Id 1 I f'i EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL ruiiLMimo EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. IJY TUB Capital Journal Publishing Company. IltVOIIPOHATIMl timet, 112 Court Street, Optra Home Meek. TKIIMH OK HUIIHCKIITION. TiAIJ.Y.; One yonr, by mall ... in in rtlx month, by umll ...-.. a M fliree months hy nihil . 1 !r I'er week delivered by currier. . JO Ono year .... .J1 M Hlx months 7fi One ymr, ir imltl for In Hdvmiee, 1 (O Six month, W jnrl'iwttnfMtrrN Hro nuthowed to ro ;elvu milM-erlptlon. WKnteri-d h iwcondwlani mutter nt tho Halmii.Oriw)M.l'(Mtuillcf.Juiiesi. iww.; Ilepublfcan Tickcl, For I'retthloul, 31I5XJA.MIN JIAltUISOX, Of Iiiillamt. For Vico Pronldeiil: ijisvi p. moiiton, Of Now Vorlc. you l'itiii)i:NTiAi, Ki.kctohh. liolMTl .McI.ciiM.iif Klmniitli'Couiity. AV'iti. KH'iiN,or Mulliiiiiiiiili County. C. W. Kuluiii.iif CIhIk.ii County. TJIUKKDAY. AlMJlSTli, 1HHH. hands. Tlio remedy proposed by this convention of butchers, was the passage of laws by the state re quiring all cattle and other animals, designed for slaughter, to bo in spected within thejurlsdiction where they are to be killed. Senator Vest's committee will not have power to correct all the evils Incident to this business, most of which must be done, if at all, by state or municipal legislation; but it proposes to let In thelight, if jxweible, and give the people to tee who ore securing tho enormous profits of the business, and also what kind of meat is being furnished under the name of Chicago dressed beef. The Hrst it will do In the interest of the cattle raisers, and the last in the Interest of the public health. It may be taken for granted that no one of tho many monopoly and trust Investigations now or soon to bo in progress will excite such wide spread interest. WHAT THEY WEAR. iiitiM.i m:i:r (o.miiim:. The price of ticef in the eastern cities Is tho causool'iiuirh complaint, lit view of the ruinously low prices that have prevailed for live cattle. Hooi'oh, )oriiam hundreds, of cattle raisers have given up the Industry, tiomo bankrupt mid others liadly lralucd, hi'ctujjH' the money received ifroni their shipments of stock to riCanwis City, Ht. I.otils or Chicago, "in many caws, would hardly pay Hie cost of transportation ; yet in tho largo cull's consilium's pay .) to iUi cents it pound for prime cuts. "Kvldontly I hero was a combine fiomcwhcrc; the matter wasbrotight "up In congress, and a committee of tllvo senators bus Ix'cu appointed to Hook Into the matter during recess. Tho committee Is compoxed of ft of Missouri, Coke of Texas, I'liinib 4f Kansas, Maudcrsou of Nebraska, tud Ciilloin of Illinois. Knell KMi jitor icpicsculs it cut lie growing state, and if they Investigate In the lutoriwt of tho cattle growers and the public, and not in that of tho moat ring, some useful developments are likely to ho made. The members of the cuniltteo know without unking that four uioti ill Chicago the "lllg l'iur"as thoy iv oallotl are tho solo buyers of live stock and m'IUtm of dressed moats. 'I'lietr iiuiuom uro Armour, Hwll't, Hammond and Morris. Thoy are many times nilllluimlrox, and their fortunes lutvo lieeii made with In h iMiuiiNiiitlvely short tluio. Thoy hiv liuytiiw of cattle, sluep and hogs, Mild thoy have m iimiiugel the mar Wt tlml thoy have no competition buyf i or M'lIei'B. Their sptvlalty Is tho divaood Utf IiiisIiiomm, whioli by hicmiih of leUttoH in freight olmrgo. tho uw of ivfrlgerHtor twntHiul wild Morono Iioiihw twtttti lUlusl In i'very city or IO.ikhi liilnihl tUU, thoy have nueceeded tu con- iMiitrMtluK HhutiBt euliivly in their own hands. Through tho Hiverof tlllllmtlod OMpltuI, glVHt OMH'lltlVO Hhllity slid tho rivalries of rallwHy llinw, thi moil lisvc dostmyisl tho llvw ttUwli biiolmtwi In till tho chief cttto wild of tho Mlwlltpl, slid drivsn tho bntohoo, who formerly killed tholr o u Mook, into Imnk ruploy, or forced thorn to Uooiih jilsre stents of this ooli'llo of Uif Umuta, cutting up and tvtslllug tho lKMtf kllksl in riilcHgo slid shlpHHl Ju rvfrlgvrwUW . Sny the l'Jvw Is lid I'btindsHWr, dlMisslng this imHionoly : "In tho cities of India 3iM)sUU. Clnclnimti, CWvoImihI, Iluf- Jhlu, lliUlMir snd l'hlkdolphls, tho littoiiMM of slsuuhtortug osttlo, -i.tvpt thoM raiMMl In tho iiiimo- xllltt UHMllti, ItMS tMMtl, slid In m ry slaRt tlmo die ssmc will U trusof Now York snd liutuu." Ill mldttkui to tlw rttle gwwers, fwlw compbdu of kUrvtitUMt pdct fht (Mr rattle, hihI tho iiMMt (xmi iliMns who y xortJUit prtvs iir ttair utmt, tli KtVNt unny of Ihsl iMUciwtv. m hot buiuM luw Immi iltMvywl.Hiy )iiv4Uu kmIii tlJlO IWMMtHt MHilUuU Uf tW IIHMt iHhjHWMiw A UNt(MMl (HMIVMUUOM uf lMt(ltMW WHO IVMMtU' 1hM l I'UtW- I)iUIm, NUtl (1m mJW ulM uf (UMkMfwUuu ww UtMt uf WvMuk iHMtiM to t batck Um lmrfn h ltleti tliW mm wrAtl C4tkfu xmt MomUom Imw tkit imt ot iMr l'lt()llll.V(l roil A NAW. The senate Is wrestling with the navalbillthatpasK'dthe house earlier In tho se-slon. A few days ago Mr. J Tale reported It from the naval com which it had been referred, with amendments. In committee of the whole a debate arose over an amendment to substitute three armored cruisers of about 1,700 tons displacement for one 7,600 armored cruiser. Mr. dray (Delaware) thought the amendment a wise one. Mr. Morgan (Alabama) approved the amendment, hut would build the large vessel as well as tho three smaller ones. Senators Uutler, Ilawley and Teller agreed with Mr. Morgan in favoring tho construction of large armored vosmjIs In addition to swift cruisers. Mr. Morgan, speak ing of the moral power which a strong navy would give this country, said (Jermany would not be sweep ing the l'lielllc ir the United .States hail a good lighting navy. The building of a good lighting navy he thought would do more for the com merce of the country than any other measure. Mr. Stewart, of Nevada, with a view to use up some of the treasury surplus, probably, wished to amend the house clause providing for a 7i00 (on cruiser, which the com mittee proposed to strike out, hy making the touuugo of the ono aimored cruiser 15,000 tons, and limiting tho ctwt of tho vessel to $1"7HH,000. Mr. Cthson ( Louisiana) wished two such vessels to lie built, and at his suggestion Mr. Stewart so altered his amendment. Mr. Steward's amendment was rejected on a division, and tho hoiie pro vision for a 7,500 ton criiNor was also struck out. Mr. 11 ray's amend ment limiting the tonnage of three gunboats or cruisers to i!,000 tons and tho cost of ouch to fc'OO.OOO was agiced to. This left the bill In the following sluiK: Provision is made for the const ruction by contract of two steel criilsur of about ;t,(HMl tons displace ment cnoh, at a oott of not more than $l,liHi,tKHloM!h; one steel cruiser of alsiut ri,it00 ton dNplucoiuout, to cost not more than $1,S00,IHHI; and throe gtiulsMits or cruli-crs, not to oxcihmI i,tKHl tons, nor In cost $700, 000 each. The Hrst two vessels must have a nm.vlmum speed of at leant It) knots hii hour, and the third ves sel at lottst it knots. The last amendment iimde in the bill was the insertion of hii item of J-i'To.ihhi for the oonM motion and aruiHiueiit of a steel practice vonsol of ttOO tons for the us of the Naval Academy. It whs then reRrtod to thoM'imto, and will prolmbly jmw. This onooiirHHC t ho Kdlef that our iiHvy U In way of roooiiktruotion. Black hU and imaU block miMitlw ora worn with drosM of all colors. In ipite of all prediction to the contrary, btHotrope li still a popular oolor. It ii becoming qvlto the thing with ultra fashionable ladies to carry a cane. Wide oollari and cuffi of embroidered creps Hj are worn with dressy toilet. Mauve relling and white moire ii a ityliih as well ai farorite rammer combination. To le faihtonable, the hosiery should match the costume with which it is worn. Advices from the French capital state that short waists are again coming into vogue. Ashes of roses and similar shades of pink ish drab are in high favor for drossy wear. Crepe llsso is a popular material for para sol covers. It is gathered or laid on in full folds. DJack ribbon, over a color slightly broader, is tho preferred sash for wear with black lace gowns. Moiro under slips are considered the most effective foundation for lace drneries, either black or white. Ribbons for lwnnet strings aro perceptibly wider and have plain edges, tho picot being liopeleMily pneo. A novel fan is mado of herons' plumes and ostrich feathers. Tho heron aigrette is used with the plumes. lilnck wraps are likely to prevail this sum mer, as but very fow colored ones are shown by leading houses. Thistle pods and tho fluffy crown of tho iandelion nre a good second to tho whoat car in fashtonnble favor. Some of the newest street jackets nre fost snwl only nt tho collar, falling away below in n modified cutaway ttylo. VesU of white piquo, plain or embroid ered in nil over designs, appear upon tailor jowni of light rough woolens. 8ho uhose fancj hath a classlo turn or trick may wear a Greek fllTet on tho outside it her luco or tulle best bonnet. Linen blue, a very soft shado, ii a favorite for fancy wool stuffs, while buff is equally Jked la tho sheer cottons nnd linen. haro Is beyond perndvenluro tho garniture it tho season, nnd the finer patterns of French laco among its lieat bargains. A velvet gown with hand wrought dragon (lies, llfu size, drnpwl sparsely over It, is lmong orUl'8 latest notable creations. A pretty design for a lnwn dress has a Bounce n ynrd in depth composed of puffings it the materia, with insertions of lace. Straw round huts aro most incongruously famished with much point d'osprit, net nnd ilgrettes and garlands of leaves and flowers. "Ixit your fnco nlways be younger than your lionnot," is ndvlco from liigh authority, that the lasso contingent will do well to licvd. A novel jinrasol is composed of silk hand korehlufs, so nrrangeil ns to make eight (Mints, ono being laid cornerwiso over an other. Many of tho noweit lints seem to nim nt tho flower gardoa effect, so many various and wondor stirring aro tho blossoms they carry. A thick band of shaded roo petals, held In plneo by grcon leaves and ribbon loops, is a now ami favorite garniture for evening gowns. To tho so long worn veils of spotted tulle just rmching to the noso, liavo succeeded thoso of spider web that aro oven more be coming. Tho frilled "bod gown" of tho olden tlmo lias been revived, and now gets much choico ornamentation from inakors of women's uu derwour. "l'lUty" Is ono of tho season's fashlonablo ihadtw, nnd n very pretty tono of warm gray, with fawn lights, despito its unattract ive name. Mixed flowers aro stylish If not nrtlstic, anil upon laco bend gear, which must bo of tho lightest, should look as though they had neon merely dropped in place. WMinEPCREPORT. During July 1888 therewere 2days on which rain fell, and an aggregate of 0.73 in. of water. There were 18 clear, 6 fair, and 8 cloudy days. The highest temperature for the month was 89. The lowest, 62. Mean, 61.80. Highest daily mean, 78on the 7th. Lowest, 56 ; 4, 10 31. Monthly range of temperature, 37. Greatest daily range of 30. Least, 0. There was thunder nnd light ningou the 31st, but no rain here be yond a light sprinkle. The prevail ing winds for the month were from the N. during 23 days, S. "W. 2 days, S. 0 days. The mean temperature for July for 18 years is 04.39 ; that for July of the present year being 01.80, is 2.59 below normal. The mean precipitation for July for the same time, is 0.48 in. ; that for the present year being 0.73 in., is 0.25 in. above normal. T. Pkakce. Eoi.a, Aug. 1. '8S. XW ADVEKTISEaiENTS. An Absolute Care. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINL OINTMENT Is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, nnd Is au absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and nil skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETIKE OINT MENT. Sold byD. W. Matthews A Co., 100 State street, Salem, ht 23 cents per box by mail 80 cents. xi:w to-day. Farms! mrc y m THE- l'oiiiiileil til 18(18. Ji. &, ouixsoN. mltN8ALT A UENKHAI. HAJJKIXO .1 IjllhlllL'hS. r.ii'limiKeon all partK of tho world sold and tioiiKlit. Collections niiule nt nil points. Slate, county, unit city warrants ctifchcd. Loans Made. limits dniwn on nil bnnks In Oregon nnd Washington. h-1-Iwilw OREGON LAND COMPANY Hns now for pole twenty-five 10-ncre lots on the west sido of the river, from 3U to 4 miles lrom Salem and near the 150-ncre fruit farm owned by Sir. it. s Wallace, of Snlom. These lots nre nil nicely situated within sight of the Capital City, nnd having a grand view of the snow-capped peaks of the Cascade range. The Soil is of the Very Best Quality For the production of FItUIT, nnd some of the lots are nlready set out to trees that aro In full bearing. Ono lot hns several hundred l'HUNB trees on it: nnother, alareo number of the finest l'LUJI tree; nnd others have CHEKItY and API'LE trees on them. All Lots Front on a. Road. And the rond lending to Salem is now being graveled, nnd will be one of tho FINEST UHIVES leading out of tho city. "-niJi It Is trencrnllv conceded that Investment In FRUIT LANDS nt. tlin nrnomi im oilers n belter assurance of largo jeturns than any other form of Investment, Prices nowucingpniuioriruuiiiBaiem uy me wiiinmetio vauey trim Company Insure, at a Low Estimate, from S250 lo $500 per Acre! Tho close proximity of 3Ir. Wallace's lrult farm of 150 acres to these lots Insures n trait Cannery, nnd thus alconvonlcnt market, nsfcoonns the trees aro old enough to hear. Call on tho Oregon Land Company, N THINGS WORTH KNOWING. Ilemovo stain from curxi nnd saucers by Kxmring with flno coal akties. Cttt iron hfcivtw nnd ironware should bo IhwUM gruduiilly tho tlnt timo they aro uvsl. A )xll!i.l floor can l kept looking nico by wiping it o er with n olotfi taturatod with milk. fjvtrt! niiw In thelxiHiJi and Momnchnro often sjHHKlily rttlieved by the Application of bog of hot Hlt, llwit w lialtAxHw cn bo rtwtoral nnd mod gin by wtmply Kmklng in watr i few hour nnd thn drying them. As i dentriflce, iwlt nnd water ii very pUvmiing nnd n!o linnleni the gum. It will Uo jvrevwit the lwur from falling out. A Bxxl subttituto for lmttermilk in cook lug U a tit In batur inado of flour nnd tepid wntr, bjk! ullowad to rwiwlu loug euough to our. A lirvd njl wnter poultice It made by dlp vAug n itl of bfwid. nf tvr tho crut lnu lwn rviuovnl, into warm wntw. 1.1ft it out at one ami npply hot. Not only houU msttnsnmt ho turned and airwl t lot thrvo titutM n wtvk, but illow ami U4Wr wight to lw beateu, tlwkon and KipcMtl to tho trvk nlr. Mak i tarvti with opy water and you will Hoard of :iinllzntlnii. OTICK 18 IIEKEHY CJIVKN THAT I lie Hoard of Kmmlmitlon for Marlon county, Oregon, will meet at the county eiHirt-liiiuso in Salem on Monday, August 27, UaS, nnd continue In M'ssion there for iiiie week, for the adjustment of assess, incuts. Dated July til, 1RSS. T. II. l'ATTON, 8-1-dwtd Asisor of Marlon Co., Or. tAitivins. The SALEM MARKET US COURT STltEI-rr. Constantly on hand the best quality of tell ami Sail Meals ! Andatlkliulsjit SAUSAGE. S-The CI.KANKhT kept market in the city. Call and m-c for yourself. JicCUOW A WII.1.AKD. Tm: Wallow a Cliloftnlu nmilo u ImiI Imll tlio other tiny In HKklu oftlio uilvniitH of tlmt MHitlon. It Mtlil: "It UKtfwti) Mty tlmt It intvor uwvMtry t ftnnl btivk nuir tlwu hI. iinmtliiilurliitliovlntor." Six iiioutlui! Why hs kihmI u hIiow- lllKHMIMItwillHillUiiUMii .MHllllotiH flml , , jdwuur. to do up your .urehed iM-tlm htorill hWopt hhtWVtt of MhIho. (ivxla. It lreViMU tbelrou fnxu Mkkimj ,jx ! ami niae a stouy turtanv CITY MEAT MARKET AT THEIR OFFICE IN THE liaiiklllock o Commercial Street And they will SHOW YOU THIS PROPERTY FREE OF CHARGE. nlSSdwv Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! D. C, Howard, Proprietor.' HTATK STHKKT, - y.l.K.M, ORKtlON. i-.ll kinds of fresh and cureit meats nlww on Imnil. Full weight and n'MiUHrc denl all arouiul. A fine lino of hacks, buggies, carts, car riages, buckboards, etc IJoth our own make nnd tho best eastern mode buggies. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. .ivwi tall on the undersigned, wagon nnd car rlnge makers mul blacksmiths, 2sSk, 312 nnd 3H Commercial street, Salem. IN TINWARE, Tlu mil tor HMtwUly ruU imiu.v on Itliti. tlw (iriutor ilmiijpsl Wlltiir'KlWMMiM to u of Hilary (Mlk mhiuhk l'w IU1 i,( Allwuy HinUi'lHrMUirfiriiiiliml nojfloot In tlutt rHxnit himI1ho; wm In Llim ismiity, vhlJi UthiIwmUhI AttMlly. 'nMa4urkw tlmt WMiw to iw Jww vMl tlWtvMrtl of h fWUiw Mug In iIUmm. whKli wtHiUl lmnlly Ur vmhUImUou. UutwvtnM (Iham m jhwii hiv jrnmiulUwi, Wbn joMert waro u bothol the par jvsw of UarUUR it, a iMmlful r two of tiran houkl lo thrown ltiu th w r, and Um tjUniuc will imvot lx lnjurl by aaidi or iMt. Ink italm ar onUrely rmord by Um Im mcdlale aplkuMon uf dry ml t lfro tho iak hat drlL W'Utu Um m twooete dlt os4trtd by aMrbiiHC t Ink, bruih it ed and HHJy hmmw, t Uihuy. UmUimmi this UU th iuk U all rHWTL A. B. UUDEliSON, HK.V1.KR II A UI) WAKE, Stovas, and Farming Implnmonts. AIo ntrrkw a full ktoek of PAI.NTS, 011 CIGAltS ami TOKACCO, GLASS nuil PUTTY. Jkkfkhson, - - Okkoon. Scriber -:- and : Pohle. WM. BROWN d CO. DKALKIl IN- INGORA GOATS! 'rtiKlhiUt(.Muut.)liiturMtMinttUu luw th MWvlu; uHirHliiK vml rWluMtwtHWut : "MitttAUUrtxmluw writhMt mui1wc imi hu1 hWWIi mI It iu tW ltaMHMtu 1hmW. II0 Um wunt t ruin thte territory iw h 1Wo wf rWtMw." LITERARY NOTES. "Mr. Taaftort VaeaU li ttui UU f tho ltr. K. K. TinWt new uot1. Of the lUgir BlU Juqm lNxt & Ca. bavo Mdt omc two wllltea ha thU cMwtry. "KJty: &dioaa, MteW hu txn num bnd w llh Otfuun mtit of books of mda UOdtraT!. Th taeU aitaaadlBc aaU of a mw took la rocwil yn was a6U,0OO cwpUa of tk "Mj. irr miw v-,- ay nerpa Uusao, ttbiiii nwi w B:qOjTS OS S. ff s. -J S ( H plESls" i hv a mmkm tat r man k.vk ANGORA UUCKS rW Mte, A mvwI Wm4 K VlHJNti VV. H.jtYAHB, 'tUMMMa of in ffawStST' SwUariUi ht tlw Capital Jock- - J NAU Leather and Fiiiiliiiss! CASH PAID FOR WhI, HMm; Fells aM Fun No. ait;OMUaertaQt(, EALB&r, - - ORHGON.