. EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL I,UIII.1HHBI EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. iiy TUB Capifal Journal Publishing Company. IJCOWOIlATFI fflff, Corner Court and Liberty Stmts,: j TBIlMU:i()K HUIHCKIITION DAILY. Unoymr. by mull ; WJ Six month, by mull 2 riirce month by nmll 1 Tor ueok daily ered by cwrrlqr. I WfKKI.Y. Unojenr H J 8U month , neyir, If tmldfor InmUimtc, 1 CO IX IIIUIItllH, i ' M jnrl'mtiniuiti'rH iiro niltliontd ;to ro COl0 hlltW(rlltIOH. 7-Kn(eri'il hn erond-cliiwi innttor nt tho Halcm.urt gun, i'omuuucc, Juno zi. iwd, Republican National Ticket For President, UKN.IAM7N JlAimiSON, Of Iiullunul For Vice President: LKVI 1". MOIITQN, Of Now York, .i FOJl I'ltllMDUNTIAI. El.r.UTOIlS. Itol)(.rt;Molxjiii,of Klnmftth County. Win. Kiiiit,nr Multnomah County. C W. Fulton, or ClntMip County I i ' " " ' Sg TUESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1888. i Tt Ik no oH'cimo now for public oIllcorH (o bo iiHHcri to enny on cam piilgtiH. CbiVi'lanil'H ton thotiHiiml check fixed that mutter all right. Wiih tboro ever another prcHldcnt that gave $10,000 to nccuro IiIh own ro-clcctlon. A Kitin: ballot and an honest count him always U'cn vouchsafed to tho minority by ropubllcuiiH eveiy whore. Tho writer oneo voted wheio two hundred hullota woro t'.tHt and only two wcro ili'inocratk', and yet they worn not ino!onted, liiHitlled nor atteinptod to bo In timidated. This wiih in war tlntm too. Every rltlroil In entitled to one voto and that Hhould bo fairly ciwt and honently counted. Thin Ih an Infalllblo-rulo In all tho republican north, and I mild not to bo In tho dumoeratlo notith. COUNTY I'AIIIK. l,et every man and hln wlfo and eblldron "count that day lot vhom low dexeondltiK nun" hvoh them fall to'iitteud tholr own county and looal fulrn. Von may not new an inttoh at tho fulriiH you would hopu for, but maylio It In your own fault. And tobomiro that tho fair I a hUiU'Cfw, pleJcouthu bout of your rop, or tho bent of your Mock, and take It to the fair for inhibition. And If after you .lmvo looked all around your farm for something to hIiow, you euu' t lUnl anything you Uiluk h good enough, thet Jtwt jty K)vo thai tbbt nlialj Ik? tho IiimI yvnr that. nhaU over lln,d. vut fulling to rlto KmcthtR wood, enough q ex ilbU at the fair, If ypiv do thU and aot uptnt It, you may dojtvnd on It all tho fair? In Oregon ami NYiwh Ingtou will twitter next year than vvur bofon.. Oregon Farmer, ' nr MlUIIS.. , Tho Now York Htrr Uu Iwullitjr domnorntla pApor of that city, ha uuuoout twiimroly on, tho Chltituo tuwtluii, It wy; What wo want to do wi imiHt p, In to prevent. lh eontlntiivinv tf Chlm-m,' Immigration toymH)to wjthnur ltulutri and dtttllo our olvllUutlon. Tho motv prompt ami OccIhIvp tho uttip wo takS tho moro likely 111 U bo Umt this tiry duedmulo coueuummtloji will Ui itKolll' roacluHl, In anllo tf tho Intrigue of tho JlrltUh Gov eminent to provont it, under tho Itithwic of chagrin foil by tho Tory MlnUtr.N at IaiiuIoii our tho uotMtM of mtr dlnlontaoy, tawrolnnl prlnmrlly mi Udlialf of the l'aollle um4 of the rulttttl Slatos In a juau- nw In wUWh their negtvtlotw for the uAt of CMumiOan ludivtry ami WvIUsaUwii iu tho Austmllan i4o Hlw luul UMnlii- flhhl. TUti mmuU1 mlit Hlxmt the meMStrt now iwudluic l. tht it Isw ehuHhl Im ihhI whleh. In tlw wvowt of the frUurw of tlt trettty, w Ul i.upUnvent Its pn Islon, In xi turn It U MiHitit fr tlitltlMttii oft la I nitvd hUt.x to do. biipport I ! lK"tua il lutclliirvht iliiuiiitrutin 1 the Inw, AN INTIiKI'ff'Sn WV LY. There Is a quiet little town in Illi nois, known upon the maps as Edwardsvlllo, that has recently had a scnwitlon that has given a topic of convorwition, not only totheinlmbi tant of that little burg, but to the entire country. There recently moved Into the town, says thePrcs, a family from a village in Missouri, who called themselves by tho name of Unwell. There was Sir. Ittifsel, Ills wlfo and four daughters, all ap parently respectable and well edu cated people, and naturally accounts ed by tho townsfolk n valuable ac quisition to Edwurdsvlllc society. Last Friday morning the neigh bors of the Itushcl family were star tled by the erasli of breaking glass. Tlioy next saw a man jump through a indow and stare to run, pursued by two of the Kussell women, who attempted to drag him back to tho house. The neighbors intorfcrred and rescued the man, who there upon told u most remarkable story. He said that his natno was Itoeh llng; that tho so-called Russel fam ily wan a gattg of expert counter feiters; that he had formerly worked for them, anil had come to Edwards vlllo to work for them again. After ills arrival ho had quarreled with Ilussel, who thereupon mado him a close prisoner, tho women iwitlng. Knowing Russell to have gone away, Uochllng attempted hltf ecape, with the result stated. The neighbors then proceeded to search tho house, and to their amaze ment found that the man's story was true. They found metals, dlea and nearly a bucketful of counter- felt live-dollar gold plcoea. A num ber of counterfeit bills were also captured, but these had not Irhju mado by tho so-cullcd Hu-welltu The women wcro arrestcdr and a sheriira posse Is now hunting for tho puta tive head of this interesting family. No wondor that Edwardsvllio la oxelted. These criminals hn.il been welcomed to the homes of Its pooplo and had won tho regard of their neighbor Tho tjcnsutloii attend ing their discovery l aa great as that of the discovery of tho forger In tho play of ",Ilm the Penpian," and tho whoo story Is slrangcr than manyu novel denounced by critics for pass ing too far beyond tho bounds of probability. Tlll IltlHll WMU.I). Tho Irish World Is supporting Harrison. In a recent Issue It says: "Protection to American labor means good wugoa and a. 1 higher stuudard of living for the Amurican workman. Tho millennium Ih not attainable In thla world, but of all countries tlio one t hut oilers tho best opportunities to tho poor man is American, and tho most prosperous and progressive time tho nation has know n has been under tho protect I vo policy, Tho adoption of British free trade, on tho other liiuulf would mean reduced wugea and 11 lower standard of living. Common nonao, hUtory, and experlouco teach thcao thing. A ultuutlon of atlalra la brought about w lieu every American oitUeu must Ih practical on the question raised. Tho man who believes In protection to American labor ennnot eonsliitently otc for Cleveland and ThurnUiu, and tho inau who favors frtnj tnvdn xttmt logi-ttlly ,nuppott tlio platform on which Harrison and Morton ntund., There are biirjtrla ixg,ly fooHnh thipg ,t. tlrues done In thbt world j hut to lt &$& whiu ImpoMilblo for tho Anierleatrproplo, on an Imuo bo sharply deflnel as tmtarlft qu,catU?n Is, to deliberately v)to for thojr owu ruin, 'Wcrv It possible,' writes Mr. James Q. Hlalno from abroad, 'for every voter of tho republic to bee for himself the condition and recomene of labor In Europe the ltfty o fne trade In the Unltifd tAtce would not receive tlo support oi oue wago-workor Uitwwitho two ocoans. It may uot be dlreotly In our power to olovuto tho EnroiHKin laboror, but It will lx a lasting stigma upon our statesmanship If we permit tho American labour to Ihj forced down to tho European level.' " too out, Tho authorities nt Washington roAtMHl to apiHdut old Q, A. It vMtenttiH to pltlotw ou tho national JjKtIcofoieo, and in oxtwuuatlmi of I thrfr uttViM ululiiimt tlmt thoy wore ! t,K old. This tlhusy wteib-o 1ms rul4Hl tho indignation of U. A. IU men Ht Washington, hiuI thy hnve dtwbtal to curry th iiMttvr up to rratkltfitt ClvwlMiid tor hU Mtiettott or iltiwpprMnl. It Ut ounrldtitl WtU-vtnt tht th riht of the kl 4dlr w III U protwttnl mid tlutt Uu tMiuitiiMiiotM-rvi Mill rwetw a NKtuuud fr hU uuw rrantd rut- , Hue Iu the matter. " NEW An excellent s!o(,k of CARPETS, RUGS, ROLLING AND LACE CURTAINS At prices extremely tow. Kull Mock of STAPLIi AND KANCY DRY OOODN In all departmentti. MEN'S FURNISHING G LUNN & BROWN'S, 2i9 Corner .Statu and Commercial streets Knvr TO-DAT.- ISAAC ELDER, KUU1V1U.K, IOWA. TMPORTER AND BREEDER OF PURE-BRED X Slmuhorn Cattle. All recordi d in the Ainurliaiu Hliortiiiiru Heid Hook. Xcv him at Stall V, l'ali (J roil ml, In (iittleKtnlIs, or uUduwi ISAAC EI.DUIt, Hhedd'M Station, (..r. CAM. at Tin: YAMHILL RESTAURANT Next door to the Kecietarj'Kottlisjon tho Fair (round, and Kctugood inuul, at anj hour, tor J.i touts. J. II. KI,MAff, l'rop'r. oakTawnstock farm; H. v. caui:y. rMPORTER AND BREEDER OF THOROUGH I hrid Abnriietn, Ant,u and Jiroy Cattle: CotsMold. ShropMlilrc, and Im proMd Merino hcep. llerkshlro khIiic. Stock for nale. itACI.KAV - - OKI.OON. IK VOU WANT GOOD CANDY, NUTS, PIES, Watermelon, or a ntio lunch, go to V. II, Whltetikcr, mt door to tliu round lioute iwMir tho gate ou t tip I'alr (iroumt. UAII. AT WILKINS' RESTAURANT nooTjt A V NI) Ot" ONE Ol'TIIK I1T MKAIit JrV itened'On tho Knlr CI round., mteen rnuouuble. E. V WII.KINh, l'rop, SHORTHORN SALE, X WILL HKI.I. AT 1'UIII.IC AUCTION 1 on the Hatcm Fair (IrotaUt, ThurhdH.v 8ep 3): Ht two o'clock 1 houd of Thorough bred stiorttiorn Ckttla. ciiiltlue ofT hull mill 11 hvlfrni. Win. Hi phe rt. Auctioneer, f t , J. U. lMntm.qnuefc,, OO TO IBLL8T BRO'S LGNGH STAND .FOU A Oool giir ml or' air cold dish 0 Ico Crtm. MKALU OS OltNTa. Sit OonmerclU itrtcC CALL AT THK W. C. T. TJ. HALL .ron a GOOD JIUAL'W 11? Court St. - . I Ui TO. WATKINS1 RESTAURANT Kon A pHxl a mwtl iu thwjU to be had Iu tha 4ty fur nd & ccnu, UUttittbkrt lilur Elytra, Aiuoiik tvt vlkltom who may bo uxiwflliHl In lrtland before Iqhj; the Prim. Utvllue , ChrtoUau Augustu Hmlly HeurWtta HlluUth. of SehWwitfHUtluoumlrturs AugtMeulxW);, auwt of the pwmt i.iuprNi 01 lieniiauy, ami Jir htbHil, lhxtUv Vow Tfriurk, lw rv iiMUftK a tur 9t the ewtntry and who uill MHid the w tutor In thw lclrlc Korthwt f Thry slll riu mmi owr the .. Northvrti lVciflc i Mgr mu mmiimiMmxi in in TO-DAY. FALL SEASON OF 18S8L "peotal Rttcntlon Is cnlled to our splendid illaplay of fHChlonHble garments from the well known manufacture!-!) Springer Bros., or nosTos. They need no recommendation from up, being the finest line cer placed before the public. Knch garment has u label nt collar bind bearing the manufacturer'!! name. OBll DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Ik unusually largo and aricd, reprc heutlng The Latest Novelties. Agents for tho new Mather patent LACE KID GLOVE. GRASS SEED. C.VN FURNISH MmqUITK OU A mixture of Lincoln una Matqulte In largo or Flimll (liiuutule. For term ad dn T. O.JQF4Y, iKJX.ni, 171-lm flalom, Or. -A FINE LINE OF FALL MILLINERY GOODS Mrs. M. B. Smith's, East Salrm. Marion St., between Winter' and Summer. FOll UAHGAINS IN RURNITURE ao to ROTAN A WHITNBV, 1 t 102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon Hatnff boiurht out the remainder ni 11m chair tailor) V Ktotk, mo are piepared to .ell ctiulrn lower than any IkiiIko In Oregon ft NK Or THK I.AKOEST ESTAIII.ISIN luentH in tho State. Iiwrr nites tluin ortlaud. Lanrext Ktock Ixtnil Hlnnk In tlieSlute.il d blinjest discount. Send for price urn or jou prlnllni;, and eatnloeuc ol IcbuI bluuk. fi M. WAI1 Steam Printer, Salem, Oregon. T. HE QUESTION OF THE DAY. PROTECTION, OR FREE' TRADE? Ai Emluttn W tb TtritrQjiNtlMltlt etclil Rtjird U tht Intimti f tiUr. BY HENRY 6E0K6E. " CLOTH. IUO. PAPKlt, 80 VESiti.' TliUl tb cJeilrwit.ttlmit, mot!lfaferet. Inr od mrxt complet imlntlou pftb taltr qutwtlon yt bud, and wlll prdT tnv&lnabla to All whb Uh to undmU'n'tt thcaubjecU 'Ttmaantt thorooch IdrNttlntlnrr-or th ubjrcl that hai je two put fn trpe-Nw York Nwa. Th appearance ot thli boole mark at rreo trade, Htnrr Oeorce haa a power of "' 'iwn in in worm-wiae itrucriaior in can enjoy the accuracy of bla ilaUtneaU and the- UeitiitUM of bU thoorhta. TbociJUi U.bhwrmaa In Nw VorkBtar, A book which rrorr worklnf man In tha land can read with lnterrat and ourbtto rcd.-Jw York Herald. Whoeer itoU to o tba itroDtrat ar cumrnt not only acalntt protection, but araliwt all tart tf will And It hero. CbrltUan Union. ThoatnculariucccaaorMr Oeoreelt that b haa uutd twiitleal cotmojny lntretlnr. Unltartkn lUvtcw. Hewy Gtorp't OtW WeAi. MIrSSend lN,T'r1 0,h 8 Prr. hrtrtal rYnbtnw.ctoth,'tl:jvPr,Mcrnta. The Lamt QuratkMi, ipr. licenta. rryperty In Iad. iwter.Ueenta. Addrwa T11K 8TANi.VRD. W Unlaa Square, New York. I. SCHNKIDER, ftBAUUt IK WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Stayton, Okwiox iS.-'iS 2. tr -? ofJew- 'IBS iri an4wmuid. iWrtVt ... ftwka m - . . . - m . . . bb-ll lathe WUUiueite valley T .a.w n .vih u( UHaicc tlav ilk. 0 r I ' N15W AJ KRTISBAtENTS. GO TO THE OPERA iUSI CORIR Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and Hats, f -THE GREATEST -EVEU General Merchandise I b the ' Capitol 8 - 3 THE BEST STOCK OF STOYES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WA.DR & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. BnJf """"" ' AND MANY OTHER Also a Complete Stock.of Hardware and RKOCKRIKS. Evaporated Apples, Evariorated Peachet, Evaorated Nectarines. Evaporated Apricots, . Evaoorated Pears. Dried Peelod Peaches, Dried Peaches. Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Applet, Dried Grapes' Oregoo Petit Praae"' Iroportdd 6ermn Prunes, Smyrna r"ifct, f Pjiq Dates , Weller Brothers' Commr.rctal Street K.A.yA.Rp), Fancy and Staple Groceries, l'roYLalorL, Flour and Feed-1- Vegetables awl Fruit Mi Every Day. My atoek 1 enttrWy. new, immM esreftiMr aeleetMl. irieca marked daimno a eh tifl4, K. HO State aut to M Fwit f.lVdw.lw TO LEARN A TRADE. TlfANTEO- OMdjr. bricht lad or yoaur hmb to Uannihr pnntu inide and to luaVe Ulmaeir oaeAil in iSe Jocuul oOee. Apfdf anjr daj ibu week 'I s Specialties in Fruits -FOR BARGAINS OrFEREU IN- Adventure Co. Opera House Corner, Salem. - dw - U ' "" , , , 1 Garland Stoy.cs. Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Jiaf LEADING STYLES. Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages MISCELLANEOUS. VARIETY STORE! iW. M. SAflGEANT Keeps a flue stock of Wallpaper, Borders and .Win BADY BUGGIES, EXPBESS WAGONS, Toy Tool Chests, Velocipedes, BiejtkJ, BASKETS, aii all kliMf rBAISS. JV U, I I t lfc II' ibjes ud Frames Made ti Omr. TlkHDO paper, leavtu and center. WJjJ lTn o7alf kJndiTihrBn orUJSt, nienderf. , Abo the. ,. r . . " GOL'DPAlrl'r-READY MIXED, MnMihi"fmBAri .tt Irt-irt-'etOT 3 thlnt else that can be thojubtot.. J Como and See for Yourselves ' ' - 1 . ' . i't iM. li. MEAD. PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws' Specialty. Shop on the aller. oppoaiui illntcfi U'. ery Blable, 8aleiu, Or. HUGHES; BELLINGER & CO ' REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD.! KA.STIBRN PROPBRTV mBwituB ""rJ". m uinia il MeJ Attm,Cr3 Vuit.Orjl ih nun. at 1 be Htale I niuiifTBiKn 1 1 CU.BCCCM rrvoiao. a.w.- . . . .h ..vw fl. ..