JOURNAL. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER lO, 1888. NO. 169. CAPITAL 39iiSSaS!7GaiKwrMh FINANCIAL. The Capital National Bank ESTABLISHED BY NATIOXAI. AUTHORITY CltlUMl Utf OK SALEM, OREGON. Capital Paid up, .... 75,000 Surplus, ..---- 10,000 R. S. WALLACE, - President. W. W. MARTIN, Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, :- - - Cashier. DIRECTORS: XV. T. Gray, W. AX'. Martin, J. 51. Martin, R. S. Wallace, Dr. W. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert, ;T. McF. l'atton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or In store, either In private granaries or ipubllc warehouses. State anil County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llerlln, Hong Kong and Calcutta. 3USCEIXANKOUS. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND -:-BUGGIES! First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. J&CA a NvOv I-5, P 35Wfs7 A flno line of hacks, buggies, carta, car rlaces, buckboardi, etc. MIoth our own make and the best eastern mado buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. Call on the undersigned, wagon and car rlage makers and blacksmiths, UK, 312 and 311 Commercial street,!Salem. Scriber : and : Pohle. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. Dr. James Prosser, the eminent specialist, will remain in Salem only n few more weeks. A Unit October 1st he will return to Ills oflleo in San Francisco. ALL YE AFFLICTED take ndx'antago of the opportunity to consult him while here. Cures nil chronic female diseases, blood and skin diseases, nervous and pri vate diseases of both sexes, lost man hood, general debility, etc. Cures guaranteed. Most cases can receive homo treatment after a visit to the doctor'solilce. Otllee at 320 Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. After Octo ber 1st, address 04o McAllister street, San Francisco. Examination and consultation free. U-5-dxv2xv WM. N. LADUE, -DK. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - - - - PicMdent. Vice Pj evident. - - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially ln lted to deposit trad transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonabio rate.-.. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at the bank In most reliable companies MISCELLANEOUS. STAIGER BROS., Importers nnd Dealers In; V-W'J-V-irT?1!, m i! jrn . vx j. ' - - -j j - vv r:. - a.r i t ' L K 4 f. LlA .Yr.x.riMr4f in rn ifa II IT n T niM I l ti : v " tPtR CHjCllAl Jl di rT( u r urn, r nuif.iiiMcmLU-Lo U3 1 HL UJVL , quaaNteed cure ron tATARRSli 0R0V1LLECAU 1 7 AVE YOU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better? Havo vottnn c.. L"L conMvo secretion of mucus matter In the na-al passages? Aro on troubled by Hawking, spitting, weak ami iniiumou eyes, lrvuucnt Kotent ol the tliroat. tinging roaring In the etiri, more or less Impairment of the hearing, loss of smell, memory i or m- nalrcd. dullness or dizziness of the head, dryness ur heat of the nose? Have you lost all sensoofbmell? Isyour bieath foul? if so, you hac the Catarrh. Boniolunonlltheso symptoms, others only a part. California. Restores the sense of taste and smell, removes bad taste and unpleasant breath, result ing from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure Is guaran teed by D. W. MATTHEWS A Co. RECOMMENDED. CAPTAIN CHARLES L. DIMON.of New York City, formerly special agent of the I'lucnlx and Home Insurance Company nt San Francisco, Cal., says: "I havo been troubled with Chronlo Catarrh for twenty years. A friend In oodland. Cal.. recom mended your California CAT-R-CURE. I procurded ajar, having but llttlo faith In Its curative properties; but I must say, nfter using three Jars, I nin cured of that disgusting disease. Inclosed tlnd $5 for which send mo California CAT-R-CUHE for some lrleuds, who aro sufferers." SOLD AST) GUARANTEED BY D. Boots (i s LATEST STYLES! LEADING LINES! LOWEST PRICES! (ieneral Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsylhe's Infallible, Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, SALEM, (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) T OREGON. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 State St., Salem:, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & WOODARD, Wholesale Deoot. m i i . m MM! m Fine Looa An Absolute Core. The ORIGINAL ABIETINh OINTMENT is only put up in largo two-ounco tin boxes, ami is an absolute euro for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. AVlll positively cure nil kinds of plies. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold byD. "W. Matthews & Co., 10G State street, Salem', at 25 ceuts per box by mail SO cents. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Hofkifnn Arnlc Salrt. The best salvo in tho world foi cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrheum, Cuver mjios, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nnd nil skin erup tiotis, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is gtttirnntoed to give perfect satisfaction, or lnonej refunded. Piico 25 cents per box. For aalo u- Dr. II. w. Cox. A OAlll. Having t-old my olllceand practice to Dr. J; T. Mason I cordially re commend him to my patrons and tho public In general. I shall remain at tho olllce with tho Dr. for a foxv weeks. Da. .1. C. BvitD. 8-18tf. 1. SCHNEIDER, DKAI.KH IN WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Stayto.v, Okkcio.v. Keepx on hauda large assortment of Jew elry. XX'atchi'K Clocks, etc. Repairing promptly done nnd warranted. I will give tho best iiargaliiH In uatclnwof any dealer lutlio Wlllamctto valley. 7.tiain-w Maine Crop Damaged 81,000,000. New York, Sept. 8.- Advices covering the state of Maine estimate tho damago to sweet corn and crops at fl.000,000. Nurjim to Klght Yellow .lark. New Orleans, Sept. 0. Thirty trained nurses havo been sent to Jacksonville, Fin., to aid in tho caro of tho yellow fex'er pat lents. Kiiterprllng Hunt. "Walla Walla, Sept. S.-G. "W. Hunt proposes to form a stock com pany with a capital of $000,000, and build a lino hotel on Main street, near the new depot. Part of tliemachinery for the elec tric light plant lias nrrh'cd. Pendleton people have accepted Hunt's proposition to build a llnejto that city for a bonus of $30,000, and havo gone to work to raise theinon- Ameilcaii Mlmlm-cd In Mexico. Nooalis, A. T., Sept. 8. The dead body of an American, found near Santa Ana, Sonorn, a foxv days ago, turns out to be that of C. 11. Jones, n wealthy stock dealer of CochNo county, Arizona, who hud gono to Sonorn with a largo amount of money to purchase cattle. Tho appearance of the remains Indicated murder ami robbery, nnd several parties have been arrested on mis-picion. TEI.EUKAIM1IG FLASHES. San Fmnclsoo had n $1,000,000 tire on Saturdav. Wire fence sxvlndlers havo been fleecing Ioxx-n fanners. Murat Halstead x-ns intervloxvod, nnd thinks "Nexv York will certain. b'RO n-publiean In tho November election." John Ingalls and Perry Broxvn, txvo wenlthy stockmen of Cheyenne, settled their dispute with shooting Irons ltroxvn xvas killed. I'ivo masked men held up a train near llelmont, A. T., Saturday night, but in their haste they allox'ved tho express car to escape. Finding their mistake, they took to their horses and nnle away. 3es y i "4 !;l' yi" yil!,.l in iasv low!!! M Live and Let Live Faint Shop. pXJ'RBSS WAGON, QUICK AND S.VPK III dellverj-. Win. Rennleli1nr bought J expreu liuslne of Walter lxwe, is Ppared to ddlver trunks, vhUmw, ok fw. and any thing el tlial he oun set In w yragun to any prt of ttie elty, quicker, "wr, better, and neater, than it o u ojmc by any body else. Leave order t Mmtonnuibie. II iti JunL-m J LHEHT, Axent, Jl INSURANCE Coin pan r. I Fire and Ma rine. Salem, Oregon. A ITEAURILVKRTON, WBKKLY, tlO ii-.Prymr. Independent. TbaArMUb ""vumwni, Marlon, Unn and ciaK n.untis Ium txmi etb)tHed efebt i,r ".""" excellent nunrunai no Sun For terms addrosa the pablbher s. Guild, bUvertofl, Or. I lllJJ R I m w BENSON'S EXPRESS. .Vli ORDKHS AT LANC1T8 WV 5221 or on stoMat mrptrStrnfmi Ow JJI t4. Prompt aUeOo ad uaraaled. W. A. BKNSOK PROF. IL DIAMOND, TV nclierof Music HftJuit mirelioed feT aerw, hltuated fmun tliree u ftmr and one-half uilkx ttat of galea', which they will Immediately plat and mirvey and fall in Ten Acre Lots. This land Imw been earefttUy Mleoled with wpeetal reference to It adaimtblllty to fruit mieuig ana aeirauu w rawww i"uti-u, Each Lot will Front on a Good Road and Have a Good Front Fence, Auffuet t wentyttU in "ere fruit lot, and oinf of the Mime lou ba ve alreaUy Been it-sold at a HANDSOME ADVANCE IN FRICE. Then are many perMMU In HatoM who eoald buy one of ttwwe kU and my lor it uI.nTl tiCtUillmenl. and by pracUctu a lfule eeanowgr for a itton Umt be ibe twuer of a priiertr which oan be made (wiien set uj nun) uproaee HUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers. Paoer Hangers and Decorators. Mum l'liri'lKH Liilmrcrn. Nkxv York, Sept. 0. Txvcnty flvo l'higlish cotton xveax'ers ha'o just landed through Castle Garden. It is said their coming Is due to a strike of cotton weavers In Knglnml. They ltax'e come hero to get better wages ollered in this country. Eleven were detained upon tho ground that they were pan pen, but upon showing sufllceut passage money to reach Fall Kix'or anil lioston they wcro alloxved to go on. Minn Triiiililo ITimcttli'il. Kllknhiiuihi, Sept. 8. To-dny tho mines nt Iloslyn were closed down, to remain ho Indollnltoly, by tho company, tho miners refusing to work on tho terms proposed, all trains being discontinued on the branch except xvhut aro necessary to carry tho mails. Tho company will now probably Import Home more of tho negroes em ployed under tho contract system. This Is u hard blow to minors, as a largo number of them oxvn homes. It is not yet known what action will bo taken. -AlUtrdenwtll recelrn prompt attention IfetlmaUni on all kbida of work chermlly l on all kWnlM K work In wir line liy tven. HutwDkciKm KUarauuMi HIioii In Old Court ilirtiwi on Court xtreet Httli-m. Or. Thf 0, I. I'uohlni; Xlonif. J. C. Cayxvood called at tho olllce to-day and reports everything in his locality, near Turner and on beyond Stnyton, In a nourishing condition and the farmers happy. Ho also said that Leo Morgan, his stepson, who Is freighting for tho railroad froiuSlayton to the front, reported that the eonlraetors Jmd blasted through tho "point" and xvoro busy laying track and will soon bo 10 or 12 miles beyond Don Smith's. Powder xvas going to the front for further operations. The "nmg nosliui nillklneV of l,0 Santlain, learnedly referred to by tho Slides- j man's geological and mlneraloglcal etntor is probably aecounted for by the contents of a chalk hill through which tho rnlhoad grado passes be ing thrown into tho river. rortlAiul Itnlliuftil liii'ioi fulfills. The elty council reports reads thus: The ordinance granting thoNorth em Paelllo Terminal Company tho right to close up certain streets xvas read txvlco by til lo and put upon Its llnal passage, the vote xvas unani mous In favor of Its adoption. This Indicates tho filling up or low places about Couch Lake, the contracts being already let, a corres pondent In forum us, ami material Improvements such as n flno depot. Salem passengers xvlll soon lie nblo to avoid the ferriage across tho river as the cars xvlll take them right Into Portland, over tho nexv bridge. .Not l.ontc to My. About Out. 1st Dr. James Prosser xvlll return to his olllce In San Fran cisco. All xvho aie allllclcd In any xvay will tin xvell to consult tho (loo tor at on oo. Most eases can receive homo ticntmeut nfter n visit to his olllce. (Examinations free and charges inodcmto. Curo guaran teed, onicoaa) Liberty Htreet. l.'dxv boom, batdeiwnd As Urge an Ineoie as is Obtained from 100 Acits of Grain Urnl. uty proH tatttoi t of Scenrii i n, . . i..u i. uni iUniuliiit nioti aar Droieilve boom, bat mjmmi wtaU Ur will actoallir prodnee now, ana whM that PNMtiai W now brfa In tlMMHbfKet. naaMMWNtUiMleU. U WmWH MWKWI, t In an klDde of Muklcal InMru ' fht aMiVunmi-rrtalMrM-t. In l hold ia UkeuuuUiftMrnl i4an a m to Invest do not ftul to kk ai tba in Save a M if Ywr Bamigs flnt-claaa InvcMtmeot buy one of lher Ma mi tb Land Sliown Free of Charge. If Yw are Tliinkiiig If Yw Wait And mi tite aaine time uwhr a liulaumrni plan. &AKIH A Natural 1'ioJuct of ('allTurula. . It Is only found In Undo counly, Cnllfonilii, nnd In no other part of tho world. We refer to tho treo tluit produces (lie healing and ponutrnt inggnm uscil In that ploaiMint and ollectlve curo for consumption, nullitnii I trrtimlt lilu ntnl ftfiinrlio nni iiiiii! uiwii tinin tun i it m"! SANTA AHIH. the Klnj of Con- siimtition. l). v. AiaituowH t: to.. 1(H Ht'ite St., Kalcm, gtmniutoiM nnd tells it for $1 a bottle, or three for $'2.M. Ity thoiiiMiiirCAiJFOUNIA OAT-H-CirUK, all Hymittoms of uitarrh an dispelled, Ami thodl enwd iiitwtl wiagH Is HjH'wIlly ro storod ton hunlthy condition, $1 a IttiuknKf. Hj mall, fl.l0. Clroulartt freo. POWDER Absolutely Pure. lll lluwunl, Lonovikxv, Tex., Sej). 0. Gov ernor Kmh has oll'ored $000 rexvard for tho nrrost nnd convicting of tho iniirdorerfl of Harrison Spencer. Tho coniinlsHloncrs' court of this county has oflbred WOO, and the citizens' reward nniountH to $000. A price of &1700 Is nlaced on tho heads of 'Spencer's miirdurura. SulMcrlptloiiH from "the eltlens of tho country hnx'o not been reported yot. Thero Is no doubt tlint tho roxvard will reach Haooo. Jlurrlwin Houcor xvna khlimpped SntunlHy night, Auijuht 2Stli, mid his (Im-oiiimimmI Udy fotiud thrnxInyM Inter luttiglng from a limb. Thero nro no cloxvttyet. Xliiilrr (,'mnliti'il. I'LACKitviLLi!, Soit, 0. Tlw Jury in tlw cnew of I. II. Myon, John Oleon mid "Win. Drugr, on trial for tho mqnlur of Ijwell nenr Knoro nieiito kutt wlntur, thi morning r turnwl m verdict IIikIIiik nil llirw guilty of murder in the tirat dtgrw. Thu dUtrlct nttoruey eloa(l tho argument In tho Iiwell miirdur cmm) unit nlKhtnml thv cm v.- wil iiiHUmI to thtf Jury nt 100. At 2 o'clock thtamorniiigltroUirUMl with n verdict rludlug well of t lie defend niita, I. if. Myera, John 01m nnd Win. Dmgtjr, guilty of iiiurdor In the find t Ingres. All thu prbMiiHtn ImiwimI their bend. OUtni fur n short Urn wm nlleotwl to lenrw. AfUTtlwlr return to prWni Myera' iritw and aoba wmld Uj heard oil tlie j atretH. ThU nfWniooit My ww attal t the olllovr tlwt he lutndMl tlw . i..u. u'I.mii tut LA ManfiiuiftUi. alul I. , . .. . ' . I nil motlrrn and tetoutllle appliance tor J..- got OUfii and JJmger to nccoin-1 thm lhtwougU ruN) r ,.... WIU be ned JKtli.V hilll oil it hunting i-Xpfilltloil, Kxaiuluatlono will U fn-r, ami -liar(iii liothttllig IIkIII kllKM Ilia plirpoM-, Mrl-ll li.-l.rnt, .l,Ir. " In. IIIUm-ii llt.tll III- hllnvlf xiliilnltttil fill- A XX' n. p I1..I.I 1 1 k -- ' ' l"U'' I lltii. ' "- i. .. 'i . i. A WORTHY ENTERPRISE. On May let, butt, about four mouth ago, Iir. (iilbvrt opvueil uii orrlwaiiil aanttaiiuin In (tie bank block, Halem, hihI ailvertlaMl to treat clironlo dlwmwn on Mtetttlrto prluctplm. Mlurn tliat tune ula )retlee Ium 1kii alMMilly IncrunaliUi eo inuoh w tlial he wan obllgwl to Mamre more room ami luareaelua: awitlltlea, anil now Nuttluc hliiiMiiruuaiile tuatteml Ui lib) nutuHa IMtlenU, be Ium enterwl IttUi'ietrttHWelilp with ir. X. W. Weinp, o( DeUtHt, Mlebl Man, a pbynMau and urm of large ex uerleiuie, thorougblr eutniwtent, unit a (wolalUt lu Ulaeaae of the ejre, ear, throat awl naaal eaYlilea whu baa eoute with hui Annlly ni make hi home lu flalein. Ttw new nn will be known aa ltta. (HI ImttX Weiu p and will nerauf the ornn nuallou ivmo lu the bank blvek, Km oMtee anil Mtnibtrtum, and will eunduei Itieir buatueaa under the uaiiie and rtjrl mTIm OHfM Medical led Safgkal lHU. It U their Inuntton o afatre neither paUu nur expeuMi lu their eUOr In inake tbb) the iiumI euuiubite luatltulluu, tut tuetraal went of all Ibruw of dlema, peetally ehtuule, lu the northweat. MedloaUxl vapaar bath, etaetro-nia)net oxygen aud mnaeage, togethwr with