tftt CiSlamook herald c. e. Issued Civicc n lUcck Cromblcy, Editor Ctusil.iv and Friday Entered a sevond-el.ts matUr Mav 17, JO 10. nt the pot o'Mco at Tillamook, Oregon, under tho set of MHrch !t. IS71.' SrnSCRlPTION ?l.ft0 A YKAK IN ADVVNOH SJIticcrtteitni K.itc i l.o?l Advert iacmcnts i !' l"ir lisrt'on, per line - 5 .10 " Each suNM?uent insertion, lino .06 W-wiNd Notice - - 8.00 1 Timler Claim ... 10.00. Notices; tr lire ... .06 1 Cate of thank. pr line - .08 j IjOCK 'er line, first insertion .7 , Each subsequent insertion, line .Of (evolution of t ondoleneo and Lodga notice, per liw - -06 llnine Professional card. mo. 1.00 Dhply Advertisement, per inch .25 ALL Display Ads must bo in this of fico on Monday and Thursday Morn ing to insure "publication in follow ing Tuesday am) Friday issue. Reasons are imperative. Friday, irxii o, mm. The Oregon United brethren feronee is in session in our city. usual Tillamook has extended to her visitors the glad hand of welcome and we trust that everything possible is being done for the comfort and plea sure of our guests. The weather has been ideal thus far during the confer ence ami it is to be hoped that it will continue so. Con- brimrinu into and delivering whisky in As is a territory where the local option law is in force. At Liwton, Oklshomt, a seizure h.i boon mule by the authorities of Co manche county of a rather large quan tity of liquor shipped from Tom, Mi urt iul han ckum. At sum' poin's order have been given by the evnress companies to return all liquors Tillamook City should indeed feel on hand and accept no more until the honored because of having been chosen j Supreme Court has passed on the valid the U. H. Conference city this year, ity of the act. Th.,.,. mtimN 9r. -on.T.illv hold in! Kansas is putting through a law re- !....,. r,i....c tlmv..v,.r w,. nr. sure i tiuirinc railroads, express companies Tillamook will prove herself equal to 1 and other common e.urters to tile with the occasion, and that whatever we t.'ie county clerk notice I each ship lack because of size and population we ment of liquor, ani the mm who gets will more than make up for through a"' it must give a receipt for it. bountiful contribution of cheese, milk, honey and yellow legged chicken. Bishop Wm. M. Bell who presides at the conference, has delivered some addresses. Those of our people who have not hesrd him have certainly misled a great treat. No one should lose the opportunity to hear Utstiup j election. The Topeka Capital Bell. He deals with religious questions ihts the following paragraphs A Mayor Write Convictions. Fortunate are the cities who have as their chief executive men of the good sense and moral backbone of the mayor of Kokomo, Im). The liquor men of this dry city have forced upon it an pub- from from a practical, every day, bread and a , alyreM (.olive. ed by the mayor; butter standpoint, or, we might more i appropriately say, he deals with prac tical, every dv. bread and butter questions from .i religious standpoint. ! Bishop Bell is interesting because he deals with questions which the people , "I arn a temperance man ami feel I must answer to God for anything I might do in any way to bring back to our town the saloons, which have :roven to be one of its greatest curses. I consider that every voter who lends are vitally interested in and gives God i h s Influence in any way in favor of the and the religion of Jesus Lhnst their Joon has become a partner with the proper place therein. The present U. B. Conference ought to be a blessing to this community and we believe it will be. It should bring to our minds more forcibly than ever, the fact that there are great things to be done besides the making of fortunes and that there are many noble and brainy men who are willing to make whatever sacrifice is necessary that the world may grow better. It is to be hoped that the spirit of Bishop Bell will thoroaghly permeate the whole conference and reach our citizenship with such force as to give us a great uplift. The uplilt is there and it will do us good if we will but get in touch with it. saloon in beggaring children, ruining homes and destroying mankind. "If I did not take into consideration mv responsibility as mv brother's I keei-er I would still vote dry. j "During my term of over three years in oilice I have found that it's I for the good of our town not to have the saloon. Some Monday mornings 1 have had as high as twenty arrests for drunkenness when the saloons were here, whereas, during the dry period there have been times when we did not have twenty arrests for dru nken ness in four weeks." THE WEBB LAW. HOW IT WORKS. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. "The enforcement of the law will," says the Brewers' Journal of N'ew York, "compel many brewers, whole salers and retailers to spend thousands of dollars for lawyers' fees, costs of legal process, etc. etc., it will drive many men engaged in the trade out of the business." All of which does not exactly agrej with the statement of an opponent of the law, the Dayton Journal, whici insists that the law "in reality amounts to nothing and was never intended to amount to anything." The Louisville correspondent of Mida's Criterion expresses the opinion that "no statute was ever passed that has caused such wide-spread specula tion and inquiry." He states that agents for Louisville brewers tell him "that as soon as they present their cards to the outside houses with a view to reaching the htn i anl doing busi ness they are bombarded with ques tions as to what is re illy to happen under the law." Anybody who reads the dally papers discovers that these happenings are taking place every day. At Madison, Me., reports a local paper, occured the first seizure under the Webb law when under orders from SherifT Thompson of Skowhegan, one of his deputies seized three boxes of whisky. The Southern Express company, writes the Evening Post of Danville, Ky.( will deliver no more whisky or beer in that town because of the recent ruling. The Adams Express company, according to a Greensburg, Ky., paper, 1 lots 15, 1C, 17, 18, 19 & 20 blk. 11 DAILY CURRENT FILINGS AT COURT HOUSE. Furnished by Pacific Abstract Co. WARRANTY DKKDi. Quit claim. Deed. C. L. StHolen. to George Blanchard and wf. lots 1 1 & 15 blk. 62 Bayocean, $1.00. War. Deed. Brighton Development Co. to Divid J. Stephens, lota 1 & 2 blk 33 Brighton Beach. War. Deed. Brighton Development Co. to Wm. A Armitage lots 37 & 3? blk. 32 Brighton Beach. $550. J. W. Tnomas & wf. to J. H. Hick man & wf. lot 9 blk. 23 Rockawuy Beach, 120. Lewis L. Sliortridge & wf. to Port land and West Coast R. R. & Nav. Co. 100 ft. strip for it of W on lands in T 5 S R W, $1.00 Articles of Incorporation of Tilla mook County Fair Association. Manhattan K; illy Co. to Laura M. Frederichson, lt 10 blk. G Manhattan I! -ach, lots -17 & -IS blk, 30 Manhattan Beach. ?90. O. 3. Crocker & wf. to Jones & Knud3on Furnittrj Co., track 20 ft. by 100 ft. in Blk. 3 McDermott'u Addn. to Tillamook, $2500. W. S. Cone & wf. to Solon Schifrmari NWi of NW I Sec. 35 T 1 N R 10 W. 10 acres, $300. Bertha and Theodore Gaechter to L. Gruetner 85 acres in Section 1 T 2 S R 9 W and Sec. 33 T 1 S It 9 W. $900. Patent. U. S. to William H. Bloom er. SEJ of SWJ Sec. 18 T 1 N R 9 W. 40 acres. Sylvester & Christen Davis to Tilla- mook County Bank 2 tracts of 15 and 4 acres each in the W. N. Vaughn D. L. C. T 1 S R W, $10. Laneda Inc. to Florence M. Kreps, Man LOYAL SONS LNJ0Y EXCURSION. The annual excursion of tho l.nvnl Son Bible Class occured Inst SatunUy as the launch Olive took them and the young Indies clnss of the Chrlsllict Church, to Hayoeean. about sixty young people making the trip. Tho weather was all that could bo expected and nfter arriving they walked up th beach about a milo whore they fo.n a good place to camp ami calling the commissary department Into action lin y enjoyed n hourly lunch, at which sov eral couple were conspicuous by their absence. After the "feed" the crowd scattered, some of them going to the Capo Menrs light home, but it being Saturday they were not allowed the privilogu of going through it. At six u'clock after another lunch ami a ' counting of sunburned none tho party returned home. Monday, Juno It! is the date set for the second l.oyal Sons Hike, which i to cover a period of from two to thrro weeks, visiting many places on the wav. ... 19 NtiriCH OP MIHKII I 01? KV.M. PUtll'I'.KM Y. NOTlrit IS IIKUKHY tilVIWJ. thai t,v virtue of an lixwulWn ami Ordor of Sal Issued nut f the nreull tu of tho Stat of Oreuon. for to 'U"tV j ,.f Tillamook, Uon a dr rndrfl in said court on th" Wth day of A. ... ... .i ...u-.t It W. Neil- j ,.n wm nUlnUir. ami Jonvph KulrlHtr, f Orw. "I to ih Msho.t Wddvr u H. French. W. V. Stid, Frunw , i. lh il irpry ; Welkin I ami lamWr Martin ww - Atuaf4K n Tiltumtioti OnwHty. W. femlants. In order to aatiify ttw ; ninr, (,uury d.clbl s ; nmount due on said dwt. tw. th j Mkm UlWtt . Mini of ,O0 00 ami Intereat thrt l A 0f 1M, .,, fronting ami tho rat of 8 Prnl por annum from !...-., tv.a ami lliren ut Lfv td dr-ete. whlrh w fr tn sum of NO M.. "l 'ton t th mt of (1 pr cent l-r nwm fr,, th dU """ bU'' ,h" further sum or !.' tiinr ami tlw rtt ml iHbiiPHnnnt of .i.U t.xl 110-Tft. "' ,", ,-hI "t M wtll. I will, on tho Tth dv of Jk'mi, H8. n m. f .aid ilav. at thf ftwit dH.r of .h-u.Mtv eftorl taiM. In iHwmmix the 10th day of March. 1910. ami fM-PO n )(i i,, .fth of f ng attorneys fHa. m mrm-r .. )0 uf th Wlllamrtt Mtdln, SlSfAtX) ami Intereat thereon at the m(r r jr . n tiu IM. land floating alwt HOTEL RAMSEY ARRIVALS. June it, Tom Rood. U A. Klin. W. VI Finzcr. F. C. Endlcost. I. M. I'ine. F. J. Mil ler. M. McLaughlin, M. Knapp, W. H. Jenkins, A. I). Sickafo.iie. J. P'ltnam. C. C Putnam. II. I- Simpson A. C. Al exander and W. It. lllingworth of Port land, Ore. ; A. G. Aorta, Hanks. Ore. June 4. W. J. Gilbert, of Beaver. Ore.: K. Morris, of Cincinnati. Oiiio; 0. l. Le Valley. C. It. Beemes, K. A. Horse wine, F. D. Alexander, A. Krouse, G. E. Schmidt. K. O. Peterson; F. A. Banks ami W. I). Svdnor of Portland. rate of 0 xir cent per annum from trr I I7th day of January. UU, ami lmlt upan (,lU ,hf,n ami four of ; attorney's few. ami the coat. ml dl.. ,1,,0. in UwnhH I mirth ..... nt nt imiiI tult tax ml at 138. 1". . . .. u..i ""i . ;uf(nl wnl ' " I ami tlm coal and exprn of thlr , M u,,Ulln 1W.SA afrw.. ntnte ,vrit. I HI. on the 7th day of Ju-. , ' , i uf lalU, at 1U o'cloel. a.m. of said dy. t .. um, , J Ul.i tho front .Ur of tho wnly uri 1 f) rf ,(, -f way hu.e I.. Tiling r. p .:J rpf ,lM.m .1.11 .uoiinfi tn tho h Lhot bkkwr,"" . ' 1 .. 1 ' " ' . . 1. nnd wife to the raeimr i"rr biwi . fcr cash In haml, ltw real protwriy j v,c,UoM Co,,nT. 'uateilln riltninook County, Oregon, D,tcd th Ma Jlti PI. I described ax follow, town . ; ItttN'SllAW. Shcrilf of THUiwhA (Niunty. Orn. t te jmoc v. (NOI'ICI! OI ltllklll-S .-4AI.H. DR. CURE ALL CHANGES DATE OF COMING. Owing to very pressing business Dr. Cure All has had to change the date of his coming to Thursday evening, June 12, at S o'clock. Be sure to come and hear this com ical dialogue. To see the tallest woman in the world is worth 15c ulone. Come ami enjoy a hearty augh. Thursday evening, June 12, S o'clock. at the Academy Hall. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. Wm. Ilughey wishes to thank those who so kindly assisted her dtirlriir the late illness ami death of her little child. FOR SALE. The mrth hnlf of the nouthel quarter of suction 17, ami the et half of the southeast imartcr of rlon 13, in township 1 south of rang 'J wejl of the Willamette Meridian, a.vo ami ex u fc npt the timber thereon ami logging ! llmJ therm of THUmwiV rights in ronnection therewith con- Cmmty, Stale of itegnn. umlrr ml by veyeil to F. R. HenU ml Davkl Mar- virtue of an exwiitli urnl ojdrr r tiny, and subject to all of the rights lT ' Tl given In the roneyatKe to said p.rtle.. ,.wn th th d) of May, IHU. Also, save nnd axcispt a strip of land ,, to in- dirvrtrd. utin a jwlgmrnt 100 feet wide, Udng 60 feel on each ; ami decree of the tiM Cnurl nude, .ideof am! parallel w,th the StVu' lino of the main true of tho United lanJnvn,tt . plointitt and Railways Company an the same ! j0renden ami (tarUNt llotemlen wrfc staketl out ami kKatod over ami arro 'dofendjiiU. fur th" om of KM IU the said re .1 property, eontaintng i of I ",. l'?Z., .?i ' .Sr-tcmbrf 3lh IWU. l MVcs x-f rcl n per annom. til for 17 6 U Dated. May 9th. 1U13. 1 inure.l thorwm frwm July lMh V)i. II. t ItKNSIIAW. I it ilt wi eeM t annm. ami tat Sheriir of THMim County. Ofegou JW. .ial sttoffiey. fe.. 'A U, ... ., , , , 1 129.25 and iktiiiirnenl, nl lr '' Jun' " m" u,uo- the frreh.ijto of o nrlgB ami j of the real pro"rty thotnin d-rrll, NO I ICIJ OI: lll!kWP'S SAI.I! 0l; ".STJTml In bloeW KliAI. PKdl'lJli I'Y. Wm. D. 8tll1ir Atditu. lo TttU- , 1 nook, now t illanwW 1 ny, ttfrgtm Will ell the- above doaeritx- I ou. N'OTICK IS IIEUKHY GIVK.V. that rtr lu h. htg.e.t bUWr far e.ih U by virtue of an Execution ami UidCr haml, on Raturdy the 7th day of Jun of Sal lsu,-d out of tin. Circuit Court M. "l o'ffcarV a m of wk day at .! .-.... .1 . ... ll.e court IKHMe ikf In m eusjnty ..f the State of Oregon. fr the Lo..nly M ahJ , Peter lyrie b plalnlilf nnd the Garibaldi HeaeH ".tti ( n v w.xx defend ant. uHn i decree rrdcrrd In smd eauee on tho IHth dny of April, 1913, In fnviT of said palintl f. if "'filer lo sat- ttet nt (lingon. tliU Ath day of May. 1913 II. fltP.N'SIIAW. hefilf of Tllllll"lll l'(IHt. St! of Oregon. I'. June rt, lat lue ISollcool Micritf if isaccmioitl,, IW Notice U hereby jiyrf( . tile nf an exeuli .,-1 lnie.i 11111 01 tun 1 if,n Slate of Oregon f r th4 rttitt lnlll(M(U. Oil itiH 1 t. I , on a JitiU'tttetit a- I !pffw ,. : - ..! .... anoi iur on (llti mt(, I9ia, 111 favor 1 plalttlllT, ami agn .1 j, x-'taMea r laj! Unil, Kalilllilaky, defei In il( , llx Hundred ami S ti nn. Interest Uiereon at MlB lier emit Itof am,.. ,. . ,v . ... ' . . .. ' nr NtlVnllUiM KIM II J 01 MIX Um e.l a Ti,,,,. . . .i . . . ' f Will. ItllM.JBl 1 . . . lot eiiMil tKsr rent tt k i. .itiii nay 01 4ovem'r, Dll I tltnr ttllltt (if Ol.n It .l,l . . t ! I,n n ,1 lntHKir a 1 . . . I . t aum of iiUteen a --, VtfO ti. j al dllK4t0llir(.l ti -ti jifcj ami exene 01 a u"ti u. ll.lM wliliilt IO.I..I.4 .1 I ijuh enrolled a dixWui it tetk aoltlteuf aatj (tjt!. ! ctcculloit ami orxlcr I iiU i. t t " fJv'lrl C,(ltllllallhg rn, iq e i Of the Stale of Oftjfjn, In ! anility atd Ju-Itne fl ami illtUUrctnents, atU(t4j' ami arertllng rot U, tc II 04 lug nirtgiixd prvpftty, lo 14 tiU Ttlfve (3) a i Kcrjf () Knal half of Ike IW4lh.cU M...ll...4 b'f..i.l, .11. 1. V T-.O (31 KutHh of Ua (Jt HImq nf the Wlllamrtle Mcfi-jtia, u ...... I. 1 1 u Ki. 1. . ( . . 1. . til. -.. . 1 . 1 . . 1. I .... I L . . . t or in ntiyle ,tt, U, ihefcfufo, i. tiUU L-1 I . .. I . I .u v 1 1 !t aaid exeeullon a-jj vnicf I will, on .Saturday V e UUj 4 1 11 1 , l 1 .. 1 1 , I. A III., ami i iTkVk 'ti Ii urvk a. m on t -t iy it 0 divir of Ihe tV'OMy ' t llw Uim-iV, Tlllaim- t " tr. oltef fur aalo lu Ihe t ' eBft ill nafui. auilt. l l. rtottu - - - - - , the alje ln-r ' title, and Itllorcal 1 v! U U ivrf -I ronl pm.kH). r u tl.ctrxif 01 ntay W Ocrur. (lie met due the pla -t T i Jodgciuenl ami dertrr ttt't tiunrd. Dated. th. ltr. day IVtX H. t rw!k Klirfirt of nilami ' Y l.att laaUo June 13. 4 14 acres Iwttotn land'with buililtngs, I cows, and horse, mile from town. price $-1,(300. Brand new 'J room bun- galo with, lj acre of land, l acre berries, near the new depot price t'J.100. Fine home near town, 10 room house with ft acres of land, acre or chard, i acre berries, price f50 K). Acreage in price to suit. See the own er. A. Plabker. The privilege of using our water system for sprinkling purposes will begin the first of June. A charge of fjOc per month or $2.00 per year if paid in advance will be made. All outside faucets not paid for must be paid fur or they will he plugged. Hy order of Water Commission. was Indicted on sixty-seven counts fori zanita Beach $10. Doctors Use This for Eczema Dr. Evans, Hx-Commlssloncr of Health, ays: 'There la almost no relation be tween ukln dlstaBea and the IjIooiJ." The kin must be cured through the el: In. The germs must be washed out, and bo live have lone auo been found worth less. The moat advanced physicians of this country are now agreed on this, and are prescribing a wash of wintersrecn, thymol and other Ingredients for eczema and all other skin diseases. This com pound Is known ua D.D.D. Prescription Xor Eczema. Dr. Holmes, the well known akin spe cialist writes: "I am convinced that ths D.D.D, Prescription Is as much a specific for eczema, an quinine for malaria. I have been prescribing the D.D.D. remedy for years." It will take away the Itch tho instant you apply It In fact, we are so sure of what D.D.D. will do for you that we will be glad to let you have a fl bottle on our guar antee that it will cost you nothing un less you And that It dots tb work. I.AJI xU'ti DKUO HTIIKI!, TUIi snook, O.c. WERTHE LANDSLEUTE. Da wirnun under erst Klasa Spongier und Plumber Geschaeft in de alte I. O. O. K.Iiuildung nun gcgenucber Larson' Blacksmith Shop stchend versetzt haben, nehmen wir, uns die Froiheit Ihnen da von Mitteilung zu tnacheii, und Sie r.u ersuchen, una mil llircn werten Auftragen zu beehren. Gestue.t auf guto Geschaefts erfalir ung, so wie auf tinsere gutu Kentnlss- des Berufea, durfen wir Sie vursiehern, das wir alle Auftraege nuch Ihron Wunch and zu vollkornmencr Zufriedcn heit nach maefligen Preisen ausfuehron koennen. Wie Z. II. Pumpen, WnxHerlcilungen, Luftheitzunger, Milch und Wasserbe halter von allerloi Ulechnrbeiten, ho wie Autornobil und Velo Oeperaturen und hagefeilen, etc. Kh 1st unser eifriger Wunsch, rnit all den werten I.andslnuten, Hchweiuern und Deutucheu hier in Tillamook und Umgebung bekant zu werden. Inzwischen emplchlen wir una Ihrem geeignetcn Wohlwollen mlt Achtung und Ergebenhelt. AKNOLD GHUENENWALD, FHKD HOHJtJIACH. Tillatnwjk Sheet Metal Works. WHEELER THE MANUFACTURING CITY ON NEHALEM BAY Dr. Jack Olson RESIDENT DENTIST Office Hourx from 9 a. m. to ft p. m. Over F P. BcaiY Rrsl Estate Of fie Both Phones, Come iuiii Establish Yourself at WHEELER The Nehalem Harbor Co. will make special inducements to men with families who will lo cate in WHEELER. Z to resiclcnwH or for liusiucss huildi,, can be secured a mjsomlcjjriccs aiul on "chhv tcrniH. INVESTIGATE OUR PROPOSITION F. A. JACKSON, Secretary Wheeler, Oregon Portland OMmi 327 WW TlHamook Office. Care P,