PIANO LESSONS FREE AN XMAS PRESENT FROM DEC. 5th TO JAN. 14th, J9H. All Mw so who pMivh.ise Pianos Irom A. Lim-ltiuk Piiino Su iv, 1'ir.st St., Hlumnok City, will tiveivc twelve limbic nsons five ol clmrjn. Purchasers, may select their own Tenchets Pianos sold at the regular low prices and wisy terms if desired. Orgtms taken in ex chnmjc These lessons are a Xmas present from A. l.inehciek's piano store. We invite yon all to enll at onr store and seleet your piano mul take advantage of those twelve lessons 1 will sive on. S.oie open evenings until 1 P. M. A. LINEBECK, Manager Mutual Phone COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. CHRISTMAS AND NKYv YKAR HOLIDAYS AT HOME Low Round Trip Fares VIA T1U tOSONiKiTAI I l KOUTEC C 7. I The I-reposition Line, i915 Between all Points it: Oregon, also from Points in Oregon to California. Washington and Idaho. SALE DATES AND LIMITS. iHKlSTMAS HOLIDAYS : -Bstv-eti ill i;oirt- in Orcjrua ; nl frt Southern I'ui'ifi jKJtnts to Htnl- in Wit-)ifitrtot! ami Idaho Pec. 1- to 21 ioclu-ive. Hetween Orejjun owl California point- Dt-c 20 to 1 Return litiut nil x.nit Jnn 5. ttU. NKW VKARS liOUDAV- -Dec. 27 to Jan. 1, with final return limit Jan. 3, IW, The Xew Yeir Far? apply tin y. I.etw-n point in Ojejroa and between Oregon r.ul Culi fornU. SUPERIOR TRAIN SERVICE Obser- ation Cars, Dining Car and big, warm all-steel coaches. All trains solidly vestibuled. I all on nrart--t Mintlirrr Kt- iti.- .-rt,-rt for fv'l (.trtt ttlar- tr.nn ohirititle-. - it': f,ire, etc JOHN M. SCOTT C.er.cra! Pan-ener Aent. I'ortl.iii'l, (rr.'iin. rrmTrrTn i i j i j i . , it REPAIRS ARE OUR SPECIALTY Filing a faucet or remodeling a bathroom receive our prompt and careful attention. However, we supgeit that Permanency 'a obtained and future re paira avoid' d by giving in the contact for new work. Permanent satisfaction it further auurcd by our initalling "Standard" guaran teed fixtures. Booklet i thowing the many beautiful dciigm of thcie fixtures free upon request. R. F. Zachman 'i V'-r-l f" NCER In tin' itt liter k( tlto YlUititionV ComiV I tifltt nml I'ow or Co. lot riuhtu ot v, ly of tlto county mini, the itiplii'itioti (or n lntm'ttlee wild irnintcil. otto ir'Vilot lielntr llmt wvltitt ,-i mouth (unit tlio tttl ol I Jnniiiirv, ttill, the ootiiiiittiy o'ootiil in Hitin ol money to tlto tin eliipitieut ol the liusuiiei of not le Uinn $t(CCU tnul on oi lioloto tho lot i.i J-tn tif , tnu the kiiiii ot WI,(VV1 Wot Now I.oollo I'elKnoi MIxOollittteotM Ivixolw MI(oolUtnootf. Nehuloni Viilloy Io;iorlor (;i!w A I'lodhoittioo .... Irwto lllllxull l W I' ilnkor, onvlotct . . . . I'm-ilio l'r A Tel Ct TtlltunooX t'tty II tOll!ltltW, 0)Ptl.40l. s; ii Co. 2ITfi' I '.'S I SO J.VJ J C llollloll. OVpOIIHOK ....... Ill IA llititholtl.ll.iii; Co HUM I J l.onsoor II M Cttv I'm lie for Co II H KiitK A Smith Hint no l.ltrht Co I'm ilio l ei A IV I k !' uchiiititt , V I'.' h.tlclt .... N ... ) ..unlit Kit). , Woliflrr llolnio., I. D. No. I, l.Kr iVtnut l.iiitibor Co.. t-rxilk lloliiittti , K" II Kcntietly II IVrn ... ." .. i 1. 1 i i .......... . ...., I Joih .... iM.'tiii Sttnliy t I'.irlKtu Noluilotu S v. Mill fohi A iiilriuii Nohttlom Saw Mil..,. ... NoVon A Co. .... I'Vrtl l..u)iro K M (inry W Cuitie .nul toMin ..... ... ! Allon Jim Tiioinon iSVtA! r t Krtt i. ,s V 1 1 Altlrrtiiitit U l( l'holllKtt!l II lloiUon Coiiiinonltil SimIiIox County loor. Clovoitlnlo .loi Co ! A A roniilmjtoti .... I V D (5liol'oll i l illitinook 'rt 10 V. O Chun? A Stt Tillnuiooh ."lMtt rti Suliutdc. i V K Hiilen ( K Ktlnoi . . 1 I M I.. ..r.v ! Mi.titrt .M.mon II I. Uctlx V S llnol S htovo . , C A olitton , ll. I !) ;.ai WlUj 1 n lll.tllr.,! J C IO(i SwOtlKOM. 1 II Ctoiihi' ... VtU A MIIHh. .. Kutlilicn .IiIIk.. Moldon Hew lov llltUrt. ' K N llonMv V C Mrtwn et til ...... i CommQi-i'Ml SlMtilo ., ; Nohulem UMPrjf til t us. so: survcytr. aOOi I'oo J I'tijuky ai'httutfo) l OMltjU ..... , . . 0 3i' H A Inc 'mut SilKi H J Kolloiv 13 75 ; U" l-urinor ,. . . ..... t0.ni J Mi Ktuietii liikion C.oiro Vmigbti t ..... i... . . . V IO , at ii toi w. H W tinloy vuno(.e llttt TT.tW W 75 ' lileH'tloii Ktitcnx- Tl M l C Ctllor SohN It.-ltu t h Kohl c iiul ten iti i 15 A Wort In ntf Jem ... ..... j A K Rftenhntme , KVcm1 HnrVor , liilhcrt Zmlilucli .... A K l'itirnlHiie unit tttmii.. John Willi i hu.rty iiunor. 1 J Stoiioor Ifltl til n) SI V) Sl 10 l3 317.1 f.30- S Otor 6. (Si, Itptnit) honf Juuurrt ihuI iltkti nf o' to II vim in in s in ;;o ,ti.i 1 n .ii 2. 10 in t. (t Nl tvt IMti 70 l t' tit i M U i ,.M lll tl 7nn l.ti t ii in i:u .it tl HI li in t ' i ID St II to; n 17 r. t . ti r. I V tin in ' 17 U u ". I') i 1 i. m". i. Anul l.aMoti f.lli I. II Kinney ?!J0 A S I'lltlcn unci tcititt, ,, 17.SU! eo i.ocrpitiiei TLMi Coy l.oorpsbol 830 t'ted tcile utSt t Ciretior' ,, , .. s 73' I l.irikhurl Sjapi Twill A An lerou if.Wi i luhoei-mjr . atxou; Win Itnrker II IViblHwits IftW J'tanoii? Gary ..... , KM Win Arnirtroiitr "4 ) M Ftiner... . ,,, I9i u. D. .so. a. Krnnk lye B.VJfti K J Dye Sl&t Olatide Ackley t Connie iye IKXtM Uoni Y kxI. 3l.TR A William'. 2 00 loltn I'ncker , ZSn Mck No'wtm 5i3i Jeif Hcrrin 4.M tic; i.yotK..., ...,.,.. Wati A K Cttxe ..y, 1ft fs5' Kil Snlu;raK,H . . Ujff1 Hitler A Sun 2.); lame A HtKK? 7 I.ee Tittle 11MJU K. D. No. a ClovenJale Mer Co 7.J& Jinl Imlitti ...rt.rf... . 10X) o I' MatUxMi .. 2S.0II R O Kichnrila 2BI r;tllk I'ayue. 17.50 orviil Alltsan I (LOT i'riU Drelert. 'UU) A. II. lolkner liM J. IC Spvary Mtf F J Ayeris , .. Z30 I.. M. 1 aruier 2.30 Merrtl AUinon &IjO '.eorue t.rtillth ia73 OUTLAl: m.LEJ bT COWLITZ OFFICERS I' tic halt. Sh tk.;.i:t Jt!...f" Klrby Mti Howell, of Cphu .' kiltdl mi unknowc 4 v-: math of Teledu, l mil viih Cbehalhl, oa the Oawtiu n . r i ' dead man une one of uwtr r. ta ltiil. robtMHl til ''' it... Iiritrf) tor of WeUsi.'.o Urhim-. Tll MCOoa BUM, beltarv r l tiiit'. i. Ut Mike Dottiteily, muU'i". a t convict from the Ul tvnitm ur) a' WmIUi Walla, mttle ltl rf at" Thp 4titl of the ItitttJ ltat n' hw4ia op to 'be l)oetii.- r a. i lMe been tfcat tten "in h i ' (KM t't'fWOhlJ th tHll.l, ttl.- . ' tor were on a leet at tho ; .ji Of eoialt nil! awl tt4 tb'tr rmir'r In toe middle of the mn jtoln! - era! fwi high errotin!t 'h t!r- Aa the officer atproch,-.t thp of tiered the two men to throw m ihir batida, and upperentl) tbvy did . ftepptna bark out of eight end ow ing fire on the potee. Th dopun.. bottan firtna about the aame tlmx. mt tiyht or tea ihote r ohinr ' In all. ROYAL alNG Powder Is the Housewife's Greatest Help. WHAT so tempting to tho Inward appetite as light, flaky, fruit short cake or n delicate hot biscuit? Royal makes the perfect short cake, biscuit and muffin, and improves the flavor and hoalthfulness of all risen flour foods. It renders tho biscuit, hot bread and short cake more di gestible and nutritious, at tho same time making them more attractive and appetizing. Royal Baking Powder is in dispensable for the preparation all the year round of perfect foods. H Fir ..- it . K el low SB.C0 l.U.)d Ki Mow 7.5fJ onlle K'-liow HO.tO W.ir'i Ssiniittoti .. 51,11) Utii- ( url .Ti.Ofj J. ( '. t n-ri y .'Ui V in Saline 'J3 mi No More Arm fr Ireland. London Taklag official notice fur the ftrat time of the antthom nil. preparation In prorei In rutr the government taeuwt an order in hlbttlng further Importation of urn into Ireland i i i i.ir - .iiir tii iamw.'VLj'.r i rPSil PRESENTS i; rtttti I lournq Co. Doctors Use This for Eczcmi Hs.nl ef Cartllnal Oltnop Oict. Rntno.-rnnUral Dfoglla. dwut n tbe wacred ioitt;e. died hxre nl ii'ir moitta. Mn Ji.. b make Cir hr . OltibortB of (trlttmore dean of tlit ,, r IN WOMAN'S BREAST 'ALWAYS BEGINS a SMALL LUMP LIKE THIS and ALWAYS POISONS DEEP GLANDS IN THE ARMPIT AND KILLS QUICKLY I WILL II $1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I TREAT BEFORE it Poiiosj Bone orOeep Glands HOKNIrc or PA1H No Pay Until Cured Ho X Kay or oti.tr wlndl'i. ha Inland tilant iniiir :kj r.r ABSOLUTE CJ.Ri!lIE Any TUMOR, LUMP ui Bore on tlio lip(c or body loiii;u Cancer It Nivef Ps.'r.j'jritil lait tate, tJO-PACE DCCIt eat frto; lui.x .In ui P j) AMY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST U CANCER. Wo rfu lli-u a 1k nytna, Cjms Tco Ut. VitU ii -i .1' juu,;ioyrs. Address fit;. & MRS Cli.CHAtfUVftCO. A 43B ULJ.U'i ST., SA FRSRGISCO, CiL KINDLY M.IL fut to aos ouc with CANCER if m I Oregon Agricultural Collfgc FARMERS' WEEK December 8 to 13. 1913 - This will a notable event in U, j C'dupationa! hintory of Oregon. 1-JirmcrH' f!ri.riiu.rutlnri will I,., it... It.'i'iiliL' tonic of ;i Htirniil.'itlnrr u,.rii. ..f i,..,,.-,". 'ti i. ...m i7 I IV. ..n. r, , uu WUUK Will Of (TOWUtU v. ith 'li-cuisions. and k-rr.onitranonh Iti tvtiitt.irii; that rnalci.'ii for thi; vel fari: of the fanner awJ hoine-muker. WINTER SHORT COURSE January 5 to 30, 1914 Tlio (!olf.f'f Hririul ni i.ir.irt make tnih tbc moBt cornpluto ehort 1 course in itn hiHtory, A very wluo raoit of course will liu oirered in Gen-' eral Atfrlc-ulture. Horticulture, Anl mal Jitibbamlry, Dairying, 1'oultry Ket)!tit', .Mechanic Artu, Douubtic .Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry, and Muuif. Numerous lectiireH and diHcuMfloiH on FAJtMKKS' CO-OI'lJJt-A'l ION, at homo and abroad, will he n IcHilinK feature. Make thin a pleawint and profitable winter outlnif. No tu- ition, AccoinmodationH reiiHoriiible. Reduced rates on all ruilroadH, For . further information address It M TP MM A W'P IJ,...li ... .... wittimiii, ivKinu ar, Corvallis, Ort-Kon. ! ai mers' UuFlneiH Courees hy Cor respondence without tuition. I r r : V armlh and Nv jS' Comfort for the Home r Wherever there arc ilni.lrm in the home the cntiii'jrt of the i'.iuiMiiy jiiictiaicu. mn an domes have need lor it I.. v..,.,l,,iC,H ,ur ncanir me ueurootn, liaihruoiii. Iiviiil' room or dining room. Lialiu the imuh of a match. Fav I to can; tnr !' .., ,(w(,w(i.ii.iii, KivAiu-irtvc. iill i SMioWr. H 1 llr- . .11 W t smell. 1 p-i :i A't to See It at Your M 1 Patera. M standard Oil Company M -1 sl THr-- 1 1 . . 1. . .1 lr 1 1 n.n.t I,. Tlia (f ftn n, I v I t - t.'t t tfrol! tl, . . II. . m. it f ! il !' thin Wintry ar now gr. n ihje, and tbrmol BM .illrr li.tfr.,, . , ,,.,., tieon l I UiwHrti ui. uii,u, t'ro.rlt!i.n we I I n r n I IV1i'. I i r llnto r lln 'allcil i,l-. It. r ! t i"rn.,.ni.t i. I r mr m i , I . o bll pre. ,! ' r ti . Itiie tnntttiil yo t n. i In feel. w ar will 4u f r jrno 1 1 I I. t fatt l'V" a t ' mlM lhal II trill . j lM ) tin.) It.al il n ' i-l 1 i'-i- ... 4. .. ) IN J 1 M li, KUV i ivu Till.,. IHI . t-in TEACHhlW EXAMINATIONS. Miltco in hereby ivpii thnl (..iinty Kehtial Sttierinteivliit of llirnik I "iintl. (Jrcrirnn. will lu.M t'-v :lr . xaminiition of iipplli nnu .i m- riTiiiu ume at tno roort Till muck 'it v, h follow: MACON, GA,, lh Mndc Stronj' and Well by VI n""-. Whim wo lull von t -ViaolUtif .iMiicm-iii WmlnitMlny, Diirumlicr i I.. rn:i, t 'j i, ,.iielt a. m., nml eon ' tiniiii.jf ui til Metunliiy, Diwumlwr 'M. ' till ! . . I l l ' I ii.i in il CII CK p, III. Wi'dfiUMliiy I'liiiuioon. Writing, I?. H. MlHlnry. IViynloloify WiMim-udiiy Ailurnoon, I I.vm.-hI f;t..Hrit.hy, IteiulliiK, Com oit..m, Mt-thiHta In Itiudliur, Method in Antliiiii'llc. '1'liiiri.diiy Foriinnoii. Arilbuii'tlr. ili.ii.iv i.r im., ..n... I'nyrholouy, Meti...lii in f ii ni-riiphy. ' "il"iin 1 l llTllOIIII, drillnillhr. (il'iiirrill.liv. Am.iH , t Ii iiratiirii. I'IivhIci, Methodn In liiinuuiiKe, IIiuhIh for I'rimiirv Cei llllentn. I'rlday l-ornuooii. Ih'.'OI'V lll.ll l'riuli..i. (i.i I i... K...:iiHhhfu!r,,rur;;;ch;;,1iM;y:K',,,"v' I'rlilnv A f I,,,-, ..,,, (I.IJJ;;;!,,!;;; ('i,',i, Mwms, civil .Satiirilny Forenoon. tjeouietry, llotiiny. Saturday Afli-rnoon. (iciieral Mmiory, Jluokkffpliiir. Youm TiMly, H ' , W. ti. llnol, a. it . , C-oiinty .School upt, ApiiliennU for rfni.w,,! i.,.m . reuumllioi. fo.. I.l 7 i ' . ' how mmimo niii.ii ; . V. ' '"irice I,., the HitU.ntot of in XL , Z tho ln.nl ,lo ttocli n for iniikliiK wouk, puny, nillae t1 room. lltriUIK. Ullnlnl mul rt. HO itiillltiK you what him licon proted I liiitiilriMtn of tiKithifm. J. I.. Flckllmr Mi. in. Ov, WW "My child wait vnry !' '"' dellt1 fin uiiMillln ni.rt. titl did Bleep well. Doetorit i)ll nut t"1'? 'a Vlnnl wan nicoinmi' lf W" ) (linnci, nflnr fnlr Irl ,1 ritS 0ti fill. ftlll. mIi.IIIIM MniindU All tlfjEttU A. Htilliflillit fllirtitlllik nttil llftM wiilitht. 1 wish over alitor kJ If Ii n I Vfl ti l ( III t.c ilnllcflt CM " fiitie flll ill wiint Vlnnl did for lilo lfJ It will do for nvorv wt tit nml lm child ImcniiHu Hlrkly tillilreti tho ntroiiitthttiilnjt cod I ver cllBt"j and tho tonlti Iron Hut v,n0,,f2 taliirt thnt It why Vlnnl build WJ1 up quickly and kIvcii t""1' .3 konlthy eolor. It la plenmint V M and wu Kuurnntim Unit tin iuu1,w ' 13 antldfy you money tuiclc u t not. P. fi, If you Imve Hwnw trT Bazo Hulvo. Wo ;iinintiH) It. . Cliu. I. iIohrIi, 1 riiefe?i'-- ' t Man Z9n I' .1. MM in ubl W?B. Iluell,