Cbe Ciflamook Rerald (I. 6. Issued Civicc .1 WaU CroniMcVf editor Cuod.iv and Friday KMbKOIIlER YCUK OV.N CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Entered as vond-lM nutter May I" Dit'Lun, under tho net of March S, INTi'. snu-cRtrnoN 5i.rn v;-k in t svi .Hdvcrtisltin MMti I ecs' dvertte:ncnt I" rt Insertion, pr lin - ? .W F.a.h ubo-'itfnt Insertion, litw llimti' d N tie - S i1 Timber Cmim - - W Not .if. per tin - - .V Card of thn!. per line .05 Locals, "er line, first insertion - ,7 .06 Knch uhnu'nt insertion, Hue Kesolultotw of t ondolenoo and Unltfo notice. Hr lino ,06 Ruin rroftvwioiwl card, mo. l.W . u,,,,, lhov Rt0 ,H,Wt ALL PirUv A.w muni no in uiw i fice on Monday ami Thursday Morn ing to insure publication in follow ing Twday and Friday .seue. Reason are imperative. FKIIWY. (KTOIUSk :U, 101:5. THE MEXICAN ELECTION From Journal : The presidential election in Mexico yesterday resulted in no choice. I'rob nblv it i the result for which Huerta pla-ned. It i bftter for hi. purpose than hi own election could hav been. It lca.es him a dictator still, unbound by constitutional restrictions. He is the state. His sword is the legislative (department His ca'.non are the con stitution of Mexico. His baronets are the ballot botes. His artillerymen are the supreme judge. The republic is deaJ. Mexico is an empire, with Huerla on its throne He is a new Maximilian, and Sir Lionel Carden's lightning-like recognition of Huerta's dictatorship is alm.ist renew al of the policy of Napoleon ill. Knur land's sympathy with Huerta piogrs.n because of oil concessions is almost a new edition of the France of lii. We refused in 1;67 to permit a throne to be permanently set up in Mexico. We sent Civil war regiments to the Mexican border. We sent ultimatums to Napoleon HI. We threatened and warnd. We forced the French to withdraw their troops, and, unsupport ed by his Ejroaoan allies, Maximilian, a man of rare and beautiful charactet, a ruler as far superior to Huerla as the eagle to the jaybird, was driven from capitol. captured and shot. How strange, in vie of American history and precedents, that there should be those in this country who want the Washington government to recognize Huerta. To do so wojld be an insult to the best traditions aud the most sacred covenant of the nation. Thus, Huerta has issued a decree raising the Mexican army to 150,000 men. He asked the Mexican congress for such an army, and it refused. It limited him to SO.0O0. Then he sent j 105 congressmen to the penitentiary and suspended the whole legislative bod. It stood in his way. 1 His rule rests on the army. His throne is planted on siege guns. His empire is supported by soldiers, and he wants more of them vith which to en- . large his sway and lengthen his tenure. With a brazenness never before seen on this continent, lie has suspended the republic; he has suspended the consti-' tution ; he has suspended the legislative , branch ; he has suspended free speech ; he has suspended everything but him self and it is such a Ceasar that Presi dent Wilson is asked to support with American recognition. Every added step in Huerta's con duct is an unanswerable proof of the wisdom of Woodrow Wilson's Mexican policy. Presbyterian Church Notes. Wo are delighted to report the rapid procross made on the tun Ming of the Guild house. The beautiful Indian summer enjoyed the last two weeks ' a special favor from the Giver of every good ami perfect gift to enable tho workmen to do their vor without hindrance. To noootnodnta the many rUt for G instruction In needlework and in plan ning gift for ChrNtma I am now h'lrt. at the p.t o IWo at Tillamook, I forming class in eveiy kind of em- broMcrv cviMisttug of twontyflvo dilTor ent kinds, also In crvehwt wnrk, lint -tunbotv lac, bond work, stimclllng, drawn work. etc. Never have ha ltd ombtoMerliw been tuoro sumptuous or bomitlftil In etTaet oin f tlio now ... 1. - einpmv vrv urnvj- , 1 thread ami long Milohe. Tlioy mo 9 really vr practical awl leumi the work may be completed o emllv ami quickly ovon tho Initio t hou-towivesi can flml time Ui nmkc ever so nmnv thine. Some of the no work I sim plicity itself and I moat faseinnllnsj In 1 its development. Theo are especially j adapted to the need of tho liy per-: 1 son ami thoy are really woio effective than mttny kinds of work winch tako a great deal of time. Ami now that tho opportunity i- hre to learn all this j work free f charge and to obtain such beautiful design in pattern ami t stamped material, mi 0110 shoukl let this opjMrtunity pas. by to loam at . Ieat one or two of tho new unbmidor io ; for what can bo a mure acceptable I one' own handwork? The , The Hible School net Sumlny will lie a special day. The Cradle Roll Rift than department wilt be honored ami tho ; token ma.le by one's self and projiontcd names of the babies read, and the babies ! at Christina i o much more apprecl- presented to the Lord as was Jesu in the temple at Jerusalem. Mrs. Alder man ami Mr. Sarchet who are in charge of this department have se cured the names of twenty-five on the cradle roll within the last three we'ks. The. hour for the morning worship is 11:00 A. M. The pastor will speak on the last theme in the scries "The Gieat Ideas in the Bible," vix. "Jesu Christ the Devine Idral of Life." This is a great subject, ami the general public are invited to hear it discussed. ated than a gift purchased all rvndy j made because, in the handmade, gifts: love breathes from every stitch. Hy entering these clasnes now a groAl many articles can be completed before Christmas arrive. We havu a beauti ful lino of pattern for all kind of handmade article. Tho loasons in em broidery are free with tho articles purchased and will bo given at tho Needlework Shop or privately in your i own hom.4. i'h ne us to c til at your J home with some of our sample If it is Mrs. K. K. Koch will preside at the ' n it convenient to visit our shop. I'hone organ, and Mrs. MaeKenzie will "The Lost Chord" by DanWs. The evening service begins promptly at 7:30 l M with a song service. The pastor will speak on t ie subject : "the Real Church" or the Wibralter of Protestantism. Mr. Chester McGhee will render a violin solo. Donald MaeKenzie, Minister. Mcthodut Church Notes. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. Theme, -"The Law of Service." Junior League at 2:30 l. M. Epworth League at 6:30 V. M. in the League room. Intermediate League at GU50 P. M. in the auditorium. Preaching at 7-30. Theme "Sowing ami Reaping" or 'The fiw of Retri bution." The moving pictures hereafter will bo on Tuesday evenings. Prayer meeting at 7:30 P. M. on Wednesdays. These services are for the people ami all are welcome. W. J. Weber. United Brethren Church Notei. f. i. ..,,. sing 1 ien. .Main , or .muuai. i.mcuac . store. We have stencils ami llattenberg pattern to loan Co our customers nUo, Come in ami nee us at once before the Christmas ruih is on uml we will help you make all your holiday gifu. Across the street from Pennington Co. Store. Art Needlework Shop. DELINQUENT SALE NOTICE. MIAMI LUMHKR COMPANY -Locution of principal place of busineas: Ixm Angelei, Calif. - location of works at Hobsonville, Tillamook County, Ore gon. NOTICE -There ar delinquent upon I the following descri!! stuck, on ac count of assessment levied on the 23rd. of August, 1013, the several amounts setopNsite the names of the resec tive shareholders, as follows: No. No. Name Cert. Shares If You Can Manufacttite Anything Come to HEELER To Do The Mantif acturing Free Nitt'N and NpcHul Iii4luki!ikiitN to tlioc who will briiij; P.V rolls to - - WHEELER vli v man 11 1 art 11 riiif 011 Aeliah'in Hay Nehalem Harbor Co. Wheeler, Oregon Po(tUnd tJlfitr, 327 titinj( ttldr, Tillamook OtUu, Uit V. R. IUaIi Notice of Shcrlfl's Sale of; Property. Kcnl WILL NOT RECOGNIZE LECTION OF HUERTA pi u! NEHALEM JETTY ROCK BOUGHT Work on the extcni m of the south jetty, at the mouth of the Neha lem, will proceed as soon as prelimin aries are attended, under the ilirection of Major Morrow, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., who received authorization yesterday from the chief of engineers to enter into a contract with the Miami Quarry Company for the rock at Sl.S'i a ton. When bids were first opened the lowest figure on rock was $1.40, and it was ordered rejected, but on the com pany shading the price it was found satisfactory. It will probably be Spring before the plant will be ready for the first deliveries. The north jetty has been authorized as well and the esti mate for both is $635,33). Taxpayers of the Port of Nehalern district contri bute half. They have deposited already $235,000 and were given credit for $82,000 previously expended. Sunday School 10 A. M. The Sunday School has a place for all from the cradle roll to the Home Dept. It is a profitable place to spend 1 an hour in Bible Study. Morning Worship and Sermon by pastor- 11 A. M. Subject: "The Subser ' vient Will." 1 Evming Service -7:30 P. M. i Our 1 urpose is the edificaton of be , hevers and u help men get right with God. We invi'.e all to these services. H. F. White. Pastor. ChrUtian Church Notes. , 10. A. M. Bible School. We have a ' good live school and you will find a welcome here. ' 11. A. M. Preaching by Pastor. Sub ' ject: "Responsibility." 2:30 P. M. Junior Endeavor. 6:30 P. M. Senior Endeavor. 7:30 P. M. Evening Evangelistic Ser vice. Subject: "Conversion." We extend a cordial invitation to these I services. i R. K. Jopc. Pastor. NAZARENE MEETINGS. N'azurene meetings are held in the old Christian Church or. Tuesday and Friday evenings and on Sunday at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 2 p. rn. L. A. Ganahl Gaston A. Gunahl Josephine F. Ganahl Josephine F. Ganahl Josephine F. Ganahl 1 I 12 12 6 And in acconlar.ee with law order of tne Board of Directors, made on the 23rd day of An il II 66 53 50 N'OTirt-! IS Ift-MtKIIY mVPKJ it..) A int. I 1... vlrt.i,. lit nn ..fill l,.n uiu Mr.t.. ,.f l.W Sale isilrd nut of the Circuit Court of 1.50 tho State of Oregon, for Tillamook ik 1x1 Count), dated the IHth day of October. J", ' 1I3, In the cause wherein I). F. Tmw. Ib-" bridge was plaintiff ami Lawrence E. 7.50' Sander and Gertrude A. Snmlor. Tlio and an!l''rt National Hank, a corporation, ami 1,. wye, were dorumliintx, uin a judgment and decree irnilrrnl un! uocxeteu in saiu court aiHl raiin n.'aiiKt Iiiirria lllniiMiini 1. .1..... gust, 1913, o many shares of each .said defendant, Lawrence E. SanJers , on, .10.,i ...-. .v .,.,. , , parcel of such stock may be nrid Girtruilo A. Sanders, and in favor ' , . " mJ,,rulr ufflcint to bo rv will be sold at nublie auction i 01 Bal" Pianllli, amounting to JI65.00 w " ' '. " "o. ,m prow Zl V , 1. r " .' Z l "Jw ,',t'r',l th.-n-on from tho 21th 1 ''I", conerw. w ,,vlrr I,, jfurrta day or April, IWJ. at the rale of 7 per votm void ami lllnniuet tako iht cent, per annum; the further sum of lou.i. ,, vliwIir ,,., $65.52-taxes; the further .urn of 100 .00 h " vl:"',f""'l-it anil urn- Ihr attorney's feej;and t2'J.5n rott and ! Jr,it'"y. fxiiilliiK the falling of fur Mexican Conijress Will Declare Vote Void and Scat Blan quct as President. Motlco City - In Ihi- rrnut Inn! lh) figure, in th crrcinofliiM x4 t err.) :mlnut aifdrrit The prrMcnl IH' t llf. II" t in Hip nlcb bacVrJ tfuif tkt urj Uj John lUtlMXk ll lirr.lil.Hl OTor tlio COfll.ricnUl t ' Kathrlnt Clhlrt WU Voun M I ICUIii.. w W- Kathpr n Mu f dur.btir of thf Ulr Hntator ttKtiu ) II Klkln. o marrlml bne lo W j lUm F II llltt. Ml I M!M , i prominently before the puUle t 1 . . . necessa at the office of the Company, at No. 830 East First Street, Lo Angeles, Cali fornia, on Saturday, the 18th day of October. l'JH, at the huiir of 10 o'clock, A. M. of said diy, to pay said delinquent amesHment thereon, together with costs of advertising and utnemtcH of the sale. II. W. Nham, Secretary. Office No. 830 East First St., Us An geleg. California. NOTICE OF POSTPONM ENT. Notice is hereby given that the sale . Halt. I... .1... - .. I . .1 ,1 ft... M.... . . ui.uui.uiinun, 11 tne .uu ui me real 1 mniiirap. 1 111 itiummnni Mat property i.e onging to ... .1 defendant. ; mmli. by the MejIcAii foreign mlnl.lcr Lawrence h, .Sanders and (ierlrmle A. I r... ... V. . . , :ettily in coiiriecllon wl'b rtroftUJ! hc Wk lo wed the Dilkr Of ABfS'ft Tim bride ! a KramldaurttUr al ! Unlteit Hiaien Heiialor 0,nr l j s- ami Mr llltt U a m if a fonsrf I representative III eoiiKH" ttoa l Minders herolnnitiT described. NOW. TIIL'REF.jKE. in order to satisfy the said judgment and decree, and $11 00 cost and disbursement duo the defendant recovered by the defend ant, Thii First National Hank, agalimi said defendants, Lawrence E. .Sunders and Gertrude A. Sanders, in said cause and the amount due un'thu Imfi'iimm mentioned aim set out in kald ilcm Ihu clmmr In the constitution prohlb Ifng the prnfdiu from nucceedlnK I: i.;clf do not nppl) to the ce. presldant. Henor Mohitlio eiplnlned. and IliaiKjuot would bo nllclliln for election. The returns conttrtun to pile up plu mllflit for 1 he ailmlnlsirailon ilcki iii)i postponed until Monlay, the 17th day . Nutlonal Bank, and against mml (o- of November, 1913, at the same hour I ".'V' ',,v"'; K- K"ders and in.irih.re "our 1 Gertrude A. Sanders, ..mounting to and place. the sum of $200,00, together with in- 46 Our Personal Guarantee to all Skin Sufferers" We have been In business In this town lor some time, and we are looking to build up trade by always udvlslnc our patrons right. So when we tell you that we have found the eczema remedy and that we land back of It with the manufacturer's iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves you can depend upon It that we clve our advice not In order to sell a few bottles of medicine to skin eurterers, but be cause we know how It will help our business If we help our patrons. We keep In stock and sell, all the well known nlcln remedies. Hut we will say this: If you are suffering from any kind of skin trorhle, eczema, psoriasis. raBh or tetter, we want you to try a full Ize bottle of D. L, D. Prescription, Aad, If U does not do (he work, this bottle will cost you nothing. Tou alon to Judge. Again and again we have seen how a few drop of till simple wash applied to the skin, takes away the Itch, In stantly. And the cures all seem to be permanent. u. u. u. I'rescrii ntlon D. D. U. Laboratories made by the of Chlcairo. la composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of wlntergreen and other healing, soothlnv, cooling Ingredients. And If you are Just crazy with itch, you will feel cootlieil und cooled, the Itch absolutely washed away the moment you applied this O. D. V. We have mad faat friends of more than one fasilly by recommending this remedy to a skin sufferer here and there and we want you to try it new on our positive no-pay guarantee, I.AMAH'H DUVr, KTUHII Tillamook Cltj-, Orrgcii, of the above delinquent stock lias been favor of the said defundi.nl, Tin, First ! '!vw" lm,,l,,r "f Oithollc parly "ihi in ursi were eilreimilj Optimis tic, admit the probahllliy of the elec tion of liuuria and lllaiMiiiet. The majority of senator and dep. lilies reported elecied Hi ui. fr aro said to be member of the Catholic party. There wi no disorder In Mcilco City, Tho polling places onniied nt a By order of the Board of Directors. Dated Oct. 18, 1913. II. W. Isham. Secretiry. Office -No. 330 East First St.. Us An geles, California. Administrator's Notice of Hinul Account. Notice is hereby given that the tin dersigned Administrator of the Estnto of Mary A. I'.tchinger, deceased, has filed with the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, his final account, and that Monday, tho 10th day of November, 1913. ut 10 o'clock A. M has been fixed us tho time, and the Court House of Tilla mook County, Oregon, as the place for tho hearing of the said final account. and all persons having objections to tert thereon at tint ratuof K nor n...i per minum from tho 25lh day of Juno 11)10, tho further sum of $50,00 attor ney 'h fees, and $12.50 cost and ills, burr omenta, recovered In suid court on the l llh day of November, 11)10; anil aiso mu cosia anil expense nf il.U IS to derlirned has fil..;i u,l. .1." Vi . .. the said final account are hereby noti- the County Court of the State of Ore fled and required to present tho same Kon 0T Tlllitmook County, his final ae. to the said Court on or before the hear Ing aforesaid. writ. 1 will, on the 22M.I',!, v t M,.. .V"" ' .... ' ' V "V"1 ber. 1013. a the hour of m ,VJ.'l. . , l,,m " l'l-red to be at the front door of tho County Court' house in Tillamook City, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the highest hldilur. for casn In hand, the real property be lonxlrig to said defendants, Lawrence h. Sanders iiiid Gertrudo A, Sanders, situated In T amonk rVimiir (... ..' describe'd as tollows: ' h '" The northeast quarter of section four, In township four eouth of range nine west of thu Wlllamutle Meridian contali Ing 138,97 i.eres, more or less Dated October 21th, 1913. II. CHENS1IAW, SherlfT of Tillamook County Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hsrtiby Klyen that the un- a representative class of citizens, I Dlax Seeks Refuge on Wsrshlp. ! Vera Cruz, General Felix Dint, j much ngliatud and declaring his life 1 was In danger, took rcifunn In tin. I'nlled Htntns consulate, enterliiK by n rear door lifter a flight over thu housutops from his hotel, Consul Cnnudu ndvlsod him to board u nuvy liiUNch, which he did, mid went 011 board tho Wheeling. Ijiter hu was trnnsfiirred by order of Itear-Ailmlriil Fletcher to the fh.Kshlp, the Umlsb nna. Dated thta 30th day of September. 1913. Kobert Elchinger. Adrnlnlst rator of the Estate of Mary A. Elchlmrer. J Dcccused, count as Atlm nistrutor nt ib.. i.t..,.. of Itay Wilson, deceased, and by order of said Court Saturday, the 8th day of November: 1913, at the hour of one u uiuea j . m., is iixen its the time and REDEDICATE CONGRESS HALL Prstld.nt Wilson Occupies th Hit. torlc Chair Ut.d by John Hancock. Philadelphia, Confess hull, In his toric Independence square, whera the sonata and house of representatives nnt from 17flu in inn , P ilVt the Countv Court rno.n t "'1 , ' " as the pfuco for thu hearlnFof u d tH,,rltl0 rcl.es, th. oc final nccount. K mnrkliiK the comnleilon ut ti.. Lcp V.Wilson, I restoration of (he hall to almost 11. CHURCH QUESTIONS REMAIN UNSETTLED New Vnrk. The Keicrnl foa tlon of 1IU3 nf Hie l'roieint Kp'" Il rhurnli paused Into hist -ry I k" less deadlock on two Importanl rf05 tl'ons. will, ihe moot far res'ldn "I Of legislation before ll iincoililrrrl H one house lieeiiuso of an error In l' other, mid with a positive refuwl M rotislder a requrnt of Hi" . Worn"' Christian Temperanre union Hi fermented grime Juice be ptllUttHl for wine In Hie communion rlc- On Ilia. nr.. in. ui.l In M lahlltl. a MP' title bishopric for negroes In the and 011 the proposed elimination 0 l" words "Jews, Turks, Infidels sad etlfis," the house of bishop "d 111 nntisi. of ileiiutUs were lle.lltlle'f,,' n.i llw. nr... In relllllro ,, Ihlrds vote to cliiiiigo the imw" oti' uliurcb, adopted by lh upu'" bishops refused to act becu" " resoluilon wns sent to llmni ot dy befom adjournineiil, wlilledl adopted by the lower house """j" . two weeks ago, The orlKln"' ur' tht resolution wus mlsluld, a.... . nafsstt'- Portland. Thre thoiisaml fool nihuslssts iaw tha Multnonish ci defeat Washington state collfl Winged "M" flela, 7 to 0. union wins, ar-v, , Kiin.Ily a icor of 2T to v, iron eliminated Idaho from me r" the conference football chwpie,,w Adinlulatrator, j oiualnal aiiUuiirunre. on Klncsjd field.