f i T i n v 4' Jf 1 B.' LOCAL AND GENERAL KBVS Itemized Account of Doings in fitv and Country. IMI'OHTAM CASKS DKCIDKII. Jwlge ''an I'endm lleciiionH Your Cases Taken I'nder AdnVmenl. in I.OCAf- NOTES. dinner at A. Suniluy French Strong &CVti. lion. John H. Waldo, of Mucliwy, wai In tho city to-tlay. James 8. Coojiur, oflmU'iiuiKlviict', wan in tin city to-day. J. CHiiibcII, tontraetiiift agent of the Union I'ucillc, wauiiitlieclty to day. Mr. Dr. Tnilllnjjer. of .Sllverlon, Is ri'iKjited very low with coiimiiiii-Hon. W. 1. Johnson, the photographer, HtllUlO CMVERSITV .NOTES. ... UK ,... branch In County Clerk (Ihupniaii to-iliiy received from Judge It. K. lionii the following declMloiw In ihmm taken under Hilvlwinenl hy him at the I'ehrtiiiry term of ceurt: Adams vs. AiIhiii. The rro hill of the ilufi'inlunl Ih dNiuled and Uic Hi'tlon-al-Iaw allowed to pro 'd. .Mary K. Fcrgiinou vm. Kcirnli A. Join. Dwrcu that jilaintiH' Is ownerand entitled to o.Iuu of an undivided oiii-half of the urmulM-H deserilM-d in tlie com- arlnl?"'1 "' th" "HCr "f U,HiKnno.. M. W. Sweglc, f. Scliool Dis trict No. i!l, (Salem) -The m:IhxiI district In enjoined from col lecting the lax of ilefendent Kwegle. (Thli Ih a iwe of coiHhlerahle loml inttTfHt.J C. ). JVIIand v. Tlieodoie Itoullii and K. H. (Jiegoire.- Judgment in favor of ilefciidiinlH. lias oiwiieil Oervaif. Everything in the mnrket win lie had on order at A. .Strong & (Jo's icritaurant. Mr. Frank Alllslon came up from l'oitlaud hist niglitaud returned thl morning. I'rof. Charles Mimers. who is teaching at Wheatland, Folk coun ty, N in the city. Now coiner thcHlartlhigannouiice meiit that (Jeorge (Jood Na candi date lor Hlierlll. (Julie a number of water pipes in town weie. bursled liy the freeze Thursday night. Seed wheal is now in demand on account of a great deal of grain Imv- t. Coopar Sknl In lullj.. The Dalliw ltcnil.er way Hint last Wedmwlay Miirxhnl (imiit look a iiuiuWr of dead dog that he had chut In hlHollli-ial rajHirily ilnwn to the I.iiCrcolc, adjoining the place, intending to limy them. He waKaccoillmiiled liy hli while bull dog. The dog, v hlle hN mauler wax busy, wclll (oHiiielllng around ami mmiii hit tall xhot In Hie all and he made a dash fiii'Mime IiiihIi and out Jumped a full gmwn cougar. It went Hying up tin-creek at a light ning HJH.1NI, the dog close after It. loiiiing lo a tree, the vicious brute tffifff M.ifi.nfi .if lirl1nlifl 1.. here. vNitlngthe family of Ids uncle, It. II. Dearborn, Ksip Clierrington, the artist, him conic very lino work on exhibition at his Htiidlo. Call and we it. Fd CipiHau, Marion county's next Hherili; hiik in the city tills week. l-'reiieh I'rairle (iaette. Hon. Walter T. Mill.-, known as Hie Little (iiiuil of Oliio, a I'rohlbl tlonlst, w 111 HHnk In Salem soon. A. Stiong it Co. Iiavea line bill of fare iirepaicd for their regular Sun day French dinner, only lifty cents. .Miss- Iv ilia I)mi in kl'ri r.itm-i.tl Inwl '''.' '' ! "Ight from l'oitlaud, where slie has been visiting her aunt, Mix K. D. Kearney. Ml-sSarali Mitchell, of (iervais, has letiirneil home from San Francisco, where she has been living tile past two yearn. Jesse Morris, of West Stayton, u ho had his head crushed lv a fal ling limb while chopping tfniUT a KklniKs unit and the ihmii- nM ilnu i " daysiiKo, UiioLexiMTtedtolivo got lisiled oul of his prey. John,. Tim board of count vcomiiiMoiiers called lo John Morrison logct a rllle, lieldu short Informill reception this and wlien It was brought, the an- j morning and adjourned without mal wim soon dispatched. It was transacting any further business. inmiihU ,italt!.--,'iK.!rW,,,,r,,,l,,l "n,,lM'r l'',,',l,,'l"k "l '"" one and a Tml i,,i. L .... . . 'w ".' " 'w 'lays ago. lie Hail AllLfl'I II .lmU.v,,l.y.,a,,.,, inige mons.cr ; S(, .,,,. fcikw ' "siiiiiiiciiccI w oil; on the pamphlet vkool IH.lrlil tlrrlliwi UeorKO H. Illlliiett, J. M. I'ayne and J. II. McCorinlckhavebwn'a silnt.s Judge of the school election to Iv held next Monday. The polls will lie open al the Opera I louse fiom ao'eliH'k to II o'eloek p. ui. tlwirgi'l'. Iiitchlleld Is the only reg-1 many aniuiiiiieeil iMindidate for di icctor, although J. ). Mcfullv has lusm urg.Ml to allow his naineto he umsI. D.ivld Simpson, the present chirk, Is a candidate for riMdcetlon and J. W. Sprlggs, the atloniey, Is imintlonisl hn a iib, candidate for ic-elcetloii. llilverlisliii; Oieuoll. Diviiiilis be Hon. J. T. (Jiegg uniler direction (if the Stale lloanl of Agriculture. Tiliitoii It. Ilibliard has bought the J. (I. Smith eroeei-v slum ui Silvciton and lll conduct it in the It in the future. It will be mo-,-I soon into I lie old postolllce building. vtiii. 1'iolilieli, of .AH. Angel, w Idle doing carK'iiter work on one I of the Narrow (lunge railroad midges the oilier day fell tlirough the trestle and broke one of his ribs. Mr. S .11. Welili, a merchant at New Westiniiisier, It. (, and hiotherot Klder.l. W. Webb, of this ellv. ai'llvisl liele lo.ilne mi ,i ,l.li ' (iw dys to that genlleinan ami his llitnlly. tk f SafrrltitrBdrul. Messrs. Frank and (Icorge ltent scliler, ofSan FiiiiicIsch, are In the lWr, Clow Is H,ay turning o, O'ZZ ertlie oilliv ol superintendent of I 'M; pul'INhed by the N'iles Itentsehler me ixiniiciuiiiry to , Hon, (l(orge Downing. SlIClWol , Then Is ii griMit ileal to do and (lie transfer will prolmlibly not be complete! lie fore late to-night. It Is unders,sH that there w 111 Ik no change in suli ortlliiMtf iKxIiloiix lor the ,nvt. Mr. Clow will no ,oull, V" '" ''1 w to make IMIKT phsiNint for his Mim,r, i.d nuuterx will g,, ,m ut the w.i as i IflioehMiiKvliHil Uvii niHile. uirivtory cuiiniaiiv mmiii. Hon. William Itedimtli, e.v-speak-erol th.- Illinois leglslatuiv, and one ..r .1 t .. !- .... , ,.. oi uie leiu ui r,..i , i .. ,. ,i.. Sucker slate, s here vlsK ,s old trieiul and seli(Hhnate, Mr. I). W. .Matthews, ,ii will ivniain seveml iIh.vs, Yesterday t lie South Salem school had a veiy iilen-sml and lustriiutlvo "" '"" V" "'v..Mr. Itolllns, who made aii i educational talk adapted to lie grade of the school. , wus highly appitHlated and the teacher ml .scholars Iiok- that it will K. ll'SNU(SI. .Iiidgi. Wni. M. Itanise.v, of Salem. aiiiMsl on Saturday inornlii" last w it i his tmully !,,( that pla.van.l will hjeHtf heivlor the practice of .l?l..1.l,MH',"',,,SMU,m,H,1N'l'ii. lll....ln.llC a crowd alsm, ,, i .MriVfflXZrej: -'rioiiiatciu. IVudleton Tilbune. The Heponer (ianelte, the imiht tlminwdcl W. ltftllKtoii,4iuSiv ami tHiiious. ,MS ,,! .,i i... ii ".. . . leiii'v iiuiiiiw II S. C. Dodson spent Sunday at his home near I'errydale. Scott Alderson was at chapel Tues day. J. Jenson read an oration. The young men of the boarding hall are preparing a much needed gymnasium. I'rof. Oeddis, of Turner, visited the scliool Tuesday and was present at several recitations. II. C. Eplgy re-entered school Mon day; he hail been called home hy the sickness of Ills mother. J. II. Scott, A. M. Johnson, S. M. Matoon and Miss Mnttie JIushjI left school the Jirst of the week. MNs JSurthu Moores and Mrs. Itolert-soii were at chajiel Thursday. Miss .lory read a good csay. W. P. Matthews has been com pelled to discontinue his studies on account of his eyesight failing him. A. W. I5owerox of tho junior class of '87 Kline up from Wheatland Saturday and spent Sunday in the city. I'rof. Van Scoy was called away Wednesday afternoon. W. II. Jor dan read an oration on hidden uses of light. I'rof. .lory was absent from school two days tfiis week on account of Illness. Members of his classes heard his recitations. S. W. Strayken deserves the cred it of managing the successful battle with the lire. It created no little excitement in the school. W. A. Wan n received the prize awarded to the higher algebra class, being the most successful in the competitor), examination. W. !:. liurke left Thursday for Vaipilna to visit friends and rela tives. A. M. Johnson returned from there the llrst of the week. .ioiui ieuey, who lias been very sick, returned to his home in Clack amas county; he will re-enter school as soon as Ids health will permit. Company "A" held their regular monthly meeting .Monday and ai poiiitcd a committee to submit amendments for their constitution. II. S. (loddui'dof the class of 'S( and of the medical class of ss came up from Portland Saturday and stayed over Sunday. He returned Monday. Several students who contemplate teaching passed the teacher's public examination. The urade of their cer- tlllcatL's is a good showing for the University. I he college students are required to pie-ent an original production once a term in chapel. Will Hegely recited a well prepared oration Mon day on ecccntreities. W. H. Ilodson closed a four mouths' term of school yesterdav at Coldendale, W. T. Will intends to Ik a student of the Willamette University next year. J. T. Matthews visited the school Monday and Tuesday. He is an old time student, and has just com- pictisi a term or school in Yamhill county. He will take charge of the Oak drove school in a few days. Mmci'lllteiiilenf P.... 1.1,... ,i.,n. ........ i ,.,..-. ,u-ii t i-i uii second lecture yesterdav In RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Services in Salem Churches To-morrow Church News and Notes. Evaxoklicai. Ciiukch Preach ing hy the pastor on the Lord's day at 1030 n. in. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 12 in. All are welcomed. U.viti&t Ciiukch. Corner of T,i!ertv and Marion streets. Itev. A. H. Mcdbury, pastor. Sen-ices at 10:30 n. hi. and 7 p. in.; Sunday school at noon; young people's mcctiuir at 0:15 n. in. All .ux cor dially invited. JI. 12. Ciiukch. Services in the M. E. church to-morrow as follews: Morning at 10.30, "Christianity Constructive;" at 7; Sunday school at 12;young pcople'smecting Thurs day evening at 7. Seats free. W. Rollins, pastor. Cong kko ationa u Cii ukch. Corner of Liberty and Centerstreets. Itev. J. W. Harris, pastor. There will be preaching" to-morrow morn ing and evening. Snnday school at 1L Young people's meeting at Op. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. All are Invited. Seats are free. A 11kxi:voi,knt Oiukct. There will be a union meeting of all the churches to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the Congregational church in the interest of Rev. Mr. Lodge, a worthy colored minister of l'oitlaud. Let there he a good house and a large collection. "W. Rollins. Ciikistiax Ciiukch. Evangelist A. H. Wade will discuss the follow ing subjects at the Christian church: This evening, "The Work of the Spirit in Revelation;" Lord's day morning "Mission of the Church," Lord's day, evening, "Our Plea." All are invited to give him a hear ing. IJaptisin this evining after services. FlIIST PltESllYTKitlAN" ClIUKCH. Rev. II. A. Xewcll, pastor. Public worship ut 10:,10 a. m. and 7 p. m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at (i p. ni. Sabbath school at 12 in.; church prayer meeting on Thursday even ings at 7 p. in. Scats arc free, and the public invited to attend. For Book Stationery ft Fancy Goods ! GO TO T. McF. Patton's, 98, STATE STREET. ASK TO BE SHOWN : CRANE'S STATIONERY, PLAIN AND FANCY. ASHTON LE GAL CAP, PLAIN AND NUMBERED. TYPE WRITERS' MATERIAL. ACME WRITING AND SCHOOL TABLETS. FABER'S PENCILS AND PEN HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS AND ERASERS. SPENCERIAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGILL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials for Paper Flowers. MABIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED GOLD PENS ALL WAR RANTED. WIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS BEST IN THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAGE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. Roberts' Rules of Order. SCRIBNER LOU BOOK. OILLCHRIST'S MANUEL FOR IN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE $1.00). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (50 CENTS. For Kruit Growers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, (1.00). DOWNLNG'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, (13.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, ($3). THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE fc. HOP CULTURE NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 40 CENTS. 9S, STATE ST. SALEM, OR. I he Place. Headquarters for fresh oys'ra elegant meals, soda water, broad cakes, pics, fresh candies, A. Strong A Co's., 271 Commercial street. i 4 KllUSIIJIIMCCOWFOUSAMi IN 1 inlreiit Capital Kcal 1'Mato Agenev corner of stale iind Couimpiclal.Sts. 7-i,t CAPITA I. I.(IIH!i:, NO. II, I. o. Ci T I meets every Saturday e enlnpr. In I heir I liall, seeiind demr north ir I'ost Olllee. (i J Ml. KNHillT.See., It. s. JoitY.W.C.T 1hO. I). (JOODHl'i:, WOOD DKAI.KK. A oinee witn Uco. W. Johnson, SB ami- iMi-ii-iiii simi. .n Kinns oi wood for sale, sawed to any length desired. Cain must ii orders JNO. I'KNIIKII. Till.' U'l'ii known horseman, will mtnm .',...... Calllornlii about Mareh 20th with a thor- ... ,..ivii iiwiv, tun- in mo miest ever broiic it to the state. Slockmen and breed era .will plcusc examine him before breed- AT TI-lE Brick Dental (fa V aJyyUfl' -OK- aiiiiniany all ord a i L. S. SKIFF &CO. NEXT DOOR TO OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. Vitalized lir Given for (lie Painless Extraction of Tccfli. Pffi-The person awakens from a oleasant dream with the achin teeth gone. Also Gold Crowns Set. Attention, Prohibitionists ! GliEAT REDUCTION -IN- V Vfilim llallMKkl A picture ivvnciitliiK the aiiou, MvilMirfMMoximn lmN lHM Infill hmiv in il... .. i. ..i.... .... .. . n milium III llts' , 1 - mill ihih MlintetM mint-nil i. il... HllUy. Mr. Iluuli UhikI.i .I... ,Ul. UrMhll..KtOU(M.fth,,.eVhb(llW In the oltyof Me,MHI. WwkH h. There u en- upward nM.'.iXHi ipl4. W..t Hl ,,. rtKl Ml imni mwimi othcft. KoinK ,mll, his cna)H'lon "Theory and Practice." Ilu'leetuie uas well piven. Those who iHimplete the teacher's coui-se will le examined on the subject of the lectures before they are granted a diploma. The Phllodoiiaiisat (heir nuvtiiig last cxenliiK discussed the ipuMion wl"'i itiat acipiisition of Knowledge, rat Iter than mental drill should be the primary oliject of a student's work. To be opened on the alllrniativo by L. M. MatiHin, ucjnitive by p. A. .lory. The boarding hall narrowly escup ed burnliiK down Friday niornliiir iimi it i... .ii . .. fr late ,siri:.; ,. " " ' .."""""'V. .' ." .. " . "" ',rtHI lllletm Ktt'cr ;;;;,: 7a-r Z K1 . ' "" -r i vmW .u.t liaWlHW1 ntlwilll. . ui ii '.' nivisi. v. w"" .J'-H:!' 'I1'' "ct imKVis si.i TH.,V.1ll,n,IT,,0;N rniMAiiv con- .An i t,i1,l,ols ,0f e four .Salem l'reclncts will 1m. held at tho usual polllni; place" In iuUJ preelncls on SaturdayV March 10th, it 2 o'eloek p. in. Cor tho puntoso of elect nc Jlelesates to tho county ncntlon. unft tmiwietlns; such othe? business us im,y wAtoiK."01"0 Moi M,la prlm"ry ",n- Hy order or.lieclnct Committee, T. C. JOItY, seeretary. It. K. Deltois. JotTmMlo Dubois brothers, 1'ioprletoii. CII tekete Hfifti llHlllU. ritii-., .. ii. j ... .. ...... mt , iimv I v iiiIiIinj l. I.. . - - ij' ss',i'S' ; Krs isrj. c'r' !" '"r' ""' " " "HshU,,. ltw.ttlC,li,l.K'l,S ! "' sk. kHtl II I htSmWl lW I). T. JSIm11L.v C. I. I AWltM f ihfc.V, w )H w ii ,Hm . I I ?.iHn..? ,rf ' 'i the Stalo'lffi ' WUIIMHMVtltP UUblLmiiau. .j- UK.r 'I1.I- v. Ill i ,.'..T" H-wia, ,;, ., a, " "..r wms 7&VIZ7Z r'T 1W itttbU.ti. ,rf w !S4k w " . UJi"M'Ju,a ,"t im W M,."! H,Ml M lw,r' f Allmnv, iimi wWril il titUli Ml. KKor ChllWllH'll Who ..r.'. . r,!u,.r, ,,,,h ."WWI IU1. FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. t-'MmSl toUjwrdgy. S.M.K.M. FINBSKTS! Sfl DickfDs, 15 Volomcs, half Russia, Usual Price S32.50. Onr Prim mm N'fl .F.vllnn ') n m..t -u i. u , .... jj ' y v' M i"wu, u H Tharkerav, II ' SflWawly.'lZ Sel rl P. Hoe, 15 ' M Capf. ). Hfid, 10 Vols, flotb, Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest Styles, Clotb, Gill lop, " -j :12.5ft ' 23.50. Half .Morocco, " " 22.50, . ' 1500 Half blue Calf, " - ai&O, - 17 fit m " " 22.50, - 18.00. 'ip'oft, " " j5.oo, io:ck. AT- .1. BENSON 118, State Street, STARR'S. Salem, Oregon. S to ia (Capital Lumbering Company! HIIHsnOMs HlUlMlt. Tlu. I i.L- .. pit CNVed III. rkllii si-i. ... . . .. . . : " i --- V-wi HMKluim tlw -..ir JmnvvlVw I . "' MW;wi t Hm .nlw-i.. -----. i i in ii mng m 1 1 1 i i - . r iTinaiwiui iut-M ui. u i... i lit ntvvitiv i u u.. .. i. IT - "T CkNrf h . ZZ 2f8PX!? !.- IS I mi tu TCv. 1, J TM MnwCTv tZ?k.w&..lmY wv to th lulul I Vlu.. ' lntantL "" ' i triir. HUNTLY & McFERSON, j House, Sign jj AP AND... Air taw 1 MM Sh., Vk IhAnwI t)Mi( Mr. Jrtl, General Painters. Kalsonwars, Paper Hangers and Decorators. MA.STK.U1T1.KHS OK ASI, BA,KIW ,N faiftj' of Oiton I. Dressed and Undressed. CO.VTA.TI.Y ON llAXn; 111)11)0 r, A wiu MnH Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, BOXBS, Etc. wafiicsii! I i - "j; slrlkM MLtW, OREGON KIWI wfgwtjyjytju P