MMW'UJIlUIJUIIiJWl -KTV ADVERTISKMKNTS. This Space is Reserved FOR THE OREGON LAND COMT. Office on Commercial Street, In State Insurance Company's Building, (Front Eoom, up Stuirs.) WHO ABE BUYING REAL ESTATE And have a large list of Desirable Property For Sale! Hae made ten sales In ten days; are re ceiving hundreds of letters from parties all over the country making Inquiries nbout Salem and the Willamette Valley. Have received calls from twenty Immigrants during the past week. Call and see their letter-book, containing five hundred letters of Inquiry, and leave a description of any property you have for sale and It will be advertised In this space. Oregon Land Co. orfbeae Mcob'cOQCj3C xQqxocaooeoc 205GW$cjjQrZ TT" A Woman's Dlwovery. "Another wonderful discovery bus been made nud that too by a lady in this county. IMsenbe fasten ed its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its sever est tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed Incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New discovery for Con sumption and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write "W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Get a five trial bottle at H. AV. Cox's drug store. - Buuchgrass lilade: The grand jury found a true bill against Mrs. Jennie Bradley for arson, In being an accomplice In burning Reauey's stable. The next thing Is finding the woman. The Verdict l'nnlraou. V. D. Suit, Druggist, Blppus, Ind., testifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvllle, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled In my 20 years' experience, Is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at H. W. Cox's drug store. - L T. Barin, of Oregon City, will probably be appointed chairman of the republican central committee. The chairmanship was offered to Multnomah county; but It was de clined with thanks. if stoke AND KrN-;0:-.-ooe 't- -4 II STOCK ! GIBSON & SINGLETON, Successors to Geo. E. Good. Prescription Druggists. IMPORTERS OF Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, and Fine t Perfumery. ARTISTS' MATERIALS A SPECIALTY. LEVY'S OLD CORNER, COMMERCIAL and STATE STREETS. California Cat-R-Cure. The only guaranteed cure for catarrh, cold in the head, hay fever, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and sore eyes. Restores the sense of taste and unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cure is warranted, by all druggists. Send for circular to Abietlne Medical Company, Orovllle, Cal. Six months' treatment for $1; sent by mall, $1.10. For sale, by D. V. Matthews & Co., 100 State St., Salem. - Supreme Judge. ---' GENERAL UIKKCTOHY. Olt0VRRCt.F.VKl.VNn President. Tiios. F. Ilw ahd . secretary f tnte. CitAS. . FAliicimD, Secretary of Traisury W. T. Vilas. .. .Secretary ot the Interior. Wm. C. Hxdicott- . secretary of War. W. C VfnrrjsE Secretary or Xmy. I). M. Dickinson Post MnMcr General. A. II. O.vnuxn Attorncv General. Mounisox II. Waitf chief Justice. State nr Otegon. i:ii: miwiSm.-::.::. ' s- M- ItiNOK.u Hekmann Conjtrevsinan. Sylvestmi Iexso er Uoernor. Geo. W. McIliUDK Secretary of State. O. W. Wkhh state Tieasurer. K. II. McElroy.. --Supt. Pub. Instruction. KhankHakku Mate I'rlutcr. U.S. strahas 1 WM. I. I.OHD - V. W. TllAMtii.-.t Third Judicial District. It. I. Hoise Judse, Geo. W. Belt Prosecuting Attorney. Marion County M. L. CHAMm.ItLIN. . J. A. Loonky- V-- State Senators, J. It. rUMiCK. ... J. T. GllKGO D.J. PKNDLKTON S. LAYMAN A. M. IjAKOLLETTE W. II. COLVER f. P. Hicks M. N. CHAPMAN cierK. Gkouoe;Mack Deputy Clerk. John Junto sherlit. En. CnotsAN Deputy Sheriff. AuoustGiesy .Treasurer. T. C. Sham-.. County Judge. Mr ysg::::::--" GEOKOF. A. 1'KEnLES ScllCHl Supt. IohnNewsos Surveyor. . Coroner. G. P. Litchfield Sheep Inspector. City of Salem. J. J. JIuiuty Mayor, A.H. Jiuiu 1st wara Geo. Williams 1st Ward. Geo. Collins 2nd Ward... C. Lafore 2nd Ward. Jap Minto 3rd Ward V. W. Skinner Ilrd Ward. NES. HUSH 4th Ward n K. HirrmK-lth Ward T Recorder. James Kos - Marshal. W. T. Hell. .Treasurer. Geo. G. Bingham. Attorney. J. C. Thompson Han't of Streets. C. Jf. Churchill Chief EuglueerS. K 1). I'. S. Officers. Jas. Walton IT. H. Commissioner. Joseph Albert. JSlsnal Service Observer. NEW ADVEUTIS1.MKNTS. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. ..I'epreentatles Councllmen NEW ADVKRTUKMENTS. Specialties Flints rai Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, 'Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD NI) Oregon Development Company's Steam ship Line. 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other mute. Hr$t-rliSsTbronj;h Passenger an Freight Mne irvm rortiand ami all points In tnr Hll.iniette allfj to aiat from San 1'r.inrlsco. Willamette River Line of Steamers: The "Win. M. Haiti;," the "N. S. Bent ley," the "Three SMoi,"lene Portlands a. nt. .Uondats, Yeilnetla8 and Fridays, from Messrs. llolman Ci' dock, SW itnd !XU Front street, for Oregon City, lluttevllle, Cluinidoeg, Salem, Independence, Allianv, Corvallls, and Intermediate points, unite Iiik close connection nt Albany with tralus oft he Oregon I'arltlc Railroad. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): Leave Albany 1:00 I M Leave Corvallls 1:17 1 M Arrive Yaqulnn ftflO P M Leave Yaqulna - ...... 6:30 AM Leave Connllis 10-38 AM Arrive Albany 11:15 AM O. A C. trains connect nt Albany and Corvallls.. The above trains connect at YAQUINA with the Oregon Development Cos Line of Steamships between aqulua and San Francisco. SUI.I.NO IIATKS. STEAMEHS, VKOMStN FRANCISCO. Willamette Valley, - - Monday, Mar. 12 Willamette Valley, - Thursday, Mar. 22 Willamette. Valley, - Tuesday, April 3 STEAMEHS. Willamette Valley -Willamette Valley. Willamette Valley - - EltOSt YAOA'INA. Sntuday, Mar. 17 Tuesday, Mar. 27 Sunday, April 8 This company reserves the nj-ht to change sailing dates without notice. N. 11. lNissengers from I'ortland and all Willamette Valley iKiluts can innko closo connection with the tmlns of tho YAOUINA noUTK at Albany oi-Corvallls. and if destined to Sun Francisco, should aintnge toaiTivoat Yaqulna the eeiilng before date of sailing. Passenger and Freight Hates Alvravs the lowest. For Information apply to Messrs. HC1.MAN A Co., Freight and Ticket Agents IXX) and !X2 Front M., roitland.Or., or to C.C. HOCiUK, Ae't Gen't Fit. & I'ass. Agt., Oregon l'acltlo U.K. Co., Corvallls, Or. C. H. IIASWKLL,Jr. Gen'l Frt; I'ass. Agt. Oregon Development u.o wi .Momgomeiy si.; San Francisco, Cal. NEW ADVKKTIIKMKSTS. PROHIBITION COUNTY TICKET. CON(HIXS, PKOF. G. M. MII.LKK. I'RKxIDKNTI Vt. KI.KfTOUS, T. F. CAMl'HKI.L, K. F. HAM P. DR. A. C. KINNKY. DISTHHT ATTOHNKY, J. F. CAITiES. HKIMtKSKNTATIVK. T Y DKAVKN'PORT SUveitoii. VM SIMPSON, SUvertoti. H S .fORY, Soutli Siilein J D DARRY, Sublimity. J G ERERHART, CUsuiipoog. MIKIMFF. ALKX THOMPSON, Sllvcrton. CLKltK. AY RAY, Wootiluirn. KKCOItDKH. VIRGIL H READ, Turner. TKKASUKKlt. VY P JOHNSON, Suloiu. SCHOOL SU1EUINTKSDKNT. NY T VAN SCOY, Jcllbiou. ASSKSSOlt. LOUIS BARZKE, JcHbr&on. COMMIS.H10NKHS. .1 p HURST, Aurwra. HENRY GILSAN, Murioti. .SUUVKYOK. F A FORD, Woodburn. COHONKK. Y R MAGERS, Raloin. GENERAL RUGKS31ITHING -(:-o-:)- SMOKE THE OLD REIIABbE , Five Cent Tansil's Punch Cigars. CALIFORNIA! the Land of Discoveries. pJ.EWX-TAS' AW COUGHS tcvr hrAouin u tyti'tS. BX FTB fM-riCK;J:HH ID". Those who have used it "AS 4J-U w.- - - fc r - Sedjor circulalrUKU3fer2.-- dlLJINr MLU'rCO.OROVULICAU 'our rpmft- dles are elving satisfaction, and ft cus tomer with IlrSnchltlH says ft is tho only remedy tlint gives instant relief. SE11KEI.I. a Covmt. DruBBists, Illverslde, Cal." H the pleasure to inform SVC you that jour Preparation nre meeting with large sales. 'Wotar Nothing but Praise i&VSS Ca8ni?STco, Druggists Vlsalla, Cal. That It will accomplish the end desired inn nffecti'msoftlieThraituiid Lungs m u , wl )0t (,o t Wl Mitliout it yourself, hut will recommend It to others, as mournim tae done, who hne tried everything eUelnvaiu. Mow) Is no object where uaTanl-nnd ne COnVlnCe YOU t rifling sum of one dollar can puroliasc a remedy that will stand between you Snoneoftlieinost dreaded of human '"circulars sent free, containing dutnlled descriptions. SANTA ABIE (ho AIUHTINK irovtlle, Cal. Heppner Gazette: Next Monday morning, at the month of Eight Mile, the sheep-shearing season of 1888 will be duty inaugurated by the crew of "hundred-strikers" that has been for the past few years engineer ed by Captain George Bitters and Lieutenant Johnnie Hinton. The flrbt band shorn at this point will be tho wether band, owned by the Rhea brothers, after' which other bands of candidates for tho mutton market will be brought in such numbers as to keep the swift shifting shears in motion until the stock bands are ready to be relieved of their winter coat. Xew Is the Time Now that the political campaign is upon us it is seasonable time to subscribe for the Capital JOUKNAL. It will contain full reports of all political conventions, meetings and elections, anda candid discusbion of the questions nt issue, and will be delivered anywhere in the city for 15 cents per week, or will be sent by mail for o per year. Leave orders at this ofilce or with the route agent. Bniklen's Arnica Halve. The best fealve in the world for cuts, brakes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup tions, and positively cures plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by Dr. H. W. Cox. Only one More Week And tho removal sale and your chances for especial bargains in boot and shoos at Stalger Bros.' clo-e. Don't full to call. Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, t Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 01, Commercial Street 1 preimred only by MEDICAL CO., Orovl SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY D. W. MATTHEWS & COMPANY, 106 STATE ST., SALEM, OR. SNELL, HEITSHU t WOODARD, Wholesale Depot. Tin: apostate republican, St. John, will deliver three addresses In this city, on Sunday and Monday. As the local committee who have this platform orator in charge, Impose an admission fee, It Utobc8uppoH.-u he adheres to his old plan of charg ing ?50 for every lecture. Uealcie gathering In a few ducats hW object Is dearly to dainuge the republican ramse In this state. Those who li- tenjto him will do well to scrutinize his statements with great care. V . T. Mills, " tho little giant," showed tUmniu'APuAr iiivimnnii 111 nu uiiiuv. and this more distinguished apontle U no whit more scrupulous. lie comoH here with hatred to the repub licans in hU hourt, and hU punnwo boing known lxjforehund, there should be a determination to frub trate his fell design. II. K. DUBOIS. JOK UUISOIS Dubois brothers, Proprietor.-. Chemekete Hotel FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. ) From f 1 to 5.) per day. SALEM, - OHE. "BENSON'S EXPRESS. -ANIl- HORSESHOEING ! ! All the lmprmcd methods of hhnclnir, shnnlnK Mioi's, to euro disease of the foot and lor the collection of taulty action, con traction and Intvrfei ins, used. I guarantee Kitlsfaction In all cum-.. Itelcr to any well known hon-emaii In Oiegon. JOHN KNIGHT, . The Horseshoer, SOU Commercial street, Salem, Or. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of tho HtnteorOrcgon, tor Marlon County. In the matter of the estate ol Andrew Heln, deceived. Notice is licrcl) (?ieu that I liaxc filed mv final account, anil that Monday, the Tthdavof May, R, at 10 a. m., has been set lor hcaiiiiK object Ions to the panic. .IlTMA IIKIN, Executrix. NOTICE OF PAYMENT. All ieioiiM hotdlni warrants against xi.i.ia.1 fumiiti ntul(ir.iwl l.v t lii triiiHiirtr iiio hciehj untitled to piecnt Hie sumo lor iiaymeiii, ns mm' is iiiuinv hum.. ... hat purpose, and no tuithcr Interest will he paid on them, AKUfsTOUXY, Count Treasurer, Dated April ilrd, I'M. For Sale. A ood iron frame Horse l'ower. CJood for nil uses, iiomonc to full capacity. All ror the low price of A0. call at tln Vneltlo Cider, Vinegar .t Fruit l'rcserlni? Com Ikiii.v'h olllcc. Salem, oicon. -OF- L. S. SKIFF &CO. NEXT DOOR TO OI'KUA HOUSK, SALKM. Vitalized Air Given for the Painless Extraction of Tcotli. 8WTlie per.-oti awakens from a pleasant dream w Itli tin aching tcetli gone. Also Gold Crowns Set. HACKS-:-AND-:-BUGGIES! T EAVE OKDEU.S AT LAN'CE'S I.IV I i ,,n- wtr.iiii. jvirner nf State and rront ttreetK,or5n slatent corner.StatoandCom inerclal btreets. Prompt attention and care guaranteed. Dvt.v Overland to California VIA Oregon k California Rail Road AND CONNECTIONS Time Between Salem and Han 1'ranclM'o Thirl)! Hour. CALIFOHMA EXI-KKtsS TKAIN DAII.V. nforlh, 10:40 aT in, Soutli. 4:00 p. in. l.v. Portland" 0:30 p. in. l.v. Salem 7:10 a. in. Ar. San Fran Ar. l.v. l.v. s::io. m. 0:W. in. IXICAL I'AtWBSOKU TltAIN ( KA1IA VX KIT UNIA1 ). nsyjLeN!Mfl jjssr .". " I A fine line of hacks, luiKgli-. carts, ciu rlages, liueklKNirds etc. llotli our own inalce and (lit l'st iiitfi'ii nuidi ImfW'1 Every one Warranted! siirt SCKIBEK JOBBJNG and HORSESHOEING. 3y l ail on the umlPmlKiied, uiikoii and ir Ss riuue iiiiikciH tilitl liliii'kmllhh, Sw'w, it is, vw2fc and M I Comiiieiclitl slit, salem. - and : Pohle. 8.00 a. in. 1:02 a. in. 12:40 p. in. I,v. Portland Ar. p. in. Ia. Salem l.v. 1'AftJp. in. 1 Ar. Kukciic Iv. I w" '" PULLMAN BUKFET SLKKl'KKS. Kxcursion Sleepen for cecoHd-cla pa wiisoni on all throuijli tnilun free of chance. . The O. & C Railroad ferry make con nection ultu all the reuular trains on the Bust Bide Division from foot of K mreet, Portland. West Side DivisionTBetween Portland and Corvallis : IIA1I.Y (EXCKIT HyyUAl ) I.v. Portlnnd Ar. I ArConaIlU Ia. IjMy.ju, -(UAILV 7SOO. III. 1225 p. IJI. M'MINNVII.LE BXl'KKM TUAIS BXCBIT HPyi'AT) 4OT p. III. &oo p. in. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar.MeillnnvinelA. -W50a. in. Sett u. in. At Albany and CorvullU oonneet with train of OreKfln Iaino Itallrood. For full ftifprnuitton rrilln(C wtw, map-, ew., apply to the CtoiiijnyJ. awt, Ralein. OntKOn, K. r. K0UnK9, IL KORiri.RIt, O. F. and u. AK1!. Manager. Capital Lumbering Company! MAM'FAfTl'KKKS Or AND Ili:AI.KIlS IN Every Variety of Oregon Lmok Dressed and Undressed. -CONhTANTI.Y ON If AM): Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, BOXES, Etc. SALEM ... - OREGON. i.Vu A