EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL ruiiMHHEn EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. nr tub Capital Journal Publishing Company. INOOltrOKATHI OBce, M'i Court StrrM, Optra Home Motk. TKKMH OK HMNiCKUTION DAILY. One year, by mail ...." W) THtx months, by mull 3 ) rhree months by niMI .. 1 I'er week delivered by carrier J WliKKI.Y. One year SI g Hlx month - 7f: Vine year, If imlrt for In advance, 1 Mix iiiotittw. " " " W ra-l'ostmHsters are authorized to re teivo subscriptions. OVKtilored h wound-claaa matter nt the KBliii.UrtKuii,lVMlulHcw,Juno2l,lWH.; Republican National Ticket, 'I'or I'rcwldciit, UKNMAMIN JIAIUIIRON, Of I milium. l"or Vieo l'runlik'iit: UWt 1. MORTON, Of Now York. KOIl I'ltlSIIIIiNTIAL JCl-KCJOltfi. llohcrl Mrl-Win, of Klntiinth County. Wiil.KHii,of MiiHiifiiiuili County. C. W. Fulton, or ClntM., CVmritj . KHIDAY, Al'dl'NT :t, isss. TtlE SMUdGLING OF CIIINESK. KIIN.MOIIIAI, -.Mll)ATI. Ill Culoniilo tlieir Is n uuiiilicr of niiililtitiiiHUMjiiiaiitH fiM'Hciialor l!ov i'Ii'h will, which la-coiiic viicniil lioxl March. TIhtu Ih honiulhliiK K'('iillar iibmit the juilll ich of thut nlnti', It ruim Into rlujTH, mitl iimnoy ('Xl'itIwm ii corrupting lnlhioiicc. The niiwt iriiiiiliu'iit nf thi-no iihjiI iiiiiIh fur llto I'nltoil Htnti's mmiuIo Hit) liillllcinalicH, and whnt Ih pub licly known of H-iiiio of tliuni is no wny to thi'lriTcillt. K.vSoimlor Ta bor Im iih nolorloiiHiiH any, whniiuuli iitlllioiiH of ilulliirn by fool lui'U iih a inlui'r. Iti'lnii "''I all,l dottiiK he Kit Into an oiidmnlwucnl w Kb hdiih ilonlKiiliiK Klrl; bad illvuivo procci'd llign with Ills wife, wbo liadHiipnort i'il liliuby l,cc)iliiKU bonr(llii-b(itiKi WllOll III) WIIM HtlirvillK UK l llf(HH'l't- oi', and cuniu out of mint with a ilaiiiiiKiiiK uiiiniiiil of odium cIIiik liigtoblH muni, lie wiiHiipixiluU'il to (bo honalti to till a brief vaouiioy, and niado bliiiM'lf ((iiihjilouoti by bin t'l-ac for mil(KniiliH and $fiuo lilxlit hIiI ttn. Kx-Koimtor Natbanlul I'. Hill Ih hIho In I lu nu'c. Ilo Ik an cNtiin mIvo initio and mill owner, bin wiitlt b I Mt down at$tt,000,(XK, but IiIh ivp tltatiou wuh Hiuli'i'bml with winie vnr.v unsavory dovolopnii'iitH liiu In oiitoi'i'il Into cuiiiruvorny wltb I lonry M. Tidier, nppolntiHl wvivtary of tlit Intel lor by I'nwlilciil Arthur. 1IU objivt win to hIiow IiIh formor MMiiittuliil iMilleaKUe a litulhiK npiTa tor In oMounlvo land kIwiI; but the oliJiHit of liU ill tuck 111 ml Uiek and Mill wltbdivw from tbo conUvt In m dMiuimvd condition. A third couUwlnuk I K. . YVnl wilt, Httomoy fur tbo Donvor A Mo OrMiult m liu Ay, and hIhi ii million mIio. IIi Im ttaokwl by MoIIUtt or th Klml Natloiml Ibink of Uonvor, mid to U tin- rleln-t nmn In Color, win, nd lot of inotioy will U umhI t(IHlwt llllll. K.vdov. lUmtt Ih Himthor mitahle imixiuttjn', h formor ftioud of l'n-l-dt'itt tlrmit, and fHthoiln-lHW to (Nd. KrHl. llu dropptnl qulfi h plh wIhmi tho rtriuof Oixni tc Wanl col 1hpwI. lttHttt Iihh U-cu Ioiik In puln Ho lift, Im conducted I arm ohm Uoiim In with hiiiI ImiiiI, Iih Ihxmi ouuiiiM'twl with Kivtjixl rluitw, and l now a trt-nillllojmliv. Ilo Mill rv iMlu Hlltbl llllllKMHV, Mint If liu IPv Into tho KiiwtortMl rtuht to w in, wlllnwkolt llvoly rMbl wmiiihHU turn. Uut liihpltoof thUtttoh toiHHipy, Air. I tow on W by no menu willing toyWd (Ito tnto. Ho wnutJ yMrMUtunl of tbo Utaluo of Uw iiwklir. Mid im ho luw tho inlnlu tiitoroat itf tbo .mtlnni prt of tbo (m nt hU Iwok, bo nwy nwko jmmI hlo lndd. TU oiil,v rwiiMrK wo Uhvk to nuko ou tbU hovudltiK eiilv k tlion tm tvmy u nmuy Matty4itHpi Im th MtiMU, miuI It w ouhl bo nitnv rltUuitlf tbo w4ru (Mtt m Mtirowiitwl by kUlamii Ium hi There has been a good deal of an gry talk In tho newtipapers lately alKitit tho evnf Ion of the Chinese re striction law. It Ih. reiorted that Celestial iuinilgrantH land in liritluh Columbia and find their way to Washington Territory whence they spread in all directions. Yesterday the press dispatches reported the landing of nearly 600 Chinese some where on the Hound, and the inti mation was made that this Is no un common occurrence. JJut the I'ost Intelllgcnccr, published In Seattle, denies the truth of all such stories The editor says: As a matter of fact, the restriction law is as well enforced on the north west coast as the Trainers of the act exKc(cd. A good many Chinese do, with or without the knowledge of the olllcers, enter the country by Hinull boats; others by traveling In the night, reach the Hound cities afoot, but there N a disposition on the part of the citizens to avist in carrying out the law, and the few Chinese who Hurco.MHfully make the Journey, are coni'icllcd to ue such vigilance anil ingenuity that it may be IioixmI they arc of a more intelli gent grade than the average coolie. A ilil the new loophole at the heacl of the Okanogan seems to exist an yet in Imagination alone. It Is not certain that more than one China man bus ever seen that river, and the poor Alonuollan wretch who succeeds in running the gauntlet of Indians, cattlemen ami miners, will present a sorry plight ere lie falls in with a countryman. The time will come, with the set tlement of (lie northern border of this territory, when a force of fron tier police will be necessary, but the alarm Just now is premature. ii; com'i:ii:iiac"s i:rri:ciH. In response to a somite icsolution, requesting the secretary of the treas ury to furnish Information relative to procrly wrongfully withheld from the government, the secretary, in Ills response lately sent in, en closes several communications, among them one from II. K. Llttle page, a HjK'clal agent of the depart ment of Justice, formerly of the Con federate navy. I.lttlepage claims that In IKS I, a number of vessels were built In (treat Britain for the confederacy, but when the rebellion closed, these vessels were selcd by the Ili'ltisb and disposed of, the mer chant vessels going to the mercantile service, and the war vessels and lams to the British navy. In bis statement the sectetary gives the history of several vessels now in trade in the (Jiicen's service. The list of goods belonging to the confederate states Includes ships, stoics of all kinds, liar silver, cotton, specie, etc., aggregating in value overl.'IO.i't.'t.tKHl. The ileiusof money deposited to the credit of the rebel government abroad foot up to jll, 000,000. Another item includes rebel Iron works lu Scotland, valued at Utou.ooo. All of this property barf been traced to responsible persons. And In addition to the proiorty of the rebel government not accounted for abroad, is ftl.txxi.ooo worth of property held in this country, an accounting for which has not yet lutui l endured. RELIGIOUS GLEANINGS. The Hetbodbt Episcopal general confer ence of 1693 will be held in Omftha. There are tald to be sceral churches In Il linois without a single male member. The Reformed Episcopal church numbers 00 churches, 120 ministers and 12,000 com municants. The Ken Jerusalem church of the United State at a meeting recently held in Boston roted to form A national organization. The Irish Catholic archbishops and bishops bavu issued an address declaring that the popo's decree affects morals only and does not Interfere with politic. Tlie Presbyterian church gave ?SOO,000 for borne mimlons last year, yet deducting tho amount from this which represents Iegocle and it only represents o gift of 8U cents per mem bur. President C. II. Payno, of Ohio Wesleyan university, having been elected secretary of the newly created board of education of the Methodist church, will bo compelled to re sl(n liifiufllrc. The first American Sabbath school of which wo have any definite knowledge was started In Kpbratn, lancastcr county, Pa., about liTW, byLudnig Hacker, a teacher in the common schools. It wns carried on by him for about forty years and was attended witk some remarkable result I. This antedates Hobert Ilaikes (1761) and David Ulair 17G0) A new cliurrli is organ zed every two dnyi by tlio Presbyterian church. Every three (hys a Presbyterian minlhter dies. Tho 1p liomlnntiou Imports from other Christian bodies sixty ministers per year to fill vacan cies. The Eeerotaries of tho Home Mission board are not burdened to find places for ministers applying for Bcrvice; they nro burdened rather to And ministers to fill piriKhe now vacant and enter missionary lleUU already open. Ilishop Andrews, of tho Methodist Episco pal church, hose episcopal rosidencohitherto has b(en In Washington, D. C, now goes to Now York. Wuliop Kosa leaves Mlniwipoln for Philadelphia; Bishop Hurst, Buffalo foi Washington, while of tho newly elected bishops, Bishop Vincent goes to Buffalo, whero ha will bo near .'lmutniiqua; Bishop Fitzgerald to Minneapolis, Bishop Joyco to Chattanooga, Ilishop Newman to Omaha, and Bishop Qoodsell to Texas. ' In a Virginia church, at the end of a revival, there were three per sons who were expected to unite with the church. Only two were present; the third, quite an old lady, was prevented by the inclemency of the evening. A lay brother was called to pray, which he did very fervently, "especially for the sister with one foot in the grave and the other galloping on to eternity." Harper's Magazine. The Whole Business Country man (to dealer) "I see j'e advertise outside "Everythiu' supplied for weddin's." Dealer "Yes, sir." Countryman "Ye go the hull busi ness?" Dealer "Yes, sir." Coun tryman (earnestly) "I say, mister, bow much would ye tax me for a good healthy gal what kin milk, an' ain't afraid to work?" The Epoch. h.it Florida People Lire (In. "What do you Florida people live on in the summer?" "Fish." "What inthewiiiter?" "Yankees." Alas! how many northerners draw their last breath in Florida, blain by that fell destroyer, consumption, who would have lived, had tliey used at llrst that marvelous specific for con sumption, when not too far advanc ed, Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis coverybetter than hypophosphites and cod liver oil, because more nu tritive and tonic ; also an invaluable liver corrective and blood purifier, cleansing away all scrofulous hu mors (which cause consumption), and all other impurities of the blood, curing glandular swellings, goitre or thick neck, old sores, and ulcers. Of druggists. Don't hawk, and blow, and &pit, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Heniedy. SCIENTIFIC SQUIBS. V .v!4 Ugjil Optska. Ii. llMlHhridMv Mumlsy IC,., County Ally., CUty Cu., Tt.. smv: "lUvw iimM Ktortriv Kit tors with imxtf Iwppy tvu)(s. My brother wbo wh wry low with MabtrtMl IVvor itnd Jwmdbv, Imt whs on rod by Uinrly Urtutf tbW iihmIMuo, Am Urtwl KtevtrU I Ml tors snvwl his life." Mr. l. t. Wtlwttttui. of llotw IHTMU Mill rnlUUotw ivwttb tllt'x,S Ki'-! toMillWUA', A MOIMJI. UMl'KUAM'H.AIAN. Dr. It. 11. McDonald, who ran for (iovernor on tho l'luhlbltloii ticket lu California, U very generous In the temperance ohuih. He mintnlnsH I In ml of llopt and a whool for the walfsof tho city of Su Kmiielsen. lie glvts Urgely to the V. C. T. U. Helile umlllUK ',tHMl prohibition tracts! every week to California eltl sens, ami siistalnliijj muiio wKtikers lu the ptxwnt eniupslxn, ho has Just HMit WiH) to holplu the non-wrtlwiii amondmout emuiwlgn In West Vlr IliulH, a wuitost sluillsr to the one that eiimwl Oregon' attoutlou 1M IV1I. lu the prop-out htwtod po lltlcsl stilfo tbo nou-jHilltloal prohi bition Hmoudmont comet In Wst VIijIiiIk MU to attract mueh vn- ewl attention, but tho local Intortvt Is Mtld to lo very warm. Many will Kteh the rvmh with iUtp lntrt. i rtti KwtrUK. Yihi limy svo money, time and trouub by It. I VU ou Squire 1-Vrmr .. IS. ftryor KnHvrW. Tho hot pl(V lu tow II. Tho ShoflleM free library has adopted thd plan of fumignting tho books. Thoy nro ex posed for flf tien minutes to the fumes of car bolic nold at n temperature of from 150 degs. to SOQ.ilegs. One of tho most romarknblo mechanical changes of the day is tho sotting osldo of steel and tho adoption of iron for soma of the most important parts of locomotives on many railroads. It is only comparatively a few years slnco tho change was made, on most roods, from Iron to steel. Dr. Orundiiiaii, of Hirsehborg, has patented a now process of making magnesia Into a carbonato by exposing it to carbonic acid as produced by burning coke, In close apart ments. It thus forms a Biitataiico as hard as nmgncsitn, und capable of taking a flno polish. Mixed with marblo dust it forms nu artificial dolomite; with solublo silicates an artificial stiiccu. Tho power of various explosives has been calculated to bo equivalent to tho following pressure, tho figures giving tons per square Inch: Knminslto, a now explosive, for which important advantages are claimed in addi tion to great x)wor, 3S.1; nltro-glycoriue, all; explosive gelatine, lAVl; forcito.iW, oxo inite, !M0; iNinclastito, att; gun cotton, 10S; dynamito, 111; atlas, KO; racknrock, 117; roburito, !M, and blunting gunpowder, 'St. "Hallway brain" is n term applied by Dr. Thompson to a neurosis or general derange ment of tho nerves produced by n shock re ceived by tho bead ou n railway car. In the iwrticular caw detH.'ritod no wound was re ceived, and couM'ioiijiitM was preserved nt the time of the Injury. Afterwards tho jKitieiit became melaiicholio aud compl.iined of iiiMimula, liMidachu, kpinul pain, weari ness nud failure of apatite. A hygienic and palliative treatment was given. W. A. Lyman, of Mllford, Conn., is mak ing tho smnlleot poisilile specimen of an eniduo. It will bo made with a silver half doilar. The toiler is to hold utiout eight drops of water, but with four drops the engine enn he witrkod several minutes. When finished it is to lie placed under a glass case throo ipmrfcMNnf an Inch in diameter and an inch tmd utw-oigtiUi in height. Some of the parts Hill be so tlite and dttliauUt that they cannot l utMtle wiuiout the im or u magnifying TRACK TALK An Absolute Care. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINPj OINTMENT is only put up in large two-ounce liu boxes, and is an absolute euro for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. "Will positively cure nil kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold byD. W. Matthews & Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 5 cents per box by mail SO cents. M'AV TO-DAY. JfEW ADVEBXlSKSrENTS. roumtt-il In ISOM.j A dlll .H.VI.KM, OKIX.ON. mltANSAlT A UKNKKAIj HANKING business. Ilxelmnife on alt parts of tho world sold unit bollKlit. Colleetions made nt nil points. Stale, county, and city win rants cashed. Loans IVIeide. limits drawn on nil banks In Oregon aud Washington. S-l-ludw Itiiurd of litiiillyaitloii. VTl'TIt T. IS 1IKHK1IY (1IVIJN Til T j the iHHirdot 'Xiiallitlou for Marlon niuni ism i7, lss, and mntlniie In session there tor one week, for the adjustment of n-os- IIH'lltS. lmtcd July SI, 1S.S.S. T. 11. V lTON. s-l-dwtd Assessor of Murlim l'o., or iinlj. iireraiii. will meet nt tbo eoiinl int-liuuse In Salem on Monday, August MAltKlfl'N. The skikiM to le decided at tlw great Ten neKe fair, ftitjit, ill-), oWsl with givxl tu trkw. Two humlred ami nineteen stallions have got titree or more erformrs with roeonU of 3:orliMi The Oakland Trotting omirso ami the May District asMH'iatlmi, ftui Krohoiseo, have ImHi eAtiwilktateil under the management of J. W. llmoloiiAti. Be.! llank stock farm. MontTM.1. lus lougbt front John WiUou, of OtUtwa, the Im) iIUmi, 4 years old, by lied WULuk, (Wm by Shelby CblW, for W.IVXX It. W T. Mall, prtMeut of Uw Nattestnl AvtrtUm of TrtXtiag Hone ltrsUr. ha lxw ooNHaed to bw led kutce last No Muber vtitb a violent attack of gout, aud hU doetoni uave onlertsl hint to Kurojo to take a rottrw of baUM at lto; at, Kramv. By mpturing ttte Kenttteky Drby and the lCenlttcky UautUwp tlte CIMcago stable heads the IM of wiaaittg otriwn at l.oti-tlle rtth fH),WT to lu crwbL Tbe Melbourne stttble U oh Um beeh of tw olWr, haviHg 0 to IM credit Next costte Mike Welsh, wllh !,; J W. 0e.t, fMM; tlryaat & erotM. ,na; Hd CWrltaa, W,lt. The SALEM MARKET SS COUNT HTHKirr. OuistHutly ou hand the best quAlit of Wi iiiiil Snll Heals ! And nil klmlsjol S A U S A Q K . Prnit Farms! L W IS. -THE- OREGON LAND COMPANY Hns now for snle twenty-five 10-acre lots on tho west sldo of the river, from 3' ini miles lrom Snlem and near the 150-ncre fruit farm owned by Jlr 'ii j Wallace, of Snlem. Those lots nro all nicely sltunted within sight or ths Capital City, and having a grand 'view of the now-capped peaks of the Cascade mngc. -ure The Soil is of the Very Best Quality Tor tho production of KUUIT.'nnd some of tho lots nro nlrendy set out to trees that nro In till bearing. Ono lot hits several hundred I'KUNH trees on it: another, a lnrao number of tho finest l'LUM,. trees; and others hac CHEIUtY and API'IaE trees nn them. u All Tjots Kront on a. Road. AiVj.H'.P. ronc! lpn1Ing to Salem is now being grm elea, ana will be one of the FINEST Dl JI hS lending out of the city. "' it is generally conceded that investment In FRUIT LANDS nt the present tin oflcrs abetter nssuranroof large returns than any other form of lnestment. Trices now being paid for fruit In Snlcm by the Willamette Valley Fi nit Company Insure, ai a Low Estimate, from $250 lo $500 per Acre! ine Close nroximitr or .Mr. AVniinnn'a irnit fimi nr irji n ,.,., ..i., i, , Fruit Cannery, and thus n'convcnlent mnrl?ct, as worms thotices arc old enough to Call on the Orego-n Land "Company, AT THMIt OFFICE IN TIIU Jtmikltlock on Coiiiinercial S(veet And:they;wlll SH0WIY0UITHIS PROPERTY FREE OF CHARGE. nlffidw. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! yVfj-jHgyi ' If ,--" ' -,i - -p- M. A fine line of hacks-, buggies, carts, car riages, btickbonrds, etc. Hoth our own niitke and the best eastern mndo buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. Call on the undersigned, wagon nnd car riiiKe makers and blacksmiths, 2sj,, 312 nnd 3H Commercial Micet, Salem. " Scribkr -:- and : Pohle. m in .i.iim mi. ii ami iiiimhmih r-Tlie CI.KVNIXT kept market in the elty. Ulliideefryourelf. McCUOW A Wli.UMtH. CITY MEAT MARKET BASEBALL TALK. )MUe. '1jik rruM lu Kmum mhi good tUU MHtWMr, kUll tlM ia )UK)I U) M UWVWIMUt fniUI titMtklHlM. Oll'lNtai. UA" tm Kmumw AkwtUttsj MtHl UtrOHjsh WhUn WkIIk um Uicir w' to Jjy(ui Immv they mm lo I J. iwylMc: He inMUvrly U11vim lit mwumi iiasetjkxt, iwmi It mt lu tur laertrk INIlMw. ThW givMt rNiMity will wnnl otl, H.wrllm. cMrvMll MaWrtH IMmmms aud Air all Khliwy, Uverstul Stom wh Iss-joUhw AmihU muihwUkI. l'rkv MVs. hw1 fl, at lf. H. W. Owe. - Tn Wkkkly Camtal Jouknai. II Hyir. IMtvtU h tcj-tac to r rUnwor OHUin. Now Otey call Jum Ward "IIiUS tUUy." A. J. Ueaest says Ik xw⁡ over the field seata oa tbo ItdU.M.OOa gruuMds Hoilcd a M,a UU. Tbis Is the rt year Usee ISM that the Bt JjMiit Urewus bare itet been la Us 1U of the AttMrtaaa asAMiatioii by tkU Umm of the year. Q(llc U the most valaaMe til tvtmd pbyer ta Use ClereUad eitth. He tuuhlles flies lu Uo filvl ixjual toUebestef Umcb, plays at Uiki wiUi sWH. aa pitch a fee gsjas, tai in 4m) U a rlht rood mM t hT besOad D. C. Howard, Proprietor. htatk .srltKn . SAI.KJI. 0IU!0N. S-AU kinds or freh and cured "meat Nlwwxon Imiid. Tult weight and aiiuire deal all around. ANGORA GOATS! WM. BROWN & CO. -i)i:ai.ku in t a a snJI IM o l(K?M QICVIIK AN(U)UA UUCKS JW !. A eral Um f YoiTNU flu aaaMfu uyi ftMs mUm-i Pl fB'WPiSeT ! TSV lSBPfflSJ lJsiwp.tf SMtrtribt tor tlw Cant.il Jock-nau , JBiJojTS -- S H lOjS' "s" Leather anil Pilings! o CASH PAID FOR WmI, llid Pelts ami Wis. N.M10Maiiaieilvt, SALKAf, - - ORKGON. A' iliit-N. V attsssssV 1 JiMh 'i.