1 L J ' i if t It Prj I 'V ? tv V. EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL -i-unMsiiisr EVERY EVENING EXCEPJ SUNDAY. TIY Til 1 Capital Journal Publishing Company. I i.tcimroitATKn IHk, Corntr Court and Ulxrif Slrtttn, t TKltMH OK BUnSCIUITION JJAIJ.Y. One yr, by mall........ ...-. .M M) Nix month by inHll-..;... ,-.. 2 fl Chut) nioriUiby mull . . ... I ! I'er 'Hk delivered by carrier ....... 16 WKHKJ.V. One year 51 ro Six months " no ywr, ir lmlil for In advance, 1 CO ix month, CO nHWiniislem mo uulliorlzcd lo re col vo Kiil.xcrlp! Iiiiih. AV-Hntered oh mwxhicI-cImsw matter nl tliu 8alem. Oregon, 1'iwtolllce. June 21. IS. Republican National Ticket Kor President, HKNJAMJN IIAIUtlSON", or iiuiiiiiiu. For Vice President: LEVI 1'. MORTON, Of Now York. "WIIKAT CllOr OF FKANCK. Mb. A. Sunderland, State Dairy r. i . t .. ..it. riH I A.II I Cnnn CJOinmiSSlOUer, U I1JIIJJ a UliirV was considered at n cabinet council lust week. The minister of agri culture states that the shortage wlguld amount to 100,000,000 hecto liters. Proposals regarding the duties on Jiriportecl w'lieat were niscusWd, hut no condition was reached. As a hectoliter contains nbout two and flvc-ixth Winchester bushels, It follows that according to tho above report the French crop is about two hundred and eighty million bushe's short. As this is such an enormous stun, very near the entire cron of France in good years, wo arc disponed to look upon this as a reckless estimate, unlet indeed the French fanners have met with a total loss of their etitlro grain crop. ICAIMtOAD COifMI-jSION. XBVT TO-DAT. ZZtSS, UBD'S 'OPERA HOUSE. Two performances oniy. and Tuesday, October 8-9. MERIT STEAKS "FOR ITSELF. XOTiriNG LIKE IT EVER SEEN. THE SUCCESS OF THE DECADE. ppeainnce of the prime favorites CHAS. C. MAUBURY -AND- Foit Pki-kidi'Ntiaij ICi.kctorb. Robert Mclean, of Klamath County. Win. Kapns.of Multnomah County, (i W. Kiilton.of Clatsop Count'. r MONDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1KSS. m:mi:iitukmi.. At tho Nt. Louis postolllco every luy arrive hundreds of pefornted ltmilgated letters from iho fever fttrlckcu southern dlstrictH. Tho clerks generally arc not tumid of tho frlghlensomo mall, many of them having served in the postal service lining the great yellow fever fright of lhH7 when the plaguo raged in Memphis and largo quantities of pmiantlned mail arrived daily. There Is loss reason to fear theso fum igated letters, tho papor being smooth and tho sulphur smoking thor oughly tlono, than there Is to bo sus picions of ragged and rough-surfuced paper money that may lmo been In iiio nick room, In the clothing or about tho person of a yellow fever putlont for days, until ono day, without funilgniJonperhapx, It sfnrlH tin Itsjoiiruoy out of Floiida lo ear ly tho inlciohcs to unsuspecting por- wins, who think of tliulr eurroney as tho lust thing In tho world t carry trouble to tholr doors. Imjii.ihatki.y on receipt of In foimntloii of (ho signing of the riilnnio exclusion bill by tho piusl dont tho collector of tho pott of Sau Kmuccn says ho wdl slop Iho issu ance of return coillfleates ami refuse ndmU-don to til' Chlne-H who are excluded by tho bill. Hvi:n If you are superstitious don't let It worry y.iu If you should 001110 homo Into some night anil put your umbrellu to bod, htaudiiiK your self in I lio corner. W'y huiiio of tho greatest men tho world over hi w wurtiMiportttitloiiH. Napoleon Hona pnrlo was a hollovor In onions; tho grwit Uukeof Wolllnjrtoit would not otlur Imttloon any day Hint ho mot or hiiw a yellow dog cross Mm path Hannibal used to get out of Ids uuiip-lKHl Imokwnnl so as to Insure good Itiek for tho day, anil Krvdorlok tint tlroot curiod a rabbit's foot to guard against ovil. Tint imrruw isoh'k of tho womnii who swallowed an eel while drink ing from a fiiuiHit argues a good-eel iujhIiisI a common but dangerous pntollce. 1 drink from a water plpo or from n running stream Is dimply putting a piviiiltiin on acoli dontordlMwso. ICvory nwspnor In tho land Is asking tho iiutlon "Is marriage a flUliirvf" Hinl In reply tho gay ami Joyous laugh and cry from thoua autlB uf etuwdiKl innorl ami kliulorgMrtwiix breks iioti your van. Hut If you snppomilt UorU not h falluro you had boat try It youtxflf, h thU Uutiutkitloii of In dlvldiwl Judgment aad divUloii. The who have not yet Ihkhi tliwv Mm UiOMpMliltf iif flvlim;Hii opJulon, MUtI tJt iihiu who lot KMt uiMuy a Mltflit in U'Ujf, Hrioiw Mud wiwry (wurtiiiuU iHMrliMjw toy ItMiiiHirwl tMKiVtfMU UUblkMHl r(K)OM to tlt troullMmv imcry. A tlw ou kMtkrr w It, iiirtrrln uiwii h mturuw tix ihouUm of billing hihI cooliig m yrr of mUuitderaUudlug - Jong amy n or aimpiioiuUiM'Ui and The Astorlan of last week contains a very forcible editorial on tho U"e- lessncss of the State ltallroad Com mission. The Comml'Ioii "costs tlioHtutu $1,000 a year and apart from giving employment to three or four worthy fellow citizens luu no visible excuse for being." The Commission haw power to In spect and Investigate railroads and summon persons and papers, but after all that Is done it has Ho reme dial powers to correct any evils that may bo found to exist. A justice of thu peiicj has more power than this commission." The Portland News adds: "Tho fact of tho matter is simply that t lie bill creating tho Commission was satisfactory to a combination who represent the railroad corporations and if the bill contained an impodi moutto the operationsof theroad,you can wager your sweet o.tistenca that it would never have passed." A railroad corporation attorney told tho writer that ho had drafted tho bill and that it was satisfactory to all his people, and that it was a sound of drums that would attract tho attention of tho people fora time ut least. Continuing, says tho News, "Theso asitilo hiwyera and wary politicians well knew that tho Commission was a big bug bear which they gave to tho peoplo to B.itlsfy their clamors and that really tho railroads, their employers, would not bo Injured by It. A ltallroad Commission Indeed! A candle In a pumpkin to huare the railroads! How these politicians laugh belling tho pumpkin to see tho yokels wonder tit such a Railroad Commission." ytieh appears to bo tho conviction of all w ell lufoi in-d thinking peoplo. If a Commission Is created, thev should have tho power to Investi gate and eorivct wrongs. Ap'k'als Irom their decision should bo grant ed either party, aiidthoCoinnib.sion should bo formed as an umpire or coiut tode.il fairly with public cur riers as well as Iho private citizen. Tho present law 's a useless and u uisilosH w ahs of public funds. Aftoroxporlonelngotr the l.slo of Man u few of her customary misad ventures thod rout l'istorn has been tuken from (Mycin to tho Mersey, where, at Tmuuioro, the giant steamer Is to bo beahed and broken tip. In twelve months It is promis ed, she will have been entirely tak en to pieces. So ends tho "strange, event ful history" of the mammoth creation of llruuel and Scott Huh soll. It Is little exaggeration to say that to thoustimlsof newspaper read ers the Information that tho drmit' l&iotorn is to bo broken up has como homo Just a trllle sadly. They have no jKH'iiulury Intenttt lu shipping, and may novor have hnd utiy; thoy may never have gone "clown to tho sea in ships;" thoy may novor huve scon the dreat Eastern; but all the same the news of the end of her etui ro tuiil hor linMiitling destruc tion brings the ahadown of regret. farm of 600 has barcalned & Co. for a 10-Viorse bofler 'and 'rin 8-horse engine to put fn a 'tfretoneiy he Intends starting in a few dayB'on his place. He will also put In a creap fccparator, and alms to have a flrst-clnss establishment. lie now hits sixty milch cows, nnd will presently hify forty or fifty more. tTc l!l 1ur. rim i nlw.rt Trill I rrrltwl. ing all the feed for tho dairy btock. I JUSS NELLIE B 0 Y D. . - r . I AIstccl ) Tun people who believe in genuine, , .. ,., ' ' . , 'A company of uncxceptlonnblc hblllty, civil fcervicc reform may safely trust , p.odniing Mnrcn Clnrko's and Inlgo Tyr- General Harrison with the enforce- tlls ment of the civiiservice rules. Thefce cmiifl( Sticcfaciilar Dramatic Sensation. m. .!.. am. til 1 .1 . . Ffnmt ... till. . .... .4 . . III1U11I1 UU VIII.1-..i 111 IHU UtCH. of his election, in a counuoii sen spirit. MMiere is nothing of the crank about the republican candi date, nnd at the same time there Is nothing of the demu'fogue. Denver Republican (Hep.) ,"1 NATURAL LIFE. The locomotive engineer dreads a misplaced swich; children don't. A change has been made In the management of tho Vancouver, Klickitat & Yakima railroad. The bonus given by the citizens has been converted into a stock subscription, and enough additional has been subscribed to make a sum of $00,000 for the completion of the five miles already graded, and five miles ad ditional this season. MMio road will thon bo able to supply logs for the mills at Vancouver and for another large mill to be built there as well as to carry miscellaneous produce to market. Pioneer. WITH ITS "WONDERFUL Scenic pml nipclinnlcnl display. By re quo , on Tuesday tho management have i-onsented to produce tho romantic inelo dr.inm UNKNOWN The River Mystery. This company positively carry more kcenery for the above two plnys tban any comp.ni" before the pub'le nnd Kuiirantee lo produce eeiy Kcene as advertised. ADMISSION AS USUAL. Hi ervcd Feats SI, now on sale at Kit-ton's. During the past week tho forces of working men at the front on the Or egon Pacific have been largely In creased and tho work Is being push ed us fust as poslble. Large num bers of Italians and Swedes are go ing out to work on the rond over; day. Tho recent rains have extin guished the forest fires so that pack trains have, no difficulty In taking supplies and provisions over the trails Corvallis Gazette Kviilutlou, A little fellow not!! years old para lyzed his father, In tho midst of a set ions conversation the two were having, by saying: "Pupa, when you were a monkey did you have a tall '.'"World. At Drain there is an apple tree that has produced ono crop of apples and h.-s just been ay.iin in inn mount lor atioiner crop, i nere, also is a pear lice with both blooms an 1 fruit oti it. Verily, Louglas coiiutylsiiwondei.nl fr.ilt section. Near Elkton, Douglas county tlioro 's a grapo vine that was trained around both sides and ono end of a residence. Tho vino 's 109 feet long, and full of very Hue grapes all tho bunches being of nice, uni form shape. - C.1U Hitch Now. Merrngolici. l-eshnve been Issued lo F.ank Glover and Fannie Leo; E. d. Murphy and Ilosn llennctt; .S A. Parker and Hello Jones. MMtK Imnl wu asked to coiujKteo a little poem upon his childhood, and this is what he preduced: "How dear to my heart Is tho nohool I at tended, and how I romumUir, so distinct and dim, thnt red-homled lllll and the pin that I bonded and iwrvfully put on tho Isjucli under him. And how I reotdl the mirurl) of the niHuter, whim lllll gave a yell ami sprang up from the pin, mi high that his bullet hetul muhsIiihI up (lie planter hIkjvu. and the T-ciiolMrs all pn up a tun. Utt eh A. J. IJusey Is at a'l I lines ready to attend orders to take Intending passengers to tho train or meet them there and hike thoni to any part of the city. Also ready to attend all calls night ami day. tf. Jl. H. Price, Salem pioneer hack mnii, will wait on puss-ongors to or from tho depot with promptness unci polltenooit. Leave orders at the White Comer where his slate bungs out. Proposals for Stationery. OFFICEOF TltnSKCKETAltY OFSTATK.l Sai.km, Or.,fept. 27th, lass, f Scaled piiipowils will be received nt tills olllce until noon November l!7th, 18W, to furnish the following articles for thu state of Orrn'ui: W rcnni legal cap, 14 Hj, No. 8 rulinp, while Inld, Carew, Cjhartor Oah or Scotch Linen. TO reams letter paper, 12 lb. No. S ruling, white laid, Curew, Charter Oak or Scotch Linen. TO reams flrst-clnss Congress note, 7 lb packages, No. S ruling, white laid. 15 M No. 5 whltocnveldpes,UOIb,No. lrag, 15 SI No. 0 white envelopes, 00 lb, No. 1 nig XXX. 12 gross railroad stOel liens No 141. 15 gross ItlUoit'b steel pens, .So. 4ul. 3 gioss Kasterbrook "J" jicn. 6 gross Kaber's iin holders. No. 1870. 4 dozen Tower Slanufiictuilng Co's. bar ometer and brass backed lnkstends. 12 doz.en Ivory folders, 0 Inch, Standard. ." dozen Ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress. 10 dozen mucllago cups, No. 8, Slorgan's patent. 1 ilocii mnellago stands, reservoir, No. 0, Slorgan's patent. :l reams 1'arker's treasury blotting paper, 119 lb, assorted colors. 2 gioss No. 2 Knglo Recorder lead pencils, style Wis. 4 dozen Arnold's writing lluld, quarts. 2 dozen David & Sons writing lluld, quarts, blnck. 2 ilnzcn Sauford's picmlum fluid, quarts. 15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips. 12 dozen Kaber's rubber rulers, 11 Inch, lint. 12 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 1S1 19, R. M dozen steel erasers, lingers', No. 1HHI), E. iii nnxes ruiivr s .o. ;kai muuer uautis, as sorted sizes. 4 gross Kaber's lead pencils, Noi. 2 and .'I, hexagon, gilt. 10 gross Kaber's lead pencils, round, gilt. No. 2. (1 dozen Kaber's nntcnt ink nnd nenell rubber erasers, small. HKWSIclilirsiitentpaiH,rfasteiieis,No.2. 11110 SIcOlll's patent iiHjM'r fasteners, No. 4. 18 dozen gummed stub lllos, No. 21, ll.16 In., 'JW pages. 12 doen uiblo imds for Jiaper, lllxCI. 10 dozen Mastejiiipcr baskets, crossbar, No. I. 20 lt.s hemp t Ine, No. 12. At the Mine time separate bids will bo received lorlidozeu Wostenholmeoiigre-s knives to 1 desei UhiI by trade Nos, Sam ples to be exhibited. lllds should be maiked "l'roiosaIs for .Stntlfliiory." None but boot quality of KiHius receiver. The right to reject any or all bids Is re served. All goods to bo delivered before January 1st, lass. I'liyincuLto bo liiado by warrant on state treasury. OKO. SV. SIcIlRIDE. MB-td Secretnry of state. NKVf ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL SEASON OF ffl. Special attention is called to our splendlrt display -of fashionable gnnnjiu d from the well known M manufacturers Springer Bros., BOSTON. . They need no recommendation from us, being tho finest line ever placed before the public Knr.li fmrmnnt lino li.. '"wl-.. --- p.-.....-... ..(.c. (k II.IH'1 at collar band bearing tho manufacturer's naioff oun m Is unusually largo and varied, representing The Latest Novelties. Agents for tho new Mather patent LACE KID GLOVE An excellent stock of CARPETS, RUGS, ROLLING AND LACE CURTAINS At prices extremely low. Kiill stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS In all departments. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS LUNN & BROWN'S, 239 Corner State nnd Commercial streett. Tfifi- ' I fCPSk J&SF Jka GO TO THE IMIvSi iiuUkjij mi -FOR- P ,1 A ry uooos, a UUI o or3 V lrstlrr 15 dl U O UDo, iff ml Hats. -THE GREATEST BARGAINS HORN. IK,KJ"71,1" S'1''". Set'!- Wll. ", to the wlf of w lllliou Ue, a daugh.tr. Mother and child doing well. CIIAMIIKIU.IN. - To Senator ?. U CliHiiilsMt'iiund .v.,', mi the mora of CK o er lt, n mhi, Theyouiig bkuiutornml his mother are doing nleoly, while the papa is hwldo himself with Joy. . Wobib t irair. "IXscth would be preferable to this awful, ilrtitruinicduwii sonstimi and aching hack," clesjHirliigly com. plained a sintering mothe.. "Ami the worst of it U '"she added, "thero seems no euro tor It." "You aro mistaken," skWI the symintthitiue plaiueil. "I mitlennl for yem Jmt as yew do, ami found no relief till my uiiMejMii prvik'noesi Dr. l'ieroe'i Heal Estate llaigains. Jl,CO IHO aeros, e miles from OitC ile- )Mit. OikkI house, barn and orchard. Fenced, nnd Win cul tivation. 82,CVO... SO acres, 4 miles from Salem. Ciood iiKid to town. Improve ments mir. Klne fruit land. Js.l'.'O Sa acre '3M iiillen from Salem. No building!.. Splendid land, hII fences'.. Sluko a deslnible home. $,GO0 It) acres 4 milt's from Salem. Im provements iroiKl. Klne vonntr orehanl, and garden land. JI,lH......UK) uores, 7 miles from Salem. lllll laud, Ilnely watered. Sell in lots of 40-acre tracts nt $S per acre. 19,SsXl...T acre. 8 miles from Salem. Kxeellent gnin and fruit land, adjoining Willamette river. Will sollln tracts. i l,PNL.5Iucris,4 miles ofSalpm. House, Ixirn and orchard. Ijirgesprlng at the door. Good, soil, olid lltity of tlmlwr. $S,4OJL.120 acres, Smiles of Salem; good road; well impreved: ktream running tliniugh the place. Wl,0a .400 aeres (4 mile west side O i. it K) good House, iHirnnnd urviutrti, iju in cuiiivnuon, ba:- uw oat gniu imsiure mud. SsX) .W aores, 1 mile from Kalotn, ad- Joining ftilr ground. Uixxl land; tin liiipruvenientH. Sl.aiO 4 rrw, 5 miles Salem; nil In eultlvalkm; no buildings nmr solnsil houe. Kxrellent fruit hi ad. $l,0O) 1W aerw, 0 lulltw mitit O 4 1 R Rj bu r-ium; wcitwaierel. 11oum, Imrn, ami small nreluvnl; WO . Its iniltllHIHlti. EVKU OFFERED IN General Merchandise ! BY TllK litol Adventure Co. ? Opera Honso Corner, Salem. s-2-dw-tr ;,,' 1THJJ BEST STOCK OF STOYES IN THE CITY IS AT R. JVE. WADK & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Range EnKiiin fcdL r 'StjiiMj. 'W. l una din. That active hoy Hilly, iSfx,Ti3:T' t it ,:w, T MtWhdtpli.r Jtllly, that loucli n?J ?fr '.f1' ! ,.Uh furl outuiknuiy. niatMtVonK pi,,.- iiatsasTiiirsi JIW lint, with KiKMtrHHWvNiutliMrn, KWt SMhMu. mlraWe kHwrkm. Vt)hv iMkldtW thU n knre Ibt o" cJLv and km iMotrt'. rWywt wouJU do wtll 14 mn nud examtno our koMliw nkre UWk1( tMtr pomtwxeu. J. AV. Wntt. of YHiuhllrcounty, 1mi Ktme MMt by iuxlwUoii of the inuUmitl niuttucMn omumtttet- to pk Ito lUrrUonnMil Morton. lit) v dl ikllvw fixirtwu mlilrtt in hu Y.iri a ki.l Iu-mIiu lu lik.llih t.HMI N .Ulbr M'tlllllg doWU lllto )U11111,fWuI.,. .Iw., .,.,' tmt4lllthfllk'lahle, Mrru rVmll 0 MMAu ... ,.. .,...,. i.u tlMuriltVitml Inm-IiIiik ihvouiiK ! euJMiu, Hi JiUxulitiw tokluHii Hut ov.ry on 4'ww will lnumla wuh inotv must tw lilriowu JuUv m Uii" iimi- Ihtni r.ltui iot-ri aiuon txut .r. mi . tciK. iiiuui-e me to iv wttltout the rv inetlv if H like KtUlctlou tlhould niur.. "1-Virit I'nwirtptlou" u the ouly litv4lklu 1W wvumu. oM t Jnii. StU, uuclef h ptMlUve Kulinuiuw mm tM uucuufnoturvns that u will K.- wlkAkcUou In ewrv wu or HMMy will l refunded. riihi KUNHtutw Um tnu irintt-l m tlt Uxtle-wncnpiT, uud faithiniu .r. riilottt for main tjtr. Ir VUnvt U..VV , 1VIU-U Kvntly .n , iitirtle iiirtii , i n WII.IJK . cli.iMuum.iv 0)mh lio, cmu L Sta,Or. AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES. Ala a delete Stick f lWwarc aid Farm MtdiiHtry, Warsaw! Girriips i -:.Kiv. l .l Takti Not of ThU. TTpOH 1.(H Wit W1U. HWLl.flO fr. Mh of iUml OoiJ rod to amm the 0 Mt SMtit Ktftfcs fctML Thh nta.nnd will b hM omIt Uum t thrw- ricurw, liai. o w vU WlfaUH CICAMHKKUS. ffsn Hrnw slm. Or. I Plule dental oiHTHtioua at Dr. T. C Suntbv, W KUte trivet. FOR 1IJVPARSS ?N EUR N..I TURE t . t ROTSAJS & HITNBY, 101 Ctari Stw, itm, Om lUvinr bewtht otii Ih-. rvniAindernt thl -ii.'r txtot . ti.n-k, e nr prtrd i CRASS SEED. CAN KUKNiHU MBSOUITK H A wlCi if UbWp mhL Mt-iw i tTHm ftikiu.or A FIXE LINE OF- FALL HILUNBRY GOODS Mrs. 11. E. SaiUV h4 Ja. Marf u ht.. UHween W in'-. j1 -i- " K (