Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 02, 1897, Image 1

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Till Jan I
The Headlight
The Headlight i
The Oregonian
The Toledo Blade,
or The New York
Trib-une. both for
Both for
$1.50 per Year,
¿1.25 Per Year.
Dec. 2nd. 1897. $1.50 Per year
0 \ VII) WILEY, M. D.,
È Po * y ou * Teaò?
All calls promptly attended to
p E. HAWKE M. D,
If so we Carry Fifty seven different
ónice nt Allen House, Tillamook, Oregon,
telephone No. 7.
Tillamook News Co
O kb
cctpcz <£unißzt
J J a mkh M c C ain .
J A. W. S everance .
Flooring, Rustic and
First Class Finishing Lumber
Ship Lap ana Sized Dimension
Rough, Dimension Lumber
Tillamook Lumbring Co
OXO. COMN, Fr?«ldent,
J J. J. D aly .
(O scar H aytbr
Jjtlvô. $ate yjillirtine, Vrop.
Dress Trimming anti Lining, Lace« in Black and Cream, Velvets and Silks, Hosiery.
Latest Styles in Cloves. Mits. Co..ts, Capeé, Baby Coats, short and long, also Baby
Dresses, Ladies Underwear, a fine line of Corsets, The latest styles just from the
East in Hats, Bonnets, aud Caps tor Children.
T lilamook , O rzgok ,
Late Styles,
New Goods Lowest Prices.
Dress Making Done to Order.
Opposite H eadlight Office, Cor. Main and
Second Street, Tillamook City, Oregon.
Deputy District Attorney or Tillamook County
Office in Alderman Hotel Building
Tillamook. Oregon
Office Opposite Court House.
Tillamook, Oregon.
Lt lasts twice as long
It is much more wholeseme
cTi u it
For Sa e by
J. F. Tuttle.
Painting Lessons
. L. Stubbs is organizing a painting
class. Lessons will be given in landscape
marine, flower and figure painting
h in about it at the Elite Studio.
First Class Accommodations at a
Second Class Rate.,
Best Meals in the City.
Gtuerat Banking and Kxchangc buttatw.
luteieat paid ou time depoette.
Exchange ou England, Belgium, Germany»
Sweden and all foreign countrlea.
Can’t be done!
Hair Cutting
Hot and Cold Baths.
Evc»yHting Strictly Fini Cfats
Try to make some baking powder yourself. Buy
the cream of tartar and soda, mix them in the right
Then imagine that you are the manufacturer, and
have to make a profit, and besides, sell it to the grocer
at such a price that he can make a profit too.
Ask your grocer to sell you his best cream of tar­
tar, see what it costs, and see if you can make pure
good baking powder for 25 or 30 cents a pound.
It can
von t s be
.'V- done.
Schilling's Best-rt your groccr’s-is the besLof
the right-price baking powders.
Nomiuation» for City Elections
The regular convention called to make
nominations for the City election, to
beheld December 6th, met nt the City
Hull Saturday evening, mid on account
of the large number present adjourned to
the Court House.
Recorder Drew called the meeting to
order, and called lor nominations for
D. DeK Bowman was nominated, mid
elected chairman, and Tom Contes was
elected secretary.
Mr. Bowman spoke briefly 011 the
need of well qualified men to run the
afTairs of the city, mid culled for nom­
inations for Mayor.
B L. Eddy, Dr. J. W. May ami Geo.
Edmunds were nominated. On the first
ballot, Mr Eddy received 29 votes. Mr.
May 26 and Mr. Edmands 10. Ou the
Becond ballot, Mr. Eddy received a
majority of all votes cast, and was de­
clared the nominee of the convention.
The nomination for Recorder was then
taken up. Messrs Arthur Stillwell,
Drew, mid Trowbridge entering the
list. The ballot stood Stillwell 7, Drew
50, Trowbridge 12, and Mr. Drew was
declared the nominee.
The principal fight centered on the
office of Marshal, the aspirants being Joe
Lehman, Isaac Siniler mid Clyde Clem­
ents, the vote stood, I. m I iiiihii 10, Siniler
12. mid Clements 41, and Clements was
declared the nominee.
For Tieasurer Howard Cai ay received
the unanimous vote of the convention.
The nominatimi of oounciliiien was
taken up and G. A, Edmunds, C. E.
Reynolds, and P. McIntosh were limned
for the position. The votes stood, Rey­
nolds 4, McIntosh 25, nnd Edmunds 10.
Oil the second ballot Edmunds received
2, Reynolds 23, mid McIntosh received
31, and was declared nominated as one
of the councilman.
On the next list of nominees for the
council, C. E. Reynolds mid J. .1.
Stewait were named. Mr. Reynolds
being nominated by 31 votes to Mr. Ste­
wart's 21.
The third list of names consisted of
J E. Tuttle, C. B. Hadley’ A. D. Har­
per and Mr Stewart. Tuttle got 37 voles
Hadky 15, Harper 12 and Stewart
1. Another ballot was taken, and Mr.
Hadley received 11 votes, Mr. Harper 3
and Mr. Tuttle received 42 votes, and
was declared toe nominee
he names of G. A. Edmunds mid Carl
Knudson were then taken up and voted
on, and Edmunds received 25 votes;
Knudson received 27 anil was declared
the nominee.
For the remaining postion on the
council Messrs Stewait, Henry Bowers,
Edmunds, Thompson, and Hadley were
nominated, baton the fiist vole there
wan 110 choice. On the second ballot,
Edmunds received 26, Stewart 4, Bowers
10, Thompson 5, and Hadley 1, and Ed­
munds was declared the nominee.
The convention was quiet mid orderly
and the entire proceeding were character­
ized by fairness mid good nature.
Prof. Walker, John Barker,’and R. R
Hays acted as tellers mid counted the
Another ticket was nominated on Mon­
day by petition . It consisted of Hie fol­
lowing well known citizens: For Mayor
B. I. Eddy, (endorsed) for Councilman,
I. F Lareeti, II G ll.ivis, Nels Thomp­
son, Carl Knudson and P. McIntosh
'endorsed); for Marshal, W.T. Kimball
for Recorder, Myron Trowbridge, and for
Treasurer, Howard Cary, (endorsed.)
lease Siniler was, also, placed on the
ticket bv pel ition, on Tuesday, as a can­
didate for Marshal, and Frank McCor­
mack, for Councilman.
Tlie Dekum Building
T illamook ,
yl à Washington, Portland.
bear, lie was an old one and consequent­
ly very cunning. On two occasions he
sprung the trap and threw it to one side
and then ate the bait at his leisure but
BATIERES BY BUR GIRRESMNBENTS Mr. Parmer is old too, and especially at
A Brief Glimpse at Last Weeks that business aud his cuiiiiingness was
to much for Bruin, and Bruin got his foot
. Happenings
in it. Mr. Parmer says liewill treat hie
friends to some dried bear meat.
Duck shooting lias been quite good
forklie past ten days.
C. G. Cutting Ims gone to Dallas ou
Messrs Will Raleigh and Fred Cliitieli- business.
Charles Harvey, the oldest son of I’erry
inan, returned to their homes Tuesday.
While here they killed about 150 ducks Harvey; is visiting his old home at this
and geese.
A social party was held at the home o(
Mr. A. C. Soiilhimiyd, wlio lias been
running a store on the oilier side of 'lie Mr John Redbnrg last Friday night.
river, aliout half a mile dow n Hie river Everyone present enjoyed the evening.
has moved to Woods for the winter.
A number of persons from this vicinity
During the storm of Wednesday night, attended the Thanksgiving dance at
theioofof Peter Janek’s burn was blow n Woods and reported a good time.
off; Win. Glick's was entirely destroyed,
Fred Scherzinger made a business tiip
while Romo Dunn’s suffered to some to Tillamook last week.
Mr. Atterbury rafted a large raft of
The county l oad, running toward Sand
lumber, which lie found on North Beach,
Lake, about a half mile from Woods,
where it cioseea al the 111011 til of tlie lake, onto his tide-land, recently.
The Oretown Siinday-si hool generally
lias caved in. Unless it is repaired, tlie
next heavy rain we have will take out has a good attendance.
the d.im over which llie road runs, mid
Mr. Hoopes, the youngest son of Caleb
I then it will require a great deal of labor Hooper, was married at his home in
to repair it The bents, together with Rocky Point, Chikamas county n short
the lumber, which holds the dam, lias lime ago.
recently given away and fallen in. A
portion of the road is caved in and should
Bay City
lie repaired iiiimediatly.
There has been some talk of having a
winter school at this place. Several
families have moved here to spend the
winter mid express tlieir desire to have a
school. It will be necessary to raise Hie
funds by subscription as all the regular
school funds have been expended. If
I here is a desire to have a school, let some
one interested, start around mid see wliat
can be raised. A school is needed bad
enough, but it will no doubt be rather
hard to secme enough funds with which
to carry it 011. However, let us make an
Marcy Dollarhide Ims been spending a
few days with Hay City friends.
Mis. Albert Gienger was a passenger
in on last trip of Elmore.
Mr Petty’s brother and family, from
Eastern Oregon, arrived Saturday.
Ernest Gienger lias gone to Portland
for a short visit.
Ben. Iligginbotlien lookout another
drove of cattle to Astoria, last week.
The Thanksgiving ball was well
attended. Over fifty numbers were sold.
There is some talk of having that part
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Elliott were pass­
of the toll road, which c ■nuei ts witli the
State road at tlie mouth of Three livers, engers out on the Harrison last week.
They will visit tlieir daughters while
converted i = to a comity toad.
Messers G. O. Nolan and Lyman Lamb
Wednesday night in our city, nnicli
[From the Nehalem Times I
against tlieir will, owing to the disabling
A German Lutheran Congregation was of the Louise.
organized Sunday, by Rev. Rooluner.
Again the wedding bells have been
Edw. G. E. Wist was a passenger ont ringing announcing the marriage of Miss
on the Harrison. He goes to Astoria on BessiePike to Geo. Williams, Rev. Putter
officiating. The parties are old residents
business connected with liis cannery.
of Buy City, and have many friends
A social dance was given in Maclain’s
who unitein wishing them a long and
hall Saturday evening. It was gotten up
prosperous life.
on short noii-e but a goodly number
Who can doubt that times are bright­
! were present for all that.
ening up, w hen we see the schooners
Born, Wednesday, November 17tli to
sailing into the bay? There have been
[the wife of Mr. D 11. Vedder, of this three here in the past week, besides
city a 10)6 pound daughter. Mother the regulrr line of steamers and tugboat,
I and chilli are doing well.
Mr. slid Mrs. L. T Pierce have brok-
I ell up house keeping on the Nehalem
SotitH Prairie
and will move to Portland. Mrs Pierce
1 went out.on the Harrison ami Mr' Pierce
Lyman Lamb, from the Truckee mill
i expects to follow in a short time.
spent Thanksgiving with his parents.
J. T. Johnson, of Clatskanie, is visit­
W. 8. Aliy has sold hi. ranch on Rillem
ing here with Iris son G B. Johnson.
He came down tlie coast fiom Astoria creek to Rev. W. Hickle, who will leave
' during the heavy storm last week and is soon for Watsonville Cal where he will
make his future home.
not anxious to take a similar trip.
Mr. Skeel has returned to Tillamook
The steamer Harrison arrived 111 from
an absence fur over a year ill East­
I Astoria Monday via Tillamook bay at
ern Oregon.
lie contemplates making
I wh ich place she had been bar I kiuik I dur­
ing tlie heavy storm. She brought a full thia Ilia permanent residence. T’ whs
1 cargo of goods for different parties. She thus even thirty years ago.
Frank Wheeler deserves the credit of
' sailed Tuesday for Garibaldi where she
Portland Market.
will take on a load of salmon from erecting the first silo in the county. A
building 12x12 and 21 feet in height
Elmore’s cannery.
which he filled with corn cut from a
As given by Allen Ik Lewis.
Billy Russell returned Friday from
five acre of sandy soil of which produced
steady nominal at 75
. Astoria where he lias lieen undergoing
treat.nent for a cancer on his lower lip corn twelve feet high. The out come of to 75c, Eautern Oregon, Valley, 7te to 79c
Mr Wheeler’s experiment will doubtless
lie did not have it cut outas he expected
OATS-N0.1, white, gtajl. grey, )1 g pc
be watched with interest by dairymen Choice.
to, but had it drawn out with plasters,
th« operation requiring three weeks
BAULKY-Feed. »17 0«. to 17 !• brewing
f ji Ao to |rt oo.
time. The doctors are confident that
For «tale
EOTATOEIV-Iii good demand at 40 lo 450
' all tlie roots were taken ont and that lie
per sack.
will have no further trouble from it
A windmill with pump and pipe com­ I BVTTKR-Store, tn rolla js fl MC per roll
plete—all in good condition Inquire choice dairy, 4045c per roll; creamery jo
of Dr. W. A. Wise, or at this office.
fl We per roll.
Sand Lake
EGOS.—Choice candled aye per doa
PELTS—Good demand at «Hflsc
And the Lord said,’let there l>e rain,
The annual meeting of the stock-hold­ J WOOL—Valley, ijcfliSc; Kaatern Oregon, lOfl
and tlmre was rain,’ with now and theu
ers of Tillamook Dairy Association will 14c
a aprinkle of wind with it.
llltlE»-DryilJ4fl 14c. green *e to 7c.
oe held at the court-house, Tillamook,
DRIKD APPLES— Evaporated bleached, J
Jeff. Harris lias lieen command«! to Ore Dei. »tli 1897 nt 1 o’clock, P. M
dp. c: evaporated unbleached, 4'vflsH<-
appear at his claim on Salmon river with­
8. SevemiK'e
PEARS—«nn and evaporated. Jflfcc.
out delay.
DK1KD MX'MX— Pitless. 4flP' prunes. 2X6»
Fred Borrow our efficient mail carrier
had to bring the mail through on foot
this week on account of the fallen tim­
ber. Fied is always on tune however.
If. Parmer, a guest of W. C King, has
succeeded in capturtug a large black
CHICKENS— >s jo at »» 00 springs |i 7tfl> as
Tt-'KKKYS—Live, ivfliic fo» choice. dreased
' me.
I DVCKS—Young |J 00 Ig 14-'»
UKESK -fc jo Hf » jo.
_ ___________