"rwgyr W EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL i-uiimhiihw EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. n y Tim Capital Journal Publishing Company. IISCOIH-OIUTJ'I) IHrr, Cornfr Court siiid Mbrrt) Struts, THIUMB 01' HUJWCHirriON DAILY. One ywir, by mail.,. . Mix month, by innll . fhree months iy ttifill Per wtk dnlhwwl by cHrrler.. WHKKI.V. Oneymr. -81 5? Hlx months - r , ,'.! u jiwr. If wild forliiiidvmite, 1 Is months, w ..jo W ... a ) .-1 an .. 15 OICKGON KKPIUMBNTATIVES. a-rriliniilcrf nro reive HiiWrlptlons. mithorued l io jffB-Ktitercd ns wcomWIhs inalttr nt the Hnlciit.Ortmiii, Poslolllcu. Juno 21. 1WM. Republican National Mel. Kor I'renlilont, IJ ICKIA Al I X 1 1 AltHISON, Of liiilluiiu. 'For Vifo I'reMilent: IiEVI I. MORTON, Of Xcw York. Fow Phi-aii)i:ntiai. Ei.kciohh. Koticrl Mrlxvin, of Kliinmth County. Win. Ivnpim.of Mtiltnomnh ('nunty.l 41 W. Pulton, of Clatsop County.O 38 "Oregon", MiysaCiliforniri visitor, "bJiowh It) wisdom in the election oflier representatives nt Washing ton. Your men arc of the nblcst i the Htntc and arc among the greatest of the nation. Your men decide wliut they need and generally pull together and get it. We Cnlifor iiIiiiih have a divided delegation. They have petty squabbles, do not agree and California virtually has no Inlluenee. It will be a cold wet day for Oregon when it makes a depart ure from this rule." These remarks struck the. loritNAi. as being worthy of the consideration of all our jieoph'. With Hermann In the house and such able and Indefatigable advo catosns Mitchell and J)olph In the senate Oiegon will be known and respected by both bodies of the con gress and all other departments of the government. Mr. Irish, while canvassing Ore gon, tried to convince the people of thlsstate that a divided representa tion was the best; but Oregon very wisely discarded his ndvico by re electing Hermann und assuring us united representation for several years to conic. Tin: esteemed Sunday Oregonlan speaks of the "hams" of an elk as being "tine antlers." And this leads us to the belief that the Oreironian man Is evidently mixed mi his geography of the festive suig Tnr.Y assume to call It "TarlH' Reform," but the JJrltlsh lion gives a groan of such complete patlsfac tlon that tlio Intelligent voter sizes it ui) iluhtlv when he calls It "Free Trade." csllttratk Cat-E-Cait. The only guaranteed cure for otnrrh, cold In the head, hay fever, rose cold, catarrhal deafness nhd sore eyes. Restores the Bonse of taste and unpleasant breath, rsultlng from catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all druggists. Send for circular to Abietlno Medical Company, Oroville, Cal. Six months' treatment for $1; sent In mail, $1.10. For sale by D. "V Matthews k Co., 100 State St., Salem A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. 3IOXDAY. RK1T. iM, 1888. Hi: must not have been a dunce who Toferred to the two ears of civilization as the plou-ccr and the fronHcr. Ci.kviHiANd'h coined couplet, "A public olllce is a public trust," is interpieted by him to menu that a a public olllce Isu pi 1 vale snap. Tin: Willamette valley farmer of nil men of the caith Is the one to sing that good old song, "The How Wheat Uyo ami Bye." Yamhill county circuit court was couened Monday and adjourned until the first Mond.iy in December. The prevalence of smallpox in the vicinage ofMcMinnvilleand Dayton J'rairie caused the adjournment. The wisdom of burning straw is seriously questioned. Jt would pay the farmer a far better per cent to bale or stack it. A few tons might not come amis as feed for the cattle during the winter. This Oregon fniit crop this year is an unprecedented one. Plum, peach, prune, icar, apple and other trees are all laden and the question is what to do with the vast product. Much is being evaporated. F. J. Uatterlin, the photographer opposite the court house in Salem makes a specialty of taking the pic tures of babies from one day to thiee vears old. mid until the middle of September will tako negatives o" them free. Ann lie warrants llret class work for older persons. s-n-d it-wtr On May 1st, last, about four months ago, Dr. Gilbert opened nn olllce and sanitarium In the bank block, Salem, and ndvertlsed to treat chronic diseases on scientific principles. Blnce that time his practice has been steadily Increasing so much fo that he was obliged to secure more room and Increasing facilities, and now finding himself unablu to attend to his numerous patients, he has entered Into partnership with Dr. M. W. Wcmp, of Detroit, Mlchl-c-nn. a nhj slelan and surgeon of large ei- mrinnpe. thoroughly competent, and. n- specialist In disease of the eye, car, throat and nasal cavities who has come with his family to make his homo in Salem. The neu firm will be known as Drs. Gll Ixrt A Wcmp and will occupy the com modious rooms In the bank block, for olllie and sanitarium, and will conduct their lmslnos under the nnmo and style of The Oregon Medical and Surgical Institute. It Is their Intention to spare neither pains nor expense in their efforts to make this the mot complete Institution, for the treat ment of all forms of diseases, especially chronic, In the northwe-t. Medicated npor baths, electro-magnetism, oj gen and massage, together with all modem and scientific appliances for the thorough cure of disease, w 111 be ued. Examinations will be free, nud charges strictly moderate, Address Drs. Gilbert A Wcmp, Hank block, or postoflkc box 1T0, 'alcin, Oregon. TIIK bAltOU UUKSTION. It may be and no doubt is line that "A rolling stone gatheis no iiiosh," but any man led man will toll you that a lolllng-plii gathers some hair. 'I'm: election ofOakes to the prcsl. denoy of the Xortliern l'acille means that the Vlllard element Is ascendant. In which case Portland is to ho congratulated. Tin; cry of civil service leform sinks Into "Innocuous desuetude" when It Is lent ned that Cleveland's contribution to the democratic cam paign fund was Hl,(KK). A ritn.MiMivr llguru In the In diana republican cauvatw Is Anna DIekiusbu. She Is tcimcd the "ProphotuHSof the llcpullcau party," and evinces stcclal antipathy to wind drover. t SiNcissueh word-plays and com hlimtloim have liccouio the rage, the folliiwlugis submitted its "all right : " I'ltKltTtlAlli: CI.KVKI.AN1) AM) TIUUIMAN ClVll. hKUVICK. "And Immediately their two mouths wen clung into a kiss" Is the way Aiuelle Hives Chanter, the Into lllurary, flunk, duscrlUw It la hur sensational "Quick or the IXmd." Hilt after all It Is ciUch tlouahlc whether this Is any bettor than the good old-fashioned way. Ho. Capital Joim.VAr,: As to the question of labor, supply and de mand ever have anil ever will con trol wages. We are a part of the whole and our resources so well un derstood, that wages for the untie amount of labor, other things being equal, must remain about the same everywhere. With cheap faro from the labor centers, of ten or llftcen cents per day will pay It in six months. And heie comes the lr. borer. When an extensive employer wishes to cut on wages, he sensibly asks an agent oreinployinent bureau what he can employ the required labor for, in some cheaper market, and quietly piocccds to till up his industries with a uIiciijht article and in case objections are tillered, the disehaigcd denizens are reminded of IMnkeiton, government troops or some other soothing inlluenee, and they work for less, or leave the piemlses. When wages become permanently better in any country than here, we shall be on the mar ket with plenty. All the gush is disgusting, in view- of every day's experience. How. ever, the scilptures say something about believing a "He ami bo" 1 think It says blest. Tarlll nor duty should have no place in our politics. It is puiely it tlnanelal transaction XoN-Poi.rriOAi.. Barklen's Arnlra SaItb. The best salve in the world f .tits, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhe im fever soips, tetter, chapped hnml i hllblains. corns, and all skin enip lions, and positively cures pile-, i. no pay required. It is guariu.Ui. tn give pel feet satisfaction, or num. . rviuuiMHl. Price 25 cents per b.. For sale - Dr. H. W. Cox. An Absolute rare. The ORIGINAL ABTETIX!, ! VTM ICNTIs only put up in Lu,., "w.Miuiicu liu boxes, and is up los'ilute cure for old sores, bums, u.. inula, chapped hands, and ul! -' eruptions. Will positively euiv all kinds of piles. Ask for the OltiOIXAL ABIF.TINB OJNT MKXT. Solti byD. W. Matthews iV Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 5 cuts )er box by mall 80 cents. A. J. Uasey is at a'l times ready to attend oiders to take intending passengers to the train or meet them there and take them to any part of the city. Also ready to attend all calls night and day., tf. Xi:V TO-DAY. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. WciIiinLi and Thursday Euninsrs, Sq.t ' ' 26th, and 27lh, DR. ROB'T NOURSE QK WASHINGTON, 1. C, "The great est dramatic orator of the world," will ildier his miitcliliso lyceum orations "John and .loimtlmu," and "Dr. .leltyll and Mr. Hyde." Admission 50 cents; children half price. Di'N'o extra charge for icsercd hrat. Tickets on sale at I'utton's and Starr's book stores. 177-182 LOWEST PRICES, SEtl ADVEltTJSratENTS. GO TO THE OPERA era Ml -FOR- Dry k Goods, loots and Shoes, Clothing and Hats. -THE ATEST BARGAINS -EVKU OFFERED IN- General Merchandise 1 -BY THE- Capitol Adventure Co. Opera Honse Comer, Salem. B-2dw-tf THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IX THE CITY IS AT 43- es- s- BEST G00DS.-5! It vuh Aloxiuulor Pih who nihi, ".Mint whiHh lull llttlo hi'iv IkiUiw, Imt wuiith (hut llttlo lmiK," ami It wu i muiuiMtku ami uirltiiH rvlu- tlvo of Ills. Aluxumlor 1'oih) of lUUvlllo, V. T., wliu (louiuiiittmlitM tho truth or tlio ixuiiiltft by Kruwlug until III liht Ik hvon fot und MVtm Ini'liw. lie Is HirhuM tlio tuUt limn In the I'hIuhI Stuttw. I'llHHIDUNT OlAX, III H I11iVwki to (HtiiKraM, rttfurM ti mltUluiu w ltd tho I'ulltMl HtHttM, to thtt trusty on July 11 rwwlliiK th nfMaiuir nf iMttlti, to tlit jiunUhiiifiit wf tlu ullUvn. who nMtl to IOhIh 1'hw und Nt(tMlw,. vltilittliiK I'lilttnl HtMtM trHUvry, Mini to the fket tlwt tlio I'lilttNl HtHttW IMMIftrvM llMll hhmIii tUll ll) tho VM Abn oImIiiik Ht Mtyit tho MwxIomii Kowiutiiit Iwm tttkun ttMf UHUtlulW HKHlUkt HU iHOUntlilH ilf tllO IihHhiih wImi ilotl frHu UioHmu (Vr liM IVMrVHtt04l. Ho rvOHHIlHMuU tliOMMMttvtoMmuiitv h iww ttxtnt-1 Tho ntUruMtl Mux vo4tniotMl UtU)U Irtwty with tho 1'nltotlHUtoo, ! fnxu lhiotuw Ayiw to VnlimrHU) U u tlio invent imio U too Uitiltotl.'SIl lulltM hmKto thoitt AmH of the wiitUM m tlw frtMtUnr nsiutriiiB hIAuIw, ami wit limit h inirvo or n inoruHiut))oextrAtUtUHitrvt, lrll Tho lkw nrv iuota!IU What tho liostou Journal of Hoalth tuiyH In n'ai'tl to elgtuvtto Hineklng: "It Is a fuct w hloh I'lin not 1)0 tlls imtiHl, that hoys who nro jKirslstout olj;iirotlo mitokurn tlo not roaoh jwrfoot maturity. Tholr norvous Hyutoni I hut iiunorfcctly ilovolopotl; (UkonIIoii, hIkIU and other luiiHirtaut Autotlons aro norloimly Impalrvd. Irritability of tho hoart U 0110 com- IIIOII (SIIIMHIUOIHV of tho UM) of tolmiHHi In any torm In wirly llfo. l.ol all lHy who umi tolwutM tin (lorttliuul thin, they ran novor ww to lioooiiie nioii. Thoy will grow ohl ami iirouiatiiroly old, hut true manly development thoy eait never attain; and for thulr ohaueot of mio it an HtudeiitH and iuholart. even the mild tit-o of tolmooo ImimlrH theui, and the iirwsteiit rnsi wholly dontroyii them. Novor U'foro tho axe of twenty-one Is ruiohod should toUuvo Ik tudulgvHl In, ami Ha u- mlKht more wlmily U tloluywl until the Unly Ikvoium fully and com pletely dovoloKHl, raronts should sh to it, and, If umMNwry, Ihwh bhould iKiouueteil that this rtilo lv striutly onfonwl. Thtttv Is an awful MspoiiHlhlllty horw which all shoultl fiHl and do thulr utmost to tday tho dvouurHtluu of our ymith which U thrwHtouiHl l,v thfe, onu of tho KrMtoxt ouixw know u to u." It. II. l'rli, m!iu plimtvr lmek iimu, will whII on iwuirs to or fitmi tho iWpot with prompt iv ami ptklltonooK. Iwvo ortlrs at lh White CH-iior wlwro hit skto llHllgft out. One DUrk Drop. Ityron was vibo when ho wrote, "u (Iron of ink may make a million think.'' This N Indeed true when tho black lluid is used to enlighten the world on the merits of Dr. l'leiee's Uolilen Medlnd Discovery. Let consumptives evervw'here hear the Klad tlilliiKS. Try It all, who breathe with puiii and toss In fever through the long night hours. You will llnd the cough gone and sleep as balmy as a child's will visit your pillow. You will thank the drop of Ink that brought the mes sage of mercy to you. f00 Kcnanl. So confident are the maiiufacurcrs of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itcmedy in their ability to euro chronic nasal catarrh, no matter how bad or of how long standing, tliat theyotler, lu good faith, thoalvovo reward for a case which they cannot cure. Remedy sold by druggists at 50 cents. Smith's liict House, R. jVI. WADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM, Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Range AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES, Also a Ciniih-li' Staik of Hardware anil Farm Machinery, Wagoss anil Carriages Mirnrr'itMi . m -GKXERAI OUTKirrKltS. Goods on plan. KAL.KM - ilio installment OREGON. rpHE QUESTION OF THE DAY. PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE? An F-Ximlmtlon of the Tariff Question with Ei- piclal Regard to the InttrMts of Laber. BY HENRY GEORGE. CUmi, 1-"A I'Al'HH, CKXTS. lhtitlK tlurlninl, fulrtil, mmt liU'nt lui; iitul tmwt ixmpletH OMOiilimtlon oftlie trl(Tiini(lm .M't nuule, unit will irue laxuliinblo nt nil who lth to uiuWntHtul thomtOivt. Tho mrwt llinnuHEh lnitlptlin of tin. milOwl tlmt hUKji'l Utin put in typ-rXew York Jscn Tim a)IHriH- of Ihlt ln)k mnrku n now tHH'li In Hie orlil-w lilw htru:lv tor lrv Imil. Henry tlwiiyo Iww t juiwcr f liillliii;HtnuiiiU'lriitlibiicliM olwiruiul limpid Ihukuiiec trml ituy rlilhl n umlor klMiul him, Mlille tli humi tatrnrri man mn riviy the mvumej of hU ntlwiiiwUH tint the nim'.tlmei of hU UhhivIUii Tlnmm (I. hliwriiun In Nw York 8lr BDIRITIMf rKIN 1 1Mb WlHXtf uniili t w the rinuwnt ur- IctuiKMit-uot ml tiMHliiki pUrUUHi. btil HMHlntt nil tMrtlU will rtiut It hr, OirUllMH I'nUm. The liv!MUrii tif Mr. (rMOMk llwi he luu. Hutile polttkwl wwwiy lHlrvUc. I'nlUtrtHH IUle, A Kklk hlll HW)- WIKVlHtWH lutb IhiiJcwm rtxnl with InlortM dm imchtto r4-ewr twk llxfxhl. Hm; 6eVi OtW Wtrlt, J'ruMi himI lV.rU, ekUi, ft; jwpr, kdotaU rnit4MM.ekla.$i; iMw,eMK. i h uimw immwi, rper, i Ml I'MMtu- m Aoarwv. IIJ4HI ppr, w Meat. PI K OK THE UMtOKKT ESTAIIU8H- icnt in tho htiitiN Iiuer rules ihun tliiuil. liivtwt i.tfK.k linil lllniikx In tlitJMiitr.n it blinrtut dUcount. Send for prieelUt of loh prlntliii;, und tiitulni;iio ot liyil bhinkx. K. M. WAITE, Sleiim Printer, Siilcm, Oregon. HOWARD KUOTHERS DO Gmn House Moio;, liaising and llrpairing. W'ptk promptly tloneut misouublcrule. t)rden len nt Owitai. Journal ottlco vt III rvect e ttttvnllon. IM l-tt CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! Wmunietto University. Moi kiirnvMiUl MlHtol of imifclfl un th IUHthtt lit. AlMHlt 150 STUDKNTS LAST YEAR. OxarMM In Pliino, Orcetn Slnetnii, Violin, Hurmony. und Coumvr- point. IMptwwu m wwwJtkM o whifxi. TniWh X. M. IVrxtH. Kmukt P. w. It VnWn CW. AT THK C. T. I J. 1-1. MH A LL On. AMUiMHU iJtlu M. StolUi. twtti iMylns MMuUy, l-emumftuf SJiul nr tMlnaomuL Vttr huiluir lorilwiiww mldrw X. M. lA.iVIN, MwetaM DtrwMcir, $mWb, Or. MJ-UU.lt GOOD UBAL FDRAQL'ARTER'S 112 CeurlSt. Take Nate of Thl. 1)K 0O VK WtU. KKU.AO serr l'HM lproveJ EHnWH ka, wHhln S MttM Ot Rlt irt Md to town Ui )tr nwwL BuUrftwgtirMd. flNE .YtMJNB HANB exeniww itim mm. ibi WrlH. una will Ik- beM nctly hort FALL SEASON OF I8SS. t bperlal nttcntlon Is allied to our splendid dfoplay of fiiNhloniiblo (nirments from the ell known munufiicturcrs Springer Bros., OK BOSTON. They need no recommendation from us, bciiiR tho tlncst line ever pliiced before tho public. I'-iioU Riirment has n Kihol nt collar bind beurlng the manufacturer' k name. our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is unuinnlly larsre unci Mirled, repre sent I nc The Latest Novelties. Agent lor the new Mather patent LACE KID GLOVE Au excellent mek nf CARPETS, RUGS, . ROLLING AND LACE CURTAINS At iirlnw etiiHaly lr. Knll tock of gaVM-Uli AND KANCY DRY OQUOS lullitotrtHwntK. MhTS PUR XI SHI KG GOODS I.UNX & ilROWX'8, i Oimr tHW (Ml Onfnntrtil streets. t tRC K tlMxr ym the ni.erty t II -l IK A l IMHIIMIU.t. i Her ltHte, htletu. Of. --dw-lf I GRASS FOH llAHQAlS IJ ! j mUture of IJbmIb und Mequlw In FURNITURE JaSS Jfct KaxU. tMm Hlm. Or. FINE LINE 07 EALL JIILUNE1IY GOODS Mrs. Jl. I SartrTfct Silm. H) TO A9TAN WHITNBV, MZ 0rt S4H, Saim. OffM Uv.b Ummiu out ttf rwiHailw ot is twlr utrtory Wjck, we guv prpirrd to ' rfajir Kfwer tuatt aajr Imhim lnOre(a ---.teMM - , lml.vumivMmfmmMmmrmmrumimKmlKmMmmKmwwmwKmMmuUR&ttBUKKMUKiKtiKKl