EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL I'UHLISHEn EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. I1V TJ1H 'Capital Journal Publishing Company. JXCOni'OltATK!) . Oct, Corner Court tnd Liberty Streeti.! TKKM8 10K HUIWCIUITION I1A1I.Y. j 00 2 m i ar. is Onoyonr, by mrill . . . Hli month, by mull..-... Three months by inr.ll Vet week delivered by carrier.. WKKKT.Y. Ono yenr ...II 2! Hlx month . ,S One yisir, If imlri for In ikIviiiicc, 1 00 Blx months, W ;"S-rotiiiiiters nro pclvo milMcrltlunii. imtliorircd to ro- 49-Knlcn-d nil sccoiiil-cliiso nuttier nt tho B&lciii.UrcRoii, I'ostolllw, Juno lil. 1HK8. Republican National Ticket. F6r President, UENJAMIN HARRISON, Of Indiana. For Vico I'R'wltlent: LKVr 1'. MORTON, Of Now York. unjust UiIh is isBhown by the follow ing Incident. This writer visiting one of our city photograph galleries, made the natural Inquiry, "How's trade?" The proprietor wild he was busy taking pictures for the Chomrtwa pupils. "They are very mad at the Statesman," he added, "for Its abuse of Col. Lee. They all speak well of him." This fact also Is attested by the letters published, in crude phraseology expressing their regard for their principal and indignantly denying tho vuguc charges madeagalnst him. It all springs from blind partisan spite. Col. Leo is a democrat and an appointee of a democratic ad ministration. This fact seems to Justify to our cotem. his malicious endeavor to break down a useful public olllccr and disorganize his school. "Tarty," says an old English proverb," is the madness of many for the gain of a few." pi;itn.i:xiNa im8A(iki:i:mi:nt. ARE AMERICANS DYSPEPTIC What a Prominent Kns;Uah Pliyslel. Says of Onr Dwellers In Cities. A prominent English physician has re cently proved, to his own satisfaction at lenst, that the dwellers lu American cities are generally neurotics and dyspeptics. First of all, ho says, the Puritans who emigrated to New England were charac terized by a neurotic temperament, for Pnrltnnlsm was largely a 'disease of the ElfCtrlc Bitter. This remedv Is becoming so well Unhwn and so popular as to need no 'special mention. All who have used i Electric Bittern sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does , not exist and it Is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed for it. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the ! Liver and Kidneys, will' remove lilnintnu Tltlla Knit. Ttlipnm nrwl other aflections caused by impure t.1,1 J A t - 1 11 1 "S. "nUT, , ,BTr" u blood-Will drive Malaria from the .mii.n i,n nnwn ,ii...i.ii with i system and prevent ns well as the conditions of life In the old country, and has emigrated either to Australia or America. On the other hand, the beef eating squire type of Englishman, being content with things as they are, has stayed at home. But this is not all. The climate and tho peculiar conditions of life that exist in this country have developed and intensi FOR PlllWIDKNTIAI. Euxtohh. IUtitTi;Mcliti,of Klamath County. Win. Kiiinis.of .Miiltnoniiili County. C. W. Fulton. of (."liitw.ji County.! e When the republicans of Oregon In stale convention assembled, de clared in favor "of reducing the annual surplus revenues of the government by admitting free of duty such articles of general use as ctiliuot be largely produced or manu factured by our jieople," they spoke in advance of the national republi can convention, which declared "In favor of tho entire repeal of SATURDAY, HKI'T. 8, 1888. NKtVHl'Al'lCIt NI'lTK. "Col." Lee, supernumerary of tho Chcmuwii Indian training school, has returned froniKllensbuig, Curry futility, where he raked up lifteen more or less Indian girls and boys, legitimate sons and daughters of various men lu that county. Not ono of them' belonging to an Indian reservation. Witness what desperate strulls the "Col." must lio In for boarders at the Institution. Next year it Is expected, If "Col." Leo stays there, only white children need apply. Them' lifteen don't need (ho sort of "education" they will receive ut tho Indian school at Clu'iimwu. They lmVo better schools ut home. HtiiU-mimn to-day. AVe give the aliovo choice morsel In full, because tho reader could not take In its full malice and absurdity from an abridgment. Tho sin charged against Col. Leo, witH-riii-teudont of tho Chemawa school, Is traveling over tho country and rukttig lu Indian children for his school. What docs the Statesman suppose this school olllclal Is paid to do? Wait lu his ollleo for tho scholars to couio lu of their own accord? Tho editor's Information must Is' greatly at fault I Sujit. Leo's performance of duty Is fully Justllled by the above carp ing criticism. A school Is placed under his euro with a capacity for over two hundred scholars, and by tho rules of tho Indian service he Is allowed no appropriation unless tho number of tuumtcs Is kept up to it certain minimum. It Is the ox IHirlolut' nil over tho country that Indian parents nro unwilling to send their children away from homo to school, and it tvrtultf amount of pressure, ihust U brought to bear to obtain their consent. Tnke the Haskell Indlnli sohtsil lu Luwivnoo, Kiut., tho CaVUsle solinb) and tho lUiiiptou hoIiihiI, nil pet eilucMloiml estikbllshmrnts, ndo inmtely sunportiHl ly tho govern nun. find prtifunely aided liy church societies nnd phllniithruplsts. If Iiultuu parent weru liitrJllguut they -would comiK'to for tho tirlvllej-e of bending their hoyi mid girls to ()ien)4H)liools. Dili tholr jervHdlng stolidity doe their eyes to. tho advuntnges otrVml, wml almost forolblo ntetuiH hnvc to lo employed to keop up minimum of scholars. No "dcHrntti straits" itro rvUtetl by the HtAtiuiiinii that Imrnm Hunt, Liti In keeping tip his nohool. And even If they ixiulil Is' told of him they Mould U no way to his dis tvill. Wo haw known of an Indian school superintendent going to no ngt'iiey m'ltool, with n shrewd old tyiU'f wull ftvd, to urgw tho clilt drou to ko with tho unknown twuilior. This wn n luvitoh of hos pitality, perhaps, but ho wru drlvwi to tho "stmlt." Cpt, I'rett, of th CarlUle aohool, tt limn of national reputatlnn, spumU the whole sum pier vacation drumming up pupils for his Mihool, mul ho wilt km p lit lUtoiiont oiitortnlttcd by tho hour re oouutlug tho kiilitrfugx ho Is n duixHt to in pflrfivnuliig hU aiIiwUiii, The ImprVwUm our outtfiiipomry would prxnlmv U that 1X4. Ia Uuks thodllUeuco and internal taxes rather tlian the surrender of any jiart of our pro tective system." Here Is a direct Issue between tho republicanism of tills state and that of tho nation, as announced by the slitlciaiis who assumed to siH'uk for it last June. Hut hero come thu Minnesota republicans, alsoHjicakhig through a state con vention, who pronounce- emphatic ally In favor of "tho modification, readjustment and reduction of tho tarill." The platform reiterates tho views of Oarlleld and Arthur, as well as thu recommendation of the commission appointed by the president last named, and urges "placing on the free list articles of prime necessity which enter Into the ordinary consumption of thu people." And tho republican senators, too, have lieen busy for several weeks formulating a bill to revise our present tnrltl", by placing some articles now taxed on tho free list, ami reducing thoduty on others. Tills divergence leads to tho unt il nil Impiiry whether tho vociferous crowd of delegates who thronged tho convention hall in Chicago are to lie regarded as authoritative; or whether the teachings of such statesmen m Garlleld, Arthur, Allison, Henry Wilson, Folgor, McCullogh and a host of other such worthies still have prevalence. President Clurllold says, "I am for a a form of protection that leads to frco trade," our Chicago hoodlums dare us to touch our war tarill' list on jvaluof Hooding the country with frco whisky. This discrepancy In republican couiixcls is causing damaging jsirpluxlty lu tho present campaign. fled this original neurotic type, until It may now be fairly called tho American type, and is indeed so recognized through out Europe. This type exists in Its most perfect form in tho larger American cities. For it Is the neurotic member of tht family who is most inclined to "kick" against the monotonous life of tho coun try. All such men drift into cities, where they can find an outlet for their energetic and often splenetic unrest. In their case also tho neurotic tendency is increased by their environment. Tlicy become small In physlquo, and, as a rule, are chronic dys peptics. Their children are apt to suc cumb to the irmliullcs of childhood. The men arc kind and Indulgent fo their fami lies, but irritable. The women are bright, quick wltted, splrituelle, but restless. They aro fond of living gregnribus lives, and spend a largo portion of their time in relating to each other the evidences of their physical weakness. And so In three generations tit most these highly devel oped but diseased men and women die out, literally consumed by the fire of their own ubuormal vitality. Doubtless the generalizations of this English physician are too sweeping. It is not true that only the men of u neurotic or nervous temperament borne from tho country into American cities. Indeed, it is quite tho other way. The vitality of our cities Is steadily replenished by thb thousands of strong limbed nnd clear headed country boys, who nro constantly pouring Into tiiem, nnd whose nerves of steel enable them to withstand the terrible strain of city life for years. Hut It is undoubtedly true that our cities do tend to produce a highly nervous type of mnn and woman, witli no stomach to speak of and a much impaired liver. But with the increase of weultji' ant luxury this type will doubtless disappear. Even now the lean, dyspeptic American, with a hungry look of conquest in his eves, is rapidly civ lug place to the Jolly, well fed, easy goii.;: American, Mho, having conquered fnto and destiny, can nITord to take life us it comes with all the good iintured cnlmne1. of nn cplcureun phllos-opher. New York Tribune, cure all Malarial fevers For cure of Headache, Consumption nnd In digestion try Electric Bitters. En tire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60 cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Dr. H. W. Cox's drug store. The Citing Toognt. Slander attacks us fromjbchlnd. The blto l.;rnrcly feltunles It Is malignant nnd persistent. Disease loo, often steals upon usthtouKhn vital channel. The air we brent he aflects th e lungs If it be malarious It enters the blood. If It change tooqulckly In tho tempernturc It produces disease of the throat.Ac. Whether Hostctter's Stom ach Hitters Is taken to prevent or remedy tho various forms of disease produced by miasma, such ns Intermittent fever, dumb ague, ague cake or bullous Intermittent, It Is nnd ever has proved to be nn effective and thorough remedy ono which does not only ameliorate tho symptoms of the mal dlcs of this type, but eradicates their cause. Dyspepsia, liver complaint, rheu matism, bladder nnd kidney troubles aje nmong the humanlty-nllllctlng troubles which It promptly relieves and ultimately jemoves. An Absolute Core. The ORIGINAL ABLET INI-. ' TXTM ENT is only put up in larg. two-ounce I in boxes, and Is uu absolute euro for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and all kiu eruptions. Will positively cure nil kinds of piles. ABk for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold byD.W. MatUiews fc Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 25 cents per box by m&U SO cents. NEVT ADTEItTISEStENTS. GO TO THE Pli IS IT i m m -FOR- Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing and Hats, -THE GREATEST BARGAINS -EVER OFFERED IN- Gen eral jVI erch aistdise ! -BY Till Capito Adventure ft. Opera House Corner, Salem. S-IS-dw-tf Tun American 'fanner may soon get more than his till of protection. A petition hits been presented to the Hrltlh government asking that a duty be laid on importations of wheat from foreign countries, but wheat fntni British possessions to lie admitted free. England Is our best wheat customer, and the duty would Ik) a heavy blow to our agricultural Interests, A man lu Douglas county has been adjudged insane, one of the proofs produced nt the trial being thst he wrote n letter to President Cleveland commending Ids admin istration. The next thing we shall hear from this msm W will he- eat ing ratsbane In his porridge. lie is clearly as nnul iWn March hare. UrtwUjt Is Nr. Mr. K, Lookley Jr., thu (raveling Hgentofthe Joi'KNAk, returned to day with a large list of new sub scribers AUd h "sack" of money. Undoubtedly the ivipor, n account of Its amount of news and fair deal ing with all pertou and tho tiuea tlonsof the day, Is grviwlng rapidly lu favor, This U not bragging but n simple statement of facts. TM K. efL Bnjis nn exchange-: In England, S00 years ago, John Ball orgnuUed the Knights id l.Uir. The guvern instit hung John Ball, but the few feet of rope that hung hluidld not rotuovtf tho wrongs ngulust whlohJ tie and his brother kulghta rebelled, aiuVthe order Urvlw to thk day. Tlie Rtirltiff nf .Tiitrt rrimnl. Next to Benares, .Itu;:iunnth, which Is unique in imiity wny among tho holy plnces of tho lllunoo-i, atlmcts the i.nic.st number of piL-rlmi imm all ji.irl.. . India. Tho shilui' or Jngnnieitli. loin monly cnlleil .ltigcerunui literally tho lionl of tho Cnlvcfe Mnuils oi. theriKist of OrIsa, ninid level, tun nlng ram!'-; iino to tlioso who sail up ami down the IJ-iy of Dengal it appears in tho dUtaneu like n vast black obelisk. It Is l.uill nf huge b) ct;s of granite, trnusporud vlth in credlhlo lubor from thu neighboring mountains, ' ami consists of a ro:i'(;ue pyramldlcnl structure hIkuu SoUfiet in height ami n spacious nun incloieil by u lofty wall. Around tin- w.ill on the lu shlo there Tuns a gnlh-ry mpported liy u double rango of pillars ami forming 'i'70 arcades. The four fnces of the pjri.uiM are covered with sculptured llgunsof dei ties, uiul Its apex is croniieil Mitli onin meats of gilt copper, which Ihuu uiul glit ter In she sun. Thu interior of .this stupendous struct ure, which is In, perpetual darkness,- Is lighted up by 100 li.in:-s, burning d.iy anil night in front of the l.tol. Thu liungo is maiU of wihmI, thickly painted nnd re newetl every thrw jesis, when tho orig inal bone of the defllel hero. Krishna, are removed hyd Brahmin from thnliuidt of tho old Idol to that of the new one. Tho priest, during this awful operation, covers his eyes, let the stghtof such mys terious relics should consuuia htm likl llglitnlng. Thu prlrtly terror, of course, renretsea In the mliuli of tht worshipers all desire to seu Krishna's bones. London Graphic The Wiwau t India. Tlie women In tpwns and vtllrtprs libdve the copllc claks rarely show their faces and the better clae ntver. Soms trsreleri pk of thrlr peeping at ont from their Tells or from behind thslr Utticrt win dows. From what I have seen and can learn from people who have long lived here such coquetries are only iudulgtd in by Nautrh girl (dancing glrh) Of a low order, or by a itlll worse class. The du cation of a woman i such that she hon estly thluks hirwlf tlegrsdcil should she permit hrr face to be seen by a man; rawly Is It done, even to a fthr-ln-law or brotherlu-law. especially if the brother-in-law be older than her husband, A well to do Hindoo, with six. brothers, all younger thdu himself, told me he.had seldom, ever ca the face of a tln:te"ki of his sitters IrrUW, and when Ue-'thad. done so It -was under pettUar drttm stances tIl(loiulr pcrmrsathle. VThJa thing la not simply a social cuttotubbtlt Is mlxed'up with their wllgtous rcqu!r menu. Iteligton hat a Very powerful hold even on the men, who are generally more or leu educated, for sow common schools are throughout the country, llut the women are wholly truedacated ex cept in religion rite and duties. With them their religion l all despotic and powerful, leading them trt the past to the Mpped In tbe Hud. Is It not better to nip consump tion, the greater scourge of human ity, In the bud, than to try to stay Its progress on tho brink of the grave. A few doses of California's most useful production, SANTIE ABIE, tlie king of consumption, will relieve, and n thorough treat ment will cure. Nasal Catarrh, too often the forerunner of consump tion, can bo cured by California CAT-R-CURE. These remedies are sold and fully warranted by D. AV. Matthews & Co., 100 State street, Salem, at $ 1, or three for JU.50. NKW TO.UAY. THE BEST STOCK OE STOVES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WA.DE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. REED'S OPERA- HOUSE FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. I4TH( GEORGE f. CAME This talented author and famed elocution lt, Mil road u choice rccrtory from his own writings. SB- KnMern Journals "ffa IV ieiik iu the. hlchot -a ar terms of Mr. Cable's -h 9ir lit entry entertain- - - ments. "S Reserved hcuts, 75 cents, (ienenil iiIiiiUIoii1.'-0 ivnts. Tickets for sale at l'lttton's and Starr's book stores. lGG-lw !p AND MANY Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Raiijc OTHER LEADING STYLES. Also a Complete Slock of Hardware and Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages riitociniiiK. MISCELLANEOUS. PRINTING; ANE OK THE LAUCIKHT EHTA!UJ!)l! Uiuunu In tUotstate. Ir rutoM Uan 1-ortlaniL Ijirroit sunk IximJ llhtnlcs In the State, a -irblgKust discount. .'Send for lTrleclltorjob priming, and catalogue ol leal blanks. i M. WA1TE, Steam rrlnter. fpHE QUESTION Of THE DAY. rr fiy PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE?1 As Eumlsitlen of U-4 Tariff Qumum lth Et- fc!l Rtgtrd t till latcrsits of Labor. BY HENRY GEORGE. . CIX)ril. flJO. 1'Al'Klt, S! CKNTS. This U the elrarrst, fairest, most Interest- ins ana mot complete examtmttlqn of the tariff question yet made, and trill prove luvaluable to all who wish to understand the subject. , ,, The- most thoroush tnvestlnttlon Mh sutoect thst has yet been put In trt New ork New. Th aptxnninca bf this book rdarks it new eXKh In the world-wide lrorcl for free trade. Henry tirorre has a powr of puttlncrcontimle truths Insucli a cl en rind IlniMd lansuarv that snr ehlUI run iikiIm. stand him, while th iiwmi lotroed man ii rnoj the accuracy of nil statement burnlnj: j41es of tholr dead husbands. 5m,,h ufm"pne,f .hl thoui&ta. Carter Harrtson's Uttr. Tn.T" " tnuHn ln Ncw Yotk-""- luako 111 K"hiKl uttrnrllve. lHil vulty ivm1I townnl tho Utlxus Ihv qiMllIlM to lug uu, tlm K. ofl wouUl u-w How i haw swurvnl it foothoUUii thU kiul 1 SCIENlfirrC SQUIBS. Dr. Oal3wW, th groat CMollaVat rrlS has tratd otrr 130,009 rsUiteta. 11a vxntfit 19,009 an re ch. j-r, , rantUohjrds U a tw slscp mdeosr; Its aMicn Is quicker than -chlerti, It U as tmfa as th hroaitdca, and U aot lojuriocs xtst wheo UMd to scorn, " lYftaaatrtts'l; ihrraUaod In'tLalcxAM dlstrkUio QtMaiJ(t tW&Mn fewiU, tal (Hraska (vi s ur uta parpcaa, ftrta or ar. yiKS' w veswr "BSaUB( vtieh taso svur th (Mat, A cook which evrrr wnrklnrmmti lnthn Und enn rvad with Interest und ouiht to rtd.-New York Herald. Yboever wauts tn aee tho strunjrot r Evimont not oulr acalnti proteiiloh.but acalnst all tarttrs-wUl find 11 here. Chrlsttaa Unkuu The singular success orMr.aconiCU thai ho has HtadeiuUttcal economy iBtcrestln. I ullarUa llet lew, Hoarj Gotcro OtW WorVj, lYccTessaml lMrty, cteth, ; paper, Specialties in Fruits Evaporated Appjes, Evaqorated Peaches, Evanorated Nectarines. Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches. Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Pelil Prunes. ( , i. ImportedjGefman Prunes, Smyrna-Figs, Raisins. Persian Dates Weller Brothers' VARIETY STORE! W, M. SARGEANT Keeps it tine stock of Wall Paper, Borders and Centers, BABY BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, Toy Tool Chesls, Velocipede?, Bicycles, BASKETS, and all kinds of fRAUES. Mouldings 'and Frames' Made to Order. Commercial 8treet E.A.WARE, tlXALXJt IK Fancy and Staple Groceries, lrovtalonj, Flour and Feed.. Vegetables md Fruit Fresh Every Day. Mr stock Is entirely new. nndlcarefullr selected. Price marked downfto a cash bails. Xi 110 Stale a-Xext to Red FwbL K-lMw-lra HORSES AND CATTLE FOR SAIL HAVE KOnHALKTHKFOUXWlNa hot; One oiarr. 7 years old. weicht out 1W0: otioftWr (InaucHratkHiltVMrs dm. uacaily (lrehoroBl a years old; crmaea raorse i yntrs utu I Tissue pnper, leaves and .centers. A"0" forcet the artist material, such as Tube I'll hits oral) kinds, Brushes of all sizes, and menders. Also tbe GOLD PAINT-READY MIXED, I i . Mats for ft-ameol all ilt,la' fact every thing else that can be thought of. Come and See for Yourselves PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty. Hhopon tbe alley, opposite Mlnto'o Ut cry Stable, Halem, Or. FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE OO TO ooe i srmaea bcw z ttots uta . one suesiiiip eaii EV,Trxtl,Mk',,JPwr',BU -- AWo IstilitUNi.IiMn otdftv Th Ijhm' QueMUa, rrH-. l ret s. f Ibjt milk ; one two-year-old Itrtfer, ttxlnr rwirty la Laijcaper, ttcrau. ' milk, and three calve. 1 have also one Addrrsa THE HTA.-ifiAKlX. Wader aud one sHBBlBr mill. UVBloo square. Now York. 1 lo-lw MAKTIN KOWLKY. ROTAN A WHITNBY, W? CMt SrottS'Ha, Ortgo. Havtajr hoacBtul tbo remainder ol " caair siMaiw ides;, we -are SHvtr : ten chain lower tuaa any wwn ib v