fiW&WQfF pymiiyw;miHt'p"nyii- ,.yj jjt. r iliMIMii 1 VOL. 1. OR,, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1888. NO. 4. CAFAL . I'HOFESSIONAL CARD"?. GEO. "VV". BELT, ATTORNEY AT' LAW and District Attorney. Office at court house, . RAMSEY & BINGHAM, ATTORNEYS atid Counselors at Law. Business In the Bupreme Court a specialty. Salem, Or. mlLMON FORD, ATTORNEY AND I Counselor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Office, up stairs In Patton's block. OEO. H. BURNETT, ATTORNEY AT Law. Salem, Oregon. , Office over Ladd& Bush's bank. C HAW A GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT O Law, Salem, Oregon. Office In Patton's block, up stairs over Belt's drug store. t T. RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT ). Law. Office over Capitol . Notional ank, 24 Commercial Street; Salem, Or. JW. SPRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Salem, Oregon. Office In England's block. Legal business of all kinds. Also both lite and fire, insurance. XTTtt. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, W Salem, Oregon. Office with Tllmon Ford, In Patton's building. Will practice via. all the courts of Oregon. Collections made. Land offlco business a specialty. Pi H.D'AROY, ATTORNEY AND CQUN ' selor at Law, Solemjpregon, Ha,vlng an abstract of the recordset" Marlon coun ty, including a lot and 'block1 Index of Sa lem, he has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. - . ' " - ' ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com St., bet. Ferry and State. s: HAYING, HAIR GUTTING AND unampooing neauy uone. LADD & BUSH,' i 'i BAN K.BRS ! Salem, - Oregon. rTOANSACTS A GENtittAL BANKING J business in nil Its branches. WEST BROTHERS' - MEAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS & OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of the city at lowest llvlngr rates. Please give us yolr patronage. CITY ME'ATMRKET T"? D. C. HovUdj Proprietor STATE STREET - SALEM? OREGON. AS-All kinds e: fresh and cured meats always on nana, deal all around. ?uU weight and a square The SALEM MARKET 98 COTJET STREET. Constantly on lu(id the best, quality of Fresh andlSalt Meats I G'K. jJ3The CLEANEST kept market in the city. Call and see fokyourself. 9-Qo to J. O'Donall's shop on.Hlgh st, between Court and Sate, 8alem and get one or J. M. Coulter's iVtent Improved" Lightest Udder nmo In Oregon. Kelly,s Old Stand ! ! t' fAVINQ PUItCH, VD THlB BtACK- I smith shoD kne n, aa .eny's'XJia auiiiu. x win iicrciuicr tpreparea to do all JUOQBOI Repairing In the best tiylb. Jtnbwl to tie traHe at .... .mw u.v. nuijuiicu cm ployed, and all work gbranteed to elvo eausfaeuoQ. Horseshoeing Specialty! i. J.1ARNIGAN; Kelly's Old Bind, Salem, Or. H. W. ox, Has constanUy On Jiani a well selected stock oi Bcericke & Sareck's A NEATLY PRINTED IDE TO OK UAU UJN ATt'l ATION. . TheB. &.S. PREPJfiATIONS. Aro Inr8st and. Bel H. W. COX ia Ue only icHhjriMt BJwf JWKJaU wMiJ.AnBephte Pit yniUcisn94aMf)toetIr, And ifl klndsjof SAUSA l ' -rr i3 MCCEQW & WILLARD. Lata, gadders ! Homcop NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE.BEST Woven Wire Bed I ' ,. on THscpAsT-, ; Is Manufactured by GEO. M. PARKER, - 133,Flftn Strcet,,PorUand, Or. ,, 4' ' 1. t $ ,' ' For sale by ' - A'. T. VE5ATON, SALEM, OREGON. CH AS.. CALVERT . HAS RE3EiyEiy K .PULL sioCK ' Fine Miner) Goods ! At his Millinery Establishment, 274 Com mercial Street, Salem. STRICKLER BROS. DEALERS IN 4 ''. '.' STOVES AND TINWARE I Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. KS-Aktiio oldlstand ofiBen. Strang, Comf merciai Birjeet. r . r i . jiai Street, j Xir-, 4 - m; jsa. mead, PRACTICAL CU.T1ER tim A.. Filing, Saws Speciajty." Shop on the alley, opposite Mlnto's Liv ery Stable, Salem, Or.. . ' . ' .:?$' JUST RECEIVED, A NEWJ STOCK OP NEW STYLES IN . itl -A L'tiliScKoESpr?1 T"; Fancy Goods, Moldings, .' . Brackets) Picture Frames Artists''. Material, Etc, ALWAYS ON HAND. W. M. SARGEANT, 297 Commercial StrcetSalem, Or. F.J.BABCOCK, Cabinet 'Maker! wf, ' UNDERTAKER. FARltAlEtgifoCIC, STAT-EOTREET, v. N?.r,A ?45-All kinds' of Furniture made to order. A niUltne of c&skela always on haBd. i'-! J. J. JENNINGS; DTDSV vPiMntf'"'- DENTIST. jmrni tilth Extracted Without Pia by a NewPrioees mEETH FJLLED WITH THE LATEST improvea niungs. nates made on snort notice, and at reasonable terms. Gold lllllugs a specialty. - 3-Anv and All.wrvrlc ' Gold JUllugs a sncclalty. - a-Any and alLwprk In th Dental line. Offletf InTareyinaa'sblock over Ji M. Rosen berg Cbr. ,? I , s .i. M 1 V" f j; .4 . j 4-- (.E9TABiSHBD;XW! 1879.3 PACIFIC CIDER, VINEGAR lAHTfi ! . ' Fruit Preserving Coi OF- SALEM, - - OREGON.- l Manufacturers of Cider Jelly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Pear Butter, Sweet and Champagne Cider, - Cider Syrup for Mince Meat; 'Cnrrant mne of'a Superior Qaalityv Tomato Catsup, Plainrand German Pieties. ? PURE CIDER VINEGAR. SAUER KRAUT A FEATURE OP p. y-For Sweet Cider, leave order at I'ao tory QSte drop a.I'oatal, or see drivcrof, our dell vWWaWW. ' juuBuiuatare leanea to om era for a promptly Q. BTOIVTA Baalaess MsB8r. i . .fv T" '?NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' MIS? JULIA L. CHAMBERLIN", TKAOHKR OJ- Voice Culture, PjaSil Harmony Music Parlers: 311, Commercial Street. BankBlock, SALEM, OREGON. ESTABLISHED BY NATIOUAI. AUTHORITY. National Bank lyMioy i SALEM-.M OREGON. , Capital Paidp, .... $75,000 Surplus,- - - R. S. WALLACE, J. H. ALBERT, - 9,500 ")' - - Tresident. Vice-President, - - Cashier. , .. , DIRECTORS!, , W. T, 0ray, . , i ,'AY W. Martin, J,, Ml Martin X,U, Wallace, J. H. Albert, T. McF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market- ablq produce, consigned orlrv store, 8 produce, consigned orifi su 'either in private granaries or J public 'warehouses. State audyCounty Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn' direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. KT.. W. COX, (Successor to The Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem, Oregon, PULL LINE v.. 1 1 1'W s m i CHEMICALS IttBlfT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perftimeries, , druggist Sundries. Physiclaas Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specially. ; , " . ' AGENCY FOR THECELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red. Letter 5c. Cigar. Thoj bjtj;flve"j cent cigar in the'jmar- H. W. COX, 100'Stote Street, Salem, SteinerS: Blosser -OKAtEBS lii- STOVES, RANGES, i .r -.-" .. : . i n: Titfahdt!(per Ware,? I r f f ) , r f . . . t f, HOUSE-FURNISHINGG0OD3. 130, SUte Strett, SALEM, - - OREGON. ?-Agen W for the Boy utoirs rurn&co. A specialty made of rooting and spouting. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. B. STRANG, No. 803 Commercial Street, SALESr, OREGON. -DELBIl IK- STOVESandRANGES HkbiW8aS,ad Steaft Mini Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. the RimiAItnKON A PANVS Kur&aMl. Bs- rni (H j, l I III) lyLlUlllUil r $ Shi m t Jr LATIST DISPATCHES. News from all Parts of World. the DIG, FIRES IN THE EAST. New YorkjClty Catches a 8100,000 Blaxe Bridgeport, Coun., Follows - ' Close Behind. New York, March 6. The one story building at 443 Greenwich! street, which was occupied by Swan fc Bach importers, E. H. Nell&'Co., dealersln! telegraph and telephone supplies, Was almost entirely burned out this morning. Loss1 $100,000. FIRE AT BRIDGEPORT. Bridgeport, Conn., March & An explosion in the Fulminate Com pany's works this morning destroy ed the whole building and instantly killed Hy Barker, who was the only nian in the building at the time. The cause of the catastrophe is un known.', The Crown Prince's (Throat. San ' jKkmo, March 6. Dr. ValdikeiT the great Berlin cancer specialist? has forwarded a report to Kaiser, Wilhelm, which sayB he is conviricctt.that the Crown Prince's ailment isjeancer larynxi, the most malignaift nnd incurable type of that disease. Mongolian Treaties. Washinoton, Mar. 6 The new Chinese 'treaties willjbo signed early this wje'el? by Secretary Bayard on the partf the United States and the Chinese minister representing the Emperor, and will be sent to the senate hotlaterthan Thursday. Vacation For Graver. "Washington, March 6. It is an nounced to-daythatPresidentCleve-land will go to West Virginia about the latter part of May for a vacation of two weeks. Slugger Sullivan's Movements. London, Eng., Mar. 5 It is reported here that John L. ulllvan is now settled in an obscure town in France, and that his fight with Charley Mitchell .will come oiF with in a few day 8.; Midnight Robbery on a Railroad. Mandan, Dak., March 6. About midnight,, at New Buffalo, a Pull man conductor maned Towne, on a west bound Northern Pacific expreso train was attacked in .the drawing room car by two masked men, who sandbagged him and robbed him of $98 and other contents of his pocket book. They dragged him out on the platform of the coach and left him for dead. He was found there shortly after the train started by a passenger, but did not regain his senses until the strain reached Mandan 'this morning; Deadly Duel Over a Horse Ituce. Aiia, N. M., March 6. At a horso race in this town lost Tuesday, Dick Blaln and Jack Pattman, both miners and wellgknowu inl this sec tion, got into a dispute, during which Pattman called the other a liar, and Blain challenged Pattman to a' duel with revolvers at thirty yards. Firing took place yesterday at a spot, in the outskirts of town, where several similar encounters have occurred. At tho word, the two men fired almost simultaneously and both fell dead. Blain was s track just above the right eye end Patt man near the end of tho nose. The bullet probably went out through the hack of tho head. A Millionaire Convict. Harkisouro, Pa., March 4. The board pf pardons granted a new hearinsrto-dav in the cam of Milton Weeto1uf UaCWoage mlllkmatre,who waa sHt to 'prison frmh Allhny eeunty foFia&nalaaghter. , Death of a Millionaire, lumber Merchant. . New Y6rk, March 4. Peter Herdick, millionaire lumberman of Wllliamsport, Pennsylvania, died at the. Qlcnbron hotel Saturday. Herdlclc originated what Is known in the lumber trade is a broom storage; also the Herdick cab which bears his name. Wllliamsport, .Hunting ton, Cairo, Illinois, and other places are indebted to him for their water systems. Heavy Snow Storm. .Chicago, March 3. Dispatches from the Northwest report severo snow storms during Thursday and Friday. The snow drifting badly in Dakota, the Northern Pacific has not,moved a freight train west of Fargo . for two days. Tho storm reaches, the entire length of Lake Superior and well down into the southern peninsula. The snow is from six to eighteen feet deep, and is drifted at Cheboygan, St. Ignace and Mackinac. Several trains are stalled and no malls have ventured through since Wednesday. .. Heavy FIro t Milwaukee. Milwaukee, March, 4. J. Ferneckes & Bros', candy factory on East Water street was entirely destroyed by fire Saturday, and Goldsmith & Co.'s carpet warehouse adjoining was gutted in the upper stories, and the entire stock ruined by smoke and water., Berger & Co.'a mattress factory, Wiegall's feather establishment and Loewenbach's printing house also suffered heavy damage by water. The loss la up wards of $200,000, , with small insurance. To Exclude, all Chinese, New Yqrk, March 4. A Wash' ington special says: Secretary Bayard, in conversation with our correspondent thte ovening, said that he" expected that a new treaty with China will be negotiated with in a few days. The t treaty will provide for the exclusion of all Chinese except.thoso accredited to this . country In a . diplomatic capacity. A Victory For Kentucky. Louisville, March 4. In tho United States district court yes terday morning, Judge Barr remand ed the West Virginia prisoners, the Hatfieids, to tho charge of the Pike county officials. This is a victory for the state of Kentucky. An appeal to the United States circuit court from District Judge Barr'soplnlon was token this after noon. A Town Destroyed. London, March 4. A dispatch from Tamatave says a hurricane has devastated that town. Eleven ves sels were wrecked and twenty per sons killed. ' Sentenced to be Hanged, Minneapolis, March 4. Peter Barrett, second of tho convicted murderers of Cardriver Tollofson; was to-day sentenced to be hanged. Oullty In the.I'lrBt Degree. Banook, Mo., March 4. Tho jury in the Cromwell-Stein murder case found both defendants guilty in the first degree; Artestle Excellence. Cherrington, the photographer has completed a fine, largo photo graph of the Willamette University building, faculty and studerits taken by him Wednesday morning. Although there are fully 150 persons in tho picture tho likeness of each is as plain and recognizable as If thoy had been taken seporately In a studio. Cherrington makes u specialty of this kind of work and he Is better prepared to do it than any artist on the coast. Ho Is also introducing the new glaze photon which uru the latest and most popular "fad" In the eaat. A 'call at nis studio iu the new bank block will well repay any lover of artistic work. r Entertainment and' Supper. Refreshments will bo served, after the entertainment by the Young Woman' Foreign Missionary s6' ciety onnext Wednesday ovening Jn the M. E. church. dmisHloimn the entertainment and supper 25, cents. Armted. Ju3t as we go to press Marshal Rots has arrested. the belligerent Teuton andQcltyho haea fight on Liberty strtf& ,?,! 'afternoon. PACIFIC COAST. One Italian Stabs Another at Virginia City-, Nevaila. THE O. & C. ItONDS. Snllior Drowned at A storln. A ProCesS against Litigation. One Itnllun Stubs Another. Virginia, Nev., March 4. G. B- Morello was stabbed three time Saturday night by John Casaleggio, in Capuro's saloon on North Q street. The wounds will probably prove fatal. Both men are Italians, from Lone Pine; Esmeralda county. and the knife wielder is an employe of the Eureka stamp millt on the Carson river. Witnesses allege that Morello was quietly leaning against tho bar of the saloon when he was approached by Casaleggio, who, without any warning, plunged the blade of a huge knife in him. One wound inflicted is just over the navel, and the other two are on the right and left sides, the latter in the region of the heart The victim of tho stabbing is still alive. Tho men are said to have been strangers to each other. Morello's assailant fled after the -stabbing? hut officers are on his trail and will probably cap ture him boforo morning. O. & C. llouda. New York, March 4. The Ore- gon & California railroad company asks the stock exohauge to strike from its list $9,000,000 of Oregon & California 6 per cent, bonds, and substitute in their place $14,254,000 5 per cent, forty-year bonds. These bonds are created by the recent ad justment of the bonded debts. $2,610,000 second mortgage 7 per cent, bonds, due in 1083, have keens cancelled, and the mortgago satis fied. Of the $9,020,000 first mort gage 6 per cents., due in 1022; $410, 000 have been returned, leaving an amount outstanding of $8,605000, all of which, except 106, have been deposited with tho Trust Company as collateral security for new bondj but subject to cancellation. The company has substituted therefor another first mortgage, to secure the issue of 5 per cent, forty-year bonds, at the rate of $30,000. per mile of standard gauge, and $10,000 narrow gaugs, constructed or acquired; but the total to be issued shall not ex ceed, for all purposes, in all $20,000, 000. The amount of bonds outstand ing at' this date, as' represented by 475 miles of road completed, amounts to $14,254,000. This Constitutes the enlire bonded debt of the company. except 100 bonds of tho old Issue which are stllf oittsandlng. . j A' Sailor Drowned. Astoria, March 4. About 2. o'clock Saturday night Adolph Olsen, a sailor aged 27 years, em ployed on board tho pilot schooner Gov. Moody, fell from a plank bo tween the schooner and the dock. He made no noise, or nothing was heard, and the man was not missed till this morning, at low tide, when tho body was found where it fell. He struck on a pile under water, and broke an arm. A contusion on the head shows tliat he was stunned and unable to come again to the sur face, or make na outcry. Ho was a member of tho Scandinavian benev olent association. A l'lotest ARUlnitt Litigation. Pjkknix, Ark., March 4. At mass meeting of citizens of Salt river valley Saturduy evening reso lutions wore unanimously adopted condemning bills introduced into congress to create a commission for tho settlement of Spanish grants in Arizona, New Mexico aud Colorado, IiuiHimicli as they menance the pros perity of tho territory by opening a door for litigation. ,.-.., .. ,.,. Hui08il Trulu ltobber Arrested. BAir&jB, March 2.A Billing ton was arifisted to-day at. Spring City for complicity in tho Noplte bank robbejy. Ho waived axami- natlon and was eommittad to the- penitentiary. 11 tl. VV