EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1888. PKKSONALS. The sick baby of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sklpworth that has been ho long sick is no better. Mrs. E. DePrans arrived from Portland on Saturday, and Is stay ing at Mrs. Rlely's. Superintendent McElroy has gone to Eastern Oregon, to attend county Institutes at Pendleton, Baker City, Canyon City, and Joseph. Mrs. Clara S. Foltz, a California lawyer, formerly of Oregon, is to oHcntho democratic campaign in Santa Barbara, Cal., next Saturday. Each of the three great political parties has lady orators in some parts of the United States. Rev. Fred'k. H. Tost and wife, Jliss Minnie Holman and Miss Sjoberg will left to-day for Big Xcstucca, on a camping trip. As will be seen in our advertising columns, Mr. and Mrs. Post will re sume the St. Paul's Episcopal school iu this city on their return. Rack From California. Mr. A. K. Wilson, who owns a farm west of Salem hasjust returned from a tour of many of the other states. The last he visited was Cali fornia. After all he prefers Oregon for a home and will remain here un less busiuess calls him to our sister state on the south. But he com plains of the heat and partial drouth in some portions there. At Colusa he experienced the hottest day of his life. There will not be more than half a crop owing to tho in uflleiency of rain. Pie finds people talking freely about Oregon, making enquiries and starting to look for themselves. He found the most of these to be Kansas people. Two were on the train intending to return hero from Portland. On his way west he conversed with others from that state, at Salt Lake, whoassured him they would soon meet him in Salem as they intended to examine the Willamette- valley. Evidently the wide distribution of advertising nutter is bearing fruit. Let the goDd work go on. i Arrestedlfor llnrderoas Assault. Word comes from Silverton ubout a case similar to that at Ballslon, Polk county. In that case one Wil liam Davis, owner of a threshing machine, struck a white man named Loyton Tindall over the head with a club in a fit of anger. At last accounts the man was likely to recover. In the second case, Charles Smith, near Silverton, feafully struck a China man, who was working with Smith's thresher, on tho head with a pitch fork handle. He was arrested and was to have his preliminary trial to-day. It is said that Smith's boy ami the Chinaman got into alterca tion and that tho latter called him a liar with an oath, and the father took it up. Ho will probably bo brought to the county jail to-night. Christian Science. Mrs. E. DePrans (of Portland) metaphysician and teacher of Christian Science, is at Mrs Rlely's on High street, where she will bo glad to bee all persons interested in the Healing Power of Mind, an un derstanding of which cures the so called incurablo and enables every onetobecomo his own physician. Through the kindness of Mrs, Asa McCully, who has tendered tho use of her parlors, Mrs. DePrans will hold an evening class during tho week beginning this (Monday) eve ning at 7:45 o'clock. Private in structions during the day if desired. Consultation free. Get ft Copy. Frequent enquiries are madoabout tate matters that are fully answered V tho largo pamphlet compiled by Hon. J. T. Gregg, ox-speaker, and wretary of tho state agricultural wctety, iind published by order of foe legislature for free distribution. Parties desiring touso tho work can H at tills oflice and obtain a copy themselves or to send out of tho "te enquirers. Wwt side: Tho lmrvehtiiig is trough here. Whwt lwullng U w m order; then tor another crop. fiwrHiru. before harvest prevented "' fanners from working their wuuer fallow properly, and the Ul t8 i,Hve such k start that it ill puzzle many farmers m to wlwt t to do. We know of one fur r who cut h erop of bay from hi MimuK-r fallow. C!ilirenCryfPitc!er'sCastria A CHILD WITH GREAT NERVE. The recent accidents with flrcarms recalla touching incident that oc curred a week ago at Evansvllle, Ohio. And since so many of matur- er years fail to handle pistols and guns with safety, It may be remark ed that it is almost criminal to leave one where a child can possibly reach it. Cressie, the seven-year-old son of Austin Coombs, tookarevolverfrom his father's desk yesterday while in the house, and while playing with it accidentally discharged it, the ball took eflect in his abdomen. On his mother's return she ques tioned the boy, who admitted hav ing discharged the revolver, saying nothing of the injury to himself. Having been forbidden to touch the revolver he was chastised, standing tho punishment withotit a whimper. auoruy aiterwaru no slipped away to a room upstairs and changed his clothes, the ones he wore being clot ted with blood from the pistol wound. Toward noon ho began to feel sick, and going to a side room lay down upon the floor. Upon being called shortly afterward to get some wood, he replied that ho could not and that he was sick. His mother going to him, noticed for tho first time that his clothes were saturated with blood. After an examination she surmised the truth, and upon close questioning the boy admitted that he had shot himself. This was not until some three hours after the ac cident, and the boy at last reports was sinking. I'ortlcml Mechanics' Fair. The Capital Journal acknowl edges receipt of complimentary tick ets to tho Portland Mechanics' fair, which will open on tho 4th and cloe on tho 27th of October. The management evidently understands the use and the power of the press for in its circular to editors, it says : "The management will feel honor ed by yournttendance, and will duly appreciate any act on your part tending to create an interest in the fair, as an advancerof the industries of the Pacific Northwest." Doubtless, as in other years, Sa lem and Marion county will furnish many visitors and considerable ex hibits. We shall have more to say later. For tho present tho state fair here, will claim our first attention. Meantime the enterprise is heartily commended. Why Americau Labor Want Protection V When the four Congressmen on Investigating Immigration affairs met recently in New York, Paul Wolff, the Washington correspond ent of tho New York Staata-Zeltung, submitted a printed report showing that societies existed in Germany and especially in Bavaria for the purpose of sending discharged crimi nals to tliis country. The reports of one society showed twenty-soven discharged convicts tent in 1883. The report said that the worse the men are and tho larger families they have, the better fitted they are to be sent. In 1S8G 15,000 morks were expended by these societies, nearly all of which was applied to assisting tliis class of immigrants. Tho societies givo the immigrants tickets to any point in America they desire. Fine Prunes. Tho Portland News, speaking of fruit left there by D. D. Prettyman, says: "There wero some splendid dried prunes which were raised by W. B. Simpson, of Salem, and cured in the Jory dryer. These cannot bo beaton for flavor and quality any where." Mr. Prettyman hasjust ar ranged two additional Oregon grain and grass exhibits for the Na tional G. A. R. encampment and state fair at Columbus, Ohio, and the bureau of immigration at St. Paul, Minn. Tho News further says that theso may be takon to tho Paris exposition. Met an old Friend. Col. W. II. Waters yesterday morning mot at the California train an old Nebraska neighbor, Judge M. L. Hayward, of Nobraska City. It was the Intention of tho judge to stay over and visit and talk of old times and old friends. But a com pany was waiting for him at Poit. land for a trip to Yellowstone Park. Howevor, he will return with a company of Nebraska people who ileaire to oome west and who will not settle till they part of Oregon. itave hkhi thto A cum rr u;i. J. J. Harden, of ritayton, lia writ ten to W. R. SU-ubJo, Mjcrrtary if tlw Portland board of InunigtaUott, saying that lte Intend to engage In the fruit growing bufciutxi r that pUee, ami wktbea tl eo-ojenitloH of fifteen or twenty men to engage with him in tlie mme buliM. A Gotd SitwliJC. Salem is justly called the city of churches. As families ore returning from the seaside and mountain resorts andfromother counties to bo ready for tho publio and privato schools and the university, tho pastors and churches are preparing for a renewal of earnest work in all departments. Knowing that the annual Methodist conference is approaching, a Jour nal representative has obtained ft brief epitome of the work done by the M. E. church of this city. It will be interesting reading to many of its five hundred members and their friends, and to numbers of our eastern leaders. Some of whom may advantageously show it to those who yet ignorant ly "wonder wheth er they havo any churches out in Oregon." Tliis church which Is about to finish up another ecclesiastical year has mado a stride for which she may feel justly proud. The congrega tions for the year have been unpre cedeutly large, and collections good. This week tho finances of the churches will bo adjusted and a fine showing will be made at the conference which commences at Eugene City next Thursday. Tho church and parsonage have been re paired at a cost of about $1,000, nearly all of it paid. The collections for benevolences are as follows : From the church, 470.00 ; Wom an's Foreign Missionary Society, $55.00; Young Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, ?S4.00 ; the Woman's Home Missionary Society, besides supplying the needs of many poor among us, has quite a sum on hand for assisting needy churches near by. Next Sabbath will finish tho present pastor's incumbency, but the prospects are that the Jour nal's prophecy relative to his re turn will be fulfilled. The Sells Brothers Hippodrome. Cirrus and Menagerie. Among the exhibitions of the day, there aro none that have received a prominence so pronounced as that of Sells Brothers ; nor aro wo able to record an instance of any tented exhibition giving more general satis faction. Its every feature is remark able, and the majority can well bo chnmcterized as "phenomenal." As an adroit, sensational and entirely original act, that of riding and driv ing twenty-three bareback horses, by Mr. William O'Dell, will com mend Itself to all lovers of tho diffi cult and dashing in equestrianism. Of Mr. Showlcs' elegant and artis tic bareback riding, and of Mr. Wm. Sells' "hurrlcano hurdle riding," wo have had occasion to speak in former seasons, and further com mendation is superfluous. So it is with tho graceful, bareback riding of Senorina Caronl. Of gymnastic and athletic exploits by n largo com pany of acrobats and athletes, there is such a bewildering multiplicity that comment is nonplussed, and to speak of the merits of eacli in de tail would transcend our limits. We can not close this article, however, without brief mention of tho cham pion wing and fancy rifle shot of the world, Captain A. II. Bognrdus, "The Man Who Shoots to Kill," and his four remarkable sons, each of whom exemplifies all the possi bilities of the gun. The show will exhibit here Tuesday, August 28th. Luxury-loving daughter Oh, mamma, the paper says at Pills, Plaster & Co.'s drug storo they are giving soda water free to all cus tomers. Practical mother How nice that Is. Tell your Aunt Sarah and Aunt Jane and grandma and the girls to get their hats on. We'll go around there this very morning and get ft postage stamp. Omaha World. The world's conference of the Y. M. C. A. closed In Stockholm yes torday. It has been a very suscess ful gathering, and will greatly ad vance tho cause. Judge W. T. McNwtly, of San Diego, Cal., a friend of Dr. L. A. Port, is at the Chomoketu. Whn Daby wm elek, We gare her Caatorla. When ahe ni a Child, She eried fer OoatorU. When ahe became Mlu, She atusc to Caatorla. Wfcea ahe had ChlMrea, She gars them CSutarU. Cream eotla, lee eream toda, milk ilmktw, UunftnaiW atSinmg fc C'o.'s Stibribe for the Joukxal. CMlflren Cry fcrPItoher's Castoria LOCAL NOTES. Call on Winters A Thomas for tho best groceries in town 1 Painless dental operations ot Dr. T. C. Smith's, 92 Btoto street. Cream soda, lee cream soda, milk shakes, lemonades, at Strong & Co.'s Sells' Bros.' mammoth circus will parade the streets Tuesday of next week. A good family named Rankin from Illinois has moved to North Salem. Rev. Dr. Spencer will deliver an address on church extension on Wednesday night at tho M. E. church. Regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. to-morrow at 2:30 p. in. A full attendance requested. Rev. Wm. Rollins will administer the ordinance of baptism by im mersion on Saturday, the candidate being a young lady. InTaconia the St. Paul & Taeoina Lumber Co's. mills are Hearing completion. They will have a capacity of 030,000 feet daily. As an evidence of newspaper en terprise it may be mentioned that tho S. F. Examiner is printing some of its political articles in parallel columns, in English and German. A few nights ago a Videtto typo was heard to remark to his best girl, "Bright of my xislOc allow me2m -- u." She made a at him put her SST between ills il and mado hi in c Two professional cracksmen were arrested in Seattlo on Saturday, while in tho net of robbing a roomer in the Commercial hotel. Their names are M. L. Walker and 11. Douglass. P. F. Orr, of Carmine, Illinois, writes a friend that he is about to sell his farm and conio hero. Tho Oregon Land Company has been corresponding with him, evidently with good effect. Win Patterson of Fox Valley, Linn county, sends in his subscrip tion to the Journal, as lie wants the news. This paper circulates a good deal beyond the city and county In which it is published. Tho latest nows is that Layton Tyndal, who was knocked insen sible by Win. Davis, tho proprietor of tho threshing machine, at Ball ston, is likely to recover. It would bo a fortunato thing for botli parties. Tho prohibition club meets to-night at W. C. T. U. hall, at 8 o'clock. Important business. L. L. Orr, "tho boy lecturer of Illinois'' will deliver an address. Rev. Mr. WIeninn will also speak if In town. B. J. Sharp secretary. The secret organisation and plans of the whltecaps In Inldana havo been exposed by a detective who got Into their secret councils. Ho de scribes it as on a par with tho former Kuklux Klan. He promises to mako a full revelation. Dull as business usually is at this season of tho year, Mr. Waito found that quite n rush of work had coino into ills steam printing olllco during his rusticating. This office also lost a man owing to an increase of work in Cronlso & Wilson's Job ofilce. Secretary Gregg reports parties in considerable numbers already secur ing locations and renting ground for tho conduit state fair. This Is ear lier than tuual, and portends a largo attendance and a successful exhibi tion. Trotting stock In good num bers is arriving. W. II. Savago brought in a box full of elegant, largo peaches from the Bonner place, owned by himself and J. A. Albert. Tho Journal man was Invited to sample them, and found them as good as they look ed. It isestabllshed beyond question that Salem can raise number one peaches. Did this occur yesterday and, if so, whore? "Charles," said his fond wife, as she appeared at tho bedside, "aren't you ashamed to He there at this hour on Sunday morning?" "Well, my dear," he replied, as ho very languidly owned one eye and lot it softly close again, "I do fuel morti fied; but I hope to sleep It oil" before you get back from church." Rinks are too often run by travelers who leave their valises and other light baggage in tho railroad ears while they toiiijonirl!y leave, suis poalng that no thief will bo lold enough to mako off with the things. But some tramps at Albany did raid a train on Thurwlity while the pa seugens wuro eating gupiwr. In the puntult that fallowed two vhIIw were recovered but one with yowl clothing and valuable they retained. So when you travel "look a leedk oud.1 CMltrenCryfaPitclier'.CuStoria i MISCELLANEOUS. T. McF. Has just NEW Cambridge Bibles, Plain and Fancy Stationery, Embossed Scrap Pictures, Birthday Cards, Day School Rewards, WI GIOTB'liraifflBc, Natural Law in the Spiritual World 25c, Leather Card Cases, Leather Pocket Books, Leather Purses, London Incandescent Sled Fens, Nos. 1, 2, 3, '., 5 & (!, Acme Writing Tabids. 98, STATE ST. - SALEM, OR: G. W. JOHNSON, CARRIES A KINK LINK OF CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, etc. 2115 Commercial Sired, - - - Sulein. THE BEST STOCK OE STOVES IN TJIK R. M. WADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. AND MANY OTHER Also a Complete Stock of Hardware and CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! Willamette University. Haul umnil m'IkxiI of niuwlt; on tlio norlliwutl nMht. AtHiut 150 STUDENTS LAST YKAK. ConrM In Hluno, Oriin, ainulnu, Violin, llurmany, unci Counter point. Diploma on completion ot urt. Twtcliww . M. 1'Hrvlii. Krnkl I'. Jonwi, ttVHfox. AMtMtant.i.iilu.M.MmUli. Pint twin bwliiM Moiuluy, nttiiiiiwr M, IgfiS. HbiiiI for KHtHluKU. Korlurlliw iwrtluiilwnt KildrtM Z.M.PAKVIN, Mii.IikI llrotor,MMlm, Or. H-ITIIf-wIt SALEM BATHS. II. DIAMOND, PHrltw. Uum' ., UC Fwry mwI Ml. -uuvim), hair cuttixo axo LEGAL BLANKS, Ltrgftt 3irk in (lie State, Host Diimnt. itetttl tar oUloti CMI for prta tor Job I fTtatlMf low! in Oou. I E. M. WAITE, S, Or. PATTON received CITY IS AT Garland Staves, Charier Oak Staves, Brighton Hang LEADING STYLES. Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages VOll HAHCJAIN8 IN PURMTURB GO TO KOTAN & WHITNICY, 102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon. HiivlnKlioiujIitoiittliaroiiiuliKtwol to cliulr tueUiry'i utook, we lira reirwt to ill clmlm lower ttiiin imy liounu lnOnKon Itimril of i:iiHllatlcni. N OTICK IH MKItKIIV OIVKN THAT tliHlluKi-ilor KutiHllmtlon RirMurluu eounlVi Ortwon, will iiimt iu tlm county MMirf-IMMiiu In HhIoiii on MoiiiIh', AllKiH't W, IMW, Biitlnimtiiiim In Mwlon tliri fur OII Wfttk, fur tll HllJlMtlllWlt of IIMIH" muni. fUttMl July 81, I8M. T. II. I'A'I'ION. K-Hlwtd AmMit of MHrtwii Uo., Or. E.A.WARE, IttUI.KM IX Fancy and Staple Groceries, I'rnvUloit, Khtur ( l'l. YegotalilK awl Fruit Fresh livery Diy. Mytrtuek UwiUnrfy wrw. itml1 atraAilly ilgl4Kt. Irka mark! cVtwn'.Ut a mU No. 110 SUle SLXnt I. lied FrwL kJVUw-liii STOCK i I '