THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER t. HS3 PAGE TEN Uncial ActUritu's ** teachers with a one hundred percent record. Lunch was served later. Mrs Richard Maws is president >f Mrs. Eva Simaaner and Mrs Nancy the society; Mr- Vern Garner fir t Rookstool. telephone operators who | counsellor, and Mr- Sam Hartley were recently married, were honored -econd counsellor. The group a 11 at a party given .Friday evening at meet each T ie-day of the following the telephone oiflce. The evening | months. Lesson, will be presented was spent playing games under the each Tuesday, except the second direction o f Mrs. Dee Anderson anti Tuesday o f each month, winch will Mass Patricia Raymond Refresh oe ‘ work" day, with the ladies work- rivents were served by Mrs Maxine in«' all day, sewing and quilting for Smith and Mrs Thelma Florea. Mr their big annual bazaar. Simianer and Mrs. Rookstool were j each presented with a gl/t. Party Given For Telephone Operators •y— Garden Club Plans Made Surprise Party For Mrs. Robb Mrs. L. E. Newgen was hostess at A. N K Garden club members will 1 a surprise pinochle party for Mr meet next Tuesday afternoon at the Hudson Robb given at the Robb re-i- borne of Mrs M L Judd. Mrs. Frank dence in honor of her birthday Sat­ Morgan will be the featured speaker. urday evening. Prizes won 'for high She will tell of her trip to Europe were Mrs. Jim Elkins and George Members of Giie Ontario club will be Schwetser; traveling, Lloyd Tobler guests at the luncheon* md Frank Perko; low, Mrs. F. Per- ko. and H. Robb A gift was presen­ Owyhee L. D. S. ted to Mrs. Robb by the members Relief Society. This occasion marked the first party Members of the Owyhee relief so­ for the fall season to be given by the ciety met Tuesday afternoon at the Pinochle club. Oregon Trail hall for the opening social, commeivcing another year of work after being Inactive during the Junior Women’s Amity busy summer months. After the pro­ Club Holds Meeting Members of the Junior Women's gram, brooches were presented to all ladies who had acted as visiting Amity club met Friday evening at the 1. a;«.’ of Mrs Carl Rurningham Handy hints and current events were t ie member- Mrs Walker L >w gave a talk and demonstration on c 1 ,r harmony in the home. Re- fre-hments were served by the hos­ tess. The next meeting will be held Oct 17 at ’.lie heme of Mrs. Henry Zobell. Mr Don Moss will have charge of the pr 'grain. __-j. Book Club Meets B‘*/k . h»b met Saturday afternoon .it the h, me of Mrs. E H Brumbach. Membt: present were Mrs. C. E Peck . <•: Boise; Mrs R. L. Haworth, nf Ni.npa. Mrs. J. P. Dunaway, of Caldwell Mrs. Alva Watts, of Par­ ma. Mr M. L. Judd, of Newell He ight Mrs. Hilda Tensen, Mrs. Mildred H.te. Miss Zwemke, Mrs Charle ■ Suhweizer, Miss Clarice N ith . Nyssa, and Mr». Joe Brum- b.uh Guests of the club were Mrs. Applt - >', of Lo.s Angeles, Calif. M. Clarice Notheis gave the re- vit w f r the week. Mrs. Henigson Honored A p.nk and blue shower was given in hoi., r o f Mrs. Hal Henlgson rhtii clay by Mrs. John Dorlty at her home, with 'Mrs. Orlin Sumner i . ting Appropriate games were played by tlie 12 guests present fol­ lowed by refreshments served by the li isle -e The party was climaxed by the < pening of gifts received by Mr . Henigson. • .;._.;. Mr and Mrs. Child Honored Complete Reportorial and Photographic News Coverage Places were laid for 12 at a dinner given Tue-clay evening last at the h me of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Flin­ tier- t i celebrate the birthdays of Mr and Mrs. Leo W. Child. Guests ware Mr Hugo Olsen, o f Peterson, Utah; Mr George Adams, of Lay- ton, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Child; Mr and Mrs. Leon Child and Mr. and Mr Marvin Wilson. A gift was presented to each of the honored guests. __. 5 . IS NOW OFFERED BY The Nyssa Gate City Journal If It's News, Call Us — Phone 19 NEWS IS OUR BUSINESS ( ■ Barbara Helen Russell Is Married to Jack T. Warnock M guests at a family dinner Out- Mi and Mr Harrv f: . e.l f r m -' M rniav Afternoon Bruise erly >f the B.^ Bend a :fa a:*d Ja k Mrs Grant U t u entertained the of-town guests were Mr- Clifford Warnock Mm of Perry Warnock ul mratber* of ner M nJay arterraix. Asikiy. of Redwood City. Calif . ar.d Enterprise. The Kev Ben F Brown­ bridge club at i*er home Guest play­ Mr and Mr*. George Dunkle, cf Pocatello. ing officiated. er were M r s . Warren Farmer. Mr They were married in Salt Lake Oiven in marriage by her father, John Ol-eii, Mr. Ward Wieneke, the bride wore a gown of Ivory satin Mr* Glea Billings and Mri Gene City. Utah, m 1912, and lived In Utah with yoke of net and quilted design Stung Winners were Mrs. Houston before coming to Nyssa 12 years ago. on bodice. Her double illusion veil Wilson,'high, and Mrs. Orant Lewis, They borne and raised 10 children, eight of whom were here to honor fell from a tiara of seed pearl orange low. their parents on this occasion. blossoms. She carried a white orchid + —+ and stephanotis on a white Bible. Past Presidents The attendants wore taffeta Parlev Meets dre.«es and carried nosegays of con­ Meetings of the Past Presidents S. P. Bybee went deer hunting with trasting gladi >la and dahlias. Parley of the American Legion auxi­ a group which included Jay Bybee, Miss Joanne Callender, maid ol liary was held at the home of Mrs. Don Courtney and George Courtney, honor, wore green; Mis- Dona Far­ A. L Heldt Monday. Moving pictures : of Ontario, Friday night and return­ rington. orchid and Mr Lewis Will­ were shown to the members of her ed Sunday while the others stayed. iams wore yellow, all wearing mat­ trip to New York, Niagara Falls and He failed to get his deer. ching stoles. Washington, D. C. After the busi­ Mrs. R. O. Applegate returned to Pamella Lee Dubois, niece of the ness meeting, the group worked on her home in Santa Barbara. Calif., bride, was flower girl and wore a their project for the veterans hos­ after spending a month with Mr. pink taffeta dress; while her two pital in Portland. and Mrs. M. L Judd. Others enter­ nephews, Stuart Dubois and Billy —+ taining Mrs. Applegate during her Hulleg were ringbearer Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Celebrate visit were Mrs. Frank T Morgan; Bob Reed acted as best man and 40th Wedding Anniversary \ Mr and Mrs. L. J. Kinney, o f On­ Frank Chglupsky, Ron Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Lewis cele­ tario, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Over- Tommy Rowley were the ushers brated their 40th wedding annivers­ street, of Boise, Mr and Mrs. John Misses Daryl Dysle and Norma Par- ary Sunday, Oct. 5 by entertaining Downer, of Caldwell, and Mr. and ton lighted the candle-. They wore blue and green taffeta with ma-tcli-1 ing stoles. Preceding the marriage ceremony, Bert Olin sang ‘Always" and "The Lord's Prayer.' accompanied by Miss Dona Johnston. Assisting at the reception at the ; home of the bride's parents, were I Mrs. Jacob Dexter. Mrs. Lucille Howell and Mrs. Travis Halleg. CALL NYSSA 088-J1 TO HAVE BUYER SAMPLE Out-of-town guests were the bride's grandmother, Mrs. R. E. Ser- AND BID YOUR SEED voss of Nyssa; Mrs. Lucille Howell of Milwaukie, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Amborsek of Albany, Mrs. Earl Con­ rad, Rev. and Mrs. Norris Hughes, Mrs. Goldie Gilliespie, Mrs. George Hondula and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Travis Halle and Billy, all of New­ port; Mr. and Mrs. Jamei Speak- man, Nashville, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Strome, Kernville, and Mr and Mrs. Coy Kean and Shirley of rownsville. ' Mr. and Mr- Wernock will be at home at Enterprise after September 15. •>—❖ LOCAL NEWS PARMA SEED CO. Alfalfa and Clover Seed Buyers V M O Mr and Mr». lib e r i H enning, u t l M the home of her ‘ r. Mrs. Da.e Dewey, before re-umirg their trip to Medford and California. Year ¡¡i and year out ycu’il do well with the HARTFORD HARTFORD INSURANCE tee BERNARD EASTMAN Reai Estate Insurance Pilone C4 ff •prwiwntinf HAI T IS I9 URI INSUtAKU C 0 *M « T KAATIOAt ACCI RI NT mU IXMMmTY CONTAMI C ***«»«M ifert's what brings ¿foe -family's Fall flowers and candles decked Engagement Announced the Trinity Methodist church of Mr. and Mrs. M C Schulick of Toledo, Ore., Sunday afternoon at Albuquerque, New Mexico announce 3:30 o'clock for the wedding of the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Helen Russell, daughter of Marjorie, to Airman Second Class Robert E. Wilder, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E Wilder. The wedding date has been set for Nov. 2. Miss Schulick was graduated from Albuquerque high school and at­ tended the University of Mexico and graduated from Central Airlines school in Kansas City, Kans. Airman Wilder, stationed at Sandia Base, New Mexico for the past eight months, attended schools in Nyssa and also Boise Junior college. Home Ec. Club Meets MAKES YOUR HOUSE A HOME! v. * \ 'X " The Home Economics club of the Oregon Trail grange met for their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Gwen Finger, with Mrs. Helen Hoffman as co-hostess. Mrs. Bernice Cleaver won the door | prize among the ten members pres­ ent and one guest, Mrs. James Rig- ney. Roll call wa- answered by a use­ ful household hint. Mrs. Frank Parr, district chair­ man of the T. B. association, appoin­ ted a committee composed of a member from each organization to assist her In seeing that everyore in her club, lias her chest -rayed when the mobile unit comes to Nyssa Several different arrangements of the fall flowers were demonstrated by Mrs. Janice Stam later on in the meeting. Refreshments of apple pie and ice cream were served by the two hos- j tesses at the conclusion of the gath­ ering. The next meeting Is to be a pot- I luck luncheon at 1 o'clock, Nov. 6. at the home of Mrs. Astrid Stephen. 1 ❖ * CORN No. 303 Cans 6 for 83c case $3.29 EAR FRESH—CREAM GREEN BEANS 6 for 67c . case $2.65 DOUBLE LUCK No. 303 Can Mrs. Frost Honored Some homes breathe their welcome. There's a feeling of friendliness, of good cheer. The lights from the windows help make it so. Thin k of the attractive homes in your neighbor­ hood. They're well-lighted — every one. Floor lamps and table lamps are appropriately placed. There's plentiful light for reading, sewing, homework, an evening of bridge. This is a good time of year to take a good look at your lighting and see what cah be done to improve it. You may decide on a new lamp— and be sure to fill empty sockets and clean dust from shades, bulbs, and reflector bowls. At Idaho power's low rates, you can Have all the light you want for only a few pennies a day. So light up for better living. Light makes your house a home. I D A H O V POW ER Do«» So MUCH-Ports So UTTLtj “ Put U9 kw it* fm r i k t f f '• ! ita* tm é ty " q*-cò’Q.> Mr- Bernard Frost was honored at a pot luck supper given Monday , evening by members of the Order of | Eastern Star. Mrs Frost has served as treasurer for the group for the, past 14 years. The regular O E.S. meeting was held following the supper at the Masonic hall. Judith Ann Wilson Honored On Birthday Miss Judith Ann Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Bob Wilson, was honored last Thursday evening at a j birthday supper and theater party j Seventeen girl friends helped her celebrate her eight birthday. David Wilson celebrated his first birthday this week aLso. Wilsons Entertain Mr and Mr Lloyd Wilson enter­ tained Lt and Mrs. Oene SUmz Sun­ day The evening was spent playing cards. a u t TOMATOES TASTEWELL No. 2 Can $ 1 .4 5 Assorted LUNCH MEATS Lb. 4 9 ? PORK SAUSAGE 3 lbs. 8 9 ? BACON SQUARES Lb. 2 9 ? TAYLOR’S BLUNCK SHELL SERVICE 35c case $4.19 Large— Firm 3 Heads 2 5 ? RED GRAPES 3 Lbs. 2 9 ? CELERY HEARTS Firm—Cello Pkg. o SHELL Products and Swrvicw for LETTUCE Fresh Dressed — Plump STEWING HENS 2 uui Give 425 Arcadi* Bird. I n s M a n v 1 1—ummm 2 5 ? each FOOD MARKET ¿ru. GR€€n 5Tftmes Phone 222