t ipe1 'frfgfpaj CAPITAL VOL-. ! SALEM, OR., WEDNESDAY, JUNE SO, 18SS. NO. OS 31ll!!J,Ww'l'rw JOURNAL. professional cards. 3iisoixi..vNErus. financial. TELKGUArilltJ SIMjINTS vTllKLT, ATTORNEY AT LAW (l aid District Attorney. Offlco nt court koJ-a rrUOV FORD, ATTORNEY AND mil -iw A GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT O&Yi. e,tn. Orcirnn. Onice In l'ntton's ckf up stat over Belt's drug store. Q Vr Offi HW cVpltol National fi.."lSxr5;mmi.rplnl Street. Sn em. Or. jjjK. v" - - ; . iV fcm Oroson Olllcowtth Tilmon ,L , Eton's hulutln?. Will practice . .11 the courts i wrcsuu. wiuius juac. """ .... -i.T rk mtTXTlT NTfl remlrcr. All work w .minted. !e ofe nt T. MoK. ration's book i iTP,nuiiu ",v,-'i ' -iVPRES WAGON. QUICK AND SAFE j1Af ,,:... -Win rtrnnln liavlnir bouirht le" fWlne of Walter Lowe, is SJmred to deliver trunks valises, puck- EJRsSSi to any Pirtof the city, quicker, . better, and no,tcr. than ft can be rv .j tiiinn-nmn iniiL no can irei in dinebynny oouy u'v. .- v u.u.o .. Simto's stable. I' insurance: Company. FIro and Mn rlno. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - - Salem, Oregon. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT scientist, anthropologist, physician and irmun. will open an otneo in tho New n.Ik Block, on Itiy 1st, for tho treatment if all dlc.ises of women, and nil other LnIccaci,on strictly hygienic and nat rral principles. Medical baths, oxygen and iHctro-magncllsm used. Charges strictly mouenue. rtuuiwauA..v,....i"o B- FOR SALE. For Sale. A Reed Iron frame Horso Power. Good for otl uses, lrom one to full capacity. All for tho low price of S-TO. Call at tho Pa cific Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Preserving Company's office. Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE 28S ACRES, S3 in cultivation, 30 acres good timber, bal; Slice pasture; 100 acres In fall wheat, a ires in rit. and SO in potatoes. House, terr. orchard, etc. Two miles north of sKin, may bo divided; price, SoO per acre, terms easy. Inquire of G. N. POTTORFF, Cor, State and Commercial Streets, Salem, STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! 530 ACRES Well watered and plenty o! timber. Two houses and two barns. Good orchard. Headovr and 1.10 acres olow land. Fifty i head of cattle with tho place If wanted, and nortesenougn to run n. v limn nvo nines of depot on the O. & 0. H. U. A bargain for somebody. Enquire at Office of Caoital Journal. FARM i FOR SALE. 1685$ acres, near Prospect hill, 7 miles, by agood road, from Salem, H3 acres In culti vation, balance in timber. Well watered, food 1000 house of Brooms, modcratobarn, well at the door; all fenced nndn thrifty joung orchard. Thirteen acres seeded to Pfeture grass. and 07 acres Ingrain. Pur- f chaser can have liberal terms to harvest ops PRICE $4000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to tho farm and save agent's toe. J. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at the Grange Store. KM. ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY Willis 4 Chamberlain. acres, s miles from Salem, highly ,, cultivated .... 88000 toti.good house and barn,- East Sa- ., lem 2500 , finely situated 10 Warn, 21 miles from Salem, well Improved, can be divided Into 3 or four tracts 10,000 W acre, 8 miles from sout h or Salem, tr iniprovememenU.tiue tl"-ber , and water MS0 Mock of land, Shoukes, rent for S12 each jwys Interest on )00u 3000 Wttres Similes south of Salem, fair , unprovemenw 2800 er, adjoining olty limits, in meadow lot, good natiee and barn, adjoining 1900 18S0 Imw, Halem, new Imhuo and" barn, Plenlv lit nail frtill ...... 3000 . The irBoing U but a partial list of the "Sains we liave to olftr. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera House, Court Street, Snlem. Sunn's OIL CAN HOLDER. Having uMd W. H. BmlUi's OU Can Hold-. Jin oar teTwml nunUlem, we .iMurtib' Jfll good wonk siwdeBln Mg. "U-Ueve It to be Um mot UMAit Mtd n euirnt iMNueboid arttet. PVf- Z. M. Ihuvln. Dr. j. ttwmoWa, ' Matthews A Co, A. T. Gtftejt i" J .. smith, Ir. J. W. MaradlUa, rhudwick, A. Urant. T. MUtter, H. KriMlniau . ' Wagner, Ueu. W. 9. Hjik6u, A. Mayer. ZEALAND H. W. epX, (Succcssorjto Tho Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem. Oregon RULI, LINE CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles. Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Phj sicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specialty. AGENCY FOR THK CEMiimATED FULL HAVANA FILLKK Red Letter 5c. Cigar. tS,Tho best Ave cent cigar In tho mar ket. II. W. COX, dw 100 Stato Street. Salem. STA1GER BROS., Importer.! and Dealers In Boots and Sloes! Latest Stylus! Leading Lines! Lowest Fiucis! Ceneral Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsytlie's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand. SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. A. E. STRANG, No. a03 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. DEALER IN STOVESand RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Slcam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. as-Agent for tho HICHAUDSON A liOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In 1W. Drills ant Ik W . un S - i k to wi cAcy.Arr ATA RK5? buCTlNHCeVbflQVlLLEaJ VVK Y'OU A COLD IN THE HEAD which does not get better? Jlaveyoti an ex oek'lve secret to u ot muens matter in the naaal paawtcesT Are you titmbwd by fiawl Htwklnff spllUng, weak and Inflamed eyes, JiTirilriliillneas or dluiueasof the head, dryneas or heat oftho note? Haveymi loatall seiM?ofn"ellT Is )-our breath toull Ifso, you have the Catarrh. Soine liare all Umm aymptoms. other, only a part. California Cat-R-Cure iiaaUirM the sence of taste and smell, removes bad Ute and unpleaaant breath, result' i.Vv rnom Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to tue. Follow dlraetloua and a our la guaran tiSaiS DrwTMATTnKAVH Co. .. i ...a AAH nuiMnr hi l.uiNtiniitfiiL.K ui iifMniuE. ku ,H Bifufii. liitntiurT iu- RltCOMMUNDSD CAIT. PiMMlX troubled .i vji.--"v"-----"B-"----?r-1- -ij 17V; . ... ,.ir . nr uc r ntUnV of Vi Ymb Pil hmlumfa1uil ana iioine 4iiuii i"?!- " """ r!5 '".'. .ia "? j"? with Cbronle uatarrn kt iweuir years, a. irwnu in wootuaoa, i iniiBilwl tout Caliwrnla CA i-iv-cu ar. x prwourowi a jar, navinf wi ww ibjui ui n wSoaMMnNn." g01J) VSD GUAKANTKED Y D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 state St., Salem, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot. First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. IiAlWE, President. DU. J. nEYNOLDS, - Vlco 1'rcsldenU JOHN MOIR, - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchango on Portland, San Francisco, New York, Ijondnu and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City wnrrants bought. Inrmers nro cordially Invited to dej)Ostt vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property at veasonabio rates. Insurance on sucli he curlty can be obtained at tho bank In most reliable companies. ESTABLISHED 11Y NATIONAL AUTIIOIIITV. n (U U(l OF SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - - S75.UU0 9,500 It. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. .1. H. ALUERT, --- - Cashier. DIRECTORS! W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, , .T.II. Albert, T. McF. Pat ton. LOANS m:ajde To farmers on wheat and other marlcut- ablo produce, consigned or In store, olther in private grnnarlcsor public warehouses. State and County Warrants llonght at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, Loudon, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. aiAKKBTS. TteSAl'EM "MARKET US COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of Fresh and Salt Meats ! And all kinds ol SAUSAGE. ,03-Tho CLEANEST kept market m tho city. Call and see for yourself. McCItOW ft WILLARI). CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. as-All kinds of frosh and cured meats always on hand. Full weight and a sqnnro lonl all around. BENSON'S EXPRESS. LEAVE ORDERS AT LANCE'S LIV cry Stable, corner of Stato and Front streets, or on slate at corner Stato and Com morelal streets. Prompt attention und care guaranteed. W. A. 1JENSON. STRICKLER EROS. DEALKllS IN STOVES AND TINWARE! Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. 43-At the old stand or lion. Strang, Com mercial Street. r thcONly-; qowwTEc:j: wm w fiik : . -X - - -. frequent horeueas of the throat, rlniiK nt tha tve been Ml., reeom- fellnuilu Tl H 'II T I I 1" I lEiii nun lMiuoiiaiDiiiiK Ayir t V --- ---, Helena, Mont., is aUHctwl with a gniijl ofburRiars, and tho vigilnncc COmilllltc'l' llivi i.lvotl llntlcn tlint they will clear out the thieves. The boarding house of the Ban ner mine, near Boise City, burned down on Sunday, and two men, Mike McCtillough and Con Bum gartner perished in the Humes. Sev eral of the inmates saved themselves by jumping from the second story wiudow. Tho train robbers of tho Northern Pacific train, nro retreatimr towards tho Rosebud, and are chased by two sheriffs nosees and two troops of cavalry. It is believed twelve Texas cowboys composed tho gang aud large sinus are ollered for their ar rest. Blaine arrived in England on Monday night. Ho declines saying anything about the convention ex cept that he is interested in its work. A mischievous printer in tho Ma con (Ua.) News office, an intensely democratic paper, inserted a head linoovor the editorial column, "Tho leading republican paper." A whole sale withdrawal of subscriptions led to an explanation. Indictments have been drawn by a special grand jury against boodlcrs in the New York board of aldermen. The National Fishing Association havo adopted a resolution indorsing tho senate on the fisheries treaty A London dispatch says Billon's friends have forcoodings that ho will notsurvlvo his six months' imprison ment. Col. "W. H. Webster, treasurer of Merrick county, Neb., is short $35, 000 in his accounts, aud cannot ex plain what ho 1ms done with tho money. His bondsmen will make goott, the loss. Senna. Cal., hits had two fires in two weeks. Tho first ono occurred on Monday, and did $33,000 worth of damage. It is stated that tho dowager Urn-prci-s Victoria will probably go to Italy for a shore rest, then to Eng land for a time. It is not likely thatjjho will continue to live in Berlin-; Tho New York lawyer who per suaded Teller Scott, of the Man hattan bank, to steal SlfiO.OOO of its funds, was on Thursday sentenced to nine years and eight months Im prisonment. In Pittsburg tho amalgamated iron workers on Tuesday oilercd their employers to remain idlo three months rather than submit to a reduction of wages. Tho manu facturers require all tho mills in tho country to bo included. An answer will be given on Thursday. There is a rumor circulating in London and Paris that Henry Stanley, the African explorer is dead. No official news to that effect has boon received. "It 3I.ACS 31c TIre.1" To read all theso advertisement) of medicines upon medicines whon they enumerate with such particu larity aud minuteness of detail, all the diseases mankind, womankind, and oven "babyklnd," are heir to. How cheap oup feels to commence what sho supposes to boa tragic or tender love-story, read until her sympathies are so thoroughly aroused that sho can scarcely sleep without knowing whether they were married or not, and then havo it end something like this: "Br. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the only positive euro for all classes of "female weakness," such as prolap sus, inflammation, jwriodlcal pains, etc. For sale by nil druggists." Br. Pierce's Pellets are Laxativo or Cathartic according to slzo of lose. An experienced eastern statesman says that over two-thirds of tho bills Introduoed in state legislatures fail to ln'oomo laws bocauso of their de fective construction. Kven If pMHd by tho legislature aud ap proved by tho governor, they would bo inoperative 1mhsuu of tholr loose phnuuology. As a remedy ho sugxts the creation of anew olllcer to I Hi known as counsel for the legislature, whose duty it shall bo to examine every bill before Its pMSMujafor the correction of defective phntMtology. Lus Amuiclkb Is to be maeadRin Ized with lxirpliyry, a large quarry of thU valuable stone lutvlng Ihjcii opened within A renaoimhle dUtttiioe from Unit city. The real estate agent of Los Angeles confidently predict Um discovery of King Solo mon's mines in tlw Immediate vicin ity shortly. Crmin soda, ice cream aula, milk akakea, let iwmadeH, at Wrong Co.'s. Call ou Winters A. Thonuufw the best grooari) in town. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY Chicago, Juno 20. The national republican convention re-convened at 12:30 p. m. to-day. Boche, of Illinois, mado a motion calling for tho report of the commit teo on permanent organization. The chairman announced that tho committee on credentials would bo ready to report nt 8 p. in. Tho convention then voted to ef fect pennanent organization, and nt 1 p. m., Chairman Estco took tho chair, and was Introduced to tho convention. Ho spoke for about ton, minutes, and briefly referred to tho Oregon diction of two weeks ago. Boche, of Illinois, took the plat form and presented tho convention with a gavel of solid gold and silver; but Works, of tho same stato outdid Boche when he, amid loud applause, presented to Chairman Estco n gavel mado front tho wood of a desk iiq tho tannery at Galena, which was tho property of Gen. Grant. Tho committee on rules reported, giving Dakota ten votes and Wash ington six votes In tho convention. Hoar moved that tho report of tho committee on rules be adopted, ex cept as relating to alternates. Butterworth, of Ohio, moved to limit nominating speeches to lift con minutes, and seconding speeches to ten minutes, but this motion failed to be adopted. Johnson, of New York, moved to re-commit rule 10 to tho comnutteo. On motion of Hoar, tho conven tion took a recess until 8 p. in., whon the committee on credentials is ex pected to report. It is hardly likely any balloting will occur until to-morrow. SKVEIlB HAIL STORM. ItoiiRli Encounter With tho Klcments in .Montana. HilLENA, Juno 10. Passengers who arrived In Helena last night from Butte say that about 7 o'clock in Deer Lodge valley tho train en countered ono of tlio most violent hailstorms that ever visited this country. Tho rain at first poured down in torrents accompanied by terrific thunder and lightning, both sheet and forked. There was a lull for a few moments in tho rainstorm, but It burst with renewed vigor and hail fell ranidly.covciiiigtliegrounil several Inches deep In places. Tho stones were of immense size, tho averaire belnir lamer than walnuts, Nearly all the windows In the cars were broken, tho hailstones going through them like bullets. Tho ventilators were smashed and there are oven indentations ou the sides of the cars, showing with what mighty force the hail must havo been nulled, xsoucoi tne passou' tors were struck by the stones, They hovered to one sldo of tho car and covered their defenseless heads with whatever they could. Horses and cattle wore noticed fleeing terror-stricken before tho storm aud teamsters were seen at tho heads of their nlunulug animals seeming oblivious to tho hull which was evidently falling wlthforcosufllcient to stun or bruise severely a man or an animal. The Hailstorm nistoi fifteen minutes and seemed to cover but a small area of territory in width. Tho cold that followed the storm was Intense, tho thermometer sink ing at least oil degrees, A Sou ml Ugil Opinion. IS. Bulubrldge Munduy JCsq,, County Atty., Clay Co., Tex. says: "Have used Electric Bitters with most happy results. .My brother also was very low with malarial fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely utie ofilthls medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr. J). I. Wlleoxson, of Horse Cave. ICv.. adds a like testimeny: hhvs: He positively believes he would have died, liad It not Immjii for Electric Bitters. This ureat remedy will ward off, as well as cure all malarial diseases, and forall kidney, liver audtfomauh disorders stand unemialed. Price 60c and $1 at Dr. H. W. Cox's. fytedal sale of aimnw at Bridges fc BozorUi'a, for this waek only. Owi' ulue bargains. 1-w. KKIi ESTATE TKVNSVCTIONS. Stato to P. K. Johnson, 30 acres, s 10 t s r 1 w, consideration, $61.00. J. W. Mlnto, shcrltr, to Trvln Schncldcr.lOO acres.tOs r2w,consld eratlon ?2000. J. W. Mlnto, sheriff, to E. S. Gro golrc, 8 lots in Catholic Mission Clalm.t 4 a r 2 w.consldcration, ?112, 00. E. Y. Chaso and wife, to Fred Hurst, 1 6 b 5, Salem, consideration, $1500. AV. M. Haines and wife, to W. M. Bawllngs,l 333 s w,ad. to Salem,con sideration $3"0. Matthais Johnson and wife, to J no. "V. Hicks, acre In Sllverton, consideration $50. Alvah Brown and wife, to Alonzo Brown s w 1 of d 1 o of Jtw. ami Lu clnda Brown, 1 11 s r 1 w, consider ation $750. G. W. Webb, to Mary E. Webb, 1 10 b 70 Salem, consideration SI. Jos. A. Hughes and wife, to Win. Wood worth 180 acres 1 0 s r 2 w, con sideration $20Sl). Wm. Woodsworth and wife, to Jos. A. Hughcs.n .) of n o 1 of s 15 t 8s r 1 o, consideration $S00. Williams & England.tc John Hoi den, 10 acres 1 7 s r 2 w, considera tion $300. Win. M. Davis to Elizabeth Young, 1 aero including slto of Da vis' ferry on Santiam river, tOsr.2 w, consideration $1. W. H. Hobson and Wife, and Uriah Whitney to Martha Whitney, 1 aero In Sutyton, consideration,?!) UTTEU LIST. Following Is tho list or letters re maining In the postolllcc, at Salem, Oregon, Juno 20, 188S. Parties call ing for them will pleaso say "ad vertised:" All letters published as non-delivered will 1)0 charged with ono cent in addition to tho regular postage. Adams, Mrs fi Barnard, John T Burton, George Canfleld. Mrs M Clark, Bona Catitell, Louis Cllno, Oliver Ekin, Kusan Hamilton, Elmer Hlmmcl, Joseph Hentlne, Anna Hedges, James J Howe, Bon Humphreys, Mag gie Lee, John Llcty, John Murphy, William Moore, Sarah Murray, William Blley, J P Bogers, W 11 2 Bobbins, John Simpson, Tlieo- Simpson, Amy doro Simmons, Wes Smith, George .... Tvner, James M Thomas, Albert Wicker, William Wright, Mary Wllleret, Fred- Worn, Jimmy crick Woodward, FM-2 Woodson, Harriet AVoltra, L L W. H. Odiii.i., P. M. .Net or 111 e 1!' If you sudor with asthma, bron chitis, or any other disease of tho throat or lungs, nothing can sur prise you inoro than tho rapid Im provement that will follow tho uso or BANTA AHIE. If you aro troubled with catarrh, and havo tried otlter medicines, you will bo unable to oxpross your amazement at the marvelous and Instantaneous cura tive powers of CALI FOKN IA CAT-It-flJHK. These remedies are not secret compounds, but natural pro ductions of (California. Sold atfi.OO a package; three for $2.50, and guar anteed by 1). W. Mathews it Co., 10(1 State Street. . Dull 'IKxpei Imriit. You cannot afford to waste time In experimenting when your lungs aro in danger. Consumption always; seems at first only a cold. Do not penult any dealer to Impost) upon you with soino cheap Imitation or Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, but bo sure you get the genuine. Because he can make more profit ho may tell you he lias something Just as good, or Just tho same. Don't lw deceived, but Insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which 1h guaranteed to give relief In all throat, lung ami chest afUiotloiiH. Trial bottles free at Dr. H. W. Cox's drugstore. Large bottles $1. Untklcn'i Arnica 8lre. The best salvo in the world foi cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrheiuo, fever sores, tetter, chapped hand, chilblains, corns, and all skin unit. lions, and iKwltlvoly cures piles, or no tttty required. It Is guaranteed to give iierfcct satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 cents m box. For sale by Dr. II. W. Cox. Cream soda, Ice cream soda, milk shakes, lemonades at Strang A Co.'s. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, 02 Htate street. 11 I it .liT-raaurc 25