1 'JKaHiiiwb' CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 18S8. NO. 170. FINANCIAL. J3TABL1SUKD BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY The Capital National Bank uK- SALEM, OREGON. - - $75,000 - 10,000 Capital Paid up, Surplus, R. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBERT, ; - - Cashier. DIRECTORS) W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. 31. Martin, K. S. "Wallace, Dr. W. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert, T. McF. 1'attou. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either in private granaries or ipubllc warehouses. Stale anil County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llerlln, Hong Kong and Calcutta. ai mill SALEM, OREGON. WM. X. LADUE, -1)11. J. ItKYNOLDS, JOHN MOIIt, - - - - President. Vice President. - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Excliangoon Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers nro cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances mudo on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property nt rensouauio rates. Insurance on tncli se curity can bo obtained nt the bank in most reliable companies.' MISCELLANKO US. STAIGER BROS., Importers and Dealers in; LEADING LINES! General Agents for Oregon of W. R. Forsythe's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. K. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. T?MMIKBB WAGON, QUICK ANDSAFE ij delivery. Win. Itennlelmviiig bought the express bukinewi of Walter lwe, in prepared to deliver trunki), vallfcea, paok- and any thing elf ttuH'he mii get In w wagon to any part of the city, quicker, Jir, better, and neuter, than It cum b KEWZEALANDI 1NSUKANCK Cowntnr. Fire nnd Mu rine. Jo. ALHERT, Agent, - Salem, Oregon. AITK.L,SILVEKTON, WKEKLY, IL69 Perear. Independent. TtoAmui. H CirrulaUvI In Varinn I.lnn and Hack- auun.unUea; hw been established eight i- ana m u exeslieni Ml Venning roe loin. For terms address the imblfcher ". uuud.Sllverton.Or. BENSON'S EXPRESS. fKAVE ORItKRB AT LANCWB JJV 4 J ery lalabla. corner of State and ncml J22iOron alaUateoraY8lfiMMt JJJrtel atreets. Fwwaiat alien Hon yr. A.HXM80' mi I DIAMOND, Tticlier of Music ! 4 l...!.r in all kl4a of MoeiraU Inatru Jr' ' -m.-r aMConuuerclalalnvt. In xiuktuu avid on ibejaetaiiueal i4aa. Firs hts-fc!fflfflFEUlTMMS! LATEST STYLES! ttt JUSCELLANKOUS. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank, HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! Scriber -:- and -:- Pohle. jTTuworrlj . tj n c -BMUVJ .C.UO T3H OtCItA aDILIIIMLWLU-LD niPTim- urntr T7 AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD (fclj) l i i r". xs vf i i ccNMvo secreium oi mucus iiiiuiuriii wii? uasai i.issagesv ro you irotuMCii vy hawking, spitting, weak and lnllamcd eyes, frequent soreness of tho throat, ringing or roaring in the ears, more or les impairment of the hearing, los of smell, memory im paired, dullness or dlrziness of the head, dryness or heat of t ho noso? llavoyou lost nil sensoofsmcll? Is your breath foul? If so, you have tho Catarrh. Koiiiclmvoiilltheo symptoms, others only a part. California Cat-R-Cure Restores tho senso of 0sto nnd smell, removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, result ing from Catarrh. Easy nnd pleasant to use. Follow directions and a euro U guaran teed by D. V. MATTHEWS A Co. RECOMMENDED. CAPTAIN CHARLES L. DIMON, of Now York City, funnel ly special agent of tho Phoenix nnd Home Insuranco Company at San Francisco, Gil., says: "1 have been troubled with Chronio Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In woodbind. Cnl.. recom mended your California CAT-R-CURE. I procurded ajar, having but llttlo faith in its curative preperties: but I must say, after using throojurs, I nm cured of that disgusting disease. Inclosed llnd S3 for which bend mo California CAT-R-CURE for homo friends. who nro sufferers." SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 State St., Salem, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale DeDOt. Fine Location! -w ni Best Soi I Uaejuet purchated 887 acre, situated from UireaUi fiur and w-lialf nine ent of Sttlein, which they will linuiedlately plat and unrey and ell In Tera Acre Lots. Thai tend has been earefully aeleeteil with especial reierenee to Itn adaitteltUlty frnlt raistAg and dealmblllty for residence iiurixMee, nd : Each Lot ill Front on a Good Road and Have a Good Front Fence. Auguet twenty-eii ten aerefrntt lou, and aome of the him Iota have already Been re-sold at a HANDSOME ADVANCE IX I'lllCE. There are many penons in Maiem who eould buy one of Uteae toU mA my 1x It without Ineoarenlenee. In tact any mikw reeaivtac mn a moM mkuf b buy one of t tin, ft lot by making a amail eaah leynteMt, and pairing the remainder In arm)-1 -wTi in...uLni ana br uracUrlnr a liUle eeonutnr lor a ahort time he tittt owner ' of anwpertr which ean be made (when As Urge an Income as is Obtained fiwi 100 Acits of Grain Land. t mini, nt tho lot at not eVneaiietit Hftam any ptoauective bootn, but depend HMt wtet they will actually produce mow, and what that produet will now briiwc iu , If Ym art Thinking of Securing a. Iliwc ' TKi Mt Mi la m Uaate Iota. Uyouhave matr toefeiVi ntioa4cat tue ka) MMt tnvaattof. If Ym Wut ti Sire a Firt f Your Eimwp And at the "' Uuie make a flmt-rlaaa liiatallmeot plan, Land Slmwii Free of Charge. A line line of hacks, buggies, carts, car riages, buckboards, etc lioth our own make and the best eastern made buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. iron rlaco makers and blacksmiths. 2SSW. 312 and 311 Commercial streot,!Snlem. thcON.LY- QUANTEED cure ron CATARRH, OROVILLECAU hleh docs not get better? Have you an cx- LAND U Investment buy one of tbeae lou ou the VTj I uj r iasy leniis!!! W aet to frultlto ncudHoa wooDuunv. IN 1R Established 18(3.1 J. II. SETTLEXlEli, Prop., WOODBUHX, OK. The Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest. This Nursery contains over one million and a hnlf of trees, consisting of nil tho leading varieties of Fruit, Shade, Ornamental. Anil Nut Trees A.t Lowest Rates. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given the Wholesale Trade. VINES AND SHRUBBERY, At Lowest R.ates. ji:rri:usoN. A. 1. IIUDELSON, DEALER IN HARDWARE, TIXWARK, Stoves, and Farming Implements. Also carries a full slock of PAINTS, OILS CIGARS and TOBACCO, GLASS and PUTTY. Jefferson, - - Oreoon. Jefferson FEE!) AND LIVERY STABLE! W. M. BILYEU, Prop. JKFFKiispy - - Oregon. First clK.w ninglo JimiiII double toamH Air nlshcd at reasouublo niton. Transient stock carefully provided for. Special ntten tlon given to commercial travelers. ,( Live and Let Live Faint Shop, HUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AN13 General Painters. Kalsominers'-' Paoer Hapers Decorators. . and All ordeni will receive itrompt alteMllon Eatiiuatea on all k(od of wort In our line ch'i iiMTfullygtv. HIkiii in old en. wttlnullnii rimni nutl Court lloue on Court ktreel naii'in. or AKIN POWDER Absolutely Pure. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Tired of Life. V VinaiNiA, Sept. 10. Maud Har kin, ngotl 17, suicided to-day by strychnine. Sho left a note stating, "my heart Is broken," anil asking her parents' forgiveness for tho net. No cause is known why sho should take her life. llurrl.oii'n I.ettr. Indianapolis, Sojit. 10. Harri son's letter of noccptmtco will bo given tho iiewspnpersTuesdny morn ing unless ho llnils nfter rending Cluvclnnd's letter there Is something ho may think It advisable to spoak upon. llcitltliy lti'crulti. Nkw Yokk, Sept. 10. Thirteen newly ordained prlest.s arrived from Dublin this morning, on the City of Richmond. All are young, nnd, with one or two exception, over six feet high. Four are destined for Sacramento, three for Dubuque, two for Chicago, two for San Francisco and two for Brooklyn. Tho Whcitt Murk.-t. I.ivi'.itrooi,, Sept. 10. 'Wheat Neglected, 7s 10Jd(.i)8s 1 jd. Chicago, Sept. 10. "Wheat Cash !)2e, September Dl'c, October Olje, December 9'2 03c. Ni:w Yoitic, Sept. 10. Wheat Cash 0UJ$1 00, October Jl 001 OOJc, Novemlwr $1 ()ill 01, De-i comber ft 0J1 02J, May $1 071 1 O0J. A Y.Hiii Jinn DrouiitMl. Astoria, Sept. 10. Sunday night at (1 o'clock, J. A. Clmmpeilln, with four others, was coming down Youngs river In a boat. He was In tho bow and Htood up when ho fell over in tho water. His comrades tried to puvo him, but before he could be taken out, ho was dead. Ho has a .sister that Is married and liv ing In Portland. Ho wiih working for J. H. Smith ec Co., in a logging camp and was well liked by all. J. A. It. lit Collllnhiln. CoLUMiiUB, O., Sept. 10. Great crowds of Grand Army men have been arriving all day from all parts of the country to participate In tho twenty-second annual encamp ment. Accommodations have been provided for 10,000 more veteraim than have thus far signed their Intention to come. So there will 1k no drawback iu that direction. Tltoy will be taken care of In four separate camps. The 'Htreets are profusely decorated. Miilni) Klurtlon Itcturiin. Augusta, Maine, Sept. 10. Dlaine has telegraphed Gen. Harri son as follews: "Returns up to 1) o'clock Indicate that tho republican candidate will have more than "(), 000 majority over tho democratic candidate, tho largest majority since 1MI0.' The prohibition vote fulls oil' everywhere." I'out'lano, Mo., Sept. 10. Them are 507 towns and ((00 alatloiia. Of tlicw) returns, havo beou reoelvod from 281, which glvu Jdirlelgh, rup 50,010; I'utimm, duin., 11,018; Cuali lug, pro., 1771; ot tori tig-, W7. The wiiiio towiiri In lsatl gave tliti re publican 18,100, dttiuocrNta SO.OUfi, iro)ilbltIonuU 211:2, ncattetiiiK 'Mi. Rurlelgh'M plurality, 1 1,878, HgMlnal lO.OOo in I880, a ropublluHii tmlu of 1 KM. Th 24A town to htwr from gave In 188B: lUfpublluitiia 20,ft81, (tttinooraUi 17,111, prohibition!! 142i. Iflheuniuu ratio of gain ia nmlnUliitxl, the final volt will aland. Rtpulillcnua 80,2A2, demooraU 00, Ho, iirohlbltiouUU 2810, twat taring i57, toUl 1 11,10-1, with h plurality for the republican- of 10,807. In 1HI the total vole UxmI: RepublU eana 78,M, demoemta 6H,M-l; rub lloait plurality 1U.785. Tli Mxn vote till yenr U Iiiuluiletl In the wittering vote. 41 4miU Care. Tl ORIGINAL AHIKTINJ", 01 XTM.ICNT bt only jwt up Iu lrg two-ounce iiti Imxuh, and la BU tiaxilut min for old sort, burn, "utids, eJiapMl IwiuU, nnd nil -kin eruption. "V11J jKjadUveJy . ur- all kliuU oTitllas. Aak for 11m "HHHNAL AWKTINE OINT MKM'. Sola byD. W. Matthew.: t Co., 100 8Ute street, Halem, t ad tit jef bo by tuall 80 ctuU. TKLKaRAI'HIO FIiASIIKS. Judge Currj". Minister toSiwln, has resigned. Wnlla Walla votes on a f25,000 sohool houso to-ilay. T. F. Oaks is spoken of as tho next president of tho N. P. R. R. Win. Fcnstermaker fatally stabbed John Corliss, Saturday night, at Walla Wnlla. Another devastating earthquake has demolished many buildings on the Corinthian gulf. Judge Thuriuau is now at home. Ho thinks Cleveland's letter of ac ceptance an able document. Now York subscribed over four teen thousand dollars for yellow fever sullorers at Jacksonville. Tho New l'oundland common wealth has decided not to unite its Interests with Canada at present. Hop pickers still in demand at Taconia. $1.60 Is ollbred by some growers. Chinamen are barred out. Tho Savanah river Is higher thiuf it hai been for fifty years. Augusta is Hooded, and tho river still rising. Many lives and much proporty will lio destroyed. Rarttelols expedition In searcli of Stanley in Africa Is composed of ono hundred Holdlers and 010 carriers; three white men accompany It and its purpose Is to trace Stanley step by step. .V Natural I'roiluct of Cnlironih. It Is only found In ltutto county. California, and in no other part of tho world. We refer to tho tree that produces the healing and penetrat ing gum used in that pleasant and oll'ectlvo euro for consumption, asthma, bronchitis, and coughs, SANTA A IMF, tho King or Con sumption. D. W. Matthews it Co., 100 Kt'lto St., Salem, guarantees and sells It for $1 a bottle, or three for $2.ol. Ily the uso of CA LI FORNI A CAT-R-CCRF, all symptoms of catarrh are dispelled, anil the dis eased nasal passage Is speedily re stored lou healthy condition. $1 a package. Ry mall, $1.10. Circulars free. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. Dr. .lames l'rossor, tho eminent specialist, will remain Iu Salem only a few more weeks. About October 1st ho will return to his olllco In San Francisco. A I.l. YK AFFMCTKD take advantage of the opportunity to consult him while here. Cures all chronio female diseases, blood and skin diseases, nervous and pri vate diseases of both sexes, lost man hood, general debility, etc. Citron guaranteed. Most cases can receive homo treatment after a visit to tho doctor'soflleo. Olllco at 820 Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. After Ooto ler 1st, addresMOIUMoAlllstorHtreot, San Francisco. (Examination and consultation free. IMJ-dwUw Hurklrn'a Arnica Halrr. The brnt salvo In the worhfor M'.n, bruleeM, sores, iilcorn, ndUlieum, .ever aoree, tetter, ehapiKid liamli, chilblains, corns, anil all skiu,ortip UoiiH, Mini powltlvt-ly euros pllg, or no (uiy rwjulrc'd. It U guaranteed to give erfict Mntlafactloii, or money refunded. I'rlce 2ft euuUi per Itox. For aale Dr. H. W. fox. A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. On May hit, ktet, about Atur motithe age. 1 r. (lllbvrt opened au onion and amiilutrluiu la the bank block, Malum, and advejtlaeU to treat clironlr dlaeaaea on aolentMto prlnclpiea. Hlnt'e that Uuie hla nraoUee luu hueu atoadily Inureaalng-Hau mueh m tlial lu. wae obliged to atwure inoru room and Im-rraulng buiIIIUm, aud now lintiing hlinaeir unabln to attend to hU numeroua palleuto, he has entarod Into partnerahlp with I. M. W. Wauip, Itetroit, Mlolil gau, a pbyalcUn aud aurgeou of large ex. perieuce, thoroughly ooiutailent, und a apeelallat In dlaeaae of the eye, ear, throat and naaal envUlee wlio haa eouie wllJi hla awuUy hi inane hla home In aaUeui. The new arm wlU be known as lr. Oik bertifc Wemp "id will occupy the owHa. modioua rMuia In the bank bkiek, fur oMee and aanltarlum, and wlU eonduet their biialnaaa uuder the name ami aiyla or TW OtegM Heekal af tarakal letntet. It la their intention to aunre uellber palua nor eapeuae Iu Ibelr eMbtto to make Utla I ha moat noiiipiete lualilulkm, lor the treat' Ment ol ail luruaa 0 dlaaaeea, aypaaiaUy alwuede, In lite northwest. Medicated vapor hatha, atlrtm Magnet, kun, osygeu and massage, together with all modem and aileullne appltancwi for the ttuuugli vutfut dlx-sju-, will be used. hxamliiuUiiii 111 U fr. .,,.n. Iu.ri(f4 tin. My iiuhJ. r.u. . Al.tr. Ii i.ulxrl ;.tH.. ll.l.l. 1. I" , ith. M& ,