Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, September 03, 1888, Image 2

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1 -
Capital Journal Publishing Company.
UDlre, Corner Court n4 Liberty Hlrt,
One year, by mull.,-. - 0
Hlx month", by until 2
flircu months liy mall .. . 1 JS
I'cr week delivered by carrier ... 15
Ono wr Ji ra
HlxmiintliK ,
Ono yenr. If paid for In iidvnnee, 1 )
aix months, ." ' " W
-rHtiimlT nro ntithoriwd to re
echo subscriptions.
fd-Kiil'Tod an Kc-ond-cliiw mutter nt tlio
Hnluiii.On-KOii.roittollU'c.JuiiaSI. 1HW.
liepublican National Ticket.
For I'reHldent,
Of Indluiui.
1'or Vice l'renldent:
jiisvr T. MOHTON,
Of Now York.
ltolcrtJMc.l,tnn,nf Klamath County.
Wtit. ICiiptiu.nr .Miiltiiiiiiuili fount y.
.'. W. Fiillon.of Clatsop County.
Now we hear of a fruit trust being
formed at Now Orleans, with it capi
tal of $10,000,000, to corral all the
tropical fruits that come to this
country. This seems to lay an em
bnrgoou the supply for the southern
states, as an Atlanta dispatch says,
that steamers trading at tropical
ports are tumble to procure cargocw
except through the trust, and the
exactions are (pittc burdensome. Of
course,, tho object of these trusts Is
to mouopnll.u thu business and
bleed the consumer to the extent of
his means. Tho management of tlio
luiulxir trust lit tho Sound imrts Is
on the same extortionate n'lnulplc.
The narrative of a 1'apt. Charles A.
Davis Is published, who left the New
York trade lately to engage In the
wusteru lumber tralllc. He Is master
of his own vessel and prooHcd to do
business Independent of rings and
cliques. He sent a circular to nine
dlttcicut mills on the Sound, asking
them for lumlwr for which he ottered
to pay cash. From some he received
no reply. Others expressed regiet
that they were so crowded with or
der they could not accommodate
him. The Tacoma mill In reply to
his application, asked where the
cargo was to Ik shipped. Ho knew
with this evidence, corroborating
what he had heard, that If tho cargo
was for a fmulgu port he could have
It, otherwise not. Hence he de
clined to accept It. This daring In
truder thus continues his story :
The Hun Kranclsco lumber trust
controls pretty nearly all the busl
ucstt hero on the Hound and in Cali
fornia. They havethclryurdsbtook
cd with lumtter In Han Diego but
will not drop one cent In price. I
itroHso. to enter tho lumler carry
tug trade, ami if 1 am Huccthful It
will have the ettVet of bringing a
nutitU'r of vessels around front Jsow
York for the same nunnvHi. One
other Is lmlivl nlxmt to start. I am
txiiiilH'lliHl, however, to buy from In
'Mid mills, as ull on the water are
under tho control of the comblitn
tlou ami refute to sell me. I deal
dlrHitly with Int-ltle mills which, al
though a little more expulsive In
thu matter of handling, will enable
me to sell (A or ftl lower than the
combination nttw If they hold them
iwut present,
Capt, Davis tolls tho miiio story
liUiut the trust stihsldUlng mill own
on to keep their works Idle, m wuh
told of thu Iron musters ten yenn
agt, when the high prlii obttdiunl
nllowisl them to Indulge In every
tutravugniuie. lly combination
Urn trust or bust lumber owners
cau frcottinut any rival who rvfuww
to IhJ governwl by their rule.
Hut tlium tropleal fruit ami linn
Iter trusU do not Mtmt to have It all
tholr own way. The Ntw York
Ktar tUU of a Utlr In tlwt elly
who continue to twelve from live
to tight mrgHMof Imnaiuu a month,
and who dolarM the ootumodlty
too ixrlUnW to Ih storvtl away like
Mijfar, ami litM ttll lelwn aru corn
palled to accitpt tin trust term. Ho
In thw Bound, W ww mill are huliit;
wrwttftl by Mai wart opnUirs, wlw
awrt (Mr ludepHuUniM of the!
ooHiUltttf, ami avow UieJr IntMittmi I
to do an open bthJitixi. If the In-1
torest of tho many ngnlnst the ag
grandizement of tlie few is to be
considered, these trusts should re
eolve heroic treatment.
Receptions to returning heroes
aflbril a handy iiiguiis of expending
popular cnthuHlasm, and distribut
ing any sums of money that are
burdensome to thu owners. Recep
tions have been given to foreign
opera singers and exiled patriots,
and lately wc have come down to
giving our own citUens a rouse
when they return from foreign
travel. Gen. Grant created quite a
stir when he nrrlved in San Fran
Cisco, after his delightful and
picturesque circumnavigation of the
glolns. The crowd that turned out
to meet lilainc, and hung around
uncomfortably for two days, await
lug tho arrival of his tainted vessel
according to the published accounts
of that aquatic festivity, far ex
ceeded that which gave wclcouo to
the military hero. The next one to
receive with oratory and fanfaronade
will be the railroad magnate,
Chaunccy M. Depcw, his claim to
popular applause resting on his
graceful retirement from the Chicago
convention, when he found his can
didacy distasteful to tho granger
And now comes to us a copy of
the K porting Life, of London, which
lauds our distinguished fellow
countryman, Jake Kllrain, its an
unsurpassed hero, and devotes a
solid column, in extra broad measure,
to enable his calling by tho mention
of such former patrons of the ring as
Lord Althorp, Charles .lames Fox,
the Prince Jlcgcnt, Lord JJyron,
and several other historic ijrson-
acs. "Kilraln's reception on the
other side of the herring jxnid," we
are assured, "will be the gieatcst on
record." The aid of tho muse Is
tdsoiuvokcd to commend this mild
mannered bruNcr to our tender
8co )oiidiTKtiilvnrt boxer, HtaudlliK with
luidituutt'd crcs.
!., how thu thlnd for roii(iient Imrnx
ulthin IiIn hiiiHHlM- broiint
llofortihlm ir.iilsu ruturu whlcli hhitll
fitr t'i'llM tho pun.,
Whllo thu dliidfin t.'luin)hnnt linn
ciicukod .iIh brow iti IiihU
This man of muscle arrived In
New York about a week ago, with
Manager Daly, Mrs. Frank Lcslalc,
and a number of champion wheel
men for fellow passengers. Tho
ovation IkMqiokcn for the victorious
athlete did not come oil', but lie was
Interviewed by several press reporters
who had some skirting talks with
him, but were astonished to llnd bo
had adopted tho Cockney dialect,
"1 can't, you know." A dude In the
prle ilug suggests the Idea of the
wrong man In thu wrong place. This
reception business is a harmless In
dulgence, favored by local news
papers because It lends. temporary
Interest to their columns.
NOT lli:,0 YKT.-
Woman Sullrngo is still tho sub
ject of discussion In our neighbor
territory, ami at every iolltlcal
meeting this quchtlon crops out
Tho iuwspaicrs are qulto persistent
In calling It "dead 1" but tho corpse
Is a very lively one, and seems
bound to give peace loving polltl
clans no cud of trouble. At Tacoma
on Friday evening, the republicans
held a club meeting, at which Mrs.
Zeivlda McCoy accepted an invita
tion to speak. Thu lady availed
herself of her privilege and gave
her hearers a thorough dressing
down. Twice tho iarty, shu told
them, had pledged itself In Its plat
form to stand by the women's eau-o,
and now they were disfranchized
thu republicans were false to their
pledges and avowed principles, Tho
republican territorial convention is
to lo held In Kllensburg, and she
Utggtsl that no cowards Ik sent to
that Itody.
At the next meeting of thu club
Mr. Thomas l Nixon was InYltcd.
to speak, but he wrote down his re
marks and absented himself while
another rvad hla scrwd. It wus a
counterblast. Women, thu absent
ttpoakur held, wore without political
taot, they wore governed by uo party
rule, and were always going after
some new thing. He condemned
thu slight rvxqHVt shown by the
softer sex for thu decision of tho
courts pnmounolng thu woman suf
frage law Illegal. Tho courts, must iw
Ih hUktahuil ; ho deoUirvHllt u bad ex
ample fur the moral mA law abid
ing element of any community
of Impugn Judicial ruling. SutlVago
In the hand of the women had
lw a HHitw of mlwhlef In the
territory, and republican defeat luul
Ikvu Uolr iKH-tiou slued the pajge
to the net. This coquetting with
pruiilWtkm he CiHulemmed m un
relieved fully; It wa weighing Uie
party dew n villi too much burxlwi,
and waatfurtlierevHteiuvofwoiueu'e
uiirttneMi fir jnUltlcal rule.
stKh uuHupiiiiHmAry talk
bmdlcd back and forth keeps up
political contention among cur
neighbors, and proves to a demon
stration that the woman suilrogc
question is by no means disposed
Arkansas holds its state election
to-day and Vermont will vote t -morrow.
The election in Maine
will be held one week from to-day,
and in Georgia the first Wednesday
in October. These are all tho state
elections that will bo held until the
general election two months from
now, (Nov. Oth,) when the scum) of
the country will be pronounced in
an unmistakable manner on the
question of high or low tad II. It
will be a .blcscd thing to have this
decided by the court of lasfrcsort, as
it consideration by congress, as it is
periodically taken up, disturbs busi
ness, and imports into our national
politics a purely fiscal matter.
PiTTHiirita Dispatch: Charles
Crocker's fortune, which lie had to
leave behind him when lie went to
tho other world, is variously esti
mated tit from ?50,000,000 to $75,000-,
000. And tho corporation out of
which he and his partner piled up
fortuned of this rank Is confessedly
unable to pay its debts to the United
States government, that furnished
the money to create It 1
Tiik state conference of farmers
and labor organizations, which held
Ib session in Ht. Paul, Minn., last
week, with 1,000 delegates present,
nominated Ignntius Donnelly for
governor. This selection was made
probably, because of the candidate's
devotion to tho interests of Bacon.
Tho grand lodge of Washington
Territory, at its late session, endors
ed tho national and territorial pro
hibition platforms, and urged every
good templar to vote accordingly.
Tho body of Miss Jenulo McCIan
nulian is expected from Seattle on
to-night's train. Shu will be remem
bered as a former residcut of Salem.
She died of typhoid fever.
Ftrrar & Co.
Are shipping out fruit by the car
load, but their own store is always
attractive with the best varieties.
In fruit, vegetables, groceries and
provisions they are always in tlio
On May 1st, taut, about four months ngo,
Dr. (llllicrt opened tin olllce nnd Minltarlum
In tho bunk block, Halein, und advertised
to trout chronic dlncnbos on KelcnUtlc
principles. Hlnco that time hU pnictlco
Man 1h'mi Kteudlly lncrniMiiK m much so
that ho wis obliged to necuro more room
nnd IncrfUHttiK farllltliw, nnd now tlmllng
hliuhclfuimhlo to attend to liU numerous
patients, ho has entered Into partnership
with Dr. M. W. Wemp, of Drtmlt, Michi
gan, a phytdeluu nnd Miivcoa f largo ex
perience, thoroughly competent, und n
Hpcclalliit In dlMMiMi of tho e e, cur, throat
nnd nanal cavities who has coma with
his family to make his homo In fctaiem.
Tho now firm will Iw known u Dm. Gil
lHrtA Womp and will oeeupy tho com
iikmIIouii room in tho bank bltK'k, for
ii ill co and kunltarlum, nnd will eondnct
their bulneii under tho name and stylo
of The Oregon Medlcil and Surgical Initltute- ItU
their Intention to wjxiro neither pains nor
exiH'Uno In their eftbrts to make this tho
most iMtupleto Institution, for tho treat
ment of nil forms of dlseasen, twinvlnlly
cIimuIc, In tho northwest.
Medicated aHr baths, eleelrn-iuaKnet-ism,
uxygen and nmsvno. together with
all modern nnd kelentlflo appliance's for
the thorough cure of disease, will bo used.
Kxitmluutlons will tw free, and charges
strictly moderate, Addrom Drs OIIK'rt
A Wemp, Hank block, or iwstetllcc Ihix 170,
Halem, Ortgin,
Bitklti ArsUs SiIth.
Thu let nalvo In thu world fo
.nt, bmlsi-s, imnia, ulcere, salt rheum
fever horve, tettar, cliaped ImiuK
ehllblulns, corns, and U skin eni)
tlon, and posltlvty cure piles, oi
no wy required. It Is guarnntretl
to give wfcctatlsfacUon,or tuoue,
rcrundwt. Price 25 cents jkt box.
Kixr uki - Dr. 11. W. Oox.
Ai Atotlit Cir
OINTMENTS only put up In hug
two-ounco tin boxc, and la au
Iwoluto cure for old Borva, burns,
wounda, chapped lumds, and all
klu erupUona. WU1 poaltlvol
euro all kind of pile. Ak for the
MKST. Bold byD.W. MatUww.
A. Co., IM 6Ute tivuL RV ut
eeuta jxur box by mall oaata.
Having Mid myonieoand praotlce
to Dr. J. T. Mason I cortllally re
commend him to my palnnw and
the nuWlo In ireneral. I uksJl nuuain
at the oflle with the Dr. fur a few
wwluu HR. J. C. Hykiw
Tlio Other Side.
Fashionable Mother What? Do
you menu to sny you won't rent me
one of those elegant llats because 1
have a child ?
Flat owner No, madam, I won't.
Those flats have gilded cornices,
frescoed walls, castlake dados, havl
laud fireplaces, Frcncli plate win
dows "Oh ! And you're afraid my dar
ling little cherub will tear them all
to pieces, I suppose?"
."No, madam, but thoe Hats arc
utterly lacking in grass, flowers,
trc, birds, swings and hammocks,
and I'll not allow any one to pen up
poor little children in any such glid
ed cages. No, madam, I may be a
little grasping, but I don't want any
blood money." Omaha World.
Chief Justice Fuller is the smallest
man on the bench, being but five feet
six Inches tall and weighs 120
pounds. Associate Justice Gray
Is the largest, measuring six feet
live Inches in height and tipping the
bar at nearly three hundred pounds.
Eje, Eir an! Deformities.
Dr. J. Wr. Culbcrtson. Principal
Phvsician and Surgeon of the Cen
tral Surgical Infirmary, of Indian
apolis. Indiana, will visit profes
sionally, Salem, at the Chemekete
Hoiel Saturday to Monday, Sept. 8,
U, and 10. Portland Esmond House
Sept. 1st to Gtli. All allllcted with
any disease of the Eye or Ear, Ca-
t.,,?tli fWru l.'l...ia rMil frut- .Ctttinl
Curvature, Piles, ltupturcor Chronic
Diseases, etc , can consult him free
of charge. Artificial eyes inserted.
Itcmeiiiber the dates. 101-105.
When Baby waa sick,
Wo gave her Castorla.
TThen she was a Child,
She crloJ for Castorla.
When she became Hiss,
She clung to Castorla.
Wben alio had Children,
She garo them Castorla,
I herves: Ono mare, 7 years old, weight
about 1400: ono filly (Inauguration) 3 years
eld: one Ally (I'crcheron) 2yrjirold; one
grnded horso '.! years old; ono sucking colt
larce. Also two heifers. :t years old. el v-
tng milk; one two-ycar-oid heifer, giving
milk, and three calves. I lmvo also one
binder and ono fanning mill.
An Exjmlnatlon of the Tariff Question with Es
pecial Regard to tho Interests
of Labor.
CLOfJI, 81.50. l'Al'EU, 35 CENTS.
Thl In tho clearest, falm-t, most Interest
ing nnd most complete examination of the
tarlll" iiuesllon yet made, nnd will prove
Invaluable to all who wish to under ta ml
tho hiibject.
Ti0 most thorough Investigation of the
RUtijeci nun imHjct been put In type New
York Now.
Tho nimcaranca of tills liook murks n
liewetHJcIl In tho world-wide struirclo for
freo trade. Henry Ueorgo has a power of
MiiwuKti-iiiuiiiiiuiruiuHinhurn a eiearant
linpid lnngune that any child can under
stand htm, while tho 1110-.1 lcurueU man
ran enjoy tho accuracy of his statements
nnd tho (iiggenthouesK of his thought.
1 nomas u.tMicarmnh in Now vork (Star.
A book which every worklugman In the
land can read with interest and ought to
read. New ork Herald.
Whoever wants tn seo tho kt rouges t ar
gument not only agaliut protection, but
against all tarltls will llnd It here.
(. urikiian union.
The singular success of Mr. Oeorgolg that
he has inmie political economy lntcret,tlug.
Unitarian llevlew
Henry George's Other Works.
l'rogrcwiaud lMerty, cloth, ; vr,
Koolal l'roblenu, cloth, 1; paper, 35 cents.
l'roperty In I-nnd. paiwr, 15 cents.
12 Union Suar', Now Yorl
Piano and Voice.
Miss Usra G0LTRA aid Miss Margaret MACRUM
Will open a School In
Piano, Organ, Vocal Culture,
Harmony and Theory
On Monday, Bjt. fci Itoonu dlrtxXly
thcrwnmon and nr Sntunlay. SPU 1.
vrai w v w'V'M fM sx. L'&d
Take Not of This.
P yrctl tmiHuved garden Und, within S
mlb f SaVnu. Uh1 read to tows the
.v "li"". .""" s"". rint iiniNii
RCHAKD ,Ba NMUnl sruA smsa. rhiJ
llni ml tbu SnifiM IVH -5T . SR
hew jams tW nrot)'.
For Sale.
A noa lro tnmt Hon lww uo4
ltr ait tts Am to fBU catwrtiy
AH IM Dm low nri of HA. Call as 1 h l-i.
rUke Cr VlsMr d Fruit I1ta
.tupauy oftV. sxkia i'rgv. j
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Clothing and Hats,
General Merchandise I
t n
- t
- -
i 1IW
Fine location!
Best Soil!!
lias Just pnrcbaed GST ncres sltuntcd from three to four nnd ono-lmlf miles cant
of Salem, which they will Immediately pint nnd survey nnd sell In
Ten A.cre Lots.
This land has been carefully selected with especial reference to Its adaptability
fruit raising nnd desirability for residence purposes, nnd
Each Lot will Front on a Good Road and Have a Good Front Fence.
Tho time for tho residents of Salem to buy ton acres of cholco land near tho city
very cheap will soon bo past. Tho OREGON LAND COMPANY nlone sold durlnir
August twenty-six ten acre fruit lots, and some of the same lots bavo nlready
Thero are many persons In Salem who could buy one of these lotw and pay for It
without Inconvenience. In fuctnny pernon receiving tven a small Milan cm buy one
of theso lots by mnktne a small cash payment, nnd paying the remainder In seinV
annunl Installments, and by practicing a little economy ror a short time be the owner
of a property w hlch cnu bo made (when set to fruit) to produce
As Large an Income as is Obtained from 100 Acres of Grain Land.
The value of these lots Is not dependent upon nny prospective boom, but depends
upon what they will actually produce now, and whutthut product will now bring IP
the market.
If You are Thinking of Securing a Home
Do not fall to seo those lots. If you have money to Invest do not fail to look nt those
lots before Investing.
If You Want to Save a Part of Your Earnings
And nt the same time make a first-class Investment bay one of these lots on the
Installment plan.
Land. Shown Free of Charge.
ry KUble. corner of Stats and Fmnt
tVreeta. or on IaI at corner btate and Cora
meratal streets. I-rompt attention and
core ruamnteed.
Wall rl.4 ..,. .1. - .. I .
Meadw aad IM aar. plow Ud.
b-ad o oatUc wMttthe piaea If wantd,anU
fPoaiiaAU.H.ll. A bargain Kw
Enwire at OrTic of CaotUl Journal
Adventure Co.
Opera House Corner, Salem.
m n
tit -
H. DIAMOND, Proprietor.
Coin- BU, bet. Ferry and 8tate.
O Shampoolnt neatly done.
lK aeres, near I'rospeet hill, 7 miles, by
a good road, from Salem, It aeres in eultf
atk, baUnee In timber. Weil watered,
good ttOOOnottseofSrooms, moderate bars,
weHaltbe door; all fenced and a thrifty
youBfi orchard. ThlrUeaaares scedwl U
nattore grass, and w acres la grain. Iw
nuir can save Mberal Unu to faarvest
tterae right to the Sum sad save ageat's
Enquire of Char-lev Roherteon. at
iuoy luiuio
the Orange Store,