Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, January 07, 1913, Image 1

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jz.8TSClROU nation of anV:paper in Tillamook Oounty
Tillamook, Okhjion, January 7, 1013.
NO. 100
First national Banfc
Cillamook, Oregon
J. C. Hot.lMIN
H. C. Lamm
Wm. 0. T.vir
C. W. Talmack
I'awl Sciikaoick
llli have just ittMnllctl some modern
" Safe Ucponit Moxc.h where your val
uable paper will be .safe from fire. We
will he pleaded to mIiow them to you.
Under : U. : S. : Government : Sopcrvtelon
Almuf l Lw itxJ Net ill Public
rm m m m m.
sruvi-viNc; iNsrinNci?
lVth I Uoof
Tillamook, Oregon
On Your Own Account
have you any money In the hank! A ri of your earning ought
to lntplttrnl there, anyway. Everybody can atfi rl to aovo some
thing, however little. Ilnvr hank account of your own ami you
will feel happier, better, more Independent. Make your llttlo
money rani more, and o grow bigger. Better thnn hoarding It
where llro or thieve enn reach It. Your bank-book I n receipt
and rii ovidonen of your wine economy,
Tillamook County Bank
Abstracts on Short Notice!
Pacific Abstract Company
!'. HHliRHAk'DT, Mutitici
Complete Set of AtwftfMta f the Records of
TUkntok Cmtmtjt Oregon
(With Kui.i.m WToa)
JMili5i3-Abo HnUul
P. O. BOX 147
Tillamttk Petoh
Hire Rtngh Trip
Elfbl Mitkr Tn Om P. k H. Rijri
f Way. Cast? ra Deatrted Cabi
Withsst Sapper. 1
On Friday and Saturday eight Tilla
mook ropl rnmle the trip otrr the V,
It. A ;', right of nut. enduring roiuld-
erhln discomfort and hardship, Thoti
In the party wrrc Tom Harrison, Grant
Mill., TTIII Hern., Theo-lore Hern;
Qulncy Pang born. Ah. GuNtrom. Mr!
nml Mr. JohniKiii and Edgar Norleryj
They left Portland Friday morning
and arrived ul Timber at noon wheru
Ihey hd dinner, after which they
tarlH afoul for Tillamook, Nightfall
fmiml them at the Hniley mill wheru'
they'hmiNil for the nltfht In deserted
cabin. All they had to et for uppcr
wm two lunchei, which wre illvMed
amontr them.
In the morning the pnrty nUrteil out
rvl Mwn nrnvnl nl n rillroil camp,
wlcre they hml hrenkfn.t. At Hector
the prty UmriK-il work train which
tik thrm to Wheeler, at which (xilntj
wonl i ent to heii'tiartark B.klns
the company to send th train on to
1 lllnrnool;. which rtfjur.t wag Krantctl.
The party rcrt elyht or ten HJe,
three of them leiinj very had oncn. In
three illlfrreat place the track, aleel
ami all, in wxthe I into Uir river. In
'two pine'- the ruadhvl wa wa.hed
' from tin!or the track nml one place for
ICO fect a All ha been wsahed out,
leaving tie. a 11 ralt.i upetidi,tl In mid
The worat allde I Unrated three mllca
et of Knrlcht. Tht slide i 3W feet
Iodk and l romptMvd of ton. of dirt .nd
rtck. This ldo of Knriktht aUiut elhl
mile., oue quarter of a mile of track U
euverod vlh lca dirt and mud from
two to ciijhl feet deep.
'I here in ti itutt tiul that eon.ider
'aMewnr' will hava to he dno tefofe
' transportation will Ikj rcaumvtl.
There were 30.000 death In the
United .State !nt year from dirty
milk," snld I'rof. T. I). Heekwllh of
the bacteriology department of the
OreKon Agricultural (lle(c addrclnc
the dairyman an I b'jtter an I ehoeie
maker In annuil aeion at Albany
last week.
I'rof. Heekwllh lis introduction iinke yr the following olfle?r were pre
of the two kind of injurious chance ent: Mayor llarter; Councilmen
Maynr Hwtrr Delirm Anas! !Renf e.
Petitiaa FileJ ( Sshnt Saloca
Qucitioo to Vcter.
At the flrat cotinell mectlnjt for this
in milk ; absorption of bad odor from
thlnif Ihu cattle eat, a garlic, and
from atomic of the milk In ttdorou
lacr. a dirty barn or unclean Ice
Ixixes; and contamination by germ
Natural milk alway contain
Kerm." ald Prof. Heekwith. "Milk
Ithout them would never poil. Un
ler ordinary condition Ihn Kcrrn mul-
Leach, Sapplnifton, Dick, Harrison and
The Mayor made the following ap
pointment: City Recorder, P. W,
Todd; City Attorney, 1L T. Hotta
Marshal. N. J. Mycr; Surveyor, Sid
ney Hcrderron: Street Commliloncr,
John Day.
The following special policemen were
..i . .1 . . . . " r
..7 v ritie oi once every twenty .Dt,.in,l . t. H. Covns. R. Kuhl
minute, t lean milk kcepi letter Nnd mnn. vr. G. 1 Dick. Mr. II I'hll'in.
there I much lcs I'Vellhivl of disease . , ,, ...
Kerms in It.
In the months of August and Sup-
ember at 1WW there were 103 babies
died of Imwel trouble In Portland.
wherras in 1911 there wsrc but 17 In
the same montht, due to the improve
ment in me mux nvcause oi com Mi
nt Inspection."
now mtiK was contaminated was
next discussed. The Common belief
that disease germs enter the milk some
time through bad fowl the cow eats
was discredited. Udder form of bac-
tna disease are not uncommon. At
Cornell University invcatlgatlon found
40 in n slngla drop.
"In twenty-four hours the cow gives
olf a million disease germs," said the
pcatver. 'ino intestinal germs are
manure germs, undesirable ami even
llaeasu producers. They are present
i the hair, the udder, nnd even the
The following committees were ap
Ways and Means: Leach, Harrison,
Licenses and Ordinances: Dick, Har
rison, Hale.
Streets un) Public Improvements
Sappington, Dick, Iach.
Health and Police: Hales, Leach,
Account anJ Current Expense
Harrison, Halo, Dick.
A committee from the W. C. T. U
was prcacnt and presented the follow
ing resolutions:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Tillamook:
Whereas, we feel that the principle!
which wu advocate are not carried out
as they should be in our city; and
Whereas, we feel that the moral con
dition of our city may b Improved;
Ik It KtmIvmU Tht we. VTbe
' On Monday afternoon Tillamook City
I received it uritt mall from the outside
world after n wail of nine day. The
mail i. now sent to Wiltnmina, where It
I taken hy Mr. Ka.ler, who carries the
Willau-iiiH-Dolph mull, and brought to
HeUi, where It Is again taken by the
TlllatixHik-Cluverdnle stnge.
The mall will be brought over this
route three times each week. Possibly
not more than the letter mail und the
dully papers will Ik: sent. Mail from
Tillamook will be ent out over this
ail of the cow. A damp cloth should
Od'i'V-il lowitxj ihcmolf lof(rr milk
'. I Wnm.n'. Pk.l.ll.n T.. ,v. If..;..-."
tng. lUa Uonnecticut Etiwimwil ' v", " " ,,"""",u ''
Station found that enro in this nartir. OI immooK. win nearuiy co-operate
ular rrduced ihu number of germs
Another easy mean of contamin
ating mllK is by milking with hands
and clothes ditty, eeclally by wash
Ing with fore milk. Covered milk
pails reduce the danger of infection to
with any efforts the City Council may
make for the betterment of moral and
civic condition in our city.
W. C. T. U. of Tillamook,
Per Committee.
The presentation of the above reso
lution as followed by some discussion
about one-fourth, since they reduce by the ladles.
the surface open to dust to one-fourth. A resolution was passed giving Thos.
In the University of Wisconsin dairy Hundley, the late recorder, a vote of
school the covered pails were found thnnks for efficient service rendered by
to reduce Ihu disease germs four-fifths him.
to nine-tenths. In Portland less than A resolution was also passed demand-
I por cent of the milk supplied is taken ing the removal of the Dawson livery
from covered palls.
scauieii nillK palls are a menace.
since it Is dilHcult und almost impos
sible to keep tliurn absolutely clean.
The wuter in which they ar scalded
should lie Hculding hot at tho time.
not cooled ut nil. Tho pails should not
U) rinsed afterward with well water;
CO por cent of tho wells about Portland
Jap Runes was appointed night watch
by the council. When the electors
voted on the amendment giving the
mayor the power to appoint his record
er and marshal, the position of night
wntch was omitted.
A petition was tiled referring to the
voters the question as to whether Tilla
mook City will continue to allow
The elec
FtTBiiked By Pacific Abstract C.
Dc. 3-Oth. 1313
Contract. Hay City Land Co. to A.
S. Hrecht & Son U50, lot 13 blk 65,
Pacific addn to Hay City.
W. R. Walling & wf to Dan Reid $10
lot 10 to 15, blk C Tillamook Reeh.
A. W. Severance to Ida M. Lily,
HOW, lot 7 & 8 blk 2 R. R. Hay's ad
to Tillamook.
Jan 2 1913.
B. H. Miller to W. P. Loney, tract
In Hay City.
Royal Stillwell to Florence Stillwell,
SI, tract in Stillwell'. ad Tillamook.
Lloyd C. Smith to C. A. McGhee,
U00. lot 4 blk 1 Bar View Heights.
Jan 4th. 1912.
A. G. Beals & wf to G. A. Brough
ton, J10, lot 5 blk 4 Norton's addn to
Jan. 6. 1912.
Joseph McDonnell to Mary Allison,
t3U5, tract n of Hoquarton Slough near
Bay City Und Co. to Joseph H.
Johnston, $10. si loi 3 blk II Bay City.
C. W. Michael 4: wf to J. W. Conner.
$10, lot 14 blk 2 Tillamook Beach.
Earl Jackson to John Anderson, $10.
lot 14 blk 2 Rockaway Beach.
L. H. Watkins & wf to John Ander
son, lot 15 blk 2 Kockaway Beach.
are contaminated. The milk should
be cooled as soon as possible also, as) saloons within its borders.
watm milk is to the germs what the I tion is called for Jan. 14
incubator is to eggs. " Following is the mayor's message:
in speaKing of tuberculosis In milk. TO THE HONORABLE THE COM-
Prof. Heekwlth insisted on the weed- MON COUNCIL OF TILLAMOOK
From Courier:
The business and soci meeting of
the Christian Endeavor society win
held Wednesday evening at the home
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Worthlngton.
A lurge number attended and an en-
joyaoiu nme was nan. mg out tho tuberculous cows, but COUNTY:
Horn to Mr and Mrs. Klrbv Wednos- stated his opinion that farmers should Ocntlemen
day evening, a daughter. Mr. Mrby 1 recompense,! by tho state for losses I hereby beg leave to submit to you
U the new choesemaker at the Cold ! f cows killed on this account until the statement, of tho condition of our
Shrings factory. herds are once cleaned up," fair city ; and vvonUl respectfully sub
The Mlsse Ruth and Avn Owen, the tlnnl remedy for most evils, mit to you for your consideration a few
Cha. Ray nnd Vlck learned left yes-1 ne lrI I cooporntlon following on
tcrduy for Portland. They drove over
the old route to Willatrina,
A driver with a loam belonging to
Mr. Easter, ot Wlllamlnn, left hero
yesterday on his return trip to the
city mentioned. A short distance this
side of Dulpb onu of, the horses went
over thc,'krado and was killed.
L. K robs, of Independence, has) been
in the city the past few days. lie Is
here in the interest of the saw mill at
this place. Ho informs us that the
mill will be sold and that it will be op
erated the coming summer.
if the party who borrowed a long
and n short step ladder from the Star
Theatre last September will return
them no questions will be asked,
M. K. Hanenkratt.
On New Years Day S. W. Conover
waa united In marriage to Susio Crane,
the ceremony taking place at tho
brldu'a homo. Her. Shrode officiated,
The contracting parties have the best
wishes of many friends.
For Runt Large two story building
50x100 feet In first class condition 6n
paved atreet suitable for store, ware
house or auto garage. Apply W. E.
Dwlght or C. A. McGhee.
h civic awakening and education.
since faults in the production of clean
milk are not malicious, but result from
carelessness and ignorance.
Following is tho report of the Clover
dale school for tho month of December:
No. of pupils remaining to date 44 ;
No. of pupils registered since begin
ning of year W; No. of daya taught 16;
whole number days attendance 640;
whole number of daya absence 15;
wholo number times late 23; No. pupils
neither absent or Into 30; a vera re num
ber pupils belonging 43.15; average
daily attendance 42; per rent of atten
dance 07.5; No. of visits by parents 3;
No. visits by members of school board
One week vacation.
II. S. ltrimnall, Principal.
The I. O. 0. P. Lodge of Beaver,
will dedicate their new hall on Satur
day, January 11. Supper will be serv
ed for which 5o cents per plate will be
charged, tho proceeds to be uaed to ness, and also in the residence districts,
suggestions, and recommendations,
which if carried out, seems to me will
he along the lino of progress.
During the hurry and hustle conse
quent upon the amount of work that
we had on hand during the past year,
there were many things of vital im
portance neglected and overlooked,
ehlef among which is our inefficient
fire protection, dangerous condition of
our old wooden sidewalks in the busf?
ness district, lack of proper inspec
tion of defective flues and other fire
traps, improper tire escapes in some of
our hotels and lodging houses, all of
which ar a menace to life and proper
ty, and demand immediate attention
by our Honorable body. I should also
like to call your attention to the ne
cessity of inaugurating a street clean
ing department at your earliest possi
ble convenience, and an ordinance
against allowing our merchants, pedes
trians and teamsters to cover our side
walks and curbs with litter and filth,
and provide some manner for disposi
tion of the aame. As early aa prac
tical every dilapidated wooden aide
walk in our immediate business dis
trict should be replaced by artificial
atone, placed on a proper grade, cov
ered by a Ave year mantainence bond,
to insura a first class job.
Many of the sidewalks in the busi
and limb, and It is only by luck and
good fortune, that the city has thus
far escaped expensive damage suits.
I would suggest that the proper rire
fighting equipment be supplied to the
hose company immediately, and that
an ordinance be psed' defining the
powers and duties of our fire warden.
together with a form of report, cover
ing every business house, hotel, lodg
ing house, or other buildings in the
fire district, such report setting forth
the condition of all the flue, fire es
capes nml hre connections in each
building, in said fire district, such re
port to be made not less than every
days, by the rire warden.
Owing to the growing intelligence
of the peoDle, crime and lawlessness.
have bees lessened during the last
year, and by the activities of our po-
ice force and the assistance of some
of our good citizens, the open houses
of prostitution have been closed, and
tbelr inmates together with their con
sorts, and other vagrants driven from
the city, rowdyism and drunkeness on
the streets suppressed and hoodlumism
of all kinds considerably decreased, but
still there is room for many more need
ed reforms.
All business houses including saloons
should be closed by ordinance at an
earlier hour than they are now accust
omed to, thereby lessening the oppor
tunities for crime and carousal, detri
mental to the peace and dignity of the
city of Tillamook, and much to the
annoyance of our police force.
There is a state law against minora
smoking cigarettes on our streets, and
also a penalty for selling cigarettes to
minors, and inasmuch as this is not in
the jurisdiction of our police court, and
as the proper authorities neglect to
suppress this nuisance, I would suggest
to your Honorable body, the passage
of an ordinance, giving our police force
a legal right to make arrests under
this law, and punish the offenders, in
our recorder's court.
Wishing you success in a united ef
fort to make for this year the best.
cleanest and most progressive admin
stration Tillamook has known.
Signed, J. R. Harter,
Dr. Wendt reports the birth of a girl
to Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Mitchell
n Sunday last.
furnish tho kitchen and dining room. arc a continual menace to both life
Tillamook, Ore.