m : VJ I.. BM 1 BVBNIXfl CAPITAL JOUKXAL rvm.mr.Hh EYERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. M THK Capital Journal Publishing Company. lHOORttlMATKII. j OSW, Ul ('will Mrrrl, llr Han Hlk. TKHMB OK HlHK-'KIITJON luir.v J r. If until. X () KIN. ItY ItMII....... 2 i rwmmilhxltr ihwII l X I'w wttt (Mtveted by writer I I WhKKi.v One ", -W in Sji wmtli l w Tin) iwHitlw . W AMto(iiMMMw Me NuthorlMd to re win M)lxrtllHH'. tfKnlfd m (wtincl-cli tiMlli-r nt tlie nlttH,urfmi. rtoHie. mhicii . in. MONliAV, AI'ItMi HI, IBM. Wk iiublMi in another column a very plwwt artlcle'from the Alt CallfoniiH hcttiiij? forth tlit-advantage of Oregon. Tlih it John V. Ir Ili'i newftiwiier, and he may be the writer of tlie article. He N charged with coining to tills Mate ni nn em mnry of drover Cleveland to talk the Wohfoot voters Into democracy; but If heemnloyn his leisure hours in studying our natural ruMourc-M, and Inviting Immigrant to avail tlifiiiHulvm of desirable opirartuiii ties, tills friendly hervlee atones for Ills political sin, and we greet the el oquent iiewMjwix.'r mini with a cor dial welcome. Brire I p. Tfrrir otlnr Booming. You are feeling depred, your probably up one thing lias caused appetite is poor, you are bothered h ruvival of tRuleat H. Ay. with headache, you are fidjgotty, ,, , . , ,, . .., nervous, and generally outtjfsorU, ' lruS store tl,eir SinS and want to brace up. liratf Up, , away to their eu-tomers to many but not with stlinuluntrt, spring1 frut. rrinl lwttlo. nf fir. Kinrr's new mediclneo, or bittern, which havei ,.,,,, . . for their basis very cheap, bad wills-' Hcul dj"" c? for consumption, key, and which stimulate you for Their trade is simply enormous in an hour, and then leave you in I this very valuable article from the Morse condition than liefore. What , . un niti-n.. ..,.r,.a ...! novnr I you want is an alterative that will ' . , , . , . , . , I nurifv vour hood, start Iienltliv , -"i'i"'- "B'". -" action of Ijlveranu Kluneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TV i AT I ' 1 TV i jb r irst JNationai J5ank Ejflb' I HiUilli:- HBJBBBBiQBJBJBi nH Rll K w JPPPhPPT ffeoT ; jfti I '6SsflB3B52KMkUMVlAlUlBllHKv- healtli and strenirth. Such a medi cine you will Hud in Electric Bit ters, and only 50 cents a Iwttle at If. V. Cox's drug store. asth ma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test It liefore buying by getting a trial bottle free, large lze $1. Every bottle warranted, MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. trkfcaKirriTtr&i, J. II. WAI.DO, M.clrir. T. T. ORHIl, BIWtrlou ;. Q, W1LHOK, Hilsn. H. LAYltA.V, Wooritwra. V.U, AIISIHritONO. Soiilb H.Icni. mimrr, H. M. CUOIHAN, Hilrai out UK, Y. i. IIAIIOOCK, Htlrtii. urmimia, J. II. STAIlll, K.it H.lfui THrm'iim, A. 0. OONDIT, AHHitvlllr AMUW4JI, A. '. IIMCKKI1IIV, Hlltrrtmi COWMlMMNtlU, A. II. OOll.VIII.Iim, lltrlon W. T. (HUM, lluliUnl. Ciiowi. iiri-tkiirrtimKNT, I. W. VOimil, Hllrerlnu W. J. t'UI.VHIl, l'..t Htltm. oumnm, V, T. 0. IIYMN1I. WwMbtirfi. IIIEI. dHV. April Utli. 1SHS, Hip Infritil clilld or Mr. hmcI .Mr. Jiilin WallHre, HmmiWICK.-Iii till city ul 6:.u. m. Mummy, April iwn, i-niK iiihiiip, hki 2 yir, 11 month, 10 da, lounifext rhlldorKnink II. nnd Hi-Ipii M. Houth wlrk. Kimmtl (rlieti at i in. to morrow at their residence (tlie lleuclicll iroM'rt, north or lOwnt Kleiii IiIkIi M'IkxiI.) ill(lllrlfl lj lle. V. HolllIM. Krlt'iuUnrii linltwl. NEW TO-IIAV. NEW ADVEKTLSEMKNTS. Semi-Anntjal Report or the county clerk or Marlon county, state or Oregon, dhowlng the amount and num ber ol claims allowed by the county court or said county, for what allowed, amount of warra nts draw n, and amount of warrants outstandlngnud unpaid, from the first day of October, 1W7, to the thlrty-flrst day of March, 1SS8, both InclusHe: SALEM, OREGON-. WJI. N. LADUE, PresldAn. BR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice Prelld JOHN MOIK, - - - CashiM. GENERAL BANKING, Exchanee on Portland, San Franclwn New York, London and Hong KobJ bought and oId. State, County and cit? warrants bought. Farmers are cordial i Invited to deposit ond transact buslnni with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other propertv t reasonable rates. Insurance on ei. .. curity can bo obtained at the bank in IUUk reilUUlU LUiIltilIllUS. On hat Account Allowed. I No. of claims allowed. Amount of claims allowed. TO THE EAST! . i.ittm: too minsitivi:. I'rof. Yoder was in town tcwliiy and favored this oillce with a call. He Is the icpubllcan candidate for HUjHirlntond(nt of school, nud has pioved hlniHelf a lit man by his suo tHful service as n teacher. Home little Mir has kim made In the com munity where the professor livos over the publication in this pajHTof imteHndemv in regard to his can didacy. Letters have lxu Hvnt to tin, which iipHitrtH right enough on the surface, but when put Into cold tyjH' seem to have contained a latuM sting, Tills Is iiiifjirhiiinin. and some of Mr. Voder's fi lends feel aggrieved, to relieve the minds of sucli iHsiple we can only niv Unit thai gentleman has our henrly en- lorMimeni, wjilch bus been given Uifiirv tiMlay lnouruuixM'rvedeom iiiuuiImIIoii or the wuiity ticket. To these sujmt sellslto jxrsons we w(HiMugmt that iiuislltor Is not riMinlble fur the MtylngH of ids (MKrwiMiiuieiitH. In elect Ion IIiiiim HllUetd lalU Is looked for by news WHr render, and men who put theiiiM'heMUpfor oilliv aie apt to Ih er, freely talkeil almut. Letters suit to editor dlM'timiiig tju, mtirltM tifeHiidldiitwHiid rofilng to give the ktMle of public sentiment In ivr tln MHwlltlc, are n,lly Hiwptisl, lifttvldetl they re fs fmiu aliiiM or nwnirWi unrMlruew It Is imdor tlik rtile tlwt Mr. Y.slerV imme Ims Iwvu umI tmmreitliiiuii. lint this W Hilt lIctlilUelltMl. In u iinllll.ul CHllm It Ubettet to lHdUiHnt(Ml tlwu bjtiioml. Anything mthsr Own cold otMmetloii sud nlwt. It UtoldoTOr. JiiIiunmi, 11m levin tlwu of lltewturv. UiMt hl HM Itlomry viututw pnivlug H Hkllun, mi MHt Hkiiui w know huj; stsmt the tHnk, ImmvnIImIiiii the wlltw or hw Utrri JtMiriwi to inrt hh " I'h- "nn Ui Hhkli he OMIMll HUUI it. I'llU HUW tlw jmnsiw. TW iMHk tsMKie In tWuwiHl mhI iW mlltluu Mfut ml". lnit. Ut it! U uu.hr no mhi. twiiftlHHit ii.ltKin.lHx'HMi Iwls wrmin u. iu., ,, w j,, w- lMitint l tlw ticket w HI nn tlwn. rmlM WW ftlHUB Mllke kp Ul I be cunviit t talk, mii iIh iimii Uwt myHMi f Hliorlmt Itoiitc! FunlcxtTliiie' lUwt Accommodiitlomi! Iivriwl ltutos! or- Apply fur Information to WIUI. H PARKY, Cnplliil Journal Olllce, Kalcm. PAINTS " OILS flILUKKT & PATTEKSOX Haeaildcil to their stock a run Hue r Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Colors, (Hue, KALSOMIXr; IIIHJSIIK, FTC. A Full Line of Heady Mixed Paints. March 81 Iloadx and bridge ...... I'auMr . ... Criminal. j ...... Stationery Court hfiaM) and Jail . ..... Clerk's office... Mi slicrlft ' olllcc. Military llaillllH . School Htipcrlntendent and board of examiners Count-Judge's oftlco ...... . County commissioners... . Supervisors of roads........ . ........... Insane . . Jury Coroner County treasurer's ofllce . Scalp lx) Scalu bounty. Assessor's olllcc . ...... Klectlon District attorney Tax rebate Stock Inspector . Total amount claims allowed and drawn m 175 5i Zi HH 0 6 II 8 15 5 12 GS 51 74 SS 4 40 2 12D n it 2 $V)I3 66 SB1 S6 2460 P0 614 03 1225 13 2005 75 SU2 23 420 00 117 00 6)7 59 4S0 00 208 20 1695 17 29104 797 00 88 05 S33 31 157 00 1594 50 8S4 20 S57 50 123 40 15 61 J. D. McCully, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF ING CLOTHIN SPR v! b i ?29,722 54 Amount ofOutMandlng Warrants Unpaid. March 3l-Otits(audlng unpaid co. warrants on the 31st day of March, 1888.. hrttlmattirinterest accrued thereon Total amount of unpaid county uarrauta . CALL FOR PRICES,:?? :H ATS -AND- FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. Principal. S2S,5!)6 6fl 1S00 00 $27,8!6 59 filLBKBT & PATTERSOX. CeZ ors'" Rttldence for Sile- Mllls A ('liamlivrllu lm a desirable liiiilfe ami lot. ukmI eligibly located on Igh slrwt, tlrst block north of Court Mouse, air sale at IIVA-A good opinirtu- nil) tO SVlin II tlflllin 111 II mill nnl.i.il I... mtlon. " THE WRfflY S'HE ! ji'st UKci:ivi:i, a m:w mock 01" NKWHTM.IIS IN WALL PAPER I A ri'l.l. aniOK or Fancy Goods, Moldings, Brackets, Picture Fram, Artists' Materials, Etc., AI.W.WM ON HAND. W. M. SARGEANT, X7 CiiilliienUl.strett,Ktilm( Or. THINK IT OVER! Notk The alxue aeoount embraces warrants drawn since March 31. 18S7. Some small warrants ate out draw u back as air as ten ears, never presented for payment. Mate or Oregon, County or Marlon SS. ,Jt.'MN': r,hiniit county clerk of the county of Marlon, state of Oregon, do hereby certify that the forciroliiir Is a Iruenml ninn'i stiitmnnnt nr i, ,.,,. .,,i,. 7 ..V... '..'. i,.i.-uii.... .... i ... ir;..7.....:....r.. :..".:... ""i"".v'r: v'-"" ""t' muuuiu o i . VV, i .io ,". J " i i nuu uiuiiij , mr uie six monniH ending on the :11st da iirMHrcli,ltnS,n what account thesamewero allow ed.and the amountof warrants drawn, nnd theninoimt of warrants outstanding nnd unpaid as the same appear unon the records of mvolllco In my otllclalrust(Mi). " ' Apru'lTis. U,lim,Ul0,,CnlOf,llCCUIlt CO"rt f Mlld TOUn,y uls 10th dayol M N CHAPMAN, County Clerk. Semi- Annual nunc amoiini or money ami warrants recelcdfor taxes, nnd money paid to tho county it: of March1. A. 1 "ww! " c,,l"" 0rl'K". fl,r e Mx luoutlfsl-ndlng on tTe" To Amount Hwelvcd. 249 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. Win. BROWN & CO. DEALER IN- Kt7 A Kv In coin nnd currency Tolal ioccImmI Hy Amounts Paid Thai is AlwHlllujisgarauof NIK HOCK CANDY DRIPS -KltOM- KVAAAM & SONS. !' K?,,..fw M w AM wt II. - MW p JMU " WHJ bum kMKM iMtMhllMWll IImim'm Woiitwlttluu; t mr? a u- iHtuiiir: ICIs Wl I lsvuu.1 I.. uVim KWM Ulul.i toi-t ww m tfTw mntMMtryM(ML mmI Im yMn. WhM wiac bV. tut tn MUUrt Tfr'-ff r ' rw"r i aiUi Mil tlut SiuTlm. Jj IM Bstarn Mw4 otu 4kr1WnMU In Ik fulur KELLER i SONS, llte.. 13 n I a n Statement IB 1 I T las: V . During the Monthsof S ?y v December. January. February. March. 9 ti - Vj' A. f i " a '2O0O 00 PJXH.1Q 00 J73000 00 - I . V "' -"" " 91MXJW immjw 873000 00 Xmbu-'' rlJ?j I During the Mouths of. Anr . " I sii88 TZT Dei-ember. January. Kebruary. March. -- g gp a. ) jL2J i"a i2ooooo J200WOO jtjooooo - ttamMiffltfl!l8i Leather and Finings ! ; Inmf i CASH PAID FOR W Y C&E From m hat General Kehnril X- Um rUrihn M s. Mis and ha XP kkyi i ... .. ASgynN ml .- -. ....,. .-.o. ii uommerelal Street, r- S-r- Qt'Iaagar ffi ' SALEM. - . nn VdT M WiVnBf 4U) ... . SO 00 .... "" " 5(W - lsa r If T C7A i A - . . . . J vj o l iJrCCBI VED -$S2,7WI72 $K7)7M :- AT THE . 1NS7 I'M-To county trntstircr 'ltnl (xilil Iraisurvr .-.mm in wregoii, uoiuily or Mnrlon SS .ne,!w'rm-?!,l;;,,vt!rl'r0fS,,llU,m",y,,,rt "Wb TOrtlf- ,""t " fregolng s,ate Wltmws inj band tills 1Mb day or April, A. D. 1WS. J NO y MINTO, Mierlffof Marlon county. Semi-Annual Statement Of thmiHinty livasiirerof .Marlon county. On-gon. for the six iiinni 1,1. i.. ., . day of Marefi. A. D. lws. of money rtwl y' ,uh inMouUtmhom'?1 w Iwit Muret and mi u hat lUXMiint sild eut: wnoni m-cied and from Amounts ItccttlMMl. (W. I-Tatmmnlin hand fnun last report.. . IUtutt riuut ' a-m MftWh-ljnm,ta rwwhtHt fnMuX'".Silnto... T. 11. IjAio., M. .N.l'rmpnmn I j. ii . .unui... f. M. lirnllne SuHdrr iHtrwuis f!. A, IWIilw InstJ. lute fund JKU r- JTJ.tO Tae . ... l.tceiiM) Taxes Trial IVs, etc. Insane Kx. rerrj llivuse Kina AttHMiHls IVhl Out Mwrt -Hj- aiwtMHl M out um mlav mmuiM M- UMtilUW fUH.I uu hu,i j" Ttttat r,i-;J Just Arrived! NltMVfM4Ui MM IHMU.UWI4II. ,j wv I TIIK FIXBST IJXK OF m.iw 0u. Fund. 1U1 II MUM IWTI ! Shool Fund. !IIM OPERA HOUSE fWOOTS iWSSzirsrs&i ?rum . t.ti - .:.' r"- ?? ' " t. .wii h .siulw ol Oregon. Countj f Mitrlon !f&,',..,.te.,f,,l8 truoand W.Wwi- fcr tt m m u."iL,, SL",T? .7!'. SW; '". im y towl n.h ,h ,ta) Jf TviX a. n. VA' """" " " CiHTHI( Ml.niAnl ixMintj- trwsury .of .-vxx auo uiuiv iittHiuimiaiiM UtU Milriu 'l,k4ii. rislbAlilliii('i,,Viiiiill,,iiiiQ,l1iooils toumrU wirU ltil Ui wwMn Mr iiUtiuMkWl v uiiur thM Wsm Mtuiiui ftr Um uurit Ui uUMwriHK Ml iHulUUltuu. TIuiuhum Mil Hi Niwl Mftk.l IL.... .i r wU,N( Utftgv-i wjiHi-p(rwM nnv, um UirUiiM hmi tmCU klMtMH u MUrl. o Jyu 'I1 MvnMM- mkl i ImuI Immm) Httttr Midi ntoMl Mm dnt U)' hart MM MNMMi lnMiilM( Mm " " MUk m tMto.o mmi r ril lU Mr IW JWMkAL EVER IN SALEM, .VJl 1-,,W ' i CMAi. I'ALVKKT. W A N T IS D I 'UOUST QIltSY, IXhioI trmsurttr. o?flli;Annual Sum'ry Statement gsgAnnsr w m.i , ttwtM "ZZttJ&'lSX.S " -V "d -W-H.dtaNt t MMHni MMMwt r tataittwta'iiiiir;'.': iMriiteiMtittak c&fcrecrerK WINTKKM fttufl MIW4. v A THOMAS, i il.M. M ta.. ... ... " nirtir'" iitej-rW fiSSSS5r nMOMtt Ste 1HH KW wlNMMKi. WMUMW. AT IW IMttM "aggafab w Jmhui. w AHMMUlt. rnr: "g - WWSl AwmiiU ttW KMM4 W BMru CORNER iSw Panama Lawns, Warwick Ginghams, Japanese Bunting, White Dress Goods, 300 Dozen New Stock Hosiery, YABDS LACES & EMBKOIDERIES. 1000 will Find Here Cutaway Dr?& Suits, Princ Albert Suits, Stiff Hats, Straw Hats. Gentlemen Sack Suits, Xew Summr r Snits, Son Hats, Silk Hats, TKB LARGEST STOCK OF UNDERWEAR IX THE CITY AT TH Produce Taken in Exchange. BR