LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Itemized Account of Doings in City Country. and GEX. TYLER'S PROPOSITION. A Scheme lo Give Salem Weekly vertising in a Good Paper. Ail- In the parlor of the First Nntioual bank yesterday afternoon, a dozen or so members of the board of trade assembled to listen to a proposition to be submitted by Gen. Tyner, gen eral western agent of tho St. Paul Pioneer-Press. He said he had just left Portland, where the State Im migration Board had seen the use fulness of the oiler he submitted to them, and through their assistance he had obtained k200 subscribers to the daily issue of his paper. Ho proposed to give Portland a good write up, not being at all niggardly in the space he occupied, and then to publish in tho Saturday issue for a year whatever matter might be sent from that city for publication, to the extent of ono or two columns. He wanted to make a similar ar rangement with the business men of Salem; if they would give him 60 paid up daily supscriptions for ono year, he would give this town and its immediate surroundings a hand some write up, of two or three col umns, and publish a column of mat ter from this city every week for a year. The offer was taken under cousfd eration by the board of trade mem bers present, and at a second meet lnir held in tho council chamber, at 10 a. m. to-day the above proposition was again submitted. At the meeting at ten this morn ing, a great deal of needless time was taken up in discussing the prop osition, from a political standpoint. Mr. Albert startled tho entire number of gentlemen present, by branding the scheme as one likely to secure the dissemination of republi canliterature throughout thisstate,to bear on democratic votes, but after a long wrangle, tho meeting con cluded to recommend the adoption of General Tyner's proposition, and to endeavor to raise the subscrip tions. Tho scheme meets the ap proval of the business men, gener ally, and if pushed will likely work great benefit to the state of Oregon. Fell from a Load of Hay. Yesterday Frank Stout, a promi nent farmer living near Carlton, Yamhill county, fell from a load of baled hay while hauling it to mar ket, receiving serious injuries about the scalp, face and spino by striking upon rockB. An ugly gash crosses tho chin, part of tho nose is cut off, and the scalp is split back from each corner of the forehead to the crown of the head,4tho skin drop ping down over his face. Ho weighs about 270 pounds, and had ne not struck tho brake rope in his fall would probably have been killed. The wounds are said not to be neces sarily fatal, but it is not known to what extent tho spine is injured. Equal to the Appeal's Man's Pig. The Blandon Recorder man is try ing to keep even with Guild of the Silverton Appeal. Guild told of a man who owned a cow that was suckled by a pig. Now the Recorder man says, that Doc Cox, near Den mark, has a cow, whoso calf died soon after birth, which contracted an attachment for a pet lamb. The lamb sucks, and tho cow caresses it with all tho affection imaginable. The Agricultural Board's Pamphlet. State Printer Baker informed tho writer this afternoon, that the tyi on tho pamphlet being published by the State Board of Agriculture has all been set, nnd that the forms will all bo oil tho press by tho last of next week, and tho book ready for tho binder. This will probably bo tho most comprohsivo descriptive work on Oregon over published. It will slight no portion of tho state, and will give full Information re garding this great state. "Three of 'em. Chas. Cox, Chas. Chaso and Geo. Brown Salem's best gultur playors re to play the accompaniment the male quartet at tho Choral cert to-morrow ovoning. This 'artat consists of four selections, i 'I fa to bo a very pleasing porfor- i "ice. Dou't forgot the guitars. Cask i For Wool. Higliggt cash prico paid for in the QnorH House block. wool F. Lbvv. Xo One to Blame Sow. The Shasta Express this morning consisted of ten cars, including three Pullman sleepers, two first class, ono emigrant and one smoking car, al crowded with people going through. A few got off to look around, and one asked In a touo of great surprise: "Why, is this the capital of Oregon?" at tho same time looking at tho dry flat around where the train stops This gentleman was probably look ing at the country, as he passed, and perhaps visiting towns which a view of commended to.him, but he went on through Salem. The railroad company can be blamed for this situ ation no longer, though, and so the trouble will have to go without blaming anybody. For, of course, it would not do to blame the people of Salem that the depot is not located, hereafter, in the city. Charles Dickens' Readings. Says the S. F. Morning Call of Charles Dickens, tho reader who ap pears hero next Wednesday night: Mr. Dickens has a remarkably pleas ing address and speaks moro with the accent of an American than an Englishman. As he concluded and was in the act of leaving tho plat form a perfect shower of bouquets rained upon him from the front seats and the galleries, until the floor was literally covered with bunches of flowers. His success was so phe nomenal as to leave no reason to doubt but that an equally largo au dience will greet him on Wednesday evening, when his subject will be "Dr. Marigold" and Bob Swayer's Party." A Xew Indnstry. Mr. Hash, who owns a thousand goats, is moving his baud from tho camp just above Shoshone on Little Wood river, farther north, near the foot hills. Ho shipped over 4,000 pounds of mohair (Cashmere goat wool, last week, and Mr. John Harris of Goose creek also has about 8,000 pounds of mohair, both shipments going to New York. Tho profit of raising goats is about twice as great as that of sheep. Tho average clip of a well bred Cashmere goat ranges from three to five pounds, and form erly mohair brought as high as 75 cents to $1 per pound. Wo believe it now runs from 40 to 00 cents. Sho shone Journal. A Picture. Tho father and mother of young Wright, the boy that was murdered near Yaquina last week, are di vorced. At the funeral, or tho inter vening time between tho murder and the burial, not ono of the children would speak to tho mother although they spent several hours in prayer for the forgiveness of the assassin, forgetting entirely the dear mother who had watched over them in the cradle in the days of their helplessness, and refusing to ofTera word ot consolation to the woman who gave them birth in her hour of bereavement. Corvallls Times. .Not So Bad as Reported. Tho injury to Fayetto Lane, who was run over by the north bound train at Roseburg on Tuesday night, was not so bad as at first reported. The train passed over and crushed his left leg below tho knee, and this leg was amputated. . Ho is unin jured otherwise. He will brobably be able to pull through, with no other inconvenience than a wooden leg. -. One Dollar a Year. If you are not a subscriber to tho weekly Jouknal you will kindly accept this copy, mailed to your ad dress, as an invitation to read our terms, published in double column on this page. General Tyuor of tho St Paul Pioneer Press said to-day that the Willatnotte valley was tho fairest spot he ever laid his eyes upon, and that ho novor saw a prettier town than Salem. This from an extensive traveler like Gen. Tyner, is no small compliment. Capt. John D. Bilos, tax adjuster of tho O. R. &N Co. Iain thecity, on one of his periodical visits. Capt. Biles says something must bo wrong, as this is tho first time ho ever struck Salem whon there were no taxos duo against his company. We Tell Yob Plainly That tho host place to buy your clothing is of G. W. Johnson, the clothier. Gont's furnishing goods In ovory variety. ' WmU Volt Will pay tho highest market prlew In cash for wool. Squire Farror fc Co's, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem. LOCAL NOTKS. Cool and cloudy. Fresh strawberries at A. Strong & Co's. Hot, hot weather dross goods at E. L. L. Johnson's. Call on Winters & Thomas for the best groceries In town. Thirty bread tickets for one dol lar at A. Strong & Co's. Lace handkerchiefs nt Bridges & Bozorth's bank block. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, 92 State street. Fans, parasols, ladles' summer underwear at E. L.L. Johnson's Rev. P. S. Knight will preach nt Corvallls next Sunday morning and evening. Cheapest. Tho cheapest placo In Salem for dry goods is E. L. L. Johnson's. Mrs. D. Harding, of Cottago Grove, came down this morning to visit friends. C company at Eugene, will give an excursion to Portland on Juno 9th, to return Juno 11th. Dr. H. K. Hines, of tho M. E. conference, has accepted tho posi tion as pastor at Boiso City. B. S. Cook of tho Oregon Land Company, went to Portland this morning to return to-morrow. Tho little one year old son of F. J. Catterlin, has been very sick for several days. Dr.Jessup is in at tendance. The engagement of Miss Bertha Neugass, of Corvallls, and Joseph Grecnburg, of San Francisco, has been made public. Eli Perkins, the great humorist, will lecture in tho opera house on May 28th. For special inducements to purchasers, seo the tickets. Sam W. Church has resigned tho position as deputy postmaster under Gen. W. H. Odcll. His successor will bo appointed to-morrow. Tho Y's will give an ice cream so cial nt tho W. C. T. U. Saturday evening, May 19th. A good pro gram will bo rendered. Admission free. Ico cream and cake, 25cts. Gen. Tyner, a representative of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, camo to Sa lem yesterday, accompanied by his wifo and daughter, and are the guests of W. N. Laduo and wife. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will givo their promenado concert at Armory hall next Mon day night. Refreshments of cake, ico cream and strawberries will be served. Everybody invited. A San Francisco dispatcli says: Lieut. J. A. Swift, of tho U. S. sig nal corps at Ashland, Or., is in tho city. Ho is hero to superintend tho construction of tho government tel egraph lino from this city to Point Reyes. Prof. Coomer, whoso delightful cornet solos bring rounds of applause, will play at tho choral concert to morrow evening. Dont fail to at tend, as tho choir nrorehearsing dili gently and this is to bo the best con cert given this season. Says tho Eugene Register: "This Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Mr. C. J. Howard and Miss Minnie Abrams are to be united in the holy bonds of matrimony at tho res idence of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Abrams. Botli par ties are well known in Eugene nnd need'no comment." "Jack" was formally a printer In this cit', nnd has a number of friends here. Molalla grange, No. 40, P. of H., will hold a meeting Saturday, June 9, on the Molalla river, near the Wright bridge, about three miles from tho Molalla "corners." There will bo speeches by Judge R. P. Boise, II. E. Hays, and othors, nnd a good tlmo generally. Evory body is invited, and will be made wel come. Miss Franklo Jones, Salem's fav orite pianolst, who gave such a suc cessful concert on the 9th Inst., will furnish a solo at the choral concert by tho M. E. choir to-morrow night. Besides Miss Jones, Mifcs Brown the popular elocutionist, and Mr. Stricklor, vocalist, will give select ions. Dont full to hoar them. Tick ets, 25cts; may bo obtained from members of tho choir nnd nt Starr's book store. J. D. Darby, of Sublimity, 'can didate for the legislature on tho pro hibition ticket, was in town yostor day. Heaubkcribod for thoCAi'iTAL JoukxaIj, not becatuo ho believed with Us political views, he explained, but because it disciUM political is sues fairly, and has tho good sense to treat all parties courteously In his county papor for the next year, Mr. Darby will luivo some useful reasoning to consider. I , ' 1 Subscribe for the Jupknal. 3TA.1UUKD. MOIUUS-FIlYKK-ln Snleiu, May 17. 1SSS, by llev. 1'. S. Knight, Hobert V Jlorrls unit Mory K. Fryer, both of Mnrlon county. llOKN. UKKIts-Nenr llrooks, Tuesday, Mny 15, 188, to the wife of Oliver llcors, a boy. JOHY.-In Salem. Monday, Mny H. 18SS, to the wife of l'ror. Thomas O. Jory, u bouncing boy. WILCOX. At Tncomn.W. T., April 20th, 18s, to Mrs. Mnry (t-nwrence) Wilcox, vlfeof the Into C.lt. Wllcox.n ulrl. NEW TO-DAY. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Tuesday Evening May 22, 1888. READINGS FROM DICKENS, HY HIS SOX, CHARLES DICKENS. Mr. DICKENS success n s n, delineator of tho mnrvelous creations of his father is without an equal. Tuesday evening ho will rend entirely lrom "l'lckwlck Papers." 1. " Bob Sawyer's Party." 2. "Mr. Pickwick in a Wheel barrow." 3. The Famous Trial Scene, " Bardell vs. Pickwick." Reserved seats SI. Ocncml admission 73 cents. Gallery CO. Children half price. Tickets on salo at Putton's book store nnd ntj. lLStnrr's. CRONISE & WILSON, I.KADINO- JOB PRINTERS. Good work. Fair prices. Prompt. Re liable. VARIETY STORE W. M. SARGEANT Keeps n lino stock of Wall Paper, Borders and Centers BABY BUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, Toy Tool diesis, Velocipedes, Bicycles, IIASKETS, and all kinds of FllAJIKS. Mouldings and Frames Made to Order. Tlssuo paper, leaves nnd centers. Don't forget tho nrtlst material, such ns Tubo Paints of all kinds, ISrushesof all sizes, uud menders. Alto tho GOLD PAINT-READY MIXED, Mats for fnunes ot nil sizes, In fact every thing else that can ho thought of. Come and See for Yourselves I REFEREE'S SALE. STATE OF OltKGON, COUNTVjOF MAItlONJ rSS. NOTICE ISIIEHEI1YGIVENT1IAT 11Y virtue of n decree of partition and order of salo entered In tho circuit court of tho stato of Oregon for Multnomah county, on tho 15th (lay of June, 1887, nnd an amen datory decreo thereto entered In said court on tho Twentieth day of September, 1887i In tho partition suit of Amanda Kllnn et nl.,vs. J. II. Smith et al. whereby it was ordered that tho south east quarter of block Oln Roberts' addition to tho city of Hnlom, Mnrlon county, Oregon, with tho other reul property belonging to tho estate lit .JIJUll milllll, Wlviiflii, t'U mult, .w, therefore, by vlrtuo of said decree nnd said amendment thereto, I, tho undersigned, who was duly nppoinled by wild court as n referee to t.ell said reul property,wlll onTues- of 10 o'clock a. m., lit the court houfo door, uay. mo atsiunyoi amy, ihm. nt mu nour In Marlon county, Oregon, sell tho nbovo doscrlbed real estnto nt public auction to mo nignosi oiuuer, ror ensu, in pcrsuauca io sniu uecreo nnunmcniiineni inoroio. , II. UAKFKHTV, Referee. KWI LEGAL BLANKS, Largest StVk in the State, Best Discount. Horn! for catalogue, Call for prices for Job Printing lowest In Oregon. E. M. WAITE, Salem, Or. HENRY SCHOMAKER, Manufacturer ol The Standard Combination Fence! No. 260 Commercial St. All Styles of Fencing Made to Order ON SHORT NOTIOB. Post Your Friends in the East! EVERY ONE COMPLIMENTS L'h on our wptkly edition, us It oontnliw mj much ejceellent rending matter. We pro Pom) writing up the fruit luterwU of Hits Miction, nnd you cannot do better than to have the weekly mailed lo your friend Bt whom you wlh to nost on the reMHirtumi of Oregon. Forty Yuri in the Church of Home, ily Father Chlnlquy. Priee tffi. Bend In your order linmedtaUly. DefiraMO In Jufr. I. A. KAIINBEU AwhI, MISCKMuYXBOUS. MB II CI YOU USE GILLOTT'S 404-803, Oil Sl'EXCKIUAN, OH HOAD STKKIi PEN- WHICH COSTS YOU One Cent Each! You Use a New One Every Two Days. YOU CAN BUY A Mali Todd Diamond Pointed Gold Pen FOR $1.25, WHICH IS WARRANTED FOR TEN YEARS. YOU NOT SEE THE ECONOMY IN BUYING GOLD IN PLACE OF STEEL? T. McF. PATTON, Sole Agent. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND COMPLETE LINE OF Sunday School and Day ALSO, SEVERAL THOUSAND Embossed Pictures for Scrap . Albums ! NOTICE THE DISPLAY IN SHOW WINDOW. 9S, STATE ST Ill CAPITOL ilMIITOl Oft Attention to wliat wo will Mention ! Know All, by those presents: That tho Capitol Advenliiro Co. notthur slumbers nor bleeps, but tiro nwnlco nnd up to the times, ami know well that owing to tho depression of busings lit tho East there will bo many fnllurcs. Now wo want to bo ready to capture any bargains that may bo oH'ercd on account of such failures, and to do this It will bo necessary for us to bo on hand In Now York and Chicago, In twrson, and bo uriuctl with plenty of tho commodity commonly called Cash, with which wo can boast tho people of this country are well supplied, mid In order for us to get It, we will from now until tho llrst of August ollbr such bargains ns will Induce those having money to divide with us. You all know that our Manager has been in business hero for tho last, twenty years and nlways does as ho advertises. About August 1st ho will start East to buy a largo fall stock, and In order to do this wo avIU oiler our whole stock of goods consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, Paper, Envelopes, Notions, etc., at ti great sacrifice, nnd In order that tho general Public may know that wo mean business, we mention tho prleo of some of our goods till August 1st. A good Hemmed Handkerchief for 1 ct, ench. A silver, gold or Htecl thimble, 1 ct. each. A Hpool of Clark's, Cont'd or-Kcrr'n Thread, 3 e. each. A spool Reed Sowing Milk, best brand i.ud nsHorted colors, for !l c. 2 spoolH HUlc Ilutton Holo Twist for it e. 2 BkcliiH Haddlcrs' Bilk ror U e. 1 sheet Kohl, silver or plain Cnrd Hoard, 1 e. worth 10 o. 1,000,000 doz. Horn and Cloth covered Dross HuttoiiH worth 25 to GO c. n doz., for C c. n doz. 100,000 doz. Kino Jot uud Metal lluttous, worth 50 c. to SI u doz. for 10 o u doz. 1,000 yds. Iiiico worth 6 c, n yd., for 1 c u yd. Ijico worth 10 c. per yd. will bo sold foril nnd 0 c. a yd. Other Killings and r.mummery in proportion. A good n rt lei e of Gent' Hummer Tho nbovo lire- only u few of tho KOiuilmi 1IAHC1AINH thut wo will oll'ur. IIonIiIo theno our wholohloek will bo ollercd nt pi Icon lower than anywhere vIho In tho city, without any exception. Wo lire not koIiik out of Inmlmmn hut uro hero to Mny nnd only do this to iniiko room for our lnrgo full Mock. Cull nnd bo convinced. Iluy unit ho hiippy, lteinoinber Uicho ImrgiiliiH win only bo Kvcured ait tho Uperu JIouno Corner, from tha Capitol Advonttiro Co. S. FRIEDMAN, Manager, All kinds of Farm Produce Bought. GREAT REDUCTION IN- FINK Set Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia, Set LylloD, 20 Set Thackeray, II Set Warcrly, 12 Set E. P. Hoe, 15 Cloth, Gilt top, Half Morocco, Half blue Calf, Cloth, Set Capt. M. Ileid, 10 Volt Clolli, Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles, AT- J. BENSON 118, State Street, ff T A. KAIl".- CAN School Reward Cards ! SALEM, OR. 1000 lino Ostrich I'luincs for CO o oticli worth SI. Largo stook of Unworn, prlco no object. I julles' Chemlsu 15 c. ench, worth 00 c. Ijidles' Night downs. Mo. itivli worth $1.2'.. And nit onr Htoclc of Ijidlus' Wliltotjoodt In proportion. 60,000 Unllcs Hat Frames 10 o. oncli, wortU ft) c. to SI ouch. 12 l'lsh IIooIch. nnd 1 I.lno for 3 c. (lood Hcrnlililni; ilrimlitM l c. each, flood White WitKh HruKlicH 10 c. eneli. HoHt riitent Clnthi'H Hum Ti c. nor dcv... worth VilAc flood I'ly IIooIch, 2 p. ench. ft) ltciiiiiH Letter f'npcr, 2 u. per quire. 10 lb lAjtler Taper, ft v. per qiilro. 100 doz. Meinonindii HooUh, 1 e. ench. ftJOboxoM I.nhln Toilet Honp, Uo. per box worth 2fic. UnderHhlrtNiiiid Drnwor for 'JO o. wmli. SETS! Usual Price $.'12.50, Our Price S20.00. 32.50, 22.50, 32.50, 22.50, 15.00, 23.50. 15.00. 17.50. 18.00. 10.00. STARR'S. Salem, Oregon. ?fl