'. in J. is Wf i Vlr I! I?: i '41 t k EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL i'uhmmshi iVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. MY Til Caiital Journal Publishing Coman". ( I.NOOKltJHATKI) JAS. R. SHEPARD, BurineM Manager. Otttt, 112 Court StrMt, OpfriC llonw Work. THUMB OK HUIWCIIIITIOM I1AII.Y. t... .Moll M ti ,jc immtlx, by mail 2 HJ in mfintlM by nihil ...-... 1 X I'er week dellrered by carrier 15 WXKKI.Y. gne year - tl TO Ix months..-. . . " One ywir, If iwlcl fur In advance,.. 1 W Hlx inontlHi, M lrritiiMi(ni Bre telve mibnerlptlotm. authorized to re- ilr.T. I). Toiler 1 our duly mithorlzed traveling Hgnt. WKnlercd an nwond-bHW matter Ht tliu nlcni.Oreon.rtoinc-. March . IHW. "WEDNESDAY, JUNEO, 1888. KNTIIUHIAHM WON'T DO. IJro. Webb In n btmy innn. If tbe whole liunmii nice wiw umliivil with IiIh onorgy, electricity would bo too low u motive force, anil tho nciircHt pluiiutiiry IkxIIch would Imj annexed to tho United rjtten. Ah ii prolil delegate to tho national convention mill iroinigiiudlHt, on the earn one half of IiIh lime, lie may Imj Mip jMwed to have work and excitement enough to almorb all IiIh facultleH. Btlll hollmlH tlmoand brain power enough to miiicI uh a letterevery day, luiHtlly and Incoherently written, of x)urw), but Hhowiug clone obwrvn Hon, fuuilo K)vcrH of oxjircHNlon and buoyant animal Hjlrltn. Ve publlnh theHO let tern uh nearly -iih we can keep up with them, be lieving they are Intororiting to the .general reader, and not cloning our oyoH to tho fuel that our wary friend takes oocuhIoii hem and there to make a jMilnt. In a letter to hand ycHtcnliiy we notice an lugeuloiiH attempt at )ro)iigandlug, hidden ho deftly under the dlKgulnu of fervor and romance, that we pluck it out of the comparative hcoIiihIoii of cor roHpondeneo to give It. tho greater prominence of tho editorial column, lie In telling of tho rldu from Mln neaKillH to IiiillauiipoliH, with a crowd of fellow delegate to tho prohl convention. They were full ofenthtiHliiHui; applauding erowdn an they whirled pant the varloiiH nta tloiiN fed thin tuteiiHlty; and many were new to the excitement of jmiIIIIch. Among other eharaeterH lie lutroduciiH a Father Mahoncy, of Kt. 1'iuil, it young Irishman of mod ent inleii, who deprecated IiIh until nil MhynoHH, and avowed IiIh reluct- uiicu to mixing In the convention hall with tho crowd of obntivpeniUH HtraugurH ho would meet, following nil purultN In life, and profiling every form of rellgloiiH U'lluf. Here in the holy iiiiui'm talk In tho car: It had long been Improved In IiIh hiHtrt that the glory of (led and (lie welfare of humanity demanded the total Hiippretwlou of the Ihpior tniUle. Ilo lioKd (iod would accept the ef fort of one ho humble, until the higher dlgulturiori of (lie church would come out ami take tho lead. And an the Havlor had pmyed ho fervently that all who le llcvcd in Illui might bo one, Jie could not help believing that thU prohibition parly would bring nlMHit tho fulminicnt of the holy pmyer. Ho iMiuld noo It bridg ing over the chimin that Hcpnmtcd north and nouth, and alno dniwlug together Pmtwtant and Catholle. Ouukeraiid lltiptUt, McthodoU and hpbt(oMklliui In one common cmim. It went even further. It Ixuiud together In one uuitisl etlbrl thit Iwirn In Amurtea, anil tluwo who miiim hither from llrw.t llrltaln, Oertuiiuy, Honiullnuvlu and the Mm of the mil Hmvlv, tho young prient Nlltl, With ItpltotoliO UlU'tloll, II WttlftV that einlnxlltM ueh a luHillug. mieli n unlfyiiiK nplrtt. nun.. I-jhiiIiikoiuhI with GtHr blixMiiug. Very deftly und alluringly put, Hru, .Webb, but It l mmtlnumt, anil Miutlnieut diHtni't prevail in (Million. When lVter the llurmlt pnvHohml the Ilivt erUKide to the Holy ltud, htlrrlug up the heart of tiiitlouiti nuil uliulng to reciio the tomb of the iiMrlyred Hvlor from the hand oftlw Intltlel, Htirwly n xaertHl a i.'.um niiMt have had ( Sod V dittoing. 'IIkiuwiihU JoIiuhI the Invading army, wluUe ftnutlltvt eiilUtlug iw HiblUrw of the on. Hut they dUln't hIii tlwlr otOeot. lteJIglmw fren,v Koveriiel liwteid if mlllury tllMtitllu, ami pmyerw wtmv ummI h vwihmm iHvnd at UttitvOktM and JllkMH, 'llHHtMllltU Of tUU tUHUllt- imry ImhaW dUl by th wiiy, mid tlHi vi rwwlw.1 lStU4Jiw Ml an 'wy jwyy to tlw mivu, It U wuoli tlw mihm with a now io)itlfMl imrty. A hurrnh ami a Wg ruli will imm mrry tlw twmuiyV MnmglioW. i.XMr IjUxhUI . hlWthm ulMM4otM tlM thU lu KHiimw ywMHg nU4 kvo lakt trv tut the lwUlHg iuUkui f tluit prty. Hut ltglfU IimuW nro twt whvIh CJ. They ijUe4Uttl tlw M'Ulwu of rucIi metholH. In lntrcxluclng a change In our x-lal life, friction, to (w great nn extent an powlble, must Ikj avoidel. You follow the Kirii tural method of taking one from a village and two from a family, and netting them aa leaven to work on the nt. You hedge In and circum Miribo this destructive agency with high llconxe, Hunday closing, and other iwllce regulations, until lt mot mlschlevou") ell'ectH are remov ed. Then there may be a good chance to close In on It from nil hIiIch. The Itou taught our cold water friends In the election on Monday will Ite useful, and should they experience a more overwhelming reverse In November next they will see thlugH with a clearer gaze. This Ih not tho age of miracles, and to change the habitH of sixty million jK!opc, nH they projoo to do, with a grand rush, would bo a surpassing miracle. A HOUI.I.KSS FHKIS TllAIIKIt, We cannot award to our neighbor, thoStatcHiuan, the credit and en terprise of finding a mare'H nest; but he has done the next best thing. He has come across a fellow who him made the wonderful discovery, he has desioIIed him of bis possess ion, and Imported tho natural won der into this city for the delectation of IiIh renders. It comes to us In the shniHS of the Mills bill; and that wonderfully progressive town, Coliocs Falls, situated at the mouth of tho classic Mohawk, where it Hows Into the Hudson, Is the source. It was reported, we are told, that all the cotton and woolen manufactur ers in that hive of Industry favored tho Mills bill. This being regarded as a tough story by the Albany Ex press editor, ho sent a rejiorter a ten mile trip In the cars, to find out the facts. lie caino back with a won derful story. I tin ho good that we produce It an follews: "The result of his Investigation shows that Innlead of the uiaufac turem all being for tlieMllls bill they were all opposed to It save one, and ho a democrat of English parentage. Tlie kind of American he Is can be seen from the statements ho made. He gave iih a reason for favoring free trade that It would bring employes down to starvation wages and then they would not lie able to strike, and manufacturers would have no more trouble with them." If the name of this perfidious free trader could lo known, wo would wager u trifle that It Is Dick Humt. He wan a young man during the war, or lMigllnii parentage, as wo cx- are told above, his father an tensive woolen manufacturer lii CoIiooh. He and a scoroof others of tho same occupation and from the Hiinio place, served lu the wiipo com pany with the writer. Private Hurst wiih tho life of the camp; al ways In some Heniie, a torment to bin oflleers; but with a heart as big as a cpiarter of beef. Ho was an in veterate Joklst, and showed a won derful faculty for twinning yarns. He and a younger brother have suc ceeded to the father'H business; Dick must Ih flfty years old now, but jhis hosted of tho same Insatiable spirit of mUelilef. This Albany reporter would go Into IiIh otllcc, with his eyes bulg ing out, to leant about the reported endorsement of the Mills bill. Hitch a man wouldjimt Imj Dlek Hurst's incut. He would till him full, and look uh solemn iisHlpiioenitoi while thus engaged. It In wonderful how ready polltio IniiH are to Ui gulled when they want to make a point. Our neigh bor huHCiiutlontMl his n-adoni against tho campaign liar, and he has him self lieen sold by the first one he on countered. IIKUM.INN CONOILVTiruiTHO. It U tixeiiMthlo lu CongixKwmtui Hermann to talk big, after the hand- some oudormuuttut he has revolved, lu the hoiiMi yiwtenlay he read imMaKH from Oregon, Informing him of hlo rv-electlon by upward of S.000 majority, and the rousing rv puldloau victory won all over the (date. He naturally fWt good, ami the iMUgmtulatloiM he received on all liHiuU niM have ImraMd his gHHl ftt4lg. Thin prvHiiptwl him to talk, of ixHirxs ami If the pro reporter low Iklthftilly rjwHluitl hU kn- twRS thu 14k rili he ihM fulK- Juif- the saying that tie whu tn full for utttmtiKM. Our metuUr ntk to Imw Ihmi the iMTti of the lwur, tlw deiMXHitle txmgrMHMi mi mr iMKViuIuvr tlnJrolusL'rin km to wrt him tlwt 4iuv Otvgxm ld rtiqdMiUoallj-dtwWirtHlIk reimWI eniUn, tUy wm gUiil Iw wm re- UlMel,utki4r rwUtloiw with him Inula! way Uw wnkMlOe tuul t- Wwy. All ef whUh U vry Ix the Ft. Louis convention, Cleveland, this morning, vrsm nomi nated for president by acclamation, but at this writing the man for the second place on the ticket has not been selected. The news from Ore gon took borne of tho superfluous vapor out of the delegates. Chauncky 51. Dkpkw, after o long indulgence in sweet, reluctant, amorous delay, has at bust consented to be made president of the United States, if ten million republicans de sire to confer on him the honor. lriou Far aa Attack Of fever and ague, or blloua remittent fever don't ort t quinine, ft cumulative and ieinlcIoii riruK that Iuih rulued many eon! Itutlim. lTc without delay a remedy which the leading iihyslclani of America have recommended for over thirty yeant Kit Hontotter'H Htomach Hitters. Dumb HKiie and aeue cuke, no lewi than the ac tively febrile fornn of malarial dlMet are promptly relieved and ultimately uprooted by It. In the tropic, where febrile com plalnta or thin sort are more virulent than In the temperate zone, Hostettcr'n Stomach Hitters has eHtabllithed ft reputation for preventive and remedial clllcncy which competition lias not been able to Hired prejudicially nay lnw even nerved to strengthen. I)lurdorn of the Htomach and boweln, ixirtlcularlly tlioo to which ma laria irlveH rlw. are unecdlly relclvcd br It. Kidney complaint, rhcumatUm, ncrvou- iicks ana aicepicKucHft, hick neuuaciio una eonntlpatlon yield to It. Appetite and ulccp are both Improved by 1U -- Wortb Knowing, Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fin., was taken with a severe cold, attended with n, distress ing cough and a running Into con sumption in its first stages. He tried ninny so-called popular cough renil dlcs and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in llesli, und difllculty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption and found imimucdiate relief, and after using about a half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures, as Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, guaranteed to do just what Is claimed for It, Trial bottle free at II. W. Cox's drug store. Wrary and Worn. When the tired factory operator, the weary out-door laborer, tho overtasked bookkc'eror clerk necks a medical recom pense fur expenditure of bodlly,;forco, where shall he Mud It? Could tho recorded experience of MiousamM of workers be voiced, tho verdict would bo that Hostct ter'M Hitters renews falling strength, stim ulates the Jaded mental iKiwcrs to fresh ac tivity, ami relaxes unduo nervous tension as nothing else does. Digestion, n regular habit of IsMly, aiipctlto and sleep are pro moted by It, and It Is an admirable auxil iary lu the recovery of health by coiiviiIch cents. A fastidious stomach Is not oll'enil- Sd by It, and to persons of both sexes lu cllcntu health who occasionally feel the need of an ettlclcnt tonic, the whole range of thopharmacopu'laand tho catalogue of proprietary medicines does not present a more useful, safer or more decisive one. It Is also Incomparable far fever and ague, rheumatism and kidney troubles. UUrorcrlri More Valuable Than Hold. AreHanta Able, the California dis covery for consumption ami dlscsiscs of the throat, chest and lungs, and California Cat-lt-Cure, tho only guaranteed cure for catarrh, cold In the bead and kindred complaints. They are sold at?l jier package, or three for$t!.G0.uud are recommended and used by the leading physicians of the l'aclflo coast. Not secret comiHiunds. Guaranteed by D. W. Matthews & Co., 100 atato street, Salem. dents' Furnlihlng flood. O. W. Johnson, tho clothier, keeps a full llnoof the leading maiiul'aetur ers' goods. Call and examine his stock of clothing and furnishing goods. FOR SALE. One nmn of Horses, seven years old. One Lumber Wagon. One Hack. Ouo Mure and Cult. loCows. One ywirllug Colt. One Harrow. One cultivator. One hand Prill. One Plow. lKtublellnrnoMi. for rtleulr eall at K. S. Wlntcra A Thoinns' atitre, KWCXmrt street. dM-wlmw T. K. TUCKKtU New I-Iicle Store IN SA.L1CM. Having rtmtiHt the store room formerly oeeepliHl by fttrttner A Tinaiiy, ou the north side of Htato street, I am prepared to imy I the UlghiMt murk! prUe, la ih, fur IililiM, furs wild slirep pWts, and to thono liming them ftr Mile, 1 usk to mil and see Him. aa I will glw phI prtees and a fidr umi hi nu. w B. M(ARTHUR -THK " OHKUOX KKU1T DIIYKR Is Simple of Construction, -ANv 1CAY OK 01rA.TION. AwanlA) im mwuIuiu at lit ttnkma IHftt tVlr ls--A--ss- A una l Um OM- MM, MM hAM JMUM inakktriM in i UX ttua. Kir linullip 4 lrtvlMl a44wa II. & JOKY A SON, laBl88B. SaUin, Ontcren -Uc7c y'unuwn.eWnUbeJ tn iIsm LiBiiLnLiiiVuFtSi g88S,oc, W. B. Migeri . X o c o o a o u gg2SSSe J. A. Retin. oSoOhAt D. C. Bjliod. SS88" F. A. Ford., ssssss: A. Gotnlet... c qp W.J. Culver. 3SSS" E s W. T. VinSeoy.. Joseph A. Sellwood. D. W. Yoder. 35S? W. T. Hindoo. "HlCf onSc J. D. Hurst. SSS8 L. lIrdlDg. SS2S netHn F.X. Mathlea . W. T. Orlm A. II. Cornellni..., Louli Butee. 0 fl i fl o 0 r Henry Prker. A. F. Blackerby., W. P. Johnson... O. G. Van Wgner.. A. O, CoDdlt.. VlrgtlH.Jleftde. CD. Colemia.,. J. B. SUrr., W.I. Itiy.... F.J. Bibcock AIM. Thompson.... Henry Schomtier.. E. M. Crolun. J. O. Eberbtrd. J. D. Dirby. 13S8" U.S. Jory.. Win. Simpson. SSS T. W. DtTenport. - c .-i te W. F. Dng.n., Chrle Miller.. T. I.. DivMion... W. H. Downing. Frtik Feller., mMhh Wm. Armttrong.... 8. Lyuitn..u. J. Q. Wllwn.. T. T. 0er. J. B. W.ldo.. O. W. Belt.. II. It. Hewitt., John Burnett. W.r.Lord.. sSSSS10" O.U.Miller. J.ba M. Oetrln,... 4 r4 DlDsrHermkun.. as III i riiBcisora. """ s Si "V 0 Tho nUYEBB QTJIDE U Uud Starch and BpL, ch year. It U an eney dopodia of UMrul infor mation for all who par- cuat in luxuriM or ln noooulUoa of life. Wo ean olotha you and fornUh yon rith all tno nsceuary and nnneoanarjr appUanooa to ride, walk, danoa, altxp, cat, flan, hunt, work, to to church, or atar homa, and In rariou aiaoa, Ityl.a and quantlUea, Juit flfura oat what ta rtxjulred to do all thoaa thins CQHFORTABLT. and yoa ean raakaafaii Mtimata of th alu of the Oimuia' QUIDE, which will b aant upon rotpt of 10 eanta to pay postac. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 1U-U4 Mioalfiaa ATaaua, Chicago, m. WmU WB " Will jwy the hlght tu&rketpriea In cash for wool. Squire Farrur & O.YH, ixirnor Ooouiwriiiu aad Court 'itiwU, Blta. :s",S,0ss SSSS8S .SSS5SS5 sspsss :sssass $"$ : :s-,-sr'2S sod ieD"eigiS5 Sft . e - c - !- o i C ( SSSSS :S?3S5S3Sg zntn .f-i3 -33 gSSSSSSSSSSS :8SSS25SS S5SS8S55SSPSSSS :ESSSa55S g5 : :S' (lOOfOCi 3no8 . :8-SB2S ISSSSSJSSS :aS85S5?S :2-SSS3SSS :?!Sa523SS . SSgSSSRSESPSSg iSSESfSPSS grag. : ;Sass J M C -i " ti O aDttfOoonmt-coocinr icnoge ssssesssssssss :ssssspss 2S5SKS-a2S3aSSS5SS3S33 HC4MH r-i ri - S5 : :s 00 ft c us t- o aw)prot)(cir-OrtOCrQJWCOroo iOODQOOC1 .MOOOr- (HlOfCOOeQ iOClH t C pH C4 r4-t ciqvimioci innaoo e)HM)ria)on S : :2' - 0" : .3"2S : :S ao4os oo e o5p"ctn wwtHo5 MQFiniH oCw-w -i ei f-t n SB 3 S- M - I-M O O r. ijoSt"S3i5r.8t' ;sssas3S Sr6Sr2tuuwrCir5 tScsoSr-SS Ot-5oriiJrolflra CCi9&()r'i5 S5S .SSSS9SSS segsssssssgssss ISSSSSSSS SSSSSSESPSSgS :SSSS;sg :S8SSSSE3 OOQn (B fC -s sSSSSSSSRsaSR :82SS25S2 sgsspsppsgsesss :o8ssa?ss T" 3 ? 3ft J c :r HUM 3$ - ? : x n P"2 ir2 nz Post Your Friends in the East ! EVERY ONE COMPLIMENTS l' on oar wkly edition, as it contains so muth exwlliit rvndlns matter. We pro per vrrUins up the fruit Interest of this ctkm, and yo ntnsot do better than to nY ttie weekly wailed to your friend eau tKMnyouwkntoi06toothe rtoure of Oregon. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. XfOTICK 18 HUIUJllY OIVE.V TO X whom it way eonoeru, that tbe eorart rhlp Wwtofcre exUtlac Mma'ckt. in A Itkks, photogrmphwn tuu thU day dUadivea by mutual eomtent. L.J. Utekt retfrinc. AH deht owtnc by the F.J.QttfMa.who rantinuMln thehtui. rrSl.i-S,-rTf " a" o the "77 u lae aMOaHarUfi. PWHH WV AW ( wi& Mt . , - . J. UATT! VDW ifc J. Uli GROCERIES. Cash Grocery Store, ISAAC S. STEINER, Proprietor, 124 State v St., . SALEjr. Afull stock oU Groceries, Canned Goods, Fresh Vegetables, Etc. J ust received a nice article In New -:-Orleans -:- Baking -:- Molasses. ecialties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street KELLER & SONS Are Still on Top, WITH Renewed Life ! Increased Patronage Heavier Sales! ' New Goods 1 Join the procession and send in your orders wo will treat you fine. Everybody speaks In praise of our canned goods. They cannot be supassed in quality. Look at our display windows as you pass. They aro filled with delicious things. For the Lndles : Call and examine our Labor-Sa ving Carpet Sweepers four styles. Feather dusters always In stock. Jamaica Rananas, direct from Now Yorkv Big fellows and very Juicy. KELLER & SONS, The Grocers. Grange store Salem Co-Opcrative Association F of ,H. DEALERS! IN Choice Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. ALL KINDS OF Produce Bought I JAMES AITKEN, Manager. 126 State St., - - - SALEM, OR. FARMERS, -:- LIVERYMEN And others in need of Team or Carriage Harness: It will bo to your Interest to call upen: me before purchasing elsewhere, as I have tho Uja-wit und meet complete stock in tho city. ItIom reduced to suit the times. Just re ceived a nne line of Carriage Harness from A. F. Rissler & Co. OF" OHICAOO, For which I nm sole agent. These?iarnesa are all made from First Class Pittsburg Leather, Warranted. Th finest line of Dusters, lluggy Robe, and Whips in tho city. All these goods 1 am selling at very dose fig urns. Thanking the publlo for their liberal patronage in the past, 1 shall endeavor by Ktnet attention to business to merit a con tinuance of their favors in tbe future. E. S. LAMPORT PROF. R DIAMOND, Teactier of Music And dealer in aM Uads of Mosieal Itutra aeaU. 0a8Commerel4l street. la trusaeate sold oa the iattaimeat plaa.