faEtajc MllMMNIftK,' jggg? w-w W-MV VOL. 1. SAXEM, OR., SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1SSS. NO. 44. k4. f a ptht a t "I i i i i JOURNAL mOFESSIONAI, CAKDS. nHO. W. BELT, ATTOUNEY AT LAW (jT nnd District Attorney. Olllco nt court house. TA5ISEY & BINGHAM, ATTORNEYS "f nnd Counselors at Law. Business In the Supremo Court a specialty. Salem, Or. 3riILMON FOKD, ATTORNEY AND Counselor nt Law, Salem, Oregon, fflce, up stairs In Patton's block. TIAW A GREGG. ATTORNEYS AT ) Law, Salem, Oregon. Office In Patton's ock, up Stairs over Bolt's drug store. Ci T. RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Copitol National 249 commercial oireei, eaiem, ur. NEW ADYEltTISEJIENTS. Grange store Salem Co-Operativo Association F of H. -dealers i?r- Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, NEW A1JVEKTISK3EENTS. DR. GILBERT, THE) EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician and surgeon, will open an otllco in tho New Bank Block, on JIny 1st, for tho treatment of all diseases of women, and all other chronic cases, on strictly hygienic nnd nat ural principles. Medical baths, oxygen nnd olectro-mngnetism used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon. ESTABLISHED 11 Y NATIONAL AUTHORITY, W. SPRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Also l . Salqm, Oregon. Office In England's Clock. Legal business ot nil Kinas, both life and flro insurance. -TTTM. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W Salem, Oregon. Office with Tilmon Ford, In Patton's building: Will practice in nil tho courts of Oregon. Collections made. Land office business a specialty. Ti H. D'ARCY, ATTORNEY AND COUN r . selor at Law, Balcm, Oregon. Having ivh abstract of the records bf- Marion coun ty including a lot and block index of Sa lem, he has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CAPITAL LODGE, NO. llf I. O. G. T., meets every Saturday ovonlng.in their hall, second door north -of Post Offlco. G. JNO. Knight. Sec, II. S. JOHY. W. C. T. and Vegetables, w $ . ..Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. AII -KINDS OF- , ' J ' i ' . - v ! ' , IProcLLice Bouigrit! GEO. D. GOODHUE, WOOD DEALER offico with Geo. W. Johnson, 235 Com mercial street. All kinds of wood for sale. Sawed to nny length desired. Cash must accompany all orders For Sale. A good Iron frame Horse Power. Good for nil uses, from one to full capacity. All forthelowpricooffW). call at tho Pacifies Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Preserving Com. pany's office. Salem, Oregon. BENSON'S EXPRESS. LEAVE ORDERS AT LANCE'S LIV cry Stable, corner of Stato and Front stieets, or on slate at corner State and Com mercial streets. Prompt attention and care guaranteed. w. A. BENS0N. JAMES AITKEN, Manager. 126 State St., SALEM, OR. M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER The Capital National Bank -iib'- SALEM, - -Capital Taid lip, -Surplus, - - - OREGON. - - $75,000 - - 9,500 Tiwn Lightning Flashes or What tho World at Largo U. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, -.-. Cashier. 1 DIRECTORSi W, T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. s. Wallace, , J. II. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS IVEA.DE To farmers on wheat and other mnrket- nbje produce, consigned or in storo, either in private gmnarlesor ipublio warehouses. Filing Saws a Specialty. s SALBM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com- St., bet. Ferry aDd Stnto. HAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND buampooiug nuuuy uuuu. LADD & BUSH, B A.K KKRS ! Salem, - Oregon. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING business in all Its branches. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, 800, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS & OTHER MEATS constantly on nand, nnd delivered to nny part of tho city at lowest living rates. Please glvo us your patronage. Shon on tho nllev. onnoslto Mlnto's Llv. cry Stable, Salem, Or. F.J. BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! -ANI UNDERTAKER. FARRAU'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. Stato and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable ratos. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Snn Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. H. W. COX, (Successor to Tho Port Drug Co.) 100 State' Street, Salem. Oregon KK In a Had l'lx. San Francisco, April 20. Clins. IUx, -who has been systematically swindling expressmen In this city, pleaded guilty to three of sixcharges of petty larceny against hlni this morning. Rix is tho only man in San Francisco, who has successfully beat Chineso lotteries. By means of aciu no removed certain numbers from tickets, and substituted lucky ones. In this way ho managed to collect a great deal of money before tho fraud was discovered. A .NEW HE01K.V. S.ilUos In flo'imiiy, Berlin, April 20. Labor strikes aro spreading in Germany. Tho la bor coutral commit' o has requr ted workmen to stay away from districts nilbci .1 by strikes. KULL LINE Drugs and Medicines An kinds of Furnlturo mndo to order. A full lino of Caskets always on hand. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C, Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. SA11 kinds of frosh nnd cured meats always on hand. Full weight nnd ajsqunre deal all nrouud. The SALEM MARKET 08 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho host quality of fell and Salt Meals ! And all kinds of SAUSAGE. Established in 1879. PACIFIC CIDER, VINEGAR AND Fruit Preserving Co. OF- SALEM, OREGON. Munufucturors of Cider Jelly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Pear Mtcr, sweet anu main lagno uuer, uuer Syrup for Mince Meat, Currant Wino of a Superior Quality, Tomato Catsup, Plain and CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specialty. i AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. tt2Tho best flvo cent cigar in tho mar ket. II. W. COX, 100 Stnto Street Safom. It used to bo told ns a joko nt tho expenso of newspaper writers that they would publish u Ho to-tiny nnd contradict it to-morrow, thus gain ing tho benellt of two items. This seems to bo tho practice- of n number of blight pcnnns who manipulate tho telegraph wires. Sonio timo ngo wo published a dispatch sent from Pittsburg, giving tho substance- of n letter wiitten to n citizen of thnt smoky town by a medical friend in Vienna. Tho writer said ho had &een Blame sovernl times in Florence, and hi3 professional oyo discerned tho marks of disease In his form aud face, whicli warranted tho assertion thnt tho Maine statesman was a very sick man. This struck us at tho tiino as being too round about n story to bo authentic. It is now reported thnt tho plumed knight is in good health, nnd this will probably hold good until somo other story nbout Mr. Blnlno's con dition is told. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. 5-The CLEANEST kept market In the city. Call and see for yourself. McCItOW & WILLARD. SAUER KRAUT A FEATURE OF 1888. For Sweet Cider, leave orders nt Fac tory Olllce, drop a Postal, or bee drivor of our delivery wagon. Wo UeeplVgwltcm kegs ank 2-gallcm demi johns that aro loaned to customers for a term of six day. All orders promptly G. STOLTO, Ilusluess Manager. A. E. STRANG, No. 803 Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -DEALBll IN- STOVES and RANGES Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. STOCK FARM FOR SALE or RENT ! rTXn..Al.(t t.n Am TTInli n 111 Mil IWII m ! IU I If II M. 1 UCI1 HI.. between Court and Stale, Salem, and got G9Go to J one of J, M. Coulter! mtent Improved LADDERS t Lightest Ladder made In Oragon. Jrl. W. COX, Has constantly on hand a well selected stock of Boericke & Schreck's uoiiicoiiatliiePreparatioDS A NEATLY PRINTED GUIDB TO 1JB IIAD OION APPLICATION. Tne B,.&S. PREPARATIONS and Beat. II. W. COX . Are t! W the lerUed agent w .u. t S. Homeopathic I're- aecept bo other. 53 O ACRES "Well watered and plenty ot tlmher. Two house and two bum. Good orcliard. Meadow and 90 acres plow land. Fifty head of cattle with the place If wanted, and horses enough to run It. Within live miles of depot on the O. A C. It. R. A bargain for somebody. Enquire at Office of Capital Journal. lAUBERUN, WILLIS & Real Estate Agents Huy and sell farm and olty property. A large number of deelrahle Jurmji and olfy rfroierty now ollerlug on reasonable tenns. Mr Agent for the RICHARDSON IIOYNTON COMPANY'S Fumaees. 1 taulUhed In 1BW. & 12s- ( Live and Let Live Faint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON, House, Sign AND General Painters. Chin eh Reception. Tho reception given last evening by the congregation of tho C -inn church, to their new pastor, Itov. P. 11. Burnett, was well at tended, and a very pleasant timo was enjoyed, ur. Kowianu gave tho welcoming address, and several other speakers followed with n cordial "hail !" Somo ladies from the blind school were called on to entertain tha audience, Mrs. S. S. Gimblo played a pjauo solo with marked taste and skill, and Miss Watkins recited a humorous piece, 'Tho Baby," with very happy oflect. About 0:30 reueshments were served lu tho church parlor, and a pleasant hour was spent in social inloicouibe. Somo idea of tho inrush of immi grants to this country may bo gathered from tho aignillcant an nouncement in recent cablegrams that evou tho prodigious facilities of tho Liverpool lines have been found unequal to tho applications for passage. In tho month of March 28.600 homo seekers were received at Cnstlo Garden. If tho steamships were equal to that number in that month, what must tho sum total bo in April, when, before tho llrstweek of tho mouth, accommodations have given out? Perhaps tho most extraordinary fact in this intlux is that Great Britain still continues to send us tho larger number of our new citi zens. Of these tho Irish aro a ma jority. How tho island maintains a population, after all theso years of outiloW) is ono of tho marvels of this pmazing race. But tho differentia tion of tho newcomers is quite as interesting. Tho Castle Garden authorities have compiled tho statistics for tho year 1887, and they show, tho .nationalities in tho follow ing propertions: Denmark K!5 llollQIUlll (i.ll'J Franco 6,IHM Nolthorlnnds hfiOO AVnlos.. o,iiii Swllze.-lnnd l(V17 Flnlivnd lftil UclKlum 'J.rd'J Jl lscellimoous ..6,78 POLITICS IX XKWSPAlT.llS. A few days ago wo gave tho ex pcrionco of Bro. McColluiu, of tho Drain Echo, who does not bellovo lu paitisan newspapers. In a small town, lie says, political abuso makes enemies of one-half the community imuI tho editor sutlers from tho ill will ho creates. Tho Astoria. Pioneer bears similar testimony. Editor Curtis gives tho following sound conclusiens: Experience- has taught editors of papers that a paitisan paper devoted to tho interests of either of tho two political organizations has a ten dency to create discord, mailing enemies, and reduce tho surplus in tho newspaper cash box. Tho Pio neer is in favor of a reduction of surpluses, so long as it Is somo ono o "0's surplus. We too have J i learned Gcrm'n Kmp.81,MI I- eland WLGT) Kinlnnd '5,01k) Itnl.v 11.271 Sweden :i7,M!2 iiussiiv ..iiyAll Himmrv 17 71U SC0tMluI1 1,801 ISor.vuy 1U.01I Austria 11,7(12 Theso makoiii round numbers, 405,000, or tho population of a city of tho second rank. Tho 81 000 from tho German Empire aro mostly farmers, who have scattered to tho agricultural Holds of tho Northwest. Tho Italians and middle continental immigrants push onCallforuiaward, where tho climate and vineproduc ing lands promlso them something like tho condition of Italy and lower Austria. No such proportion of tho homo seekers remain in tho elites as formerly. All bring small sums of money for immediato laud purchase, Avhilo tho majority of tho rest aro trained craftsmen, who aro needed in building up the Industries of tho West. New York Star. I-bTTEK LIST. Kire Insurance! Write pollelw ' Insurance lnrt nre cm all eta ot property In eight reliable aad wwaltby Companies. Brokerage I Will negotiate loans on real estate or per sonal seeorlly on long or short time, ana for large o small sums. Kalsominers, Paper Hangers and Decorators. All orders will receive prompt attention. ratlmiites on all kind of work In our line ' irivim. hmmoiion euarameeu. Shop in Old Court Houte on Court street, cheerfully Shop in Balem, Or. Sootlimi and lle.ils. Banta Abio soothes and heals tho mombranos of tho throat and lungs, when poisoned and inflamed by disease. It provonts night sweats and tightnoss across tho chest, euros coughs, croup, asthma, oolds, bronchitis, pnoiunonla, whooping cough and till other throat and lung troublos. No other medicine is so successful in curing nasal catarrh as California Cat-It-Cure. Tho enor mous and increasing demand for those standard California remedies ooiiltrms their merits. Bold aud absolutory guaranteed by D. W. Matthews & Co., 100 Stato street, Salem at $1 a package. Three for $2.50. Those well-dressed gentlemen who are sporting elegant, weJl-rit-tiug summer suits, bought them at G-. W. Johnson's clothing storo, Commoroial street. Following is tho list of letters re maining in tho postolllce, at Salem, Oregon, April 18, 1888. Parties call ing for them will please sa' "ad vertised:" All letters published as nnn-dc- liyered will bo charged) with one cent in addition to tho regular postage. Beaty W T Benjamin M Beeson John Brown FredE Cittliu Miss Belle Crawser Mrs L -Collins Geo W Daly AV II Earnes Lovi Ferguson John Ilarrlss & Co Jones Master Bruce Krobs llobt Lewis Glen Lush George Jliiriin Jake Miller Win Mlsliley Pedor D Moluler Islo iMoreiy Alary Jlowloy ITerborl Snyder E S Hinltli Tiny Tho catarrh STRICKLER BROS. -nEAi.Hns TK- STOVES AND TINWARE I Roofiflg and Spouting a' Specialty. 9-AtSbe old stand of Beu.-Wtning, Oom-merehil'Htreet. Tlielr Iluilnesa lmliip;. Probably no ono thing lias oHiised Btioli n revival of trade at II. W. Cox's drug store as their giving away to their customers so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's new medical discovery for consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable artlolo from tho fact that It always cures and nover disappoints. Coughs, ooldu, asth ma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You omu test It before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. I&ery bottle warranted. Peryou Avon Ilobertson S A Sfarii Andy O Surry Frank Thornton Mrs M Todd G "W White Cathalonii Wilson Lydht Whitney Mary V Youton Al W. IF. Oimi.h, P. M. Calilurula CaMM'uie. only guaranteed euro for , cold in tho head, hay fever, roso cold, catarrhal deafness and sore eyes. Restores tho sense of taste and unpleasant breath, rosultlii'j from catarrh. Easy and pleasant to nt. Follow directions and a cure Is warranted, by all druggists. Send for dlrcular to Abletluo Medical Company, Orovlllo, Cal. Six months' treatment for $1; sent by niHll, $1.10. For sale by D. W. Matthews it Co., 100 Stato St., Salem. mat a partisan paper uoes not pay. Wo aro wllll.iv to whoop it up with tho boys on all occasions, and work for our political friends for olllco, but wo consider thopaporabusluess, which we intend to run for every cent mere is in it. vo ucuevo mat in small cities like Astoria, Inde pendence in politics is tho ouly safe policy to pursue. It strikes us there Is method in this madness. Candidates seeking olllco aro crazy to got elected, and being possessed with ono absorbing Idea, they naturally lose thooxcrclso of a sound Judgment. 'Tho news paper man cannot all'ord to follow tneso peoplo in tlielr will o' tho wisp chaso after olllce. Candidate. may come and go, but tho newspaper runs on forever, If it doesn't run against a stump in Its devotion to partisan politics. Tn small towns tho newspaper has enough to do In noting local happenings, advocating necessary Improvements and work ing for tho common good. Tho editor may have his own views of the tariff, bo indignant at tho sup pression of tho negro voto In tho south, and perhaps view with alarm the accumulation of thosurphus in thu treasury. But thoro is no sonso iu ids losing temper over theso Issues, and adopting them as a Avar cry. If ho has intelligent ideas of his own, let him express them; ad dressing ills readers dally (or weok ly) as is ids duty, it Is becoming in him to glvo them useful food for reflection. But tlioy do not want him to bo a slave to party. Ills readers may bo many or few, but each ono of them has Ills own views of things. They do not go to tho editor as their political prophet or counselor. They read ids articles, perhaps, If they aro worth that attention, approve or condemn as. their judgment prompts, but nro rarely converted by Ids reasoning, if thocdltor Is ambitious to make converts, ho can only win adhesion by a statement of facts backed with an exposition of principles which impress tho mind with their weight. Mere clamor will not convince. Stalwart articles clipped from tho Chicago Jntor-Ocoan, or rabid de mocracy taken fiom tho Courier Journal, have no ollect. Let him forge his own thunderbolts, hut bear in mind that his readers look for n cheerful visitor In his paper, and wou'd rather have news hi his local columns and sound reasoning in his editorial space than political bun combe or partisan Avratli. Wlmt tho ArtUt Drew. Tne artist silt and drew: With Howl u- looks of golden hair: No skeuih of womMii, lirlslitly fttlr, No ensile old, nor rutted trees That waved tlielr branches lu the breeiun And j vl hi liuud was skilled and true Wlmt vtas It that the artist drew? TIih artist sat and drew: No view of frozen aretlu shore, Where ley hlllow swesMaud mars; Hithern desert, WesUrn plalu, Nor Houtli Nor colors oft he HiHtnlsh main, lor vision oi uuihsiihi spot. He drew an aue, and raked the xtl liutklea Amies Halve. The lost salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay reoulred. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price i$ cents per box. For sale by Dr. II. W. Cox. Didn't Catch un. Business manager (at breakfast tablo I inelMaJ. Hrown this morn ing aud he's as mad as liojw at thu Bugle. Heavy Editor What lias moved his wrath' B. M. That protection artlolo of yours. Jlo'sauoni line democrat, and can't stand sueii doctrine. Maud (aschool girl) An old lyln' democrat I I bought he was o ehurcli deacon, Hi-are I'll, You nio feeling depressed, your appetite is poor, you aro bothered with headache, you are ildgetty, nervous, aud generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whis key, and which stimulate you for an hour, aud then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want Is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and glvo renewed health aud strength. Such a medi cine you will Hnu in Electric Bit tors, and only 60 cents a bottle at II. W. Cox's drug stove. ""rffir rf.3stl JSstti.