« THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 25. 1953 Weather . . . b u r ia l in t i's Job's Daughters Install Btthel No. 33 of the International Order c f Jcb'a Daughters held open installat.on Saturday, at the Masonic hall The following officers were in­ stalled : Honored queen, Keitha St: a-- baugh; senior princess. Lois Wilson; junior princess, Mary Jean House; guide, Kristine Rinehart; marshall, Mary Ann Foucht; musician, M ar­ garet Bates; librarian, Jean Walker; senior custodian, Carolyn Brandt; Junior custodian. Janyce Adams; re­ corded, Cleta Belle Werniclc; chaplin, Barbara Baiter; treasurer, Mardell Thompson. First Messenger, Margaret Butler; second messenger, Cathrine Cole­ man; third messenger, Nancy Jo Hou-e; fourth messenger, Sally Lawrence; fifth messenger, Donna Butler; inner guard. Annette Strad- ley; cuter guard, Dolores Duus; sen­ ior page. Judy Savage; junior page, Janet Alford; and lady of the lights. Mary Ann Alford. The installing officers -were, queen, Phyllis Cheldelin; guide. Bonnie Holmes; marshall, Patricia House: chaplain, Ann House; secretary, Betty Ann Boenig, and musician, Bonnie Ward. A silver tray was presented to the guardians, Mr. and Mrs. Paul House along with a candy kiss and a wish from each member. * Among the guests were several girls from the Ontario bethel and their guardian, Mrs. Paul Reynolds. .¡._ Married Thursday Marie L. Cooney and Ervin A Dake, both o f the Nyssa community, were married last Thursday evening by Justice of the Peace Don M. Graham. Mrs. Graham and Mrs Millicent Cameron attended the couple. A T T E N D W EDDING OK NEPHEW Mr. and Mrs. Emil Paulus attended the wedding of their nephew, Thom ­ as Johnson and Carolyn Isaacs in Tacoma at the Bethesda Baptist church. Johnson, who attended grade and high school here will make a home for his bride in Bremerton, where he is employed at the Navy yard. Three days of temperatures in the 30 - gave Ny-.-a a week of weather averaging 75 degrees. Warmest day was Monday, when the mercury climbed to 34 The average night reading was 49 degrees. June 17 82 54 June 18 76 51 June 19 68 50 June 20 72 46 June 21 80 43 June 22 84 47 June 23 73 53 e r r AND SAUCER 4-11 The Cup and Saucer 4-H club held its regular meeting June 12 at the home of Gladys Stephen with a demonstration on baked custard giv­ en by the hostess. The next meeting will be Friday, June 26, at the home of Mrs. Eugene Stephen. Each member of the club seni an exh:b;t of ar.gel food or sponge cake to the 4-H spring show held June 2 through June 5. Ribbons were re­ ceived by five girls who competed in the cake baking contest. PARRS RETURN FROM T R IP Mr. and Mrs. Frank P ir r and Buzz returned last week after a visit with relatives in Oregon and Washington. In Eugene, Mr. Parr attended the Fire Chief's convention and the fam ­ ily visited the James Rigneys. They helped the young couple celeoraie their first wedding anniversary. The center of attraction was the bride and groom figurines from the top of their wedding cake which had been kept frozen for a year for the oc­ casion. In Toledo, they visited Mr Parr's mother who is 89 years old and nieces and nephews. They visited relatives in Portland, viewed the rose festival parade and went ski jumping. They stopped at The Dalles to visit Mr. and Mrs, Paul Orr and at Mesa, Wash., they visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McNall, wrho showed them the projects there. San Franct-co to England for the mained here, where he has beer, em­ Le­ Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II ployed by Roberis-Nyssa. M: They .-pen: three weeks sigh: seeing ister and the family will return when and taking tours. They flew home he has established residence here Mr. and Mr*. George W i l s o n Har­ last week Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baer of Lagan old and Vera and Mr and Mr- and Guen Baer of Oakland visited Thomas Hosier returned home Sat­ last week-end at the Campbell Baer urday night after -pending a week in Las Vegas, Old Mexico, and up the home. v Mrs. Mark Arley Cameron of California coast They rep, r.ed Hollywood. Calif, is spending a t vo over the Me Kin.-ey pa— Sister Agnus Madiline of Portland ni nths’ vacation visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. and Sister A m elia of Pendleton re­ Don M Graham. Mrs. Cameron was turned to P.^tland Sunday a f’.tr a Portland visitor several days this being house guest- for two week.- at the W illiam Wahlert home The week. Sunday visitors at the Klvin Ballou sisters have been conducting sum­ home Included Mr. and Mrs. Mark mer school at the Catholic church. Mr. and Mrs. V I.. Wilson and Hi well, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Howell, Jr. o f Wilder; Mr. and Mrs. family o f Oregon Slope visited Sun­ George Johnson and family and Mrs. day night at the George Wilson Eugene Dazey and family of Cald­ home. Mrs. Bill Pearson and Ilene rrturn- well. Mrs. Val lleegh-r of Santa Monica ed home Sunday night after -pend­ visited Wednesday at the home of ing a month visiting friend- and relatives in the East. They visited in Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brendle. Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Eau Claire, Wise., with Mrs Pear­ Delbert Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Carl son's brother, Lester Duvall and in Burningham. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Madison with a brother. Carman Mann, Mr and Mrs Marv Jefferies Duvall. They were guests of Mr and and Mr. and Mrs. J E Brower had Mr- Mackey in Chicago, where the dinner and attended the theatre in temperature scared to 105 Mr- Edith Boynton o f Madi-on returned Boise. Colleen Bybee and Karma Hosier to Nyssa with Mrs Pearson :■ visit were home over the week-end visit­ here. Visitors at the home of VIr, anil ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S B Bybee and Mr. and Mrs. C. R Kesler. Mrs. D H Christensen included Ro-- Mr. and Mrs. William Budnick and ella and Lu Jean Compton of Mor­ Mr and Mrs. Roy Reed and daughter gan, Utah and Corolyn Tribe o f Og­ visited over the week--end at the den. They are nieces of Mrs. Chris­ tensen. They returned Monday via Hugh Tobler home. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Leister and Sun Valley. Mr. and Mrs. R E. Capper and family of Spokane visited over the weekend at the home o f Mr. and family had as their guests, Mrs Amv Mrs, Dwight Mason. Mr Leister re­ Beebe and her son and family, who PAGE S E V m were on their way home from Ger- Maxine Parker cf Rupert arrived in*. Neb to S weet Home. Or? The Monday evening to visit at the home group enjoyed a picnic in the park of Mr and Mrs. Elwreod Fdinders. on Father'- day. Mrs. Beebe is a Mr. Flinders is a nephew of the sister of R E Capper. Parkers. Elvtn Ballou spent the week-end Her. and Mrs Robert Jackson left a: home frem summer school at La- Monday morning to spend their va­ Grande cation m Wa hington. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Renstrom were Mr. and Mr*. C. A. Wernlck and dinner guest- Thursday at the home daughter. Cletabelle, left Tue-day o! Mr and Mrs. Harold Brendle morning for Rockford, III, where Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson of they will vi.-it Mr Wernick's fam ­ Brigham City. Utah spent the week­ ily. end a: the J E Brower home Mrs. J. D. Rigney o. Boise has Mr. and Mrs. t arl Burningham re­ been a houseguest this pa.-t week at turned recently from Salt Lake City. the home of her son and daughter- Tanya Burningham returned with in-law. Mr. and Mrs. J W Rigney them after spending three weeks Doris Rignry left for Denver Sat­ visiting friends and relatives. urday evening to attend the Inter­ Mr. and Mrs. Vibert Kesler were national Chri-tian Endeavor Con­ in Burley this last week-end where vention. Mr- Kessler attended a 20 year re- ' Mrs Eddie Taylor left Sunday for union of her high school class. San Francisco, where she will .-pend Mr anil Mrs. S P. H-hec and Mrs. a week vacationing and visiting with J Ke, |- of Seattle visited in Cald­ relatives and friends. well Simday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Dick Turner, 611 No. 2nd Mrs Glenn Suitor. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Mason anil family returned Friday after spend­ ing three days in Portland. Mr-. Mason and family visited an aunt, Mr- Anna Belcher wlnle Mr Mason attended to business. Mrs. Emma P. Kesler returned to her home in Burley after visiting for two weeks in Nyssa at the V. L Ke-ler home. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Kesler and Mr and Mrs S. P. Bybee went to Boise Friday night where they met Mr- J. Key.-er of Seattle, former Nyssa resi­ dent who came to spend the week­ end She returned to Seattle Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Parker and -treet, entertained a sister from B>;-e Sunday, then returned witti her for a week's visit. Mr*. Jark Atkrson and Daphne of B use -pent -everal day- last week in Ny- -a at the home of Mrs. Atkeson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones. Bclva Hunter, daughter of Mr. wag Mrs Ro.sel Hunter is in Shafter, Calif where she has been employed for the summer. SEN D Y O U R C L E A N IN G to PARMA DRY CLEANERS Pick Up and Delivery M onday — Thursday Phone Parma 3-3131 Collect WE STAND BETWEEN YOU A ND LOSS! Bob Thompson Agency D ial 3355 ATTE N D GARDEN MEET Mrs. George Schweizer, Mrs. Bud Wilson, Mrs. M. L. Judd, Mrs. Gerrit Stam, Mrs. Carl Hill and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft returned last Saturday a f­ ter attending the state convention of Federated Garden clubs in McMinn­ ville. The state convention was dedi­ Following the wedding, Mr. and cated to Mrs. Frank Shumway, who Mrs. Paulus went to Vancouver, Oka­ lived 30 years ago on a ranch in nogan and Grand Coulee. They re­ Creston in Malheur county. The ladies attended the Rose fes­ turned to Nyssa Monday. tival in Portland before returning home. See General Electric Ultra-Vision Black - Daylite T.V. Before You Buy See It Today at Eder Hardware Co. M IA REO RG ANIZED Mrs. John Savage and Donald A Fife have been named presidents of the Nyssa second ward M. I A. Other new officers are Mrs. Melvin Beck, activity counsellor; Mrs. Dar­ win Jensen, class leader; Howard j Flanary. first counsellor and Ray Williams, second counsellor. Retiring officers are Mrs. Pat Williams, Mrs. Melvin Jensen, M el­ vin Cottrell, Roy W hite and Melvin Jensen. LIE NKAEM PERS ON T R IP Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Lienkaemper returned Tuesday of last week from a 10-day trip that took them to Lander, Wyo. where they visited Mrs. Lienkaemper’s mother, and to Denver where they visited friends. They reported many side trips of interest with a few “ snow storms” and rain, but generally good weath­ er conditions. They returned home through Utah. SUMMER t AM P Eight boys and girls left Friday for Cove. Oregon where they will j attend the Ep’-copal summer camp, i Members o f the Intermediate group are Susan Kena. ton. Johnny Beck­ ham. Nancy Stringer, Micheál East­ man. Kirk and Gretchen Rinehart and Marjory Tyler and her cousin, Judth Watts of Dayton, Wash. LOCAL NEWS W GENERAL' ELECTRIC! Mrs. Frank Morgan and her houseguests, Janette Calkin of San Francisco and Mrs. Catherine Peart spent the past week at Payette Lakes. Mr. and Mrs, YV. F. Savage of Nyssa and her sister, Mrs. Clarence Kind of Reno, Nevada accompanied Mayor Robinson and his party of COME Adjusts itself aufomaficcriy when room light changes N o w you need never reset your picture for brightness or contrast. Whenever your room lighting changes, the amazing new Westinghouse Automatic Brightness Control adjusts the picture automatically. Lights on . . . no washout. Lights o f f __ no glare. It’s so amazing, you must see it. Ask your dealer for a demonstration. It's the world's first fully automatic television! You get no streaks, no flutter, no flop-over automatically. N ew Advanced Cascode 100-mile-plus Tuner. Auto­ matic Area Selector. Plus features standard in W es­ tinghouse for years, hut so important they’re the main selling points for other makes o f sets. 21 Giant Screen Custom De Luxe mahogany full-door console. The Randall, Model 746K21 3 WAYS TO GET UHF $479.95 EXCLUSIVE PLUG-IN UHF RECEPTORS. T o add one or two new UHF channels you plug in one or two low-cost receptors. ALL-CHANNEL UHF TUNER. It fits on existing brackets inside the set, and tunea with present dials. COMPLETE VHF/UHF RECEPTION. Or you can buy your Westinghouse s built in. the all-channel UHF tuner already OTHER WESTINGHOUSE TV SETS PRICED AS LOW AS 199-95 • I * , la Mend 747KJI • «light Aero-Eagle powered by HURRICANE "6 " Engine t C A R S T Y L E D TO S T A Y S E W rO U CA N BS SURE... I F # • '# .7 .7 SEE IT TODAY A T ... ROBERTS NYSSA, Inc. tM > AND GOOD A V IN I C NTHA4 OREGON IT s W e S t in O llO lIS C *U0 HIDDEN COSTS! Includes Federal Tax, Warranty with one full year on pkture tube. ED CASE FURNITURE Co. 118 North Main St.