"1 LOCAL AND GKNEIIAL NEWS A roCT AlJi:lMJK 1XSAXB. K Mh Willi an Inlereallng (Joes lo Hie Asylum. HUtor)- Hhcrlll' drove, if I'olk wmiity, yttunliy linmxht t llic iwyltnn KoiXUHHi owt'ii, fanner of the Luhliiiiiulr country, who wan hI Jih!khI liiiifU'fori'JmlKi'HiitlcTiit DhIIhh tin- Iny lH'fcm. I'rmii tin lumivr wt glfwn tl'i' follnwiiiK account uf Owi'H'm lilMery: III fHtlior wu Jiolit. Owi-n, of IIIIimiIk, wild IiivcuU Hit' ecl'lirnlud .Mnllne plow, the rltflit t niHiiufucturi- Wllll'U III-Willi to Dn'IV, till' well known HKrliiilHinil machinery iiiimufiwluriT. Voting Owen (UKi'il h1m.iiI.S7) Inwl with lilm in thlHilty when examined H Ixxik f 17i "kcw of cliiwly written poetry, nil IiIh own coiiiixwltloii. Till' iHHlk l tin-' me "I'-' exactly u n volume of iIi-iiIh, mill lie Inul Im-cji ciiKUKi'il In writing It i'Vit kIih-i' IMh. He iiiiuli'liliillntt tiirt on It In lowii, where Iio wan known an thi! "lown I'oet." Home of hit thought uiv vory tHviullriil, mill are MtliMlicil oil' with delicate touchcM. He take Kreut lcllfht I" riinlliiK liUi'iniHloiiH lo any jhtmii; who will INti-n. . -. llrrurdri'i Court Thin afternoon (iitirKc Wlntern wh liroiiKht In-fore hlx honor, Hi eorilcrHtrlckler, on a charge of an miill committed iixiii (iny IIIim'Ii, mmi of Hon. Kilw. I Uracil. He iileiul guilty lo tin1 flmrK' anil wax lluiil loanil (xIh, HinoiintliiK In all to $100. The a-wull aiitir to have Iki'ii entirely unwarranted ami unprovoked. CdIIIiih, who has llgurtMl In tin1 ki1Iic rniirt m-veml tlnii N'foiv, work In tin- tm facto ry during the ilny und wen iw u moral reformer and irnnlatur of moral at the Salvation Army Imrraek at night. Thin puuMi inent hliiuilil liNit'h lilt tt hIchui, hut we fiitrll will lint. HfHillku rr lr 'V. Vol. No I, or Hi.- 1'olk County OiVrvcr, puldMicd at .Moiiuiouth, folk county, hy C. V. l).iimhty, hat. Uiii rwelvcd Ht thl olllce. Thi' i jur .lnilglil-nul-iiil-"iul rcputill mn In (milch, I'hurk lill of county iivwk inul xliidilil receive thi' hearty lllM)r( of (ll K0lll lf lllll l'olk. Mr. )Miithly hh. for I'liihtivu llIUltl fllll'IIIHII of till' llllk'lH'll- ilcinv VkI Sic hiiiI thi' ChrlftlHti HkwIiI oillii tinuYr thi' wrlu-r't lllMHK'IIH'll!, llllll It lilm IH till' KrtwtiM purity In mi lilm thi' iiii lntor of mii'Ii h bright iiuwuy uliwl. ihr ilurKHinm. Thv Ivrrlbl" storiuy wwitlu-r to iUy ul a kl-lnwh on thi) rtiniiul liiHvtHihou'. Out iifHlHiut W) or 70 Ihwxw tlmt wvrv i'XhhU1 heiw on ly !M or ) won hriHiijtlit, ami t)ny uirMtot tMki'ii (Hit of tlu'lr xtHltlo-t iliulnu tin' iIm.v. Ilml tin' wiwdiDr Ihvh miillou thi in rmh) wmild lV Invil tin- lllhot I'VtT MH'll In HmUhii, ! miy otlwr city In lln WllUiiiollf YhIWv. U.ltr ruri. 1'liHrriiiuUni, tit ivlKKntiplwr In Hh- ih IWiiV llliH'k, (NhuiiwivIhI w, HmViti, Ium mjih oxtm Hm Murkmi hllittMt nt his tidlo. Hf uiMlouMnUy luw tlw AhM p jmlutcd ipilU-ry iu lit' t huiI IiW K, UliV It l m cltl the lHWMt lu Hv, UmIwhuI uf nil In ItnMiMtil iUll(y. V 4 It U niWHlMll tht the tlllKMblc of the O. A t. IUaiHrU' Imx-Iuiu mI (hut Uw tliruugh uln will Wv- IVkrtUiul i S u'iM h. ui., mi mtIw ml J o'cKn-V, p. m. '110 uuMiiutHr the tmlu lu imm Hwv Umml north iVw luluutK U-fmv I )V til., MUI MNIttl Avf lu . III. Thr Mtmlu U thMAwnuMUior; ClrnnU CluK Ml J.um. lVrrUh, iwiiite u U- nulMta t th n-fu. ' Mill t itlllimluiiu, Mcrt. Sn huiI kr Utdrlinii .if ttiU lkft No W lUk-,v, mill Hhrw will iu-U. tit t. iX 14. T. Ut-ulgtti ifetunbtyi Klilt4ikiu if lb- Autliruth.ul ultffal. mw4i, llrn. John KiUgiit ; ' kind of uitMl lualnuueut, mimc, Ww. lirivwr ; ivdiu, Bfu. I U lut AM lUWUuu In H tkvry ; mm. iUMHlr ; im-iiUuu, Wu hl iliw. lta Hniurll ; mi4i, lUu. Jury. "" MiMWMM. -n,, j,i ttete manAt U HtMwuur IVtuivr ujm -i to ! Cmm ijvuendty butit town. ttt WMhliMrMU m Irtivr aalitiy Umu h ww turn ifcwit, ImuV mskmi wk rf 0iaii mumw biHMkwK ltii 9m j ky , hw btown tu .wUbiroin, tm I'altol m wiMaunJtlfk II J mmA u uuiMially Itmvy gwl Ufew lm wottM Mfl UMiwWfhHililMrkurutlMHi A HI(Mlv If it w imAnvi ktot, m IImU Ik- uUI U4 Huikc tlruorW fr ll HOPfiROWEKS ohOASIZEU Wallamette Valley Hop rowm Amo- rlation OrpaniiwI-Klerlion or (JUlcer. AtRiiM-ftlnKof lioiHsrowi-H lwW on Hcbrimry 10, tliolciniwniry organ Intloti of tin- WIllmiK-'tto Mjlli-y IIoiHjrowcw AfoclMliiii was cllW't HlHIlllH mwtliiK whs lieMoiiIrl Hy, March .TO, to conipU-to the or KHiilHitloii, elect oniccwmiil tmiiwl other lmIiii". AntinlliiKly viMerilay aftwiinon a miftliiK wh liflil at the olHce of . J. Herren. There were irm'iit: H. J). Mount, of Sllverton ; V. I-vy, fsilein; (. WHIlHiii-, Kalt'in; John NewMiiue, Howell 1'niirie ; J. (). Ituirtlxli-y, WhiHtlnnil ; It. F. Mycix, JclU'ion ; John Hrewner, Swltzerlimil ; F. M. Kfjmi, Sllverton; Lewis l'ettyjohn, Salem. The uieetliiK was called to order ,y 'IViniKiniry Vlei-Pre-ident Mount. The iiilntitcs of the jirt-vloiis meet- Iiij; were rend and approved. The committee on liyliiWHhiibmlt ted their n-iHirt, which was adoii- Icd. I'jkiii motion, the awoclatlon iro cewliil to the election of iH-rnmiiciit olllccrn, with the following result: president, H. IX Mount ; vltt-pres-lilenlH, W. I-:. Her, F. X. Matthleu, John Newwiuie ; wcrctary, V. J. Hcrron ; truiftirer, (ieornu Wll- lilllllH. It was moved and carried that the Hlandiird Imix for picking hops as ilxcd lv Hlatuti- Ik- adopted ns the box to lie UH'd by members of the awMieiatlon. It whs moved and curried that when the ineetliiK adjoiini it ad journ to meet on Friday, July 13, 1WW, ill 1 p. in- I Salem. Adjourned. iKinlnd for lioitrnmtnt iiunera. The Ori-Konliui Niys: Surveyor (U-m-ral Tiiylur In In eons-taut receipt or petitions from all parts of the Mate from pert-ons who want Mirvcys iiihiIc. There has btvn mirveycd only a narrow strli) almiK the coast, inul pi-ople are hcttllng iiUhik the htieiinislHick uplntothe('ou-t Halite and wish their claims surveyed. Some of the petitioners have been K'ttlcd on their claims all the way from three to llftccn years, and the work asked for should Ik- done. However It cannot be done till an appropriation Is made and the tfo crnment Increa" the rate jht mile lmld for the work. No reliable man can be found to do the work for the Hiy allowed now. The government should not exiicet to net work done for K-Mi than jirlvatc individuals can have It done for. Surveyor licnenil Taylor Ims forwardisl a petition tdgned by all the registers and n ivIvcrM In the state asking that u IUkthI iippiiiprlatlon Ik- liiiule for surveys lu till- stte, and that the jwy iHT mile for surveying 1k in en'HHHl.Hiiil thciimtterls now under coiislderulluii, and a favorable result In hopisl ror, U.trr Suirt. Following Is the prunun of the l-itcr Minn service at the (.'ongrctiu tloiml church lo-murmw evciiIiik: Antheui, hymn, rending Scrlptun-; anl hem, prtiyer, hymn; miIo, Mr. IVrvlu; remarks; trio, Charity, U dliti' chorus; colin-, by Ml-e 1'ar iili mid (HllliiKlimu ; hyiuti ; hiIo, " l know tlwtmy UwliHiuior llvcth," Mfc-i lVrrl-h; anthem, dMilojty, Ivnedh-tkui. sst4ur) irliflw. The roriUml ItowliiK AsmH-lMtiou y4vhUiy rtlwl lu Oh- mlUv if tlw MH'tvtury of suite siipplcinciititry ar- lkiVuf liiiHirpooitUMi liicrci-(iie Its MtpiUl trfOCk fMIII J! to VHKM. The Hiilcli were liinsl by J. lttl iiwu. Jr., A. S, Whltlmt, T. It. stnmit, J. It. MmiWlcld, John IVMipMl, K. M. Arclwr, A. 11. Mc Al4u. A. J. CullW. VMiMt imH. TIh ixmv Ht til I'tUwrUty Clui'l next WwlnrwUy nwulii umuiUw to t tuiMtml vut. 1V 4ik tin ehoruw by the I'urWty loaV dmi iur .but with meh viu- Wsjhv tluil i. Ur- ih uf gkn, Mliii ut.sij to i-li Mrrv t4.ctl. LOCAV NOTUS. Oysters In evcryTTyle at A. Strong & Co's. Judge Lord went to Portland this morning. Fresh home made candles at A. Strong ft Co'k. Come In and sign the republican club roll at this olllce. Prof. R, A. Starr took this morn ing's train for Portland. Ml Jlele Smith, of Portland, Is visiting friends In the city. The Capital Joumnai.'s subscrip tion llt is increasing daily. W. J. Herren 1ms gone to KaBt cm Oregon on bu?lms matters. MetMlames Hlakeney and Martin, or Turner, were In the city to-day. A. Hush and E. O. Norton took this morning's train for Portland. If you want n nobby suit go to G. W. Johnson's the leading clothier. Mrs. Win. II. Holmes, who has lecn very ill with measels, is getting better. The will of Angus Slww, lately deceased, was admitted to probate to-day. Just received tt full line of John IX Stetson's hats at G. W. Johnson's. Miss Miller, of Turner, is In the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Parvin. Hepublican primaries are being held In nearly every county in the slate to-day. S. A. Cuirke, who has been in the city several days went to Portland this morning. The republican county conven tion for Polk county will be held next Tuesday. Walter Thomas MilN, "Tho Uttle Giant" or Ohio, at the opera house to-night. Free. "Mr. Humes or New York," the most noimhir book out yet at T. McF. Pattern's. Icecream, soda water, milkshakes, candles, oysters, meiils at all hours at A. Strong & Co's. The largest stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods In the city at (I. W. Johnson's. Mr. John Shaw, of the tlrm or llob-oii & Co., Stayton, nindo a pleasant call at this olllce to-day. We me indebted to Senator Dolph Tor a copy of the minimi report of the commissioner of education. Lewis Dart, of Molalla, who Is in the asylum, is reported as recovering and will be -cut home In u few days. Miss llertha Ciiuuiiigliam com mences next Monday to teach the i Cavmuuigh school on Howell Prairie. J. W. Webb, N. K. (larlord and Samuel Hmnp, of Salem, ate tlcIeKHtcd lo l'lc national prohibition convention. KlU-rt Mann, of the University, left this morning for The Dalles lo act as a clerk lu a general merchan dise cMabltshuient. Wait Herman, of Molalla, has traded his farm iu that neighbor hood, ror an Interest in the Oregon hotel, Portland, and will take charge of It next week. StatcSuperiuteiident McIClroy re turned this morning from Corvallls, w hero ho had been attending the eounty Institute, which held a very Hiuii-riil session. Win. Hrown & Co. are iu receipt of Hiuie very tine spring giKHls, milling the newest is a line of mens iMrdovmi, bultoii, imle mid congress. Cull iu mid sec them. Tho Oreuilmi iMim-sout In a new and linndMiuioiln! tiMlny. It now prers'iits a cnilltiibln apiKwrtiniv, mid eiiii take milk with the lending iwiKTsof the country. l.tt wivk's PmcUIc Chrisiiwn AtlvocMtc i-oiiuliis a very lutenwt litK mK'T mi th Portlmul hospital fhHH tlw Jh-ii of Prof. Van Seoy, of tin- Willamette University. Hon. Jivlui (1. Millar, who Iims leH In tlw city vfil ilnys, left yUftly ftwr lVulWii, to Httend lit iW-huhViHIc sime convent ton. HWiUtunhler MmuU- tHiotiiiwniml Ulut. In U Cwtiptwll, of the Kun tllj- thtnl( ttl xfwntl oUter I aim cutiuly UelegMes (hmhmI tkiwu un thl HKrnlmr, twin nu their wy m IWilWttli, lu MMhI the male ileut-iK-ntilo euuventluu. JutM NMUlt, uf l)rr, IVilk , wmj , hr vuj wtmy ia hk muUwir. 34iv J. W.i NvamlUt, ami Uvl Ankwiy, Um! wU knott it banker uf Walla WVikNi mm wife, who return! Utk mum lC oMt a Uuw wwkV utp Is Awithani Otwgnu auU Calllbntkv Mr. Attkimy and wtlb aoaMaMilat Ibe Nitxwlth'k tu Dixie to Ult tbera a ft-w day. CMVEiwrrv notes. Mlw Edithni;ctimiil will begin teaching near Scio, Monday. FreilMeCrca left school Tuesday and will not return again this year. JIN Lottie Dimick read an essaj ,' "Sublime in Nature," Thur,day. on A numlKirof students drop out of .., .. ll... lu.irinnnnr 01 iicai, sciiooi ai. "- "-o --- term. W. P. Matthews who is teaching at Oak Grove will spend Sunuay in the city. O. F. Tower who has been absent fomc time with the measles returneti to school Monday. Misses Lottie Dimick and Carrie Gleason will ieinl Sunday at their homes at Hubbard. Prof, mid Mrs. Van Scoy spent last Sunday visiting Mrs. Van Sooy's parents at Mt. Angel. S. W. Stryker read an oration Tm.1hv. Miss Nettie Meredith witnessed chapel services. Miss Carrie Royal read a splendid ly prepared essay Monday in chapel, llev. J. W. Webb conducted chapel services. Iilliert Mann, or the bnsiness de partment, will leave to-day for The Dalles, where he has been icnuercu a position as book keeper. The entertainment to be given by the conservatory next Wednesday evening, bids niir to be the best that the conservatory has ever given. The third term will clo-e Friday. All the students will be examined who rail to obtain the requisite 1)5 per cent, to excuse them from ex amination. .Mr. and Mrs. Patty or Yamhill county visited the school Friday. Their son Willie who is attending the University accompanied them home to-day. The trigonometry class have received a problem in surveying to solve, from a fanner at Mt. Angel. The piece of land is very irregular and was to be divided in a peculiar way. The necessary bearing and dinieiitions were not given and as a regular law In mathematics cannot In-applied to an irregular example, it cannot be solved. A. M. Kceves who was a student of the University the four pubt years, was married the&ith to Miss Mary Soiithworth of Corvnllif. Mr. ltceves Is at present the principal of the Monroe public school, jnnd has iiimie a goon rcpiiiiuioii us a icaciier. A host of friends about the Uni versity extend to him a warm con gratulation and may prosperity be his lot. The Philodorimis at their meeting lust evening debated the question, He.-olved: Tnat the female citizens if the United States should be al lowed equal rights of sullhigc. The debate was opened on the atllrma tivo by F. M. Anderson on the nega tive by W. II. Jordon, after the question had been discussed for two hours with considerable Interest it was decided In favor of the unintui tive. liKI.HilGTS IXTKMilUK.NCK. Kvaniiiii.icai. Ciiuiteii J. M. Dick, jwistor. Preaching on the Lord's day at 10:30 A. M. Sunday school at 1'2 M. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. All are Invited. No services on Sabbath evening. Haitikt CiiL'itcii Corner of Lllwrty and Marlon streets, llev. A. It. Medbury, inU)r. Services at lOuSO a. M. and 7 p. si. Sunday school at noon. Young people's meeting at (t-W) p. st. The services both morning and evening will In appropriate to Faster. First ritivirvTKiiiAN Ciumcit llev. 11. A. Newell, pastor. Public worship at lOu) A. si. and 7 P. i Young People's SiK-lety of Christian UiulcHvnr to6 p. si. Sabbtith school at 12 si. Church prayer meeting on Thursday evenings at 7 p. t. Seats atv frvv, and the public iuviteil to attend. Comi uwi ation a t. Cu i'iu-1 1 Cor. Lllnirty and Center street.. Hov. J. W. Harris, pastor, lia-ter servh'w lu tlte nusrnliiK anil a pWsant song ssirvke lu tlw evening. Sunday hjImhiI at 12 M. Young l'sq4e's mev-tliiK at it p. u. Pmyw nn-Ung iHt Thurxlaj,- eveitlug. All are cor dially Invited. Seat aiv tW. M. l-l Cmpih'M Ser1ce. In tlte M. K. church tu-uvurruw a follows.: MornluK, at load; subject, "Ham. nwr away, ye ho-stlle ImihU, yrour wwK,ua.raiivu . ? 5i"i r wrhuol at " uuuk loiiies UMetlttir at lUvukr unt'er iuee4ltt; Tbur- dS)' MtlMf at TX A oonllal In itMiutt la eMwtuW tu alt Cfood A4m; s ftt. W. KoUlihs pa. tar. AUJHfcKul lr TWrJ Pr. NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. For Books. Shim Fancy tads ! GO T. Ill J I OS, STATE STREET. ASK TO BE SHOWN : PR WF'S STATIONERY, PLAIN AND FANCY. ASHTON LE ML CMPLAIN AND NUMBERED. TYPE AVRITERS' MATERIAL ACME WRITISG AND SCHOOL TABLETS. FABER'S PENCILS AND PEN HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS AND ERASERS. SPENCERIAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGILL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials for Paper Flowers, MABIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED GOLD PENS-ALL WAR RANTED. AVIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS -BEST IN THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAGE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. Roberts' Rules of Order. SCRIBNER LOG BOOK. GILLCHKIST'S MANUEL FOR IN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE S1.00). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (.30 CENTS. For Rruit Growers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, ($1.00). DOWNING'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, (3.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, (3). THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 40 CENTS. 9S, STATE ST. AT THE Brick Dental Olfe -OF- L. S. SKIFF & CO. NEXT DOOR TO OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. Vitalized Air Given for (lie Painless Extraction of Teeth. BSTTlie persou awakens from :i pleasant dream with the aching teeth gone. Also Gold Crowns Set. GREAT REDUCTION IN- FINK Set Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia, Usual Price 32.50, Our Price 20.00, Set LylloD, 20 " Cloth, Gilt lop, " " 32.50, " 23.50, Set. Thackeray, il " Half Morocco, " " 22.50, " 15.00, Set Waverly, 12 " Half blue Calf, Set R P. Roe, 15 " Cloth, Set Capt. M. Reid, 10 Vols. Cloth, Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles, - AT - J. BENSON STARR'S. 118, State Street, - - . Saenl) 0reg0n, Capital Lumbering Company! MANl'FACTl'KKHS OK AND DR.VI.KUS IN fay Variety of Oregon Lumber, Dressed and Undressed. CONSTANTLY ON HAND: Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, ! BOXES, Htc. SALEM - OREGON. TO Pattoos, SALEM, OR. SETS! 51 " 32.50, " 17.50, " " 22.50, " 18.00, " " 15.00, " 10.00,