1 CAPITAL J o1Jl.xjlJL. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., THURSDAY, SEITEMBER 13, 1SSS. NO. 172. FINANCIAL. BiTABLISHED BT NATIONAL AUTUOBITY fP.nnft ;u uiuu luitiuuui u( I III I II I 111 OF SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capilal Paid up, - - - - $75,000 Surplus, .-.-.- 10,000 H. S. WALLACE, - - President. V. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, ,- - - Cashier. DIRECTORS) W. T. Gray, TV. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, It. 8. Wallace, Dr. V. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert, ;T. MeF. l'ntton. LOANS IVIADB To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, . either in private grannrlcsor ipublla warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Kmnclco, I'ortlnnd, London, Parls.llerlln, Houg Kong and Calcutta. SALEM, OREGON". VM. N. LADUE, - DR. J. REYNOLDS, -JOHN MOIK, - - - - - - President. Vice President. - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonaDio rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at the bank in most reliable oompanlos. JUSCKLLANKOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers In; (1 LATEST STYLES! LEADING LINES! "General Agents for Oregon'of '. B. Forsylhe's Infallible Corn Cure. ' 243 Commercial Street, '(Geo. E. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : I: . OREGOST. "nXPRKSfl WAGON, QUICK AND 8AKB XX delivery. Win. Ronnie having bought the expreM buglntM Of Walter Lowe, l prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack age, and any thing eUe thai he ean gel In Ills wagon to any part of tho city, qliTeker, Mfer, better, and neater, than it con be done by any body else. Leavd order at Minto'H stable. INSURANCE MM IMIM Company. Fire and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, Salem, Oregon. A 1TKAL,8ILVKRT0N. WKKKLY. IIJO xl per year. Independent. TheAri'KAi. M circulated In Marlon, Linn and CTaolc maseountle; ha been eotablUbed aight )ar and is an excellent advertising ine- ire. For terms address the puUkher H. O. Guild, 811 verton, Or. BENSON'S EXPRESS. LHAVB ORDBRS AT UNOH LIV , T gUUe. earner of HUte and Frost Ureet. or on tin teat earner SUteaad Oem eUl Mreeu, IVarapt atteoUen and " W. A. BBNHON WtQF. R DUM0.D Teactierof Music And dealer n n kind ot Maeteal Inelnt ". Ollk,aoOoMmerrtallreet. Iln tnuuenu iota oa tbe laulmeni pan. I T -I liie WIPHUI liUUUMI DilliK First Nationa Bank Boots nn I Sloes MISCULL Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! foP "' . '- imC!o' ' W fir .'-'.sr""!w .tz w?S;vtt--xiirrvrMfc!ejMrta; SCRIBER - .YHE.iriMr'4( f. unf t IS Br VU- .?. ,c,tva K CiCtftAi flni rTntr nr-nL flUILI IIML IIL1I-Lfl J1A hawk WE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD awklmr. snlttimr. weak and Inflamed eves, ees.nve secreium oi uiiiciis mailer in L. A . 1 u) .i-.y s k y y. roaring In tho cars, more or less Impairment of the hearing, loss of smell, memory Im paired, dullness or dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of tho hobo? Have you lost all sense of smell? Is your breath foul? If so, you hao tho Catarrh. Komohnvonlllheso symptoms, others only a part. California Cat-R-Cuire Restores tho rciiso of tasto and smell, removes bad tastoand unpleasant breath, result ing from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and u cure Is guaran teed by D."VV. MATTHEWS & Co. RECOMMENDBD. CAPTAIN CHARLES I DIMON, of Now York City, formerly special agent of tho Phoenix and Home Insuranco Company at San Francisco, Cal., says: "1 havo been troubled wfth Chronic Catarrh for twenty years. A friend in woodland, Cal., recom mended your California CAT-R-CURK. I procurded a Jar, having but llttlo faith In its curative preperties: but I must say.nftcr using three Jars, I am cured of that disgusting -disease. Inclosed rtnd $5 for whloh send mo who are sutlercrs." SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 State St., Salem, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot. Mill HIT FIRM -m , Fine location ! i .Jest Soil!! . ... . wr Easjito ! ! ! the mm m mm Ilasjust purchased ACT acre, situated from three to four- and one-ltilf iiiIIun eaot oftfalem, which they will Immediately plat and survey and sell In Ten Acre ,6 Vs. Tills land lias been earefully selected with Eacli Lot will Front on a Good Iload The time for the residents of Kalem to buy varvnluain will boon be nut. Tlie ORKOON August t eoty-slx ten aere fruit low, and some Been re-sold at a HANDSOME ADVANCE IN PRICE. There are manv imtmhm In Hateffl who eauld ly one of the loU and twr for It without Ineonveotenee. In fiiet any perMHi of OlMUt lot bv makliu; a small ouli iwyifMHit. and nayli annual iBitaHmeAl, aod . . .. ." r. .. i iy preii w a nw or a property wnwu ean ue tu wuei wvk As Large an Income as is Obtained The value of UieMlote hi ROtdepeBdent upon what they will aauuif fHuaasv wm, pan what they will actually prodaee w, tfia market. If You are Thiflking 1)0 not (ail to M tbe Iota. leUbetore twveMng. If Yw Want it Save a Aad at tbe hum Um make lBetanuest piaa. a tnt-ekue Land Shown Free of Charge. VNKOUS. Aflno line of hacks, buggies, carts, ear rloges, buokboards, etc. Roth our ow n lnako and the best eastern mado buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. Call on tho undersigned, wapon and car rfago makers and blacksmiths, 2sSf, S12 nuxi 314 Commercial street,'Salem. and Pohle. M THCONLY- quANTEED CURE Ton CATARRH OROVILLECAL which does not get better? Hnvo you an e.-1 mu nasal nussuEes7 ro vou irouuieu uv freniient soreness of the thnmt. rlnirlmr or California OAT-R-CURE for some friends, eoil 'referea.ee to lt ailarJlabllUy u and Have a Cood. Front Fence. ten aere of ehoiee land near tlie dty IANU COMPANY hkme wild ilurln of the wine lots nave already reeei vlnif even a small aaUry etu luy owe " -r . - .; : .-. acme rwnain he rewainder la Mini- i eeonomy wr a iiten me le lue owner mj irwiij ki prtfuutw from 100 Acres of Grain Land. upon any nnMneeMve honm. but depend aim wuai iai pruuw win now wimc and what of Securing a Home v1 (r or It yo have Mesejr to lnee( 4e Mot fcil to kk at tUtme M if Ywr !Mveaicat boy oc of law Iota on Xhe FOB BARGAINS IN FURNITURE fiO TO ROTAN A WHITNEY, 102 Court Strwt, Slem, Oregon Having bought out the remainder ol tn clmlr factory's stock, wo aro prepared to sell chairs lower thnii any house In Oregon " Live and Let Live Taint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers- Paoer Hangers and Decorators, All orders will receive prompt attention Estimates on all kinds or work In our lino cheerfully given. Satisfaction guaranteed Shop In Old Court House on Court street Salem. Or. JEFFERSON ll) LIVERY STABLE ! AS W. M. BILYEU, Prop. Jekki:hsov Orhoon, First cl.' aiiikIo "audi doublo teams fur nlshed at reasonable rates. Transient stock carefully provided for. Special atten tion given to commercial travelers. WOODItUItV. WOODBURN NUBSBBY IKstabllslicd 13(8.1 J. II. SBTTLEMIKH, 1-rop., WOODJ1URN, OK, The (Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest. ThUNuntcry ooiitnlnfnvcr ono iiuulou nnd a half or trcMMtiitiNlMtlnff of all the rr4-., - ' rruii, .Shade, Ornamental, : And Not Trees Al Lowest 13a Vets. . i v- SUKCWT. ATTENTION Given niv-,".:)VlioInl4' Trade. VINES AND" 5HHUBBERY, At Lp-vvet Hntt-JS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. HTSSrl ! iKni I Ba'vJKiillJjKJa TBLEGRAPHIG SUMMARY. Senator Dnlpli at Princeton College. l'm.cm)N, X. J., Sept. 12. Tho now mlmlutatmtUm of 1'rliieoton College wna begun this nftcrnoon. Tlireo Unltotl States oonntora woro present Gmy of IVlnwnn, Dolplt ot Oregon, mul Spooner of Wis consin. Each of tho senators has son entering college. tViininii SutTrage. Olympia, W. T. Sept. 12. Tim papers In tho appeal eaj-o of Nevada Bloomer vs. Toihl anil others, being tho woman sutlrago test case, were forwartleil to tho supremo court of tho United States at Washington to day. If the ciio is decided, as ex pected, previous to November it, in favor of tho women. It will cause a sensation among politicians, as tho women will insist on voting. Oregon llojs Heard l'rom. Coi.usmrs, Sept. 12. During tho parade of tho G. A. K. yesterday tho Oregon comrades created quite a sensation when, in passing Gov. Foraker, who headed ono of tlio col umns, one of tho men In tho ranks yollcd "What's tho mutter with Oregon's 7000 republican majority?" Tho answer wits at once taken up by tho coast people In tho parade, who answered with u regular Co manche yell, "Oh, she's all right. A lll.nidy Affray. Kansas City, Sept. 12. Last week AVilliain Clinton, a teacher in a country school near l'erryvllle, ! Kansas, whipped a small girl with a small switch. A brother of tho girl sent Clinton word ho would whip him in school, and on Monday morning ho entered the school room with that intention. Clinton drew a knife, and his assailant made ready tho same way. Tho two began at each other In front of tho pupils. Several of tho larger boys seized each of tho combatants, and succeeded In disarming them, but not before they were both mortally wounded. Col. J. II. Allen. Spokane Fali.h, W. T. Sept. 12. Spokane republicans hall with un bounded enthusiasm tho nomination of J. B, Allen as candidate for dele gate to congress by the territorial republican ctmventionatElicnsburg. It Is generally conceded that he Is tho strongest mini the convention could havo Holected. Even Judge Turner's frlemlH accept the situation fioodnatuedly and will wheel Into no and work for AUoii'h election. A nlan of campaign In this section will lie arranged at once. Allen clubs will be organized, mid every thing possible done to secure his election, which even democrats free ly '".'knowledge. I u fact, tho demo crats nro badly discouraged. They would Imvo "preferred nuy other op ponunt except Allen, whoso immo Is a household word throughout this great Inland Empire. It Is proba ble thatugraud ratlllcatlou meeting wijl Imj held at an early date. Allen has two brothers practicing law In tlifMOIty. K. Balnbrldgtl Milihlay. Esi,, County Atty., Clay Co., Tx imivV "Jlavn used Elcctrlo Bitter with most happy results. My brother also tvua very low with jualarjal fevur Mind-jatiinlitkj,' but want cured by timely use'of thljuncdiclne. Am tmtlstlod, Electric Bittern rtived his 1J re..' . ' -Mr. 'J). I. Wllooxou.of jrorwe'CaVe, Ivy., ailtls u like Uistimouy, wiylng: JloixwUlvely Imllevys he Would havo died, Imd It not been for Klectrlo ill iters. This ltohI n'hiedv will ward oil' as well tiH-miru fill ijmlrlnl dlsoHMwi, and fiirnllklduoy, liver uid sjomacli (usoriiurs iiuix HtaiKlM uniw riuuled. W. Cox'l I'rlco WM. hM H. at J)r. II A Nlurl I'rodaft of Cillf.rDU, It is only found In Butte county, CxIifornlH, and In no other rt of the world. Wo refer to tho tree that product tho healing and jienntrHt Inurguiu lifted In that plewMtut and ellectlve cure for (viUHiimptlou, asthma, broiichltis, and ooukIim, HANTA AMIK. th King of Con Mimptlon. J). V. MutthewH A, Co., lOtl Kt'ito St., Haluiii, giiaruntetwi and wIIm It for f 1 a lx)ttle, or three for f2JW. By tho nsoof CAIili'OBMA CAT-B-CUJtK, all Hyuintoiim of ctttarrh arw dUiHjIlwl, ami tliedlH ettMl uummI HtMMigu Is tiiwtMllly ru Mtored to a litwltliy winililloii. it iMtckuM. By mall, 11.10. ClreuUirH frw. A BUvkfoo' Inilfan rwiently covered a IMmiim of CO uillos xtr day for fsir ilayn hi foot, and hie sole diet waa drid beef. The troui.le with tlie wlilt man U that in live kki wi-ii. - jiroil 1-r-M Vnm. I'OXDKXSKI) DISPATCH'S. G. A. H. encampment meets at Mllwauklo next year. Hops are reported at from 15 to 2o cents at San Kranelseo. G. A. Klino shot and killed G. A . Busier at Scat t le yesterday. The uio of tho trouble Is not fully dellued. Tho Colorado democrats nomi nated T. M. Patterson forthelr gov enor and did tho usual thing about endorsing etc. l'rof. 11. A. Proctor, tho noted English astronomer who married an American lady and settled in Missouri, Is reported dead of yellow fever. The democratic convention of New York re-nominated Gov. Hill, endorsed tho democratic national platform, and were enthusiastic for Cleveland. The body of A. 'A. Young, a pioneer of W. T., was found In the Duwnmish river, near Seattle, lie fell into the stream from a raft ami was drowned. Tho hop Ileitis of Washington Ter.. still calls for pickers. King George Indians aro not allowed to help this year as formerly, and the Inoreasod acreage makes the demand for pick era very great. Massachusetts republican conven tion yesterday re-nomlnated the present Gov. Ames, endorsed the proposition to subnilttlieprohlbltlon amendment, iidopted n platform and did other things necessary for tho success of the party In that state. A Literary DUcmery. Biblical and historical students will learn with Interest that Dr. Bryeuulos, tho learned Metropolitan of Nleomedla, has made even a more important discovery than that of "Tho Teaching of tho Twelve Apos tles," which ho found in tho Church of the Holy Sepulchre, at Constan tinople, and which has, since Its publication In lHSJI, given rise to more than two hundred treatise ami books, and lias taken its permanent place among the most Important writings of the Htilwtpostollo age. What tho new discovery Is has not yet been mado known. Tt may bo tho lost Hebrew Matthew, or tho collection of the sayings and doings of Christ and the Apostles by Pa plus of Hlerapolls (A. J). ISO), which was well known to EiiBobliis, but thou disappeared. But whatever the work may bo whloh luw beoil raised from tho dead Dr. Bryen nlo will edit it in n moat uuholarly Way, m ho edited tl)o EpIstloB or Clement of Home, and the Bldaeho of tho Apostles, and- will lay the theological world under new obllgn tlon for Invuluablo service In shwl dliigmldltlo.nal light on tho myste rious and mint Interesting iwrlod which Intervene between the (le st ruction of Jerusalem and the year of 150, and forms tho transition from the ago of tho AkihIIcs to the ho of Justin Martyr and Iromeiis, Hoi I Kiptrlural, You eon not nil'ord to waste time In ojqMiriineiitliiK when your lungs aro In (lunger. Qiustimptlou always seems, at first, only a oold. Do not )Mrmit any dealer to lniKse iimii you with soiuu cheap Imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs, and Cohla, but be sure you get tliegenulne. Hwhiiwo ho can ninku more prollt ho may tell you he luw somethiuif hint us g'sxl, or Just tho same. Don't Isj de ceived, but Insist iiH)U getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which Is fuaranteed to give reller In all 'hrowt, l.tingand Chest ailtKjtloiiH. Trial ImiUIuh free at II. W. Cox's drugstore. Largo Isittlos $. "I hear that Klxin.ar Joinw U siipporllng Harrison and Norton," renmrkwi Cuiihmi. "That's Just Ilk. Kb. Jones," replied his wife, "llo'A better Ij wipiMirtliiK his own Munlly."-Tiiu. firrir A !', Are shipping wit fruit by the ear load, but their own .tort- U alwaya attractive with the Isjwt varieties. In fruit, vtwtbk-H, groceriw. and pn.vU..iHtlieyar.- ulway In the Jjt.Mu.