BnfflBffi' " " ""saall,ailMMg 1 h 1 ... ir'A ' M j- it BVBNIXfi CAPITAL JOUKXAL rt'MI.KHl EVEdV EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY Ml THI. CapJUl Jrtial PMWn Company. IKMsmATKI.) 6ff, IU Curl 8rttl. rT How Wfk TKRMM OK HUrHrKHTIOS 11AII.T ffcr wmI M ty W r we aeiiTwsu uy INw On yar Six whiUk ... Thrtss moult. esrrtef WlHlKW 1 0 !M I IS Alio . 109 m autlmrli'sl u re- a-liHinwri an entre Mil-eflpllon- -.!! WlWlW ntM on application I" HIM, II. IMItltV, - Mmwicit. -KlrI a wwmd-cla. T'JT! """rtortl. March H. I1 ' RATUHDAY, MAW'H SI. I WW. tWllMMOM1. lt,MbllJi I'rtmnrtw-SlHreli 21 )1hO(IHii IViunt) Convention-Mar . AhimwI llofoMlMiM-SlHrrlil WJUhmvU Mukl Ko-M) Coneert- Ai-nn. KKiTiilim rotwi ininthn Who fought for Hit' maintenance ami Mijin-iiiMcy of the union tlinK' mill who IihIiU nktuI tlie hard earned result of tlw ntningle. It t if,...,. inwuit tin omioiK'iiii'iii m uni- PAMPrDTi tnud's vlolnllciii of lil- o ii lolunlary . J -- LUINULn I civil wrvlM! reform .iieoKos " lm - M SBff ADVKKTISKMKNTS. " -KW All! KUTI-jEMENTs. I INK!!' TO-DAI. . I'XIVKKSITV CHArKI, Thardaj Renins, April 3d. Ml TUB IXIVMLSm CHORAL CLI'B !M 1'or Marion enmity III U' hold Hi tlio Kin house In Sctlom on TIiurwlny, March With, HAS, lit 11 o'clock n. n.. r tlie purpose of olwtliiK II ilologuUft to tilt HtlltO ennw "Hon to lo liold in I'ortlaiiil thti lltli ily of April lfvVi, wnl to iiotnliialo llvi! cniiillilatet for the luftUlHturt), uutiiity rlork, slierM, rwonliir, treasurer, m-IidoI xiiHrlii ttniliiiit,twoeoiuir.liioii('rH,iiwor, MirvHyorHiiilcoronor, and to transact any other IhihIiikm that, iiih iiro orly (Nil lie In'foru the convention. PrluiHrlwMlli I held on .Nttunlity, MarehlHth. Al'I'OiniONMKXI. The wvoml iireciiirts hiv entitled to tlio following mnnlwr of (IeIukiiIih: tilHtl IS Howell Prairie.. UMtthNtl 1 Hllvwloii Wwlli HmIwiii H (ferrield ... tfemtliHabHtt .. Ahlqu .. . jHftMwm .... 7 llikh Martmt .. X nerval Jlnlwtma .1 M'okllHirn lhnh ... .. IlKlilMhl HbOrbHi. .. A Aurora HmITiIimII) ... 5 ltiiltlll IJllHII.. 8 ('Imiiil.ssx Turner M hi. IhuI Fni Drill illolmrjf of nlmJ)-t every n-imblini fwlorttl olllwliolilfraiiil tlieapiioliil- llll'llt In lilt KtfHiI t ll'-' l()t Olli'Il- flwiIi'iiiocrHtli- iwrtlHin-. Itimiuis mi enilorwini'iit of ( Ifvelantl's free trmli' imiKt' to i-oin?rww. I which lie IWMlIllllUlHl thHt tllf lnp ill- diirtryor tliin country one of r cinliicnt ImiHirtHiicp mi thi" ""H-t slimilil Ik- hIihmI out ofcxUtoncc, by tflklnu nil' tiic tnrlifon wool Mini . . li I.. ....... .w.l..i tilt I In. filimi nil- gnmn protluct of AiM.ralln ami QNE PERFORMANCE ONLY oilier couinriuH. The- are tlio jiriueipliH to which Marlon county Is a-ked to suWrilH', antl tlio tleinocratH protentl tofX)H-ct that there will be HiilUcient allena tloiwof "linIt'K)iitk'iitt" anil prolii billonNts from the republican purtj to ell'ect tlie rwult. We are of tin opinion, that uiMiii it cool coii'.lderii tiouoftlie prenilM.-, thej will llml Uieinelvis not' onlj liiiiuw republi can iih-tlitiuiiv for their "endorhe nieiit," but that inany ilemtK-nits will refute t swallow the hitter pill. Conservatory of Music, AwU-tml by Mlw l'8rrlli, Jones ntl (III IlincliHin Hiid oilier. (Iiortu of forty whcm. A iiroranimr of UlltlMIHl Mirklj will 1 KlICII. AilinlMlon.BimilM KEHD'S mA HOUSK. Tndav. March 27. im J rrtT jBaSlSfi1 W B flu H a 9 o oi J IV i un r ivoTin blUl-tlU II nl BnnlT' villi. Ill VI SALEM, OREGON. W M X. I.ADUK, - -UK I. itKNOLDS -JiMI MUIH, - . . Pii'ldcnt. Vice Pn'l(li "t. . . . lnli!ci GENERAL BANKING. F chniice on l'ortlnnd, San KmncNco, s, Yoi, I)ndoii aul Honi! Kohr Inn cm ana .oia. .-"laiu, iuuiu ""..-.' .. ,7..... lr.,.rrl.l Pnrliiprs 1110 COlllmlly United to deposit imd transact builnre !tli ttv I.lbenil ndnnce mnde on win it. .kI. Iiops nnd other propertj at n iMiiibli rites. Iniumnce on such .e- mtt ! obtained at tlie ixiuk ni.i-t i ell I'll" ii)mp mle- In ki.hi:miii:ii tiii: miiittimi Tumi.., David Simiov, ' Ulir'n. Co. ('en. Com. .IIKl WHAT llllll IIMXHIhK. 'I'lm MiipIo of Marion county, w ho urn iiahh'IiI to umke, In the Ian KUtt) of Dr. (iolilen, the "future pnpMetiforeHrriUK Marlon count,! for thiMleuiiH'nttlc imrlyitM clttir 111 the iKHtmUy win," urn renHrtfully llivlltil to eMliillie I lie pint form iimhi whleli the iltiuiiH'rutle jwrty Mk t) lloUt llr)lf llltl) H) IT 'I'lils pUtlforin it a "felln(" one. It "freU" fin- every ollliv not now Mil by h ilMiioemt "fminprlilent liwlti-tiiHMr," Mini lm. no imitle ukr " Oelliif" on nny oilier mibJtHt IHW Ihuv tlie AmerlcHii KHi4t. hi Hue willi i hi, "fniliiv," the rty In Marion emitty iiiimiliv iwJIy Hilox ever,v ei of vwy ih-miwmllemHctHl in thoiiHtloii they enuW lltlllk .if- iHitMbly (roxenvoV lVnuo.1 ir rtptt. Sute'rreHrT Wrt4i odiiI mi.l 'rtiUwt (Vielmiil burf. 'VhM U l be miui Hltd i-ulMxitiv of the Ittfttrtu mlopUM ,eMntaj, prlulvd IW thfCAMTAI. JoPHAL,lld HHI whk-li th unl.liuliliic', ihhiw UtfUrv llw- imujkk' Rir endoiwnwit, Ytoy lf)i'r.i n-t f J'pM. Wut CWicUnd, Mild HP Wair to mA tlie wxuih) of tbli Next WeiliieMlay eieiiliifc fliouhl 1k made a ineiiiorable one b. the re piililloiiiH of Halem mill Marion county -mcmoriihlc in tlie numeri cal Htreiigtli of the gathering as well as in the unanimity of thought and action ulilcli tdiould pievade all prcMint. It will Ik- the eienlng be fore the (otinty (ouventioii and a most appropriate oeca-lou for a reg- ulur iMilitlenl love feast, so expressive in Its determination to have har mony and good feelings no matter who may lie the nominees, that the work of the next ilaj will bo re ceived with enthusiastic approba tion that will not i wise until every republican In Marlon county lias cast a straight ballot uet June. Itcmi'iiihci, tlieie will Ik singing, murle, the legimeiital btind anil line riiovt!luw -a prograninie full of jileostire, prollt ami olitlc. Come out ami bring jour iiclghlxux. (Mil Mil! CltlllC'IsM. THE MONARCHS OF THE WORLD! HAVEKUY'S Nr Anierleiin-riiroiH-nn The OrlKlmd .MiiModon MINSTRELS t'niler the is-r-on il mjierv Ihlon nnil Nile iinnnceiiii tit of W. S, CLEVELAND. J.D.M.cCully Is HKCKIVINO A FINE LINE OF CLOTHING I B ;h a t s 1'OSlTIVlSt.Y llrtcrlj screnbt ellort ' Hinerl.vVonlj inliislnls' lliixerl t newest ami best' llntrl' nuwler iiioip' 'Ihlhintlrt'l.v iiph amleofntl) re-oixiiiilwil oitn)in) tncludes All you Have Never Seen! What you Haven't Seen Equaled! riir minpilliiiiH IM- Speiuvr, Hiirr Arnistroac, John tJtieen.CKsi. II. Kdunrds, Pete MhcU ami Jus. Iliwtrmn poMtheU the Rniitest M'xtclle of eotiiciuiins, end men and iliinei rs on enrt h 1 The KurHan wonder.the ImtiiancntRinii, I-I 1 L t o x :il -AND- FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. 210 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. WM. BROWN & CO. -DKALER IX- V must aokiiow ledge the justice of the following erltleiMii, which uipiHiirs in the MUerion Appeal: "Nilem Is a pretty town unit Is declined to U a place of considerable lmMrtiuiv w lieu it getx spreatl on thickly andiicatl.i over the terrltor.i embraivd In the town xite, but Ik1 foivJt will ever look rwil pretty, It llllist ll up its sidewalks, repair Its feiuvn, lixir dow n Its old house ami Iwrns, Hiul daub on judnt fnvl.i , lv tildeH titmmliig up Its sliniliU'r. Till erlllelsiit iiih.i Iv isuisldeivd impertinent couiIiik flxun an out- Kldcr, but that Is tin win It looks to a man Trout the couulrv." Most underfill artist IIInir. Iloueanil IV) le, lliiMliiiirlnciiiarvels. iJiit'i'ii.MDue nnd Handiill, (lie orlKlmil world h trln Inti'lllxent isimirsatlonaltsts, Jus. Nor cross mill HIk. K. DeTonuiss,). HKAIt llaverU's vocal t'lmlr Ovstell 11011(51, liniir: .1. 1). flntn. prima Imrl tone, llrr l-olchlon, pitro iilto. SKI: the lloMilan ilmi;iMinst the street iHinidct ntsirlv half 111) jierfuriners In one IilKtiillistnlJllbllee. M:CTKK SP.AT. AVOID TIIK CIIOWDS SEATS NOW ON SALK AT PATTON'S BOOK STORE. Ilesorvisl Seats (Siillerv .. $1.1)0. oOo. BOOTS O o Real Estate Agency I'ok religious tutclllKi'iiiv nl a re-llMttk-r) natiuv, iMUUiieiul us to the editorial columns of utir deuiiHTHtic eieliiiiK oMileluiHirv A few days HIT". tllssklllglf till Clst llIK 1HIH', It w " 1'ok' 1am III," and last eieiiluu It iptve mil tlmt the deino- cWtle county isiMiiv OH Irissl FrlilMy. brotlrrT WHS C11W14' III U'lllg H week tooeHrlyiii llK'lallei lu-taiicn, it lie iloubMc llnsilit that Dr. WillmirHielOohk'H rirflilly eriK'irUsl the pm-ty I AM AGENT FOR THE SALE OF All Of THE 1 Hindis' MiirtKHire I iiiiihiiv s iMrnis In VlHrluil toiil lAk. nuinttes. I lme on shIc h mssl water ismrr Ht tsaleni, !- elt) IHUlst of all kinds, small plun- near slio, rlne mill and jmrdi'ii land i.riiniln nnd slisW lanns In dltli-reiit wits of the vnllf). Mime; In loan I'lum two to live VKHrsuii tarm mm ivaf. itllriirrl'iiiltHl .Nallunal llaiik.aleiii, )rsp hi H. V. MATTHEWS. WILLIS i 11LUIBBRUN. tlmt the ilento-' r I r- . . . '-"'Heal Lstate Agents lint then, tin" O lltiv uint mU turios nnd rllv iiwrt). ! btrir mim!riitttrMlk Atrni ami ll (HMIvilx niw HIKInu mi rvHwrnahli lenit. laurrVHof Jim what ! In lib iH'iilint fepooch, Hiid tlmt Mr, (ht meaiifc. It inennti tln etMbMxs. ' lUy ws plNyiuKM pshI lssriot to mntl of Ck!UiMl' rrttfrof wvep.jhU invulUttHi fri)is in iixiiIiik mmv. In wttleit w iW'lnsi( thill hIiiU.IIk irrowHTMik isiuveoikm fm mwuikI lenn Kit lw )uvsatliHy IbrntH nuuiliwlioti, m after nII, it wim, mau v riftitKMuuM to Hie Um lit-HiuWvtt, m regular ssl l'ri.Uy h taiVBti of I lie iMlkni, while it of i iW-UMsTmy , but MiifurtuiiMlely for wurM- iirmiik tle eiMioixsiiHsnt of j tlieHi, thorv will U no iwurm-tiou. UUmt be eutiaktMlMt at UmI Ihm AlliM!Waulbiuiilr) lttun.UB .ire I nsurnncel Write ixilMvn nl Irsunois Mmlnsi Hre on all iwHisn) 111 ebtht reMabte Ml.ll M (Willi V tKIIlltSv litx'olcerfiffe ! s !! Ill nrrmntv Iom im mm r-Uile ww mmmI fmmrtXf m hHtK Kbutt UiwnHd x um r xiM.ll suius. sIHI'lKVVnil VIIWIMItK. i Kiii!inJoi ms vi liUMuctiou' ' u.....l..u ..... .. 1.... I . - I UM nitlui!Mn( rf ftaeiautlV ! hhioJuk !" w Urn .u.htjmhi UwiU tMMiy k'iut !loi4 lite nv rami . oi ikwiiiem, nmitiiiiny ilu . mi kamala. ik. iuL J .. . U " IVUieOMIW of .March IT lu IHe oMr IWiftc tM w taitl l tiitWsl iIeUlsre.l i enonuoMaLv, bImhI4UI aiul lutHtMiii.U 4 k- nt In' nnpi( has whims or ks W a Ikaili u .ml . ii,iJ... .u i li MlAIIMHl " -. -. .w . imp.iHi, !. it T7 '"- "or- Milk tMMJttull not pt to tbe mm tluKsii ut w4rro mr)i hum pm irtltev IumI "flifvsi a lit- iu UbWMI rvrn oflKv of lie iviu-r in uw nHiuiiltan Rvfcl." I 4 tiiuAi im lirvs-u, ui ", ft noslf, I mwi l- Wamkllul. 1yt. l7 HMV rMHIIHHSAU WHIVvHIIKm tllt I Mi fOalmvwimsm of tu. kloUM out G KAN CIS STOInIIS ! Silo Ct-OpnUiT .VsaMkttM, P. f II. ItKVl.KHH IN- w - ig,., " aavw H T mT ahnMH(,iHMRlblv iM nitxk Uki." " 'lViiiisniuw' tulukk that tW "w"i irtiMsuiU r, by my rxo.utsrf, but hnw ..-. w . IU a,W'aiii8 ihii , rviasaKsiiiy nmti n haw my nm MDrmlHiro aumerivaHl rMtoyts ' r Im IhrismvviiUmi, for 1 kuw Fr!Wji, Fnutt, aaa V9naVM(f CmWj, GUwurv smILmL AH Kinds of ProdtKft Bwtght. JVVilis ls sllr ,nrl. lrin. Ilr VltklA. Just Arrived! THE FIXKI UXB OF .. ny r '- tau iiMlMM ihr hM. .f Ik i. amt .xhiW ass-TEA.": rr gftTsnra t? 4; Mitliiicry mill Fnncv Goods EVER IN SALEM, MmilMi Ihv itatkMMd eai4lul and I be P""' luMeiiawl a. niyU W aiiuaJviua .j tai. .a- - i.k. UM ,to n! lo ir tnHfoiv a cstuwn- SSii uw ,k,u i ,h iwi nbiusWI ltsaWMI rKwK. imh, au sm- javly fttr .4Mv. Iwt Ihtsjv will tM kMtMl f CVvWlM, MSJrtt.m . MI, ll,s)v AHMi(W ofA H (iriuwltM bWrablMis aflrr l" w lilt iHillai.l tOidiMrth . ,k-m4.i TTV?M i ;ii.nnHV knrw Ailly II j C lmt Atf la aiuMu. tsV Viiicli a an lu.ull I.. rt Hum v Ul aw II iv M kuiu. fc. J 1 I . . . '? Il.l . IK WM MM) wny W MM MU' "Oktot 1 '' MM yMij TU! l 3mm'' WsM rmtm J rf OMtMMt KM Ua. M l MAX VIVKKT. .sJrn T S 1 sV0 V tr!"o"K H o K S jcallier and Minis ! CASH PAID F01C Wool. Hitler Pelts and Fur Nn. J (tnmrial fetrwl, SALEM, - - OREGON. i ,an j A. mMfl I xsrmLA DON'T YOU FORGET IT! THAT I' TIL ADVHf IE onrT At the Opera House Corner, rF AHK DAILY HECEIVING New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Clothing, New Eve ry tiling; AhI ar mi)Nm: tlw sMk at thIr! Low Prie.. fc CALL AND SEE US; t Voup Families and Stay Awhile ! ! WM frr ,myNly, mI Uh- rnt OM&Hg rfu la tW v Will take Chickens, Butter, and Eggs on Account H. .T. MivritoKN S. KARBVR. . - II. S. LOOK C. 11. MOOKHS rn President ksPresldcnt secretary . Treasurer flic Dtp Land Comp'iiy CAPITAL STOCK, $20,000 t.ite Is now rpnchltiB hundreds of thousands of eastern people b extenslvelr advertising In nil of tlie lending newa pSpeis oi the fnlted States. Their faclll ties for ttndliiK bu.v ers of real estate arc un excelled. It Is to the interest of those. Iiav lng real estnte to roll, to place It vvhere buierseome tobuv. B. S. COOK, Jtanager. II. .1. Ml.Tlioi!, Assistant. Olliee: trout nxnn up stairs In tlio Htate Insumnee Company's building. A Multitude of People Are dallv flocking to KKI.LEH A SONS, The Grocers, and milking purchase from their large stock of goods. In teas and cotlccsi oil can bu n tine article, vv hue in sugars jou can get extra C, cube, granu lated, powdered or CRUSHED. lA'caie sure we can please you In price, qualltj and quantltj. Convince vourhelt by leaving a sample order. Nearlj eery da A FREIGHT TRAIN Comes steaming into Salem nnd has more or less goods for us. We keep cv erythlng Ih the grocery, eroekerj and glassware Hue. when the price of any article FALLS Wegivcjou the benefit. Our Mock Is now complete. AVe hav e a room 80 FEET By 23, which Is tilled with new good throughout. Give us a call. KELLER & SONS, The Grocers Specialties in Fruits Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Pranes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian- Dates, f AT Weller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street. " Live and Let Live- Paint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON, House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsorrtiners, Paper Hangers and Decorators. AU orders vlll rtcolvc prompt attetttiou I.stlmateson nil kinds of work in our line cheerttilty given. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop In Old Court House on Court street, Salem, Or. COUNTY DEMOCRACY. Primaries,Convejitions and Precinct Clubs. 1 ho .Marlon County Democratic (Central ( oiiiiiilttee nut In Salem, February lltn, lifcvs, mid set the time for holding the prl mnrlm on March 17th, at 1 o'clock p. in, nndtheeountj convention on Fridnj.the Jtnl of March, at 10 o'clock, u. iii In Salem AWOUTIOXMEXT. The dlilerent precincts nro entitled to the .U..U....,A ,luIUVi ui uvh'uuich; Gervnis Howell l'nilrie Marlon ... Giirtleld .. - Sllverton Iluttevllle. Clmmiioog Aurora h"alitleia IjUiI.sIi Mehnina Total S. Friedman, BrstxsBg Manager. Salem io Smith Salem U North Salem 12 Hum Salem it Ablqtm ... 7 V' 8 Moodburn ,r Aumsvllle JetHron .. 4 sublimity . . " a Stay ton 7 Turner .iJ ,ue .eonimlttee, viould ncoinmeo4 J'Ja'rniallon of democratic clubs In eoei Preoluet .and the names of the otHcerste 2i, H?"?nt to ,he chairman oftbt eonty central committee at Salem. T. U GOLDKN, Chalnnau, j. r, iiuuw.-s, iseoretun. T. U UAVIIXsJoN, W. W. KI.DKU, T. F. HAYKs. County Central Commute. BENSON'S EXPRESS. T BAVK OltnKllsi at i.ivMjn T.ll Jw Stable, corner of State and Froa' S3v w " Mate at corner state and U. g3S!!; attentkm u V A. BENSO.N ruKk.n oooimvE. wood dkalbb id--rr? T0 Gfi v". Johnion, t jT rMWU. A ntu or wood lor toaar jfirtli desired. Ouh "-!; mm urief