FNJJ -la GENERAL DIRECTORY. nios. F Havawj- -Secretary of State. com a Knu., Secretary oj ITWW W.T.Vilas Secretary of tlw Interior. w n. KNnioarrr Secretary of War. w f Wiiithhy Secretory or wavy. 8M KS.lWJtatr Gone K State of, Oregon. J.N. SoiiFtf u. & Senators. SYI.VISTEKPBNNOVKB...----OVern0r. GEO. W. McIlniDE -"Sli? o w Wrnn . ... State Ireasurer. t B. McELnoT.r.-.Supt: Mffi? Frank Baker State Printer. w V": Supreme Judges. W. W. THAYER ) Third Judicial District. juagc r- .State Senators. Geo.' W. llKi,T-"."-VrosccUtlnB Attorney. Marlon County M. L. CHAMnERWN- J. A. LOONKY J. B. PlMICK J. T. grimo D. J. PENDLETON S. LAYMAN A. M. LAFOLLBTTE... W. B. OOLVKH - J. F. IIICKS M. N. CHAPMAN--,T. GEOR0K?MACK JOHN MINTO- Ucproscntatlvos Clerk. Deputy Clerk. niiurui. Sherm. Hirer, LANDS AND HOMES. In the Garden Spot of iho great Northwest. Fertility of Soll.Salnbrify-or Climate, Whole some Water, Excellent Timber and Delightful Scenery-Health, , Wealth, Prosperity. ?H-9S2:" -----D'p Auuum v"j-j- --- - . ...i T. C. SHAW Lraunty juugi;. Geo. P. Terrell 1 Commissioners. Henry Warren J ,,,, Ml1nt tSEORQE A. Peebles "PiSHS, JohnNewson ""-COTon": 3. P. LiTbViFiELiTJlVJlV.I3ncep"in8pector. City of Salem. WK, M. RAMSEY -- inuyur. A.B. Muir 1st wara. -Perry Baymond 1st Ward J. J. Shaw 2nd Ward -C. IiAFORE2nd ward 1 councllmen W. W. Skinner 3rd Ward.. WiMt nirsir 4th Ward j -K.T Tf.M,i, Jtl. UTnwt T On.nmywn IteCOrUCr. James Rosa Marshal. W. T. BELL -TAS",H Geo. G. Bingham Attorney. J. C Thompson Sup't of Streets. J. N. Churchill Chief Engineers. F. D. tl. S. OQcerg. Jas. Walton U. S. Commissioner. Joseph ALBKRT.JSIgnal Service Observer. who some other NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Overland to California -VIA- xOreffon k California Rail Road AND CONNECTIONS. MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. THE Time Between Salem and San Francisco-Thirty-six Hoars. CALIFORNIA EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY. South. I HNo?t"l 4.0O p.jn. Lv. Portland Ar. 10:40 a. m. 6.30 p. m. Lv. Salem Lv. 8:30 a. m. 7:40 a. m. Ar. San Fran. Lv. 6:30 Pjm. local passenger train ( daily ex cept SUNDAY). &00a. m. Lv. Portland Ar. 3:45 p. m. fc02o.m. Lv. Salem Lv. 12:52 p.m. 32.10 p. m. Ar. Eugene Lv. 9:00 a.m. PULMIAN BUFFET SLEEPEKS. Excursion Bleenera for second-class pas sengers on all through trains free of charge. The C. & C. Railroad ferry makes con nection with all the regular trains on the East Side Division from foot of F street, Portland. Marion county is situated in the heart of the magnificent Willamette valley, the central gem in the clus ter of rich counties that form that princely domain, and is the banner commonwealth of the great north west in all the essentials that go to wards making it apron table abiding place, and a homo for the thrifty farmer, the cunning artisan and the Industrious mechanic. Rich in its agricultural resources, in its cultivated and uncultivated lands, in its water powers, and minerals; rich in its colleges and schools of learning, and with a climate unsurpassed for Its salubrity, it presents to the immigrant from the overcrowded states, where cold winters and hot summers, with terrible cyclones, prevail, comes to the coast with means, advantages that no county in Oregon possesses. Much has Been written, of this western country that requires a stretch of the imagination to com prehend, ana numerous complaints are heard from the class who have been misled by them, so in this brief sketch the Writer desires to avoid exaccratlon as to its nresont and prospective advantages, asking tuose in tne ease into wnose nanus this may fall particularly those who have their eyes directed towards this coast to peruse it carefully, feeling that it is not written to lure immigrants within its borders, but only as a truthful discription of a land- which, if It does not "flow milk and honey," contains within its bosom wealth and resources equal to any other country on the Pacific side of the Rocky mountains. BOUNDARIES. Marion county is bounded on the north by the Willamette river and Butte creek which separates it from Clackamas county; on the east by Clackamas county and the Cascade mountains, which separate it from Wasco county; pn the south by the Santiam river and the north fork of the Santiam, separating it from Linn county.and on the west bv the r Willamette river. PHYSICAL FORMATION. The county contains, includlntr the world, and Marion county is about centcrally located therein. To those seeking homos in the west, no better opportunities can bo offered, than are found here. Porsons desiring information regarding Marlon county or the Willamette valley, those wanting fanning tanus, siocKiorms, business property or city residences, will bo nromntlv and reliably informed by addressing wie woii Known nrm oi wuns & Chamberlln, real estate agents, opera house block, Salem, Oregon. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Worth Reaching After. Salem merchants are'ever Wide awake to open new channels of trade will catch our meaning, when yve toll them that an edition of over 3000 copies of the Weekly Capital Journal will bo sent out next week. This paper Will visit nearly every household in Marion county and many in Northern Polk, espec ially mat part ot tne county triDu taryto Salem. Circulation is what makes advertising valuable and the Capital Journal guarantees its circulation to all advertisers. The country trade is worth reaching after and an advertisement in the Weekly Capital Journal will be a wonderful persuader. Rates on application to Will H. Parry, Manager. THE MARKETS. West Side Division, Between Portland and Cerallis: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY). "Via a.m. 12.-25 p. m. tTv. Portland Xr. I 67lS p. m. Ar. Corvallls Lv. 1:30 p.jn. M'MINNVILLE EXPRESS TRAIN (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY). 4:50 p. m. I 8:00 p.m. Lv. Portland Ar. Ar.McMlnnvllloLv. RiS) a. m, 5:45 a. m, At Albany and Corvallls connect with Stains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. IPar full Information regarding rates, 'maps, etc., apply to the Company's agent. Salem, Oregon. E. V. ROGERS, R. KOEHLER, G. F. and Pass. Ag't. Manager. THEYAQPIA ROUTL OREGON PACMC RAILROAD (Oregon Development Company's Steam- snip 225 MU.ES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. .First-class Through Passenger and Freight Line from Portland and all point In the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco. Willamette River Line of Steamers: Tho "Wm. M. Hoag," the "N. 8. Bent ley," the 'Three Bisters," leavo Portlands &. m. Honda) s, Wednesdays and Fridays, from Messrs. Holman & Co's dock, 200 and 202 Front street, for Oregon City, Butteville, Chaimlocg, Salem, Independence, Albany, 'Corvallls, and Intermediate points, mak ing clow connection at Albany with tralnB orihe Oregon l'acluo Railroad. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): Leave Albany 1.-0OPM Leave Corvallls 1:47 PM Arrive Yaqulmv 6:50 PM Leave Yaqulna 0.-30 A M Leave Corvallls 10:33 AM Arrive Albany - j - - - 11:15 AM O, Ss C. trains coniiect at Albany and uurvuius. The nbov with the ( of Steamships betvV SUMXU DATES. STRAMEBS, FROM SAN FRANCISCO. ve trains cqnpety a YAQUINA Oregon Development Co1 Line alps between Van Ulna and San Willamette Valley, - - WlUametfo Valley Thursday, Feb. 9 Tuesday, Feb. 14 Sunday, Feb. 19 8TKAUKUS. Willamette Valley -Eastern Oreeon - - Willamette Valley FRQM YAQUINA. - Tuesday Feb. 14 Sunday Feb. 19 - Sntnrilnv SVh Eastern Oregon - - - Thursday March 1 This company reserves tho right to chance Milling Uattw without notice. Willamette Vauev rolnls can make elnxn connection with the trains of tho YAQUINA ROUTE RtAlbanj or Corvallls, nud If destined to Hnn Francisco, should arrange to arrh e at Yaqulnu the evening before date of sailing. Paurnirrr ml Vrelrht Ritt Alwara tk. m aT ri toTM .ym AenWaWandaFrdTititT, Portland, 5i C.C, nOQUB, Aet Qtu'l Frt. & Pass. Agt Oregon Paeltje H. H. Ok. CorvalH, Or aH.HAWMLL.Jr.Gen5i Krt; ,jt Pass. AgCOreeea Deretopmeut Crcrftl Montgoiwy si.; fn Fmnrleo, Cm). valley, prairie and mountain lands, about 900,000 acres. There are two main divisions, the mountain and the vallev. The latter extends from tho Wlllametfe river to the foot of the Cascade mountains, a distance of about fif teen miles. The mountainous portion contains some fourteen townships of mostlv unsurveyed land; lying In a strip tweivc nnes nortn aim soutu Dy forty miles east and west, and com prises all classes of land, from rich narrow valleys in the passes, up through all the grades of rolling, hilly and broken, to that of rock- 'bound canyons and inaccessible craKgy peaks. It Is generally heavily timbered, and In the near future will be valuable for Its lumber sup plies. These hills and mountains afford a wonderful summer range for stock, and many of the more en terprising farmers are availing them selves of this opportunity, and when the cold'frosts of autumn approach, the stock are brought out to fresh pastures, thus enabling them to sur vive the winter storms with little care. GREAT APVANTAGES. A decided advantage Marion coun ty has over many others is the di versified farming Interest that can bo carried on throught the entire year; notwithstanding, this Is a wet ciimato during tuo winter months, the-uplands are seldom too wet to work, and long before the prairie iarmers are through with their seed ing, the hill farmer is preparing for his summer work. And yet the low lands are much preferred- by many; the yield per acre is generally greater, and perhaps less labor Is re quired to place the soil fn proper condition for crops; and then should tho season prove dry, the bottom lands are sure to bring the best crops. No better farming land can be found n tho United States than that on the noted Howell prairie, French prairie, Santiam prairie and Salem prairie. The soil of these arc wonderfully productive. With good cultivation, forty bushels of wneat and sixty of oats per acre can bo readily secured. " FACILITIES FOR MARKET. The Willamette river, with two lines of railroad running the entire length of the county from north to south, with tho Oregon Pacific road crossing tuo soutneast corner ot tho county, affords amnio facilities to reach a market in any direction. SALEM Is the capital of the state and county seat of Marion county, situ ated on the Willamette river and on the O. & C. railroad. Costly buildings have been erected, among wuieu me state capitot ouuaing, county courthouse, Chomekete hotel, opera house, new public school building, Catholic school building, Methodist ohurch, Willamette UnU antl bu&neBB blockB, vwflh W compare favorably with oluor and largefdltlau. OKMEKAI.. I Alt UUugti ooiwlderad, th VflUyir i eu vauey mm sue ueat country m The foreign wheat market Is firm but the local market is Inactive. There is s.arclty of butter and It Is in good demand at fancy figures. Wheat 65 cents, Oats 30O40 cents. Flour & per bbl. Potatoes weak 40c. Eggs 12c. Lard 910c. Wool 18 20c. Hams 1210Ji. Shoulders 810. Bacon 1012c Hay Timothy, 820, oats and cheat $11. Apples Oreen, 81 per bushell. i-iums unea, txauue. pcrni. ckens Old $30; young 82.50. deer skins, 20c ; sheep pelts, 10030c, accord ing UJ WUU1 Bee: Mutton Hogs (ic, dressed. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat-Quote valley j81.221.25 ; Walla Walla, Arm, 81.12I,10. Flour Valley standards quoted at 84.00, and Walla Walla brands $603.75, super fine 82.G0275 per bbl. Hay Baled timothy quoted at 810 17 per UJU. Feed Bran, per ton, 81617 ; shorts 18 20 : choppep barley, $425 per ton. Barley Brewing, per ctf. 81 : ground per ton,-2527.50. Hops Quote 79c per pound. Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tins;, 8o; palls, 'Butter Choice dairy, 3537o per lib.; brine in rolls. 30035c. Poultry Quote chickens, 83.504.S0 as to iiuuuty ; uucks, uago.iw ; geese ?au : tur keys, choice, 1012o per pound. Eggs Fairly steady : 18o per dszen. Provisions Bacon, lOffllOJJo ; hams, 12 12c ; shoulders 67c. Judicious .Advertising CREATES many a new business. ENLARGES many an olef business. REVIVES many a dull business. RESCUES many a lost business. SAVES many a falling business. PRESERVES many a largo business. SECURES success in any business. & -jj-i -ixxn iiHiOi Apples dried bleached 9c. sundrled (i7. Chfckens Old 830 : youne 82.50. .t Hides Beef hides, green, 5 c., dried 7 c. ef 34c gross, ltton $2.50 per head. Advertising Medium IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY -IS THE- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Gilbert & Patterson DEALERS IN choice' Family Groceries, CAPITAL RIAL! DAILY AND WEEKLY. Provisions, Crockery and Glassware. SOLE-AGENTS FOR THE EPICURE TEA ! The best and most popular brand in the, market. -PACKERS OF- SUGAR CURED HAMS! PICKLED MEATS, ETC. "pure leaf lard. Merchants in Salem Who wish to reach out for and secure tho magnificent Country Trade which can bo brought to Salem from every nook and corner of Marion County and from tho greater part of Polk County, should advertise ih'the Country produce of all kinds. A com plete stock in every department. GILBERT & PATTERSON, 200 Commercial St,, Salem, Oregon. l'u rai Grange Store! Salem Co-Operative Association, P. of II. DKALKKS IK Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. All Kinds of Produce Bought. JAMES AITKE.S, Manager. 120, State street, Halem, Or. W G6Kly uUHmI Jooroa It NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Real Estate, Loan, -AND- Insurance Agency, -ALSO OFFICE OF- Salem Pottery Company. I am agent for the salo of all of the Dun dee Mortgage Co.'s farms In Marlon and Polk Counties. Prices cry low. Also several WATER POWERS at Salem and vicinity. I am laying out In an addition all of J. L. Parrlsh's land noxt cast of 8a lem, about 100 acres. These lots will be oflcred for sale by mo about January 20, 1888. Also aero property In quantity to suit and in quality tho best for fruit and garden purposes, in most healthful loca tion, and within ouo to two miles of the State House, ut 8100 to 8150 per acre. I ha e Ave to ten-acre Improved places with buildings, fruit In bearing, etc, close to Salem at fair prices. I hae for sale city property of all kinds, farms of all sizes and adaptations, stock ranches and timber lands. lam a Notary Public Abstracts furnished at fair rates. Conveyancing done. MONEY TO LOAN Real Estate, two to Ave yeart, payablo In installments if desired. SALEM Is tho Capital of the State of Oregon, and Couuty Seat of Marion County. It Is on the cast bank of the Willamette River, (a navlgablo stream), and on the Oregon and California Railroad. Tho Stato House has cost 81,000,000.00, the Court House 8110,000.00. the Chemeketo Hotel 8120,000., and tho now Public School building 840,000.00. The Stato Is practically out of debt and Marion County nearly so. Ualctn has tho State rcuiicniiary, insane Asylum, Deaf Mutt- tho Willamctto University, tho best insti tution of learning In tho Paclflo North west. Salem's Public Schools are excel lent. Salem has one of the best natural sites for a largo city and now has about 7,000 people. It has a freo wagon bridge across the Willamette river. Excellent, water, supplied through Iron pipes on the Holley system; both Gas and Electric Lights, sewcrago, Fire Department with three engines, two Public Parks, three 1' louring Mills with a united capacity ol 1,200 bbls. of Hour dally, a Saw MiU of 40,000 feet dally capacity, and other Industries, Street Cars coming soon. Ono water power of 200 horse power-Is now for sale cheap and another sufficient to run a largo woolen mill is for salo with necessary ground for 82,000. All things considered, Western Oregon has the best climate In the world. It is much like the cllmato of England, but the summers are dryer than in England. Tho following Is a part of the property I Have on Sale: 748 acres about flvo miles from Dallas County Scat of Polk County, and two and one half miles from Railroad station. Two hundred acres in cultivation. One hun dred and fifty acres in full wheat: two- miras oi ino rcmuinacr is susceptible oi cultivation but Is now light timbered and grazing laud:agood portion Is creek valley land. Itlsalllencedand has poor build- to mixed WILLIS k CIIAMBERLI, Real Estate Agents lluvs and sells farms nnd cltv n A large number of desirable farms ai property now ollering oil reasonable tifrrns. and cjfy Fire Insurance! Writs pollefdji of Insurance against Are on all elaJsfM of nronartv In ehtht reliable and wealthy aintptmiee. Brokerage ! Will nweUate loan on real Mtato or per-1 soom HaWM? OR ! er abort llfwe, ana Ah- tatye or mmll rawi. An advertisement in the Daily reaches the town people ; but the Weekly edition Catches tne Karmers! REMEMBER THAT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL TO INTRODUCE 1 f ITSELF IS PRINTING BIG BDITIONS ! AN CIRCULATION IQ WHAT MAKES AN ADVERTISEMENT WORTH THE MONEY. Fpr tprjhs, apply to CAPITAL JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. WILL II. PARRY, Manager. lngs, well watered, will adapted Prlco of whole, grain and stock furmlng. Can uo divided u uto tw o or more farms. 812,000; one-third cash. 22771 acics two miles west of Buena Vista, Polk County, two miles from Rail road; 140 acres In cultivation, balance timber and pasture; land Is all good; all fenced, good barn and fair houso. well watered. This Is ono of the most desirable farms In Polk County. Prlco, $0,500. 07 75 acres, two miles south-west of Ger vals, Mai Ion County, small barn, all fenced and all tillable Pilcc, $2,100. 320 acres, eight miles cast of Salem and one and oiio-hulf miles from Railroad; 15 acres In cultivation, balance mostly good tiro timber and accessible; land Is partly creok bottom and bcuer dam lund and balance In edge of Waldo Hills, gently rol ling. Price, M0.00 per ncie. lOOacns, flvo miles northwest of Salem, In Polk county, twenty-two ncrcs In cultt tatlon, balance timbered, well watered by springs. Hounopoor. Pi Ice, 81,200.00. 018ucres, tluco miles west of Alrllo, In Polk ceunty: houso poor. Largo orchard, all fenced. 200 acres valley land, and In cultlatlon; balance light timbered and frurlugland, tluco mlls irom railroad, rlto, 7,000.X). lttl'acies two and one-half miles west of Nile m. Houso six rooms poor. Nam good, well it-need, good spring, 130 acres lu LUiuvaiion ioriy-ciguiacics in wueai; rruu In bearing, thirty aciostlmbor. Flno land for grain or fruit raising. Can bo d tded price, u,i.rju.uu. run on tunc. lbO acres eight miles from Alrlle, In Polk county. JJoubo and barn poor; tltty-flve neres In cultivation. One-fourth crec bottom lund on Rock Creek, good watei pouer, three-fourth bench lund, lorty acres limber. No locky land; good class or pcoplo around It; opou stock range In Coast Range of mountains, on west side oi place. Prlco, 81000.00. 810 acres, seven miles cast ofSUverton, Marlon County. Not lmprocd, rolling lund, well watered. Flno chance for stock. Price 81000.00. 1(U4 acres, heven miles south of Salem. Good buildings and good fences, good sprlugs, two acies orchard good variety ot tree uud small trults, 144 ucres In culti vation, eighty-two acres In wheat. Full possession glcu, und no crop reucrvcil Price, 81,100.00. innmiu a.Suwl 1,11 1 1.1 I ..(.. ...... ..nstr. In.... AVltlflfn, WUU WUIIUIIIjja f.UU HIKJIA .UUU next to Pan Ish's Addition to Salem, les than one mile from State House. Price, 8.XXW.0U. 21k; ucres, one und one-half miles east 01 Statu House. Fair buildings, lrult, etc All good land. Price, 83000.00. 830 acres, seven in lies south of Halem and one und one-half miles Irom Turner. 2A acres In cultivation. 150 acres of beaver dam land, the best land In the world for onions, three-fourths Is i alley lund, well watered Itrge new burn, fair house will muko twu (Ino luriiu. Price. 830 per acre. U0 77 acres two mllos northeast of State House tho bONt farm In Murion count) Very good buildings, ton acres of orchard tn bearing, all in cultivation; seventy ucre lu full wheut, put In on summer fallow and Alteon acres winter outs; twelve acres in red clover meadow. All of crops go with I he 'place. Price, 8100,00 per acre, fun divide nud Mil part, If wanted. Time allowed on part in nearly ull cases H. V. MATTHEWS, Otllce over Cunltnl National Hank, with 8. T. JtlcUurdwii, attorney at law, Halem, Oregon.