n2fr' CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1S8S. NO. 181. FINANCIAL. ktabijshed; bt national authority OK- SALEM, OREGON, Capital Paid op, - - - $75,000 Sorplas, ...-.- 10,000 R. S. WALLACE, - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBERT, . - - - Cashier. DIRECTORS. V. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, Dr. W. A.CusIck. J. H. Albert, jr. McP. Patton. LOANS IvIA.DE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or In store, either in private granaries or public warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Droits drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOHN MOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, 'London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank in most reliable companles.l MISCELLANBO US. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers In; Boots and Shoes ! LATEST STYLES! jrt t limn i KAIIIll, UN KM liXMJ J.A.1 V V General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsyte's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. T7IXPRES8 WAGON, QUICK ANUSAFE Alt delivery. Win. Rennle having bought the express business of WalterLoyre, Is prepared to deliver 'trunks. valIso, pack aces, and "any thing elite that he tea get In his wagon to any part of. the-city, quicker, safer, better", and neater. Juan IV can 'be done by any body else. iav "orders at Mlnto'a stable. INSURANCE Company. Fire and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, . . Salem, Oregon, APPEAL,BILVBBTON, weekly, $l per year, 'Independent. TbeArraAi. rarcuiaieji in aianoo, una ou usck amaacount4ea; has been established eight years and (a an excellent advertising me dium. For terms address the publisher II. O. Oulld.ailTerton.Or. BENSON'S EXPRESS. Leave orders at LANCBH Liv ery Stable, corner of State and Front ureeu, or on slate at comer State and Com meretal streets. Prompt attention and guaranteed. w BBN80N TIic Capital National Bank First National Bank PROF. E DIAMOND, Teacher of Music And dealer la all klada of W osteal IaMra neoU. Uee,U Commercial street ln tBMU aeM os the lastataeat pWa. MISCELLANEOUS. rai T 17 m ih -t ie location! THE iffll Bes Hasjust purchased 687 acres, situated from three to four and one-half miles cast of Salem, which they will immediately plat and survey and sell In Ten Acre Lots. This land has been carefully selected with especial reference to Its adaptability to fruit raising and desirability for residence purposes, and Each Lot will Front on a Good Road and Have a Good Front Fence. Tho tlmo for the residents of Salem to buy ten acres of choleo land near the city very cheap Will Boon be past. Tho OREGON LAND COMPANY alone sold during August twenty-six ten acre fruit lots, and some of tho same lots havo already Been re-sold at a HANDSOME ADVANCE IN TRICE. There are many persons In Salem who could buy one of these lots and pay for It without inconvenience. In fact any permm receiving oven a small salary can buy ono of theso lots by making a small cash payment, and paying tho remainder In semi annual installments, and by practising a llttlo economy for a short tlmo bo tho owner or a property wmen can no maae (wnen set to iruii) 10 proauco As Large an Income as is Obtained from 100 Acres of Grain Land. Tho vnluoof these lots Is notdCDendent unon anv nrosocctlvo boom, but denends upon what they will actually produce now, and what that product will now bring In tho market. If You are Thinking of Securing a Home Do not fall to seo these lots. If you havo money to Invest do not full to look at theno lots before Investing. If You Want to Save a 'Part of Your Earnings it the same time mako n first-class Investment buy ono of those lots i ment plan. Land Shown Free of Charge. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank, HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! Scriber -:- and -:- Pohle. 2Sbi 6ww.r tz?r thc o n,ly- jXcir(oirj yPOf GUARANTEED 1 ! er Wu.1 ', CAvJ cure roni C'XATARRH ABIETINEMCCVOROVILLECALJ a AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAP which doe not ret betterT Have you an ex vMv Mcretlon of mueu matter In the nasal DaanareaT Are rou troubled by wking. (pitting, weak and inflamed eyes, marine n the ears, more or leas Impairment of the beartur, Jos palredTduUneaa or dtnlneaa of the head, dryness or heat of the i senteofsmell? Is your breath foulT Ifso.you havetbeCutan avmntoma. others only a part. Uaiiiornia Restore the nseoftate and smell, remove bad taste and unpleasant breath, reault Inr from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a core la guaran teed by D. W. MATTHEWS A Co. RBCOMMENDBD, CAPTAIN CHARLES L, DIMON. of New York City, formerly apeeUl agent of the Phwnlx and Home Insurance Company at San FraneUen, Cal., say a: "1 have been troubled with Cnroale Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In Woodland. Cal- recom mended year California CAT-H-CUHK, I proourded a Jar. having bat little faith In IU euraUvenroeertlea: but I must aay, after using three Jars, I am cured of that disgusting lUaeaae. Sndn-edi And tS for which send me California CAT-H-CUHE for some friends, who are sufferer." SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST., SALEM, OR " in i ii riTOl f 1 1 9. I nt fill A fjii iIiLmImahIa IIa ha( oNLLL, ntllonu Ot vvuuuAnui vriiuis&aio uouuu j m n I ' -V " rU ft ifliV.N 11 ItlilU i Soil!! Easy Terras ii m- UHD Aflno lino of hacks, buggies, carts, car riages, buckboards, etc lloth our own make and tho betit eastern made buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING, Call on the undersigned, wagon and car rlage maker and blacksmiths, 312 and 311 Commercial treet,!Halem. frequent soreness of the throat, ringing or lenoaeT Have vou lost all Catarrh. Home have all these Cat-R-Cure mm NEWS Of WESTKUX UUKGOX. Sheridan In Yamhill county, was named after tho gallant Phil. Hop picking and vaccination aro In popular favor just at present. A grand stato republican league was organized nt Portland last week. Tho Newberg fair has been post poned on account of tho smallpox scare. Indications point that Newberg is soon to have a live weekly news paper. Umatilla county's wheat crop is estimated this year to bo 2,000,000 bushels. A trial invoice of "Willamette apples is being mado ready for ship ment to Australia. Tho MeMinnvlllo fair has been indefinitely postponed on accouut of tho ravages of smallpox. The Methodist congregation at Dallas have in contemplation tho erection of a now church edifice. SUverton's splendid cornot band covered themselves with glory nt Salem's state fair last week. The Oregon Pacific paid $175,000 for their new steamer Caracas which is to ply between San Francisco and Yaqulna. Oregon has had just enough rain to clear tho atmosphere of smoko and dust. All nature smiles. Tho paper mill at Oregon City will soon bo under headway. Con tracts for lumber nro already effected. Oregon City is soon to bo lighted by electricity. The poles arealready up and tho dynamo will Iks located iti a few days. Malheur county is about to bo crossed by tho Union Paclllc on the direct short lino from Ontario to San Francisco. Tho ilrst Presbyterian church established in Clackamas county is near Oregon City and will lie dedi cated on tho .'tOtli Inst. Tho narrow gauge road, east and west side, Is preparing to re-build some long neglected bridges and otherwise repair their lino. A great many immigrants aro coming into tho great and only Willamette valley every day. Most of them aro thoroughly pleased ami locate. Tho now and commodious three story hotel at Dallas is about com pleted and will at once be furnished and opened up. It Is a creditable structure. Tho now grist mill at Dallas is Mion to be ready for ojioration. That thriving city's new brass uantl will bo ready to play for tho "grand opening." In tho foot hills east of Bllvertoll extensive forest 11 res have been rag ing during the past week. Many acres of valuable timber has been destroyed. Josephine county's watcrmolon kings will convert their surplus melons into syrup. Ono nun will have over 100,000 pounds left afior tlie shipping season. Tho $16,000 governmental appro priation will soon bo expended to check the threatened cut-oil of the Willamette above Corvallls. Work will begin very soon. It Is now the business of the town councils to establish boardsof health, further sanitary measures and other wise prepare for holding In cheek the deadly sniullpox. The Illllsboro fair ojhiiis on Tues day for a four days' session. Orcat attractions areodered and It promises to be a pleasant full festival. No gambling devices will be permitted. Portland is soon to have a glass factory established within her borders. Tho trouble Is In discover Inga suitable sand, but this they think to have found lu Southern Oregon. Douglas county has u live fruit growers' association whloh meets monthly for the illaeussiou of topics of interest to the "craft." The next meeting will be at Ilosoburg, Oe tober Oth. Portland's sehooU have lira drill and one day recently a three story school building was emptied of M8 rhMdrvn in two minutes. Kueh j.UnBofdlM4plIueshouIdljei,,wmlly eeta'jlUhed. TICKINGS OF THE TELEGRAM Yellow Fever and Smallpox Still Holding Full Sway. A Vesitel I.ont-. LOK'CS" Pioneer Killed Crop -Murder, Ktc. A Ploueer's DcmUr. Oakland, Sept. 23. Capt, Jc tham S. Marston, a pioneer resident of this county, 84 years of ago, and n native of Maine, wits killed very suddenly yesterday morning, by being run down by a train. Ho was Alameda county's first treasurer. Hops Hopping Up. New York, Sept. 23. Tho hop picking season virtually closed In tho Middle ton district last night and growers are in a good framuof mind. Prices havo been gradually going up for Borne time, and good grades arc now In ready sale at from 27 to 30 cents per pound. Passed to l'Urrs . San Francisco, Sept. 23. Tho schooner Pet, which left hero yester day for tho Albion river, wentashore on tho north side oftho Golden Gate this morning and was immediately dashed to pelces. Capt. Parohers was in command of her at the time and it Is more than probable was drowned. THE YKLI.OW JACK. C1LOOMY AT DECATUR. Decatur, Ala., Sopt. 23. This has been the gloomiest Sunday in Decatur's history, tho sun eveu re fused Its cheerful light. There aro hardly more than 150peoplu lu town and two-thirds of theso are colored. A special train with about llfty refugees loft about midnight last night. There were but two cases and no deaths to-day. Tho total cases are bo von teen; total deaths four. QTARANTINK AT MEMPHIS. Memphis, Tenii., Sept. 23 Tho city has been quiet to-day. Con ildeuco is restored and the feeling of uneasiness which amounted to almost panic has given way to a more rational view of the situation. The quarautiuu regulations of Memphis have caused a suspension of travel, llusiness is virtually at a standstill throughout this section of tho country. Tho quarantlno Is work ing great hardships on many citizens who lire absent from the city and cannot return. CONDITION AT JACKSONVILLE. Jacksonville, Sopt. 23. HojiortH of the board of health to-day aggre gate 133 now eases and ten deaths. Among tho new cases are two of the visiting physicians. A more hopeful feeling exists, many Intelligent ob servers of former epidemics liellov Ing that tho worst Is over. CONDKNSKIl OISPATGIIKS. Deadwood, Dakota, had a (16,000 lire on Saturday night. It Is denied that Vlllard's scheme to find the South )oIo has been abandoned. Those who know say that the President will not sign the Chinese exclusion bill until the last hour, The Wddmoro fountain was for inaly presented to the elty of Port laud with appropriate ceremoules Saturday. JJuil'alo, N. Y., Is wild over the discovery of twelve oust of small pox in the fashlouable quarter of that elty, Louisville has ojieued her gates to the yellow fever rufugees nod they are pouring Into that elty by the hundreds. The schooner Daisy Itowe, from Westport, was towed Into Kan Fran cisco yesterday In a water-logged condition. No iinortant legislative business is likely to lt accomplished by the house this week, and the senate has no work outlined. It is feared the yellow fever epl dwule will entirely shut wit the orop of Florida oranges. ThlscuuseM much uneaxJuesM among dealers. The Swiss government contem plates asking parliament for a rellt of 26,000,000 francs for army equip ment and purchase of guns. Late advices say Robert Garrett is very low at New York and that his death Is momentarily expected. Three- thousand women at Boston have registered niul propose votltur for school commissioner. This Is bo yond precedent. There is great foundation for .tho rumor that Prince Rlsmack will resign. Ho and tho young emperor havo evidently quarreled. A band of ton masked men Satur day night near Schulenbcrg, Texas, were bullied In an attempt to rob a South Pacltlopassonger train. "Poor old Texas." At Jacksonville a telegram states all pretenso of Isolating houses has ceased; no more yellow Hags aro put up and tho whole town Is practically fevered. Tho "Ktrurla" has just reached Now York, having crossed In six days, one hour and llftoeu minutes, again of thirty minutes over tho best previous record. Tho republican parade at San Francisco Saturday night was de cidedly tho mast stupcndtiotis ono over witnessed In that city. It was over three miles in length. A sharp earthquake shock was felt at San Francisco yesterday at tho noon hour. The motion was of an up and down nature, the accom panying sound being deep and rumb ling. At San Francisco Saturday the supreme court decided thatex-Soua-tor Sharon and plalntlll', Sarah AltheaHIU, were husband and wife. This celebrated case has been pend ing since 18&r. Farrar A Co, Are shipping out fruit hy tho. ear load, but their own store Is always attractive with tho best varieties. In fruit, vegetables, groceries and provisions they aro always lu the lead. A Worasn's Unrorrry, "Another wonderful discovery has been mado and that too by a lady In this county. Disease fastened Its clutches upon her and for seven years sho withstood Its severest tests, but her vital organs were under mined and death seemed Imminent. For three mouths she coughed ln cessantly and could not sleep. She iMiught of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on taking Ilrst dose that sho slept all night, and with one huttlo has been mirau ulously cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther laitz." Thus write W V liamrlck A Co, of Shelby. N C (let a free trial lwttlo at Dr II "W Cox's Drug Store, Ie Virtltl I'mdIhum, W. D. Hull, ilruirttlst. Uhmus. Iud., testifies: "I can rcocommoud Klcctrlo Hitters as tho very lest remedy. F.vcry bottle sold has given rellof In every case. Ono man look six Imttlcs, and was cured of rheumatism of ten years' standing." Abraham Hunt, druggist, Jlollvllle, Ohio, alllrms: "The best selling mtsllolno I have ever handled lu my twenty years' extierlonco, Is Klectrlo Hitters." Thousands of others havo added their testimony so thut the verdict Is unanimous (hat Klectrlo bitters do cure all diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at Dr. Cox's drug store, Kal Wits I'easfert as at Usisr, It It by no means uncertain, but, on the contrary, a well ascertained fuct, that up on the well bulug of a msn'i stomavli depends that modicum of hupplnms which Is vouchsafed to him In this world, Dys. Iieptlu, the foo of alt others. tOithetomaoh tranquility, and mONtto tie dreaded, Is u complaint to the preliminary relief and eventful eurn ol wliloli Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers Is especially adapted. It enable those who use It with a reusonuble degree of peraUteuce to rat with rvllih, beeaus It Impart! afhealthful appetite; to dlgmt with Hue, because It strengthens the atomaeh; and to assimilate the food whle.li is eattn aud dlgealed,;thut benefitting health, pro moting flMh and sustaining the exerobm of the physical and mentul faculties. It, moreover, facilitate the secretion of healthy bile, uetuate without dbwomforl the habit of body, aud tends, when taken upon retiring, to produce healthy slumber. Malaria 1 eomtuered by It, ... . i- III all there are four oases ofsmall pox at MeMinnvlllo and ono ut Dayton Prairie, The doctors think they have the dread malady under oontrol aud that Km spread will t prevouted. Strict quarantine aro obsunod and it jiest house has been established, Lafayette, Amity ami Inpepeudence havo quarantined against the lufested city. f