t i iu mm m1 EM M Id IW I t' '51 At EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1888. Overland to California VIA Southern Pacific Company's Lines. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Brtwrrn Sslrm ml 8n rrsntlwo. Thlrtr-tlt llonri. CALIFORNIA KXI-HKMH TKAIN-IIAII.T forth. ' ftllill 4if) p. ill. ttM l. in. 7: tun. in. ur. I.V. Ar 1'iirtlniKl HnlfWl Hnii 1'nili. "AT l.v. iV. 10:10 a.m. ttunn. tn. (Km p. I". yiioii. in i jw. mi ...... . .... . "&CAI. 1'AMtUtnrH TKAIN (llAI.Y KX (KIT HUM1IAV) -W n. III. 1.-02 a. in. 1:10 p. til. I-V. I.v Ar. Portland HhIoiii Kiikpiic ArTJiUs P. m. I.v. I UM p. rn. I.v. 1 1MX) n. in. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For nocotiiliiod.illon of second class ikik- Hoiiiicru nttiirhed to express trulim. TheO. A (A llallroHd ferry makes con nection with nil llio nicular trains oil i tho Kant Hlilfl Division from footol r Kited, rortlaml. West Side IKvisioiijIelween Portland and Cervallis: 1UII.V KXIT.IT HI' N PA Y ). TTiSriTTiTiTTr. Torllarid Ar. I ll IS p. m. VMSi t. in. I Ar. ('omilll!.vJl- U- "' k'iJJWvii.i.k,1ki Pni'Wriu inTa i i.y KXCI IT HIIWIIAjJ. "ArrroMu. in. I fi-i in. in. Hill p. in. 7a: l'nrtland A r. Mi-Mliinllli'l.t At Alliany iiikI I'orwillls connect with trnliiH of Orwton I'm lllo llallronil. Kor full Inforiniitlon rcKiinlliu rate, maps, eta, apply to tint Uj'TViiVF ' It. KOKlli.ll, Anttt. (I. I', and I'.". Ak'I. .Miiiiaxcr. Oregon llailway anl Navigation COMPANY, Columbia River Route Tmliw for lliw emit Ibvo 1'ortlniul t 10-11 n in hiiiI '2 1 in dull) . 'I Inkew to mid from . iirlmilpH. Miliil In the I'nlled HIhIw, Un iidiiiind Kuropo. ELEGANT PULMANN PALACE CAR.S.I HiiiImthiiI Bleeping (tors run through on uxprww tniliiKto OMAHA, COUNCIL W.IT 'i5 ,V Mild HT. I'AIU I'm ' I'lmrjc Mini Williiuit C1iii;;i'. nonaction nt tNirllund roriiii Knin- tiuMIIINUd t'Utftlllllll MlllllH. firfuHlwr pnrtli'iiliini impil!-.' of I. A. .Mumilug, liavnl or the eoiniiniiy, Capital Journal uin.e, Conn htnit. Kalem, Okii.. or A. f Maxwell, U. I. 1. A.. lViilnn.l, (litrni. A. L. MAXWELL, u. I'. A I". A. II. HOICUMB, inl Mmiiiko:. THE YAOUINA ROUTE. nnpnnu DUMP imiuim lAi'iniy iu And OronMii lHfloiiuiil ihiiuiii ' alaaiiislilii line " mile slimier. JU hmira leanttnie limn 1 nn other mule I'll. I tilasa llinmiili .'inii'r nnd frt'liiht line froin ISirtUiiKt anil all HrtiiU III tin Wil lamette vallej In mid Minn Km n Krtim-lw-o. TIME SCHEDULE. Kx.pt Humlajsi- lwiiAilMiiy HMI'M IHVBlXipttlllo liWI'M Alr1t VtMlltli AlM' M lVi VtuinliiH tfcWA M l4v OirvaliU UMtt A M Arrt Allmny II-III AM ll. A i'. tmliw wviuiffdl Hi Allwny mid (VrVMlll. TlianlHivtiirullK nwiwM Hi Y.MJI'1N IUl M ()ftlll lk))HIIIUt C l.lllf ofMUHt .lldllvWtHtHMl VHIUlMK Mild Mm. I'miU'Uwu. hIUMI HUILS. Ht'MMl. I'MOM IfcN CK VSCIMO' WlilmuoUv VmIIi.) llllat ll V1UuiiiHI Vm1 Amitu-I IV ViflmnlH Vlly, Auu( aw Xrm.VUKMH, I'HOM V.Vm'INA. WUIumvltd Vnlloy AiikiihI I WIlUmMIr ValW) Aiutuit II WliUmrtlP Vlto) Aiujtiiat U ThU niii' rwrvt llio rmlil Ui ottMU Millltm dt vrllhuut uUt. N, W.--lMMiuini fiMiu INtriUmI Mild nit UwiUfttn YnlU'y il mii iimki. oIhm (uuiMMHIoit wllh lli' Ira.ii it! ilia VAMI'INA KlU'll-. ..i Mln H-OirIIUL hld if dwllntxl to ivtu Kimu'l'.i, Klumlil itrniuiio lorrl m Ytmutnn Hit- t'.'iilii tMlttm dale of lltn. I'MMMIRr fi IMtfkl Ktiw All Alt ' Ui, Nm-liiu-umlTuiiiipl hi Stfwni ITUITUAN xv. KrvUlil nitdTUWH AjMila imwI H Kruiil (., rHM-lteud. ( Mr. ail HlXltllt, Ap'I (Ioii I Kji. A tWh Ait.. 0mm iswuui it. k. iiu., iirYiri,(H-. 0 ILHAUWKUUJr.lh'ii'lT.'H; A iHhm. Aft. OrittiMi IvxwHMiwnl Lt.JBlMnliiuiiiiry t.: duo KlMttrlant, (a WELL DIGGING. WrRUil M'U (Ml KKI'AlHKll, ON Ww1iMitkw. SMdarrthnMubtM iMiMMots ir mil at wjr huuw. witi HCNSON'S CXrKi:SS. I KAVK UHUKHM AT lNt'Klt J4V rrnuM Old Vlntlne' Dr Cnitomi. NoUdthrtandlng the old tlm practlco of rellering or changing valentines when Mmo one was drawn that wai not quite to pleasant to the one who drew that name, there Booms to have boen a disposition to believe that the person drawn as a valentine had omo con llderablo likelihood of becoming the associate of that party In wedlock. At least, we may wpposo that this Idea would bo gladly and easily arrived at, where the party so drawn was at all eligible from other considerations. There was, it appears, a prevalent notion among tho common ieoplo that this was tho day on which the birds selected their mates, rhoy seem to have Imagined that nn influenco was Inherent In the day, which rendered In Mine degree binding the lot or chance by which any youth or maid was now led to fix bis attention on a person of the opposite sex. tt was supposed, for instance, that the first unmarried !crson of tho other sex whom one net on Bt. Valentine's morning lh walking broad was a destined wife or a destined hus Sand. Thus Gay makes a rural dame re mark: Ijist Valentine, lb day when birds of kind Tb'lr paramours with mutual chirpings find, I early rose Just at the break of day Ilefore the sun had chased the stars away. Afield I went, amid the morolnf; dew, To milk my klne, (for so should bouse wires do). Tlioo I first spied and the first swain we sue In spite of fortune shall our true lore be. Tho Oood Fruits of Confidence. My exporienco with criminals, when I was in n district bench, taught mo that thero was no man dovoid of manhood. Flaco anybody, howovcr depraved, on his manhood, and you will olwcrvo his eyo brighten up. I hive taken men who hnvo boon convicted of seri ous ouVilm.4, and, after sentencing them to tho nltentiary, hnvo said- "Now, I Intend to plnco you on your manhood, for I boliovo you hnvo mnuhood in you. I will givo you a mitllmtis, nnd tho marshal will provide you with money to go homo nnd bid your family good by. After jou have stayed thero a day or two I want you to report at lie door of tho ixiniteutlary named in tho mpuw.you will rucoltuuml sorvo out your Miiiteuco llko a man. And when you are through I wnnt you to return to mo, and I want to sco w hat can bo dono to restore you to tho oonlldimco of your fellow inon In so ciety " 1 nuver was dlsapiiolutcd in a ninii I thus trusted, und Uioho convicts whom I have holped on their roturn from prison hnvo always Ix-on faithful to tho trusts imposed upon them. JudgoOrosham in Iudlnuaiiolis Journal. A l'iofiiliMi (or Yoiiiib Mull. The profuMiioii ot veterinary Mirgeon Is an oxclleiit one foi youiiH men It I a profes sion Unit I not oM-rcrowilwl, and the young man who Inn the uw-oiwui-y capabilities uud Jlio requisite amount ol puh needed in uuy vix-utiou "111 almost always find plenty to do Uur goveriiuieut Is, however, slower lliun It should bu in recognizing tho value of tliu class of profsasionnl men. In tho regu lar army otorlmry surgeons are classed as farrlci-H iiml la Urn In tl.o rniiLs ai unlisted umii. Their my Is from tt! to :cX) u mouth. In pilvnu pmrticw tiu rati of tho veteri nary surgeon un the .im as those of tho medluul prui'tuioiin 1 n. iixt of skillful liiu wlio l.no lion tut i, '.it intelligently tho ilUMtuwiof amiiwlt. in iiuu by a fuw stalls lies diving the iiuuitwi- mid value of miiiio of Urn duiimtio iniiiiiiiU in tliu United States. TIkww IuUkIic n) token four years nga Thuru wi-ru thou in the United Buttes )U,NW,. HI linrMM, talued at rTWl.Oll.bUS, l.STl.OTJJ niultx. value,! at $MS,7liS,HlK 13,l5,Obl inlloli cows, valued at 3tX),ft7&,4U3, and t,inO,OT7 OXC41 und other oattle, Milued at ttlll.(VUMI. lVom 1S73 to ISSJ tho eU uiattxt lews from pluuro-pneumoulu nlouo was $10,UX),tXHX Now York Mull und Uxpraa. U'hltn Yt'lncs I'mir Kret Deep. S. vi-ral lmiulrtKl tliottsand years ago, nmirdtutf to tlio woika of Confucius and llie teneta of llio iwtablishod Cliluoso ro lltfUHi, a certain kindly (1Ikmhh1 und ox Iromely HiwBrful ilmgon beomultiKUtwirled of iKtradlso canio down on tin exploring trip to China und woo obllxwl. through u uuinber of uiitixpeutol ooiuptiuutiotm. tr retnalii tlioro. llyhuxurnl moulfutitatintis of Ida Hiwnrho couvliictHt tho Chluamon f tho surrounding country that ho us not u ersoii to Ih Idly loyo.1 with So, ttftur no had dovouied a number of tliolr fileuda and fond relatives, tln-yuwoko to that fact and lmuilUU ly olnvuttnl the ilnmon to the ixwltlon of u divinity Sub erlptlon papers were at onto olroiilattnl, and within a itiiuarknbly short spuee of time the G'kwtlal lllor was ostablUhwl in lite divinity tinslness with a lioiiao ami a rwtlnuy ol priesbi of his own Thi-ough tho InlluwK'o whloh h erlvl lu looial polltloa and national KtixwiiuiHiit tho tlrugoB toon ttuue to La vorltlid by all China, liUplctum tlually Iwlujc Mlwsttid to fr.u t tltis tum of th oounlry Tha ulbar day th hollilay lu honor of hi airlvl !(; u Tlio t UtaeM call It tlw Yo ueh lku Wo the liiglUh fur It U n t known It la tae tlftn d.iy of tln i;fth inKn. tV tUlrtMWth day of the four i.viith i oulh sad m miuibor of other tllugs i 'Hi r iiitxrou Ut wition Th prtiM-lpal Chlnose uuIhm Imhimin and Uw rsMUUrautn. aUut otewn ami iHaarlv all of h Coleallal tadlM- uaauUttnra sliut Hp tWIr aiiopm nnd look u holiday Uott trtil hm Ulli-U with the thruUK of purtlv renders Tho Joju had such n klrmui ol calleni Uu.t hi rveppiton rootn ww rnxrdetl U llw door, ajul a utuuber of M womhlpjr re oUL-vd to m out on Uw Wwuk and do tWtr wonUltilnjr -ta to front wind- TV (wUvHIsm OttuUttusal until a lute Uur. too mosM at IimUv totat bnlnjr Um UumJ wbowarelml all arv.ud ( - : '.nil .'t WLiu VVlnga II over lle iuI,-IijimIi l a -id mmImmI lUeia iiu fyiti l.vl ikvu Now York World OltOCKIttKS. Specialties inFruits Evaporated Apples, Evanorated Peaches, Evanorated Nectarines. Evaporated Apricots, Evaoorated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Pried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins Persian Dates Weller Brothers' Commercial Street' GRANGE STORE Salem Co-Operativo Association p. or h. I)KAI.K11SIN J Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. A.L,i. KINDS OK Produce Houglitt JAMES AITKEX, Manager. 2G State St., - - - SALEM, OR. DUG AN BROS. P L XJ IVI 13 E R S ! (IAS AND STEAM FITTEllS, ..And ilwilcm lu SU'ain and lMuiiiliing Goods, 1 State Street, HALEr, : : : OUEGON. CRONISE &. WILSON. I.HAUIMl JOIB PRINTERS. (In Slate lnsurmu-e lltilldliiR) (iiNMlwoik Ki.lr piii-. . rixmipt. Hi" lialtle. W, M. SARGEANT iKeepM Willie .liH'k or. Wall hitrr, Ikinlois iinil Cfiilcis, BABY BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, Tji Twl OlifA elOfiirilt., Bkjirfw, M,SKHS, i all kls4s ot IK VNlkS. Mttltitago id FrantvS Mt t Orrltr. ntM Im tmillfctUI. fKsH. sMf o slaw at earner rnsMUH MMttUd HMretsd (Iswasa. WW4VSVTMIMM W A. MKNMlsh KKLKSON W AND UVBRY STABLE! W. U. HIUYICU, lfos. Jktt rWMl'l . OtUsUOK. Ktnl Mir tam WkfsHy rorUt tw. insiUMv Hum Mi I" txHUMMsrvuU IHVfkix Wo itr In rvretpi of Us ntport of to WBmUikBr of trtouttuM booaJ In mm and eosiiattUuf IssMtlltt) ann of Qs f-'iyrlUU prtvw (1ii alter auotr-or Um front nwn sum Ayiu ottt. nml iIm uowtlon U Ultr walMd -Who wUI ls rto nsat to r Wo ar taklttj qultiluo oror)- day TW are to tktMM tal try Uw j UsM of a mail WaiUnc "" lh" roUow wIm n4 promltod to rotnrn Uw fft W bor rws4 at tAockuMH fair, aod (or a freight tnln to mow otf Um orostalnst An oW oBswsjr of oun hm rsimtsjr hiratk Um kxtery for flft Al Uow Um wtekod proapfr in tU worW, wniM tint ricloMscoopUyittr-l'll-4l. sjmIimyim viwinw lint our rnulUiktUr. - HsnilnvtiW (Oa.) Kowa. 'rtaaiw )pr, leaves and ewulers, UMi't ml the artUt material, Mteh as niM I'afuU of all kinds, Hrusbw of all ktaos.MHU Hlendor. Akso tUe GOLD PAINT-READY MIXED, Mala lor fratttM t all titm, la Iket fvury UUm osso lhal oau t thouabt ot Comt ami S&e for Yoursotvos Nd. X4. ME AID, PRACTICAL CUTLER Fiiinf Saw a SfweWtv. MlMja on in alle? . iipuIU MlnhaV Uv wr Wable. mfsn, tir. Hansl ommm Ihivo Um lunkiol frw lbs) towto el Vmuba by UuperUi dsere GENERAL BUCKSillTillNG Ml HOKSES! IOE1NG I ! All Ism lMMovil Mftnoste of sWatne Aauhw . I" enrv dlm .rf lb KMs ansnfinorr-ik.at tuli .ikn.ooo iMottanaMsl uia i iii.uni lawtraaM ssilisasfel In atl ..-. IWrvr uTauy U BsMsm nonaiaoa nui,i JOHN KNIGHT, Th Homsfco, v sMuswrrv-bi xrars, aalrat, U. I w fj llli 1 VUllU.ill.li DRUGGIST, WOODBURN, OREGON, DEAtBIt IN Pure Drugs andMediciiics. AND Fine Toilet Articles. A FINE LINE OF igars, School Hooks, Stationery, And Siliuol Supplies, Paints, Oils, Brushes AND EVnnVTIIINO IN IN EVERY DEPARTMENT BEAR IN MIND Our Stock is Complete FRUIT WANTED BY TItK WILLAMETTE VALLEY FRUIT CO. At their Kuiporntor Apples, Plums, . Prunes, . Pears, At the Highest Market Price. Factory ncurtlio iacnxer depot. Mjk jTW Vh. TITTVLIKS' OUIDE is isausd Mrch and Sept., oacn year. It is an oncy Iclopedia ot usoful infor mation for nil who pur chase uie luxuries or mo mni."itioa of life. Wo can olotho rou nnd Itai nlsh you with all 'l.o noo.tt' y ..nJ uuuooousary appliances to ru'j, 7ilk, danco, slcop, out, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, und m various sizes, Dtylo3 nnd quantities. Just llKuro out what is required to do all those thlni?s COMFORTADLY. and you can molco afair estimato ot the vuUie of the BUyEIlb, OUIDE, whioh will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents w pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 liichlcan Avonue, Chicago, lib THE Oil KG ON FIUIIT DRYER M vuf a II I BBBBMkIhIiv"ii . ' ill, m .iii. iu x immi'i Is Simple of Construction, - A M ttASY OK OI'ttlVXION. Awarl-d rtn.' iri-i oin ' the On n SImI l-alr IMK K' tvr 'tT mul at tho (.'all ftirilki Mali- 1- tr, !7, .ud hull Jonipiln CkHHily Kali, l"-. ManuAuHuivd lu s'xlau. Kor circular and uioe II -t add rem. II. JOKY it SON, P.O. Box ad. SsUm.Oruin 3" Dryer Kuni'iees ftirulcliod tto Mies F.'S. LEONARD, DK.VI.KR IN Conlfedloiiary, ,rs Anil TqImccq. GITO MB A 0-VLli. AVOODUUKN, - -- OUKOON LEGAL BLANKS, IjLSIrkittbMlHgWni a 4 nir nalaWyi. Osll nar prleaa Ibr Job imnlsnt ! in i I. K. WAIIE. nW Or. Firty Uars k Ik (lird if hut Hy nihrr ChliWu trKv W av -u1 tn ur oroVr ltuiiMvii3i.lt UM,; to T A. A POSITIVE FACT. The most complete stock of DRY GOODSJare to be found atlUJXJj 4 BROWN'S. ,, , , The best assortment and most reasonaoie pnees iu rarasois ana iun Shades at LUNN & BROWN'S. Over one hundred embroidery suits iu Batise, Zephyr, Nansook.Swis . . .... 1 .iiia'v x- iinnwx'is etc. all colors, anu prices iow uk uui.ii - .. -. . A flue stock of Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings-best assortment of Gloves in Silk, Lisle and Kid Gloves, at LUNN & BROWN'S. Carpets, Curtains, unnain roies, iuigs, uir"i vuu.0f u vans, c, etc. nt LUNN & BROVN'S. Do uot forget the place and name 239, Corner State and Commercial St LUNN & BROWN. fee ily Capita ourna to Cheapest Newspaper in Oregon! THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN "MARION COUNTY. Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one year, fcl.oO. WEEKLY, six months,. -f0.75. Now Rcail Our Discount for luo1' 1 WEEKLY, one year, 1.00. WEEKLY, six month, -?0.50 WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL JN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR ONl-VIIIRD OFF FOR CASH. Our Old Subscribers mi- In iiri-pora nrr nrcnil in tnfcn nilvniitno-R of mil' bier dispOllllt. bv Set- tlin;; old accounts am? joining the grand timing of one dollar subscribers. TO ONE AND ALL Wo s-ay, snd us. your niunes. If you want to take advantage of our "one- tniriinti lor canii," ami are not wnere you can get posiai notes or oiiiit convenient method of remitting, tend us your iiamo and state that you will remit at lirht opportunity. This will ensure your being placed on tho uouar n-t. THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER, But a solid, permanent rcductiou. We hnvo como to stay. VirrrraMgMBaBEMiiBitBMBaawBBirBinrintnniiunfaiiBxinnmrTi What is nVnvnnBnflHHBHEBBuninvnvBVBflnVBiBUH3BBflBflnnYn9HnnxHR8i9MBVS3fis Castorln, la Pr. Saml Pttolier'a old, hnnnloss nnd qnioll onre for InfanU' nnd Chlldron's Complaints. Snpcrlor to Castor Oil. Paregorio op Wnrootio Syrnpa. ChUdren cry for Cnstairln. Ml lions of Mothers blosa Cnstorln, Osstorla cures Colic, Constipation ; Sour Stomach, DUrrlKva, Kructatlon ; fljtM healthy &Wj) ; also aids digestion 1 Without narcoUo stuiwtactloa. Th Ckxticb Coicpast, 77 Murray St., UewYork. AVH.V.1TtVtKV "I recommend Castoria fof children's com plaints, as superior to any preecripuou known to me." II. A Abohsb. M. D.t in so. uxioru bu, urooxiju, .. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT I 630 ACRES Well watered and plenty ot Umber. Tsrv SStot ea nV4ae If ww 3kv.ibls rr.-a. J? "?" wwiniia wu.su is. h. twwnirt at Offke f Cartel Journal. nuSTL W.U6NH, Teeiolierof Music An4Mtark0aiktMniorMnalrl InMn, tmst. ;in sipiaa. atMLnw ROCKY MOUNTAIN Coffee I-I ouse l Eatt SUs liberty, p.'0r Hmm, S. B. W.A.TICINS. -i- Prop Wa-MantantiOIVtoiux. from Soto lie.- NOTICE. We dwtr to csvutkin aU peraoos alui diaeJane MlC, 1HK, nnd 4e Ociolwr Ut. as mid nose wat frawlutoutlr ohalned.lir Inc Uie only note gtvwi by ss on inal tla J. f. i-AWOon, , KB AKl-W i'Am"- Twum.Qfc.Jnlys. t I x)