EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL M Fi.-ctOS AM) HUM US. boots and snoKs. f , - . all t I J ft- . MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1888. Overland to California VIA Souta Pacific Company's Lines. TUB MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Tint ttrtwwn Salem an) San Frsielsr. Tblrt-lx lluurs. l'A.,iri)UMIA K.TI'K1.-H rHAlK UAIJ.t "KwHh." TToftli. -toOTp. 111. 1 IjT. I'ortlniiil XrT M p. m. I I.v. Halem l.v. MO a. in. Ar. Hmii I'ran. I,v. 10-(0 a. in, S'HO n. in, .10 p. ill. OCAI. I'ASffKNMKR TKAIN 7JAII.Y KX- Ti'rHriiAY). I. 1'orlliiiid I.v. Hnlein Ar. I 8:l p. in. I.v. Jiftt p. in, Ar. iiugene n.i vi . in. PULLMAN BDFPBT SLEEPERS. tM a. inT 11 ft, 111. 1H0 p. in. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, ! Vor nflmiiiiiiiMilHtlonnf second da pua- ' DMNpinHttHfliuil to express trains, ,' TfitiO. & U. Kallroml fi-rry milker con- i iwjtlmi with nil tlio regular trains on the i Kiwrt Hiilu 1)1 vlnlon from Tool of F street, 1 IVwUand. f iVosl Side Division, Between Portland j anil Cervallis: b DAILY (KXCKIT HUNIIAY). 1if.M. I I.V. lx.irn-1". I Ar. ToHTantr CorvnlllH ""ATT o.n p. in. 1;.T0 p. m. IiV. M'MINNVll.I.H KXI'IIMil rllAIN (IIAIJ.Y KXCKIT HUNIIAY). fWfj ill. I I.v. Pnrtluml AT." ! Mil p. 111. I Ar.Mc.Mliinvlllnl.v. TFCTH. in. n-liii. in. At Allmny timl I'orvnllls connect with Irsimof Orison I'lU-lllo Ilallroad. l-W full Information rntiirdlni: rates. imps, etc., npplyjto tlio Company's nijciit, HitU-in. Orcnin r, r. uuur.it', U. KOKUI.KU, AkhI. U .MnniiKcr. !'. uiul 1'uhh.Ak U Oregon Railway and Navigation .COMPANY. "Columbia River Route.' .Trains Tor the east lmvo I'nrtland nt WM n hi mid : p in dully. Tickets to mid riom prtnalil iHilnlM In tlio United Htntos, Can ndaund hiirnpc. ELEGANT PULMANN PALACE CARS Koilgmnt HleopliitfJOirs run throiiRhllon oxprimH tnilns tu OMAHA council mmvvh ami ST. l'AUii Yitp x Cliuro ami Without Cliano. LVmncctlnns at Portland forHnii I'nui-;i'lmxiunilil-llk'Ct Hmind points. IAr further particulars liuiulru of I. A. Maimlnir. iiKi'Mt of tlio company, 'Jul Uwmni'rcml street, Huliiin, Oickoii, or A. I- ilnwell, O. 1'. A T. A., l'artlund, (iii;ou. A. L. MAXWELL (I. 1". AT. A. a H0LC0MB,Huiil.!Mnnnor. THE YA0U1NA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC 11AILR0AD And Orreon Development company's ktminiilili) Hup. 221 mile ahortvr.iM hour lfMitluiulhiin liy ituy other roulo. Flint elaw. through ui4oiuu'r mid freight lino from llirtlaud mid nil points In tlio Wll Imiiutto Mtlloy to mid from Hun Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (KxecptHmidAyn): IjwVit AltMlIll 1.00 1' M IMO I'M iMiru CorvnlllH Aulve Ynqulnn Uaro Ymiulnu ldM Oirvnllli Anlvo Alhmiy 6..'01M 6 4.1 A M HUftA 11:10 AM O. A U trnlin ooiiucct nt Albany nnd Xrvnlllii. TlioiUivotrulii (Miuuvt nt YAQUINA with Iho Orwon liovvloiiiuoiit Co I.lno VHtnimahlpnuetwiKiii nmilim uuil Kim friuidhco, 8WI.HU DATES. nrRAMKiii, runM)iAN riiAMOistxi Wlllumrtlo Valloy, Monduy, October Hth WIlhiiuHto Vully, Kiturdiiy, October 'JOtli lirKAMKIUI. FIIOM TAQt'lA. wrilbtmvtto Vnlly, Tuondiiy, Oclobrr l WUlnmvltu Viilliiy, Huudny, Ootobur llth WUIimiclto VMlloy, J'rldiiy, (Xdolmr ab Tlil dMiipniiy rt'rMMt tlio riht to iMUlteiwdMuif ibktcn without iioIUh. N. II ISiMonirfiK from lMrlliind mid all Wllbtmtlto Ynllcy ilut ntn iimko chuii mmmvtlon Willi the trnlna of thn VArl(ivA liiitrm, iilui..w...i... ..in and If dtMlnwl to Hmii rnuu'lmv, ihmild armiuo tonrrlMuit iuiuliiii the umhiIiik UtAwtf dute of aulllnir. efxfr aid Krfkkt Half Alwr ikf tawnl. rr liiforiimilon upply to Mwuini HULmAN A to.. Kwlght niul Ticket AhuiU 'JiU nnd 1M h rout at, lMrtlnnd, Or. UC UOMl'K, Ac't (ltm'1 Krt. A ltu. Act., Oregon IVolrtolUlU lv, tVrvulll,Or. r31l.llAHVK!.UJr.(lMri rrt; A liua, AkI. Origin ltit)iiWiiitit Co., l MoutKOHiery at.; Kan FmtiAttcu, Cul MAlllCKTS., The SALEM MARKET M IMUUT HTUKKT. tVtiitalitly oil hand thn txwl quality of fresh and Si Meats ! Ami all kind of SAUSAG B. -Tt..U!.KA.Nlr kpl mark$n Ih. y. Oil and wfcryourlf. Nxmow A WIUJk.Ua CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. KTATKHTltKBT, HALKM, OKMOON. 40-AH kludt of ttvh nnd urM wmU tdwavauu band, full rlhtajijanura Mdadlrluud. Marlon county in situated In ilu hwirtof tliuniagniflconL wHImui.i. valluy, tlie ccntnil gem in tlio c!u terof rich counties that form tlia' princoly (loinaiu, and Is the LMiiinei commonwealth of the great north wtwt in all the eseontiale tlmt go to wards making it a profitable KL1lin placc, and u homo for the tlinft.. farmer, the cunning artinan and tin. Industrious mechanic. Jtich in it agricultural reourc. in its cultivated and uncultivated laiidfi, in its water powers, and minerals; rich in its colleges and Kihools of learning, and with a climate unmirnfutecd for Its salubrity. It prownts to tho immigrant from the overcrowded states, where cold whiten and hot summers, with terrible cyclones, prevail, who comes to the coast with some means, advantages that no other county in Oregon possohGoe. Much has been written of this western country that requires a stretch of the imagination to com prehend, and numerous complaints tire heard from tlio class who have been misled by them, so in thii brief sketch the writer desires t( avoid exairoratiou as to its prebcnt and prospective advantages, asking tnose in tnc enst. into wnoso nanus tills may fall particularly those who have their eyca directed toward" this coast to peruse it carefully, feeling that It is not written to line immigrants within its borders, but only as a truthful discretion of a land which, if it does not "How milk and honey," contains within its bosom wealtn and resources equal to any other country on tho Paciile eldo of tlio ltocky mountalus. UOUNDAllIES. Marlon county is bounded on the north by tho Willamette river and llutto creek which separates It from Clackamas county; on tho cast by (JluoKaiiuiH county aim me uascaue mountains, which separate It from Wafcco county; on tho south by tin fcjnntinm river and tho north folk of tho Bantlam, separating it from Linn county.and on tho west by the Willamette river. PHYSICAL iOltMATION. Tlio county contains, including valley, prairie and mountain land.-, about 0(X),000 acres. There are two main divisions, tin mountain and tlio valloy. Tin latter extends from tho Wlfinnictti river to tho foot of tho Cuscudi mountains, a distance of about ill teen miles. Tho mountainous portion contains1 soiiio fourteen townships of mohtl unsurvcyed land; lying in a stiij twelve miles north and south bj forty miles east and west, and com prises all classet) of land, from rich nariow valleys in tho passes, up through all tho grades of rolling, hilly and broken, to that of rock bound canyons and Inaccessible craggy peaks. It is generally heavily timbered, and in tho near futuie will bo valunblo for Kb lumber sup plies. These hills and mountains ail'ord a wonderful summer range for stock, and many of the more en ternrlslmr farmers are nvailliiK theiu- boIvch of this opportunity, and when tho cold frosts of autumn approach, the stock aro brouglit out to iresn pastures, thus onabllng them to sur vive tho winter storms with little euro. OnKAT ADVANTAQKS. A decided advantage Marlon coun ty has over many others Is tho di versified farming interest tlmt can be carried on througlit tho entire year; notwlthstbndlng this is a wet climate during tho winter month, the uplands aro seldom too wet ti work, and long beforu tho prnirli farmon aro through with their seed lug, tho hill farmer iu preparing for iIh summer work. And yet the low lands aro much preferred h many; tho yield per acre is gononillx greater, ami jwrhap leas labor Is re quired to place (he soil in proper condition for crops; and then should tho season prove dry, Hie bottom lands are suru to bring the IhsI crops. No better fanning land can bo round in tho United btatcs than that on the noted Howell prairie, l'renoh prairie, ftuitlum pralrlo and Salem pmlrlo. The soil of these an wonderAilly tirotluotlvo. With gtwl cultivation, forty bushels of wlieat and sixty of oatM per acru can be rvHidlb' Njcurwl. KACIMTIHH "OU MAItKKT. The Wllliuuetto river, with two linos of railroad running tho eutiro length of tlio county from north to south, with tho Oregon Paoltlo road erosslmr tho southeast corner of the county, atlbrds ample facilities to reach a market In any dlnctlou. HALKM In tho capital of tho state and county (Huit of Marlon county, situ ated ou tho Willamette river and on tho O. A C, railroad. Costly buildings have Ixwn erected, among which tho etato cmpltol building, (Mil ii ty court house, Chcmekoto hotel. oKru house, now public school building, Catholic school building, Methodist church, Willamette Uni versity, and many private residences mid biudneoe blocks, which will comioro favorably with older and larger olUco. OKNCRAL. All things considered, tho Wlllant otto vnlley liu tho beat countp iu tho world, and Marlon county Is sUiut oenierully located therein. To thooa Making hornw lu tho west, no better opportunities can bo otlbred. than are found hero. Persons dcalrius lnforaatkti rtardlns Marion oottnty or tho WlLlamstta valley, thoso wanting farming lands, stock farms, business property or city residence, will bo promptly and rolbibl)' Informed by addrvcalng the well known firm of WlllLi a Chamberlln, real estate ageats, nuera bouse blook, Salem Oresra Waste oaimt and exehauMe for eak at this oftiw, -port Tiri' HOMELESS!!! 12oo ACRES OF- VARIED LAND Sale or Rent. Quantity ami Quality to Suit Purchaser. Lands ncarR. R. Facilities. A GOOD CHANCE -FOU A- Renter or Purchaser TEAMS AND STOCK ON THK KAUM- WILL BE SOLD To thcue buying hoiiien, If desired. For Particulars call at This Office. w Live and Let Live Paint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsomlnors- Paoer Hangers and Decorators. AU nlws wtU rpWv prompt ttilkw BtUB&atM a all klait.J wt n n... iin fecfttRytya. riltaaeUa raarat4 BtXtm,lir. -... FOl THE OREGON FRUIT DRYER (Uevolvlns;; rack 'frame) Is Simple of Construction, AND EASY OF" OPERATION, Awarded llrst premium nt the Oregon state I'nlr l(8.VSl-85-'S.'87 and nt the Cali fornia State Kalr, 1887, and Han Joaquin County l'alr, 1KS7. Manufactured In six I sizes. For circular and price list address II. S. JORY & SON, 1. O. llox 280. Salem, Oregon S-Dryer Fun -cos furnished Ave sizes Tho jyairaus guidb is isjujd ilrch and Sept., oach year. It is an eney clopedia of useful infor mation lor all who pur chase the luxuries or tho nooossities of life. "Wo can clothe you and furnish you with all the nooessary and unnooosiary nppliancos to rido, walk, danco, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do oil theso things COMFORTABLY, and you can moke a fait estimate, of tho value of tho BUYEES' GUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents vo pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avonmo, Chicago, m. JIT J Dr. H. SMITH Now In possession ot a new discovery in medicine. m hleh is purely a local amestnet Ic, and acts nlniost liihtantnneously on tho snrroundlni; tissues of tho teeth. It Is In no way Injurious or unpleasant to the taste. The manufacturers of It claim that Its equal has nccr been known bcfoie,nud by applying it to tho sensitive or sore teeth, they can bo cleaned and filled without pain, boall thoo that want all kinds of dental work dono without mln would better call on Dr. II. Smith. Teeth extracted for 60 cents. HOWARD BROTHERS DO General House Moving, Raising and Repairing. Work promptly donoat reasonable rates. Orders left at Cai'itai, Journal olllce will recclvo attention. 9-11-tf GENERAL BLACKSMITH1NG -AND- Horseshoeing ! ! All tho ImnroNCd methods of shoelm? shaiitnir shoes, to euro diseases of the foot and for tho correction of faulty netlon.con traction and Interfering, used. I firarantco satisfaction In nil cases, liefer to any well knoM n horsemau In Oregon. , JOHN KNIGHT, The Horeeshoer, S05 Commercial street, Salem, Or. A. E. STRANG, No. a Commercial Street. SALEM, OREGON. -DEALEll I- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. MfAgmt for tho UICHAUDSON A KOYNTON COMl'AMY'a Furnaces. Es tablUhisl lu LSH VARIETY STORE! w.'m. sargeant Kep a nno stock of Wall Paper, Borders and Centers, BABY BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, Tor Tsui Chests; Velocipedes, Bitptes, BASKrrs, M( aii kUfe r rKixss. Mcmldiogs ai Frisk Hide to Order. Tittus rwjxr, 1ctm andenter. lVvnt fenrtl tha artUl maUrtal, men as Tub rfnu of alt kind. UnuhM.ef alldia,and Wfodera. Atsoth GOLD PAINT-READY MIXED, Mats for frajo ot aa alaea. 1q fact rerr UU alM Uat tan t toukt ot Corns and Se for Yourwlvw isft fKj Bra WM. BROWN & CO. B O Q. 1 Tjls O Cfl H I -dSS!S:SU'",,0!a'BCH 1AI ' iij 1 S I H O K "s Leather and Finigsh CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Pelts and Furs. No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. Weekly Capital Journal! Tlie Cheapest Newspaper in Oregon! TflE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY. Read Our Reduced Terms! wjv&ivlii. one year, i,60. Now Read Our WEEKLY, ono year, ?1.00. WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW B0L1 IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ONE-HIRD OFF FOR CASH. Our Old Subscribers Now in turrara ore urgeU to tako ntlvaiitago of our big discount, uiur oiu ucoouuta aau joining me granu tltrong or one aouar u TO ONE We say, send ua your names. If you want to take advantage of our "e third olf for cash," and are not wnero you can get postal notes 2JJi convenient method of remitting, send us your name and state thst Sf will remit at first opportunity. This will ensure your being plaoed oa i" dollar list, THIS IS NOT A BPECIAL OFFER But a soild. permanent reduction. We have oome to ty. DEALER IN i . ...,iM - L Kj I WJSiSlvIiY. six montliB, -'"J . H Discoont for Gash! WEEKLY, six montliB, f0.50. H i ljrfl AND ALL