Bridal Shower Given by Club Surprise Party Given Mrs. Rose At the meeting of the Nehalem social club, OES, held last Wed­ nesday evening at the home of Mrs. Eva Hearing, plans were made for the club to serve the dinner for the meeting of the 99W Alternate Road association which will be held in Vernonia March 14. Following the business meet­ ing, Mrs. Elsie Zimmerman was honored with a shower of gifts for her new home. Highlight of the shower was the cleverly de­ corated table on which had been erected a mountain on which a bride and groom were skiing. Several clever games were play­ ed also. RIVERVIEW — The ladies of First Street surprised Mrs. J. E. Rose Friday evening in celebra­ tion of her birthday. Attending were Mesdames Alice Mills, El- vesta Dutton, Martin Davis, Ben Barker, W. J. Lindsley, Florence Rohrscheib of Port Orford and the two hostesses Mrs. E. L. Lloyd and Mrs. J. L. Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smeer and son of Portland visited at the Carl Hodgen home Sunday. The four Vernonia Oregonian carriers are gathering subscrip­ tions to enable the winners to visit Disney Land at Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson and two daughters of Cedar Hills spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Al Stiles and children of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Dunlevy of Salem visit­ ed at the B. E. Russum home on Sunday. Brandford Russum who has been in Good Samaritan hospital for ten days expects to come home Wednesday, but will be on crutches for a while. Mrs. Blanche Powers of Seattl” is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Russum. Ralph McKee spent four days last week at the Tuality Com­ munity hospital in Hillsboro, coming home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay entertained Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Henderson at dinner Saturday, the occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Dunlap. Dlicious French pastries were served to the 20 guests by Mrs. Hearing and her co-hostesses, Mrs. Evelyn Holce and Mrs. Louise Hamnett. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Isabel Culbert­ son March 23. two weeks later than the usual date which falls on the night of the road associa­ tion dinner. Valentines Keep Score For Pinochle Players Mrs. Marie Shafer served a de­ licious dessert luncheon of angel food cake and ice cream ;j the members of the Friendly Pinoch­ le club when they met at her heme last Friday afternoon. Val­ entine motifs were used in keep, ing with the season. At the end of the afternoon of play, Valentine score ca-ds le- vealed Mrs. Margaret Vander- zanden as winner .at first prize and Mrs. Ruby Brunson as win­ ner of second prize. The club will meet tomorrow with Mis. Margie DeHart. Parents would be very wise if they could l'arn as much as their teen-age chi'drcn think they could teach them. AUTOMOTIVE FLASHES Experiments b y automotive body engineers reveal that when a white-topped car is parked in the sun next to a black-topped car, the former remains 15 de­ grees cooler inside. * ♦ ♦ As a nation, we have some 50 million passenger cars and 10 million trucks. That's about two thirds of the world total of 90 million motor vehicles. • • « More than 10 million Ameri­ cans—at least one of every seven employed persons gain their live­ lihood from the manufacture, sale, service or use of motor ve­ hicles. • ♦ ♦ Two men were discussing a mu­ tual acquaintance, "Nice fellow," said one. "but have you noticed how he always lets his friends pick up the dinner bill?" "Yes," replied the other. "He has a terrible impediment in his reach." • • • It has low milcage—automatic transmission — radio with rear seat speaker—heater and defroster —Solex glass and several other extras. V8 motor. 1953 Stude­ baker Land Cruiser which is on special at $1197. A guaranteed car. Let us show you! MRS. HAROLD LEECH, presi­ dent pf department of Oregon. American Legion Auxiliary. Grand Chancellor Holds Officer Training Meet Harry M. Wood, grand chancel­ lor of the grand domain of Ore­ gon, Knights of Pythias, was in Vernonia Monday evening to con­ duct an officers training meeting for officers of Avon lodge, St. Helens, and Harding lodge, Ver­ nonia. Arrangements for the meeting were made by the dis­ trict deputy, Oren Weed. Mr. Woods was accompanied by sev­ eral other Knights from Portland, also. Also brought before the group Monday evening was the fact that the Knights of Pythias and Py­ thian Sister of Oregon had been invited to sponsor the traffic safe­ ty progra mof the Highway Lifo- savers committee of Oregon citi­ zens during the month of Feb­ ruary. Chancellor Commander, Ben Fowler of Harding lodge has signified the intention of his group to aid the program in every way possible. Safety code cards and other material have been dis­ tributed to all Vernonia knights and sisters. Highway courtesy is emphasized by the order with the slogan, "Courtesy is Con­ tagious." District Meet Draws Officials Mrs. Reatha Horn was hostess for the Vernonia Study club when they met at her home last Thursday evening, February 2. A very interesting program on Mineralogy was given by Mrs. Isabel Culbertson. The next meeting will be Thurs­ day evening, February 16 at the home of Mrs. Amy Kamholz. I FOOI» SHOPPING IDEAS NABISCO HUDSON HOUSE NEHALEM KEASEY ROUTE — The Kea­ sey extension unit met at the home of Mrs. Perry McFarland on its regular meeting date. Mrs. Ted Keasey was the project lead er on lampshade making. Mis. Terry Brady was ill and unable to come and help Mrs. Keasey. Five lampshades were started but it was impossible to finish them at one meeting. Those at­ tending were Mrs. Herb Counts, Mrs. George Martan, Mrs. Har­ vey Christensen, Mrs. Ted De­ Witt, Mrs. Frank Morris and Mrs. H. A DeWitt. Mrs. Walt Parker spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Ted Keasey and. started her lampshade then as she had been unable to attend the meeting. The Van Werts have a new Chevrolet pick-up Mrs. H. A. DeWitt spent the week end in Portland visiting Mrs. G. G White, a former Rock Creek resident. Former Resident | Seriously Ill RIVERVIEW — A birthday pot-luck dinner was held at the home of Mrs. Ed Buckner Monday honoring Mrs. Mertie Cline. Other guests were: Eileen Larson, Eliza­ beth Serafin and Stona Serafin, Nora Riley was unable to attend because of illness. Jackie Greenwood has been confined to his horn-' a week with pneumonia, but will soon be able to return to school. The latest report from Olof Jacobson, who is in the Good Samaritan hospital is that his condition is serious but he is hold­ ing his own. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Parkins of Boulder City, Nevada are staying with her mother, Mrs. Jacobson. Laurel Wittwer, Mrs. Jacobson’s son returned to his home at Las Vegas, Nevada on Thursday and Mr. Jacobson’s bro­ ther, N. E. Jacobson has also re­ turned to his home at DeWitt, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Knowles and her son Timmy Coryell moved to Astoria Saturday to be nearer where Mr. Knowles is working. Yvonne Russum is employed at Medical Center in Portland. She is sharing an apartment with three other girls, including her aunt, Sharlee Powers, who is cm ployed at the Doernbecker hos­ pital. Mr and Mrs. Ray Chenowith and children of Portland visited his mother, Mrs. J. P. Lofton on Sunday. Jergen Johanson Services At Birkenfeld Thursday BIRKENFELD — The funeral for Jergen Johanson was held Dodge - Plymouth - Dodge Trucks Thursday at the Birkenfeld 968 Bridge HA 9 6061 grange hall at 11 a m. He was buried in the Fish Hawk ceme­ Sell it with an Eagle Want Ad. tery. Robert Berg, Shirley, Nicky and Erick spent last week end at Cotton visiting relatives. Robert Hanberg from Cannon Beach has been visiting his sister Be sure to include these items in your next order! Anna Hanberg. Elsa Richardson was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crouch of Astoria and at Seaside over the Wheat Thins week end. Word was received by Mr and Ritz Crackers Mrs. Francis Nordstrom that his Olives Honey nephew, Tommy Nordstrom's son, String Beans had collapsed at college and had Grahams I a bad hemmorhage causing a left Corn Snow Flake side stroke. John Cahill went to Portland Crackers Peas Sunday with Mr and Mrs. A. J. Always Cookies Bellingham to make arrange­ ments for the Jergen Johanson Uniform in Good for Every Shredded funeral. Meal Wheat Flavor Cleve Brown from Portland is visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs James Cahill. Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Beach were Seaside visitors at the home of MARKET AND GROCERY her mother, Mrs Rogers, over the For Delivery Every Day Phone HA 9-6341 week end. HAWKEN MOTORS I | I | | Potluck Dinner Marks Birthday Mrs. Harold Leech, Bonneville, Oregon, president of the depart, I ment of Oregon, American Legion I I Auxiliary, presided over the busi­ ness sessions at the district 1 con­ Ì vention held at Forest Grove last I Thursday, February 9. The meet­ ! ing was opened by the district president, Mrs. Marguerite Royce of Seaside, who introduced Mrs. Leech to the assembly. Other department officers pre­ I sent were Mrs. Frances Grund, vice-p resident; Mrs. Amelia Thornton, secretary Mrs. Muriel Acton, Girls State chairman and Mrs. Cee Gunn, national Girl’s State representative. District 1 is composed of 13 units in Clatsop, Columbia and Washington counties. Those from Vernonia attending the district meet were Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waite, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cul­ bertson, Mrs. Albert Schalock, Mrs. Nora Mitchell, Mrs. Ruby Biggs, Mrs. Maeva Brimmer, Tru­ man Knight and Earl Atkins. Study Club Members Learn About Minerals Keasey Route Ladies Making Lampshades TIMBER ROUTE — Mrs. Carl Wienecke received word this week that Mrs. Jim Monger of Sabina. Utah, is seriously ill Mr. and Mrs. Monger were former residents of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Akers and Mr and Mrs. Edwin Justice were in Forest Grove Saturday to see the different events of the Gay Nineties festival staged there. Mrs. Hilda Justice and Mrs. Florence Akers were in Portland Monday having lunch with Nancy Lee Akers and Marilyn Good. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice spent the week end in Portland staying Friday night with their son Lonnie and his wife and Sat­ urday night with son Raymond and his family. Mrs. Robert Pollock, Donna and Wallace, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shipley and Mike. Florence Reynolds, Maxine Rey­ nolds, Thelma Weaver and Edna Reynolds visited with Mrs. Bert Tisdale Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker, Mrs. Nell Thacker, Mrs. T. L. Galloway, Tamara and Tommie were in Portland Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Les­ ter Teeling and grandad Thacker. THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE Trip Made To San Francisco TIMBER ROUTE—Mrs. Blanche Bergerson left Friday for San Francisco for an indefinite visit with her sister and her family. Mrs. Kate Coates was a Sun­ day visitor at the home of Mrs. Florenz West. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale re­ turned to their home Thursday, from Seattle where they had been visiting his sister and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thacker were in Portland Saturday on business. Mrs. Albert Reynolds, Mrs. For­ rest Reynolds, Mrs. Donavan Key nolds and Mrs. Harry Weaver called on Mrs. Lynwood Reynolds Monday morning. Mrs. Florenz West and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith attended the March of Dimes Benefit at Dessy’s Saturday» night. Mr. and Mrs. John Siedelman were in Forest Grove Friday at the auction sale. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ostrander and two sons attended the Cham­ ber of Commerce breakfast in Banks Sunday morning. Cathy Quinn, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Quinn, is recuper­ ating at the home of her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Buff- mire of Vernonia, from a tonsilec­ tomy performed Tuesday morn­ ing. Valley Squares Dance Friday at Birkenfeld The Nehalem Valley Squares will dance at Birkenfeld on Fri­ day night, February 17. Howard Jollie from Astoria will be the caller. Visitors are always wel­ come. Women are not strong physi­ cally but one of them can put the top on a fruit jar so it takes 20 minutes for her husband to get it off. —Office Supplies at the Eagle— BEN'S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon THURSDAY. FEB. 16, 1956 3 Throat Infection Causes Postponement of Party TIMBER ROUTE — Due to a strep throat Jane Miller is post­ poning the stork shower sched­ uled for her home for Thursday, February 16, to March 1. Mr. and Mrs. George Wienecke of Forest Grove, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Wienecke and children of Hillsboro, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke Sunday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams and baby son, Mr. and Mrs. Shell and family of Aloha, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hecken- liable, were home with their par­ ents for the day, a week ago Sun. day. Mrs. Florenz West, her mother Mrs. Wm. Greiling of Portland and two friends of the family, Mrs Margaret Sanders and Mrs. Anna Schatz met for luncheon Thursday at the home of Mrs. Sanders in Portland Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bender and family spent Sunday in Skarno- kawa, Washington visiting with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nielsen. Unit Members Sign For Home Nursing Course Big and little lampshades wi r? started at the regular meeting of the Mist-Nehalem extension unit last week. Mrs. H. Jones and Mrs. L. Garlock were th" leaders for the lesson entitled recovering cloth lampshades. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Zella Bellingham February 10. Thirteen members signed up for the home nursing course. Mrs. A. Anderson will be the instruc­ tor for the lessons which will be. gin in March. Mrs. E. Larsjn showed pictures of gems found in Ceylon. Mrs. F Busch, pub­ licity chairman, asked for news stories of interest concerning members who have made hobbies or businesses of projects begun as extension projects. The next meeting will be bas­ ket weaving at the home of Miss Shirley Berg on March 9 begin­ ning at 10:30 a m. A baby sitter will be provided for the children but they are asked to bring their own lunches. Friends Bid io "At Home' Honorng Mrs. Hattie Ward Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sandon ex­ tend an invitation to friends of Mrs. Sandon’s mother, Mrs. Hat­ tie Ward, to call at their home Sunday afternoon between the hours of 2 and 4 to extend birth­ day greetings to Mrs. Ward on her 86th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whitehead of Portland spbnt Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey celebrating a wedding anniver­ sary. A helpful telephone hint««« “Use party lines sharingly... the call that comes through may be for you /” Keep calls brief calls fairly ...replace receiver carefully... release line for emergencies