F O R M E R VA LE M A N H IT MICKIE SAYS— g r LOCALS^ * * ' 1 ’ ■ I ■ ■ . ■ " Jean Short was 111 with the flu Mrs. Charlie Leuck was 111 the this week. past week with the flu. A N D R U N D R IV E R V IC T IM v o u r . s u b s c r ip t io n to TH IS N E W S P A P E R \VlU~ C O S T y o u N O TH INIS — IF yO U R E A P 7W' A P S A N ' BU Y TH' BARGAINS', y o u 'u SAME T U ' C O S T O F T H ' S U B S C R IP T IO N IN N O T I M E / A. Chadwick Is driving a new 1937 Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Vancuren had model Ford V8 coupe which he pur­ as Sunday all day guests, Mr. and chased last week. M rs Ben Vancuren and children of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Castator of Lake Lowell. Parma were Saturday evening guests Howard Boor, who has been a t­ of Mr and Mrs Tom Eldridge. tending Eastern Oregon Normal, ar­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halverson rived home this week and expects and son Lloyd were Boise visitors to remain out of school this semest­ er. last Friday. Mr and Mrs. Dale Garrlscn were Miss Wanda Cantrall left Monday guests Monday evening of Mr. and morning on the train en route tc Mrs. Jake Fischer. The evening was Grass Valley where she will open up spent playing cards. a beauty shop. Miss Cantrall will have her shop in with her brother Chas. Paradis returned Friday Archie Cantralls’ barber shop. from a business trip to Portland. While there he was invited to visit Harold Dobbins of Pendleton, the American Legion Pasts at Sea­ Fred Sankey of Enterprise, both of­ side and Astoria. ficials of the State Biological Sur­ Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge McKee and vey, accompanied Robert Long to Mrs. Max Schwelzer and two daugh­ Jordan Valley Thursday. Mr. Long ters spent Sunday visiting at the will resume his war on coyotes while Geo. English home in Wilder. Jack the other two will make arrange­ McKee accompanied them and visit­ ments for a cami>aign on rabbits. ed with his cousin Buddy Arm­ Mrs. Robert Long and l i t t l e strong. daughter Evelyn went to Boise Sat­ Mrs. Lama Fisher of II_w Ply­ urday night where they will make mouth began her duties last week an indefinite visit with Mrs. Lang’s as the third grade teacher in the parents. Mrs. Long has spent the Welser school. Mrs. Fisher is well past six weeks at the J. T. Long known here, having operated the home helping to care for Mrs. Long Fisher Apparel Shop here until last who has been ill for some time. She is reported to be slowly recovering. spring. Now on Sale Frank T. Morgan Nyssa, Oregon Phone 31 QROCERY S PECIALS Grocery S p e c ia l For Friday and Saturday Jan u ary 22 and 23 Honey Foster, 10 lb. can Honey Fosters, 5 lb. can Raisins 1 lb. tall cans 3 cans for Salmon Su gar 87c 45c 23c 29c 55c 33c 17c 10c 4 lb. bag 10 lb- basa Crackers 3 lb. boxes Toilet Tissue S f , '? 3 Golden West 1 lb. can Coffee Golden West 3 lb. can Coffee Shurfine, 1 lb. pkg. ground fresh Candy 4 pounds Hard mixed 3 lbs. Chocolate Covered Cherries 1 lb. box 21c 21c 25c 23c W ilson G rocery A Dependable Food Store NYSSA Mary Norcott has been absent from school on acocunt of sickness. Miss Reta Fuqua went to Boise Wednesday evening to spend a few days with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McClure of Caldwell spent the week end in Nys­ sa with the Leslie McClures. Mrs. Elizabeth McKay of Baker spent Friday and Saturday visiting with her daughter Mrs. Dean John­ ston. Mr. and Mrs. Eld. White and daughter of Boise were Friday even­ ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Pogue. Among other Nyssa citizens who have been ill with the flu are Mrs. Henry Fields and son Bobby and Mrs. Lawrence Blodgett and daugh­ ter Ilene. Bob Thompson was off duty most of this week with the flu also. Sam Caldwell is spending sev­ eral days at home recuperating from the same sickness. C. L. McCoy spent a few days at home last week with the flu. Berwyn Burke, editor of the Jour- al, attended the Idaho Editorial As­ sociation meeting in Boise Friday and Saturday as the guest of George Whorton, editor of the Payette Inde- pendent-Enterprise. Due to the storm Saturday night they delay­ ed returning until Sunday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long who re­ cently returned from Jordan Valley are staying at the parental J. T. Long home for the present and will help care for Mrs. Long who Is 111. Instead of 40 beaver as was stated in last week’s Journal. Mr. Long caught only 27 while he was trap­ ping in Jordan Valley. HAYCOCKS RETURN Mr and Mrs. George Haycock re­ turned Friday evening from a months visit that took them to Bur­ ley, Idaho and other nearby com­ munities; also to several points of Interest In Utah. Including Bouldpr Dam and Zion park. They were ac­ companied home by their son W. A. Haycock and his wife and two child­ ren of Burley who will make an indefinite visit here. Dont expect too much of any law. Think how long it is taking to put over the one Mo6e presented. Faith was restored in the weather man on the lower Columbia during the week-end. He predllcted snow One lot of 133 bales of hops re­ cently sold at Mount Angel for 40c a pound. OREGON H. B. Steward, uncle of Dewey Ray and brother of Mrs. Ida Brawn, now living in Portland; died last Friday with funeral services held Saturday In Portland. Regarding Mr Steward the Portland Journal says as follows: ’H. B. 8teward, whose devotion to the American flag was a patriotic example for four generations at Jef­ ferson high school to follow, Is dead. ’For 12 years Mr. Steward was as­ sistant Janitor at the school, and every day In that time he kept the rule of lowering the flag at sundown and raising it with the sun. Old Glory always was reverently at half-mast with the death of a prom­ inent local or national figure. ‘Then he was hurt, an accident which cause dthe amputation of a leg and he left the school’s employ. But as soon as his health permitted he returned daily to the school to continue his vigil of the flag. ’With the death of his Immediate superior, Janitor Thomas McKenna, Mr. Steward immediately sought permission from the present janitor. Gus Quirk ,to continue his ritual. Permission was granted and despite a one-leg handicap and inclement weather, Mr. Steward dally raised the flag on high. •Friday the same flag he so de­ votedly attended hung at half-mast in tribute to its old guardian." APPLE VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. MacElroy ot Nyssa were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Higby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ura Robinson and daughter Star were visitors at the home of Mrs. Cecil Scott and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Schultz call­ ed at the C. D. Vertrees home Sun­ day afternoon. Duane Johnson has been very 111 for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston and children and Mrs. Howard Rogers were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rogers. Clarence Fritts and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Vertrees made a business trip to Caldwell Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell were dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Glen Johnson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schrader and Alvin of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schrader and Duane were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schrader. Serena and Ida Norland were ab­ sent from school Monday because of severe colds. Anna and Donald Fritts have been on the sick list for the past week. The high school students took arrived Monday to spend a few noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fritts were weeks visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Vertrees business visiters In Caldwell on Monday morning work again Wednesday. started in the onions at Apple Val- ev Packing House. Two cars will be run. G uaranteed Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schrader and daughter were dinner guests Sun­ day at the home of Mr and Mrs Harold Schrader. Later In the after­ noon both families visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sch- ader In Nyssa. BY Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones were Expert R adiotrician callers at the Lloyd Caldwell home Using only the best materials the forepart of the week. and fully equipped. Arthur Johnson is reported on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen of Wil­ HOW ARD SMITH der were visitors Sunday at the At Nyssa Electric Co. home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wil­ Next to Bakery son. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson of Nampa also called during the after' R A D IO SE R V IC E It’s A W IN N E R Yes sir, our liberal terms on ATLAS TIRES and BATTERIES are winning many friends. Come in and see us for a plan to |iay as you ride. - 0 - Powell Service Station Phone 1 Standard Products WANTED! CLEAN COTTON Rags 5c Per Pound —[■]— SP E C IA L >n- The G ate City Journal O dds and Ends of Dishes Midnight Saturday — A T— Sun. - Mon. - Tues. V ogu e Beauty Shop JANUARY 24, 25, 28 TWO GRAND STARS IN THE GREATEST OF ALL D e MILLE’S GREAT ROMANCES! The grand love story of Wild Bill Hickok, and Calamity Jane, the fiery girl who fought her own battles in a real he-man country! 6^ c o o ¡ ^ „ 0 AND V« J C < ______ R u th ’s Beauty Nook Consolidated . . . and will be located after February lat in the quarters back of the Paul- 79c Bacon Squares Pound Red Beans o Coffee >C«fWK>e- us Jew elry Store now occupied by the Vogue Beauty Shop. O LO CM 4 oz. bottles Each CNJ Vanilla UNCLE OF DEW EY RAY DIES IN PO R T ­ LAND FRIDAY Mrs. Henry Carl was absent from the Bakery the first of the week with the flu. Mrs. Ernest McClure worked In her place. 1937 Auto Licenses Jay Gould, pioneer stockman, was found unconscious on an Alturas. California street Sunday appar­ ently the victim of a hit and run driver. His condition is reported as critical. Gould formerly lived at Vale, and was later engaged in a mining ven­ ture at Winnemucca, Nevada. For the past few years he has operated a restaurat in Alturas, California. their semester exams Thursday and Friday. At noon Friday school was dismissed Several who were exempt­ ed did not have to attend either day. Mr and Mrs Melvin Hathaway visited Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Tungson of Wilder. Marjore Upshaw and Florence Whistler were dinner guests of Olive Bailey Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Hens Jacobsen of Boise called at the Pettit and Bailey homes Wednesday evening. John Matzen and Allen Reed drove over to Wilder Sunday to see Billy Danforth. Paul Morris of Parma spent a couple of days last week visiting with Forrest and Allen Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Landing- ham called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell Friday after­ noon. Miss Esther Nelson started work Monday morning doing housekeep­ ing at the home of Mrs. Irvin Pow­ ers In Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fritts and children of Vale and Mr. Fritts Sr called at the home of Mr. and Mrs Cedric Caldwell Sunday afternoon. Tuesday afternoon nearly all roads running east and west were impass­ ible because of the snow drifts. The highway was also blocked In many places. The school bus was not able to make all the rounds Tuesday evening; those living off the highway had to walk home through drifts over their knees In many places. The high school students did not get home until around 7 o’clock. The Apple Valley school was closed Wednesday and will remain closed until the roads are opened. The Par­ ma High schocol was also closed un­ til the roads were passible. The mail was unable to go out on the route Tuesday and Wednesday. A crew of men have been busy opening the roads. ’ Emil Vertrees made a business trip to Boise Tuesday. He reported that the roads were in good conl- tlon all the way except from the new highway on home. Fred Miller moved to the George Miller ranch Monday. Otani is re- kalsomlning the Swanson place and they plan to move as soon as the roads are cleared. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson and daughter of Nampa spent the week end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell. Mrs. Howard Rogers of Oregrande Presenting . . . REAL FOOD FOR A REAL W INTER A PPE T IT E Swan Bread is a good food for these snappy days. It contains every element neces­ sary’ for your susten­ ance. Eat Swan Bread at every meal. SW AN B A K E R Y PH O N E 20 NYSSA, OREGON MISS RUTH WARNOCK Former owner of Ruth’s Beauty Nook and now owner of th.e Con­ solidated Shops —an d — MAE KEIZER BURKE Who has sold out to Miss Wamoek but will continue to give you ser­ vice as an operator the same as usual. Cecil & DeMiUes THE MINSMM m» JAMES ELLISON • CHARLES BICRFORO • HELEN N IC E R • PORTER H *L l- Directed by Cecil I DeMillt Nyssa’s two leading beauty shops, equipment and personnel; all will be consolidated and lo­ cated in the rear of Paulus Jewelry Store. I PlfMMit PWirt DREAM LAND _________ONTARIO, OREGON