages and nationali
ties. One of them is a lad of but
tender years a very delicate, efle
minato boy of perhaps fourteen.
They seem to have no great desire
to stay with our splendid shorifl'and
had secured among thoin a knife
which had been made into a saw.
This they were using at odd times
in sawing tho cruel bars that hold
thorn, but as vigilance Is character
istic of our shoriff, their movements
wore detected and tho implement
secured before any damago had
Article of lipori-oritlon.
Articles incorporating the Puget
Sound flourimr mills comixuiy of
Portland were to-day Hied with tho
soerotary of state. The duration of
tho company shall be perpet
ual ; the capital stock is $160,000,
divided into 1000 hundred equal
shares ; the businea to do gonoral
milling and deal In wheat, etc ;
Wm. S. Ladd, Clms. H. Idil mid
Theodore IJ. Wiloox are the Inoor
poratorw. Also, to Friendship lodge No. 6,
Knlghtaof Pythias, of Dulles city,
John Mitchell, C. E. Bayard and D.
L. Cates, the twite, being the in
oorporators. m
3lKrioll QottHtr IIU
Ooad Unl,
Good eilKurie.
Oood market.
Fineet church.
Beautiful tceuery.
The Ujotat red Hj.pte.
Fiueal public building.
To beat well of W
Extensive fannlngcouutry.
The beat pruoeri and plum.
I,n(ti atrau bt-rrur and i-herriea.
Ij,rj.t mill- in tbr Willametu
) Sehoettlo tho tnllor.
The Bitter Crook fair
three days session to-day.
Brass ornaments, tlnsol, banner
rods, etc,, etc., Bridgos fc Borth's.
Real estate transactions for the
past week amount to something
over $1S,000.
The Salem flouring mills aro now
grinding again after a short shut
down for repairs.
I lie ten heaviest taxiwvers of
Douglas county pay on a total as
sessment of $6S3,055.
Yesterday was tlood-tido at the
county Jail, there being twenty
prisoners there at that time.
A marriago license was Issued yes
terday cvoning to H. E. Shepard
and Miss Emma Jonuan.
John Kelly got on a noisy drunk
and settled with Recorder Strickler
yesterday afternoon, to the tune of
The county commissioners aro to
day making an examination of tho
Xewsonie bridge across Pudding
"Unknown" is still running to
houses packed irom lloor to roof
every evening. New York Dis
patch. r A subscription is being taken up
for the purpose of seatingand repair
ing tho Haysvllle 6choolhouso near
this city.
The, first shipment of hops went
east yesterday and comprised eighty
bales. They were for Cincinnati
and filled one car.
Wenzc Wonder, an Australian
subject, yesterday afternoon filed
his declaration of intention to carry
tho musket for Uncle Sam If neces
sary. A rumor has it that another case
of smallpox has appeared at Mc
Mlnnville. Eeeleston, who lived
with Ennis, deceased, being the
afllietcd one.
While at Salem the first of the
week J. E. Fenton filed his tran
script in the supreme court In the
contested county judgeship suit.
Eugene Register.
"Unknown" was u great success
in England, and it may be s.ild It is
a drama equal In merit to any Eng
land has sent to this country. ew
Orleans Picayune.
The young murderer, John P.
McAllister, of Jackson county, who
has just commenced his lifesoutence
in the penitentiary here, was put to
work in the kitchen.
If you want a lino suit of clothes
made in the latest style, go to E
Schoettle, Salem's fashionable fa ;
lor, two doors south of the white
corner, Commercial street.
Tho Jouhnai.'s tooth '. aching to
set itself upon soino of theno won
derful specimens of Wlllauiotto val
ley fruits. If you have lots of such
things going to wasto why don't
you hunt some big ones and bring
them In hero and glvo us an oppor
tunity to help advertise tho country.
In our advertising columns this
oveulng appears the announcement
of the over popular Chenioketo hotel
justly termed the peoples' favorite.
At this house tho traveler will
always receive the kindest treatment
and tho best accommodations.
Their motto is to please and In say
ing that they no please the writer
speaks advisedly.
Sonic wretch near Philomath a
fow days ao placed a bottlo of
strychnine In a spring from which
hundreds of people attending camp
meeting obtained water. $100 re
ward is offered fur apurehension of
tho fiend and a nice high limb in a
noble forest Is yearning to have
tied about It tho ropo that may
stranglo him.
Lane county's awieaameut this
year Is 16,466,904, which la also
many thousands IumUihii last year.
Than deproebttiotui are not due to
any fall In values, for all the time
the country la rapidly settling up
and Woinlng mure wealthy. 'Hie
reaaou is the withdrawal of mort
gage money and fechoolfuud. This,
m In Marion county, ha been takeu
to some eounty where It at not taxed
go heavily.
Clyde Cooke l moving into Ute
Flnt National bank building, where
h thflrigu opening a Uklk for
9lmt in oil painting, water color,
mmI eraon drawing. He went to
IVm-UmmI to-day to aupetiutend
bunging a collection of jrfctunw at
(fee MwlianUV fair. Ove U t!i"
Alpine html-!-, hh-h w a x
hiMtioit hi Mm-Mate fair, lhioilitr
ia a latyv Marine done Ht Ni--rt
UU. muautmt ; Ihtt UUU- Ik III tu
tt ft lb niednl otfrrvd by Ue air
for all oritritial paintliifr-
W.i.-tc i r un'1 iX' i iii..-'-- -r
Kil- .t Mill !
All the papers are asking about
Cleveland's "cheek." Ills cheek
ennes oil In about thirty days glvo
us something easy.
It seems we are not yet through
with the torture "Tho Quick or
tho Dead" has boon dramatized.
When will this persecution censo?
The Orogonlan spells It "Cho
lmllls," which goes to show tho
thriiv accursed proof render neglect
ed to knock "1" out of that word as
no uouiiiiy noes evoryuiing else.
Thore who profits to know toll us
one of the newrt of tho new whims
is to wc.ir rings on tho thumbs.
Somehow It htnu't altogether a
symmetrical look, but It is one of
the acknowledged "fads" of the
For years at Salt Lake City the
Gentiles have complained that the
Mormon municipal authorities col
lected city taxes, neglected sanitary
measures, and give no satisfactory
account of receipts and exjK'dltures,
now typhoid fever is raging there,
and It comes from foul water or
milk. After all there may be a con
nection between these things.
And now the great yellow fever
calamity at Jacksonville is said to
have been caused by the real estate
boom. Tho outbreak of yellow fever
there was caused by the uncleanly
condition of the city, which the
authorities were urged last winter
to clean, but refused on tho ground
that they would create alarm .and
heck the real estate boom then
going on.
Tho bill appropriating $100,000 to
defray the expenses of locating and
surveying suitable locations of
storage reservoirs at tho headwaters
of streams west" of tho hundredth
meridian, which water can be used
for tho purpose of irrigation, now
needs but the signature of tho presi
dent to become a law. It is probable
the surveys will be begun on
streams in Southern California and
Arizona, where the winter climate
is mild.
A peculiar fact Is noted In connec
tion with the yellow fever epidemic
now raging In tho south. Heretofore
the negroes havo been entlroly ex
empt from the plague and havo been
the most fearless and roliablo nurses.
This year, however, they seem tosuf
fereqimlly with tho whites, hundreds
of them have already fallen victims
to the disease. It Is needless to ay
that thoy aro panic-stricken at this
unexpected end of the immunity
from the plague which they have
hitherto enjoyed.
. .
"Tint Soon ortlin Lutcr,"
What follows Is after Amulle
Rives' "Quick or the Dead" as re
gards stylu and time. Tnthoroughly
appreciate It tho reader must bo
worked up to about 120ln tlioshtulo
and be prepared for tho worst and
then "slowly the nxcloaf litis, heavy
wilh sorrow or sniethimr ro-
voided tho dawn of those Auroraetl
oyosjantl Agiimomua saw, propiod
upon her dimpled knees, tho longed
for telegram. With lightning-flashy
zigzags of her perfectly manicured
nails she tore it open, and, hungry
eyed gulpod Its scribbled contents.
With a slim glide of her
lissom limbs, Agamemua squirmed
from her bed, landing slngle-sprlngly
in mid floor. Shaking hor grand
head, the golden hairpins in her
coiled lleoce of llro swirled around
her in aglistoniiigshower, gemming
the dusty floor as stars In an urbane
storm sky! One more twist of the
strong limbs and her wrapjxir left
the shining satin of skin, as sho
stood Godlvuly In tho spun filament
of her rod-gold capillaml"
Tim (loTiTiinii'iit it Tenant.
I wai talking but yetterday to one. of
the livcry.ttable men hire who hateliarge
of die cairii(tiiervice of a lirj- hotel.
Ileiia native Marylamlcr. Said ho te
m: "It makti in aktk to hoar litem talk
fchuut the tuipltu in the Trnaaury when we
' not only have hatHiretU of milium of
I'Ubltc dat't wni, hat t luring iu the
city of WMliiBfkMsarratMtfiMoi private
bona for Ute office of the Cotarnmeni.
It bu became the fatatoa hr U put u
buifdine fur ike uk of iatinf tbew to
the nanoii. Yoa ted Mm Hub Cornea.
uoa ia ooa private rdinee, the Kxulrnng
Kauxlittoa ta Aaotlier. the Dutrici o
frtlamU Government ia a lhii.l-M ta
iraole tow l ovfa with teuMiaae '
loot'" toUMfleidaal pateMM-tar the Gov
craneet le pay lag oil exuavegaai rat
ar.i haiaiag at tajr prufKe.iioe to MiM M
,,(. Ik uart apon le owa gr'nno mm
tn c rt,(U of rwi't. H'-i la ike fcotet
oi :. !: the Tieaaury building, which
i. .-. a t.uki in M'lnoct(jaj it
. j !t lit a hotci, l.ut il (.ovcrliiiii't
... it I r ')ieiotenl kevwooe Ulfce e4
p .) u-iny ume ila oh ia icot, and
, :l,: . htlce ha " W ''" W'''
! w t.- Uvtn " ' t my ' 'iil.le
ii , i i I
Direct from the Ksst, every KHrmont linvttiK Ifen nwile to onter Rr iw.
Dress fiooils ami Tiiiiimiiigs, Flannels, IihiiiKeis ; New Stock of Carjufe,
Riik, l'ortiers, Similes and Lace Curtains.
The vubUo ro vontlally Uw Itwl to lnsHHtour uiHmmoth sttxk,
.1. M. KOSENKEKfi & CO.,
Wliite Corner.
umn ivt,Mitnj:uittBtwerjfMw iumum
Evaporated Apples,
Evanoratcd Peaches,
Evaporated Nectarines.
Evaporated Apricots,
Evaooratcd Pears,
Dried Peeled Peaches,
Dried Peaches.
Dried Apricots,
Dried Currants,
Dried Apples,
Dried Grapes'
Oregon Petit Prunes
Imported German Prunes,
Smyrna Figs,
Persian Dates
Weller Brothers'
C'ommcrcliil Htrvcl
M. At. MEAD,
Filing Saws a Spocialty.
dhopnii the alloy, iipilltf .Mlutn'a l.W
ory 8Ml)le, xlm, i Jr.
Kiirllio troHtinfiil or all (IImwhim of iikoi
mill wniiH'ii
mm. (JILIJMKT V ffiail'
MwIUwKhI vhimii- IhiIIii, oxyuttn Inliulv
tloiltf, tllWltni IllimilUtlWIII, IIUtllOHlMt
imy. etu. Olllttiaiiil auiilutriiim In thu
IImiiK lilcHik. CiiinllMtliiii fr. lOAIw
No. IWI UoiiunttrolMl Htrwrt,
I'luiiibiDg, Gus mill Sleam Filling.
Tinware and Artistic Metal Work
a Spocialty,
-Aant fiir llio ItiniAllfJHON A
tltlllil In !(
Gmi n tl' iwllmottt
IlOll wl nit l'i ItKM )S Ht W)
' .1 . I ,. . . - I I , (!(,! ' 1-I..I4C, .,
j ill 1 ..I J - . . .. ... I"
n r rails
mm school
Miss Knox
Will continue Her School for the i
suing year at tho LITTLE CENTRAL
Marion Sts,. beginning
surranuiK 10.
3oys .unci Girl.
Tim fi'hool will iiik-ii n Ihn 3KJ
(r Siitiinlior. 'IiiiiiiiiikIi Jrmtruo-
turn In llio iirltimiy liml
English JJranches.
In iNittrwi.
T.'CISMH Hint further Infnrimitloiunity
I'lttl .miimilUvitlun In
itKV. r. it. i'Oht,
Cur. CliPiiiiiliutii unit Hliitirlt.
WIllmiiHiO Uiilvwrsliy.
MlHt KUMCrill IH'lllHll (if IIIIINtO (IH Hni
;uirlliwut ixiuat. Alxitit
CurM In
I'Ihiiii, OrgHit iSliiKlK. Violin,
1 linioriv. iiml Conntur-
Dlploiiww m iiiiiiilttl(iit ill court.
TflHOlint: .. M. 1'iirvlii, l-'rnkl I.
Jdliiw, KvuCux. Aillit,I,lllll.M,SlftHh.
1'lret Itirm IiwIiih Motumy, 8itxir
3d, IWM. HoiiiI fur wttiliHtuv. l-'nr lurtlwr
ixtrtk'iilHm H(Ultt'
MlKlnil lilri'ilor, HhUiii, (H.
s-i7.nr w u
(IrHlllllltOMHttlllvIlM 111
Classical, Literary, Scicnlilfe,
Normal, ISiisiness, Law,
It In tliotilwt,lHryt Mint Iwutl "'I1"
alv IiulllultiMi of lnriiln In Ihw StttlS-
HoImkiI oii llrl Muiiibty In 8titttwtcr
17; IIH, OrVHn.
GltliAT )mUM
How in iiuaaiaairin ul a itvwr
I WWIIIIHi HH. VW..'. .. ..
1 le. and acta aJnmat lualMHUmtfHialv urn I
.- r.. .. ... m r i . .c . ..
tnrroMpniny iwmiw m hw ikiiu iimm
twr Itjurkioa ur awfl wt la Itw
la. TIm uuututUunrt ol It claim Um
fual kaa mar bean known Orfbt. mtt
ttylt II ta tlM aanaliiv ftr hhm
la, llwy iwii m claaturd and Uml
Wltbuut lu. Mo all tbuM llutl wiMt all
UvMuI dvnul work 4ua without mMbj,
wobl4 twltvr ill u Dr. it. amltU. TSK
Onll and w
Salem's Popular Job PrinUr,
V "'
"" '
II1H M W '! Mil Un IN I M
I . ti I i ' 1 i. i '
111) I , . !.. , t I