fcHM-. , i i ggy KBW ABVBRT13KMENTS. u I . v , ' LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Ileaized Acconnt of Doings in City and Country. oivbb ur for losr. tUiei ftbe Ibn MMdr Xnmt Coming Into rrt OItm np l tt Oirnm- TJio Orogonlan to-day sayn tliut the Itritish. iron bark, Gloimvon, Captain Tarney, which sailed from the Columbia on the 28d of Augunt loaf, for Liverpool ami upon which Oniego Port nailed for Europu, Imh Ihmjii kIvcii up for lost. It in 200 days hIiicosIio eallod, and she was Iat upokonofTtho "VeUTn Island, on Dooember 21t. The alilp which ijwko her arrived In England January 10th, hut nothing has been con or hoard of tho Glunavon. 8ho was 1003 tons rogUler and was owned by It. C. Hale, of Cork. She was dispatched by Mrn. Taylor, Young & Co., und carried a cargo of fWlmon, Hour, whuit and oil, valued at $200,000. NKKAMItM. SUPEEHB COtST- LOOAA. nuixK rT r -tr e CI re M IIc Half HI If Kon llul Ttror t Wlf r. n -1 Aluiiii. hniriHint. dii o'clock this tnornlng tho roof of tho cast wing of the Willamette University boys' hoarding hall Caught lire from a de fective Hue. Tho Ore was discover ed at tho University building before It had gained much headway and a number of nludents ran over and with a few buckets of water put out ihouamo. An alarm had in the meantime lieen rung and tho lire departments responded promptly, arriving on tho ground however after the lire was all out. Count)' Court. The board of coiimiittsioiiorn re turned last night from Woodburu where they wont to examine Into the condition of a county bridge. They found the bridge to Ik- In need of repairs, which will Ihj ordered made soon. To-day the board litis been kept busy auditing and allow ing bills, and considering applica tions for rebates on taxes, which are iUlto numerous. Tliey also lo-diiy iwtabllshed a now county ro.ul, . known as the '"Archibald road," l leading from the north cast corner of K. Cranston's donation laud claim to the north-west corner of Iliir groves' burying ground. liMlh ofAl'luarer Woman. Mrs. Mary Munkersdled on Wed nesday ttt her home near Seio, tit the udvtmeed age of M years and (1 months. The deceased was born in Missouri, and came to Oregon in 1818, llesidusa wltleelreleoffi lends she leaves the following children to mourn her lew: T. M. Munkors, Pruston Munkers, 11. K. Munkers and Mrs. O. W. McDonald, or Sulo, and Itlley Munkers, James Munkers and Llxde Ksles, of Stilum. The funeral oeeurred from tho family residence nwir Selo and was attend ed by a largo concourse of sorrowing relatives and frleiuls. Salbm, March 8, 1888. Joseph Ilolladay, app., vs. Esther Holladay, reap.; appeal from Mult nomah county; argued and sub mitted. SMiBM, March 9th, 1888. Peter Chrlsman et. al. reap., vs. W.S. Chrlsman et. al., contestant. ApiKl from Lane county. Decree of the lower courtafTlrmcd; tho costs and disbursements to be paid by the estate. Opinion by Lord C. .1. SYMiAUUS. Wliun a will is shown to have Ikjcii duly executed, there arises a presumption ofsanityin favorof the testator, which at this stage of the proceedings unless rebutted or ov ercome by counter evidence, will be sufficient to authorize the probate of tho will. When In a civil proceeding tho question of sanity and insanity is directly in Issue, while giving to the general presumption in favor of san- tyall that may be family claimed for it, tho burden of proving sanity Is upon the party who asserts It. I Testamentary capacity Is mainly a 'niiiuflnii if fwtf ti tut jlfitlirmtllf.fi from a consideration of all the evi dence. The testator must have suf ficient capacity to comprehend the condition of Ids property, his rela tion to the persons who were, should or might have been the object of his bounty, and the scope and bearings of the provisions of his will. In deciding upon the capacity of the testator to make his will, it Is the soundness of his mind and not the particular state of bodily health that is to bo attended to; the latter may be in a state of extreme im bcclllly and yet ho may possess sufficient understanding to direct how his property shall be disposed of. Old age, sickness, distress nor debility of hotly Incapacitate, pro vided the testator has possession of his mental fucultlesaud understands the business In which ho Is engaged. The real jioint In Issue Is testa mentary capacity or Incapacity at tho precise date of tho transaction what his mental condition was be fore and after executing tho will Is only Iinporlantits it throws light up on the mind and shows its actual condition when the will was ex ecuted. Tho law gives to every man of sound luiuil the right to dlsposo of his property by last will, and this Is regarded as one of tho most efficient means which he has in protracted life, or old age, to com mand the attention due his infirmities. StiPBEBB COURT D9CKET. The following is the docket for the March term, 1883, of the Supreme Court. MUST DICTBICT. Wm. M. Colvlg, respondent, vs. Klamath county, appellant; appeal from Klamath. C. A. Cogswell, respondent, vs. H. C. Wilson, appellant; appeal from Lake. skcond DisTiticrr. V. S. Humphrey and S. C. Flint, apps., vs. it. J-muips, ei. ., irajra., anneal from Douglas. G. W. Weaver, app. vs. C. W. Johnson, resp.; appeal, from Doug las. O. 11. Chrlsman, app., vs. The State Insurance Company of Salem, Or., app,; appeal from Lane. Jesse Soverns, administrator of the estate of Johnna Goodchild, de ceased.rapp., vs. S. M. Goran, resp.; appeal from Lane. J. W. Rayburn, app., vs. .J. J. WinantnndWm. M. ijoag, resp.; appeal from Denton. THIKD DISTRICT. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Com pany, app., vs. W H. Smith, rfttp.; apieal from Marion. llembree et al.; resps., vs. Peqk tnan etnl., app.; appeal from Yam hill. James I?. Dentley, resp., vs. William Chapman and G. W. Berry, apps.; appeal from Yamhill. W. It. Savage, app., vs. J. E. Murphy, resp.; appeal from Marlon. Peter S. Brenner, resp., vs. M. Alexander, app.; appeal from Linn. B. L. Henness, app., vs. Mary C. Wells, resp.; appeal from Polk. fc'OUKTH DISTHICT Pauline Clark, app., vs. Emma A. Mitchell, et al., resps. W. B. Walker, app., vs. Louis Goldsmith, et al. resps. II. L. Holgate, resp., vs. The Ore gon Pacific Railroad company, app. J. II. Stencil, app., vs. C. H. Hill, et al., resps. t Thomas J. Mountain, resp., vs. Multnomah county, app. State of Or., resp., vs, Che Gong Fong Lung, Dick Chung Ling, Gee Long and Cliee Sun, apps. Northrup et al., apps., vs. P. A. Mnrkham, resp. Tho Portland Lumbering & MPg Two HIIIIT AT C0TTAUK IIH0VK. Indiana llavp a irsrratr Fight Nltb hnlrs Thru- Squawk Arrrttnl. I'rrnaturr HUatri. TheCAi'iT.M. Joim.NAi,, In com mon with other evening pajKirH who have telegwphle swrvhv, had it dls iwtoli announcing the death of Hmiwror William of Germany, but It proved premature; the Emperor did not die ytwterday. Tliopuporoon this side -of the Atlantic were not the only ones who gnvo out the In telligence, iw the dispatches of this morning contain the follewing: "All the Berlin jmparH announced the KmjKiror's death late in the after noon." If tho palters or his home oily wtjw deceived, lluwo at this ills Ittiuv are e.eusble. The WMmor-Umdy dmnmtto company, which wiiue time ago ungngud the ojxmi houw here and unnouuewl thesKetaeular itmnmof "Shu" fur Monday, Muroli Uth, luw deWtUhl not tu ooine to Swlmo. They rwiulrwl u gimmnteeof u $UH) A sltort time ago Cottage Grove was thrown Into great excitement by an Indian and squaw appearing in that city with hands and arms covered with blood. They reported that two Indians living one mile mini Cottage Grove had uttaekod each other with knives. Tho In dians names are Jim and Take. Jim I stabbed Take in the bowels, letting part or them out. Take returned the compliment by cutting Jim across tho face, arm mill back. l)r. J. W. Harris has uttonded Takeover since. He Is slowly recovering. Jim Is In prison awaiting the result oft he stab ho gave Tuko. II. L. Dunn, of the Dunn hotel, It Is supixwcd, was robbed by somo of the said Indians. Three squawB were arrested. They claimed that they found a watch anil chain and revolver lout by Dunn. They gave a straightforward account of where they found the articles. They wero acquitted after fair ami Impartial hearing. H. L. Dunn recovered his property and putd costs, while tho i squaws wended their way to camp. , -Portland Now. ' ---. ltla)rl Trail. The California uxprons which should have inured' down at 8 o'clock this morning, did not ur rlvo here until nearly 4 p. in., hav ing been delayed by a laud slide " ---'" 'i .. Iuhm UiAhv ttuimlalii urwi,1'"1 Nieminento river SO miles nwiitHnndnoonelnkivMt llkw do-t,,U,,l,,oor,letlamK c' Tho train ItHf tlwt. Sn "tilw" will Kve Hslm J w" '"l0 "W UU which threw U I by this kwn yr. tlM' wikjIiw, tendw and Iwgtptgo onr ulli Sli oirthetrook. The engine wns a l7?MHuS '..Hl-ndoxvrthe slides the r-iw -., nn in h imiinvnHW eiHl- . Co., apps., vs. the city of East Port land, resp. Narclssa D. Gaston, app., vs. the city of Portland, resp. James Pooke, resp., vs. the North ern Pacific it. It. (Jo., app. B. VIndcr, resp., vs. J no. Bigue, ex. of estate of Pierre Mauclet, et al apps. Mnry J. Weber, resp., vs. Emll Weber, app. 11. L. K. Meyer et al., apps., vs. it. II. Thompson et al., resps. Joseph Holladay, app., vs. Esther Holladay, resp. Jno. Schmccrantl Sopluv Ktrchoof, resps., vs. Ainiu Schmcer, app. Hiram C. Brown and II. C. Page, itpps.; vs. 12. O. Croson and Amanda Croson, resps. Geo. Auslle ct al.,upps., vs. James Loynaehan et al., resp. Jno. Paulsen et al. respondent, vs. Tho City of Portland et al., apps. FIKTU UIBTIUOT. Henry Buuiiciuuu and Emll Martlnonl, resps. vs. Max Vhgiier, app.; uppcnl mini Clatsop. I. W. Case, asp,, vs. The Packing company, apps.; from Clatsop. HIXTll M8TMCT. James Mitchell, resp., vs. Nelson SelioonoVer, adfn. of the estate of M. It. Bulrd, app.; appeal from Union. Jno. A. Tucker, resp., vs. Win. Constable, et al. npps.; appeal from Union. Union County, app., .vs. F. M. Sloeum, resp.; appeal from Union. S. A. Pursol, app., vs. It, W. Deal and A. M. Hamilton resps.; appeal from Union. ' 8HVKNTII DISTIUCT. James K. Kelly, app., vs. Dalles City, resp.; appeal from Wa&co. J. W. Collin, resp., m A. D. Tay lor, impleaded with J. F. Dufar, app. Geo. F. Boers, app., vs. Dalles Sltyt nip.j apioal from Wasco. Magglo Kmustt, nwp., nu George Harbort, npp,; apixwl from Waseo. W. I& Sylvester, npp., v. Dalles City, rvp.; apiwol from Wasco. J. M. Powell CQ.,roep., vs. Wm. llukder, pp.;niHHal from Wasco. Seaside appeal AUornoysBclt and Nez Hayden went to Dallas this morning. Frank Blackaby, a "Black" from Silverton, was In tho city to-day. The H. A. C. band has decided to give a minstrel entertainment some time In April. Mrs.J.C. O'Roilly, of Portland, is visiting her sister Mrs. James Godfrey in this city. Dr. L. L. Rowland is noticed on the streets again looking quite well nftcr spending two weeks on his farm. Bert Hatch, mate of the steamer Wm. M. Hoag, is confined to his home in this city by a fractured knee cap. Stated convocation of Multnomah Royal Arch Chapter, No. 1, this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in M. M. Degree. County Superintendent Peebles' children who have been quite ill at their grand parents iti the Waldo Hills, are reported better. Jay Francis, of Francis & Reed, Portland, was In the city to-day In the iutercste of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance company. Prof. Yoder, for several years principal of the Sllverton schools, returned yesterday from the cast, where he went last fall to visit friends. George G. Bingham and wife tire nr. MeM imvlllo attending me funeral of his brother, "Bobby," who dicu there yesterday morning. Hon. John Allen, state senator frcn Polk county, was in the city to-day. He reports the republicans of PoMt in good figliting trim for the coming fray. Never make the future bear the expense of the past but commence at once to study practical economy by going to A. Strong & Co's and eat ing the best 25 cent meal in the city. Messrs. Schriber & Pohle have rented the store room In the Williams & England block, lately vacated by Fcshbum & Thoemakcr, and will occupy it with their carriage repository. No matter how poor a man's memory may be he will always remember good treatment and that is why so many people remember A. Strong & Co's popular restaurant, 271 Commercial street. Superintendent George A; Peebles delivered a lecture on "Theory and Practieo of Teaching" in the Uni versity chapel at 11:15 this morning. Tho lecture was a most excellent one in every particular, giving evi dence of a thorough practical know! edge of his subject, the result of deep study and olose observation. For Books, Stationery 4 PJ Goods ! T, GO TO- Sttll Manslafighterlng. Nelson Hoxhurst, better khows as "Nelse Hoxy," who killed a man in this city about twenty years' ago and afterwards served a short term in the penitentiary for it, is still in the manslaughctring business. He Is now practicing medicine in Peru, South America, and is doing good work decimating tho population. I'HOUl CONVENTION. BAX.KM.Kcb. 2i, 188S. lu accordance with tho order of the Marlon Co, Central Committee of tho pro hibition party, tho County Convention of Aid party of Marlon county will bo held In the city of Btilcm on Friday, March 16, at 11 o'clock n. m. for tho purpose of nonil nutlng oindldatc for county ottlccni, and choosing 15 delegiitcw to tho Prohibition Stato Convention to ho held In Portland, Starch ps, 18SS. The basis of representation for the several precincts of tho county in hnUl county convention Is nxed as follews: Ono dclegnte at large to eiwh precinct and one additional for each ten votes cast for legislate ticket In the year of 18S8. Namely: Salem precinct .3 KoKtBalom .7 North fenlem 5 Mouth Salem 5 Jefterfeon 2 MnrIon.. 2 Mchamii JJ Hinyton 5 Bubllmlty 2 Lincoln . 3 Turner. 3 Howell Prairie 3 Bllverton Ji Uartleld 2 Abin.ua 3 IjiblSh a wwvaii ..j wooauurn 1 Hubbard J Aurora 1 lluttevlllo. 1 Champoeg .3 ouiiiui .1 ruirnem. 1 K, U HuniAKU, Chairman. Beorcury, McF Pattons, 98, STATE STREET. TO BE SHOWN : LI1- ASK CRANE'S STATIONERY, PLAIN AND FANCY. ASHTON LCAP PLAIN AND NUMBERED. TYPE WRITERS MATERIAL. ACMJi wiuiw " " TABLETS. FADER'S PENCILS AND PEN HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS AND ERASERS. SPENCERIAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGILL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials for Paper Flowers. MABIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED GOLD PENS-ALL WAR RANTED. WIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS -BEST IN THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAGE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. Roberts' Rules of Order. SCRIBNER LOG BOOK. GILLCHRIST'S MANUEL FOR IN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE $1.00). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (60 CENTS. ' For Fruit Growers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, ($1.00). DOWNING'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, ($5.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, ($3). THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 40 CENTS. 98, STATE ST. - SALEM, OR. lpBriti Denial illlin $ -OF- L. S. SKIFF & CO. NEXT DOOR TO OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. Vitalized Air Given for tho Painless Extraction of Teeth. BSyTho person awakeuB from a pleasant dream with tho aching teetli gone. Also gold Crowns Set. GREAT REDUCTION -IN- FINK SETS! Set Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia, Usual Price $32.50, Our Price $20.00. Set Lytlon, 26 Set Thackeray, 11 SetVavcrly,12 Set I P. Roe, 15 Cloth, Gilt top, Hair Morocco, nalf'blue.Cair, Cloth, Set Capl 51. Reid, 10 Vols. Clolh, 22.50, 32.50, 22.50, 15.00, 23.50. J5.00. 17.50. 18,00. 10.00 Fine Line of Paeterie in Latest .Styles, tUilQU. Uwt l!inr, who Wft ywHwlny IW III Ikhi lu tin wt, wrrfcKl aft' nwtrly ftOO eUmrwl up Ih h fUrs mvuw M Ulttiil or two Ihjuhv. WU lanUi. It U unritHvtiHxl tluit Uwirv A (I tain, whowHHbont to tli wnltim- LKTIEK LIST. Following is the list of letters re maining in tho postofllco, at Salem, Oregon, Maroh 7, 1R3S. Parties call Ing for them will pletwe Hay "ad vortlseth" All lottura published us non-tie- Hvoroil will Iw qlmrged with ona cOiA in addition tc tll rogitlar iwstage. ugo (r hlghwHj- nlwr-, and who w-hu a iwomliiMit HKurv in tho nut Urwk flvu ytHr km, Ih trln to w. utiktrtw. mini jwnton eru conimultlon 0 AMMlirMr nwrkA frvw hwjwMUmw. llwh ImMnncd riml. lmkiw ut at th yum. a Vhnw . uhI k.hI nmu hlnJf ,4.,.rtn;u. i. Mk ttwiliUdrtiuw. Thm can twnoijood. roafct tXJWTOHtlnRhyiswitweft. Now It the Tim. Now tiMt tho iKilltioal winnahm tlry frtmi thU uouuty ulmut 7 yiwrs I u Pimwohlujt It U mmsonnblo thno io huomtido ior the iHHUtUi vioUuu f Warl Na. s ('AIUT.VL JuriiNAU It will contain full roiKirta or all polltlcnl convontlons. ilfeeM 011 6t the questfofi al tesuo. and will be dellvured auywlioru In the olty for 15 cont por week, or will bo bont by mall for W wr year. Lwve erdera attlik ottlco or with the route agnt. Ami, Frank nuoMtn !iltrllJ W-B LTwilli W 31 IleulUKW Nurtou lluHi'utan llenr Jtler(lu lux U Muttww II QrtM)rneMlHl,K l)l .Mm AniAnil UnhO CUrly gliemnrd A l wjnirir WhwlM vrr WIUtaBMMkM K M Anilrew. Alnxxl & Aytha Mt Oyntlm llutHQQ lllanahe Ubrbitmiin Will Kami John Uurdy V II Hunt Mrs K HlrkiTood Ullle MspwMnry Moltontmll li ffSStNia.k-. .rrucrv wnnrt) ttin , im? Blurm Hyroo Willi VaA W. H.CWfU I.M. AT- 118, State Street, $TARk'S. Salem, Oregon. Capital Lumbering Company MANUKAOTUUBnS OF AND IJKAL.KK8 IN i Every Variety of km Lumber, Dressed and Undressed. CONSTANTLY ON HAKIM Shingles; Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, BOXES, Etc. SALEM, .... 0HE60N ST'T?!n