1 1 Special Hv.ingclibtic Services Cf;e Cillamook Herald C. G. Cromblcy, GdHor Issued CuMcc .1 Week c Ctitsiiav ami Frlii.iV Abstracts on Short Notice! ii v tiii: raciric Abstract Company KnUrcd - vmd-? !. mtttor Mav 17, UMV at tht ) uv Owpw, under tho net of March S, !-0. " V CRirTION $1.50 A VKAR IN' 'V'K t Tlllttraook. .. V. i;lUih'IIMWl Mttiuwa H6v;K"x- t.M Rates , i- -.ion. pr (''' '-it insertion, line R,. . , . ;' t ondoienee and txig notice, per line .( J .10 . lfeMii. tVafcwitmal cards. tu. I."1 wt iiwert-. ne .OS nj.t.hTv Advertisement, iht nvn V, wt - 5-w A t t rx.nt.v t miit in th:- ! tu"v o' .Monaay ami imirii ! i r iocs t insure nubllcatkn m W.OtV t. .er W'te .ttS Tuesday and rid - . Srt insertion - .711 Reasons are imporativ. PR1PA Y, APRIL U. nn'A. t , , -. t" would kD a , f the streets and' r--u deal n the mtur of. th.'n T!nmittr been 1 1 1 a tim before hat noth yet been .;. a -ut ft. Itmvw a I'-.,: oonveii !M-e at small axpew. !..t of r J.1V 0 A SoTie of Mr auto-nobile driven sr beirninsr reralesa. Ther wiil vireiv be simo serious accident one of t.iese day if the speed limit mt mro closely adhered to. Tillarooo't City has never yet sustained any seri ous accident and we should aU do all w can to sec that this rocord i not broken. Among the proposed schedule for the new tarilT bill the tariff on cheeso comes in for a redaction. The ttrifT on butter and cheese has been 6c per pound This ha been reduce I 3c i the cae nf butter; and instead of specific duty on cheese an advalorem duty of 20 per cent will be levied. Th will amount to a duty of from 2 to 3c per pound on cheese. Whila the low ering of the duty on cheee may reduce the price a little for a time it i a question whether it will effect the Til lamook product a..y tt all. Even at the worst there are no terrible conse quences to fear. no look by thi that ttUr-,. - i d been entirely frjfwtt" .i v . I . mot w!kV the peoplf to K Mr. Wilmot y.l say that t-u . have jbcribed 00 to b . . nad wtsttoned tat. that .f t' 1 will subscribe a lik am mt ; could be built and travele.1 C. one statement you have i-r- - i- d tkat alil mn Irrvio h.lllt NUld eon- tnviinn n4 rwil nf aumo. luat about equals your ability aa n writer of road )tory. If yoo ever havetccskn to commun icate on road aain jut mix n fe fnrL with it. Althouirh I would ltd- viie van to not mJce the ehunire to sorlien tor eviiientiy your constitution wouW not survive the shock. J. M. Baker. INDUSTRIAL CONTEST FOR OREGON BOYS AND GIRLS. PASSING OF LIQUOR SEEN. Klamirath Falls, Ore., April 3. "Within 20 years the whole world will be ridir on the water wag on." This was th declaration of Judge Henry L. Benson, from the bench in the Circuit Court here today. He declared that liquor was to blamt for most everything from dandruff to divorce. "Even Emperor William of Ger many, is trying to force the reichslai; to pss dry laws." he declared. "Ten years from n w, Oilon? tea will be the strongest drink oi will be able to find ii Brecon." utr..'- states will also be parched by tv. s t time, aayi. Judge Benson. cg,vi.m.:;;cation on blaine road. Beaver, Ore. Apr. 5, 1913. Editor Tillamook HeralJ, Dear Sir: In answer to the comrr.uni :ation of C. C. Wslrnot of March 23th., i.i regard to the Blaine road. He says that the only road is so poor as to be a disgrace to the county, while it is a fet that tne Blaine road has received more per marier.t work than any other by rjad in Tillamook county. Mr. Wilir.ots cora mj.Miation indicates that the money Fhuuld have all been spent on the Blame Road then he could n,t have luuied anything frm TillanwM to Btaver and co.-.sequently w.oj,i not have had to haul anything to Blaine. He says ot late years the court has made small appropriations which was tiaed for patch work whicn lasted hardly a3 long as it takes to put it djn. -Mr. Wilrnot is there as strong as h irsc rdi . when it comes to writimr iiiii..n I Idt as a historian ho ia a fizzle. In u,e last ii.-e '.aif Blaino road has received four bi idges across the big .S'ettu.c. river. Three vwjJen truss bridges1 and one steel bridge built in 1911 which i a credit to any community in the state. This bridge coupled with a mile I of road which was also built in 1911 ' which enahlnd the travel to avoid the ' most dangerous as well as the worst, piece of road between Beaver and uiaine. Also the piece of road whic i reaches from the Cady place to what 5k known as the Charley Smith Bridge ad'HUM-e of 2 miles graveled and plar.k,.) &mJ !ir or, u grade not to ex-' et-d 21 per c..-i,t at no point. It does 1 O ir last article t"M about th five cash orizes -SIW. $75. 160, $M arvl $.10 t be sriven to the counties that make the best showing in the children's con test. In nv eoMntv not entering this com petition, any and all one room schools . may enter the district i-ompetition. The first jriae in this is a Victor i Phonocraph and 12 reeords, given by the publishers of the Kural Spiiit. This uouw do .-. nne tnmg :or entertain ment in the school and a great aid in making the school a social center. The second prise is an IS inch library globe given by the Northwest Furni ture Company, a useful article in kny school. The third prise is a school Hag given by the puplisher of the i'acirtc North west. The fourtS prize, another school Hag. given by A. I.. Mills, President of the First National Bank, Portland, and the fifth prize is a Babcock Tester, given by Monroe and Criasel. Every school would show its patriot ism by lloa'.ing tno stars and stripes. A Babock tester should be in every school. Its use is one of the best ways to tach percentage, and it will en- eojrjkfe an interest in dairying. This industrial contest is one in which every girl and boy attending school can take a part. Whilo the pu puils are thus advertising their school and county, and increasing their pride of home and patriotism, they are also learning to do something ueeful something by which they can earn a living and can alan mt.Vo ,.t , i. . " .....nw . tirciii- selves more valuable citizens. The prize list will be off the press in a few days. In the meantime be plan ninjj to do all you can to help win one of those fine district or county priwa. Your articles can compete in thu indi vidual classes, also, even though thuy ar- a part of a county or district exhibit. CompU'U Sit of Abstr.ct.s of the Records of TllUmook Covinty, Oregon QIM'ICU OKOUND 1'i.OOK '1'ODD I lOTIU. iKUh Hui.ll V i.) ivo rn I'HONKSt Miln iU AU. Mi.ltul I'. O. BOX M7 TILLAMOOK, OREGON ix'i . v.' I w M u 1 1 u Special eviinclistic services lieMi next Suiulny motn injT nt the Mthodist Church. Wc desire that every mem hef tt t h fJiiirili ho iiffsi-iif :i t t ht first serviet?. You will hear true gospel preaehtui; ntul helpful, inspiring singing. Kev. l. .i. iu Aiarter, taie evangelist, win uc wun us. He is a man ol w dc e.vperienee ami o c who has n live, - n: .in.l sinner a ik The public urrttii' nu ss ii't is c r l : i m' wai in w The Followi n Merchants arc (iiving Away GOLD Trading BOND Stamps HALTOM'S STORK. Drv GiuhU. Clmhinu. liv" U t im nrr.ii ii,.,...: ii.,t.u (...;, ........ s i. Suoolies. t ic SC, iS: SMITH CO.. Hordwnre. Sloven, Muthlu V term . etc. 1 . Hill V 1 W : iu,i,i,iwui I'l'.iiu t.u., rceo. 1.1'oeern, .intiuu I f'flX I.l."- I"lflXl.I' U ' 11 I . ; ll'NKINS Jl-WI-LKY STOUli, Wntele. DiummiiN , loXl-S-KNTDSOX l-rKNlTt'KM' COMPANY. JdKM TH1:ATKI;. Where l-verybody Cnc. I K 1-. '.AC II MAN, I'luiuhiug Supplies. ! TILLAMOOK IIKUALIi. Issued Twice Week. I MONK'S STl'Uli). You Know Where. Presbyterian Church Notes. 10. A. M. Rihlt. - .'...ww, ..in, inoflun arxl teachers for all age. If you want to be an nr. Lti ilctr. Iniulir..,,., I m man or woman in the community, get the right perspective of life from the Christian viuru.mr ti... ........ ..... s.tai uiies ot ine earin are Pelievers hi the Christian religion. 11. A. vi. public womhip with a sermon by the paUor. 0:30 I'. M. A devotional and social meenrjif conducted by the young people of the church, Urop in and join in the pleasure and profit which wu are glad t.j nhare with you, 7:30 P. M. People's Praise and Gospel service. The pastor will give the first of n short Henes on PAUL. "inn Wonderful Early Training of I'aul for his life work.'1 A week from Sunday evening (April 20) the service will be largely in the hands of tne choir. A beautiful and interesting Song Service interspersed with choice readings entitled "The Man That Spoiled tho Music" will be given. I). A. MacKenzie, 11, I), pastor. FRANCIS RICHTER The world-rcnoWHPil pih.'.,'st a,1(1 wonder of tile musical world will be nt tlltf Gem Theatre, Tuesday, April 22. Following ;irc. some press comments: "The emml wL L1U. ,,,, l ufierewski. "-.. V. Times. 'Tnineis Kichtcr is a music master." Brooldvn Iv.-I,. ", i,.v n - v iiid concert we expected imali; we received num.." n journal. Two Recttals-7:30 and 9:00 P. M. Why Salves Can't Cure Eczema Fine- tho opj-fasliloned theory of cur Ins icitcma tin ouch Die blood JiaH been Kien up by rcitiitlsta. many different talves have been tried for skin dlueanes. Uut Jt lias been found that tlioi uilvtw only clou Hie pores and cannot penetrate to the Inner aliln below the epidermis where the eczema cerma uro lodged. This the quality of ie net rutin p probably explains (ho tremendous tuc ccsu of the well known lPiuld eczema remedy, oil of wintergreen, thymol, nly cerlne, etc., aa compounded In D.Ij.D, Prescription. We nave sold other remedies (or altin LAMAK'B I)KU STOKI. Tlllumouk, Ore. troubles but none that wo can rccom. mend u hiBhly as tbia for we know that D.IJ.D. ttops the Itch at once. We just want y;.u to Klve D.D.D. a trial. That wll be en j' . t,j prove it. Hut it you rorne to our slora w m bo cei lain of what n.D.J) vvlli So fo? 2 that wo offer you a full size" ottle. on cos ; vuv,'z.r" 4 u RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE. Where as it haw plt'aied Our Heaven I.. C.. 1 ..... t. i roinrr, uj i-iiii iroin our rnnlt our beloved sister, Mix Stella Wallaci He It resolved: That wu. the rm of the; United Artisan of Heaver As sembly No. 171 extend our heart felt sympathy to thu entire farnilv and pray that the Himtaining graco of In. finite lovu bo their comfort and heln lie it further resolved; Tl.i.i tv,.. charter of this lodge im mourning. That a eonv of o...m,. .... solutions bu recorded In tho minutes of this meeting and u copy aent to the be reaved family, and onu to tho county paper. "Hut the night-dew that falls, Though In silence it weeps, Shall brighten with verdure Tho grave where Hhe sleeps, ' Arid the tear that wu shed, Though In secret it rolls, Shall long keep her memory Green in our souls. .Delia K. Ilellmeyer. Laura I. Hays, Gladys C. DuvIj. Committer. 300 Militiamen Out. nilffalo, N. V. Orders were .( I for 300 state mllltlamun to report for striae uuty on tho International Italb way company's lines, slJ.MAUJNb. In The Circuit Court Of The Stale Of Oregon, l:or Tillimook County. i. ii. Unimex, Plalntlir, G. II. Uidgewny, Defendatit. rn.. n ti , i i,. k. mugoway, IJufnndaiit. IN i nr. NAMBOFTIIBSTATBUPOltK. liOM : You are hereby notilled and re- iUired to iiipear und ariswur thu cum Pla nt mud against you in t)u ,ovu eiiimei action, within six weeks from w mi ziHt, mill, the day for tho first Publication of this HiimrnoiH; and if f i... 7 , r"w,';T u,r w'"'1 thereof v.w i.i.iinuii will UiKi! Jill gmotit llgll DHt Villi f..r II,,. . I in ... ... - j ..... ni.it, in .)'(,;fi Willi m "l ? ',(-'rrP'1 1'er iinnum from '''. i ior costs and i n bursemenls nf II. lu ,.,.n i . ' .i , . , "", Him jor in . C i. "'. WM- r,'HI property at- "r '"-scritifil aa follows, to. .T.le, the .S. K, i, , tinti k! M",u,u v.'-..-..1 ho N, K, i of viiu it. Ij. t . iirifi inn ki f i ii a. t ,, Vf,?t'fll'Jn..1:, ",ul Ul 's- W. 1 of rihtH Hlimmnnu tt, 1 ... i ii v: ourvcu upon you ijv it :d,i, W hsuo of March 2Ut, 1913, by order f he I onorab o Homer Mum,, the lGtli day f March, 10)3, y' M . I'- W. Taliiiago. ot. Aitomt-i for the I'luliitlir. .NOIICIi Of SMUKIPI :' SAI.Ii OP WIJAI. I'KOIMJMI'V. SOTICK Irt IIKUKHY (JIVKN. thsl i by virtue of an Ktrruttmi bih Otdor of ; Salrt IxikiI out of lh circuit co-irt of 1 the Stnt nf Orotjun. for th? county of i Tillamook, In tho cauto ulmrnln ll (. Magrroll wb plulntllf. nml Filwlei Hooker, rrustn, Kolwrt T. rWIr jntwl Annlo FowUr, nml J. U llnrtmnn nml K. 1., 'l'hoin)oM. imrtnnr. wri tho dirfrmlnnui, tho uiMlnrlgnl, on the I'Jth day of April, I1M3, nt ton o'clock a. in., of nld dny. nt the front , door of the county courthouse, In Tllln I inook City. Orgun, will r.j, nt pub ' be auction to thn hlglicut blddor for j ash In hand, the real priijuirly illiiiil..il J in'1'illiimook County, Orngon, drcrlbrd j as followi. to-wll ! Tho w 4 of thu s w 1. or lots 3 and 1. of nod ion 18; thn w i of thn n w , nr lots I and 2, and tho n i of thu n w 1 of Sec. 111. in Tp- 3 " of l( h w. and tho it j of tho s c i, tho ll I) i of thu i n 1. nnd lots 2, 6, 7. H, '. and 10, of Sue. 13, and thn n ; i of tho n n i and tint n ti I of the sol of Sec. II, tll II u I, nnd the n J of tint n w of Sec. "it. In Tp, 3 h It 0 w of V. M., thu omul! roniiiln '77. 10 ncroa, nccordlng to thn govern ment 8Urv,,y thereof. To a.',,,y Jt",inrtilt hud oVoreu rnndered In c',Ul", Kln"t the mild dofendmil, 11 win lloi,U"r Trti-ter, for u i i i the sum of Nino Thm. "" ' "u"" dred thirty-oim and Hf.-lOO l intori'st thereon at tho rate 01 u I'ur cent per anniiiri from thn I ltd i,' 'V ' November, 11112. thu further sum ,,f Klve Hundred Dollars, attorney's funs, and tho conU and illstmrsumntitu nt ' said suit taxed at $20.75. ami the costs I ami expenses of said writ. Dated March 21st, 1913. H. CKKNHHAW Shiirlir of Tillamook County, Oregon OKDKK FOR SAIJJ Ol5 KIJAL lROII3KI'Y. In ThcCounty Court of The Stulc or Oregon,, l or Tillnuiook County. In the mattur of thu Ouardlnn.l.i.. Chi-HHid Mills, Ksther Mills. Kr.....n Mlll I.VI.. ..... ' "" .in., iviMii nuns ami Aldali Mills. ) MIlu.rM Order to show cause whv iml.. of real property should not be made. Viola Mills, guardian of ll... of the abovu lllll.ll.ll .nil...... I f . , iiuinin, IIMVIIIg presented it petition for th,. , real property belonirmir in u..m .i . it. " Miiiiuir, . mi m.icn tney nuve an Interest, und it appearing 10 the court from inch tltlon that Itis necessaru nn,i .....i.i i... henellclal to tho said minors that such urn touiwj SIIDUKI )0 sold It Is this 22nd dav tit MumnU llild ordered that the next of kin nf minors, und nil iiuom lnterci..d i nt th itt'Wo nf tlm County J j 'gv ('Hirt IIimuc in Tillamook i ' . . i .... ...... ... , i. ItUa, at thn hour of 10 n'eUe. A HIH1 alHlW ran... II nliv llirro !. all llrcrwn (Hml. not tw Krni IcJ L'Uartllati fur tho aalo i f h wiair. nam riini pimip w rl: ici:i. aa follow a Aii umllvlilml one. fourth I' U'tt tUin to thn town of liny City Ul. 2 nml 3 in lll.Kk 7. a I UU ... II, .. .n S .. .1 . j.l. to ibo towr of liny fity. 3, I, fi ami 0 of lit a I, llnyn' Addition to Tlllnmo- k i It .... ' " r"m' r. ' ' t Count), OrvK'on. u la.tl nut by II ( TJomjw (MntiHtp C'ounly. Orison. litirrtif t mm In liv uttlttiti . if iiiiii in trtirrtii nirfniHii.ni i r-.i. County, Oregon. Homer Mnion. f'otinty .'Iff- ImlorscJ; Kilo I Mareli 22. I J.J J, C lloldeii, C lrr. Jiy K. Mill. I iJ- iJtnte of ; Oregon ) : s, s County of Tlllnnimik ) I, J. V. Iloldmi, County Cler. State and County, do hereby I'rr ! that thu forueoliiLf cunt of order I beiiii by mo compared with thin 'iClM l.t.t... .. . . ....m ....I... ... .1... art I.Jfll iriitu. tin biiu nillliu (... .'- in my olllco and custody . ... . .... i;in wiii'iu.ii, i iiaiTr u -- (I ami ii III x i'd (Im schI 'iiii tinv vi .--- orl. rccori. In wit ut my hni aid court th 1913. J. 0. HoldL mi, County t U rk, y K. Ml. '(, Ouput), ADMINISTRATOR'S N0TICK CREDITORS. NOTICK IH IIKItKliv RiVKN. Tint thu County Court of tin. t Ot- koii, for tho Conni e nr 'mi i h i.ii "wj iimiiiwiin, "Ppointod the umlnrHlgned executor of the Inst will and testament nf llenKth nyrom, iiuceiiHud. mid nil persoiiH ImV lug claliiiH against the estate of sll lleiiKthu Ilyrorn, ileeonsod, are lierehy required to present the mime, together with the proper vouchers, to thu under signed at (Jsrilinl.il n..,,. ...itl.ln lx months from tho date' of thli notice. Dated Miirch 14th, 1913. J'eter Hyrom, Kxecutor of the l.t Will and Testumentof Ilengtha llyroaii DuceusciL GuorKo Wlllett and Ti H. Goyne Att'ya. tot Executor.