Cbe tillamook fierald z i r 0 in V I k y t cuiivi 1ucd Ctvlcc j lUcck Cucday and FrldJV Entered a Hcimd-claw mutter Mav 17, UUu, at the pot olUco t Tillamook. Oren. under tiio act of March S, IS7V." SPUXCKIPTION S1.P0 A VK.XR tN ADVVNCK Jldvcrtishia Kale ' ecu) Advertisement? Firat Insert -on. per lino ? .10 Bach uS-"ipnt in.ortion. lino .IV Horrwsterd No'.iees - Timber Clai m - 10.00 N'otfce. per line ... .05 Cards of tha-. :-cr line .0$ loeals. 'vr hue. tirst insertion - Each sulwospiont distortion, line .05 Resolutions of Condolence ami Lodge notices, per lino .OS IluirMfW X- Professional cards. mo. 1.00 Pirdsv Advertisement, per inch .516 ALL Display A.l must bo in this of fice on Monday ami Thursday Morn iniro to insure publication in follow -intr Tuesday ami Friday issues. Seasons are imperative. FRIDAY, NOVl-MHHK 14, UUJt. V understand thiit Tillamook Coun ty h tb flrt county in Oxeron that has kd for spac in the Ore iron buirdin at the San rrteico Fair in 19I.V Vflis fact in tlaelf will show to the urorW that wf era not asleep, bet r about to take our plae atttontr the loading localities of the XorthwwL Presbjtrrian Church Nolei. I Two interesting ami timely programs are soon to be given in which tho 'Church and undny School will join. ' They are entitled, "America, a IJviim j Fine", ami "A Vocation Day Service". I The C.uiWl House will soon U com jpleted. Fortv foot of table, of reu- After November Isth the Herald win aljon sjxe have been completed, ami bo doing buainesa in t ie new Masonic , ,hBi in ,jtt ,l0rtr fut,lro be put into Block, bavin secured quartr in that , fremiertt M!i0. st.-Oclure. For many year the Herald; The general public are invited to has been quartered in iu present lo-j worship with u uet Sunday morning cation and it may Use a liffc time for ; HBd ovnint:. The following are tho all of its wW friends to rind u in our ,,,, themes: Mornini: 11 A. M new place of business, However we ! ..vhv is Christianity a failure to some hope that Una slijrnt disadvantage joph!" Kvcninc 7 :30 P. M. will aoon be overenne and that we 1 to come to Chrint." will eoon be adjute.i t.ur new k-, the Bible School meet at 10 U U A. tioo. j M. Come and enlist in the work of "- , Bible luiiy. We are in the uiidot of .),. .i.v. tr h kt.lv i mott interesting and helpful studio. BAND0N MOOSE PLAN HALL J The ltamlon tmlno of Mwmi ha form ed a InillilliiK' society and plans to erect a larKC liH. The cost of tho Imlltlimt is estlumtcl at J12f000. It will be heated by steam. In tho basement will be a swimming pool eontatiiltiK salt water. To facilitate obtaining the salt water tho building will bo orvctml on a stuulv stretch of In'ach which is not more than 100 foot from tho City Hall. We umlerstatnl that amoiiK the other iinptMvements contemplated for Tilla in"iK netear will Iw the rHttoh f a new ,Kmm hall Should the Mie build they will probably put up line building, t.oo.1 utluttiat UulltiH are a flue thint: for a town In that th-v rHiuce insurtuvre ratos to thio w h use tho:n. thereby leaving rental moo eys at home inetend of semliiti; it east to iumiranco companies. The Moosr "f Tillatmuik no doubt feel thoinsele able to do as much as tho Uu .Ion Moose titv 0oln. A SERIOUS SHOOTING been diroreml. Tiie vu-tim U spotted , and followed until an opportunity present itself in a cr.d, when the J s-laver injects a powerful dru& in thej arm of the victim by the use of a hypo- , dermic ayrinire. In a few moments the drug lake ?7ect and the rict'm k?e cun9cioun.s whereupon the .-lave.- appears nd claims to U ber hBebacd, father or broiler, hurries her into n wailing cab. ami her parents or friends rever aee or hear from her ntrain. Thousands of irirN dkappoar nn noally in this country alone. It is certainly a terriuie bj.-tiriess and ono that hoM bt thoroughly advertised. and there is a place far scholars and workers. In about two week the Guild Houju will bo ready for elaM work. WeOneday oveninif Hiblu study hour, from 7:15 to S: 15 i. M. N'ext studv "Chrutian Stewardship"-Js. 5: l-lt. tonaki MurKensio. Minister. On Wednesday at 2 P. M., Orvai Thayer accidentally shot Loo l.erk:i' with a revolver whilo playing t the Iki-iio uf tho Poere Uy in Sunny mead It seems that tho IWrijo Ihiv wont up stair ami secured a loaded revolver and shot it olf, the bullet (tassiu over tho head of a man n-g, ho then turned tho empty txirrel .n tho Thi r tHy ami snapp.tl tho triik;er after which he pataed the revolver which he hud rocked to tho l'lmvet Imv who aectdenlallv iHilled the trittcr on a loade barrel whilo the gun was poni ed lowurtia the l)o.'rifo toy. shooting ow j tho IKwrjre boy thruuuti the atNlouien i no injure.! iMj iiiii miivo ai int writlnir, ami it is . , ht ho may he. but the ohancin tiro k:.n ul him. Tho Ih)i were alone at tho time of tho shooting, the family beinc at the ltoUil ranch. r.n- uoctur was called titiiuedialely. -wr. nod the fat.'u-r wai on the seetw in t .'i mimites . The Ih' claim they were play. "holdup" aivl imitating scenoe of the moMiik; pictures shows. We understand that the statement "f tne two (joys tallies in evr ay. If Yoa Can ManJacttire Anything Come to WHEELER To Do The Mantif acturing FrtM Silk's n ml lHNiiil tay- Chriitian Church , Notes. they were playiac is UioyiWw,'Uisday: "l Idfe Worth Livi movie. .Vot Ioiik aKo n j Friday : "The Marring Supper.' Did tho inovinc picture abow have any inrieeneu in regard to the shooting which toot pjace last Wednosday? The boys elaim did in the small boy, inspired by n moving pict ure scene, set fire to a newapaper which be had placed under a tout occu pied by a man in one of New York City's parks, with the result that be fore the man became aware of what was going on his clothing had caught fire and before he could get relief he was burned so badly that he died in a bhort time. The moving picture in having a tremenduous inluence on the rointfs of our youn puoie, and we believe it is only a matter of a short time until some rigid regulation will have to be enacted and proper safe guards arranged for. We do not believe the censorship nas Rut to the bottom of the matter yet. Sunday: 10 a. m. Bible School. 11 a tn. Preachinir. Subjec-: 'Memorial Stones." 6:15 Christian Endeavor. 7:15 Prenchiog. Subject: "Unity." Monday: "A Well Barnod Crown." Tuesday: First number of lecture course. Prof. MonUiville Wood). Ad mission 50 cents. ivint;." Mr. Humbert will sine at each vice. P.. K. Jope. Pustor. ser. Methodist Church Notes. A. M. Thome, "Tho The Mo t Important Business of Yours Is where yon invest your money. The Western Uan & Savings Co. of Salt Lake Ky.t'tah.ti tr cd and proved company, is nw ready for business in Tillamook and Tillamook Co. To loan you money or build you a htfme on small monthly payments, at a low rate uf interest. Write or see A. C. EVERSON,Loan Agt. A. M'NAttt, President. D. L SHKODK. Vice Presnlent. CANV.ADA EVKRSDN'. See. & I re,.. Posrd of Aptraistrs. K. M. lUtes. V. II. Mimck. It. F. Xadiman, K. J. Clausseti. Hoard of Trustees. j John. Inland Hen derson, P. L. Heals, L. C. Smith W. (',. M.tSuo. 1 eie 1V A''BiaaBiea ISaiv OBI Nekalem Matbot Wheeler, Oregon PuMUnd 0u( Tdlsmmk O'f.cr, 327 I :" d 1 41 I K IWjIi FIGHT IN T.'L r!SH TRADE. There is a fight raging between varl ious fish IntereaU along Front str. U, Portland, and the pr!ce paid rihernf . at Tillamook is fully a cent m r.- n j-i similiar stock is I ringing on the (' il unibia river. With the freight duTvr cntial, the Tillarr.'xik stock ciie c a pound moro tha-i the Columbia. It is of bHtter quality . Fall Hrighta or Doi: fish aro coming in abu:.danee from the Columbia ami Puget Sound. Sunday Sciiool 10. Preaching at 11 Glorioui Church." Solo by Mr. Celia Will? The service will he followed bv class J roeeting. to which all are wtlcome. Junior league nt 3. P. M. Kpworth Leaguo ut 0-SO. Preaching at 7:30, Theme, "Three Views of the Cross." Special .Music. The moving pictures are on Tuesday evenings. Prayer Meeting at 7:30 Wednesdays, good meetings, too. Every one is cordially invltod to any or all of those services. W. J. Weber. NAZERENE CHURCH NOTES. Nazarene meetings are hold in the old Christian Church or. 1'uosday and Friday evenings and on Sunday at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 2 p. m. LAYAR'S VARIETY STORE Tillamook, Cre. "DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND" NO NCI! l'OI I'tJIU.ICA TON. (Publisher.) 0134 Department o( The Interior. L S. LAND OFFICE Portland. Oregon, Novrmttrr .1. Notire is hereby gixril I'lut Ire-r Willis, of Illsuie, Orcirim. who, on January 23. lOli male Ilmrtea4 Kn. try No. OJttlh. for tWJ. Sortion 10. Township 3 iiouth, Kangp a Wrt, Will, ainolte Meridian, has ftUit fx tic of intention to make Final Cutnmutstton Proof, to establish rlmm to tho Uml altflVO d(MrHlMl ltf.tff'.f II.m l'.nnlu ; Clerk of I'lllamook County, Orrgoit, at .Tillamook City, Oregon, on the Ifith diiy of December, 1013. j Claliuaut nniniM as witrteMos : Mat i tho' ThomMon, Uto P. Cray, Henry I Davis, Josephine King, all of Maine. ! Oregon. H. P. HIO-HY. t longing to said defendant., urrnc ! .M by virtue ll'iwla and r ' iVi"br, I'JP i- ; Ill Uii) t'.r. . ' otun f. r t j K iM.(h Zi-hn James Vefr.f turn awl I : U r.d ly virtur . f B uetl iifaler tlx ! aforesaid n i 1013. the uwl.-rn KHKk (iiMv "' the 1 1 tit da ..f li the l'o4jrt h i County, Orni.- lt nUUl Us' :i HI 4H arti. ins rw Gallon, nan. saiit NONCI'or SIII.WII:P5S aiu oeiiHiS(i. l.arrue t Hattjmi, and t;r(rudr A, !it0ve . tn k riuw WI'Al I'l tlPl Kn and th smoui t due the jwf -nt i . mntl'wl and mi i M tpw n 1 ' favor of tw td ,irf i'j !. t Ktf.i; NoTJCK J )t rn..ni Hsr , nt; I aant 4 . ir ' (v:Mnlm, 1 . r , r K. Hi-!. r c .1 (ivrtrtitl Msfxtrr, t- y i,. . the sum of IfWI.Ut. t.'gstl.rr w.th in trrrl thvrron t tho rtc of a jh r rp,lt I per annum fro. itit ,av ( j,,. Illl, the furtl . r jsin ..f f OJt ; ney s fcra. arnt -. ') 1-iirremeiiU, reros rrwl In ai. court on , lha M'h dsy ..f Novpinix-r, 1910. nm B.o the rostfl ail .!..,, of 'ltl writ. I will, ..n Um : ,, NWnrr,. ! lwr, 1013. at tr hour .l lt o'edsrh m . i at llir fro il i..f f t),r l . u-i(y f.Mirl' , 1kus in Jillmnjk ( itv, Or.;un. cll, at mibltc auction, to th- MghMi I,t4.lr, w rn.ii in nana, im real property Iw U is the aim of this bank to give the bt'Ri banking service possible ami we do it. It is also our aim to have the very best equipment such as Modern Fire Proof -Hanking Kooni, Fire Proof Vault, Pur glar Proof Safe, Modern Safe Deposit Boxes and we have them. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TILLAM00K,..0REG0N;J NOTICI: OI: SUVMU'V'S SMAl OP HUM. I'kOI'hK I V NOTICB IS IIKItKHY GIVF.N. that by virtue of ui Hxecutton iisuHl out of thu Circuit Cnurt of the State of Ore KOfi. for thf Ojunty of Multnomah, oated the 1st day of NovemlxT, 1913, in tin citoHf wherein F. H. Heals was plainlitr anl the Pacific City Itealty Company was defendant, upon a jnd ment ihctt-toforu rendered and docket ed in Kiiiu riiiiM) mid court ; kjhI judg uieni Mr.e ntairit U u said dtfondant, the Pacific f'ily ftcnlty ("or.pi ny. apd in favor of the itaid pUintiir, F. It. Heals, and Mrwmnliriu to W).W with inter ust thereon at tho rate of 0 per cent pur annum from the 'i'ird day of Oct oliur, 1913, and $12.25 eoHttt mid iIIh burfemuiitM. NOW, TIILHKFOUK, in oider to saUsfy the said judgment and the emits anil oxpenaea of thiH writ, I will, on thu 0th day of December 1913, ut 10 o'clock it. m., ut the front door of the County Courthouse in 'I illamooK City, Oregon, sell, at public miction to thu hiclient bidder for caxli in h.ind, the rem property of the said defendant, situattd in 'I lllmnook County, Oreuon, anil described a folluWa: Lots .J. 6, , 7, 18, 19, 20, and 21, of ISIoek 3;.,rid Lots 8 and 9 of I5l.uk V, all in tho town of Pacific City, Oregon. Dated November 7th, 1913. II. CreiiKhaw, .Sheriff of Tillamook County, Orouon, NO NCI! POR PUBLICATION (PL'HLlSllvit.) HeKistr. II. Snwltrs and 0ertru.l A. . ..il i.. n. I siiuaiMiin lillsmtfoh f'ounly. Olefin, haml tli.i f.d.,M ; described as lollops erly, situated i' , Ir-jl ',-n 't t i rnut. );i v .' ".ft t I i. Lift (t.i Ocpartmciit of the Interior. U. S. LAND OFFICK at Portland, (Jreifon, N'ovivnl-rr 3. 1018. Notice is herein iriven that .1 OMOil.trl. King, of Maine, Oreon. who, on Jan nary 23. 1912, n ade Homestead Kntry No. 033-19, for SKI. Section 10. 'I own ship 3 South, Jtaiige 8 West, Willam ette Meridian, has lllwl -otice of inten tion to maUn Final Commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above descrined, before County Clork of rillamook, County, Oregon, at Ttlla monk Cite, Oregon, on the 10th day of Doceiiuiur, 1913. Claimant iiamea as wltmmstti: Lue P. Oniy. Irene Willis, Albert J. Me (ough, Mrs. Miniiio Wilmot, all of Hlaine, (Jregon. 11. F. IIUJHV. Koglstor. Kie northeast miurt.tr ,,l i.,.kuti . OStStO ''. in towrtshin four iiibiimiio .oi'riuinn. , inn .lm tnwrii t r v. Notice of Sheriff's Snlc of Property. Kcil the town of I ivirjxiriitc I s i i Oretron, nil f. 1 fot ; theoc I ' north 3.1 fei t . r the place of I" , ! half of 70 fed . oi 1 1 loft., tnri-c r 'riiiiw ,-' loo ft. ,f . , rt-lltr t -or w l.uii,-' 1 1 , I . ,i jlrt i no lurt'L'oi'.v "" "'-: o,K i,ui M-res, moro or Iinu. Datetl OrtotH-r 2-lth, 1011 II. MKNSIIAW. hherllr of l illnimMik tounir Orecon. DELINQUENT SALK NOTICE. MIAMI LL'MHKU COMPANV Ui ration of nrii.i ii ill t.l lus Anueley, ( slif. rtioii of works bv the .ifttrrsaelt uil onkfc at llolamvilli.. Tt,,i,)o,k County, Ore- satisfy liju ium i inaiK " I III Ih.i mImiii- i i.liti t louil NOTICK Thnrn ar di.llruio....i ........ I.. t,iv..r .m.l i.u .lilT Kl'''i the followilltf tlescrlbtxl slock no oiiio- i.ui.lnl sai I dr'l?l i.-.iru on ii it 'xi ri i urnoi i. nr ami . Of Alll'Ukt. 1913. tllU O.VMr.l I.. III., .ion n( fJV 'if: it'll SClOpiMJSlle thll IIIIII1.1 of Ho. r.....- ' nl II... mln ol I. Ii" P! tlvo hhtiroholders. us follows- from J iiniliirv ill- lain. 1 ., wo. No. titer sum of li'' w iuw"" , Nllllius f!i.rl Ml.,.r... a mill i in. farther um ... ... . m nan 1 il I i m .u.,i .. ...l iii.iu.rm-n t'l m '- yaaiun rt. lilinillll Josephimi F. Camidl Till p ionic r. liaillllll M 12 1H (Ml Josephine F. (iaiialtl f,9 f, 7'W) And in itccrdiince with (,w and an NOT10H IS IIKItKHY CJIVKM .1,,.. i .. . . ... -VIT" !'r l'rectors, i r.n Hi.iii iii:ni,iiir mid. m'coiw, y I.. I ' I I III uiJ IH.IMI JlMIKinem iiiiiaim i y . t IH'I."7 , i.y sue of (;,,'kv;;;; ,d 67.C!r ion 2301 .""v "I A,,: Hale iBHuedo.,t of the CI r t Lw n ' ' L. U, '"'f'' I In. Uiui,. r ..... "s Nllt'll Stock Ilk may bu F.. O- ...,1 I Hill' IfUS il... ... .. 4 '. MICH). t i..i.iwi i tin rjil (M ... ........ --....l fiiiitnr v tho fiirlher sum T w. ui ' . County, dated the IkiIi dny of r lit t ir.7;,lfl.... . V ii , " "l 'iu'lU,u r,,",M' !""' 1 10 f"r , , Z urrW Kll.'t ..! ,u i i !. i i, in V.1 '"e.i'lllce of Iho Ooinimiiv. ut N mm um i is Hirst-mcnU KiCtirr" bridi'e was plaintHr and Lu'wieiicn I n un era aim i.er rune A. .Sunders. The runi. .'iiuiiniii I) IK. a cornin-iiii.... l.'ii.l l.'i. i Ui V I""i, llfc MO. n,IO I .iiKomnvi Last l,tm htreel, Lo AiikuI.-s, Call. U. K. II ml ley loriiia, on .Saturday, the lmh ii..u D,ii, Move Stop That Itch! mid C. L. Dye, wore defenditnts, ul)0! i j iiiKmtiii mill decree lenderud imd docke ed in said court and cnuso iiLf,tliiMt Httld (leferulants, Lawrence K. .Sanders llllll dirtrude A. Sandem mwl I., r lofiiald plalutlir . iimountliiir to $m,M with Interest thereon from the 21th o..,y in iinu, i,i;., in hid rate of 7 ner 'J'iH.'1; ).ur "niium !.". further H.im'of I will Ku.r.nt.o vou ir, .i ik.i u,i. i ,u... 0r. fi2 taxes; tin. fin-i l,,,-r ' sacaad..' ' V.." 'r.'W"'"" No rfineilv Hint I JCcsscinu, I'soiIiihIh. anil or tlm sldn lius kIvcii more thorouKh nu.iBiatiioii (null lie D. D. D. PrescrlpJIon lor Ecze J tf'ii.iunt.,0 ii.iv remedy, I.4IAII' lj(L'(i S'lOJtl'. Tllluinook, (Ire. of tii.ii.i.. . " " "y in .'.i i '' ai um Hour or j '"'"'k. A. M. of hi.IiI day, l.ay h.,1.1 . ellmiuont ..HHeHH.ii.i.it liver iK., WUIl COItU Of, advertlHliiK and uxpensim of thu HIIo. j n. W. Ihlinin, r,-.. iiiiornia. i .... .. i ii.........l..ii. f.l Ii. HI Tillamook CounO. . . NOTION OF I'fJSTPON'M L!MT Nolle, is hurclty ovou that tint 'hiiIo itttoriiey'B fUUH; and yuM v osIm an 1 t. Vi '. i,.,,lV',UuJlt "t,u'k hove .w-r sol.l ror illsbursementii, by the italo of ho i. 1 Mi-ndny, thu I7tli tiny i.awrfrtce i-.. MinderH and Ot.rtrudo A S,M,'ir,H ',o,r.".i.n.',,f.1 .".r 'b'serl bed. .M i. 1 1 1 '! . 1. 1 w I C I hi imi,. lo naiiui v ui" so iuiiniiii.ni ,i u.it) $11.00 I'oyu ,,d iiHhro,ne u ni the defeiidunt recovered by thu iJur.m'j. mid placd. Hated Oct. 1H, 1013. II. W, IhIimim, iililornlii, OIllc, l ulurt. Ail Tillamook a J.'OK SAMi AT ALL innrE