Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 07, 1888, Image 2

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ii r ti iB
Capital Journal Publishing Company.
OtDce, I IV Conrt Street. irs House lilotk.
One year, by mall So to
HI month, by mall.. ...- 2 )
..Three. muntliN by mall .. 1 '
I'er Meek delivered by OHrrler 16
Ono jOHr..-. SI M
Hlx montliK ,
One ywr, ir twin lor in nimuicc, i "
Six month, " " " M
tfirroMimwIerx hto HUtliomcd to re
ceive HilMtcrlptliiiic.
-i;jilrriKl H woond-olawi mutter at tho
HfllmiOri-K)M, ('iwtiiincw, Juno 21. ll.
lto)!il)lican National Ticket.
Ifpr President,
Of Indlnmi.
J'or VIco President:
' JJ5VI 1'. M011T0N,
. Of Now York.
Foit l'uiauim.vn.w. Ki.i:toiih.
ICotM-rt M-lAin,r Kliiiiiulli County.
Win. KNitw,wr Miiltlioiniili ( ounlj .'
r. w. Kiiiiiin.or ( iniR.!j uimij.
Wilt) IS nil: l'lt.W lV"
qulry, where such u shUe of things
exists, ft certain condemnation.
But every intelligent person
knows that tills hnital nntl unpro
voked uflmult on Supt. Lee is
prompted by personnl spite nnd jiar
tiwih rancor. Ho Is a democrat, ap
pointed by a democratic administra
tion ; and this is his unpardonable
sin; lie has licen advertising for
bids lately, and his patronage went
to his own party organ. This hccijih
to have tilled the Statesman editor
with frenzy, and his ravings the last
week or two betray his uncontrolla
ble mood. Mr. Lee is very hand
somely endorsed by his fellow-countrymen
in Indiana, and the mer-
chant) of this city, with whom he
has dealing, sjieak highly of his per
sonal qualities and business integ
rity. Some ill will may be felt to
ward him by discharged employes,
pcrnous it was incumbent on him to
remove for the good of the service ;
but has a newKtMiper no better use
limn to listen to their spile, and be
foul Its columns with detraction
and scurrility?
We have been prompted to say
this much 111 defense of a useful
man entrusted with a dllllcult and
responsible position, and in reproba
tion of a misuse of the Journalistic
olllce which suboidinatcM the public
interest to personal rancor, and ii
willing to trample on worth and
merit to Indulge in partisan spleen.
A Scathing Recital of .theOHsery it
Inflicts on Society..
Tho tttnUwiiinn him renewed its
right tin Supt. Leo, of tho Oheiiinwn
Indian Hulvobl. It tells us he Is "an
old fraud," 1 1 ill I "lie Is loathed by
Ills ntudentH and despised by all who
know him," that "ho Is, Incompe
tent and untiusUvoilhy, a hypocrite
and a fraud." TIioao nirtherohiirKt
nit' also made :
No nun lias yet been employed at
the ('hciiiuuii Indian traliilngsehonl
1 wo weeks until hi lias found out
that Col. Lee, Hiipernuiiiciiiry and
ucncnil nuisance of the luslltutloii,
V ii inixlillcsiimc old M'lllt oil the dc-
jMiitnieut, u Hiiiierannuatid and in
competent tiouiilc-lircwcr. No won
der he lias to go about begging An
MliitkuilM mid sending oIllcorH ol tint
Inw after them when they attempt
toewupo from that fesleilng-spot of
illacontcnl. lie should bo kicked
I lln adiiilnlsl ration has boon a dls
urneo ( th" department. It hu
fiecn inellleient, and at no time dur
ing Ills incumbency lias the school
Ihhui free from a low and a strife of
wane sol t or other.
Col. LiHimlKht do very well In the
pol I Ion of superintendent of a hog
yard, but he Is a complete failure
In Ids premuil position.
A character Mich as Is here por
trayed falls buuentably short of the
HtMiidanl requited of the niiui tilling
Hupt. lee'M iMwIiliui. The Indian
service Is a iiilspitoiiary employ, and
tho red mte numt have Ids mil en
kindled by devotion to the cause or
he falls short of his wVtlrenitnt.
Hupt. Ic holds h rvupoiwIhUt lol
tloll. Tho HVerage nuinber of Ills In
iuiiUw is AVi, who have to boelothod,
fml and schooled in ImhiKm and In
(hwtrtul habits. Thercervuloiiooin.
prle netuly iHi aciiwof rough ood
IhiuI, (ho In1 have leou sliudied,
tht stuuiM removed, Hiidthcgrouiitt
pre m red for garden oiiltiire. Huilug
tlieM'hiHtl homUuu lust summer, the
hoyo Hiul glrU w eie employ cd In ho
piekliiK, and worn allowed to letutn
Uwlr earning. Tills money tliey
voluntMrlly hhi1isI anil pureliHMHl an
ailjolnlug piece of laud to add to the
reservation Tills shows iiimmI will
and iuterost In' (lie mIukI, and Imnl
ly MiHialiu tlin 8tMtcuum oliarge
that "they all lisle him, and know
it Uvt 9f(tKiM of litMt Journal
tU IHms uA If ! U a m t tltMt "all
m i(mjMi0 hhii nm wn ivsu
i; i. .
K W W' ' 1 h-Nty that
tiHW.t n;iil tUiMunr-
ouihk UHtAM u tMlllls Ills
4mt pw w i'r iiiiu
m utieinimtM (vuhj win
imtW t'iri rHcf l might
wlt hltlc tti vud. The
itmifMt ry,'Wir J ilKiids by
uipkQN ui(il M-' elmryw
IX aW, M. I til Mttlll Uwl, (,w
MTItAiutf r.nurU. Til will Ik' o
lb tl I'raMHA ") HtkH to
IMHAMUAU r Mtk M( ItMlulllg
' ttpeolflu elwiMi i4hwh iU. 1- lo
Ih gnntly wA itud Itwoiujmtwii,
uud )uvy1uic tr hW rwvul. 'inM
Umliii i mwii w Uu, Kt i4d, kuw
him (o bv h to lHtlU nml h fruud;
the M)Kml MHtpVkytut t ho imhium rv
nwtu tUwv heNUM ikf UU Inntiidtiig
HM(I drtvliig ); sud tW (4dtr
)wlM Wlut klMIW MlMt Mil Okl
frmid he U, whiUI h1 W willing to
4gM the jwtitUm. Kueh a dooumwit
WUld led lO lUVMrtlKMliull, HUd 111-
vi:Kv'(nt H.MPM"-fi?vf
Tho public are not sullleiently in
terested In the newspaper light now
going on between .1. 1). Wilcox of the
Portland U.illy News, and Harvey
Keott of tho Oregonlan, forthe.hu'u-
nai. to load Its columns with tho
charges and counter charges. Hut
an Incidental admission lias a wide
Interest and should not be passed by.
Harvey Scott', editor of the great
metropolitan paper, lias, like u good
republican, consistently opposed the
political third, or prohibition party.
lie also used the whole weight of
IiIh paper to defeat the non-political
prohibitory amendment. His argu"
incut from llrst to last was, that
while saloons are undeniably deiuor
ali.lng Institutions ami exert a bad
Inlluence In politics, the proper thing
to do is to educate the people not to
patroiil.e them. "Educate the rising
generation against drinking," was
Ills constant cry. The Republican
pally he declines Is the one that will
do and has done so much for temper
ance u Idle opposed to piohibltlon.
And now lion. .Matthew n-...iyi
Judge of the United .States Circuit
Court, in furnishing Mr. .Scott with
a written "chiiractei" says:
I allliui that 1 neither saw nor
lieaid anything icllectliig on Mr
Scott's conduct concerning the elec
tion, except thesiiiglecouiiaralively
trivial cltcuuihtaiice, that on the
morning uf election ho met l'at
Coakley, a somewhat noted political
worker, on the streets, who asked
hint for wuiie money wlieiewlth "to
treat the Isiys," when ho gave him
! -,
And luivewe come to this Idat the
editor of the leading jwper in a great
state like Oregon will give saloon
puUtlcluii and ward strikers JdOat
a time for coiruptlon and bribery
for the purMnHi of "treating the
iKiysV" And a United States Judge
speaks of it twM "Miiupnratively tilll
Ing elrcuimtUtuce! What an adinls
ion to juil into the hands of our op
ponents, the prohibition lsirty, men
and women! What a humiliation to
the thousands of conscientious antl-
wtliHin republicans in our jwrty's
ranks. What an example to set
lwfore our young men's lvpuhlluMii
cIuIh! livery true republican, "one
of the oldon time" will protest
Hgalust such (HliuMtlotml methiHls
by lending editors and Judges with
in the party. Simdy this is not in
aciHird w Ith the last revolution ihssh1
at the ChioMgo Convention, "Tile
rvpublliviu jmity eurdlitlly syinim
(IiImw wttli all wise and well direeted
olllirts for tlw iMMiuotlou oftemer
hiuv and momlity." Had Uim
gontleiueu iKXMtdeiniK'rHtswusluHild
condemn but not hluh.
Ws4mIuI ir.
W. D. Uoyt : l., WlioliyleHnd
ItoUll DniggUtsof IUhiw, Cis., say:
We have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery, Klwtnp Hitters and
lluokleti's Amlea Salve for AHir
years. Have never IihiuIUmI rem- nroiHTtv
dies that sell well, or ;rive Mich imiKiverisluHl whole eiHnnuudtWss
uiiiver! sMtWactleu. There Iwve ,.,,., , ,.... . ?
Speech delivered by Senator Win
dom at the unvcilingof the statue of
JosluJi Uartlettat Amesbury, Mass.,
July 4th.
Tho discussion of this subject
seems to me quite appropriate to the
occasion. Perhaps the highest hon
or we can Miy to the founders of our
government, is to accept with pro
found gratitude the blessings which,
under Ood, they have transmitted to
us, and to face with manly courage
and patriotic determination what
ever problems remain to be solved.
Among thc-c problems none are so
grave and pressing, and none threat
en consequences so disastrous to all
that Is most sacred In our Institu
tions, as arc involved in the Ameri
can saloon system. In the wide
sweep of its malign influence it
touches, and threatens the very warp
and woof of our social, political and
ludjwtrjnl organism.
How to curtaillmnpiiiully destroy
this evil is the gieaf problem of the
hour. Its solution stands next on
tho world's calendar ofprogre&s. It
has been curled for trial, and cannot
be dismissed or po'-poned. Thosuloon
has boldly cntcled politic, and it
has come to stay until vanquished
or victorious.
lirielly stated, thequestienis: Shall
tho liquor power with its diro and
deadly liiilutnce rule and ruin, or
Ishall it bo utterly destroyed?
Tills malign power has organized
and massed Its mighty forces for the
conflict. IlhasraWcd the black flag,
and proclaimed that ho who will
not swear allegiance to It and there
by beenmo particcps criminis in its
work of destruction and death shall
politically perish. The tinio lias
therefor come when, the issuo must
be met. Political parties can no
longer dodge It if they would. Pri
vate cltleus must tnko sido openly
for or against tho saloon, with its
methods and results. "Neutrality
Is henceforth' Impossible; Indlfler
cnee is henceforth a betrayal of the
trust involved in citizenship."
To maintain this right the Mdoon
power has organiz.ed its vast forces
formed Its political alliances, and
now, conscious of its strength, bid
,i... .irriMiico to law and public sen
timent. To maintain the rkdit to
get money by the wholesale destruc
tion of life, health, and property, It
corrupts the Imllot, lulbes legisla
tures,! tampers with Juries, and seeks
to Intimidate, the weak and coward
ly by arson and assassination.
Not less than .SO,(HM victims go an
nually to the drunkard's grave from
the homes of tills laud
Alas! how true and terrible Is this
Indictment of the saloon. Oh, (lint
from every hilltop and valley, from
mountain and prairie, from city and
hamlet, from lakes to gulf, ami
from seu tosea, there might this day
in ise the united voice of our sixty
millions of people In nuM solemn
declaration of imlcendeiiee of this
cruel king, whom Injuries and usurp
ations threaten the destruction of
our five governieut, As did our di
thers when they lesolved to throw
oil' the alssdute tyranny of a bad
king, so let tisglve certain facts to a
candid world. This monster, sit
ting supremo in the x!ttlcs of this
country, has enacted laws authoriz
ing him to open in all our tow ns and
citic slaughterhouses of men, wom
en, and children, ami of all virtue.
lie has enacted laws H.rmlttlug
htm to transform men Into beasts.
lie Is the direct cNUsc of nlue-tciitlta
oftho woo and sorrows which blight
and curse our jKHiple.
He, hiding his monstrous deform
ity under the forms of law enacted
by his own vassal, over whose
head he cracks the slave-driver's
lash lu halls of legislation, maintain
at our oxR)iiso an army of miscre
ant wh, at the very dHtrs of our
homes and In the shadow of our
sMuctuarius, prosecute the work tt
murder ami death.
He has denivolled UUhw, burdened
with excessive taxation.
sacrificed at tho Burine of the drunk
ard's Moloch.
He sits supreme in the national
congress and makes laws in the
country's capital.
He governs courts of justice and
makes ministers of the law and
legislation his lackeys.
He silences the preacher in his
pulpit and muzzles the editor at his
He wastes, directly and indirectly,
in his revels unnually more than n
thousand millions of our dollars, and
marshals in his staggering proces
sion to death and hell a half-million
of our people.
He is a cold, heartless, cruel mur
derer and assassin of the deepest
He counts his victims by millions,
butcheries go on daily and nightly
within sight of the portals of our
homes. We can hear the shrieks
of his victims and the wail of the
The time would fail me to tell the
thousandth part of the evils, multi
plying and destructive, that flow
out of the liquor trufllc, and in all
this vast throng the great evil has
no friend. Hear friends, liavo we
tl-c courage this day to issue, and
thereto ulllx our signatures in the
pronounced handwriting of John
Hancock, our now declaration of
independence ; and Avith a firm reli
ance on Divine Providence pledge
our lives and fortune, and our sacred
honor, that from 'this day hence
forth, no word or act of diirs may
be construed into allegiance to this
felon king? Ho must be driven
from ids placo of power and utterly
orei thrown. Tho coulllct is upon us.
It Is a life-and-death struggle. Oh,
for an uprising of righteous indigna
tion, for an aroused American con
science, for patriotic devotion to
home and country llko that which
gave inspiration and faith to Jonas
Parker and his neighbors when they
reddened the village-green of Lex
ington with their blood on that
glorious morning a century and
more ago, when the old revolution
bin st into magnificent blossoms as
the shot was fired that echoed round
the world; for an enlightened pub
lic opinion, tho mightiest advocate
of any question for tho combined
forces of Christian home, Christian
church, and Christian common
wealth in battle array against the
(rattle in theft ami murder until it
shall bo thundered from every polit-
I1 Htiml, national utut state, "Thou
shalt not, and there shall benolegal
iz.ed saloon where lloats the starry
flag of tho free." Not until then
will the infamous business cease;
not until then will we be delivered
from its siitanic .sorceries. Tempor
izing policies are a failure. Under
nil systems of license regulation or
tax, tho work of ruin and death
goes on.
The prohibition of the liquor traf
fic is tho doinand of the people, and
politicians and statesmen who fail
to heed It are treasuring up wrath
against the day of wrath. Prohibi
tion is in the air.
Nothing can resist the onward
march of a genuine reform. Kverv
hitch movement enters into and lie
conies a part of the Messianic pur
port to set judgment in tho earth.
Agitation on this question is the
duty of tho hour. Let it go from
presH, platform and pulpit, in the
prayer-meet lugs, ami at the ballot
box, until every patriot who loves
ids country, every Christian wlio
loves his God, every philanthropist
who loves hUrace, every father who
loves his child, every son of the re
public will, a marshalled host, up
lift the constitution a-a banner of
reform and under Its folds march to
tho ballot-boxes of the land, and un
der an avelanehe of freemen's ballots
bury beyond resurrection the Amer
ican saloon. Then shall our whole
union Ivconie the citadel of sobriety,
the national name be purged of this
groHt shame, and our glorious
"WtHta lew amKll uf ttvu
lis rw( ifttMiu mK aje;
TIM wUHimi. uf tk whnm
Th biu rf Humtliw ski
FVuit Farms!
Has now for sale twenty-flvo 10-acre lots on the w est sido of tho river, from. 3 to 4
miles lrom Salem nnd near tho 150-ncro fruit farm owned by Jlr. H s
AVnllaee, of Snlem. Theso lots nro all nicely situated within sight or the
Capital City, nnd having a -grand view of tho snow-capped peaks of the Cascade
The Soil is of the Very Best Quality
For the production of FItUlT, and some of the lots nio nlrendy et out to trees that are
in till bearing. Ono lot has several hundred l'HUNi: trees on it: another, alarce
number of tho fluent l'LUM trees; and others have CIILKHY and APl'LE trees on
All L,ot& Front on a. Road
AP,a,S!!0.von,!.IeadlllS,.?aIcm ls now bel"g graveled, ana v ill be ono of tho FINEST
DHIVUS leading out of tho city.
It is generally conceded that Investment In FRUIT LANDS nt tho present time
olltrj a better assurance of largo returns than nny other form of In estmenU Prices
now being paid for fruit In Salem by the Wlllainctto Valley Fruit Company
Insure, at a Low Estimate, from S250 to $500 per Acre!
p,TwJProlin?i,yof.3Ir,'VVn.lla?!'B ,r,ult farmoflGO ncres to these lots insures a
Fruit Cannery, nnd thus convenient market, as soon as tho trees nro old enough to
Call on tho
OrQgon Land Company,
llsmkltlock on Commercial Street
Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank.
A lino line of hacks, buggies, carts, carriage-,
buckboards, etc. llotli our own
make nnd tho bot eastern made buggies.
Every one Warranted!
Ke "-. dS"r
Call on tho undersigned, wagon nnd car
rlngo makers nnd blacksmiths, 2ss, 312
and .til Commercial street, Salem.
WMUMbMt alfHMl
rUMKttlHK sk."
Send Wkkkly Jouk.v.vi. t your
friend In the chM; it costs m more
Until a ixtrtage stamp.
Sckihkr -:- and :- Pohle.
liirrOTFiJFr co.
o o
Wxm some wonderful cure cltVcted
by thtse uiedMuco in thwty. tnv
end cMse of pronounced lonHini-
itou iwve ieeu entirely eurvni uy use
of h few IhiuUw of Dr. KIuk'h New
UlMtttvury, tMkNi in oHUiMtTou with
IChtcirh) HlttWK. We twrHHteo
tlwm Hluto. S4l by Ik, 11.
W.ru ttmWrl.
You nwy wvo mono', lime uud
trunk it. CU1 oil Kpulw 1-Vurmr
A l. for your KrHirie, The U4
l4mv In town.
hludennl iHlueatloit, corrupt tl mor-
Hlet, ftMertnl erlnves, hUUmI M cUsxw
of vice Mild w tH, Mild )tluutrel hit
victiuw into slmme Kiel de(rU.
He w.tuhl Iwve Us trMUsiuU to our
children t lMril( uf illstllUri,
liwriis, Hiijl wUkum, uud iduuu lo
Dm weary Uiok of sooMy aucxvato
Ihr bunliHw of pauper, oriiuiiiMK
idtotM Mild lusMUe.
lie so4e tnd dvlxniehiM Inutx-ent
elilldnm. twn stum IKmii tlw mtum of
Borrowlinc uuHlMns mihI bears them
awaj' to dUboiiotvd khv.
lie wriiigH 1hI ter from the ey
of wldoii whcc liiwUtiuU he luui i
Mitt" Tll.n.VY.
i ' ' .
i'it(ii'(io.i.s ran wooii.
(UnwUm. uf M-JMi auutd Nk M In
UriMiMMtalj uoillWnlmwlur.ilM-lMliuf
.WHtH, mc w cunt ar wismi Md Mount i
k, lo b iMImvwI nt Aoulli is5m bulWl-' Llll Llll'l
ntvni siuhuv
ami Findiiiffs!
IUvr.l r 5iuUwiIuk. I
1 tlBoUof atwollKHiMi ttrMrt.u. I
MMif a Otwutl, vrUf Mtwl M III Nnf
utut)ot lit SaVmw MtwuU)', AcA I
J, W. mm! twAIUHM In itoH Umr for
otM k, fur lb 4liwit of mm
n'iCla July W. !. T. R PATTOS
&.l-4wht AtMMif vt Mrtou Wv, Or. j
Wool, link Felts 1 Puts.
N 9H OxtiwrraUl Ktnt,
EALttM, - . OttKGON.