'ZSriw urn w" f t ADVEBT1SBMKNTS. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS A Woman Attempts to take the Morphine Route. a- -is RBPBHMCAX COTKAIi COMMITTEE. rxlmrl tie MM Mart all, rounty Ceorratlon si the 79tb. H , V JV r ! . A'1 r t at 3 )''W ' . i Itl 4'Hk Kf ! m ft 1 i H"J ';1 frS ! Hi Ul J i 3 if ' If " : lj JiSJCF 'as I ' Tlo Marlon oouiily Itopubllain '0iUnl onmmlttce met pereuunt to 41! lit tlia onera Iioiiho at 2 o'clock (ft afternoon, Duvld Sltntxwn In JUKI chair. Tlie prwlnct wore rop- EAKtnted a CoIIowh : ', Auiqim, Clint Hall ; Silverton, T. 3ft Hlblwrd s Howell 1'rarlo, J. F. 'j&rJdemon j Bubllmlly, O. O. AaUby; MWiHiim, G. 11. Farron ; Lincoln, jjjifdXy J W. Wright ; Jofftnoti, C. t$t, Biiiith j Marlon, proxy J. 11. Jewell ; BUyton, W. II. Houhoh ; junior, proxy T. II. Hubbard ; Our- 'Jloldi nroxv M. L. Clininborllti : La '.Jjhh, V. Jr. Oollunl ; Qervulu, L. Ili l'orydule ; Woodburn, 8. Lay jjiim j Aurora, Augtwt Glony ; Hub Iwril, proxy M. L. Slniorull ; Uultc- lle, W. K. Her : UIiuiiiihk'l', proxy 6.0. Wrlirht : 8t. Paul, proxy J. W. iathowB ; Fairfield, proxy O. 1 Litchfield j Ilorob, no ruprusontii- H Balciii, L.. E. Tnitt ; East lem, Duvld Slnipton; West Salem, Trpxy Al savage ; South Malum, lam Olimart. i.iturdiiy, uluroli iHtli wan aj- jfj'ilwl an tlio day for holding the rlfuunm and Tliurnuiy, March i an the time for holding the toiijity convention. VH After n discussion It wan decided 'jp'fiimko one delegate t every 10 VJitW awt for liluger Hermann for rppruftontatlvo, the IiosIh of roproson- Uttlvo. TUw will give tlio conven tion 1&'i dulegutcM. Tile committee recommended that yiKtn prlmarliM lie hold in alt oxcept Jjklum, Iiaxt Balem and Noitli pam pruellii'lw. ft i After dlnpatehlng a little routine '.ImnliiOHH tlio committee adjourned. UOTVEBSITY NOTES. I i-iub"""- - SHE WANTED TO PIE. A Uritrrfetl Wbm ICrMtw a StoMtlta by TkrMttnlug to Uke-Morpkine The tlret of the week a woman giving her name as Mra. E. B. Par 80118 OBiriw up from Portland and stopped at tho Chemekctc. She left on Wcilnosdoyiiiarnlng train for the south and returned again yesterday, stating that she had been to Albany. She did not say what her business was or what object she had In trav eling about and her actions created some curiosity among the employees of the house. Last evening shortly after 0 o'clock ono of the attachecs of the hotel In passing through the parlor noticed that Mrs. Parsons was acting hysterically, asked her what was the matter. She replied that she hud taken morphine from a package which she held in her hand and that she wanted to die. The attendant Immediately ran af ter medical aid and returned with Doctors Reynolds and Smith, who hastened to the hotel and found the woman suffering from a severe attack of hysteria; but no Indications of her having taken the morphine could bo notlcod other than faint traces of the powder altout her face and lips. The woman was very frantic for some time and threatened to lind some other means of ending her life If the drug was taken away from her; but after a little persuasion she allowed herself to be put to bed and soon quieted down. Slio was care fully watched all night and gave no further signs of distress and this morning appears to bo perfectly sane, i lie woman gives no reason for herstrango actions or for making the rash attempi, and It Is believed that she Is subjected to periodic attack of Insanity. ? Home KotfrjirUf. .Mr. II. S. Jory 1ms commenced yfliu ntveUnii of nun nMilu Inrint-Ml-riw! g&PrVKttii fruit dryers at his place In Sou tli Salem and will have it In operation this fall In addition to the qiiu which he run to Its fullest cajiaelty last season. This dryer, iViiich by the way, is said to lie the AfCiIorv'sown Invention, and as a Iu!iiu enterprise his I'rulHlrylug es- "V most pruutlcal over Invented, is of! no dunmiro was ilnno. i " - Lively Itniuway. About nine o'clock this morning a horse lioloiiglng to Dave Grcrson, the tho fanner who lives about three miles north of town, became fright ened while standing in the rear end of Mlnto & Dowe's livery stable, anil started out of tho back door, with tho dog cart to which ho was attach ed, Into the alley. Ho turned Into Sluto Btreet and ran up to the Court House corner, when lie took a now tangent down High street to Marion, whore ho again changed his liilnil and direction, going down to Frout street. Hero lie ran into a fence und lioeoniliig tangled In tho harness, threw himself and was cap tured by three men who had ulutscd him tlio entire distance on horse back, lloyond a few broken strans W. E. Burko went down to Port land, Tuesday. Miss Glesv visited her home at Aurora the first of tho week. Itev. T. F. Royal on Monday visit ed bis daughters, wno are awenuing school. The reception at the Woman's college was well attended and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Prof.lParvin went to Albany the first of the week. Miss Pcntlaud acted as organist during his absence. Prof. Van Scoy went down to Port land Tuesday to preach the funeral of Rev. Halls. Some of the students heard his classes during his absence. Rev. M. C. Wire, the late pastor of the M. E. church of Salem, now a resident of Eugene, visited the school Wednesday. J. W. Monzles, an old time stu dent, visited the school the first of the week. His sister Hattle, also a former student, is now tenoning In Olympla, W. T. Mr. Cherrington, (he photo cranher. broustht up bis larce camera- and took a photograph of the University and students Wed nesday. C. H. Packenham who has been attending school left for his home in Roifco City, Idaho. He was summoned home by the severe Illness of his mother. Tho lecture which was to have been given by County Superin tendent Peebles to-day was post poned one week on account or the examination of the academy students. Tho regular semi-term examina tion of the academy took place to day. The reports show good work by most of the classes. The college students having no examinations in the middle of the tenn arc wanted a holiday. The Phllodosiau society hold no mcetinir this afteriHwn on account of tho examinations. The PhlHdo- rians hold their regular meeting this evening, and debate the ques tion. "Resolved, that luxury Is productive of more crime than poverty." G. W. Johnson is in Portland. J. Benson Starr went to Portland this morning. Mr. Eugene Breyman returned last night from Dayton, W. i., where lie has been looking after business interests several weeks. T. It. Hibbard, a prominent re- i.iinnrHMvprtnn nrecJnct. is in the citv attending tho meeting of the republican central committee. Hon Tilmon Ford went to Port land to-day on business connected with the Capital ami company suit C. Hall, of Ablqun, W. IS. lier, or Butteville, G. 0. Ashby orbuifflni itv. were among the "Blacks" In the city to-day. Mrs. H. Muir and Miss Agnus Muir. mother and sister ot a. u. Muir. arrived here lust night from Hamilton. Ontario, and win make their home here in the future. Meade Cospcr, -well known In tins city, was in town last night and ilmve over to Dallas, where he Is preparing to go into the general merchandise business, having sold his store In Corvallis. W. Dilmering, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, arrived here yesterday on a visit to his 'relatives, theBrey nians. This morning he received a dispatch calling him home, and he was compelled to cut his visit short. He left on the noon train for Portland. for Boots, Stationery & Fancy Goods -GO TO- McF. Pattons, ASK TO . -. ,-.... . mtn-vTi;T"V CUAiXJS'B BlAWUl"""1! (18, STATE STREET. BE SHOWN LE- r.OCAI. NOTKS. Artesttc Excellence. Cherrington, the photographer has completed a line, large photo graph of the Willamette University building, faculty and students taken by him Wednesday morning. Although there are fully 150 persons in tho picture the likeness of each Is as plain and recognizable as if thoy had been taken seperately in a studio. Cherrington makes a specialty of this kind of work and ho is better prepared to do it than any artist on the coast. He jis also Introducing the new glazo photos which nro tlio latest and mot popular "lad" In the east. A call nt Ids studio In the new bank block will well repay any lover of artistlo work. Rev. W. S. Harrington has j?one to Canby and other points In his district. Stated communication of Salem lodge, No. 4, A. F. & A. M., this evciiing at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. D. O. Ghormley will preach at tho Presbyterian church to-night at 7:30. All are welcome. Subscribers failing to receive their papers regularly are requested to notify the manager. J. M. Brown, well known notary public and general agent ot biiver ton, is quite ill at his home In that city. Win. M. Ramsey and S. H. Turn er, of Pendleton, have been made notaries public by his excellency the governor. Sunday school concert at the Christian church Sunday flight. Prof. T. F. Campbell preaches in the morning. Don't forget the social at the resi dence of Mrs. A. A. McCully to night. The "Sunflower Chorus," which was such a popular feature at Miss Brown's elocutionary enter tainment, will be repeateC mil .ND POINT. uibllshment In a credit to Hnlcm as Well as to himself. If wo exneet to j "iKKiiit Saloin mid make It a pnwpor i i J"W and tlirlviuir city. w.. must i , - "-iKnntl OV Home oiifurnrfsoH. Kvurv f I j jk.cmnen should feel equally lnterestell i if 'tS'Wlth Mr. Jory In this venture, or in i 1 S Itlnv other movement which means Jiomo mauuiaciuro lor Home and ftWign oommmptloii. '" - - MfrwtjpliR Mwklne Ucrelred. mlixio Printer Frank Baker this nlUg rocelvod the stereotyping ho ordered from Ohio some i ago, Tho muuhluo Is the .ami most Improved of Its kind AVll greatly facilitate work In uiiu primers oiiuu Jloreartor ork that Is liable to be ordered hImIuhI Will lul uliimlifiuul i saving double composition ami ApDUseqilont double cost to the minor JttiKer is a mt nr i uoiormiiiMi to mulct li u m,... Slid fo noi (it the country. Tcirker'i Kitmlnttlia. ttjasrt of IB ladles and lfi gontlo- uri being examined for curtitl- to teach by the county board iunlnnrs. ooiiHUtlinmf Kmtnrin. mW lWiUw, ProftWm Gregg IU'JUw. The examination will IllQlUded thU evenlmr and tlm SiuwHif Miccwaful turn) oants will ily l made puhlfo to-morrow fline of our going to prcus the jtui'imw arc tryliiir to hoIvo imutm rriu. iiiii.iii.. ..r.. .-.- ,,,,... . .,,. iumuuiii vu wl UiwjHii iori yearn at n iirtaln WUv" WKi, and for 10 KI.UHHf : n4lllIriHl llm tirln. firt raU The Christian C'burrb ilcrtlnps. Elder A. II. Wade, from Kansas, Is making the protracted meeting nt tho Christian church very Inter esting. To-night his theme will ho "Uliango of Heart." To-morrow night, "Remission of Sin; how ob tained, according to tho Bible." Prof. T. F. Campbell, one or tho foremost preachers of this church is exiiected to-morrow to assist. Ho will preach on Slindav mnrnliur. bunday school concert on Sunday evening. - DriU in Ike Wldi Mill. Mrs. Rebecca Wltzell, wife of Roliort A. Wltzell, died nt her homo In the Waldo Hills at 8 o'clock last evening. She had been sick for a long time and her death was a happy release The funeral will tako place to-inorrow at 10 a. in., and her remains will bo Interred nt the Twin Oaks cemetery, Tumor. - Uranttd Vtrtltoi, Miss Helena Holman, teacher of music ut the state institution for the blind, has lieoii grunted a much ueoueu vacation by tlio superm tendent and left this afternoon for her homo In Portland. Her health has boon falllnir tier for snout tlim and tho onoroiiB duties of her portion wore more than sho could stand. Her manv friends hum wish him. .. speedy rvfovor'. Death of 5Iotber. Mrs. Nanncy Teter, wife of R. D. Toter, died at her home In North KtHom last evening at 8 o'clock of dropsy of the heart. Mr. and Mrs. Tutor emtio to Oregon from Nebraska In 188(1 but only remained here a short time, going back to Kansas to live. They returned hero last July and have sinco lived in North Sa lem, airs. Teter leaves live small children and a husband. Tim fun. oral will take placo to-morrow from uurjiiiu resuicncoat iu a. m. Jn-tm-iiiunt In tlw l m n c ,.... i... .. ... ...w , w, ,, A.. VVUI1VIUI J , m Kim krgwt took and latust tytt w nil Knu lett nt Luuu a A full utock nf klimlou ..I. Iiftjiid. nwnembor tlio Wnt and Coitimenjkl V" '- " I'ffMlll Jkru, f Nw York," nud i IftVX of tlio HMtot txinukr V Mt mv Jim Imkmi nt. IHIT. aiF. PhUuhV; iirin.M NMh. vwHta wlbiud liiiOA 1b CkuMltrkUiOwV. RiblM it. r. iiKp ituttai. u FfUfetf, Mte MKwit for OrWL p. ii . ,- i i i rwHt-Wrt fwtuWk. Vstt wjktgt Nt Kl . tMll IH ttllV .mwki M-iiwd m T. MnP. IHtttaut Um rally tnlt. '111. . 1L. i i i . . . i no i iirrixi! uweiuug wnleli was dtiiungiHl by tiro on last Monday was Insured In the Phoenix & Home In ,J.VCV "Uwny or which Mp. Uo lllls Is ngunt. On yesterday, with the DrouimiMM uml fuirmwu .-i,i,,i. has over olmraotorltwil tho maiuigo itwnt of tlwM standard coniiwnloa tliulr H)HMitnl agent lulJusttHl nnd sot tlwl tlio loss; nmouittltiK to f657.0(l. Illttrtate Serata. Pnaddiml Van Sy, ,r tlio WlllUmette Unlvwslty, tuw 1-aiu ttiiumn by the faculty of tho Stnto university, at Kugn, to dollor mo DHuwwurwin swnon to the eimiitniiiiK wwm wtai uoiimiuiu'e tiient, urnl H. W. fieott, of tho OivimhUiii t itaitwar tu, widni AllaUt?Ua Dtbatek 11W AlKH-llWlWiHll MMMLV will to-morrow nljjlit delmte the quftstlsiu ".Willv.l.l II., it 11.,. .. . ....... llnrglary at Lebanon. Wednesday night burglars entered the bedroom of Thomas Feebler, a Lebanon, Linn county, merchant, ",8tolo $75 from n pair of trousers while ho was asleep. There was no ciuo w tneroDuer. ; - Ills New .Stand. W. N. Chambers, tho hackmun, whoso headquurtcrs have been at Barker's barn, on Ferry street, tan hereafter lie found at any time at l'ord's stable. Call by telephone. -.- Entertainment ana .Social. Tho Young Woman's Foreign .uiu-niuuui IHIUIUiy win give mi aiitertnlumunt and souial In tho .u. i'.. uuurcii on next Wednesday evening. Admission 35 cents. Ajnos btrong s to's i'ioneer res taurant and bakery is celebrated throughout the county. Meals at all hours. Anything in the '.market furnished upon order. Adam didn't have to wear cloth ing; but if ho hud he would have bouirhtono of those all wool suits that G. W. Johnson Is selling at less than the price of fig leaves. "A handsome man is the noblest work of the clothier," and G. W. Johnson is prepared to make a per fect Beau Nash of the ugliest man In town with one of thoso nobbv suits that "lit like the paper on the wall." The celebrated full Havana filler, Red Letter is the highest grade five aii cigur ever orougnL to eaiem. They are becoming very, popular with all lovers of tho weed and H. W. Cox, who has the solo agency, in iiuviujj u uig iuii uii mem. v u were surpnseu to see what a handsome photo that green gawky chap from Charapoeg took until wo learned that he had posed before Catterlln & Hicks' camera. By the way their work Is the talk of the country It Is bo line and beautifully finished. Their prices nro tho same as charged by other for poor -work. PLAIN AND FANCY. ASHTON mr hat. ir. AfN AND NUMBERED. TYPEWRITERS' MATERIAL. ACME WRITING AND SCHOOL TABLETS. FABER'S PENCILS AND PEN HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS AND ERASERS. SPENCERIAN r.nimAs viflNrfULS. ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGILL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials for Paper Flowers. MABIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED GOLD PENS ALL WAR RANTED. WIRT'S FOUNTAIN PENS BEST ifc THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAGE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. ' Roberts' Rules of Order. SCRIBNER LOG BOOK. GILLCHRIST'S MANUEL FOR XN FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE $1.00). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, (50 CENTS. ' For Fruit Growers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, ($1.00). DOWNING'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, ($5.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, ($3). THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE-NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 10 CENTS. 98, STATE ST. SALEM, Ofe. -OK- L. S. SKIFF &CO. NEXT. DOOR TO OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. Vitalized Air Given for the. Painless Extraction of Teeth. BrThe person awakens from a pleasant dream with the aching ' teeth gone. Also Gold Crowns Set. GREAT REDUCTION -IN- NKW AUVEUTINES1KNTS. IMfctOlVtHl. tliut llm lir4. ...III. - - - --i """- "' I'.w.fi tlUlll Mv siuMllil Im) nuwulMl ' vr t P'Arwnppwjw for the nmrmntlve will Lieut. M. w. iiut for th HOgHlIVtt. CWamtttf t tit Aqla. A yHHg HUM UKHHHl Wtewttrtk, fWH UHtejl esHHtA', (JOHimttted plotnted Unardlaa. J. II. SottlonilcrtinH tieon uppoint cd guanliau of Isaac Pendolton, minor son or Cameron Pendolton. decoasod, uiioii tho potlUon or his mntlior, Sophia Schoiiek. Articles UleJ. Tho Umatilla RmiI Kstato and Loan Association filed articlua of In- ooriwrot ions with tho Secretary of oum lu-tiit-. vpnai stock 535,000 in SS Kliurm of $1000 eaoh. llaw'lYair Heart Tho Interesting tltomo to-night, hj- A. 11. Wudo, orangollst from J8! Christian churoh, is hour hiinT""' "wn' uo ,uut &al r Uof Tho Iwnd oMiopo meets well Sat unlay in tho W. C. T. U. Hull, from 3. ii. m. till 4. Parent uml vi.m- Idron to thoso lutarostlnv .! etlvo mmlllum RV.. P. ,.ii xt. . . ... -""P -.. mi. un. . uim, csunt. PrtfarlHt t BIM. 9 V v . u. rugn, mo arohltest, has preired plua and BpeolflcnUona for a iaudoiu otw and half storv cottage to b built by O. B. jSSSS JJJ fCtmrt and Winter, Grange Store! Salem Co-Uperative Association, P. or II. -UHAI.EUS IN Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs,, and Lard, AH Kinds of Produce Bought. JAMKS A1TKE.V, Manager, lit, State strcot, Snlwn, Or. FINB SETS Set Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia, Usual Price $32.50, Our Price $20.01). Set Utlon, 26 Set Thackeray, 11 SetWaverlyJ2 Set E. P. Roe, 15 Cloth, Gilt top, Half Morocco, Half blue Calf, Cloth, 23.50. Set CapUUteid, 10 Vols. Cloth, 22.50, 32.50, 22.50, 15.00, Fine Line of Papeterie in Latest -AT- i, i., 10.00. Styles; WILLIS ( Real Estate Agents HaygoBa Mils hrmi and ally iirowrty. A tarwj number of durable farma "wfifis Fire insurance 1 AYff&pw?s IwKimnw mminrt Are J. BENSON 118, State Street, STARR'S. Salem, Oregdni Capital Lumbering Cornpaiay! MANUKAftTUKBHS OH AND DKALKIIS IN-,- tffr Every Variety of Oregon lipler, n i ii.. uiGbseu ana undressedl; on BBi) Brokerage I (MM tMuoaiMlMiaterimv a raair or ho iin. .rU tNSTATLY ON WAND: f F' .Jf Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fen&iEts, BOXES, Etc. SALEM, .. . &!. . , OREGON. .. "Itojv riJA tiM-iXB' '' 'in Attfffliiiai-Kafetjea-&v Q KB J