,ri M. b. EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL PUHI.URIIH ;VERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. BV TUB Capital Journal Publishing Coiman". I IJIOOHI'OKATKI) Offlff, 112 Coart Street, 0riCUMt Itloek. TKICMH OK HUHHCIHITION UAIf.Y. Oih yr. It' hihII 5o II Six miitli.tir mull ? 'J Ttlrfe irwmliw f Jtifcll I I'er week ilellveml Uy enrrkir - W1X One year.. ......J1 JO tMx iiMnlh . . One ye. If imI1 for In wlVHiiee, 1 Ml Hit IIHJ itlM, W 9l'rmtiiNMteni nr ntltlioriw! to rr Wive MllnKTlpllollH. Mr.T. I). Torter I mir rtitly imtliorlw! ravllni mtent. 49Kiilerfil n wwiiiI-oIhimi niHtter Ht the Hlin,OrKn, I'mUiintf, March K. IS. - W KDNKHDA V, J US K 20, 1888. CIICS. I'KiniCINT. Tlio dlf jmtohi'H from Chicago Hiiwik of Utin. Kri'tiicjiit an iiMliiKii!arly lit utiiilliliiU for tlio wcoinl liluco mi tilt' tlckut." Thin historic ierwiiUKo Iimh vIhMuiI (hi) convention liall and iiiudo it jn.wh wlik'h Htlrred uj M)iuo ontlniMliixiiu It JmjijK'iiH vory iinfiirttiiiuli'Iy for tlio candidacy of tlio I'atlilliidcr tliut tlio hlHtorliumof Altraliam Uiioolii, In tlio current iniinltor of tlio Century, clovotu a cliaptor to llio miltul of tlio part Fremont took in tlio war. The ItroHrfliiK Hoed of llio liour wiih to mivo JMlmourt, and a military com mander of experience and discretion illicit omltody the union sentiment In that Htate ho im to iicll the insur rectionary lire everywhere stirred up lty (lov. Juukaoii and (Km. Price. Tlio wrllerrt tell uh, "nltiioHt mil venftl piililloHmtlmcnt turned to .lohu ('. JremoutusllieduHlred lwvder for tlio duty," and ho wan coinnilHsloncd a uiajtir Ktiitnil In tlio regular army, and appointed to (ho command of tlio wotflcni deHirtmeut, confuting of Illinois mill the Htatcw and terri (oriiM ltctueun the Mlssimlppl and tho JtiK'ky Mountains. Mohmi-m. Jlay and Xleolay remark on this iiiHilutiiieul: "For a man wIhm genius coiilil have risen to tho rc tilrmiii'iiU of tlio occasion, It wiih a iiiiujnlllccnt ojijiortunlty an lniM rlal thwilru. Unfortunately the country and the administration hud overrated Kiviuoiit'ti ahllUK's." Tho Munition was urgent and Krumontalluued two weeks to pawn iKifuruhohont his letter of acceptance and oath of olllco. (ion. Kcott tele graphed I ill 1 1 to proceed to his com mand without visiting Washington, and l'oMtmaMtor-doiioral Hlalr day by day urged him to go on to IlMourl. IJo roaehed Ht. I.otils after delaylug three weeks, and founil aimrehy pervading tho state, hoiixtM and bridge Iminod, farms plundeiviL railroads obstructed and broken, loyal men kidnapped and awuMliiatod. (Jen. Lyon's weak force wits without provUloiis or supplies, but ho held the Held gallantly until iloftmttHl and slain at Wilson's en ok. Kremout, m ho had Just returned from ICurope, juit on absurd style, appointed a poiiwiml utatt'of foreign ers ooimplcuuus for their fanttiHtte tit It and irMiidy trapplugM, mid hedged tho upjinui'li to his olllco wjth a oonbm of Iwyonets. Instoad of bringing order out of eluuw, he made tho cmifiMloii more dltv, by liW contempt for military methiHls Htid hlseiHlmvor to furw euwueim tlon on the government, den. JIunUti'Miid ITol. Kmuk lllair weiv MXMwUy liwtttictal to wMteh III oouiMtMiy priHvedliigwiMr. Kivinoiu tcHk ottbium at any liiterfereinv and wtHit on to Washington, whore he uhumh! MHiHM emunrrHiiifiit. lie ww rottiuved to wvtilcl WHintor iv MUcmi. AfUwr tho enulilug w.Hurv of uutltiiM iuhiIw by writww wIiuhi (CHtillVCHiy CHIIIlUt lM llllHlglltNl, It wuhl li fWly to put l'rwiimtV iwmi cmi the ticket & omiuII11 Air vloMMtilitt. I Id l mh IntertMing olucr.mter, hU llr Mud wlvetutv HW H guutl theme htr mmwhw, but lib U mi mwx4o1 iul hu nmtn tktu wcwUI alirivW up Uk Mi'h iiHMit ImAmw tho rlrt of h jmJdei tUl cwtuwltfu. '11m U mii tlii MUrty Mttltrtl wv whuIwI for Ut tlolivi, itud U would be 6Ul Ui aet up Mty Intro lu buoknuu tVuut mu lu dulguv lu k M-utiuu'UU (Jl.A1mto.sk W Wutu owiur M KUMpUM bVll. Il Ium ptel( uf 1m1 on the (liuitUMi iW cou wuMllug t1uc vtw of Utw fWlks mm) Utuugh HcuU(on uw trtwl rnU Uuhw to tuducw ulut t wdl, be will nut mt wliu u. A PUHUIU4JIT MJMouri wklow m blWLgtll 11111 MMiMt Uw CMllUtr Tk looM pmjvmt lor MiyUm kn bar t n COMMMCMSTIC UXI'KKIMEVT. Some two or three year ago a par ty of Americans afflicted with the communistic idea, and unable to carry it out practically, owing to the prejudice of the community, went to Mexico, and K-t up a colony at TcjiKiloboniiKi liy. The bafis of the Hcheme was the old familiar one, as It Iihh been dewribod coro-s of times. The ToiKtlolKtinpians were to have everything in common, give up all idea of tterwtnal lilterty, ambition, iHMrew and betterment of condi tion, abandon not only the right to hold projtcrty, but to buy, ttell or ac quire It In any way, and to claim no reward for toil, nklll or aptitude In any direction. TIioms who had a mind to work would pool what tliey produced for the common use, and thoeo who preferred indolence would, of course, live oil' the earn ings of the others. In short, it was to be tho Ideal of the hoelallwtic plnn, u fool's paradise. The colony Iiuh now been lu oper ation for two years, and no tidliigH coming from It, the governor of that district visited it recently and found, what might lie expected. The com intiiiiHtM were housed in tents, which gave them little or no "belter. They wero meanly clad and luid a pre carious supply of provisions. They had grown Idle and thriftier, and led a mere animal existence, i moHt of them spending their time in In dolence or llshlng, and tho whole colony wan fast gett.ng down to tho savage condition of nomads. Uliey bud hud u fair chance to test the virtues of socialism, and again It had proved an utter failure. It Is objected that our present Hystem of competition one striving against another produces helllslinesH and Injustice, and tho weak are pushed to the wall; but ltalso brings out tho active qualities of tho race, as our reward Is generally proportioned to our iiK'fulne-H. The above exper ience, which has been oft repeated, Is a Hiiftlclcnt refutation or Henry tlcorge's land theory, which as sumes that the soil, like air and wa ter, Is free to all, and Is subject to occupancy iilono not ownership. This has been tho policy of the gov ernment In the management of the Indians, holding their lands in common, but allowing each mem ber of the tribe to cultivate all ho chose. They have been lumpish ami unprogrewivo under nueh a system, ami the government Iiiih now wisely determined to allot the lands In severalty anil let each red skin rustle for himself. Rolllshness is not an amiable quality, but provi dence has made It the chief Incentive to exertion. Tiiih Is the second day of tho con vention, but the publlo intercut in Its work has not yet culminated. California him won the honor of furnishing the permanent chair man. There In an excess of zcul In the delegation from the Coast State, which may lie duo to Uh keeping open house and treating frioiids oonvlvlally. The Oregon delegate are more devoted to hukluci), and do not llgure hi compkntously In tho deafening clamor. Judge Thurston's Kuguolouseoun'! to iwjHH't -Hhdiio'H oxproKtHnl wish has given otletiK) to that stutomnau'rt iuot ellus Ivo friends, and they threaten dis cord In the convention. Hut wo hope to mo nUMleratlou and good son) (uvvall. Kmni the many eminent rpublliMUM w1iom iihiuw are mentioned for the prtvddenoyau acvptable eholee can U made, and we look to we this noUy iwlloo for the man fiiim Maine give way to better Judgment. "A tki'htki. iHxik-ktK'per," iw tho lUMUh ronds, lit a Now York Iwnk, luw lKtroyd the eonlhleiHv rcKii-Ml In him by turning up the lmehMtid oftwowlve. lie WHHlmpwrtlHl In the dWtributlon iH his eoniiiy, niidliir alteriwte tilghts with omoIi of hU frxetloiml MjHHtMin, Htid e.- plMlulng tlwt hw oil nlgliU wont iHtit III ihMIiut hu IsHiks in tho bttnk. Thi story might do Mrvlet IW hw bile, but lww ho dlvhUnl hlm svlf up ou Sunday not expbtliKMl. wtieii our gay uxuitnoHnuiinmon Ul enlMiiglemeut w cxpciMHl, th bank pHiiU were tluuulertnok Ht hU liuuunllty. hb Uwfut wtlV whn prtwimtMl with wirruw, nud hh myoud HHtum enllwl him H iikum4 . Hut he took It Mil m h niHtter uX arfiuUl UHuient. Hki.va Uhkwihui glvt nmuu tW Uer eutiy lu Mm ctouIkU wmib nuw thnt lUaftbtk uf ICuglMul mu1 10mU 1 1. uf S4u, InMh vumuwnchMl thr imul In NNMI. HiMMy, lu MtO VVHlt Ul her vkwtieu: "V eoukl ait lu my )egnt-uruhatoil muhm, Uk OftsYwr CWv-wbMHl ur Uml Phil tfhwiiWu, mmI Olvtota to tkM uuMtiiM UmU wvaOlUw ww mmI Umu oUwr HiobUM Umm w eU tn mvv, mkL If tbw reM HPMOh of adbb RngUtli hud In odifwi, vrMk mjm wmm mm MMm ttwgteri MM NMk wjr lltwttymHMi M JfKW TO-HAY. Proposals for Supplies S.at fAn. ripvffntl. mo 'thi,foi.iiiieuciug Julf 1, & ( OROCBRIS. HOW) lb UveriKHtl mU, flu. !i 0 v, Klrk' Sktoii. Id LH fiOO WO 7M HO 141 X) (K ' SU 1W 10CW) 300 IK) UK ) m w it jirlr'l p'''he. tnwblne ilrlert. Mrt.kenl, So. 1 extm IW. Th, V. r. braiii , I'tMiehuuj. Tittwei-". Il..'l'ln brniid. alow mrcli, FlrHileh ilt'g.Co.) Cornstarch, (Osweio) Soda crackem, extra frw. J'.alsl.n, California Uijutt. Oerini'U, bixsrrv'ii ,iew rirore. Kuxar.7000 ib OoMen UK JlbsGran- Chciw, Cranston's, or ai gooI. Corn meal. Uollwi l' Coarne hominy. Dried currant. Uarh. iwxla, Church i Co., A A H 100 ' WhlU) rattilc wtap. Contl. 100 ' Tapioca. 12 doz. Iirooin, No. 1 extra anlelil. U Cttiia ojier, blue pot t',2lb. VI I'laylnicciU'l, .eaver brand. 2 ' CJtu. Worcelemhlrewi ce,Ietler- rln. t ri,u nllvn ml. 900 gal. sr'nri, exira golden, American rc- nne, . H00 ' Clit-r vlnewt. 40isr. pure. 100 ' Coal oil, M klflloii tank l'earl brand. 100 ' MolannM, Orleans oxira.; 2 12 Kal w (XHien bowln, round. 25 urotH matches, Metroolitan t Cum. Co. i doz. whisk bro.tms, 2 btrlng, velvet top. 0 ' dPlH'i'Utratedlye. Turkey dusters, 14 Inch. COFFKK. lOOOllis. Costa lllca.lst Rrudc. Vjb ciitvurnmciitJava. 1,1 ltntl Muchu. 40J Chicory. EI'ICES. Ifi01l. Illiickpcplicr. 20 ' Macv, 00 ' Clnimmon. 00 ' llhiKcr. 20 ' Allspice. 20 ' Mustard. .... , 20 ' Clo;s. All Btnndnrd graand. I'l.UMUlNO. 1U doz Ji-nltlui valvos, 3 ljf Inch, 0 Hi Inch, .18-8 Inch. r.Mii'cl'. t aJ4 iircssurc ri'itucliiR vnlvo. 1 Ue: -i compression ho hlb. , 3 ' Kllwtt s, H tiot 2 Inch, 2 doz ?i Inch, 4 dor M Inch. . , ... , luTloz Tlch. doz 2 Inch, 1 doz Inch, it tickets, U doz m inch. lifozlnch lj2 ' Plum, 1 doz 3-8 inch, lA doz i mch. 6u feet 1 inch cahauizwl iron pipe. 10) llw sheet lead. 16 ' Holder, fi 2C J lb pressure aiumes, 0 lnoh face. DIIY GOODS. 78 uross buttons, 10 dress, 48 shirt, 10 coat, 10 pants, H each size. 1 cross pins, American. 176 Urn Oregon yam, all wool, 150 lbs white, 26 lbs blue. '1 rants hooks and eyes. MM ila Clinton lloiuie), Nashua XX VllOliill "iioi. "i'.u" - r.mH inir. liitMiciiiMl. 10 inch 260 Miuselllos, York MI'K Co., checks, llrown Denims, AmoskeiiFC, 9 oz. Ixinsdi lc flue sheeUuR, 30 Inch. CubOkA, DwinhtMlYOo Mariner stripes, AmoSkeaK. l'etiuut shoelin', heavy (A) CG Inch. ' ' 45 Inch. CauMis duck, 8 ox, wliltl , Check Flaunul, Contiueutal. HAHDWAHK. 226 200 200 H) t'X CM r 200 1 nail puller. 17 doz table knlvos, iron handles. 0' Table forks, Iron handles. 12 ' Iron table skkiis, tin plated. l . Illnnur luillil. hBross screws. 2 Kr2'i No. 14,2 Kr lJi No 12. 2 itr 1J No 10, 2 ur ti No 7. 3 packasw i wagon bolt ; 1,3-8x2; 1. 3 8x3 100 fw' bar mm Norway, ttV,i; soft Wxl; 40ft 3bxH 150 feet round Iron, Norway, J ft 3 8; 50 ft 6-18, 60 ft 7-l. , ,.,,,. , . 1 blacksmith's vlC, Peter Wright patent, A Inch Jaw. 1 Maxtur 8 w reiich, h Inch. - 1 l'r llllliaiiirs players. 0 luchea loiiu. 1 Nippers No 4 S doi iwekaiies tacks.l, (1 o; 2, S oi;2,12 oz 1 raehet drill, 12 Inch handle. 1 hand saw, It Dlssou, ual!ty No 12, tooth. l'Al.NTS. , 10 uiilloiis Isvlltxl llnsewloll. SO 11m llmieer wlilu lead. 10 gallons turpviiUiiu. STATIONKUY. 1 lsx stub lwiis, C C and Welch. 4 401 pens, Ulllotl's, 1 ' IajiiiIuii InrHiiitvM'oHt l'enCoNo4. tl reams ltltr iair, Uve Oak. Hots Ink, 2 ts Arnold's 1 ttt Station! s. 6 lo lead Hictls, Falr Nos land 3. .1 ' lead iinoils. Wiir tablet No 2 li Payroll's liulelllJe Ink. CltOfKKUY. ' 2-1 ilos tea cuix without handles, w k 21 21 ! it &iiiirn. w ir. Soup plait, 7 Inch, w K. IHiiuar plau.', 7 inch, w it. 1 khIIoii (iltchur, w u. ri pIMUM, w t. 1 VI ' fi C ' 8 ( v. 7 ' 6 ' qt bowi, wu. (Slaw lumblem. VealbWiUh. lOtnehw k Syrup idulien, Un. Salt celUt, glaw. 1'epiHtr box, lUw. anil liiienBK, t mtlloli )u.i, ixtrtheu. Meat pltnr, 10 Inch, w . MUM dlditM.S lui'h, w K. ludlvtdual crwuer. FIAIUR. All u kV) iMrroU Umir, twt. rullor lirtw, UtlKtMhwfvrtiumiuliwI. HllOhX AND l.KATHKlt. tl diw l(ltH' !; W wlw No H l llw No M )lm No 4; IK llr Ni I; "1 lrkNo4; lllil. H wntm ho btvm, M, He h bhuvk luc. 6 IVlmtitfu'n Itwvy uliow.Sto Ht I ' Pnl.ti Wdlra' nuri'' llpiin tri H ' Ptr,plrT. , . S U ilr buei: plm S, t prtlru 7, 1 lli . wilrilO pli II. 1 lil hMruew Iwiuer, hmvy CMVIternVti, nllU gtMMi. 1 kld aul hwllirr, SI llw each. I lb tin thrMl, .No . , .. , botltrt Imther i-Mwiil, iXxikS a ft CM. U lbs um ualbc ft lb V lfaK- 7 llw hmliutlk: 6I1m:u.U. kw wlrk luolher kltpperk, .NoT. T1NWAUK. M do ulul elM. ttob wuik. rOUl.m. XXX Mr. lott I ul aitMMM. Mlon buekvi. (jmp dumb 1 jMUan vnuillv Inm pit fmi kklnt..Hn, ft luch. u. U Ldki. 1U: loch. . Uimttli turn w pu, H u. UnuUi toon (mmm: iiki; rt MKAtK. 3Mlb mt tey, ntur urhw.nr MMfMH muuua. m ryjulml. lu iu MHV BMV NW wtam tiUKnrns 1M'1) ft lb MM IKMUIIte, MK MMI MUoaur Irun ur liuntutt. fi Kxl anmtl nui, suibbv . ' cukKlWuiu mW KQdML Ut vwakit, kiuiSb ; nww I'l'lUI, WHI RfcH. I t. gM !, ! 11 A cn atoriwM.IUjtOl rtMNM.I'UAOk Mttllk. PUAtVv W MU MMMUr iph l S&Smv & Tt,M ,. m if Inuroet" of tlw OtMoa .iMiie Asylum hereby Invite Mitel pw- ihe fol lovrttt Wl'twif 1 Ir n 1 ' Cfcrb ammonia. 1 ' muriate ammonia. 2 ' corrosive siiDiimme. 5 bkxrtt aote. 2 brom poda. 2 Hc1 " lrwn !". X eauMic piwii. U Mchnmiate pwten. 4oz rwtib Iodine. 2 iKloform. y. wilph morphine, 1; A ; w . V, sulpli quinine. 1' A W. V suipn sirjeiiuuic, V willH nxtnu!teriL.nulboS S Uh nubnlt bismuth, Siulbb. powu acacia S ' powrt aloes, soc S po..(t Colombo root. U ' powil ext licorice. S ' )jn cainphor. 1 Kiim Itenzoln. y. ' etimmtealni. g wild cherry baik, ground. ciiyeo oernex, sulphur flowers. 25 ' ctoiri salts. 25' ground flaxseed. 2 Mccli peps'",ciieiiers. li ' vnnllla liean, Jlexloan. 5 VHwlln. 1 powdijintter. 1 rsiwd gentlnn. 4 oz IycoiHidlum. 5 oz antipy in. 10C pills, Hloln comp. 1 lb ' L' U i?el coated, P I) & Co. 1 lb plU C C susfiir coaled, 1 D & Co. 10 gal Kastern nlcoliol. 5 ' ltwdO KCnt.cr whisky. 0 urnpe brandy. 5 port wine. :i hhery wine. 3 glycerine. S ' Castor oil, linker's A A. ,S ' lipst NorweInn Cod Liver o". 1 ' olive oil, genuine. 1 gross pill boxes. No. .10. .-A) tiieh No. 1. 2.3 uud 4 empty capsules 2 oz oil invenuer. 2 oz oil rosemary. 1 only 2 timm gmuunie. 1 only 4 oz porcelain enscrole, with handle. 1 onlv ciuari. percolator, glass. 1 eneli sieves No. 20 mid 40. 1 set SO grain suppository moulds In tin frsune. V. grovi 2 oz ltottles. '2 groan 4 oz bottles. grew tl oz bottles. gro 8 oz boitles. Win 5 bbls Rill soda. 12 lbs Japan wnx, winte. 2 lbs largo carrlngo sponges, sheep a wool. 1 lb stilph ether. 2 doz strengthening plasters, 8 J. J4 doz clinical therinometcrs, Insfront, tested. 2 lbs V E colomlto root, 1 D & Co. Samples may bo seen nt tho otlico of tlio board of trustees and goods must belli ac cordance therewith. The board lescrvcs tlio right to reject any or nil bids. , ii.iivnrv of sunolles will ho rcnulred Within ten days notice of acceptance of bid. A copy or tills iiuvertlscmeni must accompany each bid. The name of tlio class of supplies bid uiKin must bo written on tlio envelop. Kach bid must Include all the items In the special class bid upon.nml must give ttie Items and totals In full, with exception or bid on meat. Auditing olll cera arc prohibited by law from conlirmlng nccountsof purchnsoswlien advertisement doc not contain a full and complete de scription of tlio kind of articles to be pur chased, lllds will bo considered at 2 o'clock p. in. on Tuesday, July .'l lMs. HYIA' ASTKIt PENNOYEIl, GEO. V. XlcllUIDE, O. V. WE11II, Hoard of Trustees. W'M. A. Munly. Clerk of Hoard. NEW AllVrUTISKMENTS. GREAT DISCOVERY! Dr. H. SMITH Nowln iKVMCwIonofn new discovery in medicine, which is purely a locnl nnivsthct lcandacts almost Instantaneously on tho Kiirroundlng tissues r the teeth. It Is In no way lnjuilous or unpleasant to the taste. Tlio niiiuufiicturercof it claim that Its equal has never been known before, and by npplylng it to the sensitive or soro tiH'tli, thev can bo denned and tilled wltliout inilii. So all those that want all Kliuisoi ueniai won, none wiimmi imiii, would better call on Dr. II extracted for CO rents, Smith. Teeth II. K. Dullois.' JOE DUBOIS Dubois brothers I'roprletoi-s Glicmckcte Hote KRE13 BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers, From 81 to H ir day. SAMCM, - - ORKC1 N. CRONISE & WILSON. LKADtXe JOB PRINTERS. (In State Iiummmw llulldlnc (kxMlwork. Knlr prii. IVihiiiX. H IInU. FOR UAROA1NS IX PURNI T URE ao to KOTAN .t WHITNWY, M Cwrt StrMt, SIm, Onm. ttevtac boucht out the rvutalnder of the telr Mtory't bwfc, w n jmiMml to kK MtUrs bww Utkn imj- hoow In Ongon DUGAN BEOS.: PLUMBERS ! HAS AND STHAM HlilS, AMt kMlK tit. Steam and Plumbing Gooils, SAlJUt, ORHQON. mop. i. mmii, iTiol"ierof Music mBtS&s&t? M jjtmtMam.iiMiHhimrammu NEAV ABVEUTISKJIENTS. T Attertioii to what w il Mention! Know All, bv these presents: That the Cnpltol Adventure Co. neither slmXrs nor bleeps, but are awake and up to the times, and know WeU ffow?uB to tho depression of business in the East there will be many failures. Sow wo want to be ready to capture any bargains that may be offered on account of such failures, and to do this it will be necessary for us to be on hand in New York and Chicago, m person, and be am4 with plentv of the commodity commonly called Cash, with which we ran boast the iwople of this country are well supplied, and in order for u Sect It. we will from now until the first of August offer such bargains as will induce those having money to divide with us. You all know that our Manager has nccn in business here for the last twenty vcars and always docs as he advertises. About August 1st he will .i.. if n iiv n innm fall fetock. and in order to do this we will nir our whole stock of goods consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Cars, Trunks. Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, Paper, Envelopes, ISotions, etc., at a ..'! ii ...,.i i r,(or H,nt tlio m,nnml Pilbbn mav kiinw tl,o .. great sncrinue, auu in u.uv. w...v . ...rf ., ...,, c mean business, we mention the price of some of our goods till August 1st. A good Hemmed Handkerchief for 1 ct. A silver, gold or steel thimble, 1 cf-cmch. A spool of Clark's, Coat's or Kerr's Thread, A spoolgood Sewing Silk, best brand and assorted colors, for Sc. 2 spools Silk Ilutton Hole Twist for 3 c 2 bkclns Saddlers' Silk for 3 c. 1 sheet gold, sliver or plain Card Board, 1 c. worth 10 c. 1000,on0 doz. Horn nnd Cloth covered Dress Buttons worth 25 to CO c. a doz., forCcadoz. ....,., lOO.OOOdoz. Fine Jet and Metal Buttons, worth CO c. to $1 n doz. for 10 c a doz. 1,000 yds. Lneo worth G c. a yd., for 1 c. a yd. Luce worth 10 c. per yd. will be sold for 3 and C c. u yd. Other Edgings nnd f.,nh,i.li,rv In nrnnnrtlnn. The nbovo nro only a few of the genuine BARGAINS that wo will ofTer, Besides tlico our whole stock will bo oilercdnt prices lower thnn anywhere else in the city, without any exception YOU "WHO HAVE MONEY Can Secure Bargains SCRIBER i mi MmI a 1000 fine Ostrich Plumes for 50 o each worthSl. Ijirge stock of flowers, price no object. I jidtes' Chemise 15 c. each, worth 60 c Ladles' Night Gowns, 50 c. each worth $LS And nil our stock of Ladles' 'WhlteGoodj In proportion. 50,000 Ladles1 Hat fc'mmes 10 c each, werth 60 c. to 81 ench. 12 Fish Hooks nnd 1 Line for 3 c Good Scrubbing Brushes 5 c. each. Good AVhlte Wash Brushes 10 c each. Best Tatent Clothes Pins 6 c per doz. worth 12c Good Fly Hooks, 2 c each. 00 Renins Letter Paper, 2 c per quire. 10 lb Letter Pnpcr, 5 c per qnlre. 100 doz. Memoranda Books, 1 c each. COO boxes Lubln Toilet Soap, 9 c per boi worm , u. . , nt.ti rr nnnf sinniiTipr TTndprshlrts nnd Drawers for 20i reinh We nre not going out of business but nro hero to stay nnd only do this to mnko room . .,inro-niViii ainnU. Call nnd be convinced. Buy and bo happy. Remember these bargains can only bo secured at the Opera. Houi-o Corner, from the S, FRIEDMAN, Manager. All kinds 'of Farm Produce Bought. GREAT SLAUGHTER ! Having jteen conliiiued as Assignee of A. Mayer, I will now offer the entire stock of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, And Gents' Furnishing Goods, AT 1 HIT SACRIFICE ! To Close Them: Out. r. Nono. Reserved, ..all,. Must.', Go! All Sales Strictly for Cash. E. VILLIS, Assignee of A. Mayor. Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank. HACKS -:- AND -:- BUGGIES A flnellneoflwoks, buixlee. rU, rtafiw, buekboAnlv, etc. IWIi iW" make uU th batt etwtern made buggx Every one Warranted I JOBBING and HORSESHOEINt UMlOM TWM 1 and POHbE )1 -rr '