Jjj i gjgj? "" VKVr ABVEUTISE5IENTS. W ------- - -- - ? - AnvRltTISCSIKNTS. --- - -" " "" " - - ....... i nvKllTmEllKMS. BVBXIXfi CAPITAL JOUKNAI. Pl'M.MKIMl tVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. BY THB Capital Jwnal PutifcWng C&mpny. I isewttAtH. 1 h, II fwwt St ml, Brtra M"1- TKKMH OK SUHAOHUTtO.N 1MII.V I Orw by .mull .- 'J S r wM-k ilatm-rcrt by mtttor - IS I WKKKt.V nnrytmr Mi month" Thf nwtillw 48(0 I () a-l'iMliiMMlfro nw mithorttwl Ci r- trin1 mii immii. Hni.on.i.r.tim.MHrriiK.iiNx. WKI)XKSI)A V, Al'HIb IH, law. MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. HnrMMRHTlTlrlM, J. II. WAI.DO, MmIm;. T. T. OKItll, WIrtHi. I. q. WIMIOK. Hlu. 8. I.AYMAX. Wood!. W. AMtHTItONO, fcwtli 8Ihb. Hrnirr, II. II. UII0I8A.V, HiKla OI.tM, f. J. HAIICOCK, Sitc-tt. iiniuiin, J. II, STAIllI, IUlHilH. Turni'Hia, A. O. CONUIT. Anmrt!li. IMIMDII, A. I'. M.A0KK1IIIV, SlUHloa cowmMiimtm, A. II. COItSrXIOH, MirlftB. W. T (HUM, HhI.UpI. UWHJl. HUrrillHlKMitKT. n. w. vonmi, HittMtBB. (JMKttlH, W. J Cl'I.YKIl. Htl HilMU. 06MrH, Im. T ('. IIYIANK, WMxllMmj IIIIAIII OP CONKI.lXi. Our llMiitohe to-dny eoinniuiil into the mournful Intelligence that New YorkV grunt and fuvoiite Mtutiwnuiii, IIoh'ih' Conkllng, In no more, l-'or several tlaya the bid letlnn iHHiied by )U pliyhtelium have Iicoii watched with gnitt Intercut, theaiiprchciiHlon U'lng gcncnil that he wbh allllctcd with a iIImmim' that would terminate fatally. HehiiH gone to IiIh grave, and it may be Mild with truth, "a great man lain fallen In lnntel." He 1k luugeit to a prlod in our pollllcH when putrouiiKe wax an attribute to jmiwot, and for yearn It wiw wild of Itliii that he carried IiIh ntatc in IiIm MK'kcl. My family uudeixtuuillug lietVHn I'rivlilciil ( Irani iiud (he wiimtc, favnix were dialt out to kins folk and dcouiltiut without any HKH'lal iiMiird to the lutcriwt of the country. Hut while mlrulo Irl- uiuiiheil In our iuldt, uinlt'r the muetlon of high nana, until the utivugtb of the ivpublUauM whkiiii durniliitMl ami they were lltmlly liurUit from Miwcr, ullll Ciiukllug hvw kept liU haudu clean. Ill" uiim h rinl mmiI --liiiperloiiM, Implacable iMHimmiiilliig - MMiriilng venality Mini above (huenriuptliig lutlueuiT of nil nicy. IIU abaiidoumeiil of the wnate with "Mc'I'ini IMatt" In hit ftdloMlnjf, ha been chaittml ugHln hlin it treachery to hi u(y;hut hw luu atoned for liU oIIciim- by M Wnt big himself rtxuu public life, burying hi prlvucy at home what ever fWult he may Imvc isiiuuilttcil. At rtft.v-tlve cir of aw, In the full vigor or hi Intellectual (UeullUit, tllW dltlllUlUHl tMtllHU Iwn Immh vtHckeii down; I lie nante of Amcra-an Im Isvm llbutixted b, IiIn CMrvr, und tlum1 vboopiMe a Wfll a tluw who appnive bl jhiIUI twl etiun', will do rvverviuv to IiIh Maine m IltMt of a iMtural lender and holier man. .. i..i.v v.. H.-KI-1.W..M.. ,u.a lira raking over on Monday eve-! " f triumph; mid ontbf other iliiuuliMiWMiMrtttxrtuuio wlk!,,k,v,l," ! ! M'Hrrillly imn-,. Tie i.lhuv H-nl nd Ml M m HvMy urilil. Hut a : pvK-iU luMi would Uvtlly i Mm lw. Ml ilvva i ok-o.I l,U j wy the rtlw i Unwn iiwio- twr , ft.d. f Thfeumruliig h wuni. gnlUut to Uie ohnrrs IwnMlim Um- dlrtla- KUiMKsi ivmmi... -. nwm UlM4lwui. THlVwlWuireuthwj Mttl II Uld MVUtMllvl'1, HlMPimi1 lMW rt.,, , ,w ,Wch, f , omti. U . Rnveh ( hoaw ud m f mxm. .s,hu mM in touch lxd., lh U hti4uil! mmwOmu. llnat wvllit In hU ft; , Ck. u, Ur! TUU telj iHrlUi , m. xi w t M ,wlml aftlMututuuwliitt.-UiMM ihKws l-ttrt ,m which th iviWie! MOiMii HinM. hut It W mar b. ' M fawmW." That's gulu a kmn ' UwykI rfhMI Uwu mi htW.,WWytlwlW nldhniiMC hu iUi. j t"t- ( HMh (VUsmW a thiM k Mwuew bat (Haelhlr tW YklHlv hi"4,?1,!m,y,l,l lhr ,WHU,,1Ut w,MAiiai& .rf .uudiuM.1 TWlMMuW,H, Uirhltti tu vrtu MfMWlktlMU Willi tuAutfUrfSUMt WMtllh MMMtUMMtft UU lnltOT. Willi nJl i in. ,, vi Hhmi . wr Hhui lu in bu,i Mr, bo would tartll H Ibf llw -JMQ-. mill J-nyjr rM -vt fri" mi li liiiii in ihr Ihil rrrit ill ttitt' vfSaiHh 1 WHAT VIMl'ONS: SHAM. Wl! I'HKT , " '" .., , - j , , pv 1 KlilprJ. W. WeMi. l-fore lie left ! town yt-tfPlH.v, placed a cwniiiuni- j cwtloniiiour IihihIh wlilcli we jml j lMi tonlity (hHIiciukIi winiewlmt Ik ! IhKxI), Im-mhw of the uwful mowl " , I twMilu. He iimiplHliiH of the aim- Mini vllillcHtloii "jK'rHltcntiy ami nmlldoufly" IiphikhI upon hlin by a liientloiH ni'HHaiK!r publlihwl In our mldit. I Te mine to Salem with j Id fHinlly Inti'iidlnK to nmke this , favoied HjMft hi horni', bought a little jimiierty, and et to work with a zeal and devotednt-w that mark i the true inMotmry fplrlt. to preach Ood'a word mid Ineuleute ounI j ninrality. Our elliens know Klder Webb to lie a mull Hpotlei and i without reproaeh, wide awake, pro-, I ... 1 :..... ......It,.,. 111,. 1.11 III i ..iinrt i Mdvance the welfare of ! our race. He lias won the cteeni of (1 w,() wHlltMW i,, i,orn, and his I tiK'fuhit-H In riKognicd lii litlinulut i Ing thought and activity. Hut he i an active propaganuci, of the Kt. John cold water doctrine, and according to the proteriptive views of thecdltorof theKtatfHnmn, thii deprives him of all right of fellowship. This excellent man ih ridiculed and persecuted until life liet'omes a wenriness, and, according to his own avowal, he In now think ing of disposing of his interest here, and rcinovlngtosonie locality where he can receive decent treatment. We have U'fore called the attention of the (Statesman editor, and the business men who support him, to the abusive tuid Injurious tone which murks that pajier day by day. Cltieiis who dare to do their own thinking, and who refuse to 1k reglsteiedaiid lalteled as followers of a certain political school, are ile nounded as cranks and malcontents, and the whole vocabulary of billingsgate is ioured on their heads. The Ill-Judging newspaper man Is cautioned by discreet counselors against the unwisdom of tills course. He Is (hiving voles away from the republican party; he Is endangering lepubliciin prosM.'cts in this county more than all the glib sophistries of .Mills, or the solid, convincing argu ments of St. John. These prohibi tionists are not the men to be turned fromtheirpurMebyiibusi. Theelty was full oft hem on Monday, brought hither from all around to listen to their eliMuent leader, and our cotcin. liming"'! opportunity to form an opinion of the character 'of these men. They have clearly gone into the cold water ranks to stay. Whether former republicans or ilcmiM-nits, there Is no denying the fact that thev are earnest thinking men, determined to exercise the rights of freemen and willing to acts nd that light toother. Weniay lie annoy cil at their scccmlon from I their mity ranks, and maintain the belief that they could lcst accom plish their end by working within pttrly Hues; but those men think dlllerently, and If one proceeds to argue with them, they are ready with iotsins for holding the faith that Is lu them. Thus wcaiv met with a Hlil!cnt c.lgeiii' , A cause of iHn-civUm! has aiisciiaud there Is an upheaval of volltlcMl psrtles. This cannot he averted with sugar-coated promise, It cannot U snpprcwcd with rllvtldry and abtiM. It lias to lie accepted as a winervte fact. We may oatrtlon mir friends who still aeknow lelgt allegiance to mrty agalit the e-lieliH- and InipmcttcwIiK' views of thetH'wvlalrcH'tiiers.fori'OMiisel and UitleNh thetmly means that avail. l)n one side sr' the prevailing argu ment of (lie tlrwbiw t. John, ami w i M wv-wornew tbat Uaii lrf ,,HJ ""- WImpU w mm j "" Mr"- "" "-" '" iMtKlK-rJmrualktaiid hU wadei. Th. wJU(f -f H, Sr0wfBI,talli (hwiW)i(UM W tbbHlm , mhUimwwUOi., who Uwkw U- r -tM fcw BW HrtfU MO lmi ,u, u Um, M IUHIIIU. - -r. -:-- v&fc-smrMtttvftta j?CKiA.,SC!35Jr. MbrKS . uttu. MB.'WWwt,, SuTSlMSte KrlaSN " STEIXER k BLOSSER llEtLKIIK IN- STOVES, RANGES, Tin aid Ceppfr Ware, 130 State St., -:- SALEM, OR. EMintiie oar So. 8 cook sttnc, com ojSSy ftiriiUlied ami KuHmnlKt. for onb A iijclBllV inmleofruoflngnnil poutmit HENRY SCHOMAKER, MHiuifuctunTor The Standard Combination Fence! No. 260 Commercial St. All Styles of Fencing Made to Order ON SHORT NOTICIS. PAINTS and OILS GILBERT & PATTERSON Hnte adiltil to tlielr slock u full line of Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Colors, (Hue, KALSOMIXE, BRUSHES, ETC. A Full Lino of Heady Mixed Paints. 52- CALL FOR PRICES.5 (HUIEIIT k PATTGIISON. CoXc',urs,, Till! VARIETY STORE ! Jl'ST ltiri:tVKI, A NKW MWK UK NKW STYI.ICS IN WALL PAPER! -A Kl'1.1. STOlK OK- Fancy Goods, Moldings, Brackets, Picture Frames, Artists' Materials, Etc., AlAVAYh ON IIANH. W. M. SARGEANT, 'J7 liiiinipn,lHlhlnHi,suliiiii( Or. THINK IT OVER! IliAt is About Buung a Cas of Finn; hock candy drips KltOM KlfiUiER & SONS. It i potlrel) urn and vrv r th Mil to IMftiduvrlt. HI)Jck" w 111 ui milter. IUiw'k SomilUMiC IC1m We h in uow btuudry miv-1 (hmiuiI Iwiv-lbHt ht t tor 4 vtrt. Outer sm In Iruni ery mrtv. tntt In miik. Whw italiic tMklDK wmiit lit MllUr-i MM arwui rm Wtiitil-K l the prht iT M HMriW. Ibr an )HHUMt wn. v km utoiNrMiteftirtt. Vbmi am MtaNlMMiA Im tte hitoir t) i MwlUi sryikl new. KELLER 4 SONS, Ttir (Innwns Just Arrived I TUK HSEST USE OF Millinery and Fawy Goods EVER IN SALEM. tHJtor l OrMMwwl Km Oto fmA .k iwuvinrr. iSSSSi illHnil hrttt Wttlt. 4 tMlkliit MmM kWkl MM kM. (Ml NMkh . 1-1 rx uw ' rri-iiitiTK jl First National w IHRHI iMnlili II jllf JIUI atpra33 ICiM tt"3 im '"irawwwr JD.McCully, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF SPRING CLOTHING!! :H ATSr -AND- FURNISHING 219 COMMERCIAL STREET, WM. BROWN & CO. -DEALKK IN- B O O T S O o T S H O K S nh and Mm ! CASH l'AII) FOR Wool, Hides, Pelts and Furs. No. 3U Commercial Street, SALEM. - - OREGON. JUST RECEIVED -AT OPERA HOUSE CORNER Paiuuim Lawns. Warwick Ginghams, Japanese Bunting. White Press Goods, 800 Dozen New Stock Hosiery, 1000 YARDS LACES & Ej I BROIDERIES. Gemlemexi will Eind Here SekSaiU, Cutaway Drs Suits, SVh Snmmf r Sail, Prince Albert Suits, Soft Hats, stiff Hats, Silk Hat, straw Hats. THE LARGEST STOCK OF UNDERWEAR IX THE CITY AT TH Opera -:- House -:- Corner Produce Taken In Exchange, SALEM, OREGON. VM. N. LAWK, - nil. J- nKYNOi.bs, JOHN MOIR. - - . . l'rcldent. Vice President. . . . CHler. GENERAL BANKING. Kxclmnge on Irtland, San KmnoNco. .'iBSmSB g&r&m&x&'rn mooi reliable eoiiiimnlei,. GOODS, ETC. SALEM, OREGON. H o E ' ' .' THE- nsmrf Ml. k ItBII I SmX Ay Wm NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tlie County Court of the Htnteof Oregon, 1 for Mnrlon County. In the mnttcr of the estnte ot Andrew Heln, Uecensed. Notice Is hereby given thnt I have filed mv final account, and that Monday, the "th dav of May.18.knt 10 a. m., habeeu set forbearing objections tutJ1BAme- Kxecutrfx. NOTICE OF PAYMENT. All peious holding wyrronts ugalost Virion county endorsed by the treasurer nre hereby notified to present tho same for payment, as there is money on hand for that purpoe, and no further Interest will bepofaontliein. AUGDBrolK8Y County Treasurer Dated April 3rd, IBS, TO THE) EAST! Sliortest Itoutcl Best Accommodations! lowest ltntesl ev Apply for information to WILL. H. PARRY, Capital Journal Office, Balem. Kelly's OlcT Standi! HAVING PURCHASED THE BLACK smith shop known as Kelly's Old Htand, I will hereafter be prepared to do all kinds of iniiifffl In the best style known to the trade at short notice. The best of workmen em ployed, and nil work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Horseshoeing a Specialty! j. J. JARNIGAN, Kelly's Old Stand, Salem, Or. WANTED! Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Hams, Bacon, Lard,' Dried Fruits, Etc. For which the highest market prloo will be paid. Farmers, our prices for groceries are invariably low, and wo think you will find It to your Interest to consult us before you dispose of your produce or lay In a stock ot groceries. Donl forget tho place. WINTERS & THOMAS, Court street, -:- -:- -:- Balem, Oregon ARRlV ING! Our Immense Stock of Goods is NOW :- ARRIVING Direct from the East! CARPETS! 3- 3-5- - -v The Largest and Finest Stock of Carp' Ever Brought to SALEM NOW HERE STILL ARRIVING DAILY. Bar CALL AND EXAMINE. LUNN & BROWN, Cor. Commercial and State Streets. THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM In the Willamette Valley Is the Capital Journal ! DAILY AND WEEKLY. MERCHANTS In Salem who wlshto reach out forandse- cure the magnificent country trade should advertise In the Weekly Capital Journal! REMEMBER Tlmt an advertisement In the dally reohe the town people; but the weekly edition Catches the Farmers! licpa Nw trm, apply to Capital Journal Publishing Co., JAS, K. SHKFAIID. UxntC'' s