. M-r TALI . ?. VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1SSS. NO. lO. k TOT Mm TOl t Mr EH 1 A ',r" 1 JOURNAL ritOFESSIOXAX. CAKDS. GRO. W. BELT, ATTOIOJEY AT LAW and District Attorney. Offlcc ut court house. . E'aMSEY" &"mXGHASI, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Business in i he Supreme Court a specialty. Salem, Or. TTULMON FOKD, ATTORNEY AND I rvinriKelnr nt Law. Salem. Oregon. Office, up stairs lu Fatton's block. Geo. hTburnett, ATTORNEY AT Law, Salem, Oregon. Oflleo over Ladd & Bush's bank. . glHAW & GREGG, ATTORNES AT I Law, Salem, Oregon. Offic 'u Patton's ock, up stairs over Belt's drug store. CJ "ITfcHARbSbN, ATTORNEY AT O. Law. Oflleo over Capitol National Bank, 219 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. T W. SPRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J. Salem, Oregon. Otllco in England s block. Legal business or all kinds. Also both life and tire insurance. WjiTkaiser, attorney at lav Salem, Oregon. Office with Tilmon Ford, in Patton's building. AVill practice in all the courts of Oregon. Collections made. Land office business a specialty. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE.'.BEST Woven Wire Bed ! ON THIS COAST! Is Manufactured by GEO. M. PARKER, 1S1 Fifth Street, Portland, Or. For sale by A. T. YBATON, SALEM, OREGON. T?r NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I WlKirn p.' MISS JULIA L. CHAMBERLIN; -TKACIIF.K OK- Voice Culture, Piano & Harinon Music Parlers: ",l'?5S?rrtalf Bank Block, SALEM, The Xew EniperoV Cannot At- tend His Father's Funeral. SIIOtlKIMl TKAKKDY IN ARKANSAS. OREGON. CtWfe tALVERT HAS .RECEIVED A OF FULL STOCK PH. D' ARCY, ATTORNEY AND COUN . selor at Law, Salem', Orecon. Having an abstract of the records of Marion coun ty. Including a lot and block Index of Sa lem, lie has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. XEW ADVEKTISEME.NTS. SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Conv St., bet. Ferry and State. O HAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND J5 Shampooing neatly done. LADlT& BUSH, BANKERS! Salem, - Oregon. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING JL business in all Its branches. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, .100, Commercial St., -Salem. CHOICE STEAKS .t OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of the city at lowest living rates. Plea-e give us your patronage. CITY MEAT MARKET llmerv Mi At his Millinery Establishment, 27-1 Com merclal Street, Salem. STRICKLER BROS. DRALM.-S IS stoves And tinware i Rooting and Sporting a Specially. 49Atthc old standof Ben. Strang, Com mercial Street. JVt. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws .a Specialty. ESTABLISHED JtV NATIOKAI.; AUT1IOIUTV, 11 tj A Youug Man Kills liis Mother's llus- liand on Account of Frequent (luarrols. - SALEM, - - )., " OREGON. - - 75,000 - - 9,500 - - President. Viee-l'resldent. - - Cahhier. Surplus, - - - It. S. WALLACE . J. ii. albert; - . . . , DIRECTORSi v W.T.Gray, " " W. W. llartln, J. M. Jlartln, R. H. Wallace, , .1. II, Albeit, T. McV. lMttou. , LOANS JN4AJDE To fHrmerson wheat jinc! oflier market- blo produce, consigned oriin store, either in private granaries or public warehouses. State and Comity Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER , k Discounted at reasonable rates.-JririUts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Kan ranclsco, Portland, London, 1'arK Berlin, Hong Kong and Caleutta. D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. A3-A11 kinds of fresh and cured meats always on hand. Full weight and n square deal all around. The SALEM MARKET Hg COU.IT STREET. Constantly on band the best quality of Fresh ami Salt Meats ! "" Aud ill) kinds of SAUSAGE Shop on the alley, opposite Mlnto'h Liv ery Stable, Salem, Or. THEYAR1ETY STORE ! JUST RECEIVE!), A NEW STOCK OK NEW STYLES IN j X, WALL IPAReJr! A FUIX-BTOOK OK Fancy Goods, Moltfingsj - ? '. brackets, Picture , Frames, j Artists1 Materials, Etc., ALWAYS N HAND. W. M. SARGEANT, i07 Comiwrdnll Street, Salem, Or. .K.J. BABGbc Cabinetmaker! L W. COX "(Successor to The Tort Drug Cop lOtf State .Street, Salem, Oregon. ? FTJLL, LINE , AKB- JWTho CLEANEST kept market in Die city. Call and see Jbr yourself. AIOCROW A WILLARH. adders, 3Go to J. O'Donald's shop on High, st., between Court and State, Salem, and get one of J, M. Coulter's patent Improved LADDERS. Lightest ladder made in Oregon. Kelly's Old Stand ! l' HAVING PURCHASED THE BJ.ACK. smith shop known as Kelly's Old rind, I will hereafter bo prepared to do all kinds of UNDERTAKER. FARRAR'S BIXX'K, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. Bteitiliiiiies CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilfet Articles, eifnmeries, Drnggisl Sumrries. I'tysieJans Prescriptions and Family Jkcipes a Specialty. 'vAll kinds of Fu nil tii re ma'do to order. A "lull line of Caskets always on hand. JilffnU iniiiiiipiiepaii'iiif In the best htyle kuowu to the trade at short notice. The best of workmen em ployed, and all work guaranteed to irlve Kitlstuctlou. Horseshoeing a Specialty! J. J. JARNIGAN, Kelly' Old Stand, Salem, Or. M. W. COX, Has i-oiihluntly on hand a well Kileeloil I moek of I n. i . i . . I DcericKe ct acnrecK's Hoioiatliic Preparations J. J. JENNINGS, 0. DS. DENTIST. Teeth Extracted Without rin Jy Xew Process TEETH FILLED WITH THE LATEST Improved tilling. Hates made on Jr iVnr "ce nna al reasonable terms. Gold fillings a specialty. - t . . o5An?.,,nd aU work m th! ncntalllne. Offlee in Hreyman's block over J. SI. Roscn bengACo's. , t i f EsT.UIl.lSIIKH IN ISTfl. PACIFIC CIDER, VINEGAR AND Fruit Preserving Co. SALEM, - - OREGON. Manufacturers of Cider Jelly. Currant Jellv. Annie and ht I WnlU. Cii-.. ,.J P1,..-..I... '1M. fl!J. F uuun, oncui auu uiauiuagut liuer, UUer iSyrup for Minec' Meat, Currant Wine of a Superior Qualify, Tomato Catsup, Plain and German Pickles. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. NEATI.V l'RINTKD UUIDK TO BB HAD WON AI'I'LIOATION. The B. & S. PREPARATIONS S Afq IKUT A HKAVIIK l)V 1RM ? ' AOENCV FOIl THE CELKHItATED FULL HAVANA KILLER Red Letter 5p. Cigar. k5The beM ve cent cigar In the' mar. H. W. COX, 100 Hlnte Street, Halem. Stei ner& Blosser DKAI.KJtS IH STOVES, RANGES, r H : Tiii juitl Copj)tr Ware, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 130, blate Mi erf, SALEM, ,-- OREGON.- ".Bf tj for the lloynton'H Ainiuvc. A A. E.'STRANG, ''WWj. ('i)iiiini'iclul Hireol, SALKM, - - ()HK(i()N, Little Hock, Ark., Maroh 12 A family tragedy yesterday in this city ignited in the death of Win. J. fBrasley, a planter, nt the hands of his bixteen year old stepson, James .boumR llrasley married young Hounds' mother some time ago, and the union was an unhappy one, re sulting in their separation. Hounds espoused the eiuifce of his mother, and sseYcnil quarrels occurred be tween hint and his stepfather. Early yesterday morning, Hounds. mount ed a hotae and rode rapidly to the residence of Hraslcy. The planter had not yet arisen. The young man pushed into the bedroom and shoMiim.- The assassin then nfshetV'froni the house and escaped. Another StippnWri TiiMotl. I'liL-m-o, Col., jfarch 12. A man was arrested hero yesterday who it is claimed, is Tascott, the supposed murderer of Snell, the Chicago millionaire, 'it is said he answers the description exactlyj except that he is disguised. The prisoner claims his.name is Brab, and thathe,' came from Pottsville, Missouri, and that he never heard of the murder, lie is held in the county jail to await word from Chicago. Kli'clion iii South America, New Yojuc, March 12. Dis pafches this morning announce the election of General Antonio Flores, a president of the republic of Kcquador. Cannot Attend the Viinertil. JJkulix, March 12. It is unlikely that Emperor Frederick will attend his father's funeral, it being fraught with great danger to his health. The San Diego Method. San Dikoo, March 11. A meet ing of citizens was hold here last night consequent upon the laxity of the administration of justice and the prevalence of crime in the city. As a result the vigilance connnitto was appointed. Ward meetings passed resolutions and elected captains. The resolutions provided that all men without a known business or visible means of support shall be ordered to leave town within twelve hours. Trouble is feared. Put Where They Belong. Pahis, March 11. As the Sullivan-Mitchell party, about- thirty in number, were leaving the battle Held yesterday evening, they were approached by a number of gen d' amies and arrested. The whole party were taken to Senlis, where the names and addresses of all were recorded. Sullivan and Mitchell were handcuffed and removed to jail, and the others were released. Ship Sunk and l.lxes 1.ot. London, March 10. The British bark Tasmania, which sailed from London on the 5th instant for San Francisco, has returned with her bowsprit gone and herstcrn damaged by a collision with the British ship City of Corinth, from Iquiquo for Hamburg. The Tasmania is anchored oft' P'olkestone. Tho City of Corinth was sunk. It is believed that twenty-eight lives were lost. A Hard Trip Ahead. Ni:w York, March 11. The yacht Coronet, wl'iiclt beat the Dauntless in the trans-Atlantic race lat year, is taking in supplies and j will start on Wednesday next for a trip around Cape Horn to San Diego. Her owner, . T. Bush, his wife, his wife's sister and his two sons will meet her there and sail in her to Japan. Jack Dempsey lo the Front. New YoitK, March 11. Jere Dunn will eback Dempsy against Mitchell for $10,000 n side. HORNING TELEGRAMS. News IVom all Parts ol' tlip World. OKKtiON INTKKESTS AT WASIUNUTON Herman Suwcotls iii liming Several Local Hills Passed and Getting Transferred to War Claims Committee. Wasiiinhton, March 10. Two Oregon bills were yesterday called up by Hepresentatlve Hermann and unanimously passed by tho house, one being to pension James Woody of Grant's Pass, Oregon, and one of the oldest survivors of tho war of 1812. Tho other was for tho pension of Martha F. Wood rum, of Gaston. The speakeron request of Mr. Hermann, transferred him from tho committee on manufactures to that of Indian depredations, and Buchanan, of New York, of that committee was transferred to the former. Mr. Hermann expressed to the speaker his desire for this change, as ins state had more in terests pending before that commit tee than in that of manufactures. Hermann submitted a resolution of Tualatin grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of Clackamas county,. Or., asking for a reduction of postage on seeds, bulbs, plants and cuttings, also for abolition of postal notes ami for the issue of money orders for less thaiiiDo on a it-cent fee. Also a memorial from Saleni grange, pro testing against the admission of Utah aA slate. Itailroiul Colllhion. Dttjioit, Mich., Passenger train No. l) on the Pennsylvania road collided with a freight train near Huntington this morning and both trains were wrecked. The engineer and fireman of the passenger engine were instantly killed,nnd the freight brakeman and u Pullman passenger were seriously hurt. The other passengers escaped with a severe shaking up. Latkk. The wreck is imply a colossal one. The express train was running at the rate of At miles an hour. Three sleepers were smashed in pieces. The iniuretf brnkcnian has since died and three passengers are reported injured. Another HIH Kflii-llliiii. Winnii'KO, March 12. Great alarm is felt here at the (lunger of an uprljiiujg among tho Indians and half breeds of the west. There cer- Straiubo.it Kxruisloii. The ladies of tile Woman's College Association will give, about tho middle of April, a two day's steam boat excursion to the Cascades. They propose making this the event of the season, so far as genuine pleasure and enjoyment goes. t'U.I. Fill! KKI'UIIMCAX cuxvK.vriov A republican convention for the state of Oregon is called to meet at the city of Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 11th day of Aprl , A. D. 1888, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of nominating can didates for the following olllccrs, to-wlt. Representative In congress, three presidential electors, supreme judge and district olllcers, and to belect six delegates to attend the national republican convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The convention will consist of 20!) delegates, apportion ed among the several counties as follews: Del. Ihikvr 1 Uikc . ... licnton 7 Ijiiio Cliickumax li Linn ClatM).. , 7 .MalliiMir . Coliuiitila I Marion Cook 7 .Morrow Crook :i .Multnoimi! Curry..... .'i l'ollc DouirliiH II Tillamook . (lllliiiTii r llniiillllii 10 mint (J Union s Jackhon 7 Wallowa I Joeiliiiie I Wiim'o i) Klamath II Washington K Vamhlll I) Total . . s The same being one delegate at large from each county and one delegate for every IWl voters and one lor evory fraction over one-half tiiercoi, cast lor lion, lunger Mer uit Del. 1 ...10 10 -Vi! . . :, . :)0 ... .. :l The Fool Killer had Neglected his Duty. livANsviLi.i:, hid., March 10. Louis Hlehlor shot and killed his cousin, Miss Louise Smith, aged 17, and then sent a bullet through his own bruin yesterday afternoon, llichtcr was a mii of Jacob Uichter, a former county clerk, one of the wealthiest and best known citizens in the county. Miss Smith lived some distance from here. Arriving at the house, a terrible scene present ed ItH'll to the neighbors. In tho sitting room, near tho stove, lay the bodies ol the unlortunate girl and her cousin, In a pool of blood. Louise was still alive, but'soon died. Near her, his feet almost touching those of his victim, lay the body of the youthful murderer, his liand still clutching- his revolver. His brains were oo.lng from a wound just back of tho ear. He was death Tho only eye-witness was a llttlo sister of the murdered girl, aged 4 years, who was sitting in the room. Itlchter had been in love with the young lady, and had been paying her attention for some time, but she did not seem to reciprocate his affections, and It is thought this un balanced his mind. (IruiMiil sutliit'NH Tlii'iiiiKliimt (..I'linili). IlKin.iN, March 10. The North German Gazette says: The deep sorrow in which the death of the emperor hassiink the German nation casts a dark shadow, not only only on our national feeling, but far beyond, on the character of the whole international situation. Europe recognized and revered the emperor as a faithful and powerful protector of the International peace. Although no honcht man can doubt Tllllllll rttllfrl'jissimilt nt til. i liiul ."'?. ::.: . ."" .. .... . . . ..... ..... irenera c cc I on. Tim coniin iiim uiai mis nut osiv s mil uenee will w tainiy will be trouble unless ini-liecoinmeiid that tho primaries be ion unweukoiied ami unchamroil mediate ralief is tent them by the , " ' . '. 'V'"'" . " everybody feels the wide gap which govdrnmSnt. i unless otherwise ordered Itv thel"lrt i'upcanincc1 his dominating Kiitintv lutiiti'ftl jtitiiitiilHim k .. . . V"IHI.I Vllltllll MIMUIIItll. buccewor io ir. cotter. Hopublicaii electors and voters of wjiajia, Aiarcn ii. it is believed , mo siaie, wiuioui regain to past -iiK.w.mt i.N- IH'ivoimllty leaves behind. One thing can lie gathered with the greatest certainly from the signs of cordial sympathy in which Atwtro- .??2iriMrJt adfF' lHave order at Hint, tory Offlee, drop a IWh), or tee drherof our delivery nairou, nekMn.Wa nn lrnr onb Ij.iHn. Iftl.-.f . oJ- W M aTCM.HJM jwuun .imi.arv ioai lerm or six days. uiiru. mlan dwni stOmcru for ii oanea to tuittoincn for a All orders promptly . , q. htolt Buinw Mn8Rcr. ST0VESandRAN,GES PliiDibiDf, Gas and iSlfaw FilUnt Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. that Thomas L. Kimball, the pro-out ' Ifnltlcal alllliatlons, who believe fu ... ii...... .. . .i ine Ait ericitu urine n i or timtei.t. iw.uvio me general manager oi volulJrnin,, .rtgnlfylng American Hungarian au.l Fngllshpai-s havt UIL- IJIIIUII I IICIIIC called made Potter. nion Pacillc railway, will Ih i JhImu-, giving free, KiiiiInr educa- vied with each other in oxpreslng, uK)ii to take tho place ' tlon to the masses of the iieople, ' ,m,i frolll tii,. -till inoro iotn.lil.nf vacant by the death of T. J. ' eilbetually j.rotec.lng all lui.'.an j ' . . Mt ' ' ''" 'l "f rights In every section ol our com- "'''iiiiieoi naij, uuiu.oiii lanj wkh mi'AKvnl for the UUXJiTUX UUJI1 tablMiedlnim HICHAHIS)N .t 'ASY'H FnrnaftM. H. TIih IIhiii-m Don't WmiiI It. (,'oi'Jixjf aik.n, March 10. A gov ernment Order has leen publislied forbidding the Importation from Amurlouof bacon and steum lurd, and other undrosjwd iwrk produft. The order goeslnfo etleet Immedlnto- moil country, and who desire to promote friendly feeling and jier niauent harmony throughout the state by maintaining a government pledged to thte objects and prin ciples, am cortllally iuviteil to unite liiijolectlngdolcgutos to the rupul Ilcun state convention. Hesiieet fully submitted. JfWKI'II HlMUNf Chulrmun. not stand alone lu her sorrow. We are convinced that proofs of sym pathy from abroad will roach even greater dimensions. There Is u further feeling of satisfaction tit seeing tho crown pi'Iuco ascend the throne, whohorolc nuflbrlngs lmve niudo him tin object of Interest even tohlsutlversarlew. . .