w Ir v 1 4 EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL runmiiKD EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. nr tub Capital Joirnal Publishing Company. 'Hc6npoRATF.n oncf, Corner- Court and Liberty Strteti, vm 2 m TKIt.MH k)Y HUJWCHIITJON IIAII.Y. Ono year, by mall v.... Thrro month Uy iiiitll.. 1 a& , I'er week delivered hcarrlcr. 15 WKKKLY. Ono year.. . . 11 W JflX IllOlltllK W Ono year, If tmlil for In advance, 1 V blx montlw, ' 0 ffB-1'oxtiiKUilJ'rn nro cclvc subwrlptlonfl. ntithorircd If) re- rj-Uulwed n wooiid-clawi miitUT at tin) Hnli)in,OrK)li.lVwtulllcc. Jlino21. low. Republican National Ticket. I For I'roMlilunt, JIKNJAMIN HAHKISOX, Of flHliunii. Ior Vleo I'renitlciil: JiKVT P. MORTON, Or 'ov York. K()ll PltlihlOCNTIAf. Kl.lXTOItH. Itohort MuUim, nf Klamath County. Win. KHpiis.of Miiltiiiiiiuih County. O. W. Fulton, of CliitMii(Viiiiny. THURSDAY. AlTflUKT 2.1, 1K88. A ICKSOICT'IO VIOI-HNCC Ourcorri'Hioii(li'iit MiliuiitHiiHoino whut Inili'llnlto (jiifMtloii wIil'ii ho nsltH unto point out an liiHtiincowliuro it puojilu huvo rei'ovi'ri'd (liclr forfeited HkIiIh without it ri'Horl. to vlolunco. In tllw'UwtliiK tlilH InturuHtliiK Hiih Jccl (lioniluii liivnliiiitiirily rovcrta to tlio UiikIIhIi rovolution of Ki8S wlitm tho tynuit .Iuiih'h wuh driven from tlio throiiu; to tlio French rov olution whun hoitls XVI. nml IiIh iicon wuro niitilo to pay tlio jirk-o of Ioiik tiiiKiindured oxwhhch; mid to our own rovolution ngniimt tlio ty ranny and tiHiirjinllnn of a lilunted kiiiKuud a corrupt and HlavHi minis try. All wrlternon coiiHtltutlouiiI law immii mo ngni oi involution, "a ro- wirt to vloloneo," iih our correspond out putrt it, wlion political wrong grown to ho Intoloralile. 'i'lie right dlvlno of klngM to govern wrong Is tacitly admitted In all tho older countiluH of Kuropo, and It Ih a rocognlised axiom in Mtato craft that iwojilu grow and Hourlsh in Hjiltoof inln-govoruniont. .lustltlii xlinuhl have dullncd tho kind of right ho hud In mind when ho Mated IiIh iimwtiou. Take ltuwtliiit Hoolety wliorti the king Ih alnoluto, and can doprlvo tlio Hiihjeet of lltiorly itnd gtMitlrt hy a niero o.trclht of will ; thoro the owo In ho loriH)ruto that It neoinmw If tlio two fmvert muM tight It out hofunt popular right rati iw- wort Itn own. Hut history rvoonU many In Mliwicim whom popular right and prlvllogoH havo lnon rwovorml hy uoimtitutloutil uieaiiH. Tho Knglhdi nation alt'ordM a Nlgnal example. DurliiK tho lltiuovurdyniirity, iVoni ITU to 18S7, liy Kgltmlou, iwtltlon nml public niititlng, that Hoplo ouimiiuhi ntmrty or the prow, ro Mrttwl cxtcnlun of tlio olovtoiwl fniiuihlMi, and mich rwitrhtloiiN lnt ptMwl on tho pilvlletfe of (ho peer that tlio llhortloH or t hut poopl are rogunlod mm tlio triumph or ttutiw-niaiiHlilp. In thin ctHiittry thervU no .pm. Hon tint mtrlouH MHiJal wrong oaUI. It iMbliowitlu UlHH-Mrlks in jHipu iHr dlwyiutont, In tlio MOcumuUitlou tifwuiltlilu n ft'W lmudu and tho luiHtvMrUliuioitt ortho iiihm, and uirioti othor nyinptutw wliluh lm imw tin tluHiKhtrnl ltiliid iw oml ntMiof Impoiidlng Iruulilo. ilutalll tlitod(miiiotuntH aro to Ni ImiHMl W MK-WI Mllll UOI HUItlOMl OHlkM. Oho www of InomUiiK lmiHivrlli uwut U ll lMdtfbtmtiiM of tlw frinlii clrti to -lie monyod inttto w ol tlie m(. 'flut tlmiu f Ive tutrMt eUiHi UioMtU4iHM of I1m U.rrowhm oimuiUty, ami to a oumMiajUir o!tut Murioltw tho IlltU WlttM IXltltt it How. 'I1i wmm t) Au U h (WW mhiIhI rrUU.ii, Ml, i, mmiUmm- dUff (WcUir in tint uuil UUtrtbuUoii of Dm ruiiitarthi ciHiutry. IVbuUiwl UUiiM-ut iivmum1 by AuftikeUl ux iwrto thuw iluti u th wk intluc trlw oT Uttf ouuiiiry Um Iim of wiOurwiti to IOU0T OMti,M m ruHk whU (MMilt will mt frw KtoWL TW NtwttvLy mtt anMNHtt jnOd r feb taw lni Um pockcta of thouBanda, In many casce, while tho profit Is retained by a for- -tunatc few. High rates of interest, and the low price of labor cause most or the trou I'lc that disturb our social lire, and Durely Ul can bo remedied without a resort to violence; ""The liberties of the people have not been so serious ly impaired as to Justify the ultima ratio of revolution. And since the American people carry everything into politics, this matter or wealth accumulation and increasing im poverishment Bliould be made the main issue or the campaign and not uprotcctivo tariff. Tho talk is common in working men's assemblies that all this tariff talk Is simply a duit raised to blind peoples eyes. With 00,000,000 ieo plo to supply with necessaries, and nn exjiort trade or but four per cent of our product, a high or a low tariif is or comparative unimportance. Tills country could live ir our ports or entry were all walled in, and not a skill' load or goods came to or loft our shores. Tlio tariff policy is not nn issue, because the difference be tween the Mills bill and the bill preparing by the republican senators is merely one of detail a question of more or less revision on certain schedule articles. In nnswer to our correspondent's riuestlun we have but to say that whatever rights tho people of this country desire to vindicate, we be lieve may be recovered without vio lence. That article of tho green bncker faith, which favors the use of acertalu portion of tho public money in .onus to the Indebted class at a nominal Interest, we believu is Worthy of consideration. The wages rotation' can only bo replaced by tho plan or limited partnerships, now working so succehsfully in England. These are social questions, but tho aid or government might beinvoked to apply the proper remedies. SOCIAL INJUSTICE. Fr Silt. Can Wrong be Righted Without Rexort to Violence? i:i.r.trrioNMtTi:s. their Maine and Vermont hold Ktato elections in September. At tlio November clectlo-i, West Virginia votes on n constitutional prohibitory aniniendment, similar to that submitted last '.ill In this state. Women will take o more active part In this political campaign than over before. Mrs. .1. Kllon Foster is to speak in Maine for tho republi cans Just before tho approaching election And tlio nrohibitlon party lenders are arranging to have Miss Prances Wlllartl follow her and speak tit tho same places. Tlio selection of Ilunalo, Sept. lsith, an the place nml time for the democratic state convention, moans a sliarjl campaign In tho Emiuro state of coven weeks, commonolng after tlio national campaign Is -well underway. If JIII1 is nominated for governor with his strong whisky alliance, it will bring dlccord Into the ranks of the unterritled, and Cleveland's chances of success in Now York will be extremely dubious. A grout parade Is inado in the pro tection pilars whenever a jniinu fucturvr announces his conversion to tho tiirlll exclusion policy; but there Is no moral strength In such change of heart, because it Is a mere avowal that the convert is In lluoneod by stilish motives. He thinks tho iKsriKituatlon of such a policy will Increase his prolits; but how tlio ptiokots or the people nro nlUH'tod to not considered. When we htmrorworklngmen's awomblleti declaring their adhesion to ooiu nmrelal Isolation, thoro will bogoitip evidence that the protection system Is approved. Ed. Capital JecknaI: I notice an article in your paper now and then that makes a lover of even handed justice feel there is a future. You are not content with merely political buncombe. You would confer a favor on at least one so journer In this vale if you would point out some one instance wherea people, having lost their rights, ever recovered them without a resort to violence. If such an Instance Is on record, it would be a guide to us, as unintelligent, law-abiding people, In adjusting tho differences that agitate society, and in solving the great labor and capital problem. If thlsmenatingcauscoftroublecannot bo removed by constitutional means, how is tliOadjustment to bo brought about? To what forms of violence, this social injustice may lead, I have found none witli tho sagacity to foretell. But we all know it is a part of the moral codo that a na tional wrong brings on tho heads of tho people retributive justice. Few of us believed, one year prior to the firing on Fort Sumter, that tlio threatened rebellion would as sert itself in arms. Yet the integ rity 'of our country was menaced, anil when President Lincoln called for 75,000 voluntcers.ho was ridiculed and abused for employing so lnrge a force for so mall a caue. Much lias been sald.but very little done toward a change of our public policy. Spec ial legislation is doing much to irri tate tho popular mind. The" poverty stricken citizen is a common crimi nal under the law, while those avIio are entrusted with the handling (r the nation's wealth and remove to L'anada with what they can filch or It, are generally rewarded with Im munity. It would bo sarer ir our Judicial system dealt out proportion ate penalties to all classes or offend ers. Justitia. Sai.i:m, Or., Aug. !d. A nice piano a bargain. It will pay to make inquiry at this office. aug-20-tf. NEW TO-DAY. VOCAL CULTURE! Miss Margaret J. Mmid, GRADUATE OF- New England Conservatory of MikIc, Bos ton. Mass., win Bucceea MImJuUi MR- ChamberUn In her SCHOOL FOR VOCAL -CULTURE, MONT AND THEORY, Commencing September 3d, 1888. IteferH by permission to Dr. Eben Tourjce, Director of New England Conservatory of Music, and Prof. Frank E. Morse, Teacher of Vocal Culture, New England Conservatory of Music; also to Miss Julia ChamberUn. 8-23Klw-tf TOCVf ADTEBTISEXKNTS. Krtiit Farms! it.-' TERI IS, FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURES ao to ROT AN & WHITNEY, 102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon. Having bought out tho remainder ol tn chnlr factory's fctock, we are prepared to hell chairs lower than any house In Oregon THE- OREGON LAND COMPANY Has now for sale twenty-nve 10-nere lots on;the west side of tho river, from SV to 4 miles trom Salem and near the 150-acre fruit farm owned by Mr. H. si Wallace, of Salem. These lots nro nil nicely situated within sight of thp Capital City, and having a grand view or the snow-capped peaks of the Cascado range. The Soil is of the Very Best Quality MAltKKTS. The SALEM MARKET OS COUItT STREET. Constantly on hand tun hrst quality of Wi and Salt Meats ! And all kinds ol SAUSAGE them. From UUc County. Mr. J. W. Ilnmnkar, with ills two llttlo boys, is in tlio city on business, from Linkvlile, Lake county, and Is staying nt the Chemekote. lie in formed a JouitNAi. reporter that tliero Is a steady, healthy growth of Inunlgrntlon in that great region that exceeds In arm tho Willamette valley. Its meadow and grain land, stock range, timber and mineral resources are very great. The har vest Is good. The exportsare chielly conllned to cattle, because or the lack or railroad and distance from market. Tliero is still talk of the O. V (.'. company building alongthc natural roadway up tho Klamath river. Rut nothing is definite as yet. There is a chain or lakes navi gable Tor (iu miles, on which two small steamers nro plying. He tli'.uks there Is a great future to KUiuath and Lake counties. S-Tho CLEANEST kept mnrket'm tho ni I I 'nil (1 till un r,iv -ntt nl McCUOW 4 WII.LAKD. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STHEET, - SALEM, OUEGON. 5"AU kinds of fresh und cured meats always on hand. Full weight and a square deal all around. All Lots Front on a Road. And the road leading to Salem Is now being graveled, and will be ono of the FINEST DKIVES leading out of the city. It Is generally conceded that Investment In FRUIT LANDS nt the'present time oilers n better assurance or largo returns than nny other form of tnvestaient. Prices now Iclug paid for fruit in Salem by the Willamette Valley Fruit Company; Insure, at a Low Estimate, from S250 to $500 per Acre! The closo proximity of Mr. Wallace's trult farm of 15CJ acres to these lots insures a Fruit Cannery, nnd thus n'convenlent market, ns toon as tho trees nro old enough to bear. Call on tho Oregon Land Cornpany rilKUKKKTK IIOfKI. Alil'.h OS. " Live and Let Live Pain) Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON. House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers- Paoer Hangers and Decorators, AT THEIR OFFICE IX THE ink Jlock on Commercial Street And they will SHOW YOU THIS PROPERTY FREE OF CHARGE. nl2Sdw. SEW ADVEIITISEMENTS. Oreerora State Fair! GROCERIES. Tho 28th Annual Statu mir will be held on the Fair Grounds, near Salem, commencing on tho 17th OF SEPTEMBER, And continuing ono week. n 'ii' ti i Specialties in Fruits A. Southwiok, Kansas; AV. Spayd I nml wire, Ovid, Mich.; Geo. Arkly and wife, Tacoina, W. T.; L. Marks, Minn.; J. A. Crawford, A. Aikin, Franklin, Nob.; .las. Keynier, Col umbus, Ohio; Chas. Hlgler, New Auburn; David McWilliains. IHight, 111.; K. Holmes, Kond du Lm, Wis.; Thos. O. Collins, Spurum burg, S.C.; W. M. Darling, Mil waukio, Wis,; Cloo. H. Slmey and wife, Denver; Jos. Kgormayer, "Wat- erton, l). T. Fred Mowr, wife ami seven children, St. Joseph, Mo.; A.S. Oole, WUeousIiii L. J., llradbury, Los Angeles; J. W. Hamakar and two boys, l.lnkville. All orders will mvle prompt attention, hrttlnmtmtmall kinds of work In our lino cnewimiy Bivnn. snttsfnctlon eiinrnntccd SlH)l) 111 Olil Ciiir, ll.,ii.,t Puiirt .tnut Sjilem. Or. I Court lIouo on Court ktreet. Wtmfi la tii rrtat. Indies tt'll sehtHll slICCeAsfUUy and are not lnfrHpuiitly oUvUhI to city or etvuuty UHrIntoudents. In Kansas they nn HHHsoiiHlly elected to till tho otllem of mayor und mem Ntraof theelty txmiiuil. Theru are sutwwkful lawyers among the fair sex. So thsro is ju iim ftir sur I prl tlwt (Jov. Pannoyor has ap )Hlutel tt wo4inu uotMrts public TlwyMntMrH. Kate Pan-ell, of Al ptno, Momiw wunty, and Kiuhih V. UKuvrv, of . Then Id iiu rmtu way tlwy sbisild ivtit IIMko MlllltHt HUtHrtM. Tlie pruftrtfMatH tf SVXiv A HI K lw uUttrtanl D. W. MhUm- a CV, to wAtiHl xxiur uttHMy If.alWr itlvluir thK (VKruntlM Kic of (Ntuirh UirHWr WhIiu. dlivdwl, If fltlW Uirio MHtilWlkxi fttr tiio cure ikf VXlMlltk, t1HIH, WlKHl4Hr OHItfll tUtl U 'l1tliMt MHl l.UUt UOHlbkw. WWll th- iliksMMi lft(t) tho UmuI. Mid MMUiit lb Amu of Oumtu. tiuUiluc U i eOVrtlv whCALI FURXTA lVMM'UHK riw. wMmUtttw r withuut mmy m uietuiMtv Tttna tar feua. " I taprlntrnitfnl f Mall AolntrJ, Krinl Sohoiio, mailing clerk in the iHtetofllco, bus tKen appointed suiHirlntondent of malls, with lunul tiunrtersln this city. This Is ono or the rxsulta or the recent vWt or lnrt AscUtHiit Postmaster General Stevenson. When he whs in town lVtmnstor Hoby told him that there ww u Tor such an otllcn and ro eMumeudMl Mr. Sehoppe for the nimv. Tlw new stuHtrintwulent of malls is 2S yww of H-OregouUn Ai litfmtlic CVirilla. ntJoftl W. V. T. U. will hokl thairgmtt tMnvMitktn of nrlv h wwk's iluiutton In the imiiwum lerH ItouMt, New Yiwk, kte in Oekbor. iiitmU will Ih uum ftoHi all th stMUw iid trrltoik. Owlim ( iUt bMnig k nmt the nfwt- iwmwi wwion it wiy be wn4kl ty Um Mkoltt eoMMtry wiUt .Wtt iMtaNM. Ikk m Mlmulv m Ht &. GENERAL 1HACKSMITHING A.VI) HORSESHOEING 1 1 All the Improved methods of shoeing shaping shoe, to euro cIIsommw of the foot mid for the correction of tUulty nctlou, con traction and interfering, lived. I guamnteo MttlsfHctlon In all cmm-k. ltefer to any well known luirnn In Oregon. JOHN KNIGHT, The Horseshoer, SOS Coinniervhil strwt, Rulem, Or, FO It SAUK FARM FOR SALE. iaViMn)miM(rl,raHathU1.7mllwl by HieiHKlnMil.froiH Slm, iacrw in Itl vli.Hi, bMlttiuv In UmlMf. 'u wt(jrt, Kxt JKXXllnHiwiof SnHHiw, imxlomtelwrn, wi hi u acHM- j uit fwnt and a thrifty yiwHn!iwni. THiru ntiriM stsHled to iw.turegru, hiuIW ikitim lu grain, mir 0"w n h llUmtl ltrw to lwrva ro)M PH1CI5 41000, TIMK CJIVKN. Cto rtebl ui tho term nml v Awit' CASH PREMIUMS to the Amount of $15,000 Will bo awarded for Agricultural, Mechan ical nnd Stock exhibits, works of art and fancy work, and for trials of speed. Tlio premiums otl'ered have been in creased lti nmuy cases, and new clashes havo been added. No entry fee charged In divisions ,1, K, I, and Q. A magnificent Held of horses entered, and there w 111 be splendid contests of run ning and trotting each day. Tho different tmusportatlon companies will make liberal reductions in fares and freights. Hjicclal attention is called to tho premi ums oitered for county exhibits of grains, hiurei-n (tint kiiiim. l-.ntriM win bo received In the secretary's otllee In Salem, beginning six days before the fair, and on tho fair grounds from Fri day before the fair. Persons desiring to exhibit In divisions J, JC. o, l'nnd O. aro requested to mako their entries on Frl- uny anu fsaumiay uemrotnemlrir possible. All entries cloo on Monday, September 17th, at 7:M p. in. ' l'HICKS OF ADMISSION: Coupon ticket for men (six days) $2 M Coupon .ticket for women (six days) 1 00 "nj iiviri mr iiiii .. . ... in) Evaporated Apples, Evaoorated Peaches, Evanorated Nectarines Evaporated Apricots, Evaoorated Pears. Hay ticket for women ' Ickets to the grand stand nt nu truck for malea over 12 years lSinjiilreorCharlev the Gmngu Store. J, P. ROBERTSON, RftWtMtl, Ht For Sale. CNMW MdH, k VtWMIU MMk, milk kkMkw, kMMNWMkM Ht .Slfonc A Cn.'s QlllfteiCrjiVPiir'sCislwiii A .Kl I trill All tor Um tUtm CMw OOtMt Iron (hun Haa ihuM. HHk DUm MU bt A.I1 a....... Um low wIm a a nui JTCTiiE VUlt. Vlfcam w.i ivZjrZ..'- OMMMr't turXfeT Sto. Orcaon. TVe Note of Til. Ladlefi to tho irmnd Hlnml in-wi TtltsO deslrinir tn nnrrhnsn Iwvtlis will apply to the sei-retary. rroioin me secretary ataipinrorn rreinlum llu J.T. OUKGQ, Secretary. VARIETY STORE! W. M. SARGEANT Ks)iw a flno stock of Wall Paper, lWors anil Centers, BABY BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, TiyTNlOiiii;YlNipAj;Bie)tlM, BASKETS. u all Una of F1UNBS. Dried Peeled Peaches,' Dried Peaches. Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes' Oregon Petit Prunes. Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Dates Weller Brothers' Commercial Street MmHIic ui Prim ihk l Order. STOCK PAEAI FOR SALE or RENT ! 530 ACRES Well wntered and plenty ot timber. Two nouses ana two bams. Good orchard. Meadow and ISO ncreu plow land. Fifty head of cattle with the place If wanted, and horses enough to run It. Within flvo miles ofdepotontheO.ACK.lt. A bargain for somebody. Enouire at Office of Caoital Journal. C. M. YAN BUREN, CarrtAM full stock of nn ...i w m illKl IC1NE Tmmt vm, Iwvtft mm WA'SSAVLWim ixml Tbe 1 POM, DM WIN MVIMUmIWMI. WIUS t wy JMML ho wtu aBsaf; wsa ur. W Akotte GOLD PAIKT-READY MfXED, utfc uiiiifit ix irwgM ot ! Cmm and S for Yourslvfts Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, FISHING TACKLr; CIGARS AND TOBACCO JBIFKn0., OltHGON. lnritUoiM caraCilly coBipottwlol nni dec Ot miwo-Ukm f rr. J. J. Um vttu PROF. H. Teaclier of 2S,'Ixasic Xrrummu told oo Um ImMmii phut. 1