'TV CAPITAL VRSTS&nSgjBBE'lyiH'j&Jal'nlA H Ba AfcjlfcP VOL. i. SALEM, OR., SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1SSS. MO. SO iwnwiimTOTgBguiiumnisBroiagwarumJu.mjiia mOFESSIONAT. CAKDS. TTFo W. BELT, ATTORNEY AT LAW (t nnd District Attorney. Ofllco at court nonw. jMOX FOltD, ATTORNEY AND 'counselor at Law, Bnlem, Oregon. face, up stnlrs In Patton'g block. i rtTAW & GIIEGQ, ATTORNEYS AT OCK K, up stnlrs over Belt's drug store. T. RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT Tjar. Uuice uver vaijjiiui .liuuuuui ftnlc, 249 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. TM. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V Salem, Oregon. Olllco with Tilmon Fird In lotion's building. Will practice in nil the courts of Oregon.- Collections jjiade. Landofflco business a specialty. TT ST. HELEN, PIANO TUNER AND H renalrer. All work warranted. ftave ers nt T McP Patton's book store, State street, Salem, Or. DR. GILBERT, the; eminent dentist, anthropologist, physician and tureeon, will open an office in the New Bank Block, on Jlay 1st, for the treatment of nil diseases of women, and all other chronic cases', on strictly hygienic and nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen and electro-magnetism used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 176, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE. Resldonce for Sale Willis & Chamberlln have a desirable house and lot, most eligibly located on High street, flrst block north of Court House, for sale, at S1850. A good opportu. nity to secure a homo In a convenient location. For Sale. A good Iron frame Horse Power. Good for all uses, from one to full capacity. All for the low price of S30. Call ut the Pa cific Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Preserving Company's office. Salem, Oregon. FARM- FOR SAUS. 1633-g acres, near Prospect hill, 7 miles, by agood road, from Salem, 143 acres In culti vation, balanco In timber. Well watered, good 8100O house of Brooms, moderate barn, well at the door ; all fenced and a thrifty young orchard. Thirteen acres seeded to pasture grass, and B7 ncres Ingrain. .Pur chaser can havo liberal terms to harvest crops PBICE $4000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to the farm and savd agent's fees. J. P. ROBERTSON. Enquire of Charley Robertson, at the Grange Store. FOR SALE 28S ACRES, 225 In cultivation, 80 ncres good tlmbcr.bal ance pasture; 100 acres In fall wheat, 25 acres In oats, nnd 30 in potatoes. House, barn, orchard, ete, Two miles north of Salem, may be divlded;;prlce, $o0 per acre, icrms easy, inquire oi G. N. POTTOEFF, Cor. State and Commercial Streets, Salem. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY Willis & Chamberlain. CO acres. 3 miles from Salem, hlchlv cultivated 83000 i lots, good house and barn, East Sa lem 1 2S00 slots, finely sltuatcd. 1750 600 acres, 23 miles from Salem, well Improved, can bo divided Into 3 , or four tracts 10,000 200 acres, 8 miles from south of Salem, fair improvememeut8,tlno timber and water 3250 1 block of land, 3 houses, rent for 812 each, pays Interest on flOOU 3000 SO acres & miles south of Salem, fair . Improvements 2200 o acres, adjoining city limits, in 1 lot, good house nnd barn, adjoining court house, block lacre, Salem, no.w houso and barn, IIIUIUOW. 1200 1850 Plenty of small fruit 2000 RAfnrMmiTiirta hit n nnrflnl list nf tllft bargains wo have to offer. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera House, Court Street, Salem. LEGAL BLANKS, Largest Stock in the State, Rest Discount. Send for catalogue. Call for prices for Job ranting lowest In Oregon. E. M. WAITE, Salem, Or. STRIGKLER BROS. -DEALERS IN- STOVES AND TINWARE I Roofing and Spooling a Specially. O-At tho old stand of Ben. Btrang, Com mercial Street. FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE CO TO ROTAN WHITNEY, 102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon. .Having bought out the remainder o( the flr ' fiujtory'g stock, we are prepared to "M chain lower than any house In Oreeon. New Hide Store IN SA.IBrvf. r Ular rented the store room ftrmwly "copied by Forctner Tlt&ny, on the north tide o. Bute treet, I am prepared to Wf Uh highest market prlee. In eh, fer . fttra and shew pelte, hnd to these JBC them lor tale,! k to call Bd see JS,ia" x yrta tf8 S001 and bir Mali. w B. MtARTHUR MISC13IXA'KOUS. H. W. COX, (Successor. to The 1'ort Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem. Oregon PULL LINE Drugs am CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specially. AGENCY FOIl THE CELEBRATED FULL, HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. OS-Tho best flvo tent cigar in the mar ket. II. W. COX. 100 State Street. Salem. d&w STAIGER BROS., Importers nnd Dealers in Latest Styles! Leadino Lines! i Lowest Prices! General Agents for Oregon of W. B. Forsyte's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand.) SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. A. B. STRANG, No. 803 Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -DEALER IN- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. W Agent for the RICHARDSON & BOYNTON COMPANY'H Furnaces. Es tablished in 1S1D. CALIFORNIA! the pTfAi rWcSq7 srrM.CoW r'Mn' ,r.A v.'-f ; c.r:.-f. j.. -i iniiiiii v p'l.dvj' . 'sraffssifc - LiJ IwO ." -i w-v.- Send for cirljr.SntTbHhJfcra jAflffliMr MCnCO.ORQyilLE fAL. Medicines Boots and Shoes! .r- m . a itiiu . b SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 state St., Salem, Or. SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot' FINANCIAL. ESTABLISHED 1IY NATIONAL AUTHORITY. OF- SALEM, OREGON. Capital Paid up, -Surplus, - - - 75,000 9,500 U. S. WALLACE, - - President. V. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBE11T, ... - Cashier. DIRECTORS! W.T.Gray, W.W.Martin, J. M. Martin, R, 8. Wallace, , J.'II. Albert, T. McF. Pntton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or In store, either In private grannrlesor public warehouses Slalo and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LARUE, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, . - - - - President. Vice President, - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. "Exchange, on Portland, Han Francisco, Now York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property nt reasonable rates. Insurnnco on such se curity can be obtained nt tho bank In most reliable companies. MARKKTS. The SALEM MARKET 1)8 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of fell and Salt Meats ! And all kinds of S A.US A-GrE. S-Tlio CLEANEST kept market m tho cuy. uiu nnu sco ior yourseii. McCROW & WILLARD. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, U00, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS A OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, nnd delivered to nny part of tho city at lowest living rntes. Please give us your patronnge. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. 3-AU kinds of fresh nnd cured meats nlways on hand. Full weight and n'squaro deal all around. BENSON'S EXPRESS. T EAVE ORDERS AT LANCE'S I.IV JJ cry Stable, corner of Stato and Front streets, or on slate at corner Stato nnd Com mcrclal streets. Prompt attention nnd care guaranteed. W. A. BENSON. Land of Discoveries. Those who have used it "Xml dies, are giving satisfaction, and a cus tomer with llronchltls says It Is tho only Bkurkm. t Covku, DruirelstM, Riverside, Oil." Uouq " the pleasure to Inform nuvo you xnniyour rrenamunns are meetlne with largo sales. we near Nothing but Praise ft, fnuinn Irt-' nan Ihnm nny oc- Nanscawkj a Co., Druggists, VlsaiFa, Cul." That It will accomplish the end desired In all affections oftheThrontand Lung U,. ' and you not only will not lie Will without It yourself, hut will recommend It to others, as thousands liave done, who have tried everything else In vain. Money Is no object where SSSLV3 !& Convince You trifling sum of one dollar oan purchase a remedy that will stand between you and one of the most dreaded of human Ills. Circulars sent free, containing detailed descriptions. SANTA ABIE Is prepared only by the ABIBTINB MEDICAL CO., Orovllle,Cal. TlitiCapital National Bank "NASAL VOICES, CATARRH AND FALSE TEETH." A prominent English woman Bays tho American women all havo high, shrill, nasal voices and fulso teeth. Americans don't liko tho constant twitting they got about this nasal twang, and yet it is a fact caused by our dry, stimulating atmosphere, and the universal -presence of catarrhal difficulties. But why should so many of our women havo false teoth? That is more of n poser to tho English. It is quite impossible to account for it excopt on tho theory of deranged stomach action caused by imprudence in eating and by Want of regular exorcise. Both conditions aro unnatural. Catarrhal troubles everywhere pro Tail and end in cough and consump tion which are promoted by mal nutrition induced by deranged stom ach action. Tho condition Is a mod ern one, ono unknown to our ances tors who prevented the catarrh, cold, cough and consumption by abundant and regular use of what is now known as Warner's Log Cabin Cough and Consumption Remedy nnd Log Cabin 8arsaparilla, two old-fashlonod, standard remedies handed down from our ancestors, and now ex clusively put forth under tho strong est guarantees of purity nnd efficacy by tho world-famed makers of AVar ner's safe cure. These two reme dies plentifully used as tho spring and sumrnor seasons advanco givo a positive assurance of freedom, both from catarrh and thoso dreadful and if neglected, inevitable consequonces, pneumonia, lung troubles and con sumption, which so generally and fatally prevail among our people. Comrade Eli Fisher, of Salem, Henry Co., Iowa, served four yoars in the lato war and contracted a disease called consumption by the doctors. Ho had froquont hemorr hages. After using Warner's Log Cabin Cough and Consumption rem edy, lie savs. under dato of Jan. 10th. 1888: "I do not blood at tho lungs any moro, my cough does not bothor mo, and I do not havo any moro smothering spoils." Warner's Log Cabin Itoso Croam cured his wife of catarrh and she is "sound and well." Of course we do not liko to havo our women called nose-talkers and falso-teeth owners, but these condi tions can bo readily overcomo in tho manner indicated. Look nt my faco nnd hands not n pimple, such ns j'ou saw there sometimo ago. Sco my fresh cheeks, nnd I'm got ting n dimple. I don't look nt nil liko I used to, I know. My face wna nil blotches complex ion like tnllow ; No wonder they thought mo nnd called mo n fright ; No ono need havo pimples nnd skin gray and sallow, If she'll take what I took, ev'ry morn, noon, and night. I asked the delighted young woman what she referred to, and she answered. Dr. Plcreo's Gold en Medical Discovery. It is tho best beautifler in the world, because it purities tho blood, and pure blood gives good health, nnd good health is always beautiful. $500 reward offered for any incur able case by tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Ilcmcuy. Tlie Verdict Unmlmoui. W.D , Stilt, Druggist,Blppus,Ind., : "I can recommend Elec- testifies: "I can recommend Elec- trl "UlrforH iih t.lin virv lx!Ht romedv. Every bottlo sold has given relief in every case. Ono man looic six uoi tles, and was cured ofltheumatism of 10 .years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bcllvllle, Ohio, af firms: "The best selling medlcino I have over handled in my 'M years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others havo added their testimony, so thnt tho verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters does cure nil diseases of tho Liver, Kidneys or blood. Only a half dol lar a bottlo at Dr. H. W. Cox's Drug Store. UlscoTerles More VtlutMe Thin (Jold. Are Santa Able, tho California dis covery for consumption and discuses of the throat, chest and lungs, and California Cat-R-Ctirc, tho only guaranteed cure for catarrh, cold in tho head and kindred oompIuIntH. They aro sold at $1 per package, or three for J2.50, and aro recommended and used by the leading physicians of tho Pacific coast. Not secret compounds. Guaranteed by D. W. Mutthows & Co., 100 Stato street, Salem. Ctnli' ForsIihlBg Goodi. G. W. Johnson, the clothier, keeps a full line of the leading manufactur ers' goods. Call and examine Ids stook of clothing and furnishing goods. Cu ForVl. Highest cash price paid for wool In tho Opera Houso block. F. Lew. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, 92 State street. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY An lnjmi'tl IluKlmml Carved Up. Fairfax Court Housi:, Vn., Juuel. Jesse Bush, a farmer near Lewisvllle, returned home unex pectedly last night nnd wassurnrised to find Ids wife absent. He Imme diately instituted inquiries and got on her track, finally tracing her to tho houso of James Johnson, a neighbor. Entering the houso un pereeived, ho ascertained that his wife was in Johnson's chamber with Johnson. Bush then marched bold ly to tho room, and throw open tho door. The couple were startled, but Johnson soon draw a knife, nnd rushing upon tho oll'onder literally hacked him to death. Johnson then nuuie his escape. Sulclilo From Dcspoiidoucy. Frederick (Aid.). Junol. Mary, the 21-year-old daughter of Anthony Gciser, a saloon keeper of this city, died to-day from tho effects of laudanum taken last night, with suicidal Intent. The girl mado u similar attempt four weeks ago, but was frustrated. Last evening sho purchased tho poison. "When she reached homo her mother tried to tnkoitaway from her, hut Mary broke awny, ran into tho yard and swallowed tho deadly dose. Physicians did all they could to save her lifo. Her marrlago with Clooro Danner was appointed for yesterday, but tho young man died a month ago in Lexington, Ky., nnd Miss Gelser has bean pining ever since. lSiiotllu CoiiiinlmitoiiorH. New York, Juno 1. A Jorsoy City grand jury to-day found in dictments against Commissioners Keruey, Hllliard, Watt and Bey uolds, of tho board of public works, for conspiracy to defraud the city. Tlicro are said to bo over a dozen counts which allege tho making of fraudulent pay rolls, and misappro priation of public money. Tho tour nioii mado a combination us charged, to control Jersey City finances. freezing out two other members of tho board. Tho water department, which it Is estlmnted should pay revenue nuuuollv of $100,000. lias been mado to cost ? 300,000 including specini appropriations. Curious Work of a Cyclone. Somo of tho incidents of tho recent tornado at this pluco aro very Inter esting, inasmuch as they forcibly demonstrate tho natural law of mo mentum and resistance. In T. Bolcher's yard may bo seen a coal oil barrel, which is nuulo of tho hardest oak, with a small pine board sticking entirely through it, tho hole mado as smooth as if the board had been lend instead of soft wood. A cow, tho property of J. W. Ilambrlck, was found dead with a ham of bacon, which hud struck her back foremost, sticking In her forehead. A plno lath was found In a standing oak tree,stleking through thomiddloof a limb two and one half Inches In diameter, while straws are still to bo seen sticking in tho thick, hard bark as If they had grown there. M. Vernon (In.) Beg ister. Women In llusluchs. In this ago of extreme activity and wonderful development, It is a noteworthy fact that many women havo mado their own wuy in mer cantile life, and successfully com pete with men In ninny lines of business. Women, whether thev labor In tho household or In tho storo, aro all liable to stiller from functional demugemcuta and the cares of maternity. For all troubles known under tho category of "fe malo weaknesses," Dr. Pierce's Fa vorlto Prescription Is a tonic and tried Bpeelflc. It relieves the great est sutferers. and restores the patient to vigorous health and strength. It Is tho only medlcino for women, sold uy uruggisis, untier njosiiivo guar antee, from tho manufacturers, that il win givo sausiaeuon in overy case, or monoy will bo refunded. This guarantee has been printed on tho bottlo-wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipa tion, biliousness, sick heuduche, bil ious headache, and all derangements of tho stomueli, liver and bowels. Urate Up. You are feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you lire bothered with headucho, you aro fidgety, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Bruce up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and leave you in worso condi tion than ljofora. What you want Isjan alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and irive renewed liHuith ami strength. Sucli a tuediolueyou will find in Kleetrio Bitters, and only 60 cent a bottle at Dr. H. W. Uox'h drugstore. STATE NEWS. Many thousands of dollars. will soon bo turned into ("rook county from tho sale of mutton. This Imis becomo one of tho chief tourers of revenue of that county. Boston Lender. Gen. G. F. Beauregard Is said to have Invested somo of tho money ho hns mndo in tho Iniquitous Louis iana lottery swindle, In East Port land real estate. Astoria Pioneer tho 29th : A Mr. Boberts, living nt Jewell, was killed yesterday at Smith's logging camp near Knappa, by a log rolling on him. Boberts leaves n wife and two children. Ho was well and favor ably known in Astoria. Baker City Demecrat: The ar rival of numerous mining men in linker City from all points east and. west, Indicates to what extent the mines of Baker county are becom ing known abroad. TEIiEailAI'lllO SPLINTS. Congress has passed n law creating tho army olllco of general, tho prcw- dont lias npnrovcu it, aim nppomicu Gen. Slierhlan to nil it. lie has signified his acceptance and ap- pointed ins stall. Tho New York World estimates the nrolmblo attendance of teachers at tho National Educational Con vention at San Francisco at 12,000. A tornado visited Pennsylvania on Friday, and nt Clintonvillo knocked things about fearfully. Tho steeple of n church was earrlcd half a mile. Tho damage Is esti mated at $250,000. Tho democratic convention is likely to bo solid for Thurnian. ' Col. Ingorsoll will presentjudg Grcsham's name to tho republican convention. A grand oratorica effort Is expected. IT You Frsr n Atttrk Of fever and nguo, or bllllous remit, tent fever, don't resort to quinine, a a cumulative and pernicious drug that has ruined many constitutions. Use without delay a remedy which tho leading physicians of Amorlca havo recommended for over thirty years past Hostotter's Stomach Bit ters. Dumb ague and nguo cake, no lessthnn tho actively febrllo forms of malarial disease, are promptly re lieved and ultimately uprooted by It. In tho tropics, where febrllo complaints of tills sort nro mora virulent than In tho temnemto zone, Hostotter's Stomach Bitters has established a reputation for pre ventive and remedial elllcacy which competition has not been able to af fect prejudicially nay, has oven served to strengthen. Disorders of the stomach and bowels, particularly thoso to which malaria gives rise,, nro speedily relieved .by It. Kidney complaints, rheumatism, nervous ness and sleeplessness, sick head ache and constipation yield to It, Annotlto and sleep are both improv ed by It. Tbclr lluslnen lloomlnK. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade nt Dr. H. W. Cox's drug store as tliolr giv ing away to their customere of so many freo trial bottles of Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from tho fact thai it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asth ma, Jiroucnuis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottlo free, largo bottlo free, largo size M. Jfivory bottlo warranted, An Abialate Care. Tho OBIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up Jn larg iwo-ounco tin boxes, and Is uo ubsoluto euro for old sores, burns,, wounds, chapped hands, nnd air skin eruptions. Will positively euro nil kinds of piles. Ask for tno OBIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold byD.W. Matthcww & Co., 100 Stato street, Bulem, at 25 ceuta per box by mall 80 cents. ButUen'i Arnica Rilre. Tho host salvo In tho world for cute, bruises, soros, ulcers, Bttltrheum, fever soree, totter, chapped haad chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, and positively euros piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or monoy refunded. Prlco 25 cents per box. For solo by Dr. H. W. Cox. WmII WotU Will pay tho highest market prke In cosh for wool. Squire Furror A Co's, corner Commercial ami Court streets, Salem.