!. f k.i' S if EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL 1'UHI.IflKltl) ;VERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. MV Til Capital Journal Publishing Corrpan". I IJfOOHI-OHATBIl Offlcf, 112 Court Stmt, 0rOlonH Dlotk. THUMB OK HUIIHCHIITION DAILY. One yew, by rrw 1 1 ... rijx iihhiUw, by iimll ..... Three montlm by mttll Per wtk delivered by crrir. WKHKI.Y. One yenr .. 8lx inontlw . One year, If ibI(1 for In advance,-. Nil month, to m .. 2 .. 1 -. 16 ... m ... 7R 1 U) ... CO tt-VmUntMen ure aiilhonwl to re- tmve Nmmcnplloii. Mr. T. 1). l'orler In our duly untliorlred raveling Hgem. A9Knlcrl (wwcoiiiI-Ibwi mailer nt the nIeiii,Orion. I'rwiloltlce, June 21. 1K SATUIIDA Y, J UNK28, 1888. HimwtiAN i:ii.im. Judgo iih wo limy, our twtliiuttcH of wlmt JtiiHfllii nmy do In tliu future, or what Iter Mutton mid liiliiotico nro to n, aru nt boM hill tlio increM njxotilntloii. Tim Ktfiry of (liu "IMiiIiih and J'rlwniH of WuMurn KHicrlii," by Gcorgo Kutinan, now bulng piili Ifnlicfl In tliu Century, ruvcalH moru dlHtlnctly 1 1 in it any otliur ininlleu tlon uvtir Jiiih, that really tliu Hiih hIiiii i'0)k and umplru nro In n for jiiatlvo Mule, and wlii'tlmr thoy arc, by-and'bye, to rryMnllzu ltitoiiHiilen lor coiiimt'iiHtirato with tliulr mighty nrwi, or whulhur tho vuM Klltleal Hynti'iii Ih to Ihj broken tip and thu fniKinciitH rcconiblned, iih tliocruM of llici'iirtb Iiiih morn than onco bit'ii (IwoiiiimwimI that It niltflit tho butter bo jueiared for thu Hti jtortof man, who hIiiiII my? Wu mul In thlH thrilling narrative of Blburlan iirlnoiiH; and aru lemlnded of thu cndliw (bonwmdrt who make Hji tho Had iroeemliin of tirlKonorH that Journey thitherward; we can In fimi'v hear the olank of their uhaliiH, and their blank, tlwpulrliiK fncim aru ph'ttirud to iih by tho enn nliiKof thu artlnt; wo know that tlutlr whIIh havo tilled tho vacant air for many jjonuratlonH, and wo aliuoHt wonder that thu thimdurholtH of wrath do not fall on that land. Yet, If wi Htop to think, wu ru muntlKir that thin vloloneu and Imto and HUllurliiK aro In aiTord with natiiro'H rndo way of lirliiKliiR arotind deojior, Hweotor and fuller murvloH to mankltid. Of cotiixu, tho heavy iluikiiuw of tho land Ht 111 JioIiIh tho k of tho rultfiilnu lwum iiudor a elond. Tho owir ouniiol wu what wo eim. How wy It would bo for him to take away tho terror that now MirroiindH hln throne; how winy It would bo for inui io emiM' iiih omitim to liiKo a mighty advaneoainmiK tho natlotiH of tho earth, and to orwito for hint uIn a famu for moru enduring than Jmtof thv grout l'eter. If ho had but 1i(miim to ohII IiIh wise men around him and bid them fmmo a iMiihtltutloii; if thou ho would mill lmok IiIh wuMurn faint lor, build a railroad army from tho and havo thorn through KIIhtIii, and would then niMirtlim tho tho lK'onlo. orown limdrt to taking their obligation to imy iih tltuy ooulil. And If to tliio win. ihwhIiiiih ho would Knd UwmhorH to III hh)U and olllr Hiimll iHiuutKw for tho Uwt keit fMrm, and hiuuU jtrUiw to ehlldron who mako tluUHt ixHtonl lu K'hiHil; If through Htieh utiMiwho would for tun your dovoto liliuiwlfto building up a mipiMirt to liln throno on the eMMorn hlilu of tho Ural rnngo hiuI throughout bis innplro uorHlly, ho would ptfrforin it work whloh would ilnd fruition llfty yontx hmw lu a nation m M)itilmiit hm tho ChluoMi omplro h11 iihiuitluic hU pmlfM, and togothor Airnilnga jwwer whloh, vimpttrHl with all other on earth, kivo our own nmuldlo, would nuiko tho rwt mhuii moivly hm tho pigmy dtw whon ho iikhuim htivngth with tho giant. Wo Htv not hiiv tlmt tho Huwlium tuvnotofa MKk to take pUH Uw Mm thu nuMt MilvHiuvt popuktlnns. rimy Imvo MiHirlur vlt,vlil and In twlUwttwl trttitgth; hu oiidumueti tlnt nyw tlrv. h wMimg tlwt ntroi.v Atltwv lu i)h ttru tho iitot glfil Hrti uwWlitc HumUtrftil fetritUw; hi HttMWtMW mm wf tit IhM IhhiU iT th (trtwut tviitury lw-t mn ltihwUu. Thn tho pW Iimw naui to oi)wud lu; tlHtv U hpnix ouuwf h h Ultlu Uk Until U tlwt xmi mu4iv to MitMKt Iwir t)M pnvout MMikiUuu of Um kiW If vr m-k4ku ikriMW ht to vrUoHMml Um tbuulit will coum lMt tUfUUirtl MW(W, ItttalllVMtM ftWl ltbrty, Umwv miv rWbwr Mid uuwv UlurUm (WiMIMlK to b mmmW Uinu ty tlw wufd; wukr ht mW KumIm will In UMl wkll W Umi THIS IlKI'I IIMCA7T l'LATrOItJI. Tlio jilatfonn adopted in Chicago on ThumlayiH an unusually compen dious utatt'inont of principle. Only n transitory hiiportnnco attaches to Mich declarations, because it is undcr stooil that the shrewd politicians ougngedin framing them simply aim to wm approval, the subsequent jiol icy of tho party being determined by public exigency. The two issues dwelt on with the greatest emphesis are tlio tarili'nnd the national rev enue. Kxcemive taxation is the caiiH! of much discon tent, because it adds to tho large surplus In the treasury and makes tho cost of government unduly oneriotis. It sanctions a re vision of thu tarill' to the extent of releasing from Import duties such foreign articles (except luxuries) a)do not conflict with our home industry. A reiioul of tho taxes on tobacco Is also projwsed, with a view to retrenchment primarily, and further because they are "an annoy ance and burden to agriculture." This latter reason Is somewhat lorced. Should those reductions still leave an excess of revenue," 'we then favor,' says the resolution, "the entire rojH.'ul of the internal revenue taxes rut her than surrender any part of our protective) system." This free rum doctrine is also favored by thu prohls, so on one measure, at least, these two parties uru in entire accord. A free and honest use of the bal lot Is demanded ; tiie enforcement of the laws against tliu Introduction of foreign contract labor is Insisted on ; all combinations of capital or ganized into (rusts are denounced ; and the policy of appropriating the public lauds to bo homesteads for eitlen settlers is ro-alllrincil. With regard to tlio territories tiie platform pledges tho republican party "to do all in its power to facilitate the ad mission to New Mexico, "Wyoming, Idaho and Arizona to the enjoyment of self government as states" It also demands the passage of thu bills be fore congress to confer statehood on North and Houth Dakota, Washing ton and Montana. Cheap postage and free schools re ceive an encouraging word ; more stringent legislation to dlvorcu thu political from tho ecclesiastical power lu Utah Is promised ; a bl inetalllo currency, (as wu mentioned yesterday), is approved, and publio defenses and Internal Improvements recommended. Tills longstringof resolutions was listened to with groat Interest by tho linmoiiso audience and was fre quently applauded. The tarill plank, wu aro told, created much eiitbus lasm. It was unanimously adopted Tho resolutions aro carefully prepar ed, they enforce sound republican doctrine, and havo a generous and progressive ring to them that will give heart and conlldonco to tho party. Thih is thollfth day of tho con vention and tho nominations aro not made yet. Flvo ballots havo 1hh.ui taken, with a diuon favorite sous in tlio Hold, and no candidate has yet revolved siipjsirt enough to warrant tho belief that ho will lie tho winner. On tho last two ballots Alger and Harrison showed iuuroas lug strength, but beyond tho with, drawal of Deintw, no break has Wt'ii made, and tho shrewd ones at a dUtatico nro pawled to tell how this tumultuous movement will result. Yostordny tho republicans In our olty foil prutty ooiilldont that Maine would lw the man, to-day their Judgment Isaf fwolwl by pikwlhle oonibliiatlons on tttrod into tho hotel Joorrldors, and their Into assurance is somuwhnt abated. 'IVmIm.v's prtHtHMllnns have Ihkiii dilatory and uiiliniurtaiit, and It Is clear now thu nominations will go over till next week. In tholimiM) of ropreuMi tat Ives, a a few days slue, tho oouteiviico re port an tlw Indian appropriation WU wh adopted, whloh provide for a olwngoof the pUeoof i-sloof lauds under tlw allotniout law, fauu tho m Oraiide dWriet laud otlliv to th Uiaattlla Hgvnoy. TiiW will 1hh Ulg thing for lViulMoii. Kat Onttpadan. lau HmirkeN warx'hah-s oontaln an liunwu onautltA' of wihU, aanvgHUug wtt i4dKahfv avusr a iiUlllou isaiuiW. .Sxiwoflt WoataiKiaMl rra4i(Miaut, tail by rar tli largMK auKWiit pAtawsf tlswv lor Mom awaltlMM a kfltuulMtkiu atul Ulr pric lu Qm wool iiwrkvC TmuuW U aulMiMkiU Ih OiHMt ttMUMY Mww uwum of MMI aMtMliiiMsU. lMJp-OW-W Kf Hnttiii to ltraiwi thmmiwii MKlHMl IVVtUff laMMk Ol kltsMH W "KW TO-UAY. Proposals for Supplies The lxxird of truli of th Oregon 8t iDMiie Anylum hereby lnnte sealed jro tMcMmln (or unilihlne at th a ylura near Sa lem, Oregon, the following sujivltes for elx mo ith, commencing July 1, 18: OKOCEKIB8. 3000 11 Uveniool salt, flue. 3000 &jai, Klrk'B Salon. 100 ' 8ao. 600 ' Uried peachen, machine dried. 400 ' Mackerel, No. 1, exUa ine. 70 ' Tea, I. 8. brand, I'obchong. HO ' Tobacco, Kapblan brand. 141 ' (How ctarch, (Flrmeulch Mfg. Co.) 800 ' CoruStarch, (Oswego) WM ' Soda rrackeni, extra freth. . 300 ' Hallni, California Layers. 180 ' Oermea, Hperrj'a new jiroeesa. 10000 fciigar.7000 lbs Golden C,30OOlb Gran ulated. tm ' Cbeee, Cranston', or as good. 1800 ' Corn meal. l'ZGO ' Hulled oat. 1300 ' Coante hominy. 2ft0 ' Dried curraiito. 60 ' Cocoa. 198 ' Carb. goda, Church & Co., A fc II brand. 100 ' White castlle eoap, Contl. 100 ' Tapioca. 12 doz. brooms, No. 1 extra shield. II Cans oystern, blue joint, 2 lb. VI ' l'lajiiigcards, lleaer brand. I ' (Jta. Worcestershire sn ce, Lee & Per rht. 1 ' Qt. Olive oil. BOO gal. fi run, extra golden, American re fined. 300 ' Clncr vinegar. 40 gr. pure. 100 ' Coal oil, M gnllou tanks Pearl brand. 100 ' Molaiwes, Orleans extra. 2 12 gal wooilen bowls, round. 25 growl matches, Mctroiiolltan A Cum. Co. 2 iloz. whisk brooms, 2 trlng. velvet top. G uoiitcntroteiii)u. 14 ' Turkey diifeters, 14 Inch. COFKEE. 1000 lbs. Coita Itlca. 1st grade. 12ft ' noteniineiit Java. &l Ueul Mocba. 400 Chicory. 81'ICES. lr)lbs. lllack pepper. 20 ' Mace, (fl ' Cluuumoii. 60 (linger. 20 ' Allspice. 20 ' Mustard. 20 ' Clown. All standard ground. I'LUMHING. l4 doz Jenkins valves, It i Inch, C i Inch, 3 8lnch,0iiuch. 1 '414 pressure reducing vutvo. 1 doz compression hosu bib. a EIIjomh, Huoz21uq),2 doz inch $ i iloz 'i llll'll. loz Tees, M doz 2 Inch, 1 doz Inch. ' Sockets, X doz 1U Inch, 1 doz Ji inch ' l'lugs, I doz 3-8 inch, 14 doz i Inch. lU M feet 1 lm)i gnhaulzed Iron pine. 100 lbs sheet lend. U ' Solder 0 200 lb pressure gauges, 6 Inch face. I)KY GOODS. 78 gross buttons, 10 dress, 4.8 shirt, 10 coat, 10 pants, '-fc each size. 1 gross pins, American. 170 lbs Oregon yarn, all wool, ICO lbs white, 'JT lbs blue. 24 cards hooks and C)cs. G00)ds Clinton llumiel, Nashua XX, JIXI M0 M 200 ' 200 hOO 400 COO 45 200 T'.kiirikl I f t ( liliinfiliiul 1st Itwiti Marseilles, York Mf g Co., checks, llrown Denims, Auioskeng, 9 oz. 1iusdnle Hue sheeting, 30 Inch. UllbnlA, IMVlglltMCgUO Mariner stripes, Amoskeag. lVouot sheeting, heavy (A) Canvas duck. 8 oz. white "fl Inch. 45 inch. Check Fhiuuet, Continental. HAUDWAKE. 1 nail puller. 17 iloz table knives, Iron handles. !) ' Table forks, iron handles. 12 ' Iron table spoous, "" plated. M Dinner bells, h gross htuws, 2gr2k No. 14,2 gr lli No 12, 2 gr l)s No 10, 2 gr i No 7. S packages wagon bulb; l,-8x2U; 1,3 8x3 1, 3 8s8. 100 feet bur Iron Norway, 30 ft KxUii So 't Ml M0 ft SSxUf. lrW feet round Iron, Norway, 60 It 3-8; 60 ft Mil. 50 ft 7-lH. 1 blacksmith's vise, l'eter Wright patent, 5 Inch Jaw. 1 Maxtor S w reach. 8 Inch. 1 I'r Ilellhiiugeni players, C Inches loug. 1 Nippon No 4 A doz iHiekiues tai'Vs,l,(loe; 2,8 oj; 2,12 oz i raoneiiinu.iz iiii'ii niiimie. 1 hand saw. II Dlsoou, iliality No 12, 8 tooth. TAINTS. 10 gallons boiled linseed oil. 60 lb l'loiiiHT white leud. 10 Hnllous turpentlue. STATIONKKY. 1 Ikix stub )eus, C C aiut Welch. 4 ' 401 peiw. lllllotl's, 1 ' IaiihIiiii incuiulvMeut l'en Co No 4. renins letter iir, UieOuk. Huts Ink. 2 it Arnold's 1 ijt tatrnl'. & do lead ouclls, Kulier Nos 2 ami 3. X ' lead iH'iiells. War tabltNo2 8 PayKiu's Indelible Ink. CKUCKKKY. 14 iloi tea ciiixi without handles, w e. i 21 18 H tl 1 1 4 SMiU'urs. w e. Soup plain, T Inch, w g. Dlliuer platen, 7 lucli, vg. 1 mlton ivticliers, v g. Pie plalvs, w jt. nt laiu Is, w g. dim tumblers. VMHtatli dUliwi. 10 Inch w Syrup iiltcliem, gl. mil eeiian, giaw. rpier boxes, glasn. IH 11HUI1 i Pltehen. in! UHllOl talloii lum, oaribeii. Iet ulattor. 10 Itirh. w ir. Iuc dlkheai, ft luih, w g. IuiUsIiIumI erwwvn. YIMVK Ot unburn! ttmir, Imm.. ru4lr )toc)mi, to Ih ilellrvliw rwiulrcsl. HIIOIM AM I.KATHKIL U U UilhM' khiMc X Mlr No T. tl iMlra No H M )tr No It twin No I; 13 llrv.N..4 lllit. 9 ittm klM llMi, l-l, iwm Ihk IthMtilUK. & ' IStlmition's twwvy show, suilt t Pain Italian' enri idlppxm l ! Pair H. pain T. t ilo iMln beM: twin 8, vtlr 7. 18 ittiiv , PrtlrwML Mln II. lM4uanissihMtbr, buy OHMn-hIa, ln sjooil. I Mm m) Utittier, l Um tatcti. 1 lb im tlinMtl. No 1 immusw mmhut nuiui, ivm M K, U)l, UUMttntMi HalWiillM; 41b. H; J I km nm iuuh; ItM 9tf I I 1 4o pair tcaslacr IIinm TINWAKK. II IKK MHI CtllM. Si 1: lit IMiMUM.MsMUua.XXXX Uu. l qi tlimwfK Mluit bartivl. hrup (sut. 1 jikUun trmnlW trua ultoiwfv. hV aklUktmsn, & inrb. Ton lMm, i u 1 limis. . I U J IM Utaall liua MUk. 12 uln. i i ishmiii kvtin, m t llmalte Irua psum: pOlun; t It w&w MKATK IHi lh wr Uy. hmw or Vim. or tf MuMua. f aNulrwi. la w)tMl iwt hwh nnii. UMt'iXi. t Mm um atatoBte. foac nMuuuMw irua war iummm. n Ka.1 aonsslM iwoL tauutbW. ; nMkui msmIL anlbtH, awaTfcjulbfca, bus. rumlat, twalbste. aratnt uwwPliA cv M.Mtru.suPrti.u lt.u , pit JtOu. r4 vUtrWwMI i t A Ox lima.-, l'HJt lv IK-xtUt ik4. P i Jt U UUSUM', V l A Iks suilU. P I'Jtiu muriatic acid, Com. salicylic acid. Itmm ammonia. Carb ammonia, muriate ammonia, corrosive sublimate, bicarb goda. brom wxla. salicylate soda, brom potash, caustic potash, bichromate potash. 4 oz rexul) Iodine. 2 ' lodororm. v ' sulph morphine, P A W. 36 sulph quinine. P & V. r suipn strycnnine, solid extract ergot, Squlbbs. 'fSM' 3 lbs subnltblsmut bbs. 1 nowd acacia 3 ' 3 ' r i jx)wd aloes, soc. powd Colombo root, powd ext licorice, gum camphor, gum benzoin, gum catechu. wild cherry bnrk, ground. 1 cubeb berrlei. 5 ' 26' IS' 2 sulphur Mowers. cpom salts, ground llnx need, saecli peisln, ScheflTer's. : vaniua ueang, .Mcxionn. vasclln. i i pfiwdglnger. jwwd gentian. 4 oz lycopodlum. 0 oz nniipyrin. 1000 pills, uloln com p. 1 lb ' C C gel coated, V D & Co. 1 lb pill C C sugar coated, P D & Co. IU gai luiKicrn mconoi. best O K Cutter whisky, grape brandy, ixirt wine, sherry wine. glycerine. u 'astor oil. Maker's A A. best N'orweclan Cod Liver oil. olive oil. genuine. 1 cross pill boxes. No. 30. 500 each No. 1,2, 3 and 4 empty capsules 2 oz on mvenaer. 2 oz oil roucmury. 1 only 2 dram irnidunto. 1 only 4 oz porcelain enscrole, with handle i l oniy quart, pcrcoinior, glass. 1 ench sieves No. 20 nnd 40. 1 M't 30 grain Biipxsltory moulds In tin inline. i gross 2 oz bottles. j2 gross I oz bottles. gros Ooz bottles. 1-0 grons 8 oz bottles. 5 bbls sal soda. 12 lbs Japan mux. white. 2 lbs lnrgo cnrrlngo sponges, sheep's wool. i io suipn einer. 2 iloz strengthening nlostcrs. 8 & J. 4 doz clinical thermometers, Lcnsfront, icsuKi. 2 lbs K K coIomlK) root. PDA Co. Samples may be seen nt the olllco of the board of trustees, nnd goods must bo In ac cordance inercwiin. The board reserves the right to reject nny or all bids. Delivery of supplies will bo reouired within ten days notice of ncccptnuco of oiii. jv copy oi mis nuvenisement must occompany each bid. The nnino of tho class or supplies bid upon must bo written on tho envelop. Knch bid must Include all the Items In tho special class bid upon, and must give tuo Items nnd totals lu full, with exception of bid on meat. Auditing otll ccrsaro prohibited by law from confirming accounts of purchases when advertisement does not contain a full nnd complete de scription of tho kind of articles to be pur- uuasi'u. lllds will bo considered nt 2 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, July 3, 1888. HYIYVKSTHU PENNOYEIt, OEO. W. McllHIDE, G. V. WElill, Hoard of Trustees. Wm. A. 51UNI.Y. ocrk of Hoard. HEED'S OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Wednesday, June 27, 1888. , Special engagement of tho emi nent Irish Comedian. T. J. FARRON, (Lnto linker A Knrron) In the most successful musical comedy of the day. "SOAP BUBBLE." Under the management of J. II. Dobbins. Among the songs rendered by Mr. Knr ron will be some that have made him famous wherever the English language Is spoken. Including such favorites as "Mr. McCarthy." "Hemoniber.lloy .you're Irish," "The Exile's lament," "Corporal Mulcu liy," "U'lm, Tho Strawberry Olrl," "Tim Flaliarty," and others. II. K. Dultois. Jok Dullois Dubois brothers l'roprletors Cliemckcte Hotel. KRE1S BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. From J I to SI er tin). &I.BM, - OHKO '. VARIETY STORE! W. M. SARGEANT Ktw a Hm 4ook trf Wall lVpcr, llonlere and Centers, BABY BU6GIES, EXPRESS WAGONS RvsKurs, ti all VM t rWMlii. Mns mI Fraits Muk it Onkr. WW W-'m MslMB " - l41ul I loo i Tubr "tiV OfAllAMi.lUld GOLD PAINT-READY MIXED. figfig NEW JVD'EKTISE3tENTS. THE CAPITOL Mill CO. Attention to what we will Mention ! Know All, by these presents: That the Capitol Adventure Co. neither slumbers nor sleeps, but are awake and up to the times, and know well that owing to the depression of business in the East there will be many failures. Now we want to be ready to capture any bargains that may be offered on account of such failures, and to do this it will be necessary for us to be on hand in New York and Chicago, inperson, and be armed with plenty of the commodity commonly called Cash, with which we can boast the people of this country are well supplied, and in order for us to get it, we wull from now until the first of August offer such bargains as will induce those having money to divide with us. You all know that our Manager has Deen in business hero for the last twenty years and always does as he advertises. About August 1st he will start East to buy a large fall stock, and in order to do this we will offer our whole stock of goods consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats. Caps Trunks, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, Paper, Envelopes, Notions, etc., at a great sacrillce, and in order that the general Public may know that we mean business, we mention me price A good Hemmed Handkerchief for 1 ct. ench A silver, gold or steel thimble, 1 ct. each. A spool of Clark's, Coat's or Kerr's Thread, 3 c, each. A spool good Sewing Silk, best brand nnd assorted colors, for 3 c. 2 spools Silk Button Hole Twist for 3 c 2 skeins Saddlers' Silk for 3 e. 1 sheet gold, silver or plain Card Board, lc worth 10 c 1,000,000 doz. Horn nnd Cloth covered Dress Buttons worth 25 to 60 c a doz., for 5 c a doz. 100,000 doz. Fine Jet and Metnl Buttons, worth 60 c. to 81 a doz. for 10 e a doz. 1,000 yds. Lace worth 5 c. a yd., for 1 c. n yd. Lace worth 10 c. per yd. will bo sold for 3 nnd 5 c. a yd. Other Edgings and Embroiderv In nronortion. Agoounnicio oi uenr summer undershirts and Drawerr for 20 c, each. The above are only a few of the genuine BARGAINS that wo will offer. Besides, thche our wholo stock will bo ottered nt prices loner than anywhero elso In tho cltv without any exception. ' ' We nro not going out of business but aro here to stay nnd only do this to mako room for our large fall stock. Call ond be convinced. Buy nnd be happy. Kemcmber these bargains can only bo secured at the Opera House Corner, from the . . ".... ..- S. All kinds of Farm GREAT SLAUGHTER! -X X Ilaving been continued as Assignee of A. Mayer, I will non offer the entire stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, And Gents' Furnishing Goods, IT i To Close fflT ib.'. None. Reserved, .-.all .Must .-.Go! YOU WHO HAVE MONEY Can Secure Bargains ! All Sales Strictly for Cash. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS -:- AND -:- BUGGIES! oi some oi our gooas till August 1st, 1000 fino Ostrich Flumes for 60 o each wortuSl. Large Block of flowers, price no object. Ladles' Chemlso 15 o. each, worth 50 c. Ladles' Night Gowns, 60 c. each worth $1.25 And all our stock of Lndlcs' White Goods In proportion. 60,000 Ladles Hnt Frames 10 c. each, worth 60 c. to $1 ench. 12 Fish Hooks and 1 Lino for 3 c Good Scrubbing Brushes 5 c. each. Good White Wash Brushes 10 c. each. Best ratent Clothes 1'lns 6 c. per doz worth 120. Good Fly Hooks, 2 c. each. 50 Beams Letter Paper, 2 c. per quire, 10 lb Letter Paper, 5 c. per quire. 100 doz. Memoranda Books, 1 c. each. 600 boxes Lubln Toilet Soap, 0 c, per box . ' nuiiu .; i FRIEDMAN, Manager. Produce Bought. X X- Them Out. E. WILLIS, Assigneo of A. Hfnyor. A Dae line of hacks, buggies, carts, car rlftm, buekboanls, etc. Itoth our ovrn HM.K4 ami the bet eastern made buggt. Every one Warranted! JOBBING and HORSESHOEING. ill 4s5atniAttr Imllbtf fr In Um iun. OimN Kata. kw NMH Hla. Scriber -:- and -:- Pohle. kluUHM, WttaiMal., m HUuu& (V-Hi. Jtlk i'P. Cgnw uhI Sm for Ywrnim"'